Holy Trinity Catholic Church December 20, 2015 20523 Huebner Road San Antonio, Texas 78258 Website: www.holytrinitysat.org The Fourth Sunday of Advent When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb." Lk 1:41-42 People who believe and belong — The Kingdom of God is where you are Parish Office - 210-497-4200 FAX: 210-497 - 4285 Monday-Thursday: 8:30AM – 8:00PM Friday 8:30 AM—5:00 PM Saturday 9:00AM - 12:00PM Pastoral Staff Pastor - Msgr. Michael H. Yarbrough Parochial Vicar - Fr. Oscar Tello-Curiel Deacon Michael Cleary, 857-0930 Deacon Chris Laskowski, 497-4486 Deacon Guy LoTurco, 497-2363 Deacon Jerry Micek, 497-4410 Deacon David Seguin, 365-4902 Deacon Dickie Yzaguirre, 545-2604 Parish Staff Parish Administrator: Oscar Perez Finance Coordinator: Cecilia Greene Bookkeeper: Lizzette Kranz Director of Music & Liturgy: Lucy Tavira Sacristan: Doug Stolo Coordinator of RCIA & Adult Ed: Desma Delgado Parish Secretary: Gloria Barretto Receptionist: Ana Rosa Lane Facilities Manager: Terri Collins (210-497-0700) Facilities Manager Asst. : George Weynand Maintenance Coordinator: Joaquin Martinez Faith Formation Office - 497-4145 Monday—Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (Limited Hours in July) Faith Formation Staff Coordinator of Religious Ed: Kristin Casas Asst. Coord. of Religious Ed: Eric Mejia Admin. Asst. Rosa Becnel Admin. Asst. Martha Sandoval LIFETEEN - High School Ministry Youth Minister: Debra Gray Confirmation: Assistant Youth Minister: Renee Kuntz The EDGE - Middle School Ministry Assistant Youth Minister: Caitlyn DeWitt WELCOME We extend a warm welcome to anyone new to our parish family & all visitors who celebrate with us throughout the year. If you would like to join this parish, please pick up a registration form which can be found near both bulletin boards in the foyer. Complete & return the registration form at your convenience. Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:15AM, 1:00 PM (Spanish) & 5:30 PM Weekday - refer to page 2 for changes: Mon., Wed., Fri., Mass is at 8:30 AM & 12:05PM Tue. & Thu., Mass is at 6:30 AM Adoration Hours: 9:00AM - Noon ~ Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00AM - Midnight ~ Fridays 9:00AM First Fridays to 9:00AM First Saturdays (24 hour adoration) SACRAMENTS Penance: Saturday, 3:00-4:30 PM in church building or call the office for an appointment. Baptism: Pre-baptism instruction is required. Classes for 2015: Last Monday of the month Jan. - Nov., unless it’s a Holiday. Call the parish office to sign up. Marriage: There is a 6 month preparation period for Sacramental marriages. Please call the parish office for details. Inquiry into the Catholic Faith: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Call Desma Delgado 497-4200 BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS, ARTICLES AND REQUESTS DEADLINE: 10 days prior to date published via email please: [email protected] PULPIT ANNOUNCEMENTS by 10:00 AM by Wednesday Prior to weekend needed: [email protected] PARISH REPORTER Sylvia Theall - [email protected]. Help us keep our records current. Please notify the Parish Office if you are moving or if your personal status has changed. Sympathy Monday December 21 Celebrant – Fr. Oscar 8:30AM - Enrique Chavez, †, Chuck Ogilvie, † & Ernest Gonzales, † Celebrant – Msgr. Mike O’Gorman 12:05PM - Harlan Hinkle, Sp. Int. & John Zimmer, † We offer condolences and sympathy to our parishioners who have experienced a death in their family. Tuesday December 22 Celebrant - Msgr. Mike O’Gorman 6:30AM - Andrea Bravo, †, Guadalupe Salcedo, †, & Ben Paoletta, † Wednesday December 23 Celebrant – Fr. Oscar 8:30AM - Dr. Jose Antonio Estens, †, Dolores Cantu, † & Cirino Cardenas † Celebrant – Msgr. Mike O’Gorman 12:05PM - Andrea Bravo, †, Debbie Gray, Sp. Int. & Norman H. Riebe, † PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL Thursday December 24 Celebrant - Fr. Oscar ~ Children’s Mass 4:00PM - Vincent Cullinan,† Celebrant - Fr. Oscar 7:00PM - Enrique Chavez,†, & Dan & Maria Noli Childs, Sp. Int. Celebrant - Fr. Oscar ~ Midnight Mass 12:00AM - Charles S. Cavallo, † Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen Friday December 25 Celebrant - Fr. Oscar 9:30AM - Alicia Eva Almanza † & Christy Fowler Sp. Int. Celebrant – Fr. Oscar 11:15AM - Santos Martinez Tamayo, † & George & Kristen Cell, Sp. Int. Celebrant - Fr. Oscar ~ Spanish Mass 1:00PM Priscila Rivera, Sp. Int. & Salvador Robles, † Parish Prayer List: For Inclusion on the Ill and Homebound prayer list in the Bulletin contact: Gloria Barretto - 497-4200 ext. 307 [email protected] For the Parish Email Prayer Chain contact: ZZ Mylar at [email protected] Saturday December 26 Celebrating – Fr. Jonathon Felux 5:00PM – Margie Loebig, †, Don Maisel , †, & Carl & Marian Wallace, † Sunday December 27 Celebrant - Fr. Oscar 8:00AM - Kevin Cherucheril, Sp. Int. Celebrant – Fr. Oscar 9:30AM - Cary Collins, † & Hector & Cristina Gonsales, Sp. Int. Celebrant - Fr. Oscar 11:15AM Roger Seguin, † & Harold & Darlene Hatzenbuehler & family, Sp. Int. Celebrant - Fr. Oscar 1:00PM Jorge Enriquez, † & Hector Garcia Cantu, † Celebrant - Msgr. Mike O’Gorman 5:30PM Harlan Hinkle, Sp. Int. & Cary Collins, † **Celebrant subject to change DECEMBER 26TH & 27TH Saturday 5:00 PM Lectors: Sylvia Theall & John Theall Altar Servers: Rafael Fernandez, Faith Pruetz & Grace Pruetz Sunday 8:00 AM Lectors: Janie Munoz & Jolene Waun Altar Servers: Cloe Frey & Robert Lozano Sunday 9:30 AM Lectors: Marcel Theriot & Mike Kurz Altar Servers: Paige Bonguli, Matthew Poole & Madison Poole Sunday 11:15 AM Lectors: Terry Nguyen & Don Kane Altar Servers: Luke Prior, Viviana Garza & Christopher Youngblood Sunday 1:00 PM Lectors: Jovenes I & Jovenes II Altar Servers: Diego Rivera, Mario Ronquillo &Karol Zavala Sunday 5:30 PM - Lifeteen Mass Lectors: Katie Trexler & Sammy Kuntz Altar Servers: Jake Retzloff & Declan Barnes Ranita Adams Patricia Beghetti Mike Bordovsky Douglas Boubel Bernice Burrage Peggy Camp Diana Carlee Dora Cavazos Ramiro Cavazos Heather Cheshier Betty Jane Choffel Merle Choffel Meredith Clarke Jose Cortes Benny DeLeon Mike De Leon John E. Clifford Alfredo Galindo Patricia C. Galindo Judy Garcia Sharon M. Garcia Carmel Gatt Mary Giniewski Cathy Goin Jacob Goldsmith Amanda Gonzales John Gonzales Lupita Gonzalez Richard Gould Carlos Guevara, Sr. Carly Guidotti Jane Kiernan Margie Kiolbassa Bonita Langley Janet Langley Mark Langley Joseph Latronico Kevin Lewis Deacon Guy LoTurco Patricia Matteson Elizabeth Martinez Francisco Martinez Fernando Monroy Steven Montelongo Josie Moreno Larry Nolte Jim O’Farrell Mary Palma Sebastian Pena Adela Perez Barbara Perez David Perez Felix Perez Fred Perez Tuyet Pham Hattie Mary Rachal Macey Rakowitz Mary Rangel Olivia Michelle Ramirez Antonio Quinones, Jr. Tony Resendez David Ross Melinda Saenz Ivanna Salas Jose Antonio Salas F. R. (Bob) Smith John Edward Smith Krista Soria Peter Suess Martha Sweeney Helen Swete Lucy Tavira Sylvia Theall Nancy Torries Janet Treemarcki Michael Trevino Priscilla Towne Daniela Villanueva Tomas Andres Villegas Kelly Waite Darnell Waun Mary Elizabeth Williams Dustin Wintrow Msgr. Mike Yarbrough Carrie Zyskowsky Joe Zyskowsky If you would like your loved ones name on the prayer list please contact our Parish Secretary: Gloria Barretto at the parish office 497-4200 or email [email protected] Our parishioners serving overseas: Pray for their safe return. Frank Czerniakowski, Kevin Semrlrath, Eric Hohman William McCary & Brant Walz THIS WEEK’S EVENTS at HOLY TRINITY Sunday 9:30AM-11:00AM NO High School Confirmation/Holiday Break Dec. 20 11:00AM Spanish Choir Practice/FFC 2:00PM HTCC Theatre Group/BH After 5:30PM Mass NO LIFETEEN/Holiday Break Monday 9:00AM-12:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Chapel Dec. 21 9:15AM Divine Mercy Cenacle/BH 4:30PM & 6:00PM NO Elementary Faith Formation/Holiday Break NO EDGE/Holiday Break 7:00PM-8:30PM 7:00PM HT Choir Practice/Angel Room 7:00PM AA Meeting/BH Tuesday 10:00AM Bridges Beyond Grief/BH Dec. 22 4:30PM NO Elementary Faith Formation/Holiday Break 6:00PM-8:30PM Girl Scout Troop 566/FFC 6:00PM-8:30PM Boy Scout Troop 501/FFC 6:30PM Lifeteen Core Mtg./FFC 6:30PM ACTS Core Mtg/FFC 6:30PM Spanish Men’s ACTS Team Mtg./Angel Room 7:00PM Knights of Columbus Officers Mtg./BH Wednesday 9:00AM-12:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Chapel NO Elementary Faith Formation/Holiday Break 4:30PM Dec. 23 6:30PM Spanish Women’s ACTS team/BH 7:00PM-8:30PM NO High School Confirmation/Holiday Break 7:00PM Cenáculo de la Divina Misericordia /BH 7:00PM RCIA - Adults/Angel Room in the Church Thursday MERRY CHRISTMAS Dec. 24 ALL PARISH & FAITH FORMATION OFFICES CLOSED FOR THE HOLIDAY MERRY CHRISTMAS Friday Dec. 25 ALL PARISH & FAITH FORMATION OFFICES CLOSED FOR THE HOLIDAY Saturday 6:15AM-8:00AM That Man Is You/FFC Dec. 26 3:00PM Spanish Youth Music Practice/FFC 3:00PM Confessions 5:00PM Vigil Mass Readings for the Week of December 20, 2015 Sunday: Week of December 20th Mi 5:1-4a/Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19/ Heb 10:5-10/Lk 1:39-45 Monday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a/ Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21/Lk 1:39-45 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:24-28/1 Sm 2:1, 4-8/Lk 1:46-56 Wednesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14/Lk 1:57-66 Thursday: Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/ Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29/Lk 1:67-79 Friday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29/ Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Night: Is 9:1-6/Ps 96:1-3, 11-13/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10/Ps 98:1-6/Heb 1:1-6/ Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 Saturday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Ps 31:3-4, 6, 8, 16-17/ Mt 10:17-22 Next Sunday: 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/ Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10/1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:41-52 In Memory Of Andrea Bravo From Her Family Contact: Desma Delgado to reserve your date 497-4200 or [email protected] Thank You to our florist ~ The Last Straw ~ Joe & Maria Ramirez, Parishioners If you would like the Flower or Mass intentions published in the bulletin please make your request at least two weeks prior. There is no guarantee on last minute requests. 2015 MASS INTENTIONS Consider having a Mass said for a birthday, graduation, anniversary, special event, or a memorial for someone special. Please come by the church office during regular business hours to reserved your date and time for a Mass intention. Eucharistic Adoration Invitation Is the Holy Spirit calling you to a deeper relationship with the Lord through Eucharistic Adoration? Currently, we were in need of adorers to cover a few particular hours. Our hours of greatest need are: Fridays from 6 - 7 PM., 7 - 8 PM., 8-9 p.m., 9 - 10 PM and 10 - 11 PM and 11p.m.-midnight If you are interested in either becoming a committed weekly adorer for any of the above times Please call for more information : Robert & Belinda Galvan: 210-849-1430. [email protected] We have many different ministries here at Holy Trinity. We would like to feature a different Ministry each month. We will pray for the efforts and support of these ministries in the chapel during adoration hours. For the month of December we pray for those involved with Lifeteen, Edge, Elementary Faith formation, Confirmation Spanish Youth Group and Los Niño's de Valor Blessed Advent! 4th Sunday of Advent Luke 1:39-45 Today we have two mothers meeting; they are related, and one carries in her womb John the Baptist and the other woman, Mary, carries in her womb Jesus. The Gospel account says that John, who would cry out in the desert the message that everyone needs to "prepare the way of the Lord," leapt with joy in the womb of his mother upon hearing Mary's greeting. John's message in the desert is the message that we all need to heed as we get closer to the Christmas celebration. May our faith leap with joy at the chance to proclaim our Lord and to prepare the way! Celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy With a great new app from Our Sunday Visitor! 365 Days to Mercy is designed to accompany you on your spiritual journey during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The app includes daily reflections on mercy, everyday Scripture reflections, Pope Francis’ tweets, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Novena, and lots more. Go to your app store and search “365 Days to Mercy” and install it today! Go to OSV.com/YOM to learn more. Msgr. Mike Msgr. Mike has been recuperating at home. He will not be active in the parish just yet, but hopes to return by the beginning of January Please continue to Pray for Msgr. Mike PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS God of Love, You show your favor for us and grace us through baptism. Bless us with the courage to carry out the mission of Jesus. Grant us open and generous hearts to see the needs of others and to respond with compassion. May the Church be blest with women and men who are dedicated to You through marriage, the single life, the diaconate, priesthood, and the consecrated life. It is in Christ and through Christ that we offer ourselves to You now and forever. Amen. ORACION POR LAS VOCACIONES Dios de Amor, muestras tu favor hacia nosotros y nos das tu gracia en el Bautismo. Bendicenos con valor para llevar a cabo la mision de Jesus. Concedenos corazones abiertos y generosos para que viendo las necesidades de los demas respondamos con compassion. Que la Iglesia sea bendecida con mujeres y hombres que se dedican a Ti en el matrimonio, la vida celibe, el diaconado, el sacerdocio y la vida consagrada. Es en Cristo y por Cristo que nos ofrecemos a Ti ahora y siempre. Amen Prayer of Pope Francis for the Jubilee Year of Mercy Oración de Papa Francisco para Jubileo de la Misericordia Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Ma!hew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep a"er his betrayal, and assured Paradise to the repentant thief. Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gi" of God!” You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified. You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought a"er, loved, and forgiven by God. Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anoin%ng, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to cap%ves and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. We ask this of you, Lord Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy; you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Señor Jesucristo, tú nos has enseñado a ser misericordiosos como el Padre del cielo, y nos has dicho que quien te ve, lo ve también a Él. Muéstranos tu rostro y obtendremos la salvación. Tu mirada llena de amor liberó a Zaqueo y a Mateo de la esclavitud del dinero; a la adúltera y a la Magdalena del buscar la felicidad solamente en una creatura; hizo llorar a Pedro luego de la traición, y aseguró el Paraíso al ladrón arrepen%do. Haz que cada uno de nosotros escuche como propia la palabra que dijiste a la samaritana: ¡Si conocieras el don de Dios! Tú eres el rostro visible del Padre invisible, del Dios que manifiesta su omnipotencia sobre todo con el perdón y la misericordia: haz que, en el mundo, la Iglesia sea el rostro visible de Ti, su Señor, resucitado y glorioso. Tú has querido que también tus ministros fueran reves%dos de debilidad para que sientan sincera compasión por los que se encuentran en la ignorancia o en el error: haz que quien se acerque a uno de ellos se sienta esperado, amado y perdonado por Dios. Manda tu Espíritu y conságranos a todos con su unción para que el Jubileo de la Misericordia sea un año de gracia del Señor y tu Iglesia pueda, con renovado entusiasmo, llevar la Buena Nueva a los pobres proclamar la libertad a los prisioneros y oprimidos y res%tuir la vista a los ciegos. Te lo pedimos por intercesión de María, Madre de la Misericordia, a % que vives y reinas con el Padre y el Espíritu Santo por los siglos de los siglos. 4th Sunday of Advent CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE December 24th - Christmas Eve 4:00 PM Children’s Mass 7:00 PM 12:00AM Midnight Mass December 25th - Christmas Day 9:30 AM 11:15 AM 1 PM Spanish NEW YEAR MASS SCHEDULE December 31 - 6:00 PM Vigil Mass January 1 - 10:00AM 1:00PM Spanish ALL PARISH OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24TH & 25TH AND FRIDAY, JANUARY 1ST "Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste." What was the rush? Why did Mary go so quickly to visit her cousins Elizabeth and Zechariah? It's hard to know exactly what her purpose was, but one thing is clear: Mary and Elizabeth shared a special connection. Perhaps Mary was anxious to be in the company of someone who could understand her unusual situation. At this point, Mary was newly pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit. The verses preceding today's reading tell us about the appearance of the Angel Gabriel and Mary's willingness to become the mother of the Messiah. Now, this child was already growing within her womb, but the whole thing was an incredible secret. Who would believe her? In whom could Mary confide the unbelievable events that had taken place? We know that at some point later, Joseph had a vision in a dream that allowed him to understand. But before that dream came, he was planning to part ways with Mary. It must have been during that difficult time that Mary went to see Elizabeth. And what joy that upon her arrival, Elizabeth immediately understood. "Blessed is the fruit of your womb," Elizabeth cried out. The same Holy Spirit who conceived Jesus in Mary's womb enlightened Elizabeth at this moment. What a consolation this must have been to Mary. This story reminds us of the importance of our own fellowship in the faith. Sharing our spiritual journey with other believers who are receptive to the Holy Spirit is meant to be a source of encouragement and strength. We are not supposed to be in this alone. As we worship and celebrate together with our faith community, may we share with each other the real joy of this sacred season. It is the festival of our Savior's birth, the day we celebrate that salvation has dawned upon the world. Christ is born, and we rejoice that he has come among us in the flesh, our God made visible in an infant child who would one day give up his life for us. This is the heart of the Christmas mystery: that Christ is born for us today. This feast is so much more than a historic anniversary. Christmas celebrates the coming of God among us, born as a human person. Christ's birth has an effect in our lives today. His birth transcends history and changes us. He brings us light and life. Think of the symbols of the season. The crèche tells us the Gospel stories: first from Luke, which details the human birth in a lowly stable and the angels' message to shepherds about the birth of a Savior; and later from Matthew, which describes the arrival of Magi who signify that God's salvation extends to all. The wreath made of evergreens reminds us that God is one, without beginning or end, and even though we celebrate the human birth of Christ, he remains God, begotten of the Father before all ages. The tree stands as a symbol of life, its green branches unfading even in the winter cold, just as God's life remains in us even though our human form should die. The candles we burn at this time of year recall the birth of him who is forever the light of the world, showing us the way to the eternal Father. The angels stand as heralds of the good news, an emblem for each of us on this solemn feast of our own duty to spread the message that Christ is born and saves us from our sins. We rejoice this day in the birth of Christ! We renew our faith in his power to save as he joins earth and heaven through his coming in the flesh. From Msgr. Mike Yarbrough, Fr. Oscar Tello Curiel And the Holy Trinity Staff Nativity of the Lord "And we saw his glory." Never before or since, in the entire course of human history, have men and women been able to gaze upon the face of God. But for a brief moment in time, God "became flesh and made his dwelling among us." This is the remarkable event we celebrate today. At that first Christmas some two thousand years ago, the glory of God was revealed through the face of a child. As a tiny, helpless creature, completely dependent upon his mother to sustain him, this humble little baby came into the world. Yet this infant was "the only Son, God, who is at the Father's side." Why is it that the eternal majesty of the triune God should choose to appear in such a simple way? How does this humility reveal what St. Paul calls today, "the refulgence of [God's] glory, the very imprint of his being"? Today we celebrate a holy day that is unlike any other. Indeed we celebrate a BELIEF that is unlike any other when we proclaim, as Christians, that God became man and walked in our midst. No other major world religion makes such an astonishing claim. And with this comes our unique understanding of the humble nature of God. We believe in a God whose glory is not the glory of the world. His majesty is not like that of earthly kings and rulers. Rather, we believe in a Heavenly Father who loves his little children enough to live among them. This Father takes joy in the joy of his children. Jesus once remarked that just as we desire to give good gifts to our children, "how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him" (Mt 7:11). This Christmas, may we remember that the greatest gift is Christ himself. ~ TIME ~ TALENT ~ TREASURE ~ HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ TIME ~ TALENT ~ TREASURE ~ Everyday Stewardship The average American will spend close to $800 this year on Christmas gifts. That number is for the average person, not even the average family, which would be much higher. Most Americans will also take on some credit debt this Christmas in order to get their loved ones all the gifts they want. Of course, all of this spending is in the name of Jesus, the reason for the season, right? Even good stewards can easily get sucked into excessive spending at Christmas time. We have been programmed by our culture to see the season as the time for giving better gifts than at any other time of the year. But the reality is that Christmas should be seen as a time where those outward things matter the least, and what really matters is the reality of family and the experience of Christmas traditions together. But we have to be mature disciples to see it that way. As everyday stewards we need to give gifts with greater meaning rather than a bigger price tag. We are accountable to God for each dollar we spend, so we need to spend wisely. Also, I doubt Jesus has any desire to be used as the reason why your credit card bill is so high. God becoming man is a complete example of gift giving. God gave to us his only Son so we might have eternal life. It had nothing to do with money, and everything to do with giving completely of one's self. Christmas gifts are good and important traditions, but it is the giving of ourselves to one another that truly identifies the real reason for the season. Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS © Liturgical Publications Inc HOPE IS COMING ! Holy Trinity parishioner, Bryan Grundhoefer, is running for Homecoming King to support Hope for the Future with scholarships for students. The Khaki & Plaid Gala is on Saturday, January 23rd. $1 = 1 vote for Bryan. Any tables purchased, sponsorships or donations made in his name will be a vote for his Kingship and a win for Holy Trinity Church! Please support this valiant cause at: www.hopeforfuture.org Child Advocates San Antonio Be the voice for an abused or neglected child. Learn how you can become a CASA Volunteer. CASA representatives will be on site after each Sunday mass on January 3, 2016 For more information you can visit our website www.casa-satx.org or contact Leticia Hernandez @ 210-225-7070 Ser la voz de un niño abusado o descuidado. Aprenda cómo usted puede convertirse en un voluntario de CASA. Representantes de CASA estará en la iglesia después de cada misa el 03 de enero 2016. Para obtener más información, puede visitar nuestro sitio web: www.casa-satx.org o comuníquese con Leticia Hernández @ 210-225-7070 Religious give thanks. "We cannot begin to repay all who contribute," writes a Catholic sister. "So we pray to God, who is never outdone in generosity, to reward you." Heartfelt thanks for your donation to last week's collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. May God bless you for your goodness! Los religiosos expresan su gratitud. "No podemos comenzar a pagar a todos los que han contribuido", nos escribe una de las hermanas. "Por eso rogamos a Dios, a quien nadie supera en generosidad, Él que sea quien los recompense". Con nuestro más profundo agradecimiento por sus donativos en la colecta de la semana pasada para el Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos. ¡Que Dios los bendiga por su bondad! HOLY TRINITY MINISTRIES & GROUPS LITURGICAL MINISTRY Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters & Altar Servers - Lucy Tavira, 244-3743 ACTS - Jennifer Bishop, 481-6760 Adult Faith Formation Desma Delgado, 497-4200 ext.315 Alcohol & Drug Dependence John Welsh, 687-9019 Altar Guild, Susan Kent, 748-0200 Alzheimer's Ministry Pat Waisley, 497-7254 Carol Short, 497-4639 Bridges Beyond Grief Emily Baril, 497-8166 Bunco, Ruth Jones, 724-3457 Christ Centered Marriage Ministry Cindy & Michael Gonzalez at (210) 497-0917 Christian Assistance Ministry Rita Farmer, 378-5426 Parish Prayer Chain E-mail: [email protected] Pastoral Council Will Person, 317-5288 Prayer Shawls Carol Short, 497-4639 Safe Environment John Kiernan, 836-8966 Scouts, Kevin Pfahning, 287-0699 Social Concerns Committee Rolland Cole, 316-8039 Spiritual Direction Mary Wilder, 213-9920 St. Timothy - Sister Parish Bob Lorenz, 316-5090 or work: 494-1375 Cancer Support Group James Ermis, 616-1129 Stephen Ministry Pam Hughes, 394-5723 Jerry Krimbill, 392-0602 Catholic Daughters of The Americas Lina Ramirez, 643-2805 Teams of Our Lady Ronnie & Mary Montemayor, 497-5789 Covenant of Love Tony & Lucy Miller, 842-8896 That Man Is You Joe Kuntz, 781-1637 Divine Mercy Cenacle English - Kerry Johnston, 287-8939 Ed Kowalsky, 452-3837 Spanish-listed under Spanish Ministries Young Adult Community Eric Mejia, 497-4145 Divorced and Separated David - 473-1841 Mary, 473-9608 Dan, 497-1704 ENDOW Christina Orsborn, 422-2530 Emily Schuelke, 551-8836 Eucharistic Adoration Robert & Belinda Galvan, 849-1430 Forever Young Seniors Lina Ramirez, 481-3294 Habitat for Humanity Jack Wilder, 275-2587 Hospital Ministry Goldie LoTurco, 497-2363 Patricia Matteson, 408-6387 Knights of Columbus John Ly, 878-9172 4th Degree Knights, Tom Trbovich, 497-3482 Meals on Wheels - Christian Senior Service Mike Clary, 497-7929 Mothering with Grace Emily Schuelke and Bridie Chaudoir [email protected] Nursing Home & Homebound Ministry David Porter, 494-5410 or 452-2350 Carol Rickhoff, 497-4400 or 884-2400 Our Lady’s Rosary Ministry Ana Flores, [email protected] Spanish Ministries / Ministerios en Espanol Coordinador Luis F. Jimenez, 296-6815 Ministros de Eucarastia Martha Rodriguez, 912-7344 Lectores Alejandra Perales, 415-2284 Musica Rafael Moras, 431-2017 Holy Trinity Mission Statement The mission statement is: We at Holy Trinity Catholic Church seek to live out the message and mission of Jesus Christ as a community of worship, shared faith, and service, where we believe and belong and share the gifts and talents received from God through the Holy Spirit. Nosotros, en la Iglesia Católica Holy Trinity buscamos vivir el mensaje y la misión de Jesucristo como una comunidad de adoración, fe compartida y servicio, donde creemos y pertenecemos y compartimos los dones y talentos recibidos de Dios a través del Espíritu Santo. Please provide any feedback you may have to the PPC chair, Will Person at [email protected] Are you looking to become involved in the Parish? Serve Our Lord Serve Your Parish Are you looking for a way to become involved? Do you feel a calling? Do you have a special talent you would like to share with the Parish? Have you been involved in a ministry at a previous parish? We are seeking interested individuals who would like to share their time and talent with the various ministries and groups we have here at Holy Trinity. Please contact anyone of our Ministry or group leaders for more information. Los Niños de Valor Alejandro Cantu Huerta, 347 6600 Ujieres Gerardo Barona, 262-2227 Cenaculo Divina Misericordia Ivonne G. Martínez , 606-0649 (AM) Marichuy Garcíamoreno , 803-2608 (AM) Ernesto Brux, 843-730-3134 (PM) Adrian Guerrero, 702-8655 (PM) Estudio de Biblia En Espanol Estelita Stevens, 286-1481 Comunidad de Matrimonios Roberto & Elizabeth Chinea, 274-5290 Apostolado de La Cruz Estela Andonie, 838-8768 Regnum Christi Men Hector Islas, 909-8083 Regnum Christi Women Cata Villarreal, 501-2873 Grupo de Jovenes Martha Rodriguez, 912-7344 Professional Counseling Services Available here at Holy Trinity For individuals, couples and families Please contact: Antonio Ramirez, PhD or Berenice Diaz at 210-497-4200 ext. 313 Servicios Profesionales de Terapia Disponible aquí en Holy Trinity Para personas, parejas y familias Por favor póngase en contacto con: Antonio Ramirez, PhD o Berenice Diaz 210-497-4200 ext. 313 THE DIVINE MERCY Weekly Message The Mother of God has taught me how to prepare for the Feast of Christmas. I saw Her today, without the Infant Jesus. She said to me: My daughter, strive after silence and humility, so that Jesus, who dwells in your heart continuously, may be able to rest. Adore Him in your heart; do not go out from your inmost being. My daughter, I shall obtain for you the grace of an interior life which will be such that, without ever leaving that interior life, you will be able to carry out all your external duties with even greater care. Dwell with Him continuously in your heart. He will be your strength. Communicate with creatures only in so far as is necessary and is required by your duties. You are a dwelling place pleasing to the living God; in you He dwells continuously with love and delight. And the living presence of God, which you experience in a more vivid and distinct way, will confirm you, my daughter, in the things I have told you. Try to act in this way until Christmas Day, and then He Himself will make known to you in what way you will be communing and uniting yourself with Him. Mensaje semanal De La DIVINA MISERICORDIA La Santísima Virgen me ha ensenado como debo prepararme para la fiesta de la Natividad del Señor. La he visto hoy sin el Niño Jesús; me ha dicho: Hija mía, procura ser mansa y humilde para que Jesús que vive continuamente en tu corazón pueda descansar. Adóralo en tu corazón, no salgas de tu interior. Te obtendré, hija mía, la gracia de este tipo de la vida interior, que, sin abandonar tu interior, cumplas por fuera todos tus deberes con mayor aplicación. Permanece continuamente con Él en tu corazón. Él será tu fuerza. Mantén el contacto con las criaturas si la necesidad y los deberes lo exigen. Eres una morada agradable a Dios viviente, en la que Él permanece continuamente con amor y complacencia, y la presencia viva de Dios que sientes de modo mas vivo y evidente, te confirmará, hija mía, en lo que he dicho. Trata de comportarte así hasta el día de la Navidad, y después Él Mismo te dará a conocer cómo deberás tratar con Él y unirte a Él. Source: The Diary of St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, paragraph 785 For further information call Frank Salinas (210-415-9061) or Ed Kowalsky (210-452-3837) Divine Mercy Cenacles available in English on Monday - 9:15AM and Tuesday - 7:00PM and en Español - Wednesday - 7:00PM and Friday - 9:30AM Love One Another as I Have Loved You . . . In John 15:12, Jesus says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” Loving and caring for one another is not just the priest's job—it’s something Jesus calls us all to do! Stephen Ministry is a ministry in which people with special gifts for caring ministry can put those gifts to use in an organized way, bringing Jesus’ love and care to those who most need it. If you know someone who is going through a difficult time, contact one of our Stephen Leaders: Jerry Krimbill, 392-0602 or Pam Hughes, 394-5723 or email Pam at [email protected] about Stephen Ministry. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide focused, confidential, one-to-one Christian care—to help that person experience the healing power of Christ’s love. Holy Trinity Our Lady's Rosary Ministry Holy Trinity has a Rosary devoted to Our Lady, and all are welcome to join: We speak and pray a universal language of love for Our Blessed Mother! Training is provided and rosary making supplies are provided for you to take home and make rosaries on your own time at your own pace. Workshops are held the First Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM - 8:30PM Family Room in the Banquet Hall 3rd Tuesday of each month at 11:00AM - 1:00PM Angel Room inside the Church Come and join us, we pray and make a very powerful and beautiful tool...A Rosary If you would like more information please call Ana Flores 210-307-6083 or [email protected] NURSING HOME & HOME BOUND MINISTRY Eucharistic Ministers needed to assist a few hours per week in this vital ministry, taking Holy Communion to those who cannot come to Mass. Training and written instructions will be provided by someone currently in this Ministry. If you are a homebound Parishioner, or have moved to a Nursing Home, and would like Holy Communion bought to you on Tuesday mornings, we can add you to the schedule. Please contact: David Porter (H) 210-494-5410 (C) 210-452-2350 or [email protected] Carol Rickhoff (H) 210-497-4400 (C) 210-884-2400 or [email protected] ALZHEIMER MINISTRY The Alzheimer Ministry at The Haven, 511 Knights Cross, San Antonio, We meet at The Havens at 10:00 every Thursday to socialize and do activities with the residence of the Alzheimer Care facility there. Carol will usually bring one of her service dogs for the residents to enjoy. Besides visiting with the residents, volunteers join in on the singing, exercise and other activities. The current Ministry Volunteers are seeking more volunteers. Please consider joining this Ministry by contacting: Pat Waisley 497-7254; [email protected] or Carol Short 497-4639; [email protected] Holy Trinity Prayer Shawl Ministry We will meet January 5th at 1:00 in the Family Room of the Banquet Hall. We welcome anyone who would like to renew their knitting or crocheting skills with our support and encouragement. Those who have thought they might like to learn are also welcome. This is a wonderful way to show God’s love and healing powers and meet some other wonderful people in this ministry. If you would like more information please call Carol Short at 210-497-4639. Cancer Support Group Next meeting is Thursday evening, January 28, 2016, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Faith Formation Building, 2nd floor conference room. All married and engaged couples are invited We meet the first Friday of the month (except holiday's) at 7pm- 9 pm Holy Trinity Catholic Church Room: Gathering Area in Faith Formation Building Refreshments will be served. Childcare available contact Barbara at [email protected] Covenant of Love “Date Nights” is a ministry provided to the couples of our parish to help enrich and support Catholic marriages. Attendees will discover God’s plan for marriage, as well as gain practical tools to build a stronger and more joy-filled marriage. Please come, we're here to listen. Your first time? You will not be alone. People who believe and belong The Kingdom of God is where you are. Having trouble saying the word cancer? We have all been there. Looking for support? This is it. What can go wrong? Nothing. Prayers? Endless - just for you. Patient? Caregiver? Family or friend? Meet caring supporters - here to help. Witness courage, faith, understanding Experience what support really means And, be glad that you came No reservation needed - just come FREE PARKING The Holy Trinity Cancer Support Group is listed on the American Cancer Society's website (acs.com. See Connections page). The parish webmaster transfers our Impressions articles to the parish webpage for your review. See bulletins for the following month's meeting time. For questions, info, contact Jim or Jan Ermis, email [email protected], or phone, Home: 497-8613, 5 Marriage Tips To Start The Year of MERCY FORGIVE – No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. If you make forgiveness a habit – for everything from major mistakes to little annoyances you will keep resentment from growing. CALL – DO NOT TEXT BUT CALL your spouse two times randomly today and let them know how you care for them, love them and appreciate them. It is easy to get busy with life and forget to let our true love know how much we really love them. Love them as if today is your last day! GRATITUDE – Make a gratitude journal for your spouse by writing what he or she does that you are grateful for. During times of wanting to fight and argue, bite your tongue and read that journal before you criticize in a moment of frustration. ADORATION – Take a few minutes during the week to stop at a church and sit before the Tabernacle, simply be with Christ, the merciful. Thank God for your spouse and list the ways in which you are thankful. If you can, go to adoration together as a couple. PRAY – Praying together helps a couple stay together! Pray a Rosary every night before bed with your spouse. Allow God back into your marriage! SAVE THE DATE Minister of Holy Communion Training, There will be a class to prepare persons who desire to become ministers of Holy Communion on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 from 6:00 to 9:00PM In the Church and a test that will cover information from the EM handout on Thursday, January 21, 2016. The class will cover what is required to minister to our congregation, There is one form you must complete PRIOR to the class and placed into Deacon Chris Laskowski’s box located in the parish office. The form may be obtained from the parish office or the parish website. Commissioning as a minister of Holy Communion will be during a Lifeteen Sunday Mass at a date to be determined, most likely on January 24, 2016. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY SIGN-UPS COMING SOON Your opportunity to help with the parish Habitat for Humanity project is fast approaching. Construction will start on Friday Feb 5th and will continue for seven weeks. Hands on construction volunteers will be needed for every Friday and Saturday starting on Friday Feb 5th and ending on Saturday Mar 19th. We will also be soliciting donations of snacks and water/Gatorade to keep the workers refreshed. New this year will be the use of on-line sign-ups that will open on January 1st to be followed by in person sign-ups following Masses on the weekend of Jan 9/10 and Jan 16/17 if necessary. Anyone 14 years of age and older may help with construction – no experience required. This is a great family project to help your teen complete any community service hours they may require. If you have any questions or would like to be part of the organizing committee, please contact Jack Wilder at 210-275-2587. BENEDICTION SERVICES SUSPENDED DUE TO THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS THERE WILL BE NO BENDECION SERVICES FOR THE MONTHS OF NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER Calendar of Events BAPTISM CLASS AT HOLY TRINITY Parents and Parents-to-be: If you are not registered, please do so prior to the class. The Baptism Class is offered to registered members of Holy Trinity. SAVE THE DATE: April 17, 2016 Holy Trinity Golf Tournament THERE WILL BE NO BAPTISM CLASS IN DECEMBER Please call the parish office at 497-4200 to sign up. Holy Trinity Altar Guild Needs More Handmaids of the Lord The Altar Guild needs more parishioners to ensure that the Holy Trinity masses and the Blessed Sacrament Chapel are “pleasing in His eyes”. Help is needed and the Altar Guild may be your ministry. The Altar Guild cleans and washes over 90 communion linens every week. We ensure the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, the main Altar, the offertory table, and the credence table is dressed with clean linens. Help washing the communion vessels and ensuring the Sanctuary candle is full during adoration times are other duties. We have also added the duties of decorating the Church and Altar for liturgical seasons and special Masses. “Do not be afraid” Our Altar Guild coordinator will instruct and answer any questions you may have. Contact Susan Kent at 210-748-0200 or email her at [email protected]. Divorced and Separated Group ADULT FAITH FORMATION The next session of the Catholics Divorce Survival Guide (CDSG) Video Program for Divorced & Separated will begin on Thursday, January 7, 2016. This is a peer group ministry program presented by ministers who have personally experienced Divorce and Separation. Spring Bible Study Meeting location: St. Teresa conference Room on the second floor of the Faith Formation Center building. Meeting time: 6:30 - 8:45 p.m. each Thursday for twelve weeks Child Care: Sorry no child care will be available Additional information regarding the CDSG Program can be found at the web site www.CatholicsDivorce.com. For registration, questions or more information, please contact David - 473-1841 - [email protected] Mary - 473-9608 - [email protected] Dan -497-1704 - [email protected]. "The Bible is not meant to be placed on a shelf, but to be in your hands, to read often - every day, both on your own and together with others.” Pope Francis Bible Study begins in mid-January. Join us as we study Galatians for 8 weeks. · Mondays 6:30 to 8:30 pm · Wednesdays 9:15 to 11:15 am Visit www.holytrinitysat.org for more information. Reflection ~ Follow the Peace The more you open yourself up to God, the more He, through the Holy Spirit, will guide your heart. The Holy Spirit is your advocate, your guide, in daily living. The more you work to center your life on Christ and doing God's will, the more sensitized to a feeling of peace you will become. Let that feeling of peace, or the lack of it, be your guide. As a general rule, when you are doing God's will you will find peace. If you are not, peace will be fleeting or non- existent. While it is true that God leads you through difficult times to form you and strengthen your faith, through prayer and reflection you will come to know if the struggle is leading you closer or further away from God. Follow the peace. " Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."- (John 14:27). Copyright 2014, (c) Vince Frese For more resources visit DivorcedCatholic.org and vincefrese.com. Endow study starting in January! Join us for the next Endow study Wednesday evenings 6:45pm – 8:45pm Holy Trinity Banquet Hall, Meeting Rm. A For more information contact Christina Orsborn [email protected] / The Young Adult Community Who are we? Y.A.C. is a ministry made up of Catholic Young Adults in their 20s and 30s from Holy Trinity, St. Mark, & St. Padre Pio. The Young Adult Community seeks to deepen our relationship with Christ and His Church by providing opportunities for fellowship, spiritual development, and service. Ministry Contact Information Coordinator: Eric Mejia Phone: 210-497-4145 ext. 334 Email: [email protected] Website: www.holytrinitysat.org/yac or Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/yacsa Join Holy Trinity's moms group Mothering with Grace We meet first and third Fridays of the month. (except holidays) 9:30AM-11:30AM, We are a group of moms working towards a closer relationship with God. Moms who strive to ignite a passion for God in our children and families. Moms who know we can't do it alone, support each other and need each other. Moms who band together for spiritual growth, social activities, and service projects in an effort to make a difference in this world, one tiny face at a time. Please contact Emily Schuelke or Bridie Chaudoir at [email protected] if you are interested or would like more information. COMUNIDAD HISPANA El Apostolado de la Cruz nos ofrece un camino de vida que nos lleva a una transformación constante como personas y católicos en el mundo de hoy. Vivir en el espíritu de esta obra, santificándola cada día, enaltecerá el reinado del Espíritu Santo a través del hombre para que florezca la santidad y el amor en el mundo. El Apostolado de la Cruz invita a todos los Señores, a una sesión informativa para conocer más de este ministerio, que se llevara a cabo: El Jueves 14 de Enero del 2016 a las 19:00 hrs. en el salón del Banquet Hall de la Parroquia. Para mayor información favor de comunicarse a los siguientes teléfonos: ▪Dr. Antonio Ramírez (210) 416-8004 ▪Estela Andonie (210) 838-8768 ▪Alejandra Padilla (210) 360-9823 ▪Laura García (210)842-1809 [email protected] Retiro de ACTS para Hombres 4 – 7 de Febrero, 2016 “…No Temas. Desde ahora seras pescador de hombres.” Lucas 5:10 Te invitamos a vivir un encuentro con Jesus en el proximo retiro de ACTS para hombres del 4 – 7 de Febrero, 2016, en el Centro de Retiros de Cordi Marian. Inscripciones: lunes, 11 de enero, 2016 de 6:00 a 8:00 PM Frente las puertas del salon de banquetes de la iglesia. El taller de oración y vida nos enseña a orar por medio de múltiples y variadas formas empezando desde las más simples hasta llegar a la contemplación. "APRENDER A ORAR PARA APRENDER A VIVIR" El taller es una verdadera escuela de vida y por medio de la palabra de Dios y su meditación nos vamos librando de miedos angustias tristezas y como resultado aumentamos nuestra fe. 11 de enero de 2016 de 18:45 a 20:45 Holy Trinity Banquet Hall Entrada libre Costo del retiro: $175 Se require un deposito inicial no reembolsable de $25. Informes: Oscar Centeno ~ 210 389 8587 Mayores informes: Julio Cervantes – (210)383-3614 Ernesto Brux – (843)730-3134 Para Taller en la manana - Lunes Marichuy Garcia Moreno 210-803-2608 Gracias a estas bellas damas de nuestro estudio de la Biblia en español por su ayuda en el festejo anual de Senior Luncheon Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de Maria, Misa de acción de gracias por el curso de biblia “La Virgen Maria y la Biblia” y consagración al Inmaculado Corazón de Maria Con agradecimiento especial a nuestro Padre Oscar por su apoyo en este evento 8 de diciembre de 2015 HIGH SCHOOL & MIDDLE SCHOOL Every Monday 7- 8:30pm in the Banquet Hall!! All Middle School Students are welcome!!! Lifeteen For High School Students (Incoming 9th to outgoing 12th) Sunday nights after the 5:30pm Lifeteen mass. Please join us in the Faith Formation Bldg., upstairs for dinner and a Lifenight. This is a gather, proclaim, break and send format. We gather as a group spend time Together and learn about the Catholic Faith. We will meet over the summer, Except Labor Day Weekend. 1 year of Lifeteen (with excellent attendance) is needed before entering Confirmation For information on any of our Middle school events Or If you are interested in helping with Middle School Youth Ministry please contact 210-497-4145 Caitlyn at [email protected] Renee at [email protected] HELP NEEDED VOLUNTEER! CALLED TO SERVE THE YOUTH OF OUR CHURCH It takes a special heart to serve middle school in Faith Formation throughout the school year. For more information and to see pictures of our events Check out our Youth Website: http://www.holytrinitysatyouth.org Now registering for Lifeteen Summer Camp Join us for a faith filled week paired with fun in the beautiful mountains of Georgia. This week is life changing and an awesome way to grow closer to Christ. Camp is $525 plus airfare. Deposit of $125 due to reserve spot. Limited spots available, so don’t delay in registering. High School: June 20-25 or July 18-23 (Incoming 9th to outgoing 12th) Middle School: July 3-8 (Incoming 6th to outgoing 9th) Please come by the Faith Formation Building to sign-up or emailRenee at [email protected] COMUNIDAD HISPANA ~ Estudiantes de Secundaria para Confirmación De Holy Trinity Les damos la bienvenida a todos los Estudiantes de Secundaria para prepararse a recibir el Sacramento de Confirmación. Consiste este año con la buena participación en el grupo de Lifeteen los Domingos de 6:30 – 8:30pm (incluyendo la cena y compañerismo) entre los meses de Agosto y Mayo. Necesitamos que todos los jóvenes que participan estén registrados. Lo puede hacer en nuestra página de internet www.holytrinitysatyouth.org y completar el proceso. Por favor pasen a la oficina de la Preparación de la Fe a firmar sus papeles y a pagar la tarifa. El segundo año de Confirmación está abierto para aquellos que hayan completado los requerimientos del primer año. Para preguntas o ayuda por favor contacten a Renee Kunz (210) 467-4145 [email protected] COMUNIDAD HISPANA Atención Padres de familia. Si su hijo o hija participa en el Grupo de Jóvenes en español los jueves por la noche, por favor venga a la oficina de la Formación de la fe de la parroquia, a la brevedad posible. Necesitan completar y entregar la hoja de registro necesaria para que el/ella participe en este programa. La hoja de registro también puede ser bajada de la página web del Ministerio de Jóvenes de la parroquia http://www.holytrinitysatyouth.org/ Gracias por apoyar a sus hijos en su camino de fe. Upcoming Events... December Dates-At-A-Glance Dec. 24 Dec. 21, 22, 23 Dec. 28, 29, 30 Children’s Christmas Eve Mass No Class: Christmas Break No Class: Christmas Break Dec. 24th - Children’s Christmas Mass The Children’s Christmas Eve Mass & Pageant will be celebrated on December 24th at 4:00pm. Jan. 4, 5, & 6 – Spring Classes Begin Elementary classes will resume on Monday, January 4th, Tuesday January 5th, & Wednesday, January 6th. Remember that a parent/guardian must sign their child in and out of their class. Please do not drop off your child without signing him or her in. Jan. 25, 26, & 27 – First Communion Workshop The First Communion Parent/Child Sacrament Workshop will be held on January 25th, 26th & 27th during regular class times in the upstairs Gathering Area. This workshop is for those preparing for their First Communion this Spring. Level 1 Online Courses Now Available Dec. 21-23 & 28-30 – No Class Merry Christmas! There will be no classes beginning Monday, December 21st thru Wednesday, December 30th to honor & celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. All boys and nd girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the 2016 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. The local competition will be held on Friday, January 9th 2016 from 10am to 1pm at the Rolling Hills Catholic School / Antonian Middle School at Rolling Hills Address: 21240 Gathering Oak,, San Antonio, TX 78260. The Archdiocese of San Antonio is now offering Level 1 Catechist Formation courses online. If you are interested in registering for these classes please contact Kristin or Eric in the Faith Formation Office: (210) 497-4145. There is no cost to compete and there is a winner in every age group. Please see a Knight of Columbus member after all masses on the 27th of December 2015 a and the 3rd of January 2016 for early registration and additional ear information. Pl Please Contact Vincent Lewis K of o C Youth Activities Director 210-995-5127 COMMUNITY NEWS & EVENTS The Khaki & Plaid Gala, which raises funds to help more children receive the gift of a Catholic school education, will be held Saturday, January 23, 2016 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. Additionally, the Homecoming Court Nominees are working hard to win the crown and build up HOPE tuition assistance funding. SONTERRA ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY DR. BRYAN ROACH D.D.S. “Wisdom Teeth, Implants and Cosmetic Facial Procedures” 210-494-2005 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 801 • San Antonio New Patients Welcome! Parishioner REAL ESTATE is my PASSION, SERVICE is my OBSESSION. VICTOR YONG, Realtor®, GRI (210) 273-5075 [email protected] How may I help you...? To Buy or Sell YOUR HOUSE? 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PATRICIA GOMEZ DINGER - Parishioner Board Certified Adult and Pediatric Allergy & Immunology For Fine Dry Cleaning & Laundry Pick-Up & Delivery Service Parishioner 5959 Northwest Parkway San Antonio, TX 78249 ROD ODRIGO MARENCO The 3 Pillars of Lifelong Health !"#$%&&'(')*#+",-$'('.%$#/0'1%/0#2'3-*$&%0"$4 3'22 !"#$%&'$("(" We offer: • Fun Office Atmosphere • Paid Training and Development Programs • Excellent Benefits • Flexible, Full time and Part time schedules Find out more @ www.atentojobs.com DONALD W. BUCKNER, D.D.S., P.A. ERIC D. KUHL, D.D.S., P.A. FAMILY DENTISTRY Office Hours By Appointment 15321 San Pedro, #104 496-1711 567'-8'$%9':0"%$#&'/$;'5'<+%%'&%&&"-$&'<-+'+%<%++/0&= HJ Horticulture COMMERCIAL, HOA’S & RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATIONS 210-499-ITCH (4824) Planting a Seed for a Greener Tomorrow www.mysaallergist.com Lane Bishop, Parishioner LANDSCAPING & IRRIGATION 2 Locations: 540 Madison Oak Dr. Ste 210 210-264-4130 [email protected] 5000 Schertz Pkwy Bld. 400 Ste 400 MCCI Medical Group Legacy Place Senior Focused Primary Care On Site Lab EKG’s Minor Procedures Bi-Lingual Staff Free Activity Center Seniors 55+ Yoga, Zumba Lunch & Learns Educational Series Birthday Parties New Medicare Patients Welcome! Legacy Place 18414 U.S. Hwy. 281 N, Ste. 104 San Antonio, TX 78259 (210) 495-0222 For ad info. call Michael Casas at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com Holy Trinity, San Antonio, TX. 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Ruelas LPC, Parishioner Saturday Hours Available • Parishioner GETTING IRS NOTICES? Need help with income tax problems? Call for a Free Tax Resolution Consult Childcare Your Way • Mon-Fri 6:30am-9:30pm • Saturday 8am-6pm • Drop In 2:30-9:30pm 210-670-9700 “Inspiring Minds for a World of Possibilities” Una Escuela Bilinue Para un Nino Moderno Infants - 11 years Full-Time, Part-Time, MDO Licensed Tax Practitioners Stone Oak: 210-481-9172 Hollywood Park: 210-701-8461 In Business Since 1990 TCT Tax Service | [email protected] 9107 Marbach Road Suite 104, San Antonio, TX 78245 Serrano OB/Gyn CENTER FOR MINIMALLY INVASIVE CARDIAC SURGERY CARMELO OTERO, M.D. Cardiac - Peripheral Vascular and Thoracic Surgery 210-615-6626 225 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 201 Parishioner GOURMET HOME STYLE COOKING FOR ANY OCCASION TINA ZIMMERMAN Chef & Parishioner 210-789-0298 Christopher Serrano, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. "#$%&!'(%)*+(& ! 210-545-7700 Monitor Your System Today! Installations and Service of • Burglar System • CCTV Systems • Access Control Systems • Voice, Data, and Internet $16.95 Q Security Systems Per Month 1-877-835-7115 !"#$%&&'#()*+,)"-'&. Roger Pastrano, Parishioner • Machine Rentals • Non-Alcoholic Slushes • Assorted Flavors (210) 269-8893 (210) 497-3962 Sally Romo-Parishioner REALTOR® Se Habla Español www.serrano-obgyn.com 20726 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 101 !!!"#$%&'()$*'+,-,,.,"+/0 /0123+4!356+73383 830-714-5028 1%'2$),34.()%5+6/.(3738,99'.:(373;,+,&6/.( ;,+')$*(373<&,+'$*3=2,.)(3>3?.@3A)#,%3B5('+$*3C,,9( Sisters Care at the Village Non-Medical In-Home services Ministry Looking for: Strong, Dependable, Individuals to be a part of a Premier team. Caregivers, Male Caregivers, PRN Caregivers, Housekeepers. Assisting Older Adults with: Light Housekeeping • Transportation • Bathing • Meal Preparations Contact us or Visit for Immediate Application and Consideration David R. Seguin, Must: Clear background check / 1 yr. Exp. In field / Reliable transportation / Proof of auto insurance D.D.S., M.A.G.D. 4707 Broadway • San Antonio, TX 78209 • Ph: 210-733-9800 Lic.# 011872 Cosmetic & General Dentistry Master, Academy of General Dentistry www.sallyromo.com (210) 861-6838 [email protected] Your Stone Oak Specialist For ad info. call Michael Casas at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com Daisy Ramirez-Estrada, MD Board Certified Family Medicine (210) 497-2338 • Med1st.com Accepting New Patients * Parishioner Se Habla Español 26112 Overlook Pkwy, Suite 1100 • San Antonio, TX 78260 Holy Trinity, San Antonio, TX. 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ZLOTUCHA Roger Schmidt Attorney at Law (210) 788-1532 [email protected] (210) 227-9877 Protecting Catholic families since 1882 222 Main Plaza East • San Antonio, TX 78205 Trial, Probate, Family Law, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Bus Lit., Med. Mal., Contract, Oil & Gas - General Practice Life Insurance • Long-Term Care Annuities • Disability Admitted To Texas State Bar 1978 Free Initial Consultation G Dry In One Hour! GILLETTE Air Conditioning & Heating Family Owned & Serving South Texas for Over 50 Years Commercial • Residential • Industrial • Boilers We Service All Central Systems TACLA #762C 735-9235 !"#$%&' Forget to Change Your Filters” Parishioner owned & operated Environmentally Safe • Free Estimates Mention this ad and save 10%! (210) 659-8986 www.heavensbest.com SUNSET NORTH FUNERAL HOME Mark Garza, Manager 495-7770 910 NORTH LOOP 1604 EAST Between Stone Oak Parkway and Highway 281 Jimmy Tirres, CLU, LUTCF, FIC LIFE INSURANCE • ANNUITIES [email protected] Office: 210-829-0029 • Mobile: 210-313-7679 For ad info. call Michael Casas at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com Holy Trinity, San Antonio, TX. B 4C 05-0443 MONIQUE BORDELON PROUSE “AV” RATED, HIGHEST POSSIBLE PEER RATING WILLS, BUSINESS DISPUTES, PERSONAL INJURY FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION www.TeamBordelon.com [email protected] (210) 483-5000 1846 N. Loop 1604 W. Suite 205 San Antonio, TX 78248 www.sacatholicprofessionals.com Honesty, Professionalism and Experience!! Your Goals Are My Job Description, Please call me for a Free Consultation! Happy to be here, Proud to Serve. We offer Biblically Responsible Portfolios 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315 • San Antonio, TX 78258 Rosario Crutchfield: 210-535-1151 Eric Zeitler AIF®, CRPS®, CMFC® CONTRIBUTING PARISHIONER Se Habla Español www.RosarioC.com • [email protected] Private Privat Wealth Manager - Parishioner • Complete Co Retirement & Financial Planning Personalized Risk Based Investment Management • Pe and Retirement Plan Professional • 401K 40 13;"(2$V"M*"$QQE$\Q !"#$%&'($)*(%&+$#,&-&.#/0,,"1#20#,&34$5("6 Parishioner 14 years F""28$]:$&$Q&)$^$Q":2&/$]M./&:2+L$PS2(&BN3:+ Securities offered through Sigma Financial, member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Sigma Planning Corporation. Client Centric Wealth Management is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation and SPC. Find out more at: !"2#3(*$;&+"0$3:$K&-28L$R&/5"+L$&:0$B8&(-2) STONE OAK OFFICE (210) 627-9000 VISIT: www.ronsalazarlaw.com Preferred, REALTORS Let’s Visit 210-807-7599 San Antonio Catholic Business Professionals Ron Salazar - Parishioner Parishioner*Realtor ,,,CE<!XPQ1_=<9]<VC9_\$D 210-491-0015 www.ccwmgmt.com E&:$X"0(3$=&B-&/$E5(7"()$D$Y?`AA$E&:$X"0(3$aYA>L$HI>Z> LUBE (210) 251-4838 Blanco Bl Checklist Oil Change !"#$%&'"() !"#$%(&*"+$$ ,-."($%/&0"+ 1"+23("$435($6"&0/-782+ 98&:7"$28"$9&;-:$<-($=-/2"( Your trusted Skilled Nursing & Rehab choice for over 20 years 16400 Blanco Rd Find Coupons on our Website www.twlube.com >?@>A$%/&:B3$10C$D$EC<C$FG$HI>JA 210-408-1212 www.regentcare.biz/movie (5 miles north of 1604) Dee Garcia 210-861-3124 [email protected] | Active Parishioner since 1997 Let’s work together to Buy, Sell or Invest for your “Dream Home In Texas” 1102 E. Sonterra Blvd. • San Antonio, TX 78258 (XUDVLDQ Kelly Zeitler SGS, CHRS Parishioner Heat Check for $54.95 19230 Stone Oak Parkway Suite 315 San Antonio, TX 78258 Winter Safety Reminder: Carbon Monoxide is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Let us check your home today to make sure you are safe. We are now providing free estimates for attic installation. BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! 210-888- 4 559 Group and Individual Health, Dental, Life and Supplemental Insurance (210) 495-3555 11725 Warfield, San Antonio, TX Max Gardiner Owner Parishioner 25 years www.AirCare-SA.com Guy Kukla Members of the San Antonio Catholic Professionals Lic# TACLB017367E & TACLB64480E Parishioner 17 years Music Minister President Health Care Reform Certified [email protected] Auto Repair and Collision E&K"2)$=-(+2L$ 95+23M"($E&N+K&BN3:$</#&)+O P5(3."&:L$<+-&:$&:0 Q3M"+NB$<523M3NR"$PS."(2+ 9&//$T+O 210-490-6552 Serving San Antonio & Surrounding Area Since 1989 U38:$V)W$X&(-+8-3:"( www.EurasianAutoRepair.com YY>Z?$[3(03:$10C$E2"C$YAYL$E&:$<:23:-3L$FG$HI>YJ MISSION The dentist you choose does make a difference. Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Call us, or go online to find out more about the services we provide! Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Institutional Mech Lic #M-17583: TACL#A19546C CLARENCE R. FELLER JR., DDS, MAGD 15440 Tradesman • 210-493-7057 Serving San Antonio Since 1956 Parishioner since 1989 • most insurance accepted & filed • early morning & lunch hours • financing with carecredit® 17201 SAN PEDRO, SUITE 130, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78232 | 496-1919 • WWW.FELLERSMILES.COM For ad info. call Michael Casas at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com Holy Trinity, San Antonio, TX. A 4C 05-0443
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