ASSIGNED CLERGY: PASTOR Rev. Michael W. Davis PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Abel E. Barajas Rev. Phillip H. Tran PERMANENT DEACONS Deacon Roberto Fleitas Deacon Miguel Parladé PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY MASS SCHEDULE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm English English Español/Spanish SATURDAY (VIGIL) 8:00 am 5:00 pm English English SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm English English English Español/Spanish English Español/Spanish 8:30 am to 8:00 pm 9:00 am to 1:30 pm SCAN THIS CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE TO VIEW OUR MOBILE WEBSITE! CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 8:30 am to 10:00 am 2014-2015 STATEMENT of ACTIVITIES FINAL REPORT Church of the Little Flower, Coral Gables INCOME Offertory……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. $ 1,158,077 ABCD Overage………………………………………………………………………………………………………. $ 71,258 Carnival Profit Sharing………………………………………………………………………………………….. $ 40,912 Fundraising, Bequeaths, Grotto, Bricks.........………………………………………………………... $ 142,916 Special Gifts and Donations………………………………………………………………………………….. $ 25,602 Parish Ministries, CCD………………………………………………………………………………………….. $ 112,737 Financial Income ADOM………………………………………………………………………………………. $ 2,779 Financial Income CCF…………………………………………………………………………………………... $ 7,266 Sacramental/Stole Fees/Operating Revenues……………………………………………………….. $ 336,279 Rental Income, Parish Hall, etc……………………………………………………………………………... $ 40,131 Misc. Operating Revenue………………………………………………………………………………………. $ 4,553 TOTAL INCOME >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 1,942,516 EXPENSES Salaries, Clergy…………………………………………………………………………………………………… $ Salaries, Lay……………………………………………………………………………………………………..… $ Health Insurance……………………………………………………………………………………………….. $ Pension Plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………. $ 403b………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... $ Payroll Taxes………………………………………………………………………………………………………. $ Supplies, Office, Sacristy….………………………………………………………………………………... $ Repairs/Maintenance……………………………………………………………………………………….... $ Utilities………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………….. $ General Assessment……………………………………………………………………………..……………. $ Financial Fees, Services…………………………………………………………………………..…………. $ Fundraising Expenditures…………………………………………………………………………..…….. $ Legal Fees………………………………………………………………………………………………...…….…. $ Accounting Fees…………………………………………………………………………………..……………. $ Rental, Tools, Equipment…………………………………………………………………………..……… $ Property and Liability Insurance………………………………………………………………….……. $ Gifts to Archdiocesan Entities………………………….……………………………………………….. $ Other Items Budgeted, Rectory Op., Meetings, Retreats, Conferences………….... $ TOTAL EXPENSES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ NET REVENUE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 115,692 618,004 92,130 35,099 17,506 46,851 163,345 72,867 118,369 112,526 2,213 9,053 (435) 4,881 8,498 140,238 6,300 97,990 1,661,134 281,134* *Less Grotto Project/Sanctuary Furnishing Project/Nativity/Bathroom Renovations Monies collected and not yet paid: ($124,000) Actual NET OPERATING REVENUE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 157,134** **It costs approximately $138,350 per month to operate the COTLF. 2711 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-9950 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! OFFICE STAFF Mrs. Irma Aguilar Ext. 300 Receptionist Data Processing Coordinator Mrs. Maria Elena Chialastri Ext. 306 Office Manager Administrative Assistant to the Pastor Associate Director of Liturgical Music Ext. 311 Wedding Coordinator Dr. Dawn Fontana Congratulations to our Newly Baptized: Wayne Domash, Sophia Brianna Hernandez, Joaquin Cabero, Jason Michael Garcia, Diego Jose Moreno, Ana Lucia Pedraja Quevedo Congratulations and God’s Blessings to those Joined in Holy Matrimony: Mr. Luis Cuza Mr. Juan Del Sol SACRED STEPS: SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS AT COTLF Ext. 305 Rest in Peace. We Pray for Those Who Have Entered Eternity: Irma Peña, Eduardo Suarez Rivas Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Mark Landia Ext. 308 Resource Officer for Communications & Protocol Ms. Cecilia Miyar Ext. 310 Administrative Assistant to the DRE Parish Coordinator of Ministries Mr. Jorge Perez Ext. 318 Director of Advancement & Stewardship Mrs. Maria Pernas Ext. 314 Bookkeeper Mr. Jorge Santibáñez Ext. 307 Director of Religious Education Youth Minister Mr. Milton Somarriba Ext. 309 Church Custodian Ms. Vivian Xiqués Ext. 302 Curator of Records Virtus Training Coordinator ST. THERESA CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2701 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-1738 Administered by The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles Sr. Caridad, OCD., Principal SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday (English and Spanish) 8:30 am to 10:00 am NEXT WEEKEND’S MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24TH 8:00 am 5:00 pm Fr. Barajas Fr. Davis SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25TH 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Fr. Davis Fr. Barajas Fr. Gonzalez Fr. Davis Fr. Gonzalez Fr. Barajas POPE FRANCIS TWEETS “Let us learn solidarity. Without solidarity, our faith is dead.” SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Private on Saturdays 11:00 am, 11:30 am., 12:00 pm or Group on Sundays at 2:00 pm Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office two months in advance. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office at least six months in advance. Follow Pope Francis on Twitter at @Pontifex o en español a @Pontifex_es Through his suffering, my servant shall justify many. Con sus sufrimientos justificará mi siervo a muchos. — Isaías 53:11b — Isaiah 53:11b S G od’s work of salvation is the focus of this weekend’s readings. From the prophetic event of Isaiah to Jesus’ understanding of the human condition in Hebrews, concluding with Jesus paying our ransom in Mark, God is in control. There may be failings and misunderstandings along the way. We may move away from God, but at our conversion, God leads us back. Like James and John, we may let greed and power blur our vision of what Jesus wants us to know about the Kingdom; but tirelessly we are taught and re-taught what life in the Kingdom will be. Jesus has paid our ransom to ensure that we will share in the Kingdom. It is not unusual to think of Jesus’ ransom as a punishment that he endured. However, it is more accurate, and more like Jesus, for us to recognize ransom as God’s gift to us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. antiago y Juan, además de ser hermanos, eran tipos muy atrevidos. Se acercaron a Jesús para pedirle puestos de poder y autoridad en el Reino que estaba estableciendo. Al darse cuenta, los demás discípulos se molestaron con ellos, probablemente porque deseaban los mismos puestos. La tentación y el deseo de poder es algo muy común a todos los seres humanos. Todos deseamos el primer puesto y la estima de los demás. No obstante, Jesús nos recuerda que no es fácil tener responsabilidad. La autoridad es un cáliz difícil de beber ya que muchas veces contiene una bebida amarga y el peso o decisión de ser fieles al Evangelio, aún a costa de la propia vida. Por tal motivo, la persona que quiera estar cerca de Jesús tendrá que aprender a ser como Cristo, quien no vino a imponer su autoridad buscando ser servido, sino que vino a servir. Él, siendo Dios, no se aferró a su condición divina, sino que se hizo uno de tantos, cuidando a su madre por muchos años, juntándose con pecadores, lavando los pies a sus discípulos y dando la vida por todas las personas. Estar al lado de Jesús no es cuestión de poder, sino de amor y servicio, hasta dar la vida. Él nos puso el ejemplo. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PILGRIMAGE TO FRANCE In celebration of our 90th anniversary, Father Tran will be leading a pilgrimage to France next summer, August 5-13, 2016. Color brochures are now available from Mark Landia at the parish Communications Office. The trip, organized by the acclaimed Catholic Travel Centre, is scheduled to visit Lisieux, Paris, Lourdes, Saint Bernadette and the miraculous waters, Normandy, Sacre Coeur, Mont Ste. Michel, and birth place of St. Vincent. Dinner on the Eiffel Tower too! Join the anniversary pilgrimage for the trip of a lifetime. Sign up now! Lunes: Martes: Rom 4:20-25; Lc 1:69-75; Lc 12:13-21 Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Sal 40 (39):7-10, 17; Lc 12:35-38 Miércoles: Rom 6:12-18; Sal 124 (123):1b-8; Lc 12:39-48 Jueves: Rom 6:19-23; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 12:49-53 Viernes: Rom 7:18-25a; Sal 119 (118):66, 68, 7677, 93-94; Lc 12:54-59 Sábado: Rom 8:1-11; Sal 24 (23):1b-4ab, 5-6; Lc 13:1-9 Domingo: Jer 31:7-9; Sal 126 (125):1-6; Heb 5:1-6; Mc 10:46-52 In commemoration of the 90th anniversary of Saint Theresa Catholic School and the Church of the Little Flower, we are pleased to announce the dedication and illumination ceremony of our new Grotto built in honor of our patroness, Saint Therese of Lisieux, the “Little Flower,” this Monday October 19th at 7:30pm. It is the day after the dramatic canonization of her own parents as the newest saints of the Catholic Church. The candlelight ceremony will include prayers, songs, a blessing ritual, and the grateful acknowledgment of all present, commending them to the intercession of Saint Therese. The event will be followed by a social in the Sevilla Avenue parking lot adjacent to the Grotto. All are welcome! ALL SOULS DAY Continuing our annual custom, we will have a candlelight prayer service in church on Monday, November 2nd, the feast of All Souls, at 7:30pm. The 45-minute ceremony will include prayers, reflective music, and the opportunity to register in the Book of Remembrance the names of our deceased loved ones who we will include in a novena of Masses. The traditional envelopes, as well as the Book of Remembrance, will be placed on the altar during the entire month of November. Please mark your calendars and join us. CANNED FOOD DRIVE FOR THANKSGIVING As a gesture of loving support for the Food Pantry Ministry at Saint John Bosco Church in Little Havana, our parish will embark upon a canned food drive, which culminates on Thanksgiving Day. All who wish to participate may bring their donations of canned foods to Little Flower at the two Masses which we will celebrate on Thanksgiving Day morning: 7:00am and 10:30am. Volunteers with pick-up trucks will be needed to transport the donations to Saint John Bosco. For more information, contact the Cecilia Miyar at the Parish Ministries Office, 305-446-9950. DEFERRED THANKSGIVING DINNER FOR THE ELDERLY THIS YEAR Following the wishes of the leadership team, the annual Thanksgiving Basket Ministry for the elderly and homebound will NOT take place this year. The structural work is always enormous, time-consuming, and in need of significant reorganization. Plans are currently underway to resume a renewed and re-defined effort in time for Thanksgiving 2016. More details will be forthcoming after the first of the year. Father Tran will preside at our next quarterly Healing Mass, which is now scheduled to take place on Tuesday, December 1st, at 7:00pm in church. Multiple priests will be on hand to bestow the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to all in our community who are seriously ill, awaiting or recovering from surgery, burdened by weight of years, and in need of the healing touch of the Lord. Join us one and all, as we pray for one another and for healing. Each week through the end of the year, our parish staff members will fill this area of the bulletin with a brief greeting as a way of informing the parish "who we are" and "what we do" here at the office, and how so much of parish life happens behind the scenes. It is our joy to serve you. Please let us know how we can help! Perhaps there is no more used (and maybe misused) phrase than “Hello, How May I Help You?” It is the national anthem of every customer relations center in the world. In my case, it has been the question I have asked the most for everyone that has approached the “Information Tent” in front to our church every weekend for the last year and a half. In every case I have hoped to be of service. Where I have succeeded in providing the right answer, I am grateful; where I have failed, it was not from lack of effort or intent. -Mark Landia Be part of our 90th Anniversary Family Photo Directory – we need You to make our album complete! COTLF has partnered with Lifetouch for professional photography that will connect our members and tell our story. Convenient - Lifetouch will photograph here at Little Flower. During your session you will be professionally photographed, immediately view your portraits and have an opportunity to purchase additional portraits if you desire…. No obligation. - Each participating family will receive a free 8x10 portrait and directory simply for participating. - Simply go to our Parish Website and click on the tab you see below. If additional information is needed or you need help signing up, contact Jorge Perez at the Advancement Office, [email protected]. Los invitamos a ser parte de nuestro directorio fotográfico para el aniversario parroquial-los necesitamos para poder completar nuestro álbum. COTLF se ha asociado con Lifetouch para producir fotografías profesionales que unan a nuestros feligreses y cuenten nuestra historia. Conveniente - Lifetouch tomara las fotografías aquí en nuestra parroquia. Durante su cita será fotografiado profesionalmente, podrá ver su retratos inmediatamente y tendrá la oportunidad de comprar fotografías adicionales, si así lo desea…. sin ninguna obligación. - Cada familia recibirá por su participación un retrato de 8x10 y un directorio gratis. - Para más información o asistencia en separar su cita favor de comunicarse con Jorge Perez en la oficina parroquial o haga clic en este enlace en nuestra página web. When Pope Francis visited the United States, he was presented with a box of local empanadas from Rincon Argentino here in Miami. The DeMarziano Family, owners of Rincon Argentino, will be here at COTLF selling those same delicious empanadas after our Masses on Sunday, October 25th ... For just $1 each!! All proceeds of this fundraiser will help support our 10 parish pilgrims who will be attending World Youth Day 2016 with Pope Francis in Krakow, Poland! We thank the DeMarziano family in advance for their generous support. To date, through various fundraisers including outings to Miami Marlins games, the Orange Bowl Football Classic, the sale of COTLF magnets and coffee mugs, and our annual summer Vacation Bible School, the parish has raised over $10,000 to support our parish pilgrims heading to WYD. We are looking to raise another $8,000 over the next year to fulfill our pledge to fund half the trip for our COTLF pilgrims. If you would like to be a part of making our youths’ dream come true for them to see the Pope in Poland, please consider making a tax-deductible donation towards this once-in-a-lifetime trip and experience! Contact our Youth Minister, Jorge Santibáñez at the Parish Office for more details. Office of Religious Education We congratulate our STS 2nd Graders as they begin their journey of faith in preparation for First Penance and First Holy Communion: Roberto Sebastian Abiseid Marco Alberni Francesca Albini Andreo Alos Adriano Alos Lorena Alvarez Juan Diego Alvarez Alessandra Alvarez Ava Alzati Santiago Arocena Alyson Arriera Gabriel Bachour Leonardo Barreto Sarah Barreto Lily Blanco Cacchione Anthony Calvino Javier Ignacio Carreno Isabella Carrera Eva Margaux Castaneda Sophia Catalina Andrea Cavalieri Gabriel Chammas Layla Chaple Natalia Cohen Sebastian Coll Lola Cordovez Charlotte Cornide Monica Cornide Anna Crosa Evan Cruz Lucas Cruz Simon Curci Rosalinda D'Alto David De Paz Lucas Diaz Alessandra Diaz Lucas Dulzaides Santiago Felix-Padilla Gabriel Fernandez Alfonso Fernandez Siena Fior Carolina Galguera Alejandro Gil Mila Guanche Wenceslao Halliburto Adriana Roderick Carolina Evelyn Riley Anabella Hendrix Carlos Hernandez Gabriel Hernandez Daniel Iglesias Christian Jimenez Adriana Leizaola Alessandra Lopez Gabriel Lopez Mariana Lopez-Santos Maia Lorenzo Carlota Machado Adriana Marichal Evan Martinez Matamoros Beatriz Melo Natalie Mompo Orlando Montiel Mateo Neret Lucas Onisick Luciana Ospina Nicolas Pages Camila Paris Valentina Perez Lucas Perez-Soto Jonathan Quadreny Andre Queiroz Javier Angel Ramos Mariantonia Restrepo Rhodes Rodriguez Christopher Rotbart Mia Sabel Elizabeth Sanchez Victoria Sanchez Jose Sandin Annika Switzer Lara Torrens Olivia Travieso Camila Velazquez Rebeca Viejo Kieran Walsh Isabella Yanes Katerina Zaharewicz Sofia Zuleta MASS/LITURGY SCHEDULE Sunday, October 18 - 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:30 am For an Increase of Vocations to the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine, FL 9:00 am Members of the Diaz Family 10:30 am Missa Pro Populo -Members of the Parish Family 12:30 pm (†) Lisandro Bautista 5:30 pm (†) Lucila Murcia 7:00 pm (†) Aida Fuentes de Ortiz 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Monday, October 19 - Sts. John de Brebuf & Isaac Jogues 6:15 am In Thanksgiving for Benito Diaz’s Health 8:00 am (†) Helen Melero 5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria 8:00 am 5:00 pm 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Tuesday, October 20 - St Paul of the Cross (†) Christine Downy Suzy & Jim Dockerty (†) Luis Santos Vega Misa Comunitaria Wednesday, October 21 (†) Ramon E. Tello Katerina Chialastri’s Birthday Misa Comunitaria Thursday, October 22 - St John Paul II (†) Mike Eskra Jackson Connel’s Birthday 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria Friday, October 23 - St John of Capistrano (†) Mrs. Echarte (†) Mayra Torres Misa Comunitaria Saturday, October 24 - St Anthony Marie Claret (†) Juliana Guerrero & Gustavo Ruan-Cogollo (†) Gaston Luaces Sunday, October 25 - 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:30 am (†) In Memory of Michael Eskra 9:00 am (†) Peter and Ceserina Losado & Jose Moran 10:30 am Missa Pro Populo -Members of the Parish Family 12:30 pm (†) Luisa y Modesto Sanchez 5:30 pm (†) Maria Valdez 7:00 pm (†) Raul Fernandez Shelton LET US PRAY FOR THOSE IN NEED - OREMOS POR LOS NECESITADOS Carlos Javier Sequeira - Greg Davis - Teresa de Jesus Diaz Brito - Matthew Young - Carolina Nodarse Diaz - Yolanda Santos de Folgar - Martha Garcia - Vasco Gonzalez Arbulo Jorge L. Ortega - Jeremy Aguilera - Luis Gutierrez - Carolina Llerena - Pedro Perez - Jose F. Ramirez - Zoey Gomez - Hector E. Ponce - Luis Santana - Blanca Carrillo Caridad Garcia - Robert F. Borges - Linda Genova - Lucas Giovane - Maria Luisa Lizcano - Christian Godsey - Roberto Naranjo - Samantha Shaheen - Ashley Hierrezuelo - Sofia Isabella Anderson - Cynthia Absher - Lydia Sola - Lydia Usategui - Daniel Joseph Nisonger - Dr. Mercedes Ricon - María Centeno - Shawn Stockhausen - Angel Daniel Suarez Severo & Dulce Rivases - Janelle Sofia Perez - Eddy Sanchez - Jersan Romero - Luis Heredia - Grace Euribe - Sebastian Javier - Dolores “Loli” de Arias - Ernest Posey, Jr Francisco Corripio - Lucerno Sierra - Enrique Chavarri - Elsa Ibarra PARISH WEEKLY CALENDAR 9:00 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 2:00 pm Sunday, October 18 STS 1st Communion Commitment Mass Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH Closing Mass: Marriage Covenant Baptisms - C 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Monday, October 19 Bible Study Group - RPC Prayer & Life Workshop - RPC Grotto Blessing Ceremony - RPC Men’s Spanish Emmaus - RPC No Religious Ed Classes Today 7:oo pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Tuesday, October 20 Legion of Mary - LH RCIA - RPC Charismatic Prayer Group - RPC 9 - 10 am 11:00 am 3:00 pm Confessions - C Baptisms - C Wedding - C 6:45 pm Wedding - C 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Wednesday, October 21 Religious Ed Classes Religious Ed Classes Emaus de Mujeres - RPC Legion de Maria - LH 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Thursday, October 22 Men’s Emmaus - RPC Cursillo - RPC 5:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:30 pm Friday, October 23 ESL Classes - RPC Wedding - C Grupo de Oración Carismático - RPC Saturday, October 24 Francisco Suarez & Camille Rivero Andres Muñoz & Fabiola Schilling Sunday, October 25 WYD Fundraiser 10:30 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm RE Confirmation Commitment Mass Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH Baptisms - C Legend: C- Church; CAF- STS Cafeteria; KoC- Knights of Columbus Hall; LH- Legion of Mary House; REC- Rectory; RPC- Reilly Parish Center; CH- Comber Hall; STS- St. Theresa School MARBLE & GRANITE, INC. RESTORATION, POLISH & PROTECTION MARBLE • GRANITE • TERRAZZO 305-220-9517 [email protected] ROLANDO FABIAN Valid only at Häagen-Dazs Shop listed. One coupon per person, one time only. Not good with any other offer. Duplicated or altered coupons will not be accepted. No cash value. EXPIRES: 12/31/2015 CALL US! WE WANT TO BE YOUR REALTOR Maria’s Team Maria Luisa Bermudez Broker Associate 305-804-4406 Maria Luisa Jerez Sales Associate 305-282-9995 Email: [email protected] HONESTY, EXPERIENCE, COMMITMENT PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 514210 Little Flower Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Miami Designer Smiles Raul I. Garcia, D.M.D. Conchi M. Sanchez-Garcia, D.M.D. 9301 Miller Dr., Suite A, Miami, FL 33165 305-595-4616 • Smile Makeovers • Sedation • Children • Orthodontics for Adults & Children Saint Margaret Sunday Missal CERTIFIED, LICENSED & INSURED DEPENDABLE EXTERMINATORS An ideal companion for personal prayer. Residential & Commercial In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Indoor Pest Control Ornamental & Lawn Spraying Fertilization • White Fly Treatment CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 • Implant Restoration • Tooth whitening • Invisalign • TMJ Therapy • Facial Rejuvenation with Botox, Restylane and Juvederm. • Sleep Apnea/Snoring • Migraine/Headache • Face Lift Dentures 800-566-6150 • 15% OFF Initial Service (305) 554-7931 Cell (305) 989-5599 E! SAL UNT HOT DISCO 50% Exclusiva Bisutería Diseños originales hechos a mano con finas piedras Precios razonables MAS DE 30 MODELOS UNICOS ELSI’S TREASURES: 305-928-8224 THE LAW OFFFICES OF CAROL L. RUST, P.A. Our Lady of Mercy CAROL L. RUST, ESQ. (305) 592-0521 ATTORNEY AT LAW CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 11411 N.W. 25th Street PROBATE, GUARDIANSHIP, AND CREDITOR'S RIGHTS Miami • FL 33172 4000 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite 470, Coral Gables, FL 33146 PH: 305.781.6391 * E-MAIL: [email protected] COTLF PARISHIONER CARLOS TINOCO Cell 305-345-0294 Office 305-255-4000 • • • • • Tree Service Plants Sod Mix Soil Sprinklers: New Installation & Repairs • Palms • Designs • Fertilizer Licensed & Insured Georgette Rodríguez-Vázquez, MD Diplomate American Board of Dermatology [email protected] T: 305.667.5480 6351 Sw 72nd Street, Suite 200 F: 305.667.5482 Miami, FL 33143 Steward of St. Louis Parish Mario A. Sabatés, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Ophthalmology Specialist in Corneal and Refractive Surgery 1385 Coral Way, 3rd Floor. Miami, Florida 33145 Tel: 305.854.3307 514210 Little Flower Church (B) Fax: 305.854.3130 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 UNIVERSITY DENTAL GROUP FAMILY DENTISTRY RICHARD D. MORALES, D.M.D., F.A.G.D. Georgetown University School of Medicine (1991) Ph: 1430 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 312 Coral Gables, FL 33146 (305) 661-8240 Little Flower Parishioner Since ‘96 Bakery 2645 SW 37th Ave., Suite 601 (305) 442-0633 - Catering The Specialty Shop HUMANA, UNITED, PREFERRED, MEDICARE, AND OTHERS. Wholesale 3026 N.W. 7 St., Miami, FL 33125 Phones: 305 643-4281/82/84 Mon Bien Aime, Inc. Recordatorios • Remembrance Cards Nativity Sets • First Communions • Baptisms Weddings • Anniversaries • Invitations • Collectibles 10780 W. Flagler (Enter 108 Av) 305-553-6680 NO DEALER FEES For the Lowest Prices Every Time Give us a Try Before YOU Buy!! Family Owned & Operated Se Habla Español Call Today Since 1966 305-592-3673 7245 N. 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REAL ESTATE BROKER • REAL ESTATE SERVICES Iliana Abella REALTOR® 514210 Little Flower Church (A) 60 ARAGON AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 OFF: 305.444.9979 [email protected] FAX: 305.441.6440 CELL: 305.505.0488 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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