ftvÜxw [xtÜà ctÜ|á{ 120 Jefferson Street ~ Swedesburg, Pennsylvania, 19405 We are the “HEART” of Bridgeport, King of Prussia, Swedeland and Swedesburg Saint Augustine Sanctuary Sacred Heart Church bâÜ ctáàÉÜtÄ fàtyy Rev. Timothy F. O’Sullivan Founding Pastor Rev. Msgr. George A. Majoros Parochial Vicar Rev. James J. Shea, Sch. P. Weekday & Sunday Ministry Our Lady of Mount Carmel Sanctuary Our Mother of Sorrows Sanctuary bâÜ ctÜ|á{ `táá fv{xwâÄx TÄÄ Éy ÉâÜ `tááxá tÜx vxÄxuÜtàxw |Ç ftvÜxw [xtÜà V{âÜv{ SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday evening at 4:00pm & 5:30pm Sunday morning at 8:00am & 10:15am Sunday evening at 5:00pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday through Friday at 6:30am Monday through Saturday at 8:00am (Masses on National Holidays will be celebrated at 9:00am. This will be announced in our Parish bulletin.) OUR HOLYDAY MASS SCHEDULE IS PUBLISHED IN THE BULLETIN IN THE WEEKS BEFORE THE HOLYDAY. g{x ftvÜtÅxÇà Éy UtÑà|áÅ Baptism is celebrated on the third Sunday of the month at 12 Noon and on the fifth Sunday of the Month during the 10:00am Mass. Before selecting a Baptism date, parents should secure letters of eligibility for their selected Godparents and present them at the rectory. Parents should also plan on Attending our Parish’s Pre-Jordan program before setting a Baptism date. All baptisms are celebrated in Sacred Heart Church. g{x ftvÜtÅxÇà Éy VÉÇyxáá|ÉÇ Saturday afternoon: 3:00pm – 3:45pm. Wednesday morning: Immediately following the 8:00am Mass. By appointment at the rectory anytime. The Sacrament of Confession is celebrated in Sacred Heart Church. g{x ftvÜtÅxÇà Éy `tÜÜ|tzx Please speak to Father O’Sullivan or Monsignor Majoros at least six months before your anticipated Wedding date. Couples should not make any celebratory arrangements until after they have met with Father or Monsignor at our Parish. g{x ftvÜtÅxÇà Éy g{x f|v~ Please speak to Father O’Sullivan or Monsignor Majoros if you or a family member wish to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. It is always appropriate to receive this Sacrament before surgery, during a serious illness or in the final stages of life. SUNDAY FEBRUARY 01 2015 ~ FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY Our Parish Office Information Sacred Heart Rectory 120 Jefferson Street Swedesburg, Pennsylvania Sacred Heart Rectory office is open: Monday through Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am – 12 Noon Sacred Heart Rectory Telephone: 610-275-1750 Sacred Heart Rectory Fax: 610-275-0480 Contact us by e-mail: [email protected] Saint Augustine Cemetery Office: 464 Ford Street, Bridgeport Monday through Friday: 9:00am – 12 Noon Cemetery Office Telephone: 610-272-4088 Our Parish Prayer of Unity Heavenly Father, You call us to be Your faith-filled people, United in the Sacred Heart of Your Son. Grant us the grace to always respond to Your call with lives of active faith, firm hope and Christian charity. Aided by the example of Saint Augustine, may we always seek to embrace and love the teachings of Your Church. Accompanied by Our Lady of Mount Carmel, may we, in joyful times and in times of Sorrow, always strive to be faithful followers of Your Son, Jesus Christ, for He lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever! Amen! Come, Let Us Worship The Lord! Let us join in prayer for the success of ~The World Meeting of Families ~ September 22 - 27 2015 In Philadelphia! God and Father of us all, in Jesus, Your Son and our Savior, You have made us Your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May Your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of Your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek Your truth and live in Your love. through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! On the Weekend of January 3-4, 2014 195 people joined us at our 4:00pm Mass; 121 people joined us at our 5:30pm Mass; 88 people joined us at our 8:00am Mass; 187 people joined us at our 10:00am Mass; and, 81 people joined us at our 5:00pm Mass. Thank you for making the Lord a priority in your life! Upcoming Second Collection: In your generosity, please remember: February 7-8, 2015 Our Parish Maintenance Fund Our Parish Financial Information Sunday Collection for January 3 - 4, 2015……..$7,553 Collection for January 4 - 5, 2014*…………….$9,917 (*This amount reflects a combined total of the Sunday collections for this weekend from Sacred Heart, Saint Augustine and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parishes.) THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH! #143 Sacred Heart Dear Friends, I recently read an article on a Catholic website which offered a commentary on the “Seven Ways Satan Tries to Destroy a Church”. I approached reading the article presuming the author meant ‘The Church’, as in ‘The Roman Catholic Church’; however, I quickly began to realize the article was intended to serve as a reminder on a local level - at the parish level. As I read the article, I could not help but see various circumstances over the last twenty years of my priesthood which could serve as proof that Satan truly does try to attack us – priests and parishioners, alike – at different times and in various ways to destroy the good which is accomplished on a parish level for the good of all the faithful. The first ‘way’ in which Satan can destroy, or at least introduce division, into the life of a parish and its parishioners is through Church conflict. Every person involved in a parish does so out of love for their faith and their spiritual home: their parish. However, perhaps too often, personal opinions have developed into unnecessary arguments; discussions which began as a way to improve the parish, have oftentimes snowballed into critiques of others; sometimes, when -or if- another person’s opinion is not the same as another person’s, they inadvertently used their differences to bring a good activity to a halt. Satan truly does love it when parish meetings get out of hand, or when two parishioners make their disagreements a ‘personal’ issue. But this can really only happen when a person is distracted from who it is we serve: the Lord! Another ‘way’ in which Satan negatively impacts the life of a parish is through burnout. Satan loves taking the energy and enthusiasm of a staff member, a priest or a volunteer and turning it into negativity! We are able to see this when priests, staff members or volunteers begin to think they are the only ones who ‘work’; they are the only ones who ‘care’; they are the only ones whose work is never seen by others; they are the only ones whose work is unappreciated by others; they are the first to show up and the last to leave every parish function. Their enthusiasm can easily turn into apathy. But this can really only happen when a person is distracted from who it is we serve: the Lord! Another ‘way’ in which Satan destroys the life of a parish can actually also be seen in almost every walk of life, in every work place, amongst the best of friends: rumors and gossip. Unfortunately, we have all joined in them; we find some of them ‘juicy’; some of them ‘too good not to pass on’; some of them ‘incredible’! Satan truly does love to watch as gossip and rumors spread and grow and take on a life of their own, because rumors and gossip are great ‘wall builders’ and ‘friendship destroyers’. But this can really only happen when a person is distracted from who it is we serve: the Lord! We have all -at one time or another- been affected by the next ‘way’: busyness! This ‘way’ can easily affect the parishioner who helps with ‘everything’, as well as the parishioner who is faithful to Sunday Mass, because we all have the temptations to allow other things to distract us from our faith. “With everything I have to do this weekend, I just can’t find time for Mass.” Satan loves distracting us with a plethora of insignificant activities; this enables us to justify not giving proper attention where it belongs. But this can really only happen when a person is distracted from who it is we serve: the Lord! Lies and half-truths are a favorite of Satan! Going all the way back to our first parents, who completely altered their relationship with Almighty God with the first (Original) sin –which was a lie. Satan is clever enough to disguise a lie in a way where false teachers gain entry and do damage before being discovered. Satan loves when lies and half-truths infect relationships; he equally loves when lies and half-truths cause division and discord. But this can really only happen when a person is distracted from who it is we serve: the Lord! Another way in which Satan attacks the faith and the faithful is through attacks on marriage and family life. Any relationship rooted in God -faith, marriage or friendship- produces good, and Satan hates anything good, because good always leads us closer to God. In our society it is too easy to witness attacks on marriage and family life. All of these attacks are rooted in Satan, because it is he who wishes everything from God to be distorted and destroyed. Satan also realizes if he is able to attack and destroy the ‘domestic church’ (which is what the Second Vatican Council called a family), (continued) #143 Sacred Heart (continued)...then he can more easily bring division to the Universal Church. But this can really only happen when a person is distracted from who it is we serve: the Lord! The last ‘way’ which Satan is able to destroy a parish is through scandal. And we need simply to look at the last several years (since the clergy sexual abuse scandal broke in January 2002) to realize how true this is! How many faithful people have had their Catholic faith tested -and sadly, in some cases, destroyed- because of the horrific and heinous sinful acts of those who claimed to serve the people of God as priests? Over these last years -and I dare say- for many, many years to come, we will be hearing about episodes from the past which will try and question our faith. As naturally as it might be to succumb to, we need to realize this is another way in which Satan attacks us, as individuals and as a Church. There is only one way we can ever hope to endure what scandal places before us: by never allowing ourselves to be distracted from the Lord by the imperfections or sins of others! As we begin this new year of grace, and continue our efforts of unifying our Parish community, we would do ourselves a great service to resolve not to allow any negative influences to destroy or devastate or tear down our faith in the Lord Jesus and His Holy, Catholic Church. Because when all is said and done, it is the Lord who has called us to be members of His Church, and it is the Lord who will sustain us in any and all trials; but we must welcome and embrace His grace if we wish it to make a difference in our lives! Through the intercession of Saint Augustine and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, may we always be United in the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Fr. O’Sullivan CHRIST, OUR LIGHT! All parishioners are welcome to join us for the Mass of the Presentation of the Lord on Monday, February 2nd. During our 8:00am Mass we will bless and distribute candles for use in your home. All are welcome to join us. We Join With Our Holy Father, Pope Francis In praying His Universal Intention for February: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. His Evangelization Intention for February: That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. BLESSING OF THROATS Tuesday, February 3rd is the Feast of Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr. Throats will be blessed at our 6:30am and our 8:00am Masses. #143 Sacred Heart Pysanky Class FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE Our Parish Fundraising Committee will meet on Monday, February 9th at 7:00pm in our school hall. This meeting will help plan several different FUN raisers and FUNDraisers for our Parish. All parishioners are welcome to join us to help plan activities to help our parish. Sacred Heart Parish Presents Mardi Gras Breakfast Sunday—February 15, 2015 Swedesburg Vol. Fire Co. Social Hall 8:00A.M. to 120 Noon Menu Includes: Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Bacon, Home Fries, Pancakes, French Toast, Cofee, Tea and Orange Juice. Prices: Adults: $8.00 6 to 12 Years: $6.00 Under 6: Free Interested in learning the European art of egg decorating? Come join us either Saturday February 21 or Saturday February 28 from 8AM – 12PM in the school hall. Joe Saboe will be leading the class and is an expert in this art form. Cost is $5. You will need a beginner’s pysanky egg decorating kit which can be found on Amazon or at pysanky-kit.stuccu.com Please RSVP to [email protected] by Sunday, February 8 or call 610-272-4249. Children 8 and up are welcome BUT MUST be supervised. SEW WHAT? Fr. O'Sullivan is looking for parishioners to assist him in an upcoming parish project. Any parishioners who are able to sew and are willing to assist in this project is asked to call the rectory. Father O'Sullivan will meet with those who are able to assist him in late February. SAVE THE DATE ! CAN YOU HELP? Father O'Sullivan would like to assemble a "Hospitality Committee" for our Parish that would be responsible for coordinating refreshments for our Parish on different occasions. Any parishioner interested in helping begin our Parish Hospitality Committee is asked to join us for a meeting on Monday, February 16th. Please call the rectory and let Joanne know you are interested being a part of this committee. Pope John Paul II High will present "Mary Poppins" on March 13,14, 19, 20 & 21 @ 7:00 PM and March 15 @ 1:00 PM. Tickets will go on sale on February 27 and can be purchased online @ www.pjphs.org. so, save your "tuppence" and mark your calendars for a "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" time! MTC will be hosting "Treasure Island" Our live and silent auction event, on Saturday February 21st. We welcome everyone to join us for a night of great food, drinks, dancing and a chance to go home with some wonderful gifts (items include tickets to area sporting events and attractions, art work or a chance for a Disney Vacation that includes hopper passes for four!) Gather a group of friends and reserve a table to share in making a night of wonderful memories! For ticket information, contact Mrs. Kimellen Remar at [email protected]. #143 Sacred Heart Our Parish Mass Intentions January 31-February 1, 2015 – FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:00pm (SH) Frank & Frances Ostroski Requested by Judy Vicchio 5:30pm (SH) For the People of our Parish Requested by Father O’Sullivan 8:00am (SH) Helen Farrington Requested by Sacred Heart Rosary Prayer Group 10:15am (SH) Phillip J. Giovinco, Jr. Requested by Carol & Daniel DiRado 5:00pm (SH) Ann Winters Requested by Linda & Peter Korpel February 2, 2015 – THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD 6:30am (SH) Peter J. Ciaramello, Sr. Requested by His Son, Peter & Grandchildren, Jessica & Peter 8:00am (SH) Bernadette Rita Volpi Requested by Husband, Anthony & Family February 3, 2015 – SAINTS BLAISE & ANSGAR 6:30am (SH) Manya Lewandowski Requested by Bill & Bridget Maruszczak 8:00am (SH) Joseph & Helen Dybicz Requested by Ed Dybicz February 4, 2015 – WEDNESDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 6:30am (SH) Leocadia Siwik Requested by Robert & Barbara Bralski 8:00am (SH) Walter B. Gutkowski Requested by Bernie, Jackie & Family February 5, 2015 – SAINT AGATHA 6:30am (SH) Bonnie Mateja Requested by Laura, Bill & Trish Smith 8:00am (SH) Anthony Paolini Requested by Lillian Luzi February 6, 2015 – SAINT PAUL 6:30am (SH) William Simmons Requested by Mark & Mary Leszczynski & Family 8:00am (SH) Wanda Smith Requested by Catherine R. Middleton February 7, 2015 – SATURDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00am (SH) Richard Fredecker Requested by Ken & Lizanne Makoid & Family February 7-8, 2015 – FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:00pm (SH) Mary Dolan Requested by Stan & Marge Leszczynski 5:30pm (SH) For the People of our Parish Requested by Father O’Sullivan 8:00am (SH) Living & Deceased Members of the Holy Name Society 10:15am (SH) John & Florence Czapla Requested by Rosemary Giovinco 5:00pm (SH) Margaret Torrente Requested by Linda & Peter Korpel Please Pray For All Who Protect Our Country Through Their Military Service, especially… Matthew D. Baxter (Senior Airman, U.S. Air Force), grandson of Peg Palmer; Matthew Capaldo (Lieutenant, U.S. Navy), son of John and Connie Capaldo; Michael Gutkowski (Ensign, U.S. Navy), grandson of Pat Gutkowski; Devon Kantz (Lieutenant, U.S. Navy), grandson of Rose Kantz; Gregory Kantz (Captain, U.S. Air Force), grandson of Rose Kantz; Stephen Kantz (Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy), grandson of Rose Kantz; Matthew McNulty (Warrant Officer U.S.M.C.), son of Irene McNulty; Rick McVoy Lieutenant commander, U.S. Navy) son of Rich McVoy; John Orendorff (Captain, U.S. Army), grandson of Ed & Gertrude Connor; Jonathan D. Palmer (Sergeant, U.S. National Guard), grandson of Peg Palmer; Lawrence H. Palmer, Jr. (Sergeant U.S. National Guard), grandson of Peg Palmer. On the 3rd Sunday of each month, all are welcome to join fellow parishioners for “Friendship Sunday” (an opportunity to meet new parishioners) in Sacred Heart School Hall! ETERNAL REST, GRANT UNTO THEM O LORD! In your kindness, please pray for the happy repose of the souls of: Caroline DiSanto Who passed away on January 20, 2015 Joseph Rosenberg Who passed away on January 21, 2015 Francesca Badalamenti Who passed away on January 23, 2015 “May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed Rest in peace” #143 Sacred Heart In Your Kindness, Please Pray For Our Family & Friends Who Are Sick… Let Us Serve The Lord With Gladness! The following Ministers are scheduled for our Parish Masses. Saturday evening, February 7th: 4:00pm in Sacred Heart Church Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Bob Bores, Shawn Courtney, Mary Eads, Terry Kelly Lector: Helen Surman Music: John Bednar & Pat Cunnane Servers: Ania Niemiec, Asia Niemiec, MaryCatherine Murphy 5:30pm in Sacred Heart Church Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Briana Wisniewski, Karen Hinchey, Larry Kilian, David Swedkowski Lector: Peter Wisniewski Music: Theresa Mann & Barbara Roskos Servers: Yadira Macedo, Ysalane Rojas, Leo Brady th Sunday, February 8 : 8:00am in Sacred Heart Church Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Tom Krizovensky, Marge Pruskowski, Joe Saboe, Sheila Sargent Lector: Connie Capaldo Music: Theresa Mann & Deirdre Cantando Servers: MaryCatherine Murphy 10:15am in Sacred Heart Church Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Tom Kester, Mary Ellen Kester, Joan Koeck, Melonie Mitchell Lector: Daniel Fahey Music: Theresa Mann & Janice Sbei Servers: Emily Rotz, Trish Smith, Leo Brady 5:00pm in Sacred Heart Church Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Donna Falcone, Shirley Funkhouser, Janet Kita Lector: Eileen Bralski Music: Helen Surman & Lori Warring Servers: Tyler Klicka, MaryCatherine Murphy Melanie Moletzsky; Joseph Gambone; Marge Leszczynski; Betsy Murphy; Christopher Keegan (Father O’Sullivan’s nephew) Grace Kent (Friend of Fr. O’Sullivan); Paul Dougherty; Carl Farrell; Linda Farrell; Kay Bolger; Barbara Bores; Michael Campano; (Friend of Fr. O’Sullivan); Ed Dybicz; Baby Michael Yi (Great nephew of Joan Schloth); Baby Ryan VanBuskirk; Baby Theodore Kocher (Great-nephew of Michael & Eileen Bralski); Rosemarie Grabowski (Cousin of Floyd Pachella); Crystal Fiorentino; Teresa Fiorentino; Alberta Hamaday; Dora Delmoro; Armando Delmoro; Dolores Simmons; Philomena Pishock; and Madeline Dobbs (Granddaughter of Joeseph and Dolores Saboe). ______________________________________ We are happy to keep your loved ones on our Parish prayer list for four weeks. If they would benefit from remaining on our prayer list after this period of time, please call the rectory and we will happily keep them on our prayer list. Discernment Retreat February 13-15, 2015 Friday 6PM - Sunday 1PM Villa Maria House of Studies Young women (18-35) are invited to join us for this retreat which focuses on the IHM Charism and the importance of listening to God's call and discovering the many ways that God speaks to us. Time will be included for personal and communal prayer as well as the opportunity to interact with the sisters in Formation. (Contact: [email protected] or 610-889-1553) COME AND SEE WEEKENDS AT ST. CHARLES SEMINARY Do you know anyone who might be discerning the call to the Diocesan Priesthood? Our "spring" semester Come & See weekends are fast approaching. This is a great opportunity to stay on campus and experience the life of a seminarian. You can register for these weekends by calling the Vocation Office at 610-667- 5778. Rooms are limited! Call Today! Friday, February 13 - Sunday, February 15th: High School Weekend. Friday, February 20th - Sunday, February 22nd: Post HS Weekend. The Miraculous Medal Novena is prayed after the Saturday morning Mass. #143 Sacred Heart Serving the community since 1941 Keith J. Murphy Supervisor Funeral Director Bernard S. Gutkowski Funeral Home Bernard S. Gutkowksi Funeral Director 305 Jefferson Street • Swedesburg, PA 19405 610-275-6385 www.gutkowskifuneralhome.com Founders Bernard S. Gutkowski, Sr. Pauline H. Gutkowski 1915-1966 Walter Gutkowski 1911-2007 1941-2012 Little Sicily Pizza Gregory W. Philips PA Lic. #006806 "A Pizza Connoisseurs' Favorite Place" 279-3702 RIGHTWAY 26 Crooked Lane • Bridgeport WE DELIVER WATERPROOFING CO. Attorney at Law ZONING • FAMILY LAW WILLS & ESTATES PERSONAL INJURY "I MAKE HOUSE CALLS" 610-323-1400 at Riverside Cemetery 200 S. Montgomery Ave. Norristown, PA 19403 610-539-1073 $100.00 Discount On New Memorial Purchase with this ad Serving PA, NJ & DE FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-337-0988 610-696-0100 Get in. Get out. Get well. 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Ridge Pike, Conshohocken 610.272.1350 825-RAYS www.dinospizzaandpasta.com Chris LaPenta, Parishioner of Epiphany LIFE INSURANCE PRODUCTS McDonald’s of King of Prussia, PA Drive-Thru Open 24 Hours! 151 Henderson Rd. King of Prussia, PA Free Sandwich of equal or lesser value. Limit one free item per bulletin, per visit. John Di Rosato Long Term Care Insurance Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Residential • Commercial • Industrial DEBBY HARMON 610-618-9080 [email protected] Riverside Monuments Hot Water & Steam Heating Water Heaters • Bathrooms 2130 Carol Lane 143 Sacred Heart, Swedesburg, PA UPS (610) 277-2140 Pizonka, Reilley, Bello & McGrory, P.C. Joseph J. Pizonka Robert J. Reilley, Jr.* Salvatore F. Bello, Jr.* Daniel T. McGrory* • Personal Injury • Real Estate • Bankruptcy *Also Admitted in NJ • Criminal Law • Domestic Law/Divorce • Estate Planning • Taxation • Workers Compensation • License Suspension/DUI • Corporate Law • Administrative & Municipal Law 144 East DeKalb Pike, Suite 300 King of Prussia, PA 19406 (610) 992-1300 Fax: (610) 992-1505 www.prbmlaw.com John Patrick Publishing Company - 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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