FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 12, 2015 Reflection In the Old Testament, God chose ordinary men to deliver his messages to his people. Some of them were called as prophets, some as kings and judges. Today we read that God chose Amos, an ordinary farmer to prophesy to the people of Israel. Amos was a shepherd and dresser of sycamore trees. And at the appointed time, God sent His Son, Jesus to reveal God’s saving power and love, and establish God’s kingdom on earth. To make His message reach the ends of the world, Christ called ordinary men and women to be His disciples and messengers to all the world. Today we read in the gospel that Christ summoned the twelve apostles whom he chose and began to send them out in pairs to go and preach the message of salvation. He gave them authority over unclean spirits and warned them not to take anything with them for this journey but a walking stick. Thus the apostles became the first missionaries in the New Testament. The word “apostle” comes from the Greek word “apostolos” meaning messenger or person sent forth. Missionary is an English word that is derived from the Latin word “missio” meaning “send or to be sent”. Thus the Church built on the foundation of the apostles is a Missionary Church. The Second Vatican Council Decree on the Mission Activity of the Church confirms that ‘the Pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature, since it is from the mission of the Son and the mission of the Holy Spirit that she draws her origin…’(Ad Gentes 1.2). The word mission is related to evangelization which means “to preach the gospel and to convert people. This is what the Church had been commanded to do, to proclaim the good news to all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. But the work of the Church is not restricted to preaching and baptizing as in the “Pentecostal or evangelical” sense. Rather the mission of the Church is both spiritual and physical. When Christ was sending the apostles out, He gave them authority over unclean spirits. He taught them to preach repentance, forgiveness, and to anoint sick people with oil and cure them. The Church fulfills Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Mass Times Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am Tuesday & Thursday 12:10 pm Saturday 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am,10:00 am & 5:00 pm Sunday (Spanish) 12 Noon Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Parish Center Office Hours Monday - Thursday Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8:30 am - 6:30 pm By appointment only Confessions Latin Mass Second & Fifth Sunday of the month her mission of evangelization when bishops, priests, religious, and lay people all work together in proclaiming the word of God in every celebration of the sacraments and in the faithful living out of its message. By virtue of our baptism we have been sent to be missionaries to our families and communities to carry out the works of mercy and justice as the Holy Spirit empowers us to do. As Jesus instructed His apostles in the gospel to focus on the proclamation of the Word and not on the material provisions of this life, He reminds us today to keep our eyes fixed on our mission. If we seriously commit ourselves to the mission He has entrusted to us, God who is always generous, will surely provide for our material needs. 1:30pm Saturday 8:30 am & 3:30 pm or by appointment Page Two St. Anthony Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 July 12, 2015 WEEKLY CALENDAR Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven. - Psalm 85:12 Family Gift Bearers and Food for the Poor St. Anthony Church is seeking families to sign up to bring up the gifts of bread and wine at each of our masses. The families will also then prepare and bring up a basket or bag of some can goods for the poor and will then receive a family blessing. Please sign up to participate in bringing up the gifts and your donation to bring items for the poor at the Sacred Heart statue by the side altar of the church. News from the Religious Education Office Kindly reminder to all the parents of the children who received First Holy Communion this year. Your child’s pictures and Certificates are available for pick up at the Parish Center Monday thru Thursday from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land September 29 - October 10, 2015 Join Fr. Robert Victoria on a spiritual journey to the Holy Land from September 29th to October 10th, 2015. Reserve early as seats are limited. Accommodations in First Class hotels with breakfast and dinner included. Daily Mass each day. For information, please call the parish center. A brochure and registration form will be available at the Parish Center and also at the entrance of the church. Sunday, July 12th National Needs Combined Second Collection Birthday Blessing Children’s Liturgy of the Word 1:30 pm Traditional Latin Mass - Church Monday, July 13th Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open 6:30 pm Spanish Children’s Choir - Church 7:00 pm Bible Study - Parish Center 7:00 pm RCIA - Parish Center Tuesday, July 14th Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open 12:10 pm Mid-Day Mass - Church 7:00 pm Spanish Baptism Class - Parish Center 7:00 pm Lectio Divina - Parish Center 7:15 pm Legion of Mary - School Wednesday, July 15th Parish Office and Adoration Chapel Open 6:00pm Fitness class - Hall Thursday, July 16th Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open 12:10 pm Mid-Day Mass - Church 6:30 pm Holy Hour for Priests - Church Friday, July 17th Adoration Chapel & Parish Center Closed Saturday, July 18th Confessions after the morning Mass and at 3:30 pm 10:00am English Baptism – Church 10:30 am Lectio Divina - Parish Center 3:00 pm Wedding (Krogstad/Green) - Church Unfinished Mission Here’s a simple test to find out whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t. Anonymous St. Anthony Church 215 Lomita St., El Segundo CA 90245 (310) 322-4392 Fax: (310) 322-0797 Visit us on Facebook Safeguarding the Children: Joan Viena (213) 637-7227 Victims Assistance Ministry: Suzanne Healy (213) 637-7650 Archdiocesan Vocation Director: Rev. Stephen Davoren (213) 637-7755 Pastor: Rev. Robert Victoria Assisting Priest: Rev. Felix C. Unichi (ext. 441) School: Georgiana Curcio, Principal (310) 322-4218 (ext. 111) (ext 211) Preschool: Rose Aguayo, Director (ext. 329) Business Manager : Abner Espanola (ext. 442) Secretary: Elizabeth Swenson (ext. 440) Office Assistant: Mary Baum (ext. 440) Maintenance: George Cadena (ext. 440) Director of Religious Education: Mr. Timothy K. Rodrick, O.P. (ext. 444) Youth Minister: Pastoral Council Chairperson: Ricky Labayen Finance Council Chairperson: David Bohline (310) 416-1477 School Council Chairperson: Felipe Gutierrez (310) 322-4218 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Three St. Anthony Church Mission Statement: We the St. Anthony community, blessed with diversity in culture and traditions, unite ourselves to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. We commit ourselves to live out the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through prayer, service, and actions. Religious Education Office Registration for our Religious Education Classes, including Sacrament Preparation for First Holy Communion is now open. Form can be found at the entrance of the church or at the Parish Center. Please register as soon as possible, some of our classes are beginning to reach their maximum number for students. SATURDAY July 11 8:00 am Holy Souls in Purgatory 5:00 pm Robert Varieur (D) & Teresa Flores (D) SUNDAY 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm July 12 For all Parishioners Liz Dutchess (PI) Carlos Redondo-Coghi Olympia Gerome (D) MONDAY 8:00 am July 13 Werner Sigg (D) TUESDAY 12:10 pm July 14 Brenda Pareno (D) & Fr. Tennant Wright (D) Catechists and Aides We are currently looking for catechists and aides for next Religious Education school year. If you would like to help share your faith with children and/or teens, please call Tim Rodrick for details. Training is available. Teen Confirmation Our Confirmation Program is a two year program that assists in the development of teenagers into mature, responsible, Catholic adults, ready to live their faith in the world. Candidates need to be registered and have attended a Religious Education classes within the last year, pass a Catholic Faith assessment or take a Basic Faith Workshop. Registration for the Year 2015-2016 is now open. Please visit our webpage at: or call the Parish Center for more information. National Needs Combined Collection Weekend of July 12th There will be a second collection on July 11th & 12th for the National Needs Combined, your generosity: Makes it possible for us to strengthening Catholic faith values and education through The Catholic Communication Campaign’s television, radio, and print messages. Helps support some of the poorest dioceses in the country that depend on annual collections. Through vital evangelization programs, the Black and Indian Home Mission provides aid to some of the neediest African American and Native American communities. Strengthens the Church at home, and helps to provide basic resources and services to needy ethnic communities in scattered and isolated areas though the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Envelopes for this collection may be found at the entrance to the Church. Thanks for your generosity. WEDNESDAY July 15 8:00 am Rose Gibilterra (PI) & Carol Berretta (PI) THURSDAY July 16 12:10 pm Carol Berretta (PI) & Rose Gibilterra (PI) FRIDAY 8:00 am July 17 Everardo Gonzalez Sr. (PI) SATURDAY July 18 8:00 am Holy Souls in Purgatory 5:00 pm Federico Lorica (D) Please Pray Marggie Ayala, Soledad Barba, Sue Barrett, Rosalinda Banzon, Tom Blum, Ellen Brandlin, Shirley Caldwell, Teresa Calderon, Eva Canales, Lois Chavez, Teresita Clemente, Dylan and Dorothy Doukakis, Juan Antonio Duran, Howard & Cora Fausto, Rose Garcia, Rose Gibilterra, Joe & Don Guzman, Townsend Hale, Margaret Hoff, Dorothy Hoover, Gene Hunley, Michalina Kubek, Patricia Lamay, Ed Lewis, Alice Lipinski, Ken Lockwood, Majella McIntyre, Cecil McAllister, Kay McGuire, Pauline McKinley, Michelle McManus, Grace Mercado, Shirley Merrill, Colleen O’Ryan, Pamela Polizzotto, Josefina Rigalva, Ryan Ramirez, Baby Rose, Juan Sanchez, John Snyder, Anne Schuman, Ken Steffan, Rev. John Svendsen, Maralyn Swenson, Mary Stanford, Keith Storm, Janina Tyborowska, Eva Lily Valdez, Elena Victoria, Rony Vitus, Elizabeth Webster, Christopher Wheeler, Pennye Wilder, Nik Woods. Page Four St. Anthony Special Mass for Immigrants All parishioners are invited to a special mass in Celebration of God’s People, especially for all of us as immigrants. Our faith and our tradition call us to recognized who we are as people of God. We are called as Church to stand with each other, with the stranger, and especially with the least among us. Archbishop Jose Gomez will be the main celebrant at this mass on Sunday, July 19th at 4pm at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Ongoing Collection for CASE We need your assistance! CASE (Community Alliance to Support and Empower) serves thirty-four households composed of 90 people, 42 of whom are children all residents of El Segundo. There still is a great need non perishable items, can meat (chicken, tuna) cereals, juices, rice, pasta, spaghetti sauce, and snacks for kids, detergent, tooth paste, soaps toiletries, etc. Bins for your donated items would be placed at the entrance of the church or you can bring them to the Parish Center. Many thanks for your help! Fitness Class Are you ready to be physical fit and enjoy a moment with fellow parishioners? If the answer to this question is Yes, come and join us every Wednesday at 6:00pm to a “Fitness Class”. Margaret Winters a certified AFFA instructor will be teaching about endurance, range motion, strength, balance and coordination. We will meet every Wednesday at 6:00pm in the O’ Grady Hall. For more information please call the parish center. A small donation is appreciated. Mark your Calendars! Marian Conference & Exposition - Assumption of the Blessed Mother Join us for a day of prayer and talks about our Blessed Mother Mary. We will have several guess speakers like Dominic Berardino, president of SCRC and celebration of Mass at 12:10 pm, Confessions, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel and Exhibitions of statues of the Blessed Mother. The cost of the Retreat is $20 including lunch if you pre-register is $15 per person. More information to come on the next bulletin. Alejandro Duran, brother of Patricia Daneshvar. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. July 12, 2015 News from the Office of Respect Life Pregnancy Help Center “In time when I was scared and confused, you made me feel cared about. I don’t know what I would have done without you. This child is such a blessing.” Pregnancy Help Center (310) 787-4357 - 24-hour help line Safeguard the Children Did you Know Help children be aware of unhealthy behavior among others Children have more opportunities to be out of your immediate sight during the summer. It’s important to remind your child that if another child or adult – including people they know and trust – try to touch them inappropriately they should: Say NO and GET AWAY from any person or situation that makes them feel scared, uncomfortable or confused. Tell them to TRUST THEIR FEELINGS and be sure to TELL a trusted adult. And it’s never too late to tell a trusted adult what happened. For a copy of the article called “Know the Rules…Summer Safety Tips to Teach Children” from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, email: [email protected]. Theology on Tap St. Mark Church 940 Coeur D’Alene Ave. Venice CA 90291 Sunday, July 12 6:30 pm Dr. Brett Hoover A year of mercy for whom? The call of Pope Francis Sunday, July 19th 6:30 pm Bishop Gordon Bennett How do I know that voice is God’s? Sunday, July 26th 6:30 pm Douglas Leal The Holy Spirit at play Or what I learned about faith from doing improve Sunday, August 2nd 6:30 pm Deacon Scott Palmer Expect the unexpected! Everyone dive in! How Christ reaches out to you when you least expect it Deacon Compean Hall at the corner of Garfield Ave & Lincoln Blvd. Theology on Tap is a speaker series for young adults ages 18-39. The doors open at 6:30 pm and the sessions begins at 7:00pm Admission, parking, food and drinks are free. For more information please contact [email protected]. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mensaje para Reflexionar Page Five La Parroquia de San Antonio Los doce apóstoles enviados por Jesucristo curaban muchos enfermos, pero los católicos de este siglo no logramos lo mismo: hoy no se ven los milagros de antaño. Esta realidad hace que muchos se pregunten si es posible que la fuerza de Dios haya disminuido. No. Lo que ha mermado es la fe de los actuales apóstoles y discípulos de Jesús: estamos desaprovechando la gracia que «superabundantemente derramó sobre nosotros toda sabiduría y prudencia». Elegidos antes de la constitución del mundo para llevar la Buena Nueva a nuestros congéneres, podemos empapar todas nuestras acciones en la Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo por todos, para que seamos santos e inmaculados ante Él, de manera que esas acciones realicen la curación que quiere hoy Jesús para todos los hombres: que puedan oír los sordos que no escuchan la voz del amor, que se levanten y anden los paralíticos que el odio no deja caminar hacia la paz y la perfecta caridad, que hablen los mudos que no confían en el sacramento de la reconciliación, ¡que no haya más ciegos al amor de Dios! El sendero que nos escoge Jesús es claro: no llevar ni pan ni alforja ni dinero, esto es, no confiar tanto en los valores humanos, sino en la fuerza y el poder de Dios; calzarse con las sandalias del servicio continuo, sin mirar el cansancio personal. Oración, sacrificio y ansias de llegar a todos. Para Dios no hay acción pequeña: las acciones, las palabras y hasta los pensamientos nobles ofrecidos a Él tienen valor infinito para que, célibes o casados, cumplamos con la misión que tenemos todos, como sus apóstoles y discípulos de estos tiempos. Ya sabemos que eso es lo que el Señor nos pide. ¿Como respondemos a ese llamado de amor? - Padre Pablo Francisco Celebración Mariana - Sábado 15 de Agosto Solemnidad de la Asunción de la Virgen Maria Marque su calendario para acompañarnos un día de oración y platicas acerca de nuestra Madre, la Santísima Virgen Maria. El retiro tendrá diferentes platicas y celebraremos una Misa a las 12:10pm Costo es $20 por persona incluido el almuerzo o $15 si se registra antes. Mas información en los próximos boletines. Confirmación Nuestro Programa de confirmación para jóvenes es un programa de preparación de dos años que ayuda a los jóvenes a desarrollarse como Católicos responsables y maduros, listos para vivir su fe en este mundo. Nuestras matriculas para el año 2015-2016 ya empezaron. Por favor diríjase a nuestra pagina web: Nuestra Misión: Nosotros, la comunidad de San Antonio, bendecidos con diversidad en cultura y tradiciones, nos unimos a la presencia real de Jesús en la Sagrada Eucaristía. Nos comprometemos a vivir y enseñar la palabra de nuestro señor Jesucristo por medio de nuestra oración, servicio y acciones. Noticias de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa El programa de Educación Religiosa tiene como finalidad ayudar a nuestros niños a reconocer la presencia de Dios en su vidas y aprender quien es Jesucristo a través de la guía del Espíritu Santo. Estas clases de catecismo o Educación Religiosa les ayudara a seguir los caminos de Jesucristo a través de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica. Ofrecemos clases de Catecismo para los niños desde kindergarten hasta 8° Grado en Ingles. Los programas de preparación del Sacramento del Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Reconciliación podrán ser ofrecidos en Español. Si matricula a su niño/a antes del Julio 15, 2015 solo pagara $75.00 después del 15 de Julio hasta Septiembre 1 es $ 85.00. Colecta Combinada para la Necesidad Nacional Compartiendo la Buena Nueva… : Habrá una segunda colecta este Domingo, 12 de Julio para la Colecta combinada para la necesidad nacional, su generosidad: Hace posible que continuemos fortaleciendo la Fé, los valores y la educación católica por medio de los mensajes de televisión, radio y prensa de la Campaña de Comunicación Católica. Ayuda económicamente a las diócesis en las áreas más pobres de nuestro país que dependen de colectas anuales. Por medio de programas de evangelización, la Misión para Afro-Americanos e Indígenas Americanos provee asistencia a estas comunidades. Ayuda a asegurar la mejor calidad de educación católica por medio de programas excepcionales de becas, investigación y de servicio de la Universidad Católica de América Fortalece la Iglesia doméstica y ayuda a proveer recursos y servicios básicos pastorales a las comunidades más necesitadas en áreas aisladas y esparcidas a través de la Solicitud para las Misiones Católicas Domésticas. Sobres para esta colecta se encuentran a la entrada de la Iglesia. Gracias por su generosidad. St. Anthony Church is pleased to announce its fâÅÅxÜ eâÅÅtzx ftÄx Saturday, July 25th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. & Sunday, July 26th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. O’Grady Hall 220 Sierra Street, El Segundo Anyone wishing to donate kitchen items, household decorations, silverware, crystal, games, toys, knickknacks, handcrafted jewelry, gifts and collectables items, to our Summer Rummage Sale, or would like to volunteer in this event, please contact: Elizabeth (310) 322-4392 Ext 440
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