EVENTS FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 1 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 – “SOUPER” BOWL COLLECTION 8:30 Worship and Communion led by Rev. Caronna 10:00 Worship and Communion led by Rev. Caronna 6:30 AA Meeting (Library) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 10:30 Lectionary Bible Study (O) 12:00 AA Meeting (Library) 6:30 Fundraising Meeting (Lounge) 6:45 Boy Scouts (SR/JR/G) 7:30 AA Meeting (Library) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 10:30 Apple Rehab Worship 12:00 AA Meeting (Library) 4:00 Tai Chi (SR) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 10:00 My Brother’s Keeper (JR) 12:00 AA Meeting (Library) 12:30 Staff Meeting (O) 5:15 Brownies/Daisy Troop Mtg. (JR/SR) 7:30 AA Meeting (Library) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 8:30-11:30 Medical Van (Cragin Court) 10:00 AA Meeting (Library) 7:00 Senior Choir Rehearsal 7:00 Moms in Prayer (The Avery’s Home) 8:00 Basketball (G) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 9:30 Alternative Ed. BB (G) 1:30 Red Cross Blood Drive (G/K) 12:00 AA Meeting (Jerusalem) 7:00 A Place of Hope Meeting (Library) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 9:00 Colchester rec. soccer practice [4 yr olds] (G) 9:15 AA/Al-Anon Meetings/Babysitting (SR/JR/Lib) 12:00 Vendor fundraising event (G) EVENTS FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 1 (continued) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 8:30 Worship led by Rev. Barnes 10:00 Worship led by Rev. Barnes 6:30 AA Meeting (Library) IN APPRECIATION Greeting today are Jan and Barbara, who have been members of this church since the early 1960s. Jan retired in 1991 after 40 years of employment. He enjoys hunting, fishing, and golfing. Barbara worked several jobs as a secretary and paraprofessional. She enjoys aerobics, line dancing, and taichi, as well as working at the Holly Fair and Tag Sales here at the church. Both Jan and Barbara root for the Boston Red Sox and the UConn women’s and men’s basketball teams. Jan and Barbara have been married for 58 years, have three living children, four grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. Our 8:30 a.m. ushers are Mitch and Lori and at 10:00 a.m., our ushers are Jim and Chris. Happy Birthday today to George. Happy Birthday to Matthew (2/2), Hanna and Avery (2/4), Julie (2/5), and Neil (2/6). Happy Anniversary to Deborah and Terry (2/3). This morning, our 10 a.m. Communion Elements Steward is Jennifer. Our Communion Servers are Jennifer, Jim, Carolyn, and Lynn. Blood Drive this Friday Soup-R-Bowl Sunday We are hosting a Red Cross blood drive this Friday, February 6, from 1:00-6:00 p.m., in the Gym. It is recommended you contact the Red Cross ahead of time to schedule an appointment at 800-448-3543; you can schedule your appointment on-line at; or you may also schedule your appointment by contacting Susan, our office manager, at 860-537-5189 and she can sign you up. Walkins are welcomed but depending on how busy they are, there could be a waiting time. If anyone from the Congregation is interested in volunteering some time that day to assist in the blood drive they can contact Cheryl. Volunteers are also needed to donate bake goods for the Blood Drive as well. For more information you may contact Cheryl. The Adventures Club will be collecting cans of soup for the Colchester Food Bank and will also be collecting your dollars and cents in a soup tureen for St. Vincent dePaul’s soup kitchen at the 8:30 and 10 a.m. worship services TODAY, Sunday, February 1. Paper Goods Needed The next time you are shopping for letter or legal-size copy paper, pick up an extra ream for the Church Office. Every ream can help! Thank you! Associate Pastor’s Note Rev. Caronna will be away the weekend of February 8 to lead classes at the UCC Confirmation Retreat at Silver Lake. Seniors Helping Seniors An in-home service, Seniors Helping Seniors, is an “innovative, intra-generational, companion and home help service exclusively for seniors”. Towns served are Bozrah, Colchester, Cromwell, E. Haddam, E. Hampton, E. Lyme, Franklin, Glastonbury, Lebanon, Lyme, Marlborough, Middletown, Montville, New London, Old Lyme, Portland, Salem and Waterford. Helpers are available any day, any hours of the week and can help each senior to stay home independently by providing essential services including: cooking, companionship, light housekeeping and pet care, personal grooming, and shopping, doctors’ appointments, etc. Call 860-537-1025 for more information. Email: [email protected]. Fundraising Meeting The Fundraising Committee will hold a meeting on TOMORROW, Monday, February 2, at 7 p.m. in the Church Lounge to discuss upcoming events. All are welcome to join the committee or come to the meeting to share your ideas. Contact Michele Wyatt if you have any questions. Mark your Calendar! Two upcoming events: On Shrove Tuesday, February 17, our annual Pancake Supper will be held in the Stage Room from 5 to 7 p.m. On Saturday, March 14, a New England Boiled Dinner, featuring corned beef and cabbage, will be held in the Stage Room from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. Moms in Prayer Group If you are a mom/aunt/grandma or simply a woman with children in your life, you're invited to join a “Moms in Prayer" every Thursday from 7-8 p.m. at Bethany’s home. Moms in Prayer is an international organization that brings women together once a week to pray for children and their schools. Moms in Prayer has a simple format - even if you've never prayed out loud before, you will be amazed at how easy it can be. Please call or email Bethany if you have interest. Shrek The Musical The Colchester Community Theatre will present “Shrek the Musical” at Bacon Academy’s auditorium. Performances are set for 7 p.m. on Feb. 13; 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Feb. 14; and 2 p.m. on Feb. 15. Tickets are $15, adults; $12, seniors and ages 12 and younger; and $25, preferred seating. For more information, call (860) 222-5767 or visit may help us…?) You breathe into us energy to move and stretch and reach toward health; (what are some ways…?) You place in us an urgency to seek justice so that all may enjoy adequate health care; (what are some actions…?) All: Renew our spirits in the midst of our diseases and afflicting spirits. Transform us, O Divine Wholeness, for the health of your creation. Amen. WORSHIP AT THE COLCHESTER FEDERATED CHURCH Fourth Sunday after Epiphany February 1, 2015 10:00 a.m. PRELUDE Andantino by Schubert ASSURANCE OF BLESSING In the midst of struggle, disease and affliction, know that you are made in God’s image and God sees you as whole and good. So may you celebrate God in your midst through opportunities of wholeness and justice. All: Thanks be to God! Amen WELCOME, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PASSING THE PEACE INTROIT Awake My Soul, and with the Sun CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Caronna and Abby, Leaders One: Brothers and sisters in Christ, what hopes do you bring to worship? All: We bring hope for health and wholeness. One: What afflictions do you bring to worship? Physical, emotional or mental pain? All: From illness, injury, sad and scary life situations, disease of many kinds. One: With all of these afflictions, it’s a miracle that any of us have made it to worship! All: But where else would we be? We yearn to know God’s powerful love and to know that wholeness is possible. One: In today’s gospel, a person with an “afflicting spirit” interrupts Jesus All: And Jesus frees him. One: And where does the miracle of his story and our stories begin? All: When we bring all of who we are--Hopeful, afflicted, bold—into relationship with the Divine. One: So come, let us enter this sanctuary with our whole selves All:—Hopeful, afflicted and bold--Come, let us worship! *OPENING HYMN God Is Here! *GLORIA PATRI #579 ANTHEM On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand SCRIPTURES Psalm 111; Mark 1:21-28 SERMON *HYMN by E. Rentz Rev. Caronna Amen, Amen #299 JOYS & CONCERNS; PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE; THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen #461 CALL TO OFFERING AND OFFERTORY (Children go downstairs for mission project and Sunday School activities.) *DOXOLOGY PRAYER OF RECONCILIATION All: O Divine Healer, we confess that sometimes we yearn for you to wave a magic wand on our wounded lives to remove our pain, illness, and suffering. One: We hear the gospel story of the one seeking healing from Jesus, and hope you will perform a similar miracle for us – if we just pray hard enough! And we do pray! All: Open our eyes to recognize the teachings and tools you have given us with which to seek healing in the midst of our afflictions and dis-eases. One: You whisper to us that wholeness requires self-care and rest; (what are some ways…?) You nudge us toward caregivers who can support and advise us; (who Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above ye heavenly Host. Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen UNISON PRAYER OF DEDICATION Into this circle of hope we place our lives, O God. Receive these gifts and use them by the power of your Spirit to bring your peace. Amen. SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION: INVITATION One: Luke the evangelist, wrote of our risen Savior, who at the table with two of the disciples, took bread and blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Their eyes were opened, and they recognized the risen Christ in the breaking of the bread. In communion with all believers in every time, on every continent, across history and time, and in celebration of the beauty of the differences that link us in a common hope that all might be well, let us pray: All: May we be held together in Christ, through the blessing of this table where we celebrate the risen Christ in the sharing of this bread. One: This table is open for all Christians who wish to know the presence of Christ and to all who seek to share in the community of God’s people. *COMMUNION HYMN Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ Affiliated with the United Church of Christ and American Baptist Churches Rev. Dr. Linda U. Barnes, Pastor Rev. Cheryl Caronna, Associate Pastor for Youth Kimberly, Music Director #514 PRAYER OF CONSECRATION One: Dear Jesus, You remain a sacred mystery to us. You have brought Good News for all the people and we will not be afraid, for you are here. All: We are hungry for your love which surpasses all our understanding; we are thirsty for your spirit that never runs dry. In this meal nourish our souls, feed our minds, quench our deepest longings and forgive our transgressions, that we may glorify you every day of our lives. Amen. BREAKING OF THE BREAD and SHARING OF THE CUP This communion table is open to all. The elements are bread and grape juice. We invite you to hold each element until all have received them so that we may commune together. PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING Holy One of all our days and years, we give thanks that you have refreshed us at your table by granting us the presence of Jesus Christ. Strengthen our faith, increase our love for one another, and send us forth into the world in courage and peace, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our risen Savior. Amen *HYMN Lord, Dismiss Us with thy Blessing #538 BENEDICTION (Please gather in a circle around the sanctuary.) POSTLUDE Fugue in C *Indicates that all who are able may stand. by anonymous 60 Main Street, Colchester, CT 06415 860-537-5189 [email protected] Worship and Communion 10:00 a.m. February 1, 2015 All: Renew our spirits in the midst of our diseases and afflicting spirits. Transform us, O Divine Wholeness, for the health of your creation. Amen. WORSHIP AT THE COLCHESTER FEDERATED CHURCH Fourth Sunday after Epiphany February 1, 2015 8:30 a.m. PRELUDE Andantino by Schubert WELCOME, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PASSING THE PEACE CALL TO WORSHIP One: Brothers and sisters in Christ, what hopes do you bring to worship? All: We bring hope for health and wholeness. One: What afflictions do you bring to worship? Physical, emotional or mental pain? All: From illness, injury, sad and scary life situations, disease of many kinds. One: With all of these afflictions, it’s a miracle that any of us have made it to worship! All: But where else would we be? We yearn to know God’s powerful love and to know that wholeness is possible. One: In today’s gospel, a person with an “afflicting spirit” * interrupts Jesus All: And Jesus frees him. One: And where does the miracle of his story and our stories begin? All: When we bring all of who we are--hopeful, afflicted, bold—into relationship with the Divine. One: So come, let us enter this sanctuary with our whole selves All:--hopeful, afflicted and bold--Come, let us worship! *OPENING HYMN Father, We Praise Thee #459 PRAYER OF RECONCILIATION All: O Divine Healer, we confess that sometimes we yearn for you to wave a magic wand on our wounded lives to remove our pain, illness, and suffering. One: We hear the gospel story of the one seeking healing from Jesus, and hope you will perform a similar miracle for us--if we just pray hard enough! And we do pray! All: Open our eyes to recognize the teachings and tools you have given us with which to seek healing in the midst of our afflictions and diseases. One: You whisper to us that wholeness requires self-care and rest; (what are some ways…?) You nudge us toward caregivers who can support and advise us; (who may help us…?)You breathe into us energy to move and stretch and reach toward health; (what are some ways…?)You place in us an urgency to seek justice so that all may enjoy adequate health care; (what are some actions…?) ASSURANCE OF BLESSING In the midst of struggle, disease and affliction, know that you are made in God’s image and God sees you as whole and good. So may you celebrate God in your midst through opportunities of wholeness and justice. All: Thanks be to God! Amen *GLORIA PATRI SCRIPTURES #579 Psalm 111; Mark 1:21-28 SERMON *HYMN Rev. Caronna There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy #298 JOYS & CONCERNS; PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE; THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen CALL TO OFFERING AND OFFERTORY When we give of ourselves to meet the needs of others, we are co-creators in the health of God’s creation. As we have been given much, let us give in return. *DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above ye heavenly Host. Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen UNISON PRAYER OF DEDICATION Into this circle of hope we place our lives, O God. Receive these gifts and use them by the power of your Spirit to bring your peace. Amen. SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION: INVITATION Leader: Luke the evangelist, wrote of our risen Savior, who at the table with two of the disciples, took bread and blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Their eyes were opened, and they recognized the risen Christ in the breaking of the bread. In communion with all believers in every time, on every continent, across history and time, and in celebration of the beauty of the differences that link us in a common hope that all might be well, let us pray: People: In every season may we be held together in Christ, through the blessing of this table where we celebrate the risen Christ in the sharing of this bread. Leader: This table is open for all Christians who wish to know the presence of Christ and to all who seek to share in the community of God’s people. *COMMUNION HYMN Be Known to Us in Breaking Bread Affiliated with the United Church of Christ and American Baptist Churches Rev. Dr. Linda U. Barnes, Pastor Rev. Cheryl Caronna, Associate Pastor for Youth Kimberly, Music Director #505 PRAYER OF CONSECRATION One: Dear Jesus, You remain a sacred mystery to us. You have brought Good News for all the people and we will not be afraid, for you are here. All: We are hungry for your love which surpasses all our understanding; we are thirsty for your spirit that never runs dry. In this meal nourish our souls, feed our minds, quench our deepest longings and forgive our transgressions, that we may glorify you every day of our lives. Amen. BREAKING OF THE BREAD and SHARING OF THE CUP This communion table is open to all. The elements are bread and grape juice. We invite you to hold each element until all have received them so that we may commune together. PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING Holy One of all our days and years, we give thanks that you have refreshed us at your table by granting us the presence of Jesus Christ. Strengthen our faith, increase our love for one another, and send us forth into the world in courage and peace, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our risen Savior. Amen *HYMN Lord, Dismiss Us with thy Blessing #538 *BENEDICTION (Please gather in a circle around the sanctuary.) And now in the wholeness and the goodness of God, go forth. Go and laugh with your friends, reconcile with those who have hurt you, be kind to strangers, and feel the Divine smile upon us. Now and forevermore. Amen. POSTLUDE Fugue in C *Indicates that all who are able may stand. by anonymous 60 Main Street, Colchester, CT 06415 860-537-5189 [email protected] Worship and Communion 8:30 a.m. February 1, 2015
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