St. Thomas More Church MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JANUARY 31-VIGIL 4:30PM - Bertha Hadam (30 Day) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME +8:00AM - Albin Bak (30 Day) 10:00AM - People of the Parish 12:00PM - Edward Adkins (30 Day) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2-THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD 7:00AM - Rudy Flis 8:15AM - Lucy Sucku TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3-SS. BLAISE & ANSGAR 7:00AM - Mathew & Pearl Colonna 8:15AM - Marie & Charles Thomas WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4-WEEKDAY 7:00AM - John Yambor, Jr. 8:15AM - Dolores Pepera THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5-ST. AGATHA 7:00AM - Jeanette Bargiel 8:15AM - Paul & Loretta Gross FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6-ST. PAUL MIKI & COMPANIONS 7:00AM - Mary Lou Drdek 8:15AM - Richard Sadowski - Student Liturgy SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7-WEEKDAY 8:15AM - Raymond Lisowski 4:30PM - Joseph Pallenik (30 Day) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME +8:00AM - Women’s Guild 10:00AM - People of the Parish 12:00PM - Helen Rusyniak (30 Day) +Cup Mass FINANCIAL Collection for January 25th…….....……...$8,636.12 Maintenance Collection…………………..$3,867.00 Votive Candles…………………………...$196.00 Thank you and God bless you for your generosity. SEMINARIAN OF THE MONTH Our seminarian of the month is Ryan Arto. Please keep him and all seminarians in your prayers as we continue to pray for vocations. To let him know that he is in your thoughts and prayers, send a card to him at 28700 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Brooklyn, OH 44144 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Robert Cepek SECRETARY: Mindy Molzan PPC meets on the second Monday of each month. Suggested agenda items must be in writing to the rectory by the 4th Monday of the previous month. All parishioners are most welcome to attend the council meetings as observers. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ DEVOTIONS: • Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena- Tuesdays following the 8:15 AM Mass • Rosary - Preceding 8:15 AM daily Mass BAPTISMS: Sunday: 1:30 PM or during any weekend liturgy. Prior to baptism of their first child, parents are required to attend a Pre-Baptism class. Please call the rectory at 216749-0414 to schedule an interview. MARRIAGES: Should be arranged with a priest by calling the rectory 6 months prior to the wedding date. Individual conferences, plus attendance at a pre-marriage program, are required for proper preparation. FUNERALS: Arrangements must be made at the rectory before any publication in the newspaper. REGISTRATION: Persons who live within parish boundaries should be properly registered. This includes all students in high school and college. Register with the priest after Mass. If you move out of the parish, please notify the rectory office. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA): Offered for those interested in the Catholic faith. These sessions begin in September and continue through May. For specific information, please contact the rectory office. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: PSR CLASSES: Grades 1–8: Tuesdays: 6:45-8:00 PM Email: [email protected] Youth Ministry (Grades 9–12): See bulletin for activities. HOMEBOUND COMMUNION CALLS: If anyone in your family is sick or homebound, please contact the rectory at 216749-0414 to arrange a visit. The Eucharist is brought to them on Sunday and/or First Friday. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ RECTORY HOURS Sunday 9am-11:30am Monday-Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 9am-1:00pm BULLETIN DEADLINE: MONDAY AT 12:00 PM READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 1, 2015! Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 Monday: Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34 Next Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR Our parish has a Finance Council that has a meeting on the third Tuesday of every month. It is at these meetings that we look at the financial situation of the parish. We try to look ahead to whatever repairs may be needed, as well as keeping our eyes on ways in which we can cut spending but not the services to the parish. We do this with the hope of continuing to try and save money for the future. I know that last month we put in the bulletin our financial report that was sent to the Diocese. At a quick look the parish seems to be doing well. Our last financial year was acceptable, but the reality is that this year is turning out to be a different story. Every month our business manager, Brandon Kirby, supplies the Finance Council with a report on the financial status for the school and parish. One of the reports that he gives us is a comparison of the collections from year to year. This year our collections have steadily gone down, as I am sure you have noticed when you read the bulletin. This decrease is for both our maintenance and regular Sunday collections. As of the closing of the second financial quarter, the parish is only running in the black at about five thousand dollars. What is the reason for the drop off in collections? I cannot tell for sure, but I do have a few ideas. I know for a fact that many of our older parishioners are moving out and into nursing homes or they are moving in with their children. The sad reality is that also many of them have passed away. Another reason for the falling amount in our collections is that people are not coming to Mass anymore. I look around at Mass and see the pews getting emptier and emptier. I realize that we all have busy lives but, that is not a reason to put God on the backburner. The final reason I think our collections are down is simply because of the economy. It may seem like the economy is getting better, but everyone is still trying to dig themselves out of the financial burden they found themselves in and the reality is that everyone is trying to save so that they do not find themselves in that same position should the economy fall apart again. I realize that times are hard and I hate to ask this of you, but I need to ask everyone if they would be willing to help the parish out and consider adding a dollar or two to your weekly collection. It was discussed at the finance meeting that if everyone could increase their donation just a little bit, we may find ourselves in a better financial position at the end of the third quarter and at the end of the fiscal year. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. I truly appreciate all that you have given in the past and the support that you will give in the future. May the Blessings of God be with you! Peace and Goodness, Fr. Bill February 1, 2015 SAINT OF THE WEEK St. Ansgar, the “apostle of the north” had enough frustrations to become a saint and he did. He became a Benedictine at Corbie, France where he had been educated. Three years later, when the king of Denmark became a convert, Ansgar went to that country for three years of missionary work, without noticeable success. Sweden asked for Christian missionaries and he went there, suffering capture by pirates and other hardships on the way. Less than two years later, he was recalled to become abbot of New Corbie (Corvey) and bishop of Hamburg. The pope made him legate for the Scandinavian missions. Funds for the northern apostolate stopped with Emperor Louis’ death. After thirteen years’ work in Hamburg, Ansgar saw it burned to the ground by invading Northmen. Sweden and Denmark returned to paganism. Ansgar directed new apostolic activities in the north, traveling to Denmark and being instrumental in the conversion of another king. By the strange device of casting lots, the king of Sweden allowed the Christian missionaries to return. St. Ansgar’s biographers remark that he was an extraordinary preacher and a humble and ascetical priest. He was devoted to the poor and the sick, imitating the Lord in washing their feet and waiting on them at table. He died peacefully at Bremen, Germany, without achieving his wish to be a martyr. Sweden became pagan again after Ansgar’s death and remained so until the coming of missionaries two centuries later. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! We recently registered the following people at STM during the month of January–Ken & Rose Calvey ◊ Matthew, Kimberly & Leah Spring ◊ Wilfredo & Margarita Matos and Chris Debby, & Chase Weizer. Welcome to all of you! TRAVELING MADONNA The statue is at the home of Jackie Gulling this week. Please call the rectory to sign-up to host the Traveling Madonna in 2015. Please continue to pray for our host families as they share their home with our Traveling Madonna. TAX CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS If you would like a tax contribution statement for your 2014 donations, please contact the rectory at 216-7490414. Or you may send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the rectory to Lisa’s attention. St. Thomas More Church THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! The call to discern a vocation, any vocation, takes time and prayerful consideration. I have taken the time to discern, this is my seventh year in formation, and I have prayerfully concluded that the priesthood is not the right path for me at this time. I realize that this comes as an abrupt surprise to most of you and I apologize that I am not able to inform you of this decision in person. This was not an easy decision for me, emotionally and spiritually, but I have prayed about it both before and after my decision and have confirmed it is the right choice. I will continue to pray for you and with you as you pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. I hope that this powerful intercessory prayer can be continued. The prayers offered for souls of the faithful are always needed and always rewarded by God. I appreciate everyone’s help in my discernment process and I trust that you will understand that my decision to leave is the right one. I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in all of the people I have encountered at St. Thomas More. I love the people of St. Thomas More and I will miss serving you there. I say farewell and ask that you pray for me as I continue to discern my vocation. God bless you and may the peace of Christ be with you always. In Christ, James Miller Please keep James in your prayers. Cards and letters may be sent to him at: St. Sebastian Church 476 Mull Avenue Akron, Ohio 44320 BIBLE STUDY- FAITH SHARING If you would like to join us, we meet in the rectory at 7pm on Mondays. We do not meet on the third Monday of the month. PARISH PRAYER FOR PEACE All are welcome to gather in the Marian Chapel to pray the rosary for peace on Tuesdays at 7pm. FIRST FRIDAY EUCHARISTIC DEVOTION Every First Friday of the month we have exposition of the Eucharist from 2-7pm ending with Benediction. Call the rectory if you are able to commit to one half hour on February 7th. Brooklyn, OH 44144 MARY QUEEN OF PEACE: 216-749-2323 Mass of Remembrance-Join us on Wednesday, February 4th at 7pm in the Lower Chapel for a Mass of Remembrance for those who have lost children. All are welcome to pray with us for those who have lost a child. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO: 440-884-3030 Day of Recollection-Join the Ladies Guild for a Day of Recollection on Monday, February 16th. The day begins with 8:30am Mass, then over to the Lower Parish Hall for a complimentary continental breakfast. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Father Ed Suszynski, Jr., will be our speaker. The day will end with Benediction at 2:30pm in the church. It is a free event. ST. LEO THE GREAT: 216-661-1006 Bus Trip-Join us for a guided tour of Cleveland on Tuesday, February 10th. We will visit: Cleveland Stockyards, Hillson Nuts, Gordon Square Arts District, have an Italian Lunch, Tower City (with admission to the observation deck) & several other places of interest. Tickets are $72/person. Please call Joanne Todd at 440-526-3505 for reservations. PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Please remember Albert Riggi and Gerard Cramer in your prayers. God grant them eternal rest. PARISH PRAYER O God, the Creator and giver of all things, bless this parish. Strengthen our faith; grant us the spirit of sacrifice and service so that, with Your grace, we may provide for the needs of our members, glorify You and sanctify ourselves. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen. PRAYER OF THE MONTH-FEBRUARY Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master; grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. BINGO Bingo is held at STM every Wednesday in the gym. Doors open at 5pm and Early Birds begin at 6:30pm. The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time BLESSED CANDLES This Monday is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. It is on this feast day that we bless candles. Anyone interested in purchasing these blessed candles can find them in the priest’s sacristy at a cost of $2. PRE-PLAN FUNERAL INFORMATION If you are interested in planning your own funeral Mass, please contact the rectory. Lisa will contact one of the members of the Ministry of Consolation and they will contact you to set up a convenient time for you. Pre-Planning has many advantages. You are able to select your favorite readings and songs for your Mass. It also takes a lot of stress away from your loved ones. Please consider this option and call 216-749-0414. ST. THOMAS MORE SENIOR ACTIVITIES For those 55 and over, come and join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month from 11am-3pm in Utopia Hall, which is handicap accessible. There is a $2 fee for coffee and donuts. You do not just have to belong to St. Thomas More. Everybody is welcome. The yearly membership dues are $5. Occasionally a lunch will be served. Twelve stamps will earn a free Christmas dinner at Holy Spirit on Snow Road in Parma. Please call May Hulvalchick at 440-845-4294 for more information. TEXT ALERTS St. Thomas More is adding a new way to get info about the parish and upcoming events. Text the word STMORE to 84576. After getting an enrollment message, you can respond with your email address to get reminders there as well. Data rates may apply depending on your cell phone plan. ST. THOMAS MORE HSYM Any and all high school students are invited for a night of video games (on a projection screen) and board games (on a table) on Sunday, February 8th from 6-8pm. This event is free and snacks will be provided. SCOUT SUNDAY On Sunday, February 8th, Scouts all over the United States will celebrate National Scout Sunday. All scouts, current and past members, are asked to join us at the 10:00 Mass. A special section will be reserved for the scouts to sit together. February 1, 2015 MARDI GRAS Our 9th Annual Mardi Gras will be on Saturday, February 14th from 5:30pm-Midnight. There are a limited number of dinner tickets available. $10 tickets are also available for admission after 8pm and do NOT include dinner. Purchase your tickets by February 7th to be entered into a drawing to win $100! MARDI GRAS DONATIONS! If you would like to donate a raffle basket or an item for our auctions and raffles, please contact Jeff Stutzman at the rectory or via email at [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your generosity in helping to make this year’s Mardi Gras a success. ANNUAL MEMORIAL CANDLES In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round? The cost for a Memorial Candle is $200 for the year or $190 if you return your candle from November. You also have the option to have a candle displayed for six months for $100. Forms are available at the rectory. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Thank you to all of the parishioners who expressed an interest in participating in the St. Thomas More community by completing the survey. You will be contacted by representatives from the various ministries. However, it is not too late for those of you who did not get the opportunity to complete a form. Extra forms are available at the rectory or at each door of the church. ROOTED IN FAITH, FORWARD IN HOPE We have an update from the Catholic Community Foundation. If you signed up to pay by credit card and your card expired, please call the Rooted in Faith office and update your information. Please contact Angie Pavlik at 216-696-6525 ext. 1303. FIRST FRIDAY LUNCHEON An inter-parish men’s group will meet at St. Clarence Church (30106 Lorain Road in North Olmsted) on February 6th for a First Friday luncheon. We will begin at 11:30 am followed by a talk by Rev. William G. Bouhall, of St. Thomas More Parish, and conclude with Mass. Cost is $10. Please call George at 440937-6606 to make reservations by Tuesday, February 3rd. St. Thomas More Church Brooklyn, OH 44144 216-661-0655 GABES FAMILY RESTAURANT 2044 Broadview Road Mon-Sat 6am-3pm • Sun 7am-3pm 216-741-4466 $ 99 2 Breakfast Specials • $499 Lunch Specials Dinner Specials 4185 Ridge Rd. SCHUSTER-STRAKERO’CONNOR FUNERAL HOME 216-749-7161 BELLA PIZZA 4830 Memphis Ave. • Cleveland 5904 Ridge Road, Parma FULL-SERVICE FAMILY PET CARE 440-885-4800 ~ Open 6 Days a Week ~ SERVING FAMILIES SINCE 1932 216-661-2626 Hard Working Ukrainian Women 3068 WEST 106TH CLEVELAND, OH 44111 800 • 944 • 2301 FAX: 216 • 671 • 1560 Friendly & Experienced at Cleaning Homes & Businesses Call Luba: 440-342-1522 • 440-842-4176 Call us for a Free Estimate 20% off your first cleaning for all St. Thomas More parishioners! CLEAN HOMES. CLEAN EARTH. Visit us online at Insured & Bonded • Great References All The Dairy Best To You... COBB FAMILY DENTAL 9701 Brookpark Rd. Ste 223 Parma, OH 44129 216-661-4900 NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! WALLY’S AUTO SERVICE “Personalized Service from Professional Technicians” 661-7737 Ridge & Memphis A.S.E. Certified Master Technician RICE PLUMBING MALLCHOK FUNERAL HOME 5660 Ridge Road Sewer & Drain Cleaning Licensed • Bonded • Insured • (440) 884-9100 • Repairs a Speciality Since 1945 (216) 741-8323 DINA’S PIZZA & PUB (The Filling Station) Funeral Home, Inc. Where Good Friends Meet For Good Food & Good Drinks PARMA PLUMBING Complete Plumbing Service From Small Repairs Sewer & Drain Cleaning to Bathroom Remodeling 10% Off Repairs JOHN ROMITO 216-351-8800 Three Generations of Personal Care Open Daily 11am 5680 Pearl Rd. • 440-884-5035 5701 Memphis Ave. • Old Brooklyn (216) 351-FOOD (3663) TOM ZABOR, JUSTIN ZABOR, KURT ZABOR ~ DIRECTORS CASSIE ZABOR ~ GRIEF MANAGEMENT Full Service Restuarant & Bar, Pick-up Window, On & Off Site Catering, We Deliver WWW.ZABORFH.COM TONY’S PLUMBING WORKS THERAPEUTIC TOUCH Complete Residential Plumbing WATER HEATERS, DRAIN CLEANING SHOWER DOORS & MORE Sonya Foradora Massage Therapy, Facials Pregnancy Massage Licensed by Ohio State Medical Board State License #PL17408 8475 Memphis Ave., Brooklyn 216-299-3276 (216) 351-7311 MEMBERSHIP OPEN TO ALL CATHOLICS IN THE DIOCESE OF CLEVELAND • Great Rates on Loans • Free Checking • Student Saver Program 5839 Ridge Rd • Parma, OH 44129 • 440-886-2558 • 4-E-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0670/i Because CUSTOM BEND SPECIALISTS every life FUNERAL HOME 5762 PEARL ROAD 440-888-0800 Louis D. Ripepi, Jr. UNBEATABLE PRICES LIFETIME WARRANTY ON MUFFLERS AND RESONATORS deserves a beautiful remembrance. • Family Owned and Operated Since 1948 • Pre-Need and Irrevocable Trusts • Community Room available • Cremation Service MUFFLERS • SHOCKS • CONVERTERS REPAIRS • BRAKES • OIL CHANGES (Any type Car, Truck or Van) (216) 661-8080 • 5085 PEARL RD CHURCHILL TOWERS Senior Living at its Finest 9333 North Church Dr. Parma Heights, OH 44130 440-843-2392 FREE HEAT, WATER, SEWER AND GARAGE PARKING Angelo Salvatore Excavating CATERING • SPECIAL EVENTS Ridge Manor Banquet Center Residential • Commercial • Industrial Licensed • Bonded • Insured 216-749-5509 • Sewer and Water Installation • Sewer Jetting/Cleaning • Sewer Video Inspection • Basement Waterproofing Contact Angelo Salvatore Owner Family Owned & Operated Since 1914 Celebrating Over 100 Years! ~ Parish Member ~ 4772 Pearl Road, Cleveland • 216-741-6661 7327 Pearl Road - Middleburg Heights • 440-243-6111 GOLUBSKI Free Estimates: (216) 387-8746 6765 State Rd. • Parma, OH (440) 843-7800 Cash, Check or Credit Accepted Sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago FUNERAL HOME 440-886-0200 PARMA 216-341-0940 CLEVELAND (216) 641-7575 Service & Installation Residential ntial & Commercial $250 OFF ANY VEHICLE PURCHASE W/ THIS AD • FULL SERVICE CAR DETAIL $80 • TRUCKS $110 HEATING & COOLING (216) 749-1000 Residential/Commercial We are currently working at St. Thomas More 12608 State Rd., Ste. 2 • North Royalton, OH (440) 237-1777 • (440) 237-7494 Choose your Caregiver! 2 Ton- 80,000 B.T.U. starting at $2897 Installed 4771 Pearl Rd. • Cleveland For Advertising Information, call VIC PREISEL at LPi today! 800-477-4574 ext. 6317 [email protected] THE WOW! Save up to $11.00 Jordan’s Family SHARE $15.00 MEAL FOR TWO Restaurant Selected dinners only: veal parmesan, chicken steak tips, breaded or grilled pork chops, 216-267-5353 parmesan, sizzling chopped sirloin steak. Corner of Brookpark & Chevy Blvd. Must purchase 2 beverages. All dinners include soup and salad bar. Present coupon with order. One coupon per party, table or visit. Can not be combined with any other offer, discount or coupon. Expires 03-31-2015 Dedicated to Personal and Caring Services In the Tribute to Life 14200 Snow Road, Brook Park 216-265-8700 A. RIPEPI & SONS Funeral Homes, Inc. 18149 Bagley Rd. • Middleburg Hts. (440) 260-8800 Thomas Mills, Funeral Director Parishioner 3202 Fulton Rd. • Cleveland (216) 281-8800 4-E-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 High Efficiency Central Air & Gas Furnace Flexible (2-24 Hours) Errands, Bathing, Medication Reminders, Meal Prep, Light Housekeeping, Errands, Companionship, Respite Care for Families 505 Front St., Ste. 5, Berea High Efficiency / Super Quiet 10 year cooling warranty 20 year Furnace Warranty 2 year Labor Warranty 80% Efficiency-Heating ~ FREE ESTIMATES ~ 4336 Ridge Rd., Brooklyn 440-239-7094 216-741-9440 Licensed • Bonded • Insured ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0670/o
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