GLOW 2015 Please remove all winter decorations from the church cemetery by March 15. No new decorations, real or artificial should be placed on grave sites until after April 15. Please note the cemetery rules as to the placement and the type and size of pots. Thank you, the Cemetery Board. Inside this issue: Lenten Services 2 Council Highlights 3 80 and Over 3 Contact Us 3 Sunday School News 5 Thank You 5 Council Highlights 6 G.L.O.W. Bug Prints 8 Dear Friends in Christ, Lent begins on February 18 this year! The earliest Ash Wednesday can be is February 4 which will not happen again until 2085. This year we will be looking at The Parables of Lent. Each service will use a parable to see what we receive through the crucified Christ. You can take this message with you and use it enrich your own stories of faith in Jesus as you journey through Lent. Ash Wednesday: Receive Justification: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector • Luke 18:9-14 The tax collector who repents goes home justified, while the proud Pharisee does not. We, too, who repent are justified through Christ. February 25: Receive the Word: The Sower and the Seed • Matthew 13:18, 18-23 The seed that falls on fertile soil takes root and grows, while seeds in other soils fail. The Word of Christ flourishes within us. March 4: Receive the Treasure: The Hidden Treasure and the Priceless Pearl • Matthew 13:44-46 Two men give all that they have to buy objects of great worth. We who are priceless to Christ receive him who gave all that he had to call us his own. March 11: Receive Mercy: The Good Samaritan • Luke 10:25-37 A man beaten on the road gets help from an unlikely traveler. We who are often beaten down along the road of life encounter the healing of Christ through the cross. March 18: Receive Grace: The Workers in the Vineyard • Matthew 20:1-16 All workers in a vineyard are given the same pay from the master, no matter how long they have labored. All who have been called by the Master are blessed by the same reward in Christ. March 25: Receive Forgiveness: The Prodigal Son • Luke 15:11-32 A wayward son returns to the forgiving embrace of his father, who welcomes him home. We who have strayed return again and again to the embrace of our Father, through the sacrifice of his Son. Our worship services will be at 11:00 a.m. and at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. We will begin our Lenten season at the Ash Wednesday service with Imposition of Ashes. The beginning of Lent gives us the occasion to admit that we will die and that we are sinners. On Ash Wednesday we are marked with ashes, a sign of our death and of our sorrow for sin, but the ashes also trace a cross on our forehead, where the baptismal water first marked us with God's grace. This year the meals will be at different times and also two different styles. Our noon meal will be prepared for us. Come and enjoy. On Wednesday nights we will gather at 5:30 p.m. for a potluck soup supper. Bring what you can. Not everyone needs to bring soup! Hope to see you on Wednesdays! Also on Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. will be a Bible Study called The Parables of Lent. We will look at each week’s parable an attempt to make it more (Continued on page 2) Page 2 (Continued from page 1) GLOW Lenten Services understandable for each of us. Please join us in the Lounge at 12:30 p.m. Hope to see you on Wednesdays! At Lay School this last session we talked about experiencing all of the Lenten season. We experience the lows times in the life of Jesus like on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Then we can really be ready to experience the highs, like Easter! Our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services will help make Easter even more meaningful. See you at our Sunday and mid-week services! Wednesday – 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday, February 18 – Receive Justification: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector February 25 – Receive the Word: The Sower and the Seed March 4 – Receive the Treasure: The Hidden Treasure and the Priceless Pearl March 11 – Receive Mercy: the Good Samaritan March 18 – Receive Grace: The Workers of the Vineyard March 25 – Receive Forgiveness: The Prodigal Son Yours in Christ, Holy Week Worship Times P.S. See you at Worship Men’s Breakfast Bible Study On Monday, February 9, we will have our monthly meeting of the Men’s Bible Study. We meet at Oink’s at 8:30 a.m. on the second Monday of each month. We meet for breakfast or coffee, conversation and a time of Bible Study. We are finishing up our study of the Gospel of Mark. Please join us when you can! If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Dan. Hope to see you on February 9 at 8:30 a.m.! Come and give it a try! OWLS - Older, Wiser, Lutheran, Seniors Our OWLS group will meet on Thursday, February 12, at noon. We will gather in the dining room for a potluck meal. Come and enjoy the afternoon. Please bring a dish to pass and remember to invite all your friends. Hope to see you on Thursday, February 12, at noon. Come and join with old friends and make some new friends. Confirmation Schedule February 4 Youth Unity Worship 11 Forgive Us 18 Ash Wednesday No Confirmation 25 Time of Trial March 4 Deliver Us from Evil 11 The Doxology 18 Lord’s Prayer Review 25 Lutheran Worship: Gathering Maundy Thursday, April 2, at 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Good Friday, April 3 at 6:30 p.m. Easter Sunday, April 5 at 6:00, 8:15, and 10:00 a.m. Dear Partners in Ministry, How shall we be a strong Church, a healthy and vibrant synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America? What might the Holy Spirit be stirring up among us, prodding us perhaps toward more faith-filled participation in God’s mission of reconciling love in Jesus Christ? I am writing to invite you and your congregation to join me and members of the Synod Council at one of the six Conference Gatherings, “SpiritLed, Spirit-Shaped: Our Journey Together.” We intend these gatherings to be an important step in a Spirit-led process of shaping the synod to participate more deeply in God’s mission in the world. The gathering dates and places are noted below. The gatherings will be a time for Dwelling in the Word, lots of conversation and prayer, and getting to know one another as we talk about who we are and where God might be calling us into mission. I expect there will be a playful spirit to the gatherings, lots of participation, but all for a purpose. Pastor Ramie Baaken, Region 5 Coordinator, has been meeting with the staff to plan these gatherings. She also will be facilitating and helping to lead the process. We are hoping for a rich variety of people, youth and young adults, men and women, senior citizens, lots of laity as well as pastors, associates in ministry and diaconal ministers. There is no set number of participants needed, just people with a love for Christ and a love for Christ’s Church. If a number would be helpful, then perhaps 3-6 people would be great. Above all we are wanting a di(Continued on page 7) Page 3 GLOW 28 80 and Over 2 5 8 Acolytes — February 8:15 1 Bella Nygaard 8 Seth Schnell 15 Camey Hall 22 Caitlyn Keyes Contact the Council Other Key Contacts 10:30 Abby McNamee Carter Danke Laura Korth Ashley Wisnefske 12 19 Leona Umland 8824 Umland Road Larsen, WI 54947 Arden Eckstein 3960 W Larsen Road Larsen, WI 54947 Clara Ingles 8543 Oak Lane Larsen, WI 54947 Iona Anderson 8281 Anderson Avenue Larsen, WI 54947 Evelyn Schierland 8913 County Road M Larsen, WI 54947 Germaine Anderson 1447-7 Tullar Road Neenah WI 54956 If you or someone you know is or will be 80 or over, please call the church office so we may include him or her on the birthday list. Kate Christianson, President 379-4937 [email protected] Pete Uvaas, Vice President 470-1714 [email protected] Karen Bramer, Secretary 707-1537 [email protected] Jean Thyssen, Treasurer 836-3183 [email protected] Linda Breaker 859-0032 [email protected] Eugene Doell 734-9662 [email protected] Paula Nyback 836-1950 [email protected] Pastor Dan L. Luett 594-2015 [email protected] Sheri, Church Secretary 836-2382 [email protected] Building & Grounds, Rob Nelson 470-2574 (Chairperson) Alissa Olson, Financial Clerk 836-2382 [email protected] Ruth’s Pantry 475-9639 [email protected] Mon 2 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 10:00 The Story 4:30-7:00 Ruth’s Pantry 9 8:30 Men’s Bible Study at Oinks 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 4:30-7:00 Ruth’s Pantry 16 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 4:30-7:00 Ruth’s Pantry 23 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 4:30-7:00 Ruth’s Pantry Sun 1 Team 4 8:15 Traditional Worship 9:20 Education Hour 9:30 Adult Forum 10:30 Rejoice Worship 8 Team 5 8:15 Traditional Worship 9:20 Education Hour 9:30 Adult Forum 10:30 Rejoice Worship 11:30 Potluck for Becky 15 Team 1 8:15 Traditional Worship 9:20 Education Hour 9:30 Adult Forum 10:30 Rejoice Worship 22 Team 2 8:15 Traditional Worship 9:20 Education Hour 9:30 Adult Forum 10:30 Rejoice Worship 24 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 8:30 Sewing Circle (Day 1 of 2) 10:00 Prayer Book Study 4:30 Hand Bell Choir 6:30 The Story 17 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 10:00 Prayer Book Study 4:30 Hand Bell Choir 6:30 The Story 10 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 10:00 Prayer Book Study 4:30 Hand Bell Choir 6:30 The Story 3 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 10:00 Prayer Book Study 4:30 Hand Bell Choir 6:30 The Story Tue 25 8:30-11:00 Sewing Circle (Day 2 of 2) 11:00 Lenten Worship Noon Lenten Meal 12:30 The Parables of Lent 5:30-6:15 Potluck Lenten Meal 6:30 Lenten Worship 7:00 Confirmation 11:00 Ash Wednesday Worship Noon Lenten Meal 12:30 The Parables of Lent 5:30-6:15 Potluck Lenten Meal 6:30 Worship Service NO Confirmation 18 11 9:30 Mary/Rebekah at Henrietta 11:45 Conversations in Scripture 6:30 Worship Service 7:00 Confirmation 4 11:45 Conversations in Scripture 6:30 Worship Service 5:30 Youth Unity Worship at the Paper Valley Wed 26 19 6:00 Meals Ministry 12 Noon OWLS 5:00 Cackles and Cards 6:45 Council Meeting 5 2:00 Yarn Ministry 6:00 Building and Grounds Thu 27 20 13 6 Fri 28 9:00-10:30 Light the Fire: Mercy 21 8:00 Meals Ministry 9:00-5:00 Spiritual Gifts Class 14 8:30 Cackles and Cards 7 Sat Page 5 GLOW Sunday School Notes Here’s what to expect this month: * February 1 – A Storm – Following Jesus, we do not have to be afraid. * February 8 – The Centurion’s Servant – God’s grace is for everyone; Jesus healed the centurion’s servant. * February 15 – Jesus Blesses the Children – Jesus came for everyone, even little children! * February 22 – Jesus Heals Two Blind Men – Jesus heals, not from pride or power, but from compassion. Ruth Pantry Basket Dates: * February 1 – Nursery & 2nd grade * February 8 – 3rd grade * February 15 – PreK/K & 4th grade * February 22 – 1st grade & 5th/6th grade ** Don’t forget that the King’s Kids sing on February 8 at the 10:30 service. The Joyful Noise choir sings the following week, on February 15, at the 8:15 service. We hope to hear all of their beautiful voices sharing God’s word! Thank You Many thanks for the beautiful, warm prayer shawl, poinsettia plant, many cards, prayers, and especially visits from Pastor Dan. It is so comforting to know Grace remembers those who are no longer able to worship or participate in church activities. —Gratefully, Ellen Raehl Thank you for the lovely poinsettia that Gerry Marks brought to us. —Abe and Theda Eckstein Thank you to the church for the poinsettia delivered by Eugene and Sue Doell. Thanks also for the visits from Pastor Dan. Willis thanks each one for the many birthday cards received. Thank you all. —Willis and Leona Umland Thank you for the plant; it is very pretty. —Marilyn Pagel Thank you for the pretty poinsettia plant. —Betty Uvaas Thank you for the beautiful poinsettia plant. —Ray and June Breaker I enjoyed the poinsettia plant. —Carla Cross Ruth’s Pantry Reporter . . . This year for the Souper Bowl, we are collecting different kinds of soups. Our goal is to collect 1,000 cans. If you didn’t bring your soup for the collection on Super Bowl Sunday, you can watch the Super Bowl, anyhow, and bring your contribution to the Souper Bowl any time in February. 2015 Spring Fling You Never Know When You Are Making a Difference in Someone’s Life Saturday, April 25, 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church of Winchester I want to thank the church for the flower. Thanks to Pastor Dan for the nice visit. Happy holidays. —Pat Gulbrandson Thanks to the congregation for the nice poinsettia and the visit from Pastor Dan. —Earl and Betty Nelson Thank you so very much for the lovely poinsettia. Thanks to Gerry Marks for bringing it. —Peggy Johnson Thank you for the Christmas poinsettia. I’m enjoying it every day. —Millie Mathison I want to thank everyone who contributed to my wonderful holidays. You are all angels in my life. God bless you all. Also thanks to the church for the flower. My prayers of thanks to all. Clara Ingles. Page 6 GLOW Council Highlights Spiritual Gifts Class January 2015 Has God given you the gift of Mercy? What about the gift of Exhortation? Come find out about Spiritual Gifts and how we can use God’s gifts at Grace. A day-long Spiritual Gifts class will take place on Saturday, February 21, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Books are $10 or available to borrow at no cost. Lunch will be provided. Please bring your own beverages and snacks. Please indicate your desire to attend on a sign-up sheet on the board in the narthex. Secretary's Report: (posted in 2nd floor hallway) December's council meeting minutes were approved Treasurer's Report: (posted in 2nd floor hallway) *December net income $12,778.56 Pastor Dan's Report: (full report posted in 2nd floor hallway) *Attended Committee Meetings for December *Attended Conversations in Scripture *Book study The Story Monday and Tuesday classes *Various visits to shut ins and those in the hospital *Counseling People who have completed the Spiritual Gifts class meet monthly to Light the Fire, keeping the enthusiasm for using our spiritual gifts burning. On Saturday, February 28, 9:00 – 10:30 the group will gather and review the gift of Mercy. We will also share how God is showing us ways to use the gifts He has given us. Becky's Report: *Received Becky's Resignation *Working on assigning her duties to others New Business G.L.O.W. Bugs structure Thanks yous Recruiting and Nominating Old Business Membership Review Committee Performance Reviews Visioning Open Forum Ushering Teams possible consolidations Church members with concerns Respectfully submitted, Karen Bramer The Combined Choir Cantata, Believe, will be performed at Grace on Sunday, April 12, at 2:00 p.m. Come and hear many voices singing praise to our Lord. Pastor Dan Page 7 GLOW (Continued from page 2) verse group with a spirit of discernment. Do let the host congregation know the number attending. Each of these gatherings will be followed by a March 14 Synod Council retreat and meeting at which we intend to Dwell in the Word once again, listen deeply to what we have been hearing in the gatherings, and seek to discern some directions for the synod. We are hoping Synod Council members may be able to attend more than one gathering. We hope the Holy Spirit will have stirred us Lutherans sufficiently that at the May 15-16 Synod Assembly, we will lift up a Purpose Statement (who we are) and Missional Directions (what we are called to be about) for this synod. We will then Dwell in the Word again, and ask, “so what does this mean and where do we go from here?” In his book, We are Here Now, Pat Keifert speaks of God’s preferred and promised future, a phrase intended to be law/gospel language. God has a promised future for the Church, a future that is secured by God raising Jesus from the dead. God prefers that we realize that future and begin living into those promises here and now. These gatherings are intended to help us trust in God and begin to realize that the future is among us now. So mark these dates on your calendars. Find a conference gathering you are able to attend. Gather a rich and diverse group of people from the congregation to attend. And let us see where the Holy Spirit might lead and how we might be shaped. In Christ’s Peace, Gerald L. Mansholt, Bishop February 7, 2015 8:30am-11:30am – Appleton Conference Christus Lutheran Church, N1915 Julius Dr., Greenville, Pastor Jen Christenson 920-757-7775 1:30pm-4:30pm – Oshkosh Conference Grace Lutheran Church, 384 Oak St., Berlin, Pastor Scott Piper 920-361-1820 March 15, 2015 Benefit Concert for Augusta Victoria Hospital, East Jerusalem Featuring Mr. Ali Amr At Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2330 E Calumet Street, Appleton, Sunday March 15, 2015 (6:30-7:45 p.m.) Mr. Ali Amr is a Qanun performer and vocalist, who blends Arabic music with modern jazz. His unique sound wins over audiences of all ages and backgrounds. He is an award-winning artist, graduate of the prestigious Berklee College of Music, Boston, and he now resides in New York City touring with his own group, “The Experiment.” He was discovered by Simon Shaheen at age 7 and started touring at age 9, having performed in shows throughout Europe, Asia, Scandinavia, and United States. Most recently he collaborated with Quincy Jones, Esperanza Spalding, North Sea Jazz, Istanbul Jazz Festival, Middle East Festival, Bean Town Jazz, and Newport Jazz Festival. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church excited to welcome you to this special evening of music and also to hear briefly about the work of this amazing hospital, owned by the Lutheran World Federation and built on the Mount of Olives. The hospital uniquely services the Palestinian community in the West Bank and Gaza providing cancer, diabetes treatment, and care for children and youth. They are recognized for their high level of treatment and dedicated staff. This benefit concert is one of the ways Prince of Peace and our wider Fox Cities community can be part of the Peace Not Walls Campaign of the ELCA Church as we seek ways to be agents of peace, reconciliation and justice in this war-torn region. We will take a fee-will offering after the concert to support the work of this special hospital. After the concert, all are invited to stay for refreshments and fellowship. Annual Meetings Crossways Camping Ministries Annual Meeting Saturday, February 14, 2015, 9:30 a.m. Registration 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Lunch Provided St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 140 South Green Bay Road, Neenah, WI 54956-2247 Bethany Homes Saturday, February 22, 2015, 2:00 p.m. 1226 Berlin Street, Waupaca, WI 54981 Appleton Conference Saturday, February 14, 2015, 9:00-11:00 a.m. Christ the King, Combined Locks Fox Valley Lutheran Homes Annual Meeting Saturday, April 18, 2015, 9:30 a.m. 425 N Linwood Ave., Appleton, WI Please prayerfully consider being one of Grace’s delegates to one or more of these Annual Meetings. Talk to Pastor Dan if you have any questions or to volunteer! Thanks. Grace Lutheran Church of Winchester 8396 Steeple Hill Drive Larsen, WI 54947 * [email protected] * 920-836-2382 Cackles and Cards Changes are happening at Cackles and Cards. We have changed our meeting times! Please feel free to call and join us; we have a lot of fun creating masterpieces. The February class will be held in the dining room on Thursday, February 12, at 5:00 p.m. The class is also offered on Saturday, February 14, at 8:30 a.m. The cost of the class is $15, and you will be making ten cards. Please email or call Sheri (836-2382) and let her know if you plan on coming. G.L.O.W. Bug Prints Hello Grace Lutheran Church Members: It’s hard to believe that January is over and we’re heading in February. We started off the New Year with a few "cold days" in which we had to cancel class. We've been continuing with our projects and letter of the week, and the kids are really doing a great job with their learning. We've also talked about kindness, Jonah and the Whale, the Harp player and John baptizes Jesus. We decided that we would have a Beach Party in January to break up the long, cold days. The kids brought their beach towels, sun glasses, and hats, and we watched beach movies and had our own party. All of the kids had a great time! Also, stay tuned for details about our upcoming Open House!! We are still accepting enrollment for this year. Pre-K Class Mon./Wed./Fri., 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. $850/year plus $25 snack fee per semester Three-Year-Old Class Tues./Thurs., 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. $600/year plus $20 snack fee per semester To reserve a spot, a non-refundable $50 deposit is required, and the deposit does apply to the tuition total. G.L.O.W. Bugs Preschool tuitions cover all of the expenses for the year, so that our students’ families do not have to participate in fundraising or donate any time in the classroom. Thank you, Grace Lutheran, for your continued support of G.L.O.W. Bugs Preschool! Sue Schwartzbauer (Mrs. S) and Alissa Olson (Miss Olson)
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