THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST JUNE 7, 2015 St. Joseph Catholic Church Welcome to St. Joseph Church! 1722 North Starr Drive Fayetteville, AR 72701 WEEKEND MASSES Misas Fin de Semana SATURDAY 5:00 pm English SUNDAY 9:00 am English SUNDAY 11:30 am English DOMINGO 1:30 pm Español SUNDAY 5:00 pm Youth Mass WEEKDAY MASSES Misas entre Semana MONDAY 6:30 am TUESDAY 8:15 am WEDNESDAY 6:00 pm JUEVES 6:00 pm FRIDAY 8:15 am THURSDAY 6:45 am—Liturgy of the Hours RECONCILIATION SATURDAY / SÁBADO 3:30 pm Confesiones WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 5:00 pm THURSDAY / JUEVES 5:00 pm deeper relationship with God Uniendo diferentes culturas y acercándonos a una relación más profunda con Dios Fr. Shaun C. Wesley Pastor Fr. Les Farley Associate Pastor Dc. Bud Baldwin Dc. Marcelino Vazquez Embracing our many cultures and bringing each member into THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST EL CUERPO Y LA SANGRE DE CRISTO WELCOME TO ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW PARISHIONERS Please register online at or fill out a manila registration card (found in the front hallway) and hand it to an usher PHONE NUMBERS-EXT. BELOW CHURCH SCHOOL FAX WEBSITE (479) 442-0890 (479) 442-4554 (479) 442-7887 OFFICE HOURS BAPTISM We ask for registration and faithful attendance. Please contact the church office for more information. RECONCILIATION ■ Wednesdays 5:00 p.m. ■ Thursdays 5:00 p.m. ■ Saturdays 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. BULLETIN DEADLINE Friday noon the week before publication Deadlines before holidays vary MARRIAGE Church & School Staff Pastor Rev. Shaun C. Wesley [email protected] x200 Associate Pastor Rev. Les Farley [email protected] x201 Deacon Dc. Bud Baldwin [email protected] Deacon Dc. Marcelino Vazquez [email protected] School Principal Jason Pohlmeier [email protected] x207 Office Manager Barbara Lupton [email protected] x206 Church Operations Paul Warren [email protected] x141 Music Linda Kelly [email protected] x244 Faith Formation Maria Vazquez [email protected] x148 Asst. Faith Formation Guadalupe (Lupe) Lopez [email protected] x149 Adult Faith Formation Beth McClinton x150 Youth Ministry Jim Weir [email protected] x152 Parish Life & Hispanic Ministry Luz Morlet [email protected] x203 Finance Manager Megan Sturgeon [email protected] x204 Office Manager Lydia Worden [email protected] x202 Administrative Assistant Vacant x205 Receptionist Vacant x212 Sacristan Shannon Keever Custodians Barbara Wragg, Eliot Wragg, Skip Frein 2 [email protected] x244 Please contact the church office six months in advance MINISTRY TO THE SICK Please call the office manager to arrange for a Sunday visit from an Extraordinary Minister of Communion ANOINTING OF THE SICK In the event of an emergency, call the church office (442-0890) and activate the emergency paging system (phone menu option #5) For non-emergencies, please call during office hours to make arrangements JUNIO 7, 2015 JUNE 7, 2015 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST HE FED THEM WITH FINEST WHEAT AND SATISFIED THEM WITH HONEY FROM THE ROCK. PSALM 81 Moses ratifies the covenant by offering a thanksgiving sacrifice (Ps) and by sprinkling blood over the people (1). The new covenant, the law’s oblation (Seq), is ratified in the blood of Christ, the unblemished offering (2) poured out (3) for us. FIRST READING — EXODUS 24:3-8 This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you. PSALM — PSALM 116 I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord. SECOND READING — HEBREWS 9:11-15 Christ is the mediator of a new covenant. GOSPEL — MARK 14:12-16. 22-26 This is my body. This is my blood of the covenant. È PLEASE PRAY for the repose of the soul of Adelaida “Yaya” Blauw, who passed into eternal life on May 30, 2015. T REASURE S T FROM OUR RADITIONS It has been said that the Church breathes with two lungs, East and West. Some of our family treasures are in the East, and it is interesting to consider how liturgical families developed around differing customs. Centuries before Christ, after the young girl was given to her husband by her father, the spouses were crowned. Christians retained that custom, keeping the wedding in the home, and sometimes inviting a visiting priest or bishop to put the crowns on their heads. By the fourth century, the crowns were seen not as royal crowns, but as the crowns of victory worn by martyrs. The crowns have nothing to do with being "king and queen for a day," but rather speak of the sacrifice of love poured out fully. There are no vows exchanged at all, but the crowning is followed by a joyful dance by the priest and couple around the Gospel book. Unlike Roman law, which saw the wedding rites as optional, Eastern practice did not recognize a marriage that had not been James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. blessed. O GOD, who in this has wonderful Sacrament has left us a memorial of your Passion, grant us, we pray, so to revere the sacred mysteries of your Body and Blood that we may always experience in ourselves the fruits of your redemption. Who lives and reigns with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, on God, for ever and ever. Amen. THANKSGIVING The word "thanksgiving" most often calls to our mind the holiday in November. But as early as the middle of the second century Justin Martyr referred to the blessed bread and wine of the Lord's Supper as "food we call 'thanksgiving' " (in Greek eucharistia). The Thanksgiving we celebrate in the autumn is at times marked by a sort of proud societal self-congratulation and the consumption of food until we sink into an inert stupor. The "thanksgiving" that we call our Eucharist is just the opposite: we are led to it by an acknowledgment of our own failings; we remember our humble place in the scheme of things by giving praise to God alone. While the food of Christ's body and blood fills our spiritual hungers, it also creates in us a greater hunger. We are not sent to our spiritual sofas to let the Lord's Supper settle; we are sent to be living signs of that thanksgiving for the world by looking out for the poor and powerless, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, speaking out against the self-righteous. In short, the hunger created by our doing in remembrance of Christ must lead us to living in remembrance of him. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 3 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST EL CUERPO Y LA SANGRE DE CRISTO WEEKLY EVENTS ALWAYS IN OUR PRAYERS Mary Cowan, Norman SATURDAY, JUNE 6 3:30 PM Reconciliation Confessional 5:00 PM MASS Louis, Jimmy & Rodney Alpe † 2:00 PM Wedding: Branden-Whorton Chapel Center SUNDAY, 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM JUNE 7 CORPUS CHRISTI Lynette Cottrell MASS Coffee & Donuts DeBriyn Center Baptism Chapel Center MASS Gene Boerner † Rm 225 Hispanic Charismatic Leadership 1:30 PM MASS IN SPANISH All the People 2:30 PM Crecimientos-Spiritual Growth Rm 225 3:15 PM Teen Band Chapel Center 5:00 PM YOUTH MASS John Scheibmeir † 6:00 PM Special Adoration begins Devotional Chapel MONDAY, JUNE 8 WEEKDAY 24 Hour Special Adoration 6:30 AM MASS Fr. Farley’s Intention 5:30 PM Legion of Mary Rm 229 6:30 PM Bridge Club Corry Hall TUESDAY, JUNE 9 ST. EPHREM 24 Hour Special Adoration 8:15 AM MASS Stephen Schwartz Devotional Chapel 3:00 PM Chapel Ladies 7:00 PM Gregorian Schola Corry Hall WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10 WEEKDAY 24 Hour Special Adoration Rm 225 12:00 PM Canasta Group 5:00 PM Reconciliation Confessional 6:00 PM MASS Henry Damron (SI) Activity Center 7:30 PM Men’s Basketball THURSDAY, JUNE 11 ST. BARNABAS, APOSTLE 24 Hour Special Adoration 6:45 AM Liturgy of the Hours Devotional Chapel 10:00 AM Oremus Bible Study Rm 152, 229, 244 5:00 PM Reconciliation 5:30 PM KofC Meal 6:00 PM MASS IN SPANISH Confessional Corry Hall Fr. Farley’s Intention 6:30 PM KofC Rosary Rm 225 7:00 PM KofC Monthly Meeting Rm 225 FRIDAY JUNE 12 MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS 24 Hour Special Adoration 8:15 AM MASS Charlie Beam 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer (Spanish) Rm 152,225,229 4 Duchek, Lydia Franklin, Nettie Frasca, Jennifer Hall, Les Harris, Rita Keever, Irene Lee, Kathryn Lookadoo, Greg Miller, Wally & Bettye Moon, Janice Bartholomew Montgomery, Bryant Morales, Susan Reed, Rachel Schwartz, Travis Steelman, and Jose Vazquez-Ruiz. PLEASE PRAY FOR Darla Dawson Allen, Pat Alpe, Connor and Jordan Aurit, Jerry Ausburn, Meri Bara, Bob Barrett, Martha Brake, Agnes Carson, Connie, Mike & Kay Corso, Esther Cui, Linda DeGeus, Margaret DeLao, Wilbert Eckstein, Bill Goeddel, Douglas Hagen, Taryn Helm, Jane Hughes, Maureen Jacob, Frank James, Aaron Jarboe, Howard Jensen, LeeNeil Kever, Richard Klaus, Stephen Krim, Dave Louk, Kathy Marish, Brenda McLaughlin, Rita Miller, Jeb Mills, Patricia Mondragón, Dee Mulvihill, Alex Neville, Naveen Pawar, Michelle Phelan, Michelle & Osvaldo Puente, Diane Raphael, William Rittmaier, Deidre Slavik, David Ruff, Nadine Spears, William Stephenson, Julia Terminella, Emily Tortorello, Kimberly Vaccaro and all parishioners, friends and family enduring illness or suffering. Please email Lydia at [email protected] or call 442-0890 x202 to add a name to the bulletin prayer list. Names in the “PLEASE PRAY FOR” section go off the list after four Sundays. If you would like a name to remain longer, please just call. PHONE PRAYER TREE If you have an urgent prayer request, please call: •Ann Covey at 575-9497 •Claudette Warren at 442-7965 •or Elisa Victorino (Spanish) at 935-7156. SATURDAY, 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM JUNE 13 IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY Fr. Farley’s Intention BENEDICTION AND MASS Baptisms in Spanish Chapel Center Anniversary Mass Chapel Center Reconciliation Confessional RCIA in Spanish Rm 151-2 MASS Margaret Newman SUNDAY, JUNE 14 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Matthew Siebenmorgen 9:00 AM MASS 10:00 AM Coffee & Donuts DeBriyn Center Knights of Columbus Blood Drive 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Room 225 — Parish Life Room 10:30 AM Baptism Chapel Center 11:30 AM MASS John Carrigan 12:00 PM Hispanic Charismatic Leadership 1:30 PM MASS IN SPANISH All the People 2:00 PM Natural Family Planning: Oloffson 2:30 PM Crecimientos-Spiritual Growth 3:15 PM Teen Band 5:00 PM YOUTH MASS Rm 225 Rm 155 Rm 225 Chapel Center Ashley Zack & Anna Kate Davis (SI) JUNIO 7, 2015 JUNE 7, 2015 Altar Flowers A donation for this week’s altar flowers was made by The Ratcliff Family in loving memory of Charles Brandon To donate to the Flower Fund, contact Amy Mathews at 442-0890 x244 or [email protected] SPECIAL ADORATION We have a Special Adoration honoring the Feasts of Corpus Christi and the Sacred Heart. It begins Sunday, June 7, following the 5:00 p.m. Mass and runs through 8:00 a.m. Saturday, June 13, the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. A Mass in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will immediately follow Benediction at 8:00 a.m. PARISH MEETINGS & EVENTS THE LEGION OF MARY meets every Mondays from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Room 229. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will hold their monthly meeting Thursday, June 11. Dinner is at 5:30 p.m. in Room 225, and Rosary is at 6:30 p.m. The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. Any male parishioner, 18 or older, is welcome to attend. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus would like to invite all Catholic Gentlemen to join their fraternal brotherhood. The order is founded on the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Join us and make a difference in people's lives one heart at a time. FMI contact Grand Knight, Joe Beffa, at [email protected] or (314) 497-8892 or Chris Fitz at (479) 263-4348 ST. JOSEPH BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, June 14 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Your Knights of Columbus Council will sponsor a blood drive in room 225. Show Christ’s love by providing life-giving blood to those in need. Snacks will be provided for your family while you donate. The Community Blood Center will provide free cholesterol screening and free t-shirts! SUBSCRIBE TO THE PARISH GRAPEVINE Email Lucy Morlet at [email protected] STEPPING STONES We have arrived at Phase III! The Core Team, whose mission is to lead the development and execution of building projects for the parish, is gearing up for Phase III. The three stones on Core Team communications stand for the three building phases that our parish has been in the process of accomplishing. The culmination is our goal of building a freestanding Church building. Phase 1: our multi-purpose building containing our chapel center, school, meeting space and offices (opened August 2002) Phase II: the DeBriyn Family Activity Center and classroom/meeting space addition (opened February 2012) Phase III: a Church! Father Wesley has reactivated the Core Team and appointed the following members: Pat McGee (team chair), Bokie AlpeCleghorn, Pete Heinzelmann, Susan Hui, Robert Kelly, Sandi Lester, Jason Pohlmeier, Mark Prenger, John Strack, Paula Thiessen, Paul Warren, and Richard Welcher. After reviewing the work of previous Core Teams, the group is very excited to continue to work with Father, parish groups, and school organizations to plan for a freestanding Church building. Father Wesley and the entire Core Team see this as the natural and necessary next step for the continued growth and development of our entire parish. The move of our liturgical space and parish offices would free those spaces in our current facilities to make way for the future needs of both the school and the church. As plans are developed and benchmarks are completed, we will communicate them to you through the bulletin, Grapevine, parish mailings, town hall meetings, and the parish website, How can you help? First and foremost, continue to pray for our parish and the team. Secondly, continue to contribute to the building fund. As we have successfully retired the debt on our past building projects, all current contributions to the building fund will go towards making Phase III a reality. OZARK CATHOLIC CONFERENCE Save the Date! The Second Annual Ozark Catholic Conference will be at St. Vincent de Paul in Rogers on Saturday, August 1, 2015. RUMMAGE SALE Our Fourth Annual Rummage Sale will be August 7-8. Last year we raised over $6,500 for our sanctuary roof! Please think of us while doing your spring cleaning. Funds raised this year will go to our General Stewardship Fund. 5 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST EL CUERPO Y LA SANGRE DE CRISTO YOUNG ADULTS COME JOIN THE FUN! It is not too late to sign up for St. Joseph School’s Summer Program. We offer indoor and outdoor activities that go along with our weekly themes, plus opportunities for fun, friendship, and exploration. Current Pre-K to 4th Grade Choose between: Full Week, M/W/F, or T/TH 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Drop off and pick up whenever (price remains the same) Session 1: June 1—June 26 (4 weeks) Fourth of July break: June 29 - July 3 Session 2: July 6—August 7 (5 weeks) Lunch and two snacks included Pricing: $100 $200 $135 $ 90 Registration fee per week for full time for three days a week for two days a week The NWA Frassati Society is an energetic Catholic Young Adults group that yields Spiritual Growth, Social Events, and Service Opportunities! Join us for our bible study series on the prophets of the Old Testament Mondays at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joe's in Tontitown. Mark your calendars for our annual canoe trip, Saturday, June 13! If you'd like to join us, please reserve your spot. To learn more, email us at [email protected]! CUSTODIAL POSITION OPENING Skip Frein, our evening and weekend custodian left at the end of May to spend more time with family. We appreciate Skip for his dedicated service since March 2012. We now have an opening for a full time custodian. Position is nights and weekends. Duties include basic janitorial work for floors, bathrooms and windows. Summer hours (June through mid-August) will be adjusted to earlier hours. Will use floor machine (propane burnisher). Some general maintenance possible. Hourly wages paid bi-weekly, full time benefits include health insurance. Experience a plus, but will train the right person. For more information or questions, please contact Rebecca Dunahoo at [email protected]. To apply, send cover letter/email with work history and two work-related references to Paul Warren [email protected] or mail/ drop-off to: Paul Warren, St. Joseph Catholic Church, 1722 N Starr Dr., Fayetteville, AR 72701-2937. FMI call Paul at (479) 799-4997. Thank you!" to all members of St. Joseph Parish! Thank you for all you have done to support the school throughout the 14-15 school year! NOVENA OF MASSES FOR FATHER’S DAY ARKANSAS CHARISMATIC RENEWAL Arkansas Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services, Diocese of Little Rock invites you to our annual conference. The 2015 Conference, entitled “I AM Your God, Be My People,” will be held at the Wyndham Riverfront Hotel, N Little Rock, beginning on Friday, July 24. Go to the conference web page on for all the conference information, including the schedule, this year’s speakers and an online registration form. Or, you may contact Sherry Asbell at 501920-2953 to have additional conference brochures and registration forms mailed to you. This year’s conference will feature a special youth “Life in the Spirit Seminar” on Saturday, July 25, for ages 13-18. This exciting event is limited to the first 100 youth who register at There is a $20.00 fee for the seminar which includes lunch. 6 Last month we celebrated our mothers with a Novena of Masses that began on Mother’s Day. This month we do the same for our fathers. Beginning on Father’s Day, June 21, Father Wesley, Fr. Heimsoth, and Father Farley will begin a series of Masses that will be celebrated daily for nine consecutive days in honor of our fathers, both living and deceased. Greeting cards are available in the entryway to mail to your Dads. Special envelopes are also available to list and enroll fathers who have passed away. We can think of no better way to honor those whom you love than to lift them up in prayer during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Mass times will follow our normal weekday schedule. JUNIO 7, 2015 JUNE 7, 2015 7 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST EL CUERPO Y LA SANGRE DE CRISTO CATHOLIC CHARITIES SUMMER INSTITUTE (C²SI) Investigating God’s word in life C²SI is a summer program open to youth in the 9 -12 th th grades interested in learning about the social justice teachings of the Catholic church. During the week, attendees will gain insight into various areas of lay ministry available in today’s Church. Participants will also put the social justice lessons learned each morning into action with worthwhile “hands on” experience by working in the community. Each day ends with reflection, sharing and fellowship. *Optional overnight experience at the Heifer Global Gateway Program starts on Sunday afternoon July 6. July 6*–11, 2014 at St. John’s Center in Little Rock. The fee for the week is $245.00 If you have questions please contact Trish Gentry ([email protected]) at the Diocese of Little Rock Youth Ministry office: 501-664-0340, x418. **Scholarships are available for those wishing to attend that are in need of financial assistance. Please contact Liz or Trish for more information. Scholarship applications may be found at the following link: documents/diocesanscholarshipapplication.pdf. SEARCH #134 RETREAT This search is open to incoming Juniors—those who just completed the 10th grade—through outgoing/graduate Seniors. Registrations are now being accepted for Search #134, a retreat to help juniors and seniors in high school get to know themselves better, deepen their friendship with Christ, and find support in living out their faith. Search #134 will be held at St. John Center, Little Rock, June 27 – 29. The fee is $120.00 and the early registration deadline is June 7. For more information and registration forms visit our website at: If you have questions you may contact Trish Gentry [email protected] at the Diocese of Little Rock Youth Ministry office: 501-664-0340 x418. **Scholarships are available for those wishing to attend that are in need of financial assistance. Please contact Liz or Trish for more information. Scholarship applications may be found at the following link: documents/diocesanscholarshipapplication.pdf LOVING CHOICES BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN Baby bottles were distributed after Mass a couple of weeks ago to raise money for Loving Choices Crisis Pregnancy Centers of NWA. Please fill it up with change, cash, or checks, and return it to the receptacles in Corry Hall by Father’s Day, June 21. Loving Choices provides pro-life counseling, medical services, and parenting support to women facing a crisis pregnancy. With your help last year, Loving Choices saved 202 babies and mothers from the horror of abortion. Please give generously! SUMMER BIBLE INSTITUTE Come explore what the Gospels have to say about Jesus. The summer Bible Institute sponsored by Little Rock Scripture Study is June 19-21 at St. John Center in Little Rock. Renowned biblical scholar, Fr. Donald Senior, CP, will lead us through this powerful experience. Join with adult Catholics from around the country for solid teaching, prayer, and discussion. Paid registration of $100 is due by Friday, June 5. Contact LRSS for more information (501-664-6102 or [email protected]). LITTLE ROCK THEOLOGY INSTITUTE The Little Rock Theology Institute provides a unique opportunity to enrich your personal spiritual journey, grow in knowledge of the Catholic faith, and for those wishing to earn a degree in Theology. Classes meet one weekend a month from September to June. For more information call (501) 664-0340 ext 368 or 323 or visit Please prayerfully consider joining us this year! LORD, TEACH ME TO PRAY Deepen Your Prayer Life; Help Others Do the Same HOPE FOR A NEW BEGINNING There is help for the heartache of separation, divorce, and widowhood at a Beginning Experience Weekend. This weekend program helps deal with the natural grief process and offers an opportunity, through God, for turning the pain of loss into an experience of positive growth. Trained team members who have suffered the loss of a loved one share their own experience as they lead participants through presentations, private reflections, and small group sharing. The next Beginning Experience Weekend, which is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City will take place at the Catholic Pastoral Center, July 10-12, 2015. Contact the Office of Family Life at 405-721-8944 for registration information or to download the registration form, please visit the website 8 Are you a woman or man of prayer? Are you comfortable working with small groups? On June 12-13 Holy Souls Church in Little Rock will host a Facilitator Training-Retreat for the “Lord, Teach Me to Pray” prayer series. There is no charge for the training itself or the materials. It will be conducted in a retreat setting and discernment atmosphere. Come and discern if God is calling you to become a facilitator! Or, if you are simply interested in finding out more about Ignatian Prayer and the Lord, Teach Me to Pray (LTMTP) prayer series, you are also invited! For info and registration: Mrs. Carol Weiler at 501-439-5933 or [email protected]. For more information about LTMTP, go to : Wish List (How can I help support our Mount Everest VBS at St.Joe’s?) We are excited to announce that over 100 campers will participate and 40 volunteers will join to lead and have fun. The following are the many supplies still in need to have a successful VBS in our church. Suave hair conditioner (2 bottles) Cornstarch (10 cups) Glitter (4 bottles) Food coloring Money jar Yarn 1sk Smarties (1 large bags) Scotch tape (5 packs) Gallon sized bags (50) Pool noodles (7) Paper towels (8 packs) Sandwich bags (150 ) Coffee filters (1 pack) Wax paper Masking tape (4 rolls) Wide drinking straws (100) Reg drinking straws (200) Construction paper (2 pks yellow, 2 black) Crayon boxes 2 Flat twin-sized blue sheets Construction paper (2 pks white) Markers (3 packs) Glue Sticks (2 pack) Baby Shampoo (3 bottles) Shaving Cream ( Bubble solution Dawn dishwashing liquid (2 bottles) Wet wipes (8) Baby Shampoo (3) Small plastic wading pool (1) Baby powder (2) Cotton balls (3 bags) Toilet paper rolls (8) Play-doh (10 containers) Modeling dough (2 pks) Large poster board (2 white) Felt squares (Any color) Foam stickers Carabiners (10) Mylar streamers or tinsels Blue cellophane Cotton swabs Plastic wrap (3) Oat ring Cereal (1 bag) Corn Syrup (1 bottle) Adhesive Gems (20) Shower curtain liners (4) Stackable blocks (1 set) Rope lights (4) Gloves (1 bx) Rope Can of Silly string Plastic clear cups 9oz (8 pks) Plastic spoons (6 bx) Large paper plates (5 pks) Small paper plates (5 pks) Medium size bowls (5pks) Plastic forks (5pks) Send us your monetary donations, we’ll go get them! If any questions please contact Lupe Lopez (479) 571-0117 or [email protected]. Please bring them by June 11, 2015 — Bless you for your generosity!! JUNIO 7, 2015 JUNE 7, 2015 COLLECTIONS READINGS Mon: 2 Cor 1:1-7; Sat: 2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 34:2-9; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:1-12 Mt 5:33-37 Tue: 2 Cor 1:18-22; or, for the Memorial of Ps 119:129-133, 135; the Immaculate Heart: Mt 5:13-16 Is 61:9-11; Wed: 2 Cor 3:4-11; 1 Sam 2:1, 4-8abcd; Ps 99:5-9; Lk 2:41-51 Mt 5:17-19 Thu: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Sun: Ez 17:22-24; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Ps 92:2-3, 13-16; Mt 5:20-26 2 Cor 5:6-10; Fri: Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9; Mk 4:26-34 Is 12:2-6; Eph 3:8-12, 14-19; Jn 19:31-37 ST. JOE PERSONALS HANDYMEN: Fencing, masonry, roofing leak repair with 4 years experience, mowing, leaf removal, carpentry, and many other jobs. Parishioner father and son, Jose Ibarra Sr. (479-502 -4994 Spanish) and Jose Ibarra Jr.(479-502-8169 or 479502-6007 English & Spanish). Free estimates. HOUSEKEEPING: Do you need your house, business office or department cleaned? I can clean any time, weekly, two times a month or monthly. Anything you need we can arrange. Call me for an estimate: Regina Sullivan, 479-684-9785. References upon request. ARTURO’S LANDSCAPING: New installations • Complete renovations • Patios • Landscaping maintenance • Sprinkler systems • Mulch • Retaining walls • French drains & much more. Licensed and insured for your protection. Website: Email: [email protected]. Find us on Facebook for our latest projects. Office: 479-444-7784 Cell: 479-422-1093. STORAGE BINS FOR SALE: Rubbermaid and Sterilite, clear with latching lids, 15 bins/assorted sizes, 66 qts. to 28 gals. $5 each. Call 479-442-9652. HOUSEKEEPING: Do you need your house, business office or department cleaned? I can clean any time, weekly, two times a month or monthly. Anything you need we can arrange. Call me for an estimate: Regina Sullivan, 479-684-9785. References upon request. HOUSEKEEPING: Do you need your house, business office or department cleaned? I can clean any time, weekly, two times a month or monthly. Anything you need we can arrange. Call me for an estimate: Regina Sullivan, 479-684-9785. References upon request. IS YOUR HOUSE INSULATED? TU CASA ESTA INSULADA? ANGEL’S INSULATION, LLC does Fiberglass, Batt (attics), Cellulose, Crawl spaces, etc. Free estimates. 12 years experience. Call Raul at 479-459-9625 or Marcela at 479-799-5866. PERSONAL AD POLICY IS CHANGING: We gladly accept personal ads to be run at no charge on a rotating basis. Donations gladly accepted. Please submit ads to Lydia at [email protected] or call 442-0890 x202. Goal 100,500.00 MARCH 119,310.00 APRIL 19,240.00 31-MAY 96,200.00 MAY TO DATE 1,105,060.00 YTD (JULY-PRESENT) YTD Surplus/Shortage Actuals 106,089.40 84,668.38 18,854.32 92,803.52 1,075,067.05 -29,992.95 114,313.13 SERVING THIS WEEK 5:00 PM—SATURDAY, JUNE 6 Greeters Barbara Moore (next week Sara & William Terrill) Ushers Albert Baltz, Richard Maddan, Francis Meunier, Steven Worden, Servers NEXT WEEK Sara Flurry, Murphy Beck, Coleen Gauiran, Will Terrill Lectors Frank Flurry, Brady Delperdang (next week Alicia Minden, Bill Grosskreutz) EMCs Grosskreutz Bill, Kathy Launder, Molly Lloyd, Brandon Long, Pat McGee, Carin Schoppmeyer EMCs TO THE SICK—SUNDAY, JUNE 7 Caroline DeBriyn, Virginia Hardgraves, Dick Lloyd, Brandon Long, Patty Siebenmorgen EMCs TO THE SICK— NEXT SUNDAY Don Brown, Jean Dawson, Lorraine Giczkowski, Kathleen Steinert, Sub 9:00 AM—SUNDAY, JUNE 7 Greeters Jack Otten (next week Susie & Terry Baker) Ushers Gary Anderson, Alan Bearden, Quin Rudsinski, Mark Scalise, Ted Villinski, Tom Weishaar Servers NEXT WEEK Jack Quinn, Noah Laury, Caitlin Farrell, Jonathan Laury Lectors Anita Parisi, Adam Parisi (next week Will Rogers, Virginia Hardgraves) EMCs Concetta Baker, Marietta Baltz, Ruben Baltz, Bearden Martha, Joe Beffa, Jim Carter 11:30 AM—SUNDAY, JUNE 7 Greeters Sheldon & Mallory Steinert (next week Amy & Stephen Matthews) Ushers Mark Draper, Joe Dushan, Gary Frala, Stephen Mathews, Roddy Montemayor, Allen White Servers NEXT WEEK Arman Fitz, Ramil Fitz, Kateri Smith, Grace Litzinger Lectors Roger Haney, Jack Otten (next week Kathy Matthews, Anne Easterly) EMCs Cindy Raben, Tony Sherman, Paula Thiessen, Ashley Traynham, Lynda White, Bonnie Wolf 5:00 PM—SUNDAY, JUNE 7 Lectors Johanna Berryman, Rebecca Laury, (next week Mary Kate Bertalotto, Mark Rechtin) 9 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST CALENDARIO PARROQUIAL DOMINGO 7 DE JUNIO X DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO—CORPUS CHRISTI ADORACIÓN ESPECIAL 9:00 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 11:30 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 1:30 P.M. MISA (ESPAÑOL) 3:00 P.M. CRECIMIENTOS 5:00 P.M. MISA (INGLÉS) LUNES 8 DE JUNIO ADORACIÓN ESPECIAL 6:30 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 5:30 P.M. LEGIÓN DE MARÍA MARTES 9 DE JUNIO ADORACIÓN ESPECIAL 8:15 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) MIÉRCOLES 10 DE JUNIO ADORACIÓN ESPECIAL 5:00 P.M. CONFESIONES 6:00 P.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 6:45-10:00 P.M. ADORACIÓN SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO JUEVES 11 DE JUNIO ADORACIÓN ESPECIAL 5:00 P.M. CONFESIONES 6:00 P.M. MISA (ESPAÑOL) 6:45-9:00 P.M. ADORACIÓN SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO VIERNES 12 DE JUNIO EL SAGRADO CORAZÓN DE JESÚS ADORACIÓN ESPECIAL 8:15 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 9 A.M.-9 P.M. ADORACIÓN SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO 7:00 P.M. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN SAN JUAN BAUTISTA SÁBADO 13 DE JUNIO EL INMACULADO CORAZÓN DE MARÍA ADORACIÓN ESPECIAL 10:00 A.M. BAUTIZOS (ESPAÑOL) 2:00 P.M. BODAS DE PLATA JOSÉ & BLANCA IBARRA 3:30 P.M. CONFESIONES 5:00 P.M. (INGLÉS) DOMINGO 14 DE JUNIO XI DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 9:00 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 10:00 A.M.–2:30 P.M. CAMPAÑA DONACIÓN DE SANGRE 11:30 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 1:30 P.M. MISA (ESPAÑOL) 3:00 P.M. CRECIMIENTOS 5:00 P.M. MISA (INGLÉS) EL CUERPO Y LA SANGRE DE CRISTO INFORMACIÓN PARROQUIAL BAUTISMO ATENCIÓN: LOS BAUTIZOS SON A LAS 10:00 A.M. EN SÁBADO, DE ACUERDO AL CALENDARIO PARROQUIAL. Favor de llamar con tres meses de anticipación. Para ser padrino, es necesario que: Haya cumplido 16 años, esté Bautizado, Confirmado, reciba el Sacramento de la Reconciliación con regularidad; asista a Misa y reciba la Comunión. Los padrinos deberán llevar una vida congruente con la fe y la misión que van a asumir (vivir en gracia). Si son casados, deberán estar casados por la Iglesia Católica. Si son solteros, deberán vivir de acuerdo a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica en relación a la vida célibe. CONFESIONES Miércoles y Jueves, 5pm, Sábados, 3:30 pm MISAS EN ESPAÑOL DOMINGOS: 1:30 P.M. Y JUEVES, 6:00 P.M. EXPOSICIÓN EUCARÍSTICA El Santísimo Sacramento está expuesto todos los miércoles, jueves y viernes. Los invitamos a venir a adorar a Nuestro Señor y a entregarle todas sus preocupaciones. MATRIMONIO A todas las parejas que deseen contraer Matrimonio, llamar a la Iglesia con, al menos, nueve meses de anticipación. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS La Unción de los Enfermos no es un Sacramento solo para aquellos que están a punto de morir, es un Sacramento para vivir, es por eso que si desea que un sacerdote vaya a darle la unción de los enfermos, le pedimos que nos llame de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 4 p.m. LLAMADAS DE EMERGENCIAS En caso de una EMERGENCIA DE VIDA Ó MUERTE, la parroquia cuenta con un SISTEMA DE EMERGENCIAS. Para activarlo, favor de llamar al 442-0890 y marcar el #5. Una emergencia es cuando alguien está en peligro de muerte. Si tiene algún otro tipo de solicitud, favor de llamar a la parroquia en horario de oficina, de lunes a viernes de 8 am a 4 pm. LISTA DE ORACIÓN Y CADENA DE ORACIÓN Si desea incluir el nombre de un familiar en nuestra lista de oración del boletín, favor de llamar a la parroquia. La lista de oración del boletín es para personas que necesitan de nuestra oración constante. Si desea activar la cadena de oración por algún familiar en peligro de muerte, favor de llamar a Luz Morlet al 387-7560. INTENCIONES DE LA MISA Si desea agregar a un ser querido a las peticiones de las Misas en español de Jueves ó Domingo, favor de hablar a la parroquia, con Luz Morlet, de lunes a viernes, de 8:30 a.m.—4 p.m. COMUNIÓN A LOS ENFERMOS Si desea que llevemos la Comunión a un ser querido enfermo a casa ó al hospital, llamar a las oficinas parroquiales. ANULACIÓN MATRIMONIAL Para informes de cómo obtener una Anulación Matrimonial, favor de comunicarse con Luz Morlet al 442-0890 ext. 203 10 JUNIO 7, 2015 JUNE 7, 2015 CAJITA DE LOS POBRES (POOR BOX) CLASES DE BIBLIA PARA ADULTOS ¿Sabían que en la Iglesia contamos con una alcancía muy pequeñita, muy humilde, que se llama “La Cajita de los Pobres”? Hay muchos feligreses en necesidad, y las donaciones a esta cajita ayudan a feligreses en situaciones críticas como cuando no se puede pagar un recibo de servicios, renta, etc… Si cada uno depositamos “algo” en la cajita de los pobres, habría suficiente dinero para ayudar a más personas en necesidad. Búscala la próxima vez que entres a la iglesia!!! Si quieres aprender más acerca de tu hermosa fe católica, te invitamos a participar en alguno de los estudios bíblicos que ofrece la parroquia. Para más información, favor de llamar a Luz Morlet o a María Vázquez a las oficinas parroquiales. “Cuando tú des limosna, que tu mano izquierda ignore lo que hace la derecha, para que tu limosna quede en secreto; y tu Padre, que ve en lo secreto, te recompensará”. Mateo 6, 3-4 VIRTUS PROTEGIENDO A LOS NIÑOS DE DIOS ¿Tomaron ya el programa “Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios para Adultos” de la serie Virtus? ¿Tienes hijos, nietos, sobrinos, alumnos? ¿Te interesa protegerlos de los depredadores sexuales? Invitamos a todos los adultos mayores de 18 años a tomar el curso Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios de la serie Virtus. Esté pendiente para las próximas fechas aquí en la parroquia. Recuerden que los niños son nuestra encomienda, y es por eso que la Dióce- ¿SABES LO QUE ES ? Loving Choices es un programa totalmente confidencial y gratuito que ayuda a mamás con embarazos no programados con consultas, exámenes, doctores, etc. Haz una cita en Loving Choices y explora tus diferentes opciones. Llámanos al (479) 521-6677 ó manda un email a [email protected] Loving Choices provides free and confidential services to help with pregnancy and other reproductive health issues including pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, etc. If you are worried about an STD or an unplanned pregnancy, you are not alone. Make an appointment at Loving Choices to get information and explore your options. All of our services are confidential and free of charge. Call us at (479) 521-6677 or email us at [email protected] GRUPO DE ORACIÓN SAN JUAN BAUTISTA ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA Los invitamos cada miércoles y jueves después de Misa de 6 pm y cada viernes después de Misa de 8:15 am a la Adoración Eucarística. También los invitamos cada primer viernes de mes, de 9 am del viernes hasta las 8 am del sábado! Otra hermosa oportunidad es venir a nuestra Hora Especial de Adoración el primer viernes de mes a las 9 pm. También los invitamos a la HORA SANTA EN ESPAÑOL, CADA PRIMER JUEVES DE MES! Para más información, contacta a Luz Morlet al 442-0890 ext. 203. SAN PEDRO Y SAN PABLO EN LINCOLN Invitamos a toda la comunidad de Lincoln y sus alrededores a acompañarnos cada SEGUNDO Y CUARTO SÁBADO DE MES a la celebración de la Santa Misa en la Capilla de San Pedro y San Pablo en el 119 W. Bean St. Lincoln, AR 72744. Confesiones 5:00 p.m., Misa 6:00 p.m. Informes: ¡VEN A REZAR EL ROSARIO! Te invitamos a llegar 30 minutos antes de Misa (a la 1:00 pm) los domingos a rezar el Rosario. Si te gustaría dirigir el Rosario, llama a Luz Morlet al 4420890 ext. 203 CONFIRMACIÓN Y COMUNIÓN ADULTOS ¿Eres un adulto que no ha sido Bautizado? ¿Has sido Bautizado, pero necesitas la Confirmación y/o la Comunión? Si has respondido con un "sí" a cualquiera de estas preguntas, estás invitado a participar en el RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos). Por medio del RICA descubrirás que la Iglesia Católica te ofrece la plenitud en la fe. Queremos conocerte y responder a todas tus preguntas. Contáctate con nosotros al 442-0890 ext. 203, o búscanos los domingo después de Misa. Verónica Razo, Luz Morlet, Equipo de Catequésis RICA. 11 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST EL CUERPO Y LA SANGRE DE CRISTO ¡RECEMOS EL ROSARIO A UNA SÓLA VOZ! Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Su devoción al Santo Rosario es una gran alegría por el gran amor a la Virgen María. El rezo del Santo Rosario es rico y diverso, y se puede rezar de muchas maneras, con diferentes jaculatorias y oraciones. Es por eso que todos nos sabemos el Rosario de diferentes maneras, y está bien, lo importante es que lo recemos con fervor todos los días, como Nuestra Madre Santísima nos lo ha pedido. Aquí en la Parroquia de San José, ya es una tradición que recemos el Rosario antes de cada Misa y para lograr más unidad, queremos pedirles que recemos un Rosario sencillo, para que todos lo podamos seguir fácilmente, y sin prisas lo podamos terminar en 20-25 minutos. Los invitamos a que vengan a rezar el Rosario todos los domingos a la 1:00 p.m. Así mismo, les pedimos que recemos las oraciones del Padre Nuestro, Ave María y Gloria de la forma en la que nos lo enseña el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. Si rezamos las oraciones de la misma forma, ¡elevamos nuestras oraciones a una sola voz! ¡Gracias! Luz M. Morlet SEÑAL DE LA CRUZ +En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. CREDO DE LOS APÓSTOLES GUÍA: Creo en Dios, Padre todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la tierra. Creo en Jesucristo, su único Hijo, nuestro Señor, que fue concebido por obra y gracia del Espíritu Santo, nació de Santa María Virgen, padeció bajo el poder de Poncio Pilato, fue crucificado, muerto y sepultado, descendió a los infiernos, al tercer día resucitó de entre los muertos, subió a los cielos y está sentado a la derecha de Dios, Padre todopoderoso. Desde allí ha de venir a juzgar a vivos y muertos. TODOS: Creo en el Espíritu Santo, la santa Iglesia católica, la comunión de los santos, el perdón de los pecados, la resurrección de la carne y la vida eterna. Amén. PADRENUESTRO GUÍA: Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu Nombre; venga a nosotros tu reino; hágase tu voluntad, en la tierra como en el cielo. TODOS: Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día; perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden; no nos dejes caer en la tentación y líbranos del mal. Amén. AVEMARÍA GUÍA: Dios te salve, María; llena eres de gracia; el Señor es contigo; bendita Tú eres entre todas las mujeres, y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. TODOS: GLORIA GUÍA: Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo. TODOS: Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, y por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. JACULATORIA TODOS: Oh Jesús mío, perdona nuestros pecados, líbranos del fuego del infierno, lleva al Cielo a todas las almas, especialmente a las más necesitadas de tu misericordia. SALVE TODOS: Dios te salve, Reina y Madre de misericordia, vida, dulzura y esperanza nuestra; Dios te salve. A Ti llamamos los desterrados hijos de Eva; a Ti suspiramos, gimiendo y llorando, en este valle de lágrimas. Ea, pues, Señora, abogada nuestra, vuelve a nosotros esos tus ojos misericordiosos; y después de este destierro muéstranos a Jesús, fruto bendito de tu vientre. ¡Oh clemente, oh piadosa, oh dulce Virgen María! Ruega por nosotros, Santa Madre de Dios, para que seamos dignos de alcanzar las promesas de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. MISTERIOS GOZOSOS (lunes y sábado) 1. La Anunciación del Ángel Gabriel a Santa María. 2. La Visitación de Nuestra Señora a su prima Santa Isabel. 3. El Nacimiento del Hijo de Dios. 4. La Presentación del Niño Jesús al Templo. 5. El Niño Jesús perdido y hallado en el Templo. MISTERIOS GLORIOSOS (miércoles y domingo) 1. La Resurrección del Señor. 2. La Ascensión de Nuestro Señor a los Cielos. 3. La Venida del Espíritu Santo. 4. La Asunción de Nuestra Señora a los Cielos. 5. La Coronación de la Santísima Virgen como Reina del Cielo. MISTERIOS DOLOROSOS (martes y viernes) 1. La Oración en el Huerto. 2. La Flagelación de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. 3. La Coronación de espinas. 4. Jesús con la Cruz a Cuestas. 5. La Crucifixión y Muerte de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. MISTERIOS LUMINOSOS (jueves) 1. El Bautismo de Jesús en el Jordán. 2. Las Bodas de Caná. 3. La Proclamación del Reino. 4. La Transfiguración. 5. La Institución de la Eucaristía. 12 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. We have a Priest onboard almost every weekly departure with Holland America Cruise Line. 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COME on in to Cantina & Grill St. Joseph Parishioner Mexico Viejo and enjoy our warm (479) 587-8181 atmosphere and fresh food. Brandon D. Long The Griffin Company Traditional & Clear Braces John H. Ogden Ogden Insurance Agency 2367-2 Green Acres Rd., Fayetteville, AR 72703 Tel 479-521-8684 Cell 479-409-8684 [email protected] AR Producer LIC #32448 2131 W. Martin Luther King Blvd., Fayetteville, Arkansas ALL CATS CLINIC (479) 571-1228 Barbara Larsen, DVM Ammee Charbonneau, BVM&S “Providing quality health care for your Feline Friend(s) Email: [email protected] 3100 N. College • Fayetteville Fayetteville (479) 521-8887 Siloam Springs (479) 524-7804 Specialize in Luxury Vehicles • Foreign & Domestic • Expert Color Matching • Auto Body & Frame • Insurance Claims Call us to schedule your courtesy exam! 440900 St Joseph Church (A) Serving NWA For 25+ Years Phone: 442-2282 / Fax: 442-4882 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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