ST. ISIDORE THE FARMER CHURCH PRO-LIFE ROSE Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 5:00 pm January 31, 2015 Virginia Cinaglia by Bernardini Family Gregory Giuliani by Annette Lipartito st Ron Boughton – 1 Anniversary by wife, Betty Nicholas Pennente by Alan & Lisa Madison Nellie Parastino by Belva & Joe Bergamo Gail Curcio – Congratulations on your Retirement – by Annette Lancellotti & Denise Luciano Lloyd Scarani by Terry & Lou Casazza Sunday 8:00 am February 1, 2015 Concenzio “Jim” Santolini by Debra 9:30 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm Anthony Petrosky by Deacon Bob & Angie Sandra Pace by Albert & Judy Tamagni Jennie Newton by Barbara Daley Monday February 2, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Joseph A. Lamanteer, Sr. by Bruce & Carol Bassetti Parishioners Baldassari Ingraldi by Friend Tuesday 7:00 am February 3, 2015 Jennie Newton by Albert Lilla 8:00 am 9:00 am Eleanor DiPace by daughter, Amina Julius Paul Skalka by John & Gloria Guidera & Michael Iacovelli Wednesday February 4, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Katherine Gribble by Jack, Carol, & Chris Gribble Concenzo Santolini by Agatha Law Anna Merighi by Mary Hogg Thursday February 5, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am Henry L. Coia, Sr. by Bruce & Carol Bassetti Mary Giglio – Birthday Remembrance 9:00 am Nicholas Pennente by Barbara Daley Friday February 6, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am Concetta DiFiore by DeLiberis-Krolikowski Henry P. D’Ippolito–Anniversary Remembrance 9:0 am Vito LoBiondo by A Friend Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 5:00 pm February 7, 2015 John Patrick Brown, Jr. by Agnes Law Nicholas Pennente by Lewis DeMarco Richard Moresi- Anniversary Remembrance by daughter, Barbara & Bob Fanucci by Dolores Ritter & Family by Joan Adachowicz Lloyd Scarani by Frankie & Noel Bolinger Ben Ripple by Evelyn Petrosky & Family Michael Corcoran by Rita Bertino Agnes Healy by M/M Anthony Campanella Sunday 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am February 8, 2015 Maureen Asselta by Emma Greico Rose Marie Rodin by Margaret & Farrell Lynch Dominick & Veronica DeRossi 6:00 pm Paul Rambone – Anniversary Remembrance by Donald E. DeRossi by Francine & Francis Guaciaro No Intention BLESSED MOTHER ROSE NO INTENTION SANCTUARY CANDLE THE SANCTUARY CANDLE IS GIVEN IN MEMORY OF NELLIE PARASTINO BY CATHERINE BONATO SACRED HEART CHURCH T HE PRO-LIFE ROSE NO INTENTION BLESSED MOTHER ROSE NO INTENTION SACRED HEART ROSE NO INTENTION SANCTUARY CANDLE The Sanctuary Candle is given in memory of Anton Esposito By Robert Bonato PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Margaret Bradley, Dennis DeMatte, Jr., Jackie Gross, Francis Miley, Steve Miley, Gloria Polizzi, Joseph Reed, Catherine Van Buren, Marie Vi, Mark Volpe, Linda Berghof, Robert Till, Betty Hollman, Mary Lou Boller, Joseph DiPrimio, Lisa Acilio, Dan Malec, Darlene Piccola, Helen Jeter, Adele Huryn, George DiStefano, Angelina DiStefano, Joseph Piccione, Jr., Kathy Kelly, Dolly Lucas, Phyllis Ganci, Richard Fanucci, Jr., Luis Armando Rodriguez, Francis J. Guaciaro, Josephine T. Schwegel, Angela Schwegel, Carmella Heineman, Maria Giannascoli, Msgr. Joseph Stoerlein, Joshua Sterchele, Brenda Webster, Artie Rundstrom, Jr., Jeano Amici, Edward Costante, Sr., Agatha Law, Marie Corcoran, Carol Sciore, Donna Beatty, Tiffany Frantz, John Gallo, Sr., Howard Milanesi, Brien DeMartino, George Deem, Luis Rodriguez, Salvatore Vernuccio, Donald Tharp, Jr., Richard Blickos, Benny Cicillini, Enza DeSerio, Jim Davis, Christina Quiao, Major Collins, Patricia Simmerman Carmella Gubitosi Mira Jasi Miranda Pastor’s Report Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) 1 February, 2015 Brochures for the Christmas Flower Memorials will be placed at the doors of the churches. We will be happy to print additional copies of these brochures should they be needed. Please call the parish office at 856-691-9077 for additional copies. Christ the Good Shepherd Parish Presents A Comedy Murder Mystery “Murder at the Pie Auction” As more people begin to experience flu symptoms during this time of year, parishioners should be especially careful to observe reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of this illness. The following guidelines may be helpful: Parishioners who feel ill should stay at home and refrain from Mass and other events until they are fully recovered. Remember that illness is a justifiable excuse from the Sunday Mass obligation. Friday, February 13, 2015 Saturday, February 14, 2015 6:30 P.M If it is not possible to shake hands for the Sign of Peace, this act of oneness in Christ may be expressed by way of eye contact, a smile, a bow of the head while saying the words “May the peace of the Lord…” The Sign of peace is meant to express our oneness in Christ as we approach Holy Communion More information to follow. A great idea for Valentine’s Day! If a person is feeling ill, it is better to refrain from receiving the precious Blood from the cup and to consider receiving the Body of the Lord in the hand rather than on the tongue. Should anyone have any questions about these precautionary procedures, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Msgr. Burton 2014 C0NTRIBUTION STATEMENT REQUEST FORM If you would like to receive a Contribution Statement for your 2014 contributions please fill out the form below and return it by dropping it off at the Rectory, by mail, or in the collection basket. You may also call the Rectory at 856-691-9077. Name: _____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Phone: ( ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Please remember just because the holidays have ended, our needs at St. Vincent de Paul do not end. We are still in need of food for our pantry; i.e. jello, spaghetti sauce, pasta, soups, toiletries, rice, powered milk, and toothpaste. You may leave items at the Gathering Space at St. Isidore Church or the Vestibule at Sacred Heart Church. If you would like any information or need help, please call 856-691-2400 (if you get voice mail, please leave a message and someone will return your call). God Bless you for your generosity and support to the community! CODE BLUE St. Vincent de Paul will be assisting 3 churches in Vineland with the CODE BLUE. We have decided to participate by supplying paper products. Please support us! We are in need of paper cups, napkins, paper towels, toilet paper, plastic forks, knives, and spoons. Please leave items in the Gathering Space at St. Isidore Church or the Vestibule at Sacred Heart Church. Thank you for your support! ) __________________________ Envelope Number (optional) ______________ If you would like to volunteer some time to help playing cards, etc with clients in the evening for CODE BLUE, please contact Carol Bassetti at 856-305-4642. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Seasonal Volunteer Choir Members First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Moses explains to the people that a prophet will come from among them, and that they should listen to this prophet’s words, for God has told him of this prophet. God also tells Moses that anyone who pretends to speak in his words, or speaks in the name of other gods shall die. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Christ the Good Shepherd Parish is welcoming seasonal volunteers to join their Music Ministries. We are now entering our Lent and Easter season of music which encompasses the months of February through May. Paul tells the Corinthians how an unmarried man or woman is able to devote themselves fully to God without concern for the needs of a spouse. Paul explains that God wants to help them promote good and devote themselves more fully to God. Adult choir rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Site of St. Isidore. Director: Barbara Sykora Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 Children’s choir is Wednesday evening, 5:00 until 5:15 p.m. Site of St. Isidore. Director: Barbara Sykora As Jesus was teaching, a man with an unclean spirit came to the synagogue and asked if Jesus had come to destroy them. Jesus ordered the spirit out of the man, who shrieked violently as the spirit departed. The people were amazed at the authority he had over the spirit. English Bell Choir rehearsals are Tuesday evenings, 7:00 till 8:00 p.m. Site of St. Isidore. Directors: Barbara Sykora and Dr. Susan Witt-Trabuchi. Youth Ensemble rehearsals which include teens and youth playing various instrument is under the direction of Lucia Marone are announced by her. Rehearsals usually at Sacred Heart. All that is musically required is that you love to sing! You may contact the rectory for more information 691-9077. th February 1, 2015 4 Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewardship Prayer “Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.” - 1 CORINTHIANS 7:32A How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly worrying about not having enough or attaining more things? God won’t necessarily give you everything you want, but He will provide His STEWARDS with everything they need. Try this – use the word “pray” instead of the word “worry” in the future. Stewardship of Treasure…Your gifts of treasure to the parish totaled: January 25, 2015 Offertories - $14,179.78 Mission Membership - $673.00 QUESTION OF THE WEEK Where do you see authority exercised in line with gospel values? Come and enter this seasonal ministry. Through the words and melodies of the music we come close to the heart of Jesus and his Passion, experiencing the events of the Triduum and Easter Sunday in a deeply spiritual way. Take a step of faith……. “MURDER AT THE PIE AUCTION” NEEDS PIES! The cast of “Murder at the Pie Auction” is asking for help from the parish in baking pies. If you are able to bake a pie (any kind will be appreciated) or donate a pie for the play, please call the Rectory 856-691-9077. There are 2 nights so you can donate for either performance. We will let you know when and where to drop off. Thank you in advance for your support! ST. AUGUSTINE PREPARATORY SCHOOL MONTHLY SENIOR CITIZENS LUNCHEONS St. Augustine Preparatory School is sponsoring monthly senior citizens luncheons in Consalo Dining Hall in the Forum, St. Augustine Prep, 611 Cedar Avenue, Richland, NJ. The luncheons for are February 4th and March 4th. Cost is $5.00 per person from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm. Menu includes: Soup, Salad, Entrée, Dessert, and Coffee/Tea. HELP NEEDED The Altar Linen Society of Christ the Good Shepherd Parish is in need of volunteer help for the preparation of the Altar Linens for Masses celebrated at St. Isidore Church. Anyone, ladies or gentlemen, willing to give 2 weeks a year to wash and iron the Altar Linens, please call Gloria Castellini at 856-825-4216. Volunteers are also needed to prepare the Altar Linens for Masses celebrated at Sacred Heart Church. Anyone who is willing to wash and iron linens for Sacred Heart for 3 weeks per year, one week at time, please call Celestine at the Rectory 856-691-9077. CYO TRACK & FIELD Registration for Christ the Good Shepherd Co-Ed CYO Track & Field Team is scheduled for Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Sacred Heart Church basement. All children enrolled in a parochial school, Generations of Faith or CCD program from 2nd through 8th grades are invited to participate. Practices are held, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Vineland High School track. First practice is March 9th. For more information or any questions, please call Coach Ed Irelan at 856-691-0275. ST. AUGUSTINE PREP WINTER OPEN HOUSE St. Augustine Preparatory School is sponsoring a Winter Open House for 7th & 8th grade boys on February 5, 2015. The evening will begin at 6:30 pm in the Forum. No registration is necessary. For more information, please call 856-697-2600 ext. 112. Bus Trip to Sight & Sound St. Padre Pio Senior Club in Vineland is sponsoring a bus trip to see the play “Moses” on Thursday, April 16th at Sight & Sound Theatre in Lancaster, PA. Seats are still available. Cost is $93pp and includes, deluxe Motor Coach, reserved seating for 2:45 PM show, 6:00 PM dinner at Shady Maple Restaurant, all taxes, meal & bus gratuity. Bus departs Rosary Hall, 4680 Dante Avenue, Vineland, at 12:00 PM. If you are interested in going or for more information, call Rosemary Nestor at 856-226-3451. Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass If in this calendar year (01/01/15 through 12/31/15) you are celebrating a milestone Wedding Anniversary, 25, 50 or 60 years of marriage, please join us in celebrating on April 19th at 3:30 pm Mass in Northfield, at St. Bernadette Church, St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish. A light reception will follow in the parish hall. Registration forms are available at all parish offices. Registration deadline is March 27, 2015. For more information please contact our office: Mary Lou Hughes at 856-583-6132. Harrah’s Casino Bus Trip St. Padre Pio Parish Senior Club is sponsoring a bus trip to Harrah's Casino in Atlantic City on Sunday, March 8th. Cost is $17pp; receive back $30 slot play. Four Buffet tickets will be raffled off on the bus. Depart 1:00 PM from Rosary Hall, 4680 Dante Avenue, Vineland,. Depart Casino 8:00 PM for return home. For reservations, call Rosemary Nestor at 856-226-3451. Interested in making a difference in the lives of others? Ever thought about volunteering for a summer? The SSJ Mission Corps Summer Experience is a twomonth volunteer program at Saint Mary by-the-Sea Retreat House in Cape May Point, New Jersey. Volunteers are invited to live in community and to open themselves to God’s transforming grace in service to retreatants. This opportunity is for women ages 19-30 who seek an experience of Gospel living. One year of college is required. This program is sponsored by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia, PA. The priority deadline for application is March 1, 2015. Dates: June 20 – August 12, 2015. Contact Information: Rebecca Little, Director at 215-248-7235 or [email protected] Website: Christ The Good Shepherd Parish˝ Presents Our 2nd Annual Dinner Theatre A Comedy Murder Mystery “Murder At The Pie Auction” murder at the pie auction When: February 13th & February 14th, 2015 Where: Sacred Heart Church Hall Time: 6:30 pm Doors open at 6:15 pm Tickets: $15 available for purchase at the Christ The Good Shepherd rectory or call 856-691-9077 A comedy murder mystery dinner
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