St. Bernard of Clairvaux St. Stanislaus Kostka

The Church of
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Stanislaus Kostka
Served By
Rev. Frank Rose, Pastor
[email protected]
Church address: 1235 George Street
Offices and mailing: 368 Sumner Avenue
Plainfield, NJ 07062
908-756-3393 · Fax: 908-756-3059
e-mail address: [email protected]
8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM in Polish,
12:30 PM
Mon., - Fri. 8:00 AM
9:00 AM, 5:30 PM for Sunday
8:00 AM, 9:00 AM in Polish
12 Noon, 7:00 PM in Polish,
8:00PM in English
SUNDAY: after the 9:30 Mass in Polish
Special Penance Services Scheduled
Seasonally in English and Polish
Rev. Jan Krzysztof Lebdowicz, Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Deacon Pierre Jacques Merceus
Deacon Jim Keough
the people of
St. Bernard of
and St. Stanislaus
are a living Christian
Community who,
through worship,
education and service,
our faith in God
in our heritages.
We are a “Living
Mosaic of God’s
who seek His promise
of salvation.
Pre-K and Kindergarten - Wednesday, 6:30 – 7:30 PM (seasonally)
Levels 1 - 8 - Wednesday, 6:30 – 7:40 PM
For information regarding Parish Sacrament Preparation
Classes, which are held separately on Sundays, please call the
Catechetics Center.
A process of faith building for those who would like to
become members of, or for all who have not received full
initiation into, the Roman Catholic Church. Please call the
Catechetics Center for more information.
Celebrated throughout the year in accordance with the policy
of the Archdiocese and to accommodate the needs of our
Parish Family. Attendance at a preparation session is
required. Please call the Parish Office for an appointment.
Linda Knowles-Mayers, Director of Rel. Ed.
[email protected]
Karole Lechowski, Reception
[email protected]
John & Martha Nowik, Directors of Music
and Divine [email protected]
Chuck Ropars, Youth Minister
Mark Nekhay, Youth Minister
Mary Ellen Chanda, Trustee
Johnny Skalski, Trustee
Frank S. Kazmierski, Advisor
Cathleen M. George, LCSW, LLC
Parish Mental Health Specialist
[email protected]; 201.400.4651
Arrangements should be made with a priest as
soon as possible. One year prior to marriage
or as soon as Engagement is announced is
In the event of serious illness or when
someone is hospitalized, the parish office
should be notified. The Eucharist and the Sacrament of the
Sick will be celebrated with anyone requesting them.
Remember, the Hospital cannot notify us on their own.
The Youth Mass is at 9:30 AM on Sundays and “Get-A-Grip,”
grades 7-12, meets for Liturgy of the Word during the Mass
on the first Sunday of the month. Youth in grades 9-12 meet
at scheduled intervals.
Address: 368 Sumner Avenue, Plainfield, NJ 07062
9:00AM – 12 noon
Monday thru Thursday: 9:00AM – 8:00PM
9:00AM – 2:00PM
closed or by appointment
We are fortunate enough to have a Parish Choir that has a full
multi-lingual repertoire, as well as a Junior Choir . The Choir
rehearses on Thursday at 7:30 PM, and the Junior Choir on
Wednesday at 7:40 PM., following Religious Education Class.
Instrumentalists are welcomed, either to play solo or with our
choir. A parish orchestra made up of children and adults
rehearses and performs several times during the year. For
more information, or to volunteer, please call John or Martha
Nowik after Mass or at the Parish Office.
Stewardship calls us to freely give of our time, talent, and
treasure for the good of our parish family and community.
God gives us everything! I give Him back my tithe. Tithing
is God’s plan to support His Church. Full tithing means 10%
of gross income to God – 5% for your parish church and 5 %
for other charities.
for the
New parishioners are most welcome and are encouraged to call
the parish office and make an appointment to register. When you
are moving from the parish, please notify the parish office.
Those who are recognizing the call to the priesthood,
deaconate, or the religious life are invited to speak to a priest
or contact the Archdiocesan Vocations Office at 973-4974365, or at
2032 Westfield Ave., Scotch Plains NJ
Call the Office during regular hours.
The Tabernacle Candle will burn this week for the
intention of Beverly and Peter Cirino at the request of
Laraine Colucci.
Saturday, February 7
9:00AM…Terry Signorelli, req. Beverly Cirino
5:30PM....Lynn Di Lauro, req. Joanne Vogt
Sunday, February 8..5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00AM…Maria and Felice Romano, req. Family
9:300AM..Patricia Gutherie, req. Wong Family
11:00AM..Blessings for a Happy Birthday for:
Olga Tarnowska’s 21st Birthday
Olivia Tarnowska’s 19th Birthday
Baptism of Filip Wnek
Baptism of Sophia Zavacky
12:30PM..For the Safety and Well-Being of all
Our College Students
Monday, February 9
8:00AM…Linda M. Elliot, req. Kyle Boegel
Tuesday, February 10
8:00AM…Ricardo and Maddalena Negri,
Req. Armond and Anna Apisa
Wednesday, February 11
8:00AM…Ed McGrath, req. Alice McGrath and Family
Thursday, February 12
8:00AM…Anthony Bucca
Friday, February 13
8:00AM…Alida Scheuermann, req. Barbara and Al St.Louis
Saturday, February 14
9:00AM…People of the Parish
5:30PM....Betty Wu, req. The Kruse Family
Sunday, February 15…6 Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00AM…Giuseppe Ragozzino, req. Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Riello
9:300AM..Pat Rushforth, req. Beth and Mike Venezio
11:00AM..Roman Tarnawski, req. Family
12:30PM..Robert Keller req. Daughter, Joan
The Bread and Wine used at Mass for the month of
February will be In Memory of John Marquis at the request
of Nikolai Marquis.
health is challenged in any way especially Kathleen Hanna,
John Gibriano, and Ian Boegel.
YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED for all the faithful
First Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7
In this passage, Job laments the drudgery and pain all people
sometimes experience in life. He talks of troubled days and
restless nights. But he does mention that the days move along
swiftly, which can remind us that our time here on earth is quite
limited and should be well spent.
Second Reading: I Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23
Paul explains to the Corinthians that he has no choice, but
must preach the gospel. He tells of making himself all things to
all people, in order to save some of them. He reminds them
that he does this willingly, in the hope of sharing in the
blessings of the gospel.
Gospel: Mark 1:29-39
Jesus cured Simon and Andrew’s mother of a fever, then
others with illnesses or demons came to see him. He cured
those who were ill, and cast out the demons of the others.
Then he went off and prayed alone until his followers sought
him out. Jesus and his disciples then moved on to other
villages to proclaim the good news.
Please pray for our Parishioners in the Military:
CCM Michael Dias, USAF
Nicholas Hogan, USN
Luke Adams, USN
SSG Katarzyna Czajka, US Army
PFC Jessica Febres, US Army
Proboszcz Parafii
Ks. Frank Rose
E-mail: [email protected]
Sakrament Małżeństwa
Narzeczeni zamierzający przyjąć ten sakrament powinni zgłosić się do
księdza na rok wcześniej, aby odbyć odpowiednie przygotowanie.
Duszpasterz Polski
Ks. Jan Krzysztof Lebdowicz
Cell: 908 405 8030
Tel: 908 756 3393 ext. 33
E-mail: [email protected] lub frchris@
Rodzice dzieci w wieku szkolnym zobowiązani są do posyłania ich na
katechizację w ciągu roku szkolnego. Istnieje też możliwość nauki dla
dzieci przedszkolnych. Katechizacja odbywa się w środy każdego
tygodnia w godzinach od 6:30 do 7:40PM.
Kancelaria Parafialna
368 Sumner Avenue
Plainfield, NJ 07062
Tel: 908 756 3393
Fax: 908 756 3059
E-mail: office@
Strona internetowa: www.
Godziny otwarcia:
- od 9:30AM do 1:00PM
Od Poniedziałku do Środy
- 9:00AM do 8:00PM
- od 9:00AM do 5:00PM
- od 9:00AM do 1:00PM
- 9:30AM do 1:00PM
Katechumenat (RCIA)
Także dorośli, którzy chcieliby przyjąć sakramenty inicjacji
chrześcijańskiej (chrzest, bierzmowanie, eucharystię) powinni odbyć
odpowiednie przygotowanie.
Msze Święte Niedzielne
5:30PM (msza wigilijna w soboty) - w języku angielskim
8:00AM - w języku angielskim
9:30AM - z liturgią słowa dla dzieci - w języku angielskim
11:00AM - z liturgią słowa dla dzieci - w języku polskim
12:30PM - w języku angielskim
Msze Święte w dni powszednie - w języku angielskim:
Od poniedziałku do piątku – 8:00AM
W soboty – 9:00AM
Spotkania młodzieży
Młodzież klas 9-12 spotyka się w pierwsze niedziele miesiąca na mszy
świętej o godz. 9:30AM, w czasie której ma specjalną liturgię słowa.
Inne spotkania według ustalanego rozkładu.
Liturgia Słowa dla dzieci
Odbywa się ona w każdą niedzielę roku szkolnego podczas mszy
świętych w języku polskim lub w języku angielskim. Prosimy o
zgłaszanie dzieci do udziału w tej formie katechizacji.
Chóry parafialne
W naszej parafii działa Chór Parafialny śpiewający repertuar
wielojęzyczny oraz Chór Dziecięcy. Prosimy chętnych - zarówno dzieci
jak i dorosłych - o zaangażowanie się w tę działalność. Mile widziane
są osoby grające na instrumentach.
Próby prowadzą Państwo Martha i John Novik a odbywają się
w środy po lekcjach religii, chór dziecięcy a w czwartki, o godz.
7:30PM chór dorosłych.
Msze Święte w Pierwsze Piątki Miesiąca
7:00PM – w języku polskim (poza lipcem i sierpniem)
Szkoła Polska
Zajęcia w Polskiej Szkole działającej przy naszej Parafii odbywają się
w każdy poniedziałek w okresie roku szkolnego od godz. 5:30 do
Msze Święte w święta kościelne
W wigilię uroczystości:
7:00PM – w języku angielskim
W dzień uroczystości:
8:00AM – w języku angielskim
9:00AM – w języku polskim
12:00 w południe – w języku angielskim
7:00PM – w języku polskim
8:00PM – w języku angielskim
Zapisy do parafii
Zachęcamy nowych parafian do zapisania się do parafii. Potwierdzenie
przynależności do parafii poprzez zapisanie się do niej jest rzeczą
ważną, gdyż zaznacza naszą obecność we wspólnocie oraz wyraża
wolę jej budowania. Prosimy również o powiadamianie parafii o
zmianie miejsca zamieszkania czy numeru telefonu.
Spowiedź Święta
Ze spowiedzi świętej można skorzystać w soboty od godz. 5:00PM w
języku angielskim a w języku polskim w niedziele po mszy świętej o
godz. 9:30AM (ok.10:30AM) – należy poprosić księdza!
Sakrament Chrztu Świętego
Udzielany jest we wszystkie niedziele roku. Rodzice wraz
z chrzestnymi powinni uczestniczyć w nauce przed chrztem dziecka,
na którą należy uprzednio się umówić.
Duszpasterstwo chorych
Prosimy o powiadamianie parafii o tych, którzy z powodu wieku czy
choroby - na stałe czy czasowo - skazani są na pobyt w domu, lub w
szpitalu i nie mogą uczestniczyć w liturgii Mszy Świętej w kościele.
Chcemy ich odwiedzać, zanosić komunię świętą, służyć spowiedzią,
czy sakramentem chorych.
Wspieranie parafii
Jesteśmy wezwani do dobrowolnego poświęcenia swego czasu,
talentów i dóbr dla dobra rodziny parafialnej i wsólnoty. Bóg daje nam
wszystko! My winniśmy oddać Mu dziesięcinę. Dziesięcina – to Boży
plan wspierania Jego Kościoła. Dosłownie dziesięcina oznacza 10%
swoich zarobków: 5% na wsparcie kościoła parafialnego a 5% na
pomoc charytatywną.
Osoby, które rozpoznają w sobie powołanie do kapłaństwa, diakonatu,
czy życia zakonnego zapraszamy do rozmowy z księdzem lub do
kontaktu z Archidiecezialnym Referatem Powołań, tel. 973 497 4365,
albo na stronie internetowej
Zaświadczenia o sponsorstwie
Parafianie zarejstrowani i aktywni w życiu parafii mogą otrzymać
zaświadczenia o składanych na parafię ofiarach. W tej sprawie
prosimy o kotakt z kancelarią parafialną
Liturgia Tygodnia
08 lutego 2015
05 Niedziela Zwykła w ciągu Roku Liturgicznego
Kościół bywa oskarżany o ingerowanie w niemal każdą
dziedzinę ludzkiego życia. Upowszechniony jest stereotyp,
zgodnie z którym w opinii społecznej do zaakceptowania są
takie działania, które dotyczą jedynie spraw charytatywnych
czy kultu. Tymczasem, w czytaniach z dzisiejszej niedzieli
znajdujemy wskazówki mówiące o obowiązku nauczania.
„Biada mi, gdybym nie głosił Ewangelii”. Ten aspekt
działalności Kościoła nie jest łatwy do przyjęcia. Nauczanie nie
jest żadnym przywilejem pasterzy - jest jednym z
najważniejszych obowiązków.
Uczestnictwo w Eucharystii i wsłuchiwanie się w Słowo Boże
wymaga od nas wielkiej pokory. Z jednej strony głosiciele podobnie jak prorocy - muszą mieć świadomość, że nie
nauczają w swoim imieniu. Z drugiej strony słuchacze także
powinni nieustannie uczyć się pokory. Treści głoszone z
ambony nie podlegają jedynie naturalnym, technicznym czy
estetycznym sposobom interpretowania. Trzeba otworzyć
umysł i serce, by często „między wierszami” odkryć Słowo
09 lutego - Poniedziałek
Wspomnienie św. Apolonii
Poniosła śmierć męczeńską w Aleksandrii ok 250 roku; jest patronką
10 lutego - Wtorek
Wspomnienie św. Scholastyki
Siostra św. Benedykta; urodziła się w 480 roku w Nursji; żyła w pobliżu
Monte Cassino, tam też została pochowana w 547 roku.
11 lutego – Środa
Wspomnienie Matki Bożej z Lourdes - Światowy Dzień Chorych
12 lutego - Czwartek
Wspomnienie św. Saturnina
Zginął w Abisynii za panowania Dioklecjana; wraz z nim zginęło jego
dwoje dzieci i wielu innych chrześcijan.
13 lutego - Piątek
Wspomnienie św. Katarzyny, włoskiej dominikanki
Była znana z powodu doświadczenia tzw. ekstazy męki, twającej od
południa w czwrtek do popołudnia w piątek. Zmarła w 1589 roku.
14 lutego - Sobota
Wspomnienie św. Cyryla i św. Metodego
Byli braćmi i pochodzili z Tesaloniki. Przełożyli księgi liturgiczne na
język słowian. Jan Paweł II ogłosił ich Patronami Europy.
Wspomnienie św. Walentego
Znane są dwie legendy o św. Walentym. Według jednej był on
biskupem a według drugiej księdzem. Żył w 3 wieku po Chrystusie w
czasie prześladowań Chrześcijan.
Dzień Świętego Walentego, to dzień jego śmieci w 269 roku. Legenda
mówi, że miał on zwyczaj wysyłać ludziom listy, aby dodać im odwagi i
umocnić ich w dzielności w czasie prześladowań. Listy podpisywał:
Twój Walenty.
Z życia wspólnoty parafialnej
Wyprzedaż ciast
Zachęcamy dzisiaj do kupowania po mszy świętej ciast
upieczonych przez rodziców dzieci uczęszczających do
Polskiej Szkoły oraz osób ją wspierających. Dochód ze
sprzedaży to pomoc w funkcjonowaniu Polskie Szkoły.
Pierwsza Spowiedź i Komunia Święta
Przygotowanie do pierwszej spowiedzi odbywać się
będzie w niedziele: 8 i 24 lutego po mszy świętej o godz.
9:30 do godz. 12:00 w południe. Pierwszą spowiedź
odbędą dzieci w sobotę, 28 lutego o godz. 12:00 w
Zbliża się Okres Wielkiego Postu
Do Wielkiego Postu pozoztało już tylko 10 dni. W
dzisiejszym biuletynie znajdziemy parafialny przewodnik
po Wielkim Poście gdzie znajdziemy informacje o
nabożeństwach i innych aktywnościach zaplanowanych
na Wielki Post. Zaplanujmy już teraz swój udział w
praktykach wielkopostnych!
Pelegrynacja obrazu Matki Bożej
W dniach 17 i 18 kwietnia przeżywać w naszej parafii
nawiedzenie obrazu Matki Bożej w ramach pelegrynacji
organizowanej przez Rycerzy Kolumba.
Jubileusze małżeństwa w 2015 roku
Archidiecezja Newark, zaprasza małżeństwa
obchodzące w tym roku 50 rocznicę swego ślubu na
specjalną Mszę Świętą Jubileuszową w dniu 19 kwietnia.
a małżeństwa obchodzące w tym roku swój jubileusz 5 i
25 lecia ślubu zaproszone są na swoją Uroczystą Mszę
Świętą w dniu 3 maja. Jubileuszowe msz święte
odprawione będą o godz. 3:00 po południu. Osoby
zainteresowane udziałem w tych uroczystościach
prosimy o kontakt z księdzem.
Nowa Szkoła
W nowym roku szkolnym w częsci budynku naszej
szkoły parafialnej rozpocznie działalność szkoła o
indywidualnym toku nauczania (Charter School).
Przyjmowane są zgłoszenia do przedszkola oraz do 1, 2,
5 i 6 klasy. Zainteresowanych rodziców prosimy –
poprzez Księdza Proboszcza - o kontak z Dyrektorką
powstającej szkoły celem uzyskania wszystkich
Zbiórka żywności
Nadal zbieramy żywność dla potrzebujących. Chodzi o
żywność, którą da się przechować; która nie ulegnie
szybko zepsuciu się.
Prosimy ją składać w nawie bocznej kościoła. Dary te
przekazywane są Armi Zbawienia, z którą nasza parafia
od lat współpracuje, aby docierać z pomocą do
potrzebujących na naszym terenie.
Archidiecezjalna Kampania Kapitałowa
W 2015 roku rozpocznie się trzyletnia kampania
kapitałowa organizowana przez Archidiecezję Newark,
której celem jest zwiększenie środków pieniężnych na
pomoc parafiom borykającym się z kłopotami
finansowymi, różne akcje prowadzone przez diecezję
oraz zabezpieczenie przyszłości funkocjonowania
Kościoła Diecezjalnego.
Nasza parafia będzie zaangażowana w pierwszy etap
kampani. Nie będzie więc w tym roku Dorocznego Apelu
Arcybiskupa, a jeśliby ktoś przez przypadek otrzymał
wezwanie w tej sprawie niech na to nie reaguje. Ksiądz
Proboszcz organizuje zespół osób, które będą
informować nas o przebiegu kampani.
Rozliczenia podatkowe
Osoby pragnące otrzymać zaświadczenia o złożonych
ofiarach pieniężnych na potrzeby kościoła w celu
rozliczeń podatkowych prosimy o zgłoszenie takiej
potrzeby w kancelarii parafialnej.
February 8, 2015..The 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time..Niedziela, 08 lutego 2015..05 Niedziela Zwykła
The classes for Pre-K and Kindergarten have begun and
our youngest children have begun to explore their faith
through study and creative crafting. Everyone seems to be
very excited about their new learning experience!
…ACRE…Students in levels 5 – 8 have taken the ACRE
survey and it was an emotionally uneventful experience.
There was no reason to be anxious about questions and
the students found that they were very familiar with
everything that was asked.
The ACRE test is a way of ascertaining the information our
youngsters have retained in their years of religious
education. It is a non-threatening measuring tool that
enables us to be sure we are doing our job in educating our
young people in the tradition of the church and giving them
adequate knowledge to help their faith formation as they
The sessions for the children preparing for First
Reconciliation is as follows: Sundays after the 9:30 Mass
until 12 noon on February 8th, and 24th. Celebration of the
Sacrament will be on
Saturday, February 28th at 12 noon.
The Book Club will meet on Monday, February 23rd at
7:00PM in the rectory to discuss the books they have been
reading. The first book for discussion will be The Light
Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman in which a young couple
are faced with a moral dilemma and gradually realize the
devastating impact their choices have on the lives of others.
The second book is Recipe for Joy, a Stepmom’s Story of
Finding Faith, Following Love, and Feeding Family by
Robin Davies. There are several copies of this book
available for borrowing from the Parish Office. Read one or
both of our selections and join us for an informal, friendly
discussion. All are welcome.
…..Next Meeting…The next meeting will be on
Tuesday evening, March 10th at 8PM in the Parish Center.
……Membership… Anyone interested in
becoming a Knight of Columbus right here at our Church,
please contact Bob Thurston 908-757-3241 or Danilo
Mescalado at 908-753-8677.
The Charter School that is planning on occupying our school
building is presently accepting applications for admission to
Kindergarten, first-grade, second-grade, fifth and sixthgrade. If anyone in the parish would like information
regarding the school please feel free to be in touch with us
and we will forward the information to the school principal.
You will definitely receive the information necessary to
answer all your questions and whatever papers necessary
for you to complete.
.....Rosary Sunday… is this Sunday, February 1st.
There is no business meeting this day.
Scarves for the Baby Shower have been worked on for
quite a while and they have become part of the gifts to be
prepared for the “Baby Shower” for our mothers who will
benefit from the items we have gathered. There have been
well over 50 scarves made as well as many hats and
scarves that were made to be given to the residents of the
Park Hotel.
The new focus will be lap blankets to be given to patients
and residents at Runnell’s Hospital. If anyone would like to
help and needs yarn please get in touch with the office and
if anyone would like to help organize the “yarn closet”
please call Linda at the office. The next meeting is
Wednesday, February 25th at 10:30 a.m. in the parish office.
The 9th Anniversary of the Group will be celebrated at that
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available on a regular
basis on Saturdays at 5PM and on Sunday mornings after
the 8AM, 9:30AM, and 11AM Masses. The Sacrament is
also available after weekday Masses by simply asking.
Our Parish Choir regularly rehearses on Thursdays at
7:30PM in Church. Anyone interested in becoming a
member of the Choir or would like some information please
be in touch with Martha or John or call the office.
Anyone who plays an instrument and would like to be
part of our liturgy please see Martha or John after any Mass
or call the office and leave them a message.
Looking ahead, the Knights of Columbus have once again
arranged for the Icon of the Blessed Mother to be here on
the weekend of April 17th and 18th. The Icon will be on
display for all the Masses on that weekend.
Once again the Archdiocese is honoring those married for
five, twenty-five and fifty years in the year 2015. The
Masses will be celebrated in the Cathedral Basilica by
Archbishop Myers on April 19th for those married fifty years
and on May 3rd for those married five or twenty-five years.
The Masses will be t 3PM and you are welcome to call the
office and register to attend.
We have prepared an extensive “Lenten Guide” that
contains everything we are planning for the season of Lent
as well as the Holy Week Schedule and Easter. Please
take advantage of our efforts and be part of something
special as we begin our journey toward Easter. Ash
Wednesday is in just 10 days, be prepared. The “Lenten
Guides” are available at the doors of the Church as well as
in the Office
February 8, 2015..The 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time..Niedziela, 08 lutego 2015..05 Niedziela Zwykła
It is once again time to schedule readers and Eucharistic
ministers for March 1st thru June 28th. If you are away or
cannot participate on specific dates during that period,
please contact Bill Shlala at [email protected] or 908755-2530.
This app is found in the APP STORE at “Newark
Evangelization” includes events, Prayer Wall, Digital Roary,
Prayer Journal, Sunday Readings, Liturgy of the Hours,
Order of the Mass, Mass Times, Prayers, Devotions, Bible,
Catechism, Saint of the Day, Catholic Media and news
links, Social Media integration, Photo Submissions, and
other features to help you connect, learn, and pray with the
Catholic community. The app is free.
Again, our Annual Food Drive to assist those in need has
begun and you are invited to bring non-perishable foods
that are still in date for use to the open are of the Church.
The food will be distributed through the Salvation Army here
in Plainfield. The Salvation Army seems to us to be the
most in touch with the needs of the people in our area and
so we have joined with them to have our assistance stay in
our local area.
Every January, Catholic Schools across America celebrate
Catholic Schools Week, whose theme this year was
“Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and
Service.” St. Bartholomew Academy celebrated the week
with Mass, the annual Open House, and other activities for
students, families, parishioners, and members of the
community. Through these events, the students and faculty
were able to focus on the value Catholic education provides
to young people and its contributions to our church, our
communities, and our nation.
It is a faith-filled and safe community in which faculty,
administrators, parents, community members and students
all work together to create an educational environment
where students can strive academically, build character,
and achieve their goals.
For information about the Academy: 908-322-4265 or email:
…..Next Scheduled Meeting..Thursday, March 19th in the
Cafeteria at 12:45 in the afternoon. All Seniors are invited
to come to the celebration of the feast of St. Joseph. Be
festive and wear a bit of red for the for the gathering. You
are invited to bring something for “La Tavola di San
Giuseppe – St. Joseph’s Table; bread in any shape or size,
some finger food, etc. for this age-old tradition. You can
check on-line. Join us to honor St. Joseph.
…A second session of “Chair Yoga” is being planned for
after Easter.
Tax statements are available, indicating your past year’s
contributions, simply by calling the office. The statement
can be mailed or picked up.
The Office seeks qualified applicants for the position of
principal in elementary and secondary schools, both urban and
suburban schools in Bergen, Essex, Union and Hudson
The requirements are that they must be practicing Catholic,
relevant experience in teaching, leadership, and/or
administration; earned Master’s degree in Education,
preferably in school leadership; Teacher’s Certificate or
reciprocal; Principal Certification preferred; letter of intent and
3 letters of reference all sent to Sister Patricia Butler, SC at
[email protected] or to Archdiocese School Office at 171
Clifton Ave., Newark, NJ 07104 by Feb. 15th.
The support group for those caring for elderly or chronically
ill loved ones will meet on Monday, March 2nd at St.
Helen’s Church in Westfield. They meet on the first nonholiday Monday of each month at 7:30PM. Fore more
information, call Marilyn Ryan at 908-232-1214.
The 7th grade and up Get-A-Grip group will have their next
meeting on Sunday, March 1st at the 9:30 Mass. All our
students are invited to experience the Word of God.
“Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a
deserted place, where he prayed…He told them, ‘Let us
go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there
also. For this purpose have I come.’” In the Gospel we
see a perfect example of stewardship. Jesus gives His time
to do all that God wishes – healing the sick and preaching.
Yet, Jesus also makes time to be alone in prayer. It is
through prayer, spending time with God, that we find the
strength to do what God wishes us to do. Be sure to find
time every day to be with God.
Faith Giving for St. Bernard and St. Stanislaus
133 envelopes were used on Sunday and contained $4,360
which means 78% of the collection came from envelopes.
There are 490 registered families who receive envelopes,
which means 357 families did not use envelopes.
The average gift from envelopes was $32.179
Faith Giving for February 1st…$5,575
For your information:
For this week, our appeal to raise weekly revenue to $5,000
is successful; on the average for the month we are
successful. Your continued support is deeply appreciated.
February 8, 2015..The 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time..Niedziela, 08 lutego 2015..05 Niedziela Zwykła
Calendar of COMING Events
SATURDAY, February 7
Mass of Anticipation
SUNDAY, February 8 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:30 Mass
Liturgy of the Word, RCIA
Reconciliation Session after Mass
11:00 Mass
Liturgy of the Word
MONDAY, February 9
Polish School
TUESDAY, February 10
Knights of Columbus Meet in Parish Center
WEDNESDAY, February 11
Pre-K and K Religious Education
Religious Education for levels 1 – 8
Junior Choir in Church
THURSDAY, February 12
Adult Choir
FRIDAY, February 13
SATURDAY, February 14
Mass of Anticipation
SUNDAY, February 15 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:30 Mass
NO Liturgy of the Word
NO Reconciliation Session
Yes there is RCIA
11:00 Mass
NO Liturgy of the Word
The Archdiocese will be having a much needed Capital
Campaign beginning this year of 2015. We will be in the
first group of parishes to participate in this Campaign and
so we will not be part of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. If,
perchance, by accident, you receive any mail about the
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, please disregard it and do not
pledge. The purpose of the Capital Campaign is to make
available more financial aid to parishes for things that they
would not have been able to accomplish and to enhance
the Endowments that already exist. Actually, it is needed
and a good idea so that we can ensure that we are a
healthy Diocese serving our people.
I will be forming a team for this special appeal and more
information will be shard as we move forward. We live in
exciting times and we must prepare for the future of our
The Archdiocese takes very seriously any and all
allegations of sexual misconduct by members of the clergy,
Religious and lay staff of the Archdiocese. We encourage
anyone with knowledge of an act of sexual misconduct to
inform us so that we may take appropriate action to protect
others and provide support to victims of sexual abuse. Call
the Archdiocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection at
There are those who believe in the essential goodness
of things, regardless of what takes place around them.
Our Gospel introduces us to such people. Trouble had
visited them and a variety of illnesses prevailed among
them, and there were a great many of them. Not only
were they suffering people, but at sundown they
brought many others who were sick or possessed. Of
course, there were no doctors, no hospitals, and few
medical remedies. Any illness could prove fatal. It
matters little whether you die of an allergic reaction to
an insect bite or of heart disease, death is the result.
These people were in trouble. But they had not given
up. They were still hoping and still reaching for help.
This is what brought them to the house where Jesus
was. The passage says: “Before long, the whole town
was gathered outside the door.” Those who came and
those who were carried were healed. Their faith was
rewarded. They went home with their health restored.
Think of what this meant, not only to those who were
healed, but to the people who witnessed it. At least on
that day everyone experienced life as worth living and
God as powerful and good.
This is an ancient story. It seems to leave us at
a distinct disadvantage. We know of no place where
sick people can go to be instantly and miraculously
healed. If we did, how much easier it would be to have
faith. Even Job could have believed if something like
this had happened to him. The miracle stories of the
New Testament are difficult to understand. Why are
they there? What do they mean in a modern world? Is
the church supposed to duplicate such healing? If we
had enough faith could we be doing the same thing
ourselves? Is this the message? Surely, not. The socalled miracle healers of today are unconvincing. But
when we step back from the Gospels the stories seem
to be telling us something real about life. They face the
fact of human misery. They include a dimension of
hope and healing. Both of these things are real in our
world today as they were in the first century. Sickness
is here. Doctors and nurses are also here. Disasters
are here. But paramedics, firefighters, and rescue
teams are also here. Sin is here. But grace is here.
There really are people who, like Christ, are willing to
pay the price for our sins. Some people see the misery
and become cynical about life. Others see the helpers
and join their effort. Jesus saw the suffering of others
and worked to relieve it. He suffered himself, but never
lost faith in God. Didn’t he make the right choice? If
we cast our lots with him, we will not escape suffering,
but we will escape cynicism and despair.
So, we must each, you and me, ask ourselves
which do we choose. Do we join our suffering to that
of Christ, or do we give up in despair?
In the Love of God,
Fr. Frank
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