Catholic Community in Cheltenham Served by the Diocese of Clifton Registered Charity Number 233977 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Psalter Week 1 8th February 2015 Page No. 134 ‘He cured many who were suffering from diseases of one kind or another’ (Mark: 1:29-39) “the only true riches are those that make us rich in virtue” St Gregory the Great 10 St James Square, GL50 3PR 01242 523737 St Thomas More Princess Elizabeth Way, GL51 7RA 01242 573128 Parish Priest: Canon Bosco MacDonald VF Assistant Priest: Fr Frank Wainwright Fr David McDonald Deacon: Rev. Robin Littlewood Pope st Gregory the great Parish Websites:, Schools: St Gregory’s RC Primary School, St James Square GL50 3QG St Thomas More RC Primary School, Lewis Road, Hesters Way GL51 OHZ All Saints’ Academy, Blaisdon Way, Cheltenham GL51 OWH Sacred Hearts Moorend Road, Charlton Kings, GL53 9AU 01242 524932 of Jesus and Mary Parish Priest: 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Sunday 5.00pm (Sat 5.30pm (Sat) 8.15am 9.30am 10.30am 11.15am 4.15pm 6.00pm Monday 11.00am Tuesday 12.30am 7.00pm Wednesday 9.30am 10.00am Thursday 9.30am 7.00pm Friday 9.15am 9.30am Saturday 9.30am 10.00am Fr Paul Brandon Parish Website: Mass Times this Week Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time St Thomas More People of the Parish Sacred Hearts Marriage Care Sacred Hearts People of the Parish St Gregory Private Intention Sacred Hearts Kate Durkan RIP St Gregory Dinah Mary Swain RIP Sacred Hearts Mass in Polish St Gregory People of the Parish Weekday in Ordinary Time St Gregory Requiem Mass for Mr Leslie Gardiner RIP Memorial of Saint Scholastica, Virgin Sacred Hearts Requiem Mass for Bridie Dullak RIP St Gregory Rita McPartland RIP Weekday in Ordinary Time St Gregory Julia B. Caravana RIP Sacred Hearts Private Intention Weekday in Ordinary Time St Gregory In Thanksgiving Sacred Hearts Leslie Gardiner RIP Weekday in Ordinary Time Sacred Hearts George Bishop RIP St Gregory Margaret (Peg) Guest RIP Feasts of Saints Cyril, Monk, & Methodius, Bishop, Patrons of Europe St Gregory Holy Souls Sacred Hearts Private Intention Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament at St Gregory’s: Saturday 10.00am-11.00am; Thursday 10.00am-3.00pm ending with Benediction; Sacred Hearts: 1st Friday of the month, 9.15am-12.30pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation: St Gregory’s Saturdays 10.00am; St Thomas More 4.15-4.45pm. 1st Thursday at STM 5pm Confessions in Polish. Sacred Hearts Thursdays 7.30pm and Saturdays 10.30am. Also by arrangement with the priests. RCIA Journey in Faith: Every Thursday, 7-9pm in the Presbytery. Baptisms: By arrangement with the Parish Office. Cheltenham Catholic Adults: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Contact Margaret 07515 805015 or Damian 07908 105787. 55 Club: After 9.30am Mass, in Old Priory (alternate Thursdays). Next meeting: 19th February. “The story of ‘K’ Shoes”. Speaker: Mr Gerard Anslow. Choir Practice: In Church, Thursdays at 7.00pm. New members welcome. Contact John on: 07769 675323. NOTHING BUT DRUDGERY? In a moment of depression, Job captures that terrible feeling we all get from time to time: maybe this world is all there is, and all our yearnings, our plans and our hopes are in vain because there is no God nor any spiritual reality. We are here, Job says, just for the drudgery, and our lives are little better than pressed service. Sadly, there are plenty of Jobs around today. Take a look at many of the faces on the trains and buses, people on their way to work who are about as enthusiastic as a condemned prisoner before a firing squad. Listen to the conversations in the pubs about salaries and pay rises, as if nothing else mattered. Agonize alongside those who cannot find work and whose day is sixteen hours of listlessness. Saddest of all, go to the gravesides and crematoria, to people who have lost loved ones but who have no belief in God or the afterlife. It all seems so bewildering, so tragic and so without meaning. Job speaks about days which pass but which leave no hope behind, of a life which is just a breath, and of eyes which never again will see joy. All rather depressing stuff, isn't it? But very real. Mature Christians also go through these phases of doubt about faith. In fact, a person who has never had second thoughts about the world, the meaning of life and the existence of a loving God would have a very untested faith. It's OK to wonder; it's allowed to ask questions; it's part of faith occasionally to feel that you might have made a mistake. Far from destroying faith, these uncomfortable thoughts are a sign that faith is still alive, and that deep down inside we are not prepared to paste over the cracks when experience confronts our desire to believe. For mature adults, doubt is not seen as an affront to faith, but as a potential growth point and as a sign that our faith has not lost its critical capacity to search and question. Although Job often gets a bad press, we have to remember that his doubts and depression only served ultimately to confirm him as a man of faith. He realized that life and loving was a cruel game if there was no God, no spiritual life, nothing beyond the here and now. Job's troubles only taught him what Jesus would teach centuries later: I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full. There is more than meets the eye. Finance Last week’s offertory collection came to: £1331.41 (STG); £349.01 (STM) which includes £64.05 from the Kerala Community. Last week’s collection for the Catholic Youth Service raised £403.85 (STG) and £64.05 (STM). Thank you for your support and generosity. Baptism Congratulations and welcome to Maia Rose and Cian James Purdon who were baptised at St Gregory’s last weekend. We welcome them into the Church, and offer our love and prayers to Maia, Cian and their family. Stations of the Cross During the season of Lent, Stations of the Cross will be on Wednesdays at 7pm at St Gregory’s, and also on Sundays at 5pm at St Gregory’s. Lent Contemplative Prayer During Lent, starting on Monday, 23rd February, you are invited to join us on Mondays, between 2pm and 3pm at 54 Alstone Croft, GL51 8HA, for a period of quiet prayer, followed by a period of reading the Sunday Lent gospels as Lectio Divina. Phone Maryse on 237605 for details. First Confessions Will be held on the 21st February, 7th and 21st March. On those days approximately 25 children will be receiving this Sacrament from 10.00am, ahead of regular parishioners. Please pray for our children as they take this important step. 40 Days for Life As in previous years, the Cheltenham 40 Days team will hold vigil in front of the Cheltenham General Hospital between 8:00am and 6:00 pm. Please do support us with your prayers, any form of daily fasting that is appropriate for you, and if you can do it at all, do come and pray with us in front of the hospital. By persevering in this, we plead with God to convert our nation's heart and to make us respect every human life from conception to natural death. St Valentine’s day ‘Stitch and Pray’ On Saturday, 14th February, 2.00 until 5.00pm in the Old Priory. Bring along your own stitching craft, such as sewing, knitting and crochet for a skill-sharing session. All welcome. Homemade cakes assured! The quilt raffle will be drawn. If you haven’t had the opportunity to buy a raffle ticket yet, the quilt will be displayed and tickets sold after 9.30 and 11.15 Masses today. Fish & Chip Supper On Friday, 20th February at 7.30pm in St Thomas More Centre. A fish and chip supper and a small quiz for £7.50. Tickets on sale after STM Mass or from Marianna on 528427. Prayer Breakfast The March breakfast meeting will be on Saturday, 7th March 9.30-11.00am. Jacob Holbrook (Youth Team) will come and give a talk. All welcome. Soup Lunch Will take place at St Thomas More Parish Hall on Friday, 20th February and the 6th March from 11.30am1pm in aid of CAFOD. Please come along and support us. Any offer of help would be appreciated. Please contact Johannes on 07815 496902. World Youth Day 2016 Applications are now being taken for our Diocesan World Youth Day Pilgrimage to Krakow, Poland in 2016. If you are aged 16+ by July 2016, visit and register your interest online. National Marriage Week - 7th-14th February Renewal of Marriage Vows Parishioners are warmly invited to celebrate their marriage by taking the opportunity of renewing their marriage vows at either the 7.00pm Mass on Tuesday, 10th February at St Gregory’s, or the 5.00pm Mass on Saturday, 14th February at St Thomas More. An Introduction to Spiritual Directing Why not come and talk about the possibility of joining this course? The two-year course starts in September 2015 based at The Marist Centre, Nympsfield, near Stroud, and is open to clergy and lay people of any denomination. Come to the Taster Day on Wednesday, 15th April at Nympsfield. Cost £22.00 including lunch. To book or for more information, please contact Liz Mitchell on 241311 or Anne Solom on, email:[email protected] Limited numbers, early application advised. Closing date: 30th June 2015, after which we will have a reserve list. 55 Club Meeting Learn all about the world of ‘K’ Shoes; the once famous brand name of footwear in Cheltenham, from a former store manager, by joining us at our 55 Club meeting on Thursday, 19th February at 10.00am. You will find also many other interesting topics by invited speakers on our programme for the year, all of which will prove enjoyable. New members are always made welcome at our meetings. Film Committee Members Required Sacred Hearts Parish Hall With the recent addition of a large on-stage screen and overhead projector, the Hall Committee is seeking parishioners from Sacred Hearts, St Gregorys and St Thomas More to manage the regular showing of films and a film club. If you have experience running such a venture or a cinematic interest, please contact Dan Harris ([email protected]; 07880 637 533). There will be a kick-off meeting on Tuesday, 17th February at 7pm in the Hall’s committee room. Children’s Summer Camps 2015 The “Living Your Faith” Summer Camps run by the Clifton Diocese are running once again. These residential weeks run in August and are intended to encourage children and young people to engage in their faith through fun, games and spiritual input. They take place in the beautiful surroundings of the Marist Convent in Nympsfield. Week One 3rd–7th August (Age 7-11) and Week Two 10th–14th August (Age 1216). For more details contact Stephen Spurrell on 07860 849460 or [email protected] . Prayers are asked for: Sick: Liz Sawaf, Claire Young, Sean Murphy, Helen Stanbury, Grace Stevens, Olive Whelan, Bruce Francis, Jenny Dabrowska, Teresa Patterson, Bernie Warner, Deirdre Kelleher, Helen Dorothy Gorry, Denise Ellis, Kevin Dunn, Christopher & Clifford Brown, Margaret Ellis, Julia & Danny Barr, Teresa & Paddy O’Kelly, Bridie Ruck, Angela Savidge, Pauline Crosbie, Emily Cousins, Rey Lluisma, Bridget Garvey, Maddie Read, Dan Perry, Pete Thacker, Mary Costello, Adrian Davis, Lisa Partridge, Dillon Bright, Sheila Deneher, Margaret Byrne, John Flood. Deceased: Mrs Elizabeth Mary Martin, Patrick Donovan, Alan Finch and Rose Obera RIP. Anniversaries: Matt Wojtan, Honoria Christina Flaherty, Kate Durkan, William Bonehill, Fr Alphonsus Brennan O’Carm, Mary McGlade, Nicholas Knox, Josephine Smith, Susan Browne, Stanley Davies.
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