March 8, 2015 - Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church

Most Holy Redeemer
Catholic Church
Parish Office
10110 N. Central Ave.
Tampa, FL 33612
Office Hours
Tuesday – Friday: 9:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 813-933-2859
Email: [email protected]
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.
& 12:30 p.m. (Español)
Weekdays in Our Lady of the Angels
(The chapel is closed until further
notice, all daily Masses will be held in
the main church)
Monday &Friday: 6:45 a.m.
Tues. Wed. & Thursday. At 6:45 a.m. &
8:30 a.m.
Saturday: 8:30 a.m.
Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Or by appointment
What’s inside this week:
Parish Financial Statement
Fr. Allan’s Message
Movie Night
Parish Lenten Calendar
Seder Meal
Parish Mission
2014 Stewardship Report
My Dear Parishioners:
I would like to share our latest Stewardship Report, prepared by the Finance Council, providing comparison
information for the past two fiscal
years. This information will also be
available on our Parish website and
more detailed reporting may be obtained from the Office.
Do I seek to meet and know my fellow parishioners? (Do we greet our fellow parishioners and
Do I enthusiastically invite others to participate in
our parish celebrations and events? (Let’s
Do I joyfully volunteer at and promote our Parish
Fundraisers and Events? (Great opportunity to
get to know one another!)
Have I signed up for Online Giving (see Bulletin)
which helps assure the parish of steady income
and greatly reduces weekly costs of processing
collections? (Did you know it takes approximately 4 people 3-4 hours weekly to count and
prepare the collections? Online giving collections happen automatically and do not require
all this time and processing plus we eliminate
envelope printing costs and save paper overall.)
Can I help the parish build up reserves by contributing $3-5 more per week? (Can I give a little
more to help compensate for those families or
individuals who are struggling and who cannot
afford $5 more per week?)
As you will see, there was quite an increase in our income due to a couple of very kind, generous Parishioners who lived frugally and remembered MHR in
their Wills (shown as “Estates & Trusts” on Report).
This enabled us to pay off our APA loan early in the
2015 Fiscal year as well as to make the tremendous
improvements to our Parish Center. These expenses
will be reflected in our next Annual Report as they are
primarily fiscal year 2015 expenses. In addition to
these generous bequests, we also were very blessed by
some Parishioners who gave most generously of their
time and talent during the Parish Center renovation.
All this kindness resulted in making the Parish Center
a much more lovely place for our Parish events, but
also makes it more attractive as a place to be rented
My dear brothers and sisters, I remain thankful for all
for special events such as Weddings.
of you and consider it a privilege and blessing to be
So, we are most blessed and thankful! Please know
your Pastor. Please know you are in my prayers althat I remain appreciative of all your support to our
parish home and trust in your continuing love and
Respectfully yours in Christ,
generosity. Just like any family, we all are unique and
have been blessed with many different God-given
gifts of time, talent and treasure to share. As I did last
year, I encourage us all to prayerfully reflect on how
we are giving back to God a portion of our many gifts
from Him of time, talent and treasure. Perhaps these
same questions can inspire in each of us concrete
ways to love and serve God and others even better in
Do I joyfully participate and serve in Parish ministries and liturgical celebrations? (Check the
Please see Most Holy Redeemer’s Financial
Bulletin for opportunities. If you don’t curStatement and Parish Profile and Sacramental
rently belong to a Ministry or Group, how
Information inside the bulletin.
about making it a goal to join at least one?)
Parish Finance & Stewardship Report
Time, Talent, and Treasure
Some 2014 Highlights
We continue to have many wonderful opportunities for spiritual and faith formation through a variety
of groups and ministries. All the parishioners who serve and participate in these groups provide
beautiful examples of time and talent stewardship and we are deeply grateful for them and their generosity!
Many groups had various events which helped build community (and often funds as well)! There
were retreats, breakfasts, dinners, dances, bake sales…and more. Of course, we cannot forget our
famous Fall Festival! Once again, that hard-working, dedicated team pulled off a successful event
which brought in approximately $34,000 (this was October 2013, the 2014 income will be shown in
our 2015 Fiscal Year report).
Parish Finance & Stewardship Report
Time, Talent, and Treasure
Some 2014 Highlights ConƟnued...
Parish Weekly Calendar
Mass Intentions
Saturday March 7
5:00 p.m ~ MHR Parishioners
3:30 p.m. - Confessions in Church
Sunday March 8
8:00 a.m. ~ Alex Macar +
10:00 a.m. ~ Bill Antonini +
12:30 p.m. ~ Nelson Costoso +
8:30 a.m. Choir Practice (BR)
9:00 a.m. - Mensa Latina (PS)
9:00 a.m. - Hospitality (DH)
11:30 a.m. - Confirmation Class (FR)
Monday March 9
6:45 a.m. ~ Rob Jahnigen +
8:30 a.m.~ Alex Macar +
7:00 p.m.- Parish Lenten Mission
Tuesday March 10
6:45 a.m. ~ Clarence Gideon +
8:30 a.m. ~ For Vocations to the Priesthood &
Religious Life
7:00 p.m.- Parish Lenten Mission
Wednesday March
6:45 a.m. ~ Nicki & Tony Stephens, 37th Wedding
8:30 a.m. ~ Doris Seiden +
7:00 p.m.- Parish Lenten Mission
Thursday March 12
6:45 a.m. ~ The Tony & Nicki Stephens Family
8:30 a.m. ~ Amy Tynan +
5:00 p.m.– The Light is on for You
Confession (CH)
7:00 p.m. - Legion of Mary (MS)
Friday March 13
Day of Abstinence
6:45 a.m. ~ Pete & Dolores Baldwin, Special
8:30 a.m ~ Mary K. Philip +
12:00 p.m. - Seniors’ Group (FR)
5:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration (MC)
6:00 p.m. - Stations of the Cross
7:00 p.m.– Estaciones de la Cruz
Saturday March 14
Fr. Brian’s Bible Study (PR)
8:30 a.m. ~ Gene & Martha Weber +
Juan 23 (MS & BR)
9:00 a.m. - Secular Franciscans (FR)
Servants of the Redeemer
10:00 a.m. - Deacon Leo Baptism Class (BR)
3:30 p.m. Confessions in Church
Parish Facility Room Codes. Please contact the church office to reserve a meeting space for your group.
CH: Main Church
BR: Benefactor Room
FP: Food Pantry
MS: Mary Serina Room
KT: Kitchen
St. Clare Room (CR)
CP: Chapel
NO: Nurses’ Office
DC: Duffy Hall
PH: Parish Hall
PR:: Weber Patio Room
PS: Padre Pio Shrine
SC: MHR School
FR: Franciscan Room
Parish Information
The Seder Meal, what is it? Christians and Jews share a story, an experience of God working in our
lives. Many Christians celebrate the Passover Meal (Seder), each year. It is a celebration dinner in
which we recall the Lord’s action in our life. Our celebration is based on a program prepared by the
Archdiocese of Chicago and the Jewish Anti-Defamation League.
All parishioners are invited. Please call the parish office (813-933-2859) to let us know your name
and the number of people attending so we can provide appropriate materials.
Each family should bring a covered dish to share and contribute $1 per person for incidental expenses.
Hope you can join in this celebration. Monday, March 23, 2015 in the parish hall beginning at 6:30 pm. Dinner will be
served at approximately 7 pm. Hope you can join us.
Consider joining Fr. Allan in this Pilgrimage to Milan, Venice, Florence and Rome on November
3-12, 2015. Call to reserve your spot; 813-532-9617
Parish Lenten Mission at Most Holy Redeemer.
March 9, 10, and 11th at 7:00 p.m.
The Passion, Death, and Resurrection
of Jesus Christ in the New Testament and our Lives
Please join us with Fr. Peter Ruggere, a Maryknoll missionary priest for 20
years in Peru and 6 years in the Middle East. He was associate professor of
Theology at the Catholic University of Peru.
Please bring your bible.
Dinner and Movie
Saturday March 21
Movie is FREE, Dinner will be sold from 5pm to 8pm
Movie will begin around 6:30pm
Concessions will also be available.
For more information check our Facebook page at
Join us for the Stations of the Cross each
Friday during Lent.
Stations of the Cross will be offered
each Friday. 6:00 p.m. in English and
7:00 p.m. in Spanish.
Únase a nosotros para las Estaciones de la Cruz
cada viernes durante la Cuaresma.
Las Estaciones de la Cruz se ofrecerán cada viernes. 6:00 p.m. en
Inglés y en Español 7:00 p.m.
Flores de Pascua 2015 de Most Holy Redeemer
Commemorate a loved one with an Easter plant that will be displayed on the Altar this Easter season.
There are two options available for purchase, each ordering you a unique way to contribute to the beautification of the
Conmemoren a un ser querido con una planta de Pascua que se mostrará en el Altar este tiempo de Pascua.
Hay dos opciones disponibles para la compra, cada una que ordenan es una manera única para contribuir al embellecimiento del Altar.
Plan 1: $25.00
Purchase an Easter flower decorated with a message card in honor (H) or in memory (M) of up to two people. A LED
candle that will stay lit for the entire Easter Season will also be included. These names will also appear in the bulletin.
Compra una flor de Pascua decorada con una tarjeta de mensaje en honor (H) o en la memoria (M) de un máximo de
dos personas. Una vela LED que permanecerá encendida durante todo el tiempo de Pascua también será incluida.
Estos nombres también aparecerán en el boletín.
Plan 2: $6.00
Purchase a flower without the message card and candle, and have up to two names printed in the bulletin for each
Compra una flor sin la tarjeta de mensaje y de la vela, y tienen hasta dos nombres impresos en el boletín para cada
Example (Ejemplo): Warren and Arlene Liley - M
2015 Easter Flower Order Form
Formulario de Pedido de Flor de Pascua
Your name (Su nombre):
Telephone Number (Número de Teléfono):
Mailing Address (Dirección):
Plan 1:
H or M $25.00
Number of Plants (Número de Plantas)
Plan 2:
H or M $25.00
H or M $25.00
H or M $25.00
H or M $25.00
H or M $25.00
Deadline (Fecha limite): Friday, March 27, 2015 – Make checks payable to (Cheques a nombre de): Most Holy Redeemer Church
Mail to (Envie por correo): MHR, 10110 N. Central Ave., Tampa, FL 33612 OR put the order form and money in
your EASTER FLOWER envelope and place in the collection basket, OR bring the order and money to the officeduring business hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
O ponga la hoja de pedido y dinero en su sobre Flor de Pascua y el lugar en la canasta de la colecta, O lleve la orden y
dinero a la oficina en horario de oficina: Martes - Viernes, 9:30 am a 4:00 pm.