KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Fr. Reynold G. Thelen Council #4055 7454 Paw Paw Ave P.O. Box 552 Watervliet, MI 49098-0552 NEWSLETTER JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 CHAPLAIN Fr. John Peter Ambrose 463-5470 GRAND KNIGHT Al Nilson 463-7323 DEPUTY GRAND KNIGHT Bill Ott, PGK TREASURER Chuck Adams WARDEN George Patterson ADVOCATE Ken Stewart, PKG,PDD FINANCIAL SEC./ EDITOR Paul Nickels,PGK 468-8540 [email protected] COUNCIL PHONE 463-8181 TRUSTEES Ron Ostrowski Paul Baes Bob Wallace DISTRICT DEPUTY Adam Kohler 876-5257 BINGO PHONE 463-4171 HALL RENTAL PHONE 463-8181 (leave message) st CHANCELLOR Bob Kempczynski LECTURER Bill Teunissen INS. REP. Brian O’Neill 3621 47th St Hamilton, MI 49419 269.254.9949 [email protected] MEETING DATES: 1 Monday @ 7pm (Thursday if Mon. is a holiday); 2 nd RECORDER Frank Simanton GUARDS Robert Herman Art Stanley, PGK CLUB OFFICERS Bob Wallace Bruce Meyer Art Stanley,PGK Bob Kempczynski Robert Herman Joe Giapa Jim Healy,PGK Monday @ 7:30pm (Social Time @ 6:30pm) (Rosary ≈ 7:05 pm) VIVAT JESUS!!! (i.e. JESUS LIVES) SICK OR IN DISTRESSPlease keep the following knights, spouses, and friends of the council in your prayers: Sue Stewart Joni Giannetti Vicky Immoos Joan Duday Cookie Wesaw Arvid Frazier Theresa Simanton Charlene Walter Christopher Vent Mary Vent Fr. Don Wieber Barbara Faye CAN YOU RECEIVE THIS NEWSLETTER ON-LINE? Saves $0.69 every issue DOES THE COUNCIL HAVE A CURRENT PHONE NUMBER? How can chairmen contact you? IN MEMORIAN—In your praryers, please remember the soul of Brother Anthony Fardello who passed on Christmas Eve 2014. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Please check the St. Joseph Bulletin or this newsletter for more information. HOLY CROSS CHILDREN’S SERVICES—GK Al Nilson still has some Boysville giving calendars available. The cost is still $25 for 365 chances to win $50, 12 chances to win $500, and 1 chance for the $5000 grand prize. Besides all of that you are helping the Holy Cross care for children in distress around the state. Bro. Francis also takes cash donations at any time. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!!!!! Members and friends of this council sent 35 sweatshirts, 30 gift cards and 6 cosmetic baskets to the boys and girls of the Holy Cross Children’s Services for the 2014 Christmas Season. Part of the State Raffle still supports “Boysville”, i.e. Holy Cross Children’s Services. Have you thought about purchasing at least one of the raffle tickets you were sent by the State Council? In the latest edition of the Michigan Columbian, Brother Francis and his staff explained a new program for the residents to have some skilled trades training. What do you think about our council making a donation directly to Brother Francis for this project? HELP WANTED YET--Fr. John Peter is still requesting volunteers from the Knights of the council to act as ushers for the 5:30, 8:30 and 11 am liturgies on Saturdays or Sundays. The Saturday night mass has only two women who regularly volunteer as ushers and the 11am mass has only 2 knights to handle the situation. Please contact an usher at your mass to volunteer. 5th SUNDAY---Thank you to those members who demonstrated their unity with their brother knights during the November “5th Sunday”. While we are confident that the rest of the members present were praying for the souls of our departed brothers, the action of praying together demonstrates to the parish as a whole that we are a viable Catholic men’s organization. The next Corporate Communion is on March 29, 2015 at the 8:30 mass in St. Joseph’s Church. Membership is everybody’s business, ASK a Catholic Gentleman to join KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FR. REYNOLD G THELEN COUNCIL 4055 7454 PAW PAW AVE P.O. BOX 552 WATERVLIET, MI 49098-0552 SUCCESSFUL BLOOD DRIVE—PGK Art Stanley reported that the American Red Cross was able to collect 30 units of blood from members of the community at our Blood Drive in December. ULTRA SOUND CONTRIBUTION—After considerable discussion and research over the past few months, the council voted to donate $400 to the Three Rivers K of C Council for their UltraSound fund drive. Our hope is that lives will be saved if a mother can “view” her unborn child. DONATION TO IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH—A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to donate $400 to the Immaculate Conception Parish to be used to help with the cost of that parish’s confirmation retreat for its young people. If you would like to make an additional donation for that retreat, please drop it off to the St. Joseph Parish office since Jan Conrad is doing much of the paperwork of I.C. parish. CHILDREN OF THE LUDWAR DIOCESE IN AFRICA—Our donation to support 3 children in that diocese was recognized and Fr. John Peter has the names of the 3 children that are the recipients of our donation. If you would like to send a card or letter to these children, please contact Trustee Ron Ostrowski. DONATION TO ST JOSEPH PARISH—A motion was made and seconded at the January meeting to donate $5000 to the parish toward the purchase of the new door and security system at the annex of the parish. During the discussion, a comment was made that the parish is at least $5000 behind in its budget for the 2014-2015 fiscal year and the parish secretary is frequently the only person at the parish many times. The vote on this motion will be at the February meeting. PLANNING AHEAD—The council will hold a special meeting sometime in April to discuss program for the 2015-2016 fraternal year. This meeting is early enough to allow enough time before the budgeting process to make sure that funds are available for our projects. THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS. Please watch next month’s letter for the rest of the information. ADOPT A HIGHWAY FOR 2015—The dates are April 11-19, July 11-19, and Sept 26-Oct 4. The council has done this community service project for over 20 years and a few of the original group are still around. We do need help, especially, on the first clean up of the season. So please mark your calendars. BINGO—BINGO NETTED OVER $30,000 LAST YEAR. We had an excellent year and the brothers who work the bingo, some every week, deserve our appreciation. The council still needs several people to help out at bingo. We need a couple of workers for the floor and a couple more people that are willing to learn how to call the bingo games. Calling the bingo would entail using our machine, the verifying machine and knowledge of the bingo rules of the State of Michigan. Training is available for all of that. Our teams still work two Tuesdays and then have 4 Tuesdays off. To volunteer, contact: FS Paul Nickels at 468-8540 or [email protected] BUS TRIP—Club President Bob Wallace is still looking for ideas for a council sponsored bus trip. NOTE: Being editor of this newsletter is one job I will readily give up. No experience is necessary and I will make the mailing labels because I have access to the council database. Paul
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