ST. JOACHIM CHURCH 401 West 5th Street, Madera, California 93637 559-673-3290 FAX: 559-673-6471 Web Site: e-mail: [email protected] Fr. John Warburton, O.S.J., Pastor Fr. Gustavo Lopez, O.S.J., Assoc. Pastor Fr. Shaji Athipozhi, O.S.J., Assoc. Pastor Fr. James Catalano, O.S.J., Assoc. Pastor Deacon Steve Taylor ST. ANNE CHAPEL 36483 Road 606 - Raymond WWW.STANNESCHAPEL.ORG Saturday: Vigil of Sunday: Sunday: Holy Days: Weekdays: St. Anne Chapel MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 AM; 5 PM; 6:30 PM (Spanish) 6:30 AM, 8 AM (Spanish), 9:30 AM, 11 AM; 12:30 PM (Sp), 4 PM ( Sp), 5:30 PM, 7 PM (Sp) Vigil: 5:30 PM; 7 AM, 9 AM, 12:15 PM, 5:30 PM, 7PM (Spanish) St. Anne Chapel: Vigil 4 PM 7:00 and 8:00 AM; (Tuesday & Thursday in Spanish) Wednesdays 7:00 PM (Spanish) 9 AM (Confessions before Mass) Communion Service: Tuesday and Friday 9 AM Confessions: Baptisms: Saturdays: 9 - 11 AM; Wednesdays 6:00 PM Sunday 2 PM, (Registration: two weeks before Baptism) Weddings: Funerals: Arrangements six months in advance. Arrangements - 479-8231 JANUARY 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Volume 62 Number 03 MASS INTENTIONS January 19-25 , 2015 Mon 7:00 David Tesei - Daughter, Patti 8:00 Katherine Sesock - Family Tue 7:00 Marge Evans - Molina Family 8:00 Peter Gonzales - Molina Family Fri 7:00 Thomas Schoettler - ICF 8:00 Josie Fleming - Valorosi Family 7:00 Holy Spouses Sat 8:00 Isabel Avila - Family 12:00 Tomas V. Rubio (6 mo Anniv of Death) 2:00 Cesar Garibo (anniv of death) 2:30 Wedding - Ivan Blanco & Clarissa Martinez 5:00 Mayra & Emmanuel Garcia - Mom & Dad 6:30 Angela Yenis - Hija Sun 6:30 Delo & Gilda Delinocenti - Family 8:00 Margarita Alvarez Ceja - Family 9:00 (Raymond ) People of St. Anne 9:30 Roy & Wilma Toschi - Ola Toschi Family 11:00 For the People of the Parish 12:30 Teresa Guadalupe Navarro - Familia 4:00 Jorge Antonio H. Martinez -Hermana Beatriz Martinez 5:30 Linda Morin - Husband 7:00 Eric & Santos Barriga - Madre y Esposa TODAY 2ND COLLECTION FOR THE DIOCESE SEMINARIANS PRIESTS’ CONVOCATION NEXT WEEK All priests of the diocese will be attending the annual convocation in Visalia, Tuesday, January 20 through Thursday, January 23. There will be no confessions nor Mass on Wednesday evening. PARISH OFFICE CLOSED The office will be closed Monday, January 19 in observance of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It will open Tuesday at 1 pm PASTOR’S CORNER A personal note from St. John Paul II “…to women who have had an abortion. The Church is aware of the many factors which may have influenced your decision, and she does not doubt that in many cases it was a painful and even shattering decision. The wound in your heart may not yet have healed. Certainly what happened was and remains terribly wrong. But do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourselves over with humility and trust to repentance. The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You will come to understand that nothing is definitively lost and you will also be able to ask forgiveness from your child who is now living in the Lord. …As a result of your own painful experience, you can be among the most eloquent defenders of everyone’s right to life.” (Please contact The Rachel’s Vineyard Ministry in the Diocese of Fresno for healing after an abortion for mothers and fathers, relatives and friends. 1-877-467-3463.) On January 22, the 42nd anniversary of the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision will be upon us. We must face the grim reality that a few decades of state sponsored legalized abortion, in our nation and in many other nations throughout the world, have caused more deaths for the most innocent and defenseless human beings on our planet, than all the deaths from all the wars and crimes in human history combined. It’s unimaginable! It is a Satanic/human evil that hides and thrives behind a curtain of silence. What can I do to break the silence and dispel the darkness of this horrendous evil that is going on all around us? I must pray, fast, witness, get involved! Courage is the willingness to sustain a wound in defense of the good, the true and the beautiful. Life is Beautiful! COURAGE! What we do to protect, nurture and heal those who are affected by the evil of abortion, we do to Jesus Christ. Support the West Coast Walk for Life on January 24. Support Right to Life of Central California (229-2229). Support Esperanza De Vida, our parish Pro-life ministry (664-2948). Support Doors of Hope, the Madera pregnancy resource center, (662-8629). Always vote pro-life! Blessings, Fr. John TACO SALE ST. MARELLO BOOKSTORE Friday, January 23, 11 am to 2 pm, at the school. Proceeds go toward St. Joachim School Scholarships and our sister school in Haiti. February is dedicated to the Holy Family. Come and see the display table of books to help with your family life and to prepare for the Synod on Families in Philadelphia this year. A new book “A Catholic Parent’s Tool Box: Raising Healthy Families in the 21st Century” is a wonderful book to help parents to learn to set healthy limits and risk not being liked, to learn to turn off technology— theirs and yours, learn to say “no” when everyone is saying “yes” and much more. . YLI SUPERBOWL ENCHILADA SALE Pre-orders only. $16 per dozen; $8 half dozen. $1.50 extra sauce. Pick up is between 11 am and 2 pm Saturday January 31, at the Farm Bureau on Pine Street. Call 6739197, 674-2106, 661-2137 to order. THE FEAST OF THE HOLY SPOUSES RINCÓN DEL PÁRRO Friday, January 23, is the Feast of the Holy Spouses. There will be a bilingual Mass at 7 pm. Mary and Joseph, the Holy Spouses, are wonderful examples and intercessors for us all. Please join us. Una nota personal del Santo Juan Pablo II "...a todas las mujeres que han tenido un aborto. La Iglesia está consciente de los numerosos factores que influyeron en su decision, y no duda que en muchos de los casos fué una decision dolorosa e incluso dramatica. La herida en su corazón aún no ha cicatrizado. Ciertamente lo que pasó fue y sigue siendo terriblemente malo. Pero no te dejes vencer por el desaliento y no pierdas la esperanza. Trata mejor de entender lo que pasó y enfrentalo honestamente. Si aún no lo han hecho, entreguense con humildad y confien en el arrepentimiento. El Padre de las misericordias está listo para ofrecer su perdón y paz en el Sacramento de la Reconciliación. Te darás cuenta de que nada esta perdido y podrás también pedir perdón a tu hijo que ahora vive en el Señor. ...Como resultado de su propia experiencia dolorosa, puede estar entre los defensores más elocuentes del derecho de todos a la vida." ( Por favor comuniquese con el Ministerio del Viñedo de Raquel en la Diocesis de Fresno para saber como sanar después de un aborto para las madres y padres, familiares y amigos. Telefono: 1-877-467-3463.) El 22 de Enero, es el 42 aniversario del infame fallo Roe vs Wade. Debemos enfrentar la cruda realidad de que unas cuantas decenas de estados patrocinaron la legalización del aborto, en nuestro país y en muchas otras naciones en todo el mundo, han causado más muertes a los más inocentes e indefensos seres humanos en nuestro planeta, que todas las muertes de todas las guerras y crimenes de la historia humana en combinación . ¡Es inimaginable! Es un mal Satánico y humano que se esconde y prospera detrás de una cortina de silencio. ¿Qué puedo hacer para romper el silencio y disipar la oscuridad de este horrendo mal que se está produciendo alrededor de nosotros? ¡Debo orar, ayunar, ser testigo e involucrarme! El coraje es la voluntad de mantener una herida en defensa del bien, la verdad y la belleza. ¡La Vida es Hermosa! ¡CORAJE! Lo que hacemos para proteger, nutrir y sanar a los que se ven afectados por el mal del aborto, lo hacemos a Jesucristo. Apoyemos a la Costa Oeste en la Caminata por la Vida el 24 de Enero. Apoyemos el Derecho a la Vida del Centro de California (559 229-2229). Apoyemos Esperanza de Vida, nuestro ministerio de Pro-Vida (559 664-2948). Apoyemos Doors of Hope, el centro de recursos de embarazo en Madera (559 662-8629). Siempre voten pro-vida FIESTA DE LOS SANTOS ESPOSOS Habrá una Misa bilingüe el viernes, 23 de enero, a las 7 pm en honor de María y José, los Santos Esposos. Todos están invitados a asistir. BLOOD DRIVE Today is the Blood Drive hosted by our church from 7:45 am to 12:30 pm. The mobile blood drive unit will be parked on 5th Street by the Rectory. Be sure to eat a good breakfast and drink plenty of fluids, not coffee. You must bring photo ID. Give blood and save lives. Thank you. SCHOOL NEWS The St. Joachim Alumni Trust and Friends would like to congratulate this year’s Distinguished Graduate Wayne Gomes. The ceremony to honor him will be Sunday, January 25, 2015 during the 9:30 AM Mass. Refreshments will be served immediately following in the school cafeteria. We invite everyone to come and celebrate with Mr. Gomes. St. Joachim School is now accepting applications for Kindergarten, for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Applications are available in the school office from 7:45 am to 4:00 pm. We encourage you to provide the best possible environment for fostering a love of God and a challenging Catholic education for your children. For more information, please contact us at 674-7628. 2014 CONTRIBUTION REPORTS Contribution reports are available to parishioners who use the offering envelopes. You can request one by putting a note on the front of your collection envelope today or call the office, 673-3290, and we will mail it to you. MARK YOUR CALENDARS Catholic Women’s Conference, “ Do not be Afraid”, March 21, Holy Spouses Hall. Guest speaker: Gary E Zimak, Author of Listen to your Blessed Mother, From Fear to Faith and the Worrier’s Guide to the Bible. $30 per person; $200 Table of 8. For information call Sally, 6733290 or MaryAnn, 662-0682. Tickets will be available soon. ¡ Bendiciones P. John GRUPO FE Y ESPERANZA Los invita a una noche de alabanza y predicación con el hermano Guillermo este lunes 19 de enero a las 7 pm en el Griffin Hall. Los esperamos. Para más informacion: 536-8580. La oficina estará cerrada el 19 de enero por el natalicio del Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. y se abrirá el Martes a la 1 pm. Parish Office 673-3290 [email protected] Hours Monday:1 to 6 pm Tuesday thru Friday: 9 am to 12 pm & 1 to 6 pm Closed Saturday and Sunday CCD Office - 674-5871 [email protected] Hours Monday thru Friday: 10 am to 1 pm & 2 to 6 pm Youth Ministry - 674-9069 [email protected] Hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10 am to 2 pm Thursday 3 to 7 pm Closed Monday St. Marello Bookstore - 662-0682 Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 1:30 to 7:30 pm Thursday: 10 am to 7:30 pm; Saturday: 10 am to 8 pm 2nd Sunday of month:7:30 am to 2 pm; 4:30 to 8:30 pm. St. Joachim School - 674-7628 St. Joachim PreSchool - 662-0372 Holy Spouses & Griffin Hall Rental - 674-9489 Doors of Hope Pregnancy Center - 662-8629 Rachel’s Vineyard - 1-877-629-6626 WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help -Monday after 8 am Mass. Seven Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph - Wednesday after 7 & 8 am Mass. DAILY ADORATION IN CHAPEL Monday & Tuesday, 8:40 am to 9 pm Wednesday, 8:40 am to 6:50 pm, 9 pm to Thursday, 6:50 am Thursday, 8:40 am to Friday, 6:50 am Friday, 8:40 am to 6:00 pm BIBLE STUDY Wednesday: 7 - 8:30 pm in Room 71 St. Anne - Tuesday 9:30 am CATHOLIC MEN OF FAITH 2nd Monday of Month 7pm Room 71
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