Cюљђћёюџ ќѓ EѣђћѡѠ ѓќџ FђяџѢюџѦ 1-8 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tues 3 Wed 4 8:30 Worship 9:40 Sunday School/Fellowship 11:00 Worship 3:00 Brass Rehearsal 9:15 Naomi Circle, Room A 5:30 Serenity Singers Messenger Deadline 10:00 UMW Executive CommiĴee, Education Room 11:45 UWM Devotionals, Sanctuary 12:00 UMW Luncheon and Program, Rooms A and B 5:00 Wednesday Nite Bites, FLC 5:45 Children’s Choir, Education Room 6:00 Glory Ringers, Sanctuary 6:00 Middle School Youth Group 6:45 Youth Choir, Education Room 7:00 Chancel Choir, Sanctuary 7:15 High School Youth Group Thur 5 9:30 Women’s Bible Study, Room A Fri 6 1:00 Messenger Assembly, Room A Sun 8 Also Meeting: Christ Academy: Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 8:30 Worship 9:40 Sunday School/Fellowship 11:00 Worship 3:00 Brass Rehearsal 5:30 Music Recital Students of Lisa Myers If you are interested in more information on any of the above calendar items please call the church office at (402) 489-9618. CѕѢџѐѕ NђѤѠ юћё AћћќѢћѐђњђћѡѠ Prayer Concerns—BeĴy Newhouse at Homestead Rehab; Doris Ketelhut on hospice; Art Nicolai and Chuck Phillips at Tabitha; Jennifer Harms at Friend Manor. Wednesday Nite Bites February 4 will be pizza and salad served by Pastor Jim. We need people or groups to serve for this spring semester. Please sign up at the Hospitality Desk to serve a meal. Amanda’s last day in the office will be Wednesday, February 11. She has decided to substitute teach to pursue a future teaching position. Amanda will still continue to direct Children’s and Youth Choirs and to help with the financial aspects of our church as needed. A reception for Amanda will be held Sunday, February 15, in between services. Thank you to everyone for your support during this transition. A 5th grade teacher is needed for our children’s Sunday school program! If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Kim at (402) 875-3248 or [email protected]. Join us for the sermon series Messages from Musicals. Today the Children’s Choir will sing music from Frozen on the 1st, Beauty and the Beast will be presented by the Glory Ringers on February 8, The Wizard of Oz by the Serenity Singers on February 15, and we’ll finish with Mary Poppins on February 22. We hope you’ll join us for these musical Sundays! Come join the Chancel Choir for rehearsal from 7:00-7:30 as they prepare the favorite Palm Sunday Cantata from last year, I Am the Lord of the Dance by Joel Raney. We’d love to fill the choir loft with songs of praise during Holy Week and we need YOU! Winter weather reminder: If LPS is closed for a snow day, the church office and Christ Academy will be closed as well. The flower chart for 2015 is on the wall behind the hospitality desk. Please sign up if you would like to purchase flowers in honor, memory, or celebration of a person or event. The cost is $40 and you may take the flowers home after the 11:00 service. Electronic Communication—The CUMC website (christumclinc.org) always has the latest Messenger and bulletin, an updated church calendar, and information about activities at CUMC. You can also receive the Messenger, your semi-annual giving statement, and weekly Prayer Chain via email. CUMC also has a growing Facebook page. Find us by searching “Christ United Methodist Church”. Finally, we have several electronic giving options. If you would like more information about any electronic communication, please email Amanda at [email protected]. The Service of Worship CѕџіѠѡ Uћіѡђё MђѡѕќёіѠѡ CѕѢџѐѕ Lincoln, Nebraska A Welcoming and Affirming Congregation Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. The Christ UMC family welcomes you as we worship God. Please fill out the Friendship Pad, located in the pews. Childcare for infants and toddlers is provided in room 204. In order to give focus to our worship, please silence all electronic devices. Gќё IѠ Rђѣђюљђё юѠ Wђ Gюѡѕђџ PџђљѢёђ Vuelie Fjellheim/Beck Carrying the light of Christ before us WќџёѠ ќѓ Wђљѐќњђ Acolytes Rev. Jim Miller *Cюљљ ѡќ WќџѠѕіѝ Life. That is what you offer us. In a world filled with death, You offer life. In a world overcome by sickness and disease, You offer life. In a world consumed with taking life, You offer life. In a world that is tired and weary, You offer life. Do we even understand what this really means for us? Are we willing to receive the life you offer? Transform our hearts, O God. Turn our minds toward your wonderful life. *HѦњћ 576 Rise Up, O Men of God PџюѦђџ Holy God, Our gathering here may often seem normal or ordinary. We do this week after week. Yet, being in your presence should feel anything but ordinary. Orient our hearts to expect beautiful things from our meeting with you today. Allow us to lay aside distractions so that you alone may be our focus. Thank you for how you will change us by being in your presence together. Amen. *PџюѦђџ ќѓ Dђёіѐюѡіќћ We give our gifts in love and thanksgiving for all that we have been given. Help us give with hearts and minds open to the possibilities of what we can do to heal the brokenness of our world. Let our love travel where we do not, making pathways of peace where there are none, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Aћѡѕђњ *HѦњћ 572 Frozen Choral Highlights Children’s Choir arr. Brymer Wђ Gќ Fќџѡѕ ѡќ Lќѣђ юћё Sђџѣђ Gќё PќѠѡљѢёђ Pass It On Cѕіљёџђћ’Ѡ Mќњђћѡ *HѦњћ 408 Kim Garrison The Gift of Love SѐџіѝѡѢџђ RђюёіћєѠ For the First Time in Forever Rev. Jim Miller PюѠѡќџюљ PџюѦђџ & Tѕђ Lќџё’Ѡ PџюѦђџ (Hymnal Page 895) *PюѠѠіћє ќѓ ѡѕђ Pђюѐђ (Please offer one another signs of love and peace) Wђ RђѠѝќћё ѡќ Gќё’Ѡ PџђѠђћѐђ OѓѓђџѡќџѦ Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Youth Choir Lopez *PџђѠђћѡюѡіќћ ќѓ GіѓѡѠ (Hymnal page 94) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Lincoln, NE 68510 Open Doors (402) 489-9618 www.christumclinc.org Our Vision Christ United Methodist Church seeks to celebrate and spread the love of Jesus Christ to our community and the world. Our mission is to welcome and nurture all who seek a relationship with God. We strive to build bridges to God through Jesus Christ. Lopez Acolytes 8:30—Liam Renard 11:00—Jane Jewell Greeters 8:30—Lynne Wild, Del and Julie Williams 11:00—Gloria and Larry Hrbek In place of an altar flower arrangement, Pedie Bryant has made a donation to the church landscaping fund in celebration of her 63rd wedding anniversary on February 3. 1 John 3:16-19 & 4:7-8 (Pew Bible Page 226, NT) Mќџћіћє MђѠѠюєђ 4530 A Street Open Minds VќљѢћѡђђџѠ Sђџѣіћє TќёюѦ (As children come forward, the congregation is invited to sing) HѦњћ 191 Jesus Loves Me vs. 1 Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so. LiĴle ones to him belong; they are weak, but he is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Open Hearts A Welcoming and Affirming Congregation We strive to welcome all persons regardless of age, color, disability, ethnic origin, family status, gender, political beliefs, race, religion, and/or sexual orientation. We commit ourselves to maintain an environment that is safe and affirming to all persons. Bђћђёіѐѡіќћ Gќё IѠ Rђѣђюљђё іћ ѡѕђ Wќџё Wђљѐќњђ ѡќ CѕџіѠѡ Uћіѡђё MђѡѕќёіѠѡ CѕѢџѐѕ Ushers 8:30—Diane Conley, Eldon Ficke, Tom ScoĴ, Bob Jones 11:00—Lynn Thelen, Rex and Linda Wilson, Carter Hulinsky, Torin Lynn (balcony) Fellowship Servers Burnita Den Hartog and Lois Schulenberg Van Drivers Cliff Thelen and Ron Rockenbach AĴendance ~ Sunday, January 25, 2015 8:30—98 11:00—152 Frozen Main Characters Elsa Anna Hans Christophe Olaf Sven OѢџ Sѡюѓѓ Senior Pastor—Rev. Jim Miller cell phone—(402) 984-9358 Visitation Pastor—Rev. Bob Neben cell phone—(402) 499-3636 Office Administrator/Children’s & Youth Choirs—Amanda Kenney [email protected] Director of Education/Children’s Ministries—Kim Garrison [email protected] Music Director—Jenny Jensen [email protected] Organist/Pianist/Men’s Choir—John Ross [email protected] Building Superintendent—Randy Cary Middle School Youth Leader—Chris Ruiz Christ Academy Director—Cindy Laughter [email protected] Christ Academy Staff—Alyssa Covert, Kim Dilley, Ashley Dodd, Nancy GravieĴe, RoseĴa Hardy, Kristen Harvey, Taylor Kirby, Tim Krahling, Ashley Krieger, Jessica Ludvik, Melissa Lyman, Morgan Malone, Tiffany Medley, Maria Murillo, Brooke Rhoads, Jennifer Russell, Miranda Smith, BriĴany Snell, Jillian Swaink, Elizabeth Swearngin, Brianna Zeeb Sunday Childcare—Jackie Heckman Wednesday Childcare—Maria Murillo
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