Bulletin of the Central Church of Christ 2722 Oakland Avenue • Johnson City, TN • 37601-1844 • Phone (423) 282-1571 or 283-HOPE www.GraceMine.org February 1, 2015 No.5 Ministers Ministers Tim Hall Greg Ryan Dustin Humphreys Elders Gene Arrowood Gene Chapman L.A. Hamilton Steve Ingram John McKinnis Dennis Russell Deacons Doug Booton Dan Bowman Randy Brewer Jim Carden David Crockett John Doyle Andrew Easterling David Erickson Jason Faddis Jim Fillers David Frakes Ken Gilliam Phil Gilliam Chig Gunter Mike Higginbotham Danny Kellum Ken Misterly Brandon Quesinberry Ren Rice Trey Robertson Sherrell Shepard Dave Torgerson Cary Vantine Ron Whitson Worship Times Sundays: Worship, 10:30 am, 6 pm; Classes: 9:30 am Wednesdays: 7:00 pm Some Thoughts I’d Like to Share…by Tim Hall “The Conversation” A new book was released last month which is now on my reading list. “The Conversation” by Angelo Volandes, a Harvard University physician and researcher, proposes that medical care in the U.S. has lost its focus. There is so much that medicine can do to keep us alive longer. But is that what we want? Does extending a person’s life equate with the type of life one desires? To bring things back into a better balance, Volandes proposes that physicians have “the conversation” with their patients, a frank discussion of what the patient truly wants, and an honest disclosure of the likelihood of cures and successes. Hospice care is one step in this direction, but there are other issues to consider. Accepting the fact of our mortality is not the same as “giving up”, according to this book. This Week – “The Bride of Christ” Accepting the fact of our mortality can be challenging. In 2 Kings 20:1 the prophet Isaiah was sent to King Hezekiah with a sobering pronouncement: “Set your house in order, for you shall die; you shall not recover.” The king – the most powerful man in Judah at the time – responded as you or I might have: he broke down and wept. To be confronted with mortality can absolutely be unnerving. There’s no way around the truth, however: You and I are both going to die (unless Jesus’ second coming happens first). Hebrews 9:27 has often been cited in support of this principle: “… it is appointed for man to die …” We don’t know when that appointment will come (usually), but we know for a fact that it will come. What you and I and all other mortal beings need is to have “the conversation” with our Physician; the Great Physician, that is. By sitting at the feet of the Teacher, we will be informed honestly about our brief span of life on earth. We’ll also find out that this need not be a terrifying pill to swallow. Jesus taught that there is more than life on earth, and that “more” is a blessed prospect for those who put their faith in God. “… all who are in the tombs will hear [Christ’s] voice and come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment” (John 5:28,29). Our “conversation” with Jesus will leave us without any doubts: we are mortal, and we will experience death. But accepting that reality should prod us to make serious preparations for a far better life on the other side. How good it is that we have a Physician who is honest, compassionate, and powerful! 2/1/15: Let’s pray for: Jacquelyn Ellis, hospitalized several days last week with pneumonia; Nell Phillips, surgery last Tuesday;, recent bone marrow biopsy; Kim Witherspoon, seizure; Calvin Ursury, successfully had a large amount of fluid drawn off from around his heart; Kerry Hutchinson, at Duke University Med Center to begin stem cell therapy; Robin Wishon, difficult health challenges; David Gunter, difficulties with medication adjustments; Sue Neeley; Buddy Barefield; Allen Jackson; Charlie Hartman; Joyce Hall; Elayne Trent; Becky Smith; Arlene Kellum; Troy Wright; Ken Lutterman; Isaac Vance; Frank Chapo; Glenn Blacklidge; Doug Grindstaff; Lorene Arrowood; Teresa Guinn; Betty Hamilton; Mike Lyons; Gay Enkema; Karen Stevens. Skilled nursing/assisted living/homebound: Grace Muse; Harold Napier; Delora Tidwell; James Carden, Sr.; Sherry McCulley; Mildred Hall; Joy Carter-Hildrich; Louise Welch; Velma Stables; Lola Johnson; Jesse Crabtree; Johnny & Elayne Trent; Lon & Mildred Shuler. CHANGES/UPDATES UNDERLINED. Friends, relatives: Mamie Gates, Carla Davis’s mother, hospitalized with pneumonia and a virus infection; John Keith Verble, son of a coworker of Kathy Stayer, two surgeries in a week to try to save his arm, almost severed in a work accident; Karen LaGarde, Dave Torgerson’s sister, surgery last Thursday. Continuing problems: Linda Jennings; Dale Lilly; Melissa Ours; Braysen Thatcher; Patrice Gillespie; Eric Southerland; Anthony Basket; Janet Green; Jean Thompson; Faith; Martha Forbes; Clinton Lady; Carol Reavis; Daniel Owusu’s brother, Stephen; Becky Gross; Dana Kelly; Tripp Davis; Coraline Cutshall; Valerie Merkel; Ray Rice; Lucy Burgess; Lucy Hagerty’s friend Doris; Kenneth Hall; Doris Kessinger; Cornail Proffitt. PRAISE GOD! Donna Barkley’s daughter, DeAnna, does NOT have cancer! MILITARY: Robbie Glenn, Eli Mitchell, Jordan Heatly, Air Force; Nicole Stephens, Brittany Lobos, Army; Brennan McCain, Marines; Kaylee Vantine, Navy. SUNDAY A.M. on WEMT: TV Sunday School, 7:00; In Search of the Lord’s Way, 7:30; Biblical Viewpoints, 8:00. PANTRY NEEDS: Shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant IF YOU WANT any of the Home Devotionals, leave a note on the sheet with the binder, and we will print them. NOVEMBER 1, 2015 has been proposed as our 75th Anniversary Homecoming. Please be thinking of previous members whom we can invite. PLEASE LET THE ELDERS know your opinions about our Sunday morning class and worship times, whether you like the 9:30 and 10:30 times or not. REMEMBER, if you can’t be here because of weather, illness, or travel, listen to a service or class at http://gracemine.org/audiostreaming.htm. THE HIGHLAND YOUTH ENSEMBLE, in which Brenna Williams performs, will have its Valentine Cabaret 2/15 and 2/16 at Barter Theatre. Tickets sell out quickly! See Steve Williams for info. CENTRAL’S REDBIRDS will meet Tuesday, 2/10 at noon at Chili’s. All ladies age 50 and better are invited. RETIRED MEN’S BREAKFAST, 2/10 at 9 a.m. Please sign up. TEACHER SIGN UP SHEETS are posted for the rest of this year on the bulletin board close to the nursery. Please sign up for the class you will teach. Spring quarter is from March through May and we want those spots filled in advance. If you have any questions about teaching please feel free to ask one of the current teachers, deacons, or elders. If you would like to sit in on a class to get familiar with it, see Brandon or Brandi Quesinberry and they will help arrange that. Please help us make the spiritual education of our children a top priority by helping in their classes. Thanks! GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAIN Marriage Retreat, 2/11-15, Pigeon Forge, TN, sponsored by the Jacksonville church of Christ, Jacksonville, AL. See the board in the old foyer for details. AS DANIEL NORRIS is returning to his major league baseball career, he asks for our prayers for him. Let’s remember to pray for him to be able to remain true to himself and to God wherever he is. WE HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY to conduct worship services at Watauga Square Apartments 3 Sundays a month. If you can volunteer to help occasionally, see Dennis Russell. SOME GOOD NEWS: Charlie Hartman’s response to chemotherapy treatment has amazed his doctors! Sue Neeley’s bone marrow biopsy showed no trace of leukemia cells in her system! WE HAVE some needs coming up for freezer casseroles. Ladies, if you can help, leave them in the old kitchen refrigerator freezer. SEVERAL OF OUR NUMBER were acquainted with Luke Story, the Jonesborough firefighter who died recently after a battle with pancreatic cancer, especially Robert Harrison and Amanda Moore, daughter-in-law of Jim Bob and Linda. He was her cousin. Our sympathy to all who knew him. AL DEMELLO was in a head-on collision last Tuesday night when a car crossed into his lane, but thankfully he was not injured. OUR SYMPATHY to Lori Fatherree, step-grandmother of Devin and Emily Fatherree, as her father passed away last Sunday. “THANK YOU for the cards, calls, and prayers during my recent surgery. I hope to be back at services soon. In Christian love, Nell Phillips” RON WHITSON reports that from the first five weeks of our offering live audio streaming of our auditorium Bible class and worship on Sundays and Wednesdays, 221 devices have connected to this service. We don’t know how many individuals are gathered at each device, of course. We are indebted to Ron and to Mike Higginbotham for their work in making this service possible. BIRTHDAYS: Mike Crosby, Isabella Honeycutt (today); Dean Neal, Christa Wright (Tues.); Rosie Ryan, Amanda Lyons, Jerrod Tolley, Jade Vance, Ellen Walters, Gene Wishon (Wed.); Mary Lou Cooper, Sarah Higginbotham, Glenda Haynie, Jessica Stayer (Thu.); Zak Lombardo (Fri.). “THEREFORE, WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST, GOD MAKING HIS APPEAL THROUGH US. WE IMPLORE YOU ON BEHALF OF CHRIST, BE RECONCILED TO GOD” - ESV, 2 CORINTHIANS 5:20 02.01.15 02.01 .15 YOUTH NEWS – CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST HERE’S WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FORWARD TO! • Tonight’s Devotional: We will have our devotional today at 5:00 at the Church’s building. Tonight, we will have a special “hunt,” so get ready to find the hidden prize! LET’S TALK ABOUT IT! Parables are Everywhere! Super Bowl Party: We are having a Super Bowl party tonight at the college house (708 W. Maple St.) after worship. Join us for some fun and food! Let’s put ourselves back in the • Wednesday Dinner Date: Our dinner date tonight will be at 5:30 at Crazy Tomato. See you there! walked with Jesus. Do you see • Phone Numbers and E-Mail: If you need to update your phone number or e-mail so that you can receive the texts that are sent out for the youth, please let me know the updated information ASAP. You can either e-mail me ([email protected]) or call me (540-664-7257). how their education process Home Devotionals: The congregation has access to home devotionals in order to give you ideas for lessons while you are working on things around the house, garage, kitchen, and yard. Check out the binder in the foyer and if you see ones you want feel free to copy it or let me know which ones you would like print outs of. and writing essays? Those aren’t • • shoes of those disciples who worked? Was it sitting in a classroom? Was it going home wrong, but how did Jesus teach? Jesus taught ALONG the journey and not just ABOUT the journey. • CYC: What a response! We have 23 going now for CYC. We are looking forward to an uplifting and fun time together as we grow closer to God and one another. He taught as He walked WITH His disciples. When something came • March: We don’t have anyone schedule so far to help with an event for March. If you are interested in helping put an event together, let me know and we will work to make it the best event possible! up that He could use, He used it and used all that was around Him to teach the truths of God. Look for parables, they are all around! February 1, 2015 Contact Doug Booton if unable to serve Sunday Morning: Welcome: Steve Ingram Song Leader: Matt Mahaley Next Week: Danny Kellum Prayer: Earl Johnson Next Week: Tom Cromie Scripture: Bill Usher Next Week: David Erickson Sermon: Tim Hall Topic: “Practicing Humility” Dismissal: Steve Ingram Next Week: Dennis Russell Lord's Supper: Presiding: Joe Pugh Next Week: Ren Rice Serving: Alan Hutchinson, Andrew McCormick, Austin Doyle, Claude Terry, Jerry Bacon, Jerry Pierce, John Jarrett, Josh Bacon, Mike Stephens, Paul Elliott, Rick Farmer, Roger Witherspoon, Scott Chisam, Tom Ellis, Tom Hudnall, W.C. Ausborn Children's Training Class: the Gilliams Nursery: Elizabeth Peare, Jennifer Chisam, Renzey Rice Wednesday Evening: Song Leader: Paul Hamilton Devotional: Austin Hamilton Dismissal: Ron Elliott Central Church of Christ P.O. Box 4021 Johnson City, TN 37602-3961 (423) 282-1571 or 283-HOPE Sunday Evening: Song Leader: David Crockett Prayer: Terry Billingsby Scripture: John Trent Sermon: Greg Ryan Topic: “Further Clothed” Dismissal: Steve Trent Lord's Supper: Dave Torgerson, Garrett McDonald Nursery & Toddler: Stacy Rice Building Security: Robert Harrison, Ken Misterly Next Week: Chig Gunter, Cary Vantine Opening, Closing building: Charles Russell Next Week: Andrew Easterling For February: Communion Prep: Louise & Roger Clites Contact Sherrell Shepard, 477-2278, if unable to prepare Cup & Bulletin Pick-up: 3rd graders Baptistery: Charlotte Chapman Registry Data Entry: Debbie Ingram Communion Delivery: Hamilton Report from last week Classes: 188; A.M. 397; P.M. 171; Wed.187 Offering: $10,831.22 Weekly Budget: $12,500.00
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