Transforming Lives with the Resurrected Power of Jesus Christ. Sunday 2/1 Super Bowl Sunday 7:45 AM Worship 9:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Worship Monday 2/2 Community Kitchen Week 4:30 PM Petit Music Makers 5:30 PM Encounter 6 PM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM Crossroads at Starbucks Tuesday 2/3 Community Kitchen Week 10:30 AM Staff 5 PM Handbells 5:30 PM Women’s Ministry 6:45 PM Praise Team Wednesday 2/4 Community Kitchen Week 9:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 11 AM Wednesday in the Word 4:30 PM St. Cecelia Choir 6 PM Grow Meeting 7 PM Adult Choir 7 PM Al Anon Thursday 2/5 Community Kitchen Week 7:30 AM Eucharist 8 PM Bible Study 5:30 PM Disciple I Friday 2/6 Office Closed Community Kitchen Week 7 AM TOPS Meeting 7:30 AM Brotherhood Mtg 7 PM AA Speakers Meeting Saturday 2/7 11:30 AM Go Red Luncheon Sunday 2/8 7:45 AM Worship 9:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Worship 11 AM Spaghetti Dinner 3 PM DOK Meeting 5 PM Anglican Heritage February 1, 2015 Welcome to The Church of the Resurrection. We are glad you are here to worship in this vibrant parish, where we Encounter God, Connect with Others, Grow in Christ and Serve the World. If there is anything we can do to help you in your walk with Christ, please let us know. We have three worship services on Sundays to reach all different worship styles. At 7:45 AM we have a spoken service, 9 AM is our traditional service with organ and choir and at 11 AM we have our contemporary service with praise band. After your third visit with us, we will automatically generate a name tag for you, if you desire one prior to that, please sign up for it on your Connection Card. In Christ, Ron+ Connection Cards Please fill out your Connection Card, first and last names. This is how we communicate our needs, and get further involved in the ministry life of this parish. Make appointments, add names to the prayer list, change phone numbers and addresses by filling out this card legibly. Spaghetti Dinner February 8th 11 AM-2 PM Mark your calendars now for our Youth Spaghetti Dinner at Angelo’s on February 8th. Tickets are available at the Connection Point for $7. This includes spaghetti, salad, bread and tea or water. Soda and desserts will be available for an additional fee. Proceeds will go towards missions and other youth related events. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper February 17th 4-8 PM Tickets are now on sale for our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on February 17th. Come out and enjoy all you can eat pancakes, sausage, bacon and apples. Tickets are $6 for adults, $3 for children and $20 for the entire family. Ash Wednesday February 18th Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the season of Lent, which is a time of preparing for Easter through fasting, repentance and spiritual discipline. We are called to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ and his suffering, sacrifice, death, burial and ultimate resurrection for our salvation. Service times are 7:30 AM, 11:00 AM and 7 PM, please join us for the start of a Holy Lent. Grow Group Promotions Make sure and look over the offerings for Grow Groups on display in the Commons today. Most classes will begin the week of February 15th. Classes are available at the church and in homes of our parishioners. Come, Grow in Christ with us! Sign up today. 8901 Hwy 17 Bypass South PO Box 14548 Surfside Beach, SC 29587 Office: (843) 215-4500 Fax: (843) 215-1306 Stations of the Cross Fridays During Lent 6 PM Make time every Friday during Lent to walk with our Lord and Savior to the Cross. Stations of the Cross is a brief and informal service that will richly bless your Lenten season. If you would like to serve for one of these services, sign up on your Connection Card. Building Access and Hospitality The Connect Team is looking for “Hospitality Hosts” who would be willing to serve on Sunday mornings either before or after their worship service. These hosts would sit at the Connection Point while worship is going on to be able to help anyone who may come in early or late. We are not asking anyone to give up their worship time, we are asking that you would consider worshipping during your service time and serving during other worship times. If you are interested in learning more or helping us out, please sign up on your Connection Card, we will be contacting you with details soon! Financial Peace University Begins February 15th 5 PM Sign up today for Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey. This class begins February 15th at 5 PM at the Church of the Resurrection. We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God’s ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! The fee for this course is $100 per family unit. You can indicate your interest in attending by marking your Connection Card. Celebration of Your Life Seminar February 28th 9 AM Celebration of Your Life is a seminar on February 28th that will allow you to plan an important event in your life, your funeral. This information will help ease the burden for your family at a difficult time. There will be a presentation on Advanced Directives as well. Sign up on your Connection Card. Lenten Luncheons Thursdays During Lent 12:05 PM Beginning February 26th Resurrection is joining with our south strand brothers and sisters in Christ for a Lenten Luncheon series. There will be a short worship service followed by lunch! Locations are coming soon! Confirmation Sunday March 8th Mark your calendars now. Bishop Mark Lawrence will be here on March 8th for his yearly visitation and Confirmation. Nursery Help Needed The children of Resurrection need your love and care. We have a paid staff member in the nursery on Sunday mornings, but more volunteers are needed to join our Nursery Team. Our primary goal in the nursery is the safety and protection of our children and more staffing is necessary to ensure that level of care. The team needs someone to take the 4th week and people who would be willing to fill in as a substitute as needed. Training will be provided. Sign up on your Connection Card to join our team. Petit Music Makers Petit Music Makers is accepting new students, ages 5-7 years old. Classes meet weekly Mondays, 4:30 –5 PM. January’s focus is on Epiphany with scripture memory, drumming and the beginning of music reading. Sign up on your Connection Card to join us! Handbell Choir The Handbell choir has just received the gift of a two octave set of hand chimes. We are also looking for an additional member to play on the station of the lower bells. Knowing how to read music and a good sense of rhythm is most helpful. Bell rehearsal is Tuesdays 5-6:15 PM. Sign up on your Connection Card to join our team. Sanctuary Candle The Sanctuary Candle is given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of our Granddaughter and niece, Jenna M. Norton on the occasion of her 16th Birthday, from Stephen, Roxie and Tiffany Owens. Prayer List The Prayer List is available hanging on the wall behind the Connection Point and online at 2015 Pledges If you have not already turned in your pledge cards for 2015, please do so as soon as possible. There are stewardship packets available at the Connection Point if you need one. Ushers Needed for 11 AM The Encounter team needs Ushers for the 11 AM service. You will be asked to serve one Sunday per month and training will be provided. Sign up on your Connection Card. Flower Guild The Flower Guild is looking for someone to fill a leadership position. The job requires ordering flowers from the florist after talking to the donor, and submitting the information for publication in the bulletin and working with the florist to plan large celebratory holidays like Christmas and Easter. If you are interested, please sign up on your Connection Card. NO AWANA Tonight Due to the Super Bowl tonight, we will not have AWANA tonight. We will also not have AWANA on February 8th due to the youth fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner at Angelo’s. We will resume our AWANA schedule on February 15th at 5 PM. NO SWAT Tonight There is no SWAT (youth group) tonight due to the Super Bowl. On February 8th we will have our Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser so we will not have SWAT on that day either. We will resume our regular schedule on February 15th. Financial Updates We do not have 2015 budget numbers yet Financial Updates 1/27/15 Weekly Contributions Weekly Budget Monthly Year to Date $13,460 Year to Date $10,561 Year to Date Budget Revenue Expenses Net $59,785 $46,497 $13,288 $59,785 $46,497 $13,288 Mortgage Balance $871,388 $0 $0 The Ministers of the Church Ordained Clergy The Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence, Bishop The Rev. Ronald E. Greiser, Jr. Rector The Rev. Stephen Davis, Assistant Rector The Rev. Dana Boynton, Priest Associate The Rev. Blaine Feightner, Priest Associate Program & Support Staff Kathy Ivey, Faith Formation Kory Hall, Youth Minister Donna Lunsford, Parish Administrator Karen Kearney, Music Ministry Lauren, Milligan, Financial Assistant Becky Bulleman, Communications Assistant Fred Webb, Sexton All Staff email addresses are the first letter of their first name and their last [email protected] ([email protected]) Wardens, Vestry & Officers Robbie Renken: Senior Warden (357-0925) Bill Bryan: Chancellor (651-6143) : Encountering God Beth Hans: Clerk (651-6119) Lyle Werner: Connecting with Others (957-8568) : Grow Gene Posey: Junior Warden (650-6469) Denise Cornwell-Ezrin: Treasurer (357-0769) Gene Posey: Bldg & Grounds (650-6469) Bob Bentz: Growing in Christ (651-8231) George Ellison: Serve the World (357-9116) Encounter God Ministries Vestry Liaison: Staff Liaison: Karen Kearney Acolytes: Dot Williams (215-4182) Choirs: Karen Kearney (215-4500) Lay Readers: Robbie Renken (357-0925) Prayer Ministry: Karen Kearney (215-4500) Fr. Dana Boynton (508-415-1756) Flower Guild: Lyle Werner (957-8568) Praise Band: Mara Bateson (222-7106) Lay Eucharistic Ministry: Susan Posey (650-6469) Altar Guild: Mary Bryan (651-6143) Kay Newell (236-2075) Ushers 7:45 AM: John Kling (650-7679) 9:00 AM: Hap Palmer (293-1702) 11:00 AM: Jim Fredericks (651-0147) Pastoral Care: Susan Posey (650-6469) Prayer Shawls: Judy DeRose (215-3807) AV: Chris Williams (902-8865) Connecting with Others Ministries Vestry Liaison: Lyle Werner Staff Liaison: Becky Bulleman Beach Nights: Becky Bulleman (344-7420) Bereavement: Nancy Maynard (238-3734) Gift &Book Shop: Kory Hall (602-6448) Greeters: Andy Kearney (293-5034) Men’s Group: Chip Bateson (222-7108) Softball: Jimmy Bulleman (344-7412) Women’s Ministry: Sanna Greiser (757-676-3501) and Colleen McIntyre (450-7380) Growing in Christ Ministries Vestry Liaison: Bob Bentz Staff Liaison: Kathy Ivey Brotherhood of St. Andrew: Larry Nowak (236-8295) Daughters of the King: Beth Sharrett (293-4386) Nursery: Kathy Ivey (215-4500) Cursillo: Judy McMeekin (650-8736) SWAT 412(Youth): Kory Hall (602-6448) Grow Groups: Bob Bentz (651-8231) Serve the World Ministries Vestry Liaison: George Ellison Staff Liaison: Kory Hall Angel Threads: Donna Scheeler (237-8800) Sandy Pembleton (651-0469) Christmas Outreach: Robbie Renken (357-0925) Mae’s Kitchen: Jane Palmer (293-1702) Community Kitchen: Lil Thompson (651-9549) New Beginnings: Larry Nowak (236-8295) Bob Bentz (651-8231) Stan Link (215-1845) Buildings & Grounds: Columbarium: Donna Lunsford (215-4500) Home Works: Kevin Vahey (477-1188) The Melody Makers: Nancy Laporta (215-2797) Mobile Meals: Lil Thompson (651-9549) Carol Buck (294-0704) Weddings: Beth Sharrett (293-4386)
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