PENTECOST SUNDAY MAY 15, 2016 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church 10727 So. Downey Ave., Downey, CA. 90241 Phone: (562) 923-3246 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: ENGLISH 5:00 pm (Vigil) Sunday: ENGLISH 6:30am, 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 5:00pm ESPAÑOL 1:30 pm, 7:00 pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word (9:30am, 1:30pm, 7:00pm) Morning Prayer: 7:55 am (Monday - Friday) Morning Mass: Monday - Saturday 8:15 am OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Every Thursday after the Morning Mass FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Eucharistic Adoration: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Benediction: 5:30 pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday (bilingual): 3:00 pm - 4:45 pm 1st and 2nd Sunday of Month (bilingual): 6:00 pm - 6:50 pm MAY 15, 2016 PAGE 2 PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I saw this reflection in Bringing Home the Word published by Ligouri Publications and wanted to share it with you. DAILY “PERKS” “[Jesus] breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’” John 20:19-23 I’m in the minority when it comes to coffee. It’s a foul-tasting, dark-colored water to me, but to most Americans it’s the best-tasting stuff on earth. Many depend on their morning cup of joe to start their day: “I’m just not myself until I have my coffee.” They can’t imagine going a day without it. The same could – and should – be said of the Holy Spirit. Today on Pentecost we remember and celebrate the first gift of the Spirit to the disciples, but it’s also a day to thank God for that incredible, ongoing gift in our daily lives. Saint Paul writes, “No one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit.” True, we can’t proclaim Jesus is Lord without the Spirit, but we also can’t do much of anything without its grace. We can’t love, can’t forgive, can’t survive hardship, can’t heal without the ongoing movement of the Spirit. So we can say about the Spirit what we say about our morning java: “I’m just not myself without it.” Saint Paul writes that we are all given to drink of the same Spirit. It’s an intriguing image – how do you “drink” the Spirit? – but a most appropriate one as we understand how energizing, motivating, and life-giving the Holy Spirit is. Today, let’s ask the Spirit to rush into those places in our lives that need to be revived, those areas of our hearts that are weary and worn. And when sipping your coffee, imagine drinking in the Spirit of God – and thank Him for this most amazing gift. Questions for Reflection: How do I let the Holy Spirit guide me during the day? What spiritual gifts can I thank God for this week? PENTECOST SUNDAY From the Servant’s Heart Give up and Go up! That could be something good we can do as we respond to the call of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul. This weekend they will be coming to gather whatever offering we can share with our poor brothers and sisters. It could be our clothes or any household item we are willing to let go so we could make our less fortunate brother or sister happy. Let us please share what we think we would wear or use if we ourselves were that person that received that gift we offered. The poor is “Jesus in disguise.” One question perhaps we can ask ourselves, “Will Jesus look great if He wears this shirt?” Thank you, Isabel! If ever you were homebound and somebody from our parish came to visit you, it’s because we have a very kind person who is dedicated to respond to your needs. Remember to thank Isabel Valles, the head of the Ministers to the Homebound. She is our friend who recruits, trains, guides, assigns, and inspires all of our brothers and sisters who serve with her in this ministry of serving our parishioners who are sick and who can no longer attend church. Just last Wednesday, we had a wonderful fellowship with all these ministers. On behalf of our church, I would like to thank you Isabel for that enriching evening of joyful sharing of food, stories, wisdom, and presence. Thank you our dear volunteers who attended and donated food. Thank you for your very precious time, energy, love, and healing you bring to our homebound. Thank you so much to Isabel’s beloved husband, Philip. You are behind the success and impact your wife brings to our community. I Want to See Your Name Whenever I take the time to read our bulletin, it is wonderful to see that section where we’d find the names of people who have already fulfilled their pledges to Together In Mission. I know these people never donated for the purpose of having their names written on the bulletin. But it sure does create an impact. Personally, I got inspired when I saw their names! Thanks to Hector Perez who thought of this bright idea! Because of that, I finally did my homework by also doing the same kind act of donating to help the poor. It gave me that sense of urgency to act now. Again, it’s not all about letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing. It’s simply to inspire others, to move others, and to tell everyone, “Hey, we really are Together In Mission!” I wish then to see your name too! Filled with the Holy Spirit! On behalf of our church, I would like to congratulate all of our 86 candidates who were confirmed last Tuesday. You made it! Of course, not without the support of their parents and their confirmation teachers who dedicated their lives to serve them and who have even welcomed students into their homes. Way to go to our beloved Confirmation Coordinator, Daniel Rodriguez, and everyone else in the team! Thank you so much, too, to our “Dynamic Duo” Theresa Nicholas and Mary Rogers! Thank you so much to our beloved Bishop Gordon Bennett who came to visit us and confirmed our candidates. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Social Media, Social ReMedia? Social media is a gift today for so many reasons. It helps us PAGE 3 communicate to the whole world and to get to know what’s going on especially with our family, friends, and our community. Unfortunately, sometimes, instead of being a helpful tool, it may also be a cause of destruction and division. One word we post out there can break a person. Even a church like our very own OLPH. Just a small request my dear church. Before we post something let us ask ourselves, “Is this going to be a source of unity or division? Will this tear someone apart or build him up? Will this be part of a solution…a “remedy” or will it be something that will cause further damage to our community?” Also, if ever you get to read something, please take it with a grain of salt…and pepper. Please Walk the Talk Christian faith is all about giving and doing something for our brothers and sisters who are in need. Without giving and helping others our faith is empty and meaningless. Let us then as one church show that our faith and our church is truly alive by joining the Crop Walk on May 22 at 1 pm. Starting point will be at the Downey Memorial Christian Church. Please join us by “walking the talk.” See page 12 for details. Please also pray that we will have a good turn out. We Need the Holy Spirit I would like each of us to learn the “Prayer to the Holy Spirit.” Please pray this prayer each day. We need him to help us in every single thing we do and say. We just don’t have the clue how important he is and how much more we can do than just relying on our own intelligence and strength. Remember the disciples of Jesus who were once so scared and were very simple men were able to preach boldly the Gospel in spite of persecution. In other words, through the help of the Holy Spirit whom Jesus has given them they were able to accomplish amazing things. “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.” Prayer Request for Richard Ching’s Healing Please pray for our brother, Richard Ching, who is now ill. He is the beloved husband of Ruth Ching. A wonderful couple who served the church for many years in daily mass and as leaders in the Little Rock Bible Study. Richard also leads us in the Morning Prayer on Fridays and also is one of our lectors. Please remember him in your daily Rosary and Holy Eucharist. Get well soon, Richard. We miss you too Ruth. “The purpose of life is not just to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have some difference that you have lived and lived well.” Ralph Waldo Emerson (Thank you, Isabel Valles, for this quote!) “ LPH with a HEART” Fr. Joseph MAY 15, 2016 PAGE 4 OLPH SCHOOL NEWS Do you want your child prepared for college, career, and heaven? Here at Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, we educate the whole child in a faith-filled and nurturing environment. We are now accepting applications for the 2016-2017 School Year including our Transitional Kindergarten (4 year old) Class. Develop your child's God-given talents and secure a spot now! We have a special tuition rate for contributing parishioners! Contact our school office at 562-8699969 to set up a tour today! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2016 July 18 - 22 9:00 am - 1:30 pm Registration for Vacation Bible School begins tomorrow May 16 and can be done in the Religious Education Office. The Religious Education Office is open Monday - Thursday from 3:30 pm-8:00 pm. Registrations can also be done in front of Church after the 9:30am & 11:30am Masses on June 5 and 12. CONGRATULATIONS We would like to congratulate all our teens and adults who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 10, 2016. Angelica Aburto Richard Aguirre Alejandro Aguirre Michael Alejo Angel Alejo Elizabeth Anguiano Ericka Argandona Brianna Avila Miguel Avila John Boik Ryan Cachu Jonathan Calderon Sarah Cantu Rebecca Cardenas Erika Cardona Daniel Cardona Jennisa Casillas Saul Castillo Simonne Contreras Taylor Cottriel Nathan De Guzman Sarah De Leon Elsa Delgado Joshua Dorio Amber Duran Jocelyne Fernandez Andrea Flores Jared Gadia David Gallegos Analyse Garcia Giselle Garcia Jasmine Garcia Stephanie Garcia Eliana Garneff Matthew Getino Jason Gonzalez Alexander Greer Ariana Greer Barbara Guadarrama Maritza Guadarrama Amerene Hernandez Andrea Hernandez Camille Hernandez Franco Herrera Sidney Herrera Sebastian Ibarra Kyle Inzunza Alondra Jimenez Jonathan Jimenez Rajan Layugan Mathew Leon Ashley McFaddin Nelson Mancia Sebastian Marroquin Marcos Mendoza Kristopher Montes Julieta Murillo-Lomeli Joseph Murphy Jalen Nicolas Vanessa Orona Giovany Orozco Laura Ortiz Kassandra Osuna Ilyana Pacheco Valerie Place Victoria Place Nicholas Portillo Aniela Ramirez Matthew Ramirez Gabriel Reyes Eric Rodriguez Gisselle Rodriguez Leeza-Marie Rodriguez Rigil Rodriguez Nathalie Sahagun Gabriel Sandoval Katherene Santana Alexandra Sepulveda Brenda Servin Christopher Tellez David Umana Veronica Urubio Vanessa Valencia Eduardo Vallejo Valeria Zevallos Ramon Casas PRAYER FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Glorious St. Thomas More, Patron of Statesmen, Politicians, Judges and Lawyers, your life of prayer and penance and your zeal for justice, integrity and firm principle in public and family life led you to the path of martyrdom and sainthood. We pray for our Statemen, Politicians, Judges and Lawyers, that they may be courageous and effective in their defense and promotion of the sanctity of human life the foundation of all other human rights. We pray to renew our commitment to building a community where every human life is welcomed and wanted, valued and defended, from conception to natural death. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. PENTECOST SUNDAY PAGE 5 KIDS CORNER SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Jesus breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” TIPS FOR PREVENTING ABDUCTION Color only the spaces that have the letters “HOLY SPIRIT” in them. Teaching children about abduction safety is important, but the ultimate responsibility lies with trusted adults. One thing you can do is use role-playing scenarios to help children learn how to recognize and respond to risky situations. To learn more about abduction and how to better protect your child please email [email protected] or call (213) 6377227 to receive a fact sheet from For more information, call our Parish Contact Theresa Nicholas at 562) 862-7268. STEWARDSHIP If the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have. 2 Cor 8:12 Collection for Weekend of May 8, 2016 HOLY HUMOR Sunday Regular Collection Electronic Collection Ascension Father’s Day Cards School Support Capital Improvements $16,044 $2,375 $738 $1,614 $84 $3,000 SAVE THE DATE Consecration to Jesús through Mary Fr. Edward Broom, OMV, Associate Pastor of St Peter Chanel in Hawaiian Gardens, will visit our parish on 5 consecutive TUESDAYS to prepare the faithful for their Consecration to Mary. May 24, 31 and June 7, 14, 21, 2016 Mass: 7:00 pm Talk: 8:00 pm Mass of Consecration Monday, June 27 Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mass and Catechesis will be in SPANISH FREE · No registration required 15 DE MAYO 2016 PÁGINA 6 MINISTERIO HISPANO Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, Vi esta reflexión en Bringing Home the Word publicada por Ligouri Publications y quiero compartirla con ustedes. VENTAJAS DARIAS “Jesús sopló sobre ellos y les dijo: 'Recibid el Espíritu Santo.'” Juan 20:19-23 Estoy en la minoría cuando se trata de café. Para mi es un agua sin sabor de color oscuro, pero para la mayoría de los estadounidenses es lo más sabroso en la tierra. Muchos dependen de su taza por la mañana para comenzar su día: Muchos dicen "Yo no soy yo hasta que tomo mi café." No se imaginan pasar un día sin él. Lo mismo se podría – y debería – decirse del Espíritu Santo. Hoy, día de Pentecostés recordamos y celebramos el primer don del Espíritu a los discípulos, pero también es un día para dar gracias a Dios por este regalo increíble, un regalo que recibimos diariamente. San Pablo escribe, "nadie puede decir 'Jesús es el Señor' excepto por el Espíritu Santo". Es cierto, no podemos proclamar que Jesús es el Señor sin el Espíritu, pero tampoco podemos hacer mucho sin su gracia. No se puede amar, no se puede perdonar, no se puede sobrevivir penurias, no se puede curar sin el movimiento constante del Espíritu. Así que podemos decir acerca del Espíritu lo que decimos sobre nuestro café por la mañana: "No soy yo sin mi café." San Pablo escribe que se nos da a beber del mismo Espíritu. Es una imagen fascinante, ¿cómo "beber" el espíritu? – pero es más apropiado cuando entendemos cómo el Espíritu Santo es energízante, motivador y dador de vida. Hoy, pidámosle al Espíritu que se apure a llenar en nuestras vidas esos lugares que tienen necesidad de ser revividos, esas áreas de nuestros corazones que están cansadas y desgastadas. Y cuando disfrute de su café, imagínese bebiendo en el Espíritu de Dios – y dele las gracias por este increíble regalo. Pregunta para Reflexionar: ¿Cómo dejar que el Espíritu Santo me guíe durante el día? ¿Por cuáles dones espirituales puedo darle gracias Dios esta semana? DIRECTORIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO - VER LA PAGINA 8 DOMINGO DE PENTECOSTES PROTEGIENDO LOS NIÑOS CONSEJOS PARA PREVENIR EL SECUESTRO Es importante educar a los niños sobre la seguridad contra el secuestro, pero la mayor responsabilidad está en los adultos de confianza. Algo que se puede hacer es usar escenarios donde se jueguen roles para ayudar a los niños a aprender cómo reconocer y responder en situaciones de riesgo. Para aprender más sobre secuestro y cómo proteger mejor a sus hijos, por favor escriba a [email protected] o llame al (213) 637-7227 para recibir una hoja de datos de ORACIÓN POR LA LIBERTAD RELIGIOSA O Glorioso Santo Tomás More, Patrón de los Estadistas, Políticos, Jueces y Abogados, tu vida de oración y penitencia y tu fervor por la justicia, integridad y firme principio en público y en tu vida familiar te llevo por el camino del martirio y santidad. Pedimos por nuestros Estadistas, Políticos, Jueces y Abogados, que ellos puedan ser valientes y efectivos en su defensa y promoción de la santidad de la vida humana, el cimiento de todos los demás derechos humanos. Pedimos por la renovación de nuestro compromiso para construir una comunidad donde cada vida humana es bienvenida y deseada, valorada y defendida, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Pedimos esto a través de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Amén CALENDARIO PARROQUIAL Ya se acerca el tiempo para reservar sus salones y fechas para sus eventos y reuniones para el año 2016-2017 Recuerden que tienen que llenar las hojas de reservación, las cuales estarán disponibles en la Rectoría después del 1° de junio. Las formas deben entregarse en la Rectoría. ¿Preguntas? Llame a Hector Perez al 562) 923-3246 Los eventos no son prorrogados automaticamente Mensaje del Diácono Carlos PÁGINA 7 Saludos mis Hermanas y Hermanos: Hoy celebramos la fiesta de Pentecostés, palabra que significa" cincuenta días "porque es el tiempo que la separa de otra gran festividad, la Pascua. La Pascua es la fiesta de la luz, de la nueva vida que comienza con la resurrección de Cristo. Pentecostés es la celebración del don del Espíritu Santo que da comienzo a la Nueva Alianza y señala el nacimiento de la vida pública de la Iglesia. Seguimos teniendo visitas esporádicas de Monseñor Miranda el jueves Cinco de Mayo estuvo presente en las festividades de la escuela saludando a los niños y platicando con los maestros especialmente con la Sra. Aguilar la Directora de la Escuela, que como saben ella dejará su puesto para irse a trabajar a la Arquidiócesis. Si ven al Padre Joseph salúdenlo y muéstrenle su afecto él esta muy triste por que se tiene que ir a otra parroquia, él ha sido un gran amigo de la Comunidad Hispana y ha abierto las puertas de la iglesia a todos los grupos parroquiales. Bendiciones Diácono Carlos MAY 15, 2016 PAGE 8 DIRECTORY MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, May 14 8:15 am Luisito Lopez (RIP) 5:00 pm Mother’s Day Novena Sunday, May 15 6:30 am Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 8:00 am Jorge & Mariana Enriquez (RIP) 9:30 am Gregoria Alatorre (RIP) 11:30 am Terry Lambros (RIP) 1:30 pm Juan Gomez (RIP) 5:00 pm Benjamin Galdamez 7:00 pm Manuel Mendoza (RIP) Monday, May 16 8:15 am Terry Yukio (RIP) Tuesday, May 17 8:15 am Zenaida Wenceslao (RIP) Wednesday, May 18 8:15 am Dionisio & Francisca Guevara (RIP) Thursday, May 19 8:15 am Daysi Diaz (RIP) Friday, May 20 8:15 am Joseph De La Fuente (RIP) Saturday, May 21 8:15 am Mireya Hidalgo 5:00 pm Ricardo Galvez (RIP) Sunday, May 22 6:30 am Chester Dorazio (RIP) 8:00 am Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 9:30 am Aida R Lopez (RIP) 11:30 am Eugenio Vargas (RIP) 1:30 pm Marcello Bisarelo (RIP) 5:00 pm Terry Lambros (RIP) 7:00 pm Niccole Nuyen (RIP) WE PRAY TO THE LORD For those suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers. For those who have gone before us, Life has changed, not ended. Mireya Hidalgo Desiree Cabrera Bertha D Rodriguez Gloria Bareo Brian Bonnett Danny Bickel Scott Hall Beatriz Sanchez Armando Gonzalez Mary Dixon Pat Poindexter Monica Cardosa Maricela Magallon Troy Stevens Richard Ching Mary Dixon Victoria Pintado Gladys Golcher Charles Denisac Sabino Marcos Joe Murphy Tommie Flores Gonzalo Javier Rene Cardosa Ignacio De Casas Jovita Sison Salvacion Rodriguez Floro Perlas Lord, Hear Our Prayers Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families. We ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen Adminstrator Pro-Tem: Associate Pastor: Regular Sunday Supply: Deacon Couples: Parish Business Manager: Secretary: Bulletin Editor: Family Life Director: Liturgy Coordinator: Development/Facility: Director of Music: Pastoral Council: Finance Council: Regional Vocations Director: STAFF Rev. Joseph Magdaong Rev. Francisco Garcia Adame Bishop Joe Sartoris - Retired Charles and Olivia Denisac Carlos and Betty Origel Betty Origel - ext. 205 [email protected] Patricia Inzunza ext. 201 [email protected] Erika Sanchez - ext. 221 [email protected] Olivia Denisac - ext. 204 Theresa Nicholas ext. 211 [email protected] Hector Perez - ext. 220 [email protected] Amy Brent - ext. 211 Chair: John Saavedra ~ Co-Chair:Vicki Carnavale Chair: Ray Brown ~ Vice-Chair: Debbie Hale Rev. Angel Castro - St. Helen’s (562) 563-3522 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday (3:30pm - 8:30pm) (562) 862-7268 ~ [email protected] Director: Theresa Nicholas Secretary: Mary Rogers Confirmation Coordinator: Daniel Rodriguez Sunday Coordinator: Sara Ponce Communion Coordinator: Maria Estevez RCIA/RCIT Coordinator: Ruby Gaytan [email protected] OLPH SCHOOL 10441 Downey Ave., Downey ~ 562-869-9969 PARISH MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Women’s Guild: 3rd Wednesday of month at 10 am School Hall Armida Lugo 715-6142 Sunday Scriptures Study Paula Mayfield 923-3518 Gino Bosdachin 688-3836 Knights of Columbus Respect Life Committee John Kirschner 923-1932 Linda Malme 869-6491 Little Rock Bible Study Los Padrinos Detention Ministry Richard Ching 382-3360 Sr. Teresa Doherty 940-8711 Paul Lamotte 869-1234 MINISTERIO HISPANO RESPONSABLES: Rev. Francisco G. Adame Diácono Carlos Origel COLABORADORES: Maria Bertieri • Rosa Bulnes • Emma Romo Teresa Morales • Higinio y Olimpia Cosio • Aaron Lugo CORO: 1:30 pm y 7 pm Efrain Andrade (323) 560-9195 ENSAYOS DE LOS COROS jueves 7 pm GRUPO DE ORACIÓN lunes 7 pm Maria Bertieri 923-8294 GRUPO DE JOVENES Alejandra Rivera 382-3077 ROSARIO martes 6 pm Aaron Lugo 806-9823 APOSTOLADO DE LA CRUZ viernes 7 pm Rosa Bulnes 417-6624 ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL miércoles 7 pm Juan y Estela Prieto 644-0038 CURSILLOS DE CRISTIA NDAD Miguel y Teresa Vela 879-9516 DIVORCIADOS Y SEPARADOS Maria Paredes 397-6444 SACRAMENTS Baptism: Pre-baptismal Preparation Classes required for parents and godparents prior to scheduling Baptism. It is highly recommended parents and godparents attend classes BEFORE the child is born. Marriage: Call the parish office at least six (6) months (strongly recommend one (1) year) in advance to make arrangements. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office. To schedule a visit by a priest, we highly recommend that you call early in the illness. Quinceañeras: Call the parish office at least six (6) months in advance to make arrangements. The young lady must have received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Eucharist. It is highly recommended that the young lady be enrolled in Confirmation. FOR MORE PARISH INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Thursday: Fridays: Saturday: Sunday: 8:30am - 7:00 pm 8:30am - 4:30 pm 8:30am - 7:00 pm 9:00am - 3:00 pm PENTECOST SUNDAY PAGE 12 BUNDLE SUNDAY, TODAY The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be collecting usable clothing and usable household items. Please call 800974-3571 for home pick-up of heavy items. MAY 15, 2016 Year 1 Confirmation Information Dear Parents and Teens, If you are interested in participating in the FIRST year of a 2-year Confirmation process there will be a MANDATORY Orientation Meeting (you need only attend one). Both parent and teen must attend ONE orientation meeting in order to register for the program. ORIENTATION MEETINGS The truck will be in the 6th St. parking lot near the Rectory from 8:30am - 1:30pm MASTER CALENDAR 2016-2017 Scheduling forms to reserve a facility for events for the 2016-2017 calendar year will be available in the Rectory office after June 1. Scheduling is done on a first-come first-served basis. Forms may be submitted in the Rectory. Questions? Call Hector Perez at 562) 923-3246 No events are automatically carried over to the new calendar from last year. O Monday morning 10am: before the Sunday you want the article to run. H LP Bulletin (in the Parish Center): Wednesday, June 22 - 7 pm to 8 pm or Saturday, June 25 - 9am to 10am Registration packets will ONLY be available at these meetings. Registration will take place in August. DOWNEY’S CROP HUNGER WALK SUNDAY, MAY 22 The Downey CROP Hunger Walk is one of 1,000+ across the nation, symbolizing the walk many around the world must make for basic resources such as food, water, shelter and protection. Downey’s walk itself began in 2013, and we’ve raised nearly $36,000 in the fight against hunger in just three years! The 2016 local recipients of CROP Hunger Walk funds are PTA H.E.L.P.S., FCC Downey Food Program, and Mary’s Food Pantry. To register or donate:
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