CLERGY Rev. Anthony J. Costa, Pastor Rev. Salvatore M. Riccio, Pastor Emeritus Rev. J.A. Grant, Parochial Vicar/Senior Priest Rev. Joseph J. Meehan, Pastor Emeritus St. Eugene (Primos, PA) In Residence Deacon James D. Kane Deacon Arthur M McGuire Deacon W. Timothy Baxter Coordinator of Religious Education: Madelyn McBride Parish Music Director: Parish Business Manager: Marianne Bier Parish Bookkeeper: Mary Ann Tucker Parish Secretaries: Joan Curtis & Suzanne Marinari Parish Youth Minister: Thomas Wimer Rectory: 136 Saxer Ave., Springfield, PA 19064 610-543-0848 • Fax: 610-604-0283 Parish School: 112 Saxer Ave. • 610-543-0546 Parish School Principal: Jill Carroll Eucharistic Celebration Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 AM Monday-Saturday: 8:00 AM Holyday Vigil: As announced Holyday: As announced Rite of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45, Every Wednesday 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM, Every day by appointment, Communal Services: Seasonal Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on the First and Second Sunday of the month at 1:00 PM and on the third Sunday within the 11:30 AM Eucharistic Liturgy. Initiation into the Catholic Church - R.C.I.A. Weekly sessions are held for adults considering belonging to the Catholic Church. Marriage Arrangements must be made at least six months before the wedding date is chosen. Please call the Rectory to make an appointment with a priest. Parish Registration Welcome new members! You may pick up your welcoming packet (which includes registration) at the rectory after all Masses on the weekend or Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 7:30 PM. Appointments You are asked, if possible, to arrange an appointment in advance by calling the Rectory, 610-543-0848 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Springfield, PA is to be disciples. Centered in the Eucharist, we are called to encounter, follow and imitate Jesus’ way of life through the humble example of our patron, St. Francis of Assisi. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, February 1, 2015 7:00AM Thomas Doyle 8:30AM James Kennedy, Jr. 10:00AM Samuel Corea 11:30AM Mary Reilly Monday, February 2, 2015 8:00AM Robert J. Burns 1:00PM ADORATION Tuesday, February 3, 2015 8:00AM Mary Terese Egan Wednesday, February 4, 2015 8:00AM Francis King Thursday, February 5, 2015 8:00AM Jim O’Brien Friday, February 6, 2015 8:00AM Betty Dowgiel 9:30AM Deceased Members of Memorial Fund Saturday, February 7, 2015 8:00AM Joseph and Laura Cavanaugh 4:00PM For the People of the Parish Sunday, February 8, 2015 7:00AM Nicholas and Helen Cicchini 8:30AM Deceased Members of the Ganley Family 10:00AM Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baselice 11:30AM Helen V. Mulhern (9th Anniversary) THE SANCTUARY CANDLE This candle burns to remind us of the sacramental presence of Jesus Christ. For the Week of February 1, the candle will burn in memory of Rosemary Masterson on her birthday with love from Phyllis and Ed. If you wish to have the Sanctuary Candle burn for a week in memory of a loved one, or for the Special Intention of a loved one, you can make arrangements by coming to the rectory. Offering of $20 is requested. †REMEMBER ALL THOSE WHO HAVE DIED† Especially, William Fox, Jr., Helen Barna Misci BREAKING OPEN THE WORD Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ February 8, 2015 Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job describes his misery and life of unending woes. When have you hit your lowest point in life? What sustained you at that time? 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 St. Paul preaches to the poor and offers his life totally, even in the most extreme circumstances, to fulfill his calling to spread the gospel. When have you humbled yourself to fulfill your obligation to love others? How does this help you as well? Mark 1: 29-39 When Jesus heals the sick, word spreads and the people follow Him relentlessly. Jesus continues to serve them in more places, preaching the gospel and healing the sick. Persevering in faith to your calling is a great sacrifice at times. What sacrifices can you offer to the Lord when you attend the next Mass? FOR CATHOLIC MEN Living Bridges and St. Francis of Assisi will be presenting a new “Journey to the Father” Time of renewal for Catholic men on two evenings—Tues., February 3 & Wed., February 4 (7-9PM) in Ward Hall. This program will help men discover the Father’s love in deeper ways and show their authority as God’s sons to intercede in prayer for the needs of their family. This is a wonderful opportunity. The team for the Journey is: ●Fr. Anthony Costa, Pastor ●Bob Iatesta, Co-Founder and Director, Living Bridges Fr. Costa has said “I believe that ‘Journey to the Father’ will be a real blessing to the parish.” Space is limited—register now! Contact: Living Bridges, 610-525-4770, [email protected] or Deacon Art McGuire at 610-544-5023. May they rest in God’s peace. May their families be comforted. MEMORIAL FOR FEBRUARY 2015 BREAD and WINE ROBERT ALSOP Come to the Rectory if interested in donating toward the Bread & Wine Memorials. Home Sales: Monday-Thursdays; 9AM-5PM Call Chris Breslin: 610-543-7244. Sunday hours: Rectory Basement: 9-11:15AM LENTEN FISH FRY Come together & dine as a community during this Lenten season Fridays: February 27~March 6~March 13 5:00~7:30PM in Leonard Hall $11 Fish platters ~ $7 Grilled Cheese platters BYOB. (tickets at the door: $12 for fish platter) *Take out tickets are sold ONLY in advance. Dinners will be available for pick up at the outside rear kitchen door between 5~ 6pm. For more information, please contact: Deirdre Cresta at 610.328.5608, [email protected] or Amy Foran at 610.328.1853, [email protected]. 1-175 FOOD COLLECTION Thanks again for your support to our Food Drive. We collected over 300 pounds of food for our needy last month! The Food Collection will be next weekend, February 7th & 8th. Thank you for your continued generosity! God Bless! PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Baby Jack Scanlon Meghan Rauchut Colin McKnight Baby Cole Mark Michael Komar, Jr. Emilee Serrano Isabella Carullo Theresa Curtis Roney John O’Donnell Julia Donahue Jack Duffy Diane O’Grady Robert Peterson Dorothy O’Brien Leo Sullivan Phyllis Dunn Andy DiNardo Harry Kidd Sandy Thompson Denise Benton Robbie Wonder Loretta Simeone Cooper VanSchooneveld Steve Manley Marie Valvardi Mag Post Patricia Porter Nancy Custer William Higgins Daniel Gavin Preston Caldwell Bill Colgan Marie Donnelly Robert Montgomery Margaret Kenney John Hughes Kelly Hunsicker Mary Louise Davaro Phyllis Marconi Daniel Lebano Jocelyn Dillon Mildred Donnelly Bill Gibson Steve Green Pam Boyd Joyce Cori Gina Trasferina Jason Peterson Chris Valerio Andrew Barna Phyllis Heffron Shelly Salerno Rita Murphy Frances Reid Marnie Passaretti Helena Neary Mary Ellen Bradley Tyler Bendel Mary Elizabeth Layer Liz Canavan Tom Stanley Rev. Paul Stenson John Tagliaferri Patricia Powell Brian Murphy Mary Lou Gallagher Emily Spishack Mildred Mullen Rosemarie Roche Ryan Montgomery Gay Fletcher Trudy Arnodo To the following catechists and classroom aides who were recognized for their years of service in the PREP program at the Cathedral on January 10th by Archbishop Chaput: Maggie Aveis ~ St. John Neumann Award for 5 years Beth Ann Berman ~ St. John Neumann Award for 5 years Darlene Perry ~ St. John Neumann Award for 5 years Kathleen Roche ~ St. John Neumann Award for 5 years Susan Lafferty ~ St. Pius X Award for 10 years Joe Lamoureux ~ St. Pius X Award for 10 years Sandra Lamoureux ~ St. Pius X Award for 10 years Regina Scheerer ~ Our Lady of Guadalupe Award for 15 years CONGRATULATIONS! ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI PRAESIDIUM~“OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE” Our weekly meetings will take place on Thursday evenings from 7-8:30PM , in the basement of the Rectory. We are not only looking for active members, but also auxiliary members (praying members only). For information, please call either Deacon Art McGuire at 610-544-5023 or Deacon Jim Kane at 610-544-9082. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES CORNER 5 Things Families Can Learn from Pope Francis 1. It's important to dream as a family. Recently, on his visit to the Philippines, Pope Francis encouraged all families to dream together: “It isn’t possible to have a family without dreams. When you lose this capacity to dream, you lose the capacity and energy to love.” Learn how to dream together. Talk about your family’s hopes, dreams and goals. Write them down. Pray about them. Ask God to make them come true, according to His will and plan. 2. Never forget that life should be respected in all forms. “Be sanctuaries of respect for life, proclaiming the sacredness of every human life from conception to natural death. What a gift this would be to society, if every Christian family lived fully its noble vocation!” Jesus, through Pope Francis, reminds us of the sanctity of life, and the need to respect (and protect) it at all times. A great reminder for all of us, especially as thousands of people have just marched for life in Washington. 3. If you want to strengthen your family, pray together. The Holy Father mentioned the importance of prayer many times during his visit to the Philippines. “Resting in prayer is especially important for families. It is in the family that we first learn how to pray. And don’t forget when the family prays together, it remains together. This is important.” No matter how busy or crazy life can get, always pause for prayer. Take time to pray by yourself, and with your spouse—and with your kids, too, if you have them. 4. The family needs to be protected at all times. Pope Francis emphasized the importance of protecting our families, and those larger families, which are the Church, God’s family, and the world, our human family. “Sadly, in our day, the family all too often needs to be protected against insidious attacks and programs contrary to all that we hold true and sacred, all that is most beautiful and noble in our culture.” Let us do our best to heed the words of our Holy Father, and do all we can to protect our families. 5. When you are facing trials and tribulations, remember that you are not alone. Pope Francis reminds us to take courage during times of trial and grief: “Let us…look to Christ on the cross. He understands us because He endured everything. Let us look to our Mother and, like a little child, let us hold onto her mantle and with a true heart say—‘Mother’. In silence, tell your Mother what you feel in your heart. Let us know that we have a Mother, Mary, and a great Brother, Jesus. We are not alone. We also have many brothers who in times of need come to help. And we, too, because of this, we feel more like brothers and sisters because we help each other.” Remember that God is always with us, even in our darkest storms. The Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, our Mother, is also there for us at all times. Let us cling to them during times of despair and doubt. Let us continue to learn from Jesus through Pope Francis, His vicar here on earth, and pray that the Holy Father will receive all the guidance, support, good health and spiritual wisdom he needs to steer us through our daily lives, and promote The Family Fully Alive. Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive! 2-175 FAITH, FATHERHOOD & FAMILY This year Man Up Philly will be holding the 7th Annual Men’s Conference in Philadelphia. Saturday, March 7, at St. Joseph’s University Hagan Arena, in Philadelphia, PA. We encourage all men to join us for an inspiring time of faith and fellowship. Experience our area’s largest Men’s Conference first-hand and join others who are ready to Man Up, by living their true calling. For more information or to register, visit All are welcome! PRO-LIFE INFO… SFA PRO-LIFE GROUP MEETING Please join us for the meeting of our SFA Pro-Life Group on the Wednesday, February 4th, at 7PM in the Rectory basement Conference Room A. We meet the first Wednesday of each month from September to June. Your prayers and suggestions are most welcome. For more information, please call Regina Scheerer at 610-328-2463 or George Farrelly at 610-544-0196. God is Pro-life. Are you? LUMINARIES FOR LIFE THANK YOU! Thank you to all who participated in, and gave donations for, our “Luminaries for Life” event. A total of $800 in donations is being sent to the Mothers’ Home in Darby. Thank you for witnessing for life! BOWL-A-THON AT SPROUL LANES Mothers’ Home in Darby is our region’s only residential program for homeless, pregnant women. Mothers’ Home is hosting its Annual Bowl-A-Thon at Sproul Lanes in Springfield on Saturday, February 7. Two time slots are available: 3-5pm & 6-8pm. Cost: $150/lane, and includes a private lane for 6 bowlers for two hours, shoe rental, two pizzas and soda. Raffle prizes will be available, including a fall weekend stay at an Ocean City cottage. Register at RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats are for anyone hurting from the spiritual and emotional pain of an abortion. The weekend will help you experience the mercy and compassion of God; grieve your loss; and forgive yourself and others. Retreat date: March 20-22, at the Spirituality Center in Frazer, Pa. Call 215.906.6337 or 610.399.0890. All contacts are confidential. Visit “PRO-LIFE” LINES Crisis Pregnancy Resource hotline: 610-626-4006. Rachel’s Vineyard Post-Abortion healing: 877-HOPE-4-ME A Baby’s Breath 24-hour hotline: 484-580-6436, Delaware County Pregnancy Center: Mother’s Home: 610-583-HOME, . Pro-Life Union of Delaware County: 610-789-LIFE, COME ONE, COME ALL TO THE… GIDDY UP GALA & SILENT AUCTION! SFA Home and School Association is hosting the Giddy Up Gala on Saturday, February 7th, 7~12MN. The Gala will be an evening filled with food, drinks, dancing and even a mechanical bull! YES!! “RIDE THE BULL!!!” Tickets:$45/person. (includes dinner & drinks). A huge selection of auction items: ●CLUB BOX SEATS for 4, to Taylor Swift concert in June. ●RINK SIDE Flyers tickets. ●RIDE ON THE SFA St. Patrick’s Day Float ●OVERNIGHT STAY for 2 at Desmond Hotel (Malvern). If you are able to donate any items toward the auction, please contact Amy (Wechsler) Foran: [email protected]. To preorder your tickets online, visit and click on EVENTS. Hope to see some of our Alumni there! God Bless All Who Serve Our Country Davidson Cox ~ Brian Galligan ~ Kevin Geiger ~ Michael Lynch Michael McGarvey ~ Steven Ramoni ~ Mike Froeter Daniel McLeer ~ Bill McDermott ~ Skip Turner James McDonald ~ Brian Crosby ~ Patrick J. Ryan, Jr. David English ~ Sean Sweeney ~ Michael Jones Peter Quinn ~ Joseph Spence ~ Mitch Devine Rick Kern, Jr. ~ Maxwell James Rieder ~ Cale Amador Shawn McConaghy ~ Shawn Bennett ~ James M. Ketler, Jr Jonathan Butterfield ~ Timothy McCans ~ Ken Finley Holy God, May the Spirit of Jesus dwell in the hearts of every troop this day and always and may Your Name be glorified in each life. For at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord to the glory of God our Father. Grant these brave men and women Your perfect peace as they serve their fellow man and may these days of service draw them closer to You. Give strength and assistance to all those who await their loved ones at home. Comfort the children who long to be held in the arms of their earthly fathers and mothers. Grant us victory in every endeavor that honors You, Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen. COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND When we come together to pray at our Eucharistic liturgy, we do not forget our brothers and sisters who are unable to be with us because of ill health or age. We remember them in our thoughts and prayers. We are not always aware of those who have this need. Please call the parish office at 610-543-0848 if you or a member of your family would like to have Holy Communion brought to them. 3-175 ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY Our conference of The St. Vincent de Paul Society assists the parish in performing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Due to these difficult times, we have been unable to provide needed help to some clients in need. Donations to the St. Francis Conference would be appreciated. 100% of all donations have always been distributed to those in need; there are no middleman costs or overhead. We acknowledge donations over $50.00 and we are a Section 501 © (3) charity. Vincentians practice the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy in helping those in need. Our assistance is given confidentially. Parishioners are reminded that our Society provides transportation for medical visits by calling the Rectory at 610-543-0848. We are always open to new members who have a desire to aid those in need. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month in Conway Hall at 7:30pm. REMINDER: Having trouble getting rides to medical appointments? Members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society are available to take persons to doctor’s offices, hospital tests, etc. Please call 610-544-9082 and the transportation will be arranged. THE WHITE ELEPHANT New arrivals are coming in! Come in out of the cold to shop our quaint gift shop for Weddings, birthdays, Valentine’s Day and much more! Donations accepted on Tuesdays & Saturdays from 9AM till 2PM. Any questions, please call the White Elephant at 610-543-8184 or Mickey Russell at 610-5440766. Please do not leave items outside. ST. FRANCIS OVER 50 The next meeting is February 12th. We will have a Mardi Gras theme. Tickets for Hoagie Day (March 12) are on sale. UPCOMING TRIPS: Casino Trips: (Feb. 16-Resort’s Casino) (March 16Caesar’s) Cost: $23 with a return of $25 in slot play. Bus leaves at 10AM. Call Bob Hodgson at 610-449-2956. March 9: Doolan’s for a St. Patrick’s Festival with Irish Tenor, Mike Byrne and the famous Green Derby Show Band. There will be a comedian, bagpipes, dancing and 1hour open bar. You have a choice of 3 entrees, (Irish corned beef & cabbage as one choice). Cost is $89. Bus leaves at 9:45AM. Call Dan Fahey at 610-544-4632. Rosaries: See Claire Doyle at the meeting or call her at 610604-0160. Membership: Call Betty Pote at 610-544-7570 or Frank Tarsia at 610-544-2259. The club is non-denominational and all are welcome. SFA CYO is the recipient of the United Way under the Honor Option Plan. Your donation supports our activities for youth of our parish. If you wish to support the CYO, please indicate: CYO/ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI/SPRINGFIELD #7046 SFA CYO YOUNG ADULTS RETREAT…February 13-15 Friday dinner till Sunday 1pm. Marianist Family Retreat Center located at 417 Yale Avenue, Cape May Point, NJ 08212. This weekend is for young adults (age 22-35, married or single) who wish to examine their personal faith in relation to God, self, co-workers and others. There will be a time for Eucharist, prayer experiences, faith sharing, social interaction and free time to explore Cape May and Cape May point. Cost: $125/person, double occupancy. Financial Aid is available. For more information: 609-884-3829 or WOMEN OF GRACE…This study is based on Johnette Benkovic’s book, “Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life”, but doesn’t stop there. You will learn about the lives of women saints, and how our Blessed Mother can bring you closer to her Son. You’ll learn lessons from Sacred Scripture, the Church, the Catechism, and writings of the Holy Fathers. You’ll learn to embrace your gift of authentic femininity and dignity as a daughter of God. Your prayer life will deepen; each lesson has a vocal prayer, a weekly theme, and a weekly grace to pray for. Classes are offered in small group environment starting Wednesday, February 11 thru April 8, in the intimacy of a private home in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. Mornings: 10-12N or evenings 79pm. For more info on AM classes, call Mary Ann McGill at 610.328.0562 or PM classes, call Patricia Kelly 610.328.0554. DISCERNMENT RETREAT…Friday, February 13, 6pm to Sunday, February 15, 1pm at the Villa Maria House of Studies. Young women (18-35) are invited to join us for a retreat that focuses on the IHM Charism and the importance of listening to God’s call and discovering the many ways that God speaks to us. Time will be included for personal and communal prayer as well as the opportunity to interact with the sisters in Formation. For more information, call 610-889-1553 or contact [email protected]. (Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary). ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK We salute the advertisers in our bulletin. This week we thank RIDPATH’S AUTO CENTER “For All Your Automotive Needs” Please consider using our advertisers’ services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin. CARDINAL O’HARA FASHION SHOW…Our Annual Fashion Show. “Journey Through the Hits”, will be held at the Drexelbrook on Sunday, February 15. Two seating’s available: 1PM Luncheon or 6:30PM Dinner. Cost: $45/person. Seating by reservation only, on a first come basis. Tables accommodate parties of 10. Our seniors will be performing to various hits that have been #1 on the Billboard Charts from the 1950s thru today. To purchase tickets: go to O’Hara’s main office or call Kathleen Ryan at 610-2466406. For more info, visit O’Hara’s website 4-175 THE GOLDEN GIRLS MURDER MYSTERY & LUNCHEON is being presented by St. Madeline Parish on Sunday, March 22 at 12N. Lunch is provided by Capozzoli Catering. Tickets: $39 through February 1, then $45 until March 13. Tickets can be purchased through St Madeline Rectory at 610-532-6880 or by calling Carole and Paul at 610-461-0443. THE CALIX SOCIETY: Enhancing our 12-step program with Christ and His Church. The Calix Society is an international association of Catholic alcoholics who have and are maintaining their sobriety through affiliation with, and participation in a 12-Step recovery program. On the 2nd Monday of each month, we meet at Nativity B.V.M. Parish, located at Monroe and Franklin Streets, Media, PA. If interested or for more information, please contact Amy at 610-405-7747 or Dan at 484-432-9796. All are welcome! ST. JAMES SCHOLARSHIPS…The Alumni Association will be sponsoring high school scholarships for the 20152016 school year. The applications are available upon request beginning in January 2015. (Phone: 610-876-2006 or email: [email protected]). These are partial 4-year high school scholarships with required attendance at a Philadelphia Archdiocesan High School. The applicants are evaluated on several categories. Applicant is also required to write an essay on an assigned topic. All applicants with the complete requested information must be returned by 2PM Wednesday, April 8, 2015. ST. JAMES HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION WORKSHOP…hosted by the Alumni Association is for 8th grade and high school student PARENTS on Wednesday, February 18 at 7PM. The workshop will be held at the St. James Alumni Headquarter, the “Doghouse” at 1499 East 9th Street, Eddystone, Pa. The agenda will address scholarship eligibility requirements and the program application and selection process. Workshop questions prior to the workshop can be directed to the St. James Alumni Headquarters at 610-876-2006 or [email protected]. Request for Year-End Financial Statement If you would like a statement of your yearly contributions for tax purposes, please complete this request form and either mail it, drop it off at the Rectory, or place it in the collection basket. Name_______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ Phone #_____________________________________ Pick-Up________ Mail__________ To request your year-end statement or for any questions, please call Mary Ann Tucker (Monday & Wednesday) at 610-543-0848 ext. 119. RETROUVAILLE MARRIAGE PROGRAM offers help for struggling marriages. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the 6 post sessions that follow. It is not just a social gathering or series of seminars, but a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on the weekend of February 13-15 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, Pa. For more info, or to register for our upcoming weekend, visit our website at or call 1-800470-2230. All inquiries are strictly confidential. SACRED HEART THRIFT SHOP…One request of Pope Francis is that we reach out to the poor. In response to the Pope’s request, and as an outreach to the local community, Sacred Heart Parish in Clifton Heights is looking to have its thrift shop open on a regular basis. If you would be interested in volunteering your time for this endeavor, please call Sr. Louise at 610-623-0409. It cannot happen without volunteers. CATHOLICPHILLY.COM Stay up to date with local Catholic news from Use your computer or smart phone to read about parish news, Archbishop Chaput’s column and other commentary, plus information on activities throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Sign up for a free newsletter sent by email twice a week at Archdiocese of Philadelphia Television Mass Sunday mornings at 5:30AM—WPVI-TV Channel 6 The Archdiocese thanks Channel 6 for its generosity in broadcasting the Television Mass. PRAYER FOR THE PRESENTATION OF OUR LORD (The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, called Candlemas, commemorates the presentation of Christ in the temple and the ritual purification of the Virgin Mary. The feast falls on February 2). Almighty everlasting God, we humbly implore Your majesty that, just as Your Only Begotten Son was presented on this day in the Temple in the substance of our flesh, so, by Your grace, we may be presented to You with minds made pure. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. ONE FOR THE ROAD… One good reason to celebrate Groundhog Day… His forecast is no less reliable than the National Weather Service! 5-175 KOVACS FUNERAL HOME INC. PRE-PLANNED AND PRE-PAID FUNERALS Personalized Service At Reasonable Costs TROPHIES • PLAQUES • ENGRAVING 530 W. Woodland Ave., Springfield, PA Michael Kovacs, Supervisor (In Springfield) 610-544-3222 610-328-5920 Rick Broemel Painting & Woodworking Int. Painting • Wallpaper Removal Crown Molding • Wainscotting Floral Arrangements Begin At $24.95 (local delivery only) 610-544-1121 C Free Estimates / Fully Insured 443 Baltimore Pk., Springfield M. ORRENTI CONCRETE & PAVING CO Patios, Driveways, Sidewalks, Steps, Interlocking Pavers, Garden Wall, Asphalt Paving • [email protected] 610-626-1317 484-437-2575 Experience Peace of Mind: Since 1992 PA Lic. #006806 Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. 610-626-7100 President / Diocese Member See my work at: CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Or go to for free planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. Expert Tree Trimming and Removal at Guaranteed Best Prices!! Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-789-3717 Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. 215.587.5650 AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Custom Built Picnic Tables kidsteeth Dr. Claire Field 700 S. Chester Rd. Swarthmore, PA 19081 By Parishioner Cedar Material Don’t Fuss Call Gus 610-627-1199 610-544-7223 $650 OFF 10% OFF JOBS OVER $2000.00 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT FREE INSPECTION 10% OFF SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT AAA COSMETIC INC. LIFETIME ✔ Expert Basement Waterproofing WARRANTY ✔ Basement Remodeling ✔ Mold Remediation & Odor Removal ✔ Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup Licensed ✔ Crawl Space Water Proofing & Insured ✔ Financing Available 175 St. Francis of Assisi, Springfield, PA (I) Rte. F 1-855-435-6009 John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 ( O’LEARY WILLIAM F. ADOLPH III Parishioner Springfield, PA • 328-1131 328-1141 • 544-4811 Delivery Service Available Financial Planning & Investment Services 610-668-6165 William F. Adolph & Co., Inc. Public Accountants Christopher Reynolds, CPA Robert W. Baxter REGISTERED PLUMBING & HEATING P.A. #021132 Continuous Family Service Since 1901 543-7373 All Your Plumbing & Heating Needs Parishioner 610-543-1199 • 610-543-5202 158 Saxer Avenue Springfield, PA 19064 WALSH CO., INC. Plumbing - Heating - Air Cond. Serving the Parish since 1959 EMERGENCY SERVICE 610-623-2789 [email protected] (Parishioner) PIANO - KEYBOARD LESSONS IN YOUR HOME Beginners to advanced All Ages senior discounts CALL 30 N. Brookside Road Painting & Carpentry Lic & Ins. 610-544-3610 JEWELERS For all your Jewelry Needs Galantino Materials / Equipment 610-544-2586 725 Old Marple Rd Springfield, PA WWW.GALANTINO.COM Full Service Paperhanging & Painting Contractor Specializing in the Sale & Installation of Wallpaper 10% OFF with this ad Free Estimates 610-284-1366 WE BUY GOLD JEWELRY & WATCH REPAIR DONE ON OUR PREMISES 160 Saxer Avenue • Springfield PA 610-338-0885 HEATING OILS “Your Parish Oil Company” Serving Phila. & Suburbs Since 1945 A/C • Oil/Gas Heating Equip. • Tank Protection Plans Annual Service Plans for All Types of Equipment 215-563-0800 610-789-6340 Cellucci Foran Insurance Auto • Home • Business • Life 610-544-1908 Capoldi & Son BARRY JAY Supply Company PLATINUM PAPERHANGING Parishioner 610-544-0120 Parishioner • EP Henry Pavers & Retaining Walls • Natural Stone, Flagstone & Slate • Traditional Clay Brick & Pavers • Masonry Supplies & Tools • Decorative Landscape stones 610-259-1959 640 W. Woodland Ave. Springfield, PA 19064 Norbert Elberson (610) 604-4898 Springfield, PA 19064 HARDSCAPING CENTER Do-It Yourselfers Welcome! FUNERAL HOME, LTD. Thomas J. O’Leary, Jr. - William J. O’Leary 640 E. Springfield Road Springfield, PA 19064 Thomas P. Foran Parishioner [email protected] McGARRIGLE’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Complete Car Care Center Free Pick Up & Delivery • 24 Hour Towing (610) 604-4900 23 E. Woodland Avenue, Springfield, PA 19064 PA013279 PLUMBING & HEATING INC. RIDPATH'S AUTO CENTER "For All Your Automotive Needs" FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1981 State Inspection • Emissions • Engine Tune-ups • A/C 28 E. Woodland Ave., Springfield, PA 544-2828 Bonner & Prendie Wishes To Thank You For Supporting Our Students and School Dona ons can be made to our 2014-15 Annual Appeal via our website: WWW.BONNERPRENDIE.COM For more informa on please contact the Advancement Office at 610-259-0280 ext 3275 Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 "Our Focus is You!" 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