St. Edward Catholic Church

St. Edward
Catholic Church
5788 Thornton Ave.
Newark, CA 94560
(510) 797-0241
Missionaries of the Precious Blood
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
A Letter from Your St. Edward Team,
Mother Teresa, now a saint, once said, “We ourselves feel that
what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean
would be less because of that missing drop”. An even more
famous person, Jesus Christ, said, “…For where two or three
are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of
As this team works with our various groups and parishioners to
prepare for the Annual Parish Festival on Sunday, October 16,
these two quotes have given us much upon which to ponder.
Our parish is very much like an ocean, full of abundant and varied life. We have many talents, cultural traditions, interests, and
stories to share. The more often we gather in community to
share and demonstrate these “differences”, the more we become one big, beautiful, bright blue ocean, teeming as one with
life and diversity. We ARE St. Edward Parish!
Our parish festival is one such opportunity for us to gather as St.
Edward family to share our time, our talent, our cultures, and
yes, even our treasure. Many of our cultural talents and traditions will be on stage as we welcome traditional dancers from
the Philippines, India, Mexico, and even Hawaii. And the food!
The international foods available will have you drooling. But the
best part is that we will be blessed to gather together, share our
stories, get to know our fellow parishioners, and meet/greet the
members of the parish team and parish groups.
“…For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.” So, please accept this heartfelt
invitation to join with us as we come together, welcoming Jesus
into our midst, to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of the many labors and talents that will be offered that day by your fellow St.
Edward family members.
Yours in Christ, Parish Staff
Rev. Jayababu Nuthulapati, C.PP.S, Pastor
Rev. James Franck, C.PP.S, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Frankline Rayappa, C.PP.S. Parochial Vicar
Dn. Ernesto Perez (Ret.)
Dn. Rolito C. Roque
Dn. Roger Wedl
Parish Staff
October 16, 2016
Parish School
Sister Barbara Hagel, O.P., Co-Principal
Mrs. Lynne Mullen, Co-Principal
Kathy McCall, School Secretary
Rectory Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Pastor email:
[email protected]
Parish email:
[email protected]
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.
Monday at 7:30 p.m.
First Friday at 4:30 p.m.
Holy Baptism
Sagrado Bautismo
Must be registered in St. Edward Parish three months prior to
Deben estar registrados en la parroquia tres meses antes del
Holy Matrimony
Sagrado Matrimonio
The Diocese requires six months preparation prior to marriage.
Please contact a priest to schedule an appointment.
La Diócesis pide que se prepare con seis meses de
anticipación. Por favor, haga cita con un sacerdote.
Sacrament of the Sick
Unción de los Enfermos
Call before any major surgery or when seriously ill. Please call
while the person is conscious and can participate in the Sacraments. Llame antes de alguna cirugía mayor o en caso de que
una persona esté muy enferma y pueda recibir los
Sacramentos mientras este consiente.
The priest would like to meet with the family prior to the funeral
service. El sacerdote le gustaria reunirse con la familia antes del
servicio funebre.
Irma Ramirez, Parish Secretary
Sr. Mary Mark Schoenstein, O.P., Pastoral Associate
Belinda Gasparian, Office Assistant
Sebastian Belo, Business Manager
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline - 510-494-9319
Katherine La Rose, Music Director
Cruz Calvillo, Facilities Manager
Our Facebook Page - Saint Edward Catholic Church, Newark
Ken Brown, Facilities
Sunday, October 9
Catholic Voice
An Invitation
$ 4,275
Fr. Jeff Keyes will be celebrating
25th Anniversary
of Ordination
at two Masses:
October 23, 12:30 p.m.,
at St. Margaret Mary,
October 29, 4:30 p.m.,
at St. Eugene, Santa Rosa.
All are welcome to attend. Congratulations Fr. Jeff!
Upcoming Second Collections
Oct. 16
Oct. 23
Oct. 30
Diocesan Assessment
World Mission Sunday
St. Vincent de Paul
Thank you for your generosity!
Bishop’s Appeal
Your support of the 2016 Bishop’s Appeal, will help our
Diocese to provide for very important needs. Please
continue with your donations.
Our own parish goal is: $ 42,958
Please help us
$ 22,271
to meet our
We still need:
$ 20,687
Today’s Readings
First Reading — As long as Moses’ hands were kept
uplifted, Joshua and his men had the better part of the
battle with Amalek (Exodus 17:8-13).
Psalm — Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven
and earth (Psalm 121).
Second Reading — Remain faithful; proclaim the word;
be persistent whether it is convenient or not
(2 Timothy 3:14 — 4:2).
Gospel — God will secure the rights of the chosen who
call out day and night (Luke 18:1-8).
Mass Schedule
October 17-23, 2016
Monday, October 17, Saint Ignatius of Antioch
6:45 a.m. Vedasto Escobal (Birthday)
9:00 a.m. Sahami & Jehan (Birthday)
Cry Room/Chapel
During our Sunday Masses would all parishioners please
reserve the Cry Room/Chapel for families with small
If you ARE in the main body of the Church & your child
becomes restless and is crying, please bring them into
the Cry Room/Chapel so as not to disturb those around
you. Thanks to everyone for your consideration of one
Tuesday, October 18, St. Luke
6:45 a.m. Maria Lourdes Madamba †
9:00 a.m
Michael S. Alvarez (Birthday)
Wednesday, October 19, Saints John de Brebeuf &
Isaac Jogues
6:45 a.m. Marcelino Bala, III †
9:00 a.m. Oscar M. Torres †
Readings For The Week
Thursday, October 20, Weekday
6:45 a.m. Fr. Jeff Finley,C.PP.S. (26th Annv. of Ordination)
9:00 a.m. Miling Dandan †
5:30 p.m. Milagros Koenig (Birthday)
Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21
2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18;
Lk 10:1-9
Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48
Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19;
Lk 12:49-53
Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59
Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9
Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23;
2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14
October 21, Weekday
6:45 a.m. Jacob Magtoto (Birthday)
9:00 a.m. Esperanza B. Calica (Birthday)
9:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
October 22, Weekday
Michael Rich †
Vicente Lat †
Raul Martinez †
Catholic Voice Collection
Sunday, Oct. 23, Solemnity of St. Gaspar Del Bufalo
7:15 a.m. Lolita Duran (Sp.Int.)
8:30 a.m. Gervando Evangelista †
10:00 a.m. Missionaries of the Precious Blood (Sp.Int.)
11:30 a.m. Jesusa Gueco (Thanksgiving)
12:45 p.m. Parishioners
6:00 p.m. Gene Liz Quissem (Birthday)
8:00 p.m. Salustio Arriaga †
If you did not have an opportunity to donate for the Voice
last weekend, you still have time bring your donation to
the parish office. Your donation helps our parish offset its
payments for this important communication ministry. The
Voice is the only regular source of Catholic news and information delivered to all parishioners in the diocese.
Please be generous in your support.
Checks should be made payable to
St. Edward Church.
Saints and Special Observances
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Ignatius of Antioch; National Boss Day
St. Luke
Wednesday: Ss. John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues, and
Thursday: St. Paul of the Cross
St. John Paul II; Blessed Virgin Mary
Respect Life Quote
Blood Drive
At St. Edward Parish Hall
Saturday, October 22
9 am to 3 pm
“Pope Francis stresses, ‘We are speaking of an attitude of
the heart, one which approaches life with serene
attentiveness, which is capable of being fully present to
someone without thinking of what comes next’ (LS 226).”
– “Serene Attentiveness to God’s Creation,” USCCB
Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
To schedule an appointment, visit and
enter sponsor code: Edward or sign up after Masses this
weekend or at the parish office. Any questions, contact
Sharon Vickers at 408-888-1090 or email
[email protected]
If you have questions regarding your eligibility to donate
blood, please call 1-866-236-3276.
We pray for our newly baptized members of St. Edward
Elisa Gomez-Cortez
Francisco Gomez-Cortez
Diego Antonio Llamas-Gomez
You can put the power of faith into
action and help save a life!
Christmas Wreaths
Our Patronal Feast
They’re back! Christmas wreaths may now be ordered
once again through the Faith Formation Office (CCD).
The price for each wreath is $25.00.
Wreath description: 25 inches in diameter, handcrafted
with the freshest Minnesota Balsam Fir. The wreath is
decorated with white-tipped pine cones, laced with holly
berries, and accented with a red velvet bow.
Orders and payments must be received by Thursday,
October 27, 2016. The shipment of wreaths is expected
to arrive the first week of December.
On behalf of the Saint Edward Faith Formation Office,
we thank you for your continued support and generosity.
Thank you to all the representatives of our numerous parish
organizations and groups who participated in the beautiful Entrance Procession at the 10 a.m. Mass last Sunday for the Feast
of St. Edward. Thanks also to all those who carried the flags of
our nations represented in the parish & the banners as well as
those who read our Intercessions in our various languages.
Special thanks to Sr. Mary Mark, Cruz & Ken and our volunteers
who arranged it all so beautifully. We are blest with such a rich
array of dedicated parishioners!
SPRED’s Annual Diocesan Mass
Sunday, October 30, at 11 a.m.
St. John Vianney Catholic Church
1650 Ygnacio Valley Rd
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Hospitality after Mass
For info: or 510-635-7252.
Christmas Wreath
Order Form
I have enclosed$_______ for _______ wreath(s).
Bereavement Support Group
Our Deanery support group will meet for 10 weeks
Sundays, Sep. 18th- Nov. 20 from 2:30-3:30 in the
Fireside Lounge at Holy Spirit Church, 37588 Fremont
Blvd. You are invited to attend all or part of the sessions.
If you have a question concerning the series please
contact Judi Domingo, 510-366-3542 or Helen Campbell,
I do not wish to purchase a wreath, but would like to
support the Confirmation Program with my donation
of $_______.
Name _____________________________________
Phone (_____) _________________
Thursdays Bible Study
9:30 a.m.
Please make payment to St. Edward. Please return
form with payment or donation to the St. Edward
Department of Faith Formation.
7:30 p.m.
Bible Study in the small
Chapel (of the Church)
Bible Study in Room 8
at the school.
St. Edward Church is now part of the Amazon Smile
Program. For every dollar you spend shopping on
Amazon, the parish receives 0.5% back. Even if you
already support another charity, you can choose to
change it to St. Edward’s Church for all or even only
some of your purchases.
To sign-up:
Go to
with your regular Amazon account (or set
up an account).
Once logged in, use the “Or Pick Your Own
Charitable Organization” field to search for us: St.
Edward’s Church Newark Ca (enter it exactly this
Then click on “Select”
Follow the prompts from there on out.
And now, let the shopping begin! After this, your
purchases will automatically credit to our parish.
Oh, and if you already have Amazon
bookmarked, please remember to change your bookmark
to Amazon Smile! Thank you so much.
With Christmas coming up, this is a great opportunity for
you to contribute financially to your parish without
spending any more money than you were already going
to spend. What a nice Christmas gift to our parish. God
World Mission Sunday and
Catholic Home Mission
The diocesan second collection for World Mission Sunday
and Catholic Home Mission Appeal will take place on
October 22 & 23. Several national second collections
were combined into one collection on this single date.
These separate collections included World Mission
Sunday: Home Mission Appeal; Support of Catholics in
the near East, Africa, South America, and several others.
Experience John Paul the Great
Catholic University
Prospective students and their families are invited to our
campus in Escondido, CA on Saturday November 12th,
from 9am-4pm for "University Day". The event includes
presentations from the faculty, a campus tour, and sessions on academics, student life, and financial aid. Juniors and Seniors in high school may come early for an
overnight campus experience. JPCatholic offers degrees
in creative media, business, theology, and humanities.
Visit to register.
Friday, October 21
Friends & Fellowship
The next meal will be on October 23, from
1 to 2:30 p.m., the St. Edward School
will host the free hot meal in the parish hall
for those in need in our area.
Thank you to them and to all our parish
groups who help us in this good cause,
including the committee members.
CLASS OF 1971!!! We are
The St. Edward School, Class of ’71, is having a
reunion in November and we are looking for all
our classmates. Especially the following people:
Juanita Chandler, Terry (Hermoso) Biasotti,
Julie Keough, Mark Manchester, Kevin
Salvador and Lynette Zbavitel.
If you are in contact with any of the people listed
above, we’d appreciate you forwarding this
information on to them. You may reach Nancy
(Brand) MacDonald at [email protected]
or call 510.432.8523 or Mike Teuscher at
[email protected]. Thank you so much!
We look forward to seeing all of you!l!
Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend
“But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on
earth?” Let us build faith through love in our marriages by
participating in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend
on Nov. 18-20. Early registration is highly recommended.
For more information contact Ray & Roberta @
916.806.4601 or Joe & Sue @ 925.680.7767 now or go
to Weekends are presented in
Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament & Holy Hour
Some of our parishioners get together to pray the Holy
Hour and Rosary Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Fridays after the 9:00 a.m. Mass in the small chapel.
Please join them in prayer, everyone is welcome.
Happy Are They
Happy are they who grieve not for what they have not, but
give thanks for what they do have.
Credit & Debit Electronic Offerings
If you would like to make your Sunday offering by credit
Prayer around the Cross is held at the Dominican Sisters
or debit card, please come to the parish office and get a
of Mission San Jose Chapel on the 3rd Friday of every
blue form, or contact Sebastian, the business manager at
month. 8pm to 9pm. 43326 Mission Circle, Fremont, CA
797-0241 and he will be happy to assist you in setting up
94539 (off Mission Tierra). For information, please contact
your electronic offering.
Sister Marcia Krause, OP at 510-502-5797.
XXIX Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
16 de Octubre, 2016
Sustento de la Parroquia
9 de Octubre
Voz Católica
$ 14,587
$ 4,275
Segunda Colecta
Oct. 16
Cuota Diocesana
Oct. 23
Domingo Mundial de las Misiones
Gracias por todo su apoyo!
Felicitamos a nuestros nuevos miembros de nuestra
parroquia que fueron Bautizados la semana pasada:
Elisa Gomez-Cortez
Francisco Gomez-Cortez
Diego Antonio Llamas-Gomez
Cursillo de Cristiandad
Solo Para Hombres
Noviembre 26-29
Para mas información llame a
Salvador Sainz al 510-377-2265.
Agradecer y Honrar a los
Profesionales de la Salud
Todos son bienvenidos a la Catedral Cristo la Luz, 2121
Harrison St., Oakland, CA 94612 . La Misa es el Sábado,
29 de Octubre a las 10 a.m.; recepción después de la
RICA- Clases de Educación
Religiosa Para Adultos
La invitación es para las personas mayores de
18 años que necesitan recibir alguno de sus
Sacramentos como Bautismo, Primera Comunión o
Confirmación, pueden llamar la oficina parroquial al
797-0241 para registrarse. Las clases en Español
empezaron el 29 de Septiembre a las 7:30 pm. en el
salón #4 de la escuela de San Eduardo.
Campaña de Donación de Sangre
En el Salón Parroquial
Sábado, 22 de Octubre
9 am a 3 pm
Si ustedes pueden donar sangre esta es una oportunidad
para hacerlo en el Año de la Misericordia.
Pueden registrarse en la oficina parroquial o
pueden llamar a Sharon Vickers al (408-888-1090) o
email [email protected].
Lecturas de Hoy
Primera lectura — Mientras las manos de Moisés estaban en alto, Josué y sus guerreros se imponían en la batalla contra los amalecitas (Éxodo 17:8-13).
Salmo — El auxilio me viene del Señor
(Salmo 121 [120]).
Segunda lectura — Permanezcan fieles; proclamen la
Palabra; sean persistentes cuando sea conveniente o no
(2 Timoteo 3:14—4:2)
Evangelio — Dios asegura los derechos de los elegidos
que claman día y noche (Lucas 18:1-8).
Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo
Ordinario; Sukot (el día judío para celebrar la
cosecha) comienza a la puesta del sol
San Ignacio de Antioquía;
Día Nacional de los Jefes
San Lucas, evangelista
Miércoles: Santos Juan de Brébeuf y Isaac Jogues
y compañeros
San Pablo de la Cruz
San Juan Pablo II; Santa María Virgen
Lecturas de la Semana
Ef 2:1-10; Sal 100 (99):1b-5; Lc 12:13-21
2 Tim 4:10-17b; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-18;
Lc 10:1-9
Miércoles: Ef 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lc 12:39-48
Jueves: Ef 3:14-21; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 11-12,
18-19; Lc 12:49-53
Viernes: Ef 4:1-6; Sal 24 (23):1-4ab, 5-6; Lc 12:54-59
Sábado: Ef 4:7-16; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Lc 13:1-9
Domingo: Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Sal 34 (33):2-3, 17-19, 23;
2 Tim 4:6-8, 16-18; Lc 18:9-14
Necesitamos su Ayuda!
Vamos a tener una venta de tamales para reunir
fondos para la Celebración de Nuestra Señora de
Guadalupe el próximo, Sábado, 22 de Octubre
después de las Misas de 5 y 7 pm. También si
gustan hacer una donación en nombre de su
familia para las flores o para el Mariachi pueden
traer su donación a la oficina parroquial en un
sobre especificando que es para la Fiesta de
Ntra. Sra. De Guadalupe. Que la Virgen los bendiga.
Festival Parroquial De San Eduardo
Mañana, Domingo, 16 de Octubre, de 8 a.m. a 3 p.m.
Juegos, Música, comida Internacional, Vendedores,
Entretenimiento, Rifa, y muchas cosas mas!
Traiga a toda su familia y vecinos, todos son bienvenidos!
Day of Reflection
“I am Mercy”
Saturday, November 5th
From 9- 2 p.m.
At the Parish Hall
Everyone is welcome to a Day of Reflection with Moderator General,
Rev. William Nordenbrock, C.PP.S. from Italy. The Year of Mercy will
end officially on November 20, Rev. William will lead us on a refection
that challenges us to not only consider the past Year of Mercy, but
also the concept of “living into the Year of Mercy” and taking it forward
with us as an ongoing challenge to live out every day. We will begin
with the 9 a.m. Mass and will continue in the hall until 2 p.m. We will
provide free lunch. Every one is welcome!
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