Parish News & Announcements: Parish of Newtownards & Comber Fr. Martin O’Hagan P.P. 028 91812137 Parish Website: Email: [email protected] CANDLES In the interests of their own safety, children are not permitted to light candles at the shrine. Parents please note: All children must be accompanied by an adult. February Intention: The sick of the Parish SVP Helpline for Newtownards and Comber: 07738837984 Polish Priest Fr. Krzysztof Olejnik: 07936279948. Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 1.30pm CHURCH GROUNDS PARKING For Health & Safety reasons and to allow access in the event of an emergency, only those individuals with restricted mobility will be permitted to use the Church Grounds for Car Parking. Grateful for your co-operation. THEFTS FROM CARS MASS TIMES Sunday: 6.30 pm (Sat) Vigil, 11.30 am in St. Patrick’s 10.00 am in Our Lady of the Visitation Weekday: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at 9.30 am in St. Patrick’s Tuesday at 7.30 pm in Our Lady’s Confessions: Saturdays from 5.30 pm to 6.15 pm only Rosary: Every Tuesday in Our Lady’s, Comber at 7.15 pm & after Daily Mass in St. Patrick’s Children’s Liturgy: Every Sunday at 11.30 am Mass. Term Time Only Eucharistic Adoration: Takes place in St. Patrick’s Church once a month Weekday Masses St. Martha’s Guild Weekday Masses as usual except for Tuesday Mass on Tuesday morning at 9.30am in Comber St. Patrick’s Section ‘B’ Our Lady’s Team McCanny/Brown BAPTISMS 1ST SUNDAY OF MONTH Anyone wanting to arrange a baptism must contact the Parish Office during office hours. PARISH WEB CAMERAS ST PAUL’S GAC St. Paul’s GAC wish to thank all those, who purchased tickets in the 2015 Down GAA Clubs Draw; the exceptional support for the draw is much appreciated. The January draw takes place on 7th February, followed by a monthly draw on 25th each month. I wish to advise that Masses will be broadcast over the internet. We will be broadcasting 24/7. The Operator of the system is Fr. Martin O’Hagan, 71 Upper North Street, Newtownards BT23 4JD. Telephone number: 02891812137. Any queries should be addressed to the operator. LECTORS AT MASS ON 1st February2015 Vigil (6.30 pm) Karen Leonard 10.00 am Brendan Murray & Brendan McGuigan 11.30 am Caitlin Johnston DEATHS Matthew 26:38 “Stay here and keep watch with me”. Please remain with Christ and as a community of faith until the final blessing. MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION 8th February 2015 Vigil (6.30 pm) Dorina Edgar 10.00 am Des McAuley & Margaret McAuley 11.30 am Michael McDonald When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again. Please do not leave valuables visible in your car. This is an open invitation to thieves!! WEBCAM Anyone experiencing difficulties with the Parish Webcam should contact MCN Media directly by emailing [email protected] and he will help with any difficulties you are having. Recently Deceased: Margaret Stewart, Jim Kerr, Kevin O’Leary. Month’s Mind: Dan Murray Anniversaries: Eleanor Halton, Mark Sweeney, Noreen Gunn, Owen Miskelly, Daniel Crilly, Francis Crilly, Daniel McCloskey, Anne Marie McCready, Charlie McMullan, James Tracey, Peggy McNamara, James Carville, David McMullan, Mary Woods, Francis Woods. I would ask that children do not play with electronic games or mobile phones when in this sacred space out of respect to God and I would also ask that food, especially chewing gum, is not consumed by children, including in the crying chapel. A QUICK JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE A Quick Journey through the Bible starts on Wednesday 4th February and will run for 8 weeks. It will be held this coming week in the Parish Hall, Comber, Our Lady of the Visitation, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Come to the first evening to try it out. SAVE THE DATE St. Finian’s PTA & St. Patrick’s Fund Raising Committee Joint Ceili 2015 will be held on Friday 13th March. Tickets will be available from the 8th February after Mass or from the Parish Office: 91812137, or the School Office: 91815229. FRIENDS IN FAITH GROUP - CLONARD Are you in your 30’s, 40’s +plus, interested in making new friends, living and sharing your faith together, participating in various Spiritual/Social events? Why not come and see for yourself? You would be very welcome at Clonard. Simply register now by emailing your name and contact details to [email protected] or text your name to 07842960198 and we will be in touch. 9 DAY PILGRIMAGE 9 Day Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela & Fatima. 3 nights H/B, Hotel Gran Los Abetos, Santiago de Compostela. 6 nights F/B, Hotel Avenida, Fatima. From the 30th July to 8th August. Spiritual Director Fr. Fleck PP. Reduced price of £709 inclusive of tax, insurance and transfers. For further details contact Joe Catney 90714001. POKER NIGHT Poker Night in the Imperial Bar, Bangor on Friday 6th February commencing at 9pm. Admission £10; all welcome. Finance Corner WEEKLY OFFERING: £1374 Family Fast: £31 PARISH 2000 CLUB DRAW - 14 £100 - Michael Carville 212 £50 - Fr. Michael Spence 315 Collector’s Prize: Darren McMullan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mobile Alert All mobile phones must be switched off while in the Church. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARISH MISSION PRAYER God our Father May our Parish Mission bring rich blessings on everyone in our Parish community. May it be a time of grace and renewal for all. We ask that Jesus your son, may be with all families the young, the sick, the unemployed and all who find life challenging in these times. We thank You for all Your blessings and the joys You gift to us. Pour out Your spirit into our lives so that we may come closer to You and to one another. Dear Mother Mary pray for our Parish and for every home. Amen. Our Lady of the Visitation Pray for us. Saint Patrick & Saint Finian Pray for us. © Redemptorist Communications, 75 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6
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