Church of St. Joachim – St. John the Evangelist November 9, 2014 Vigil: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Cecilia Ikhane Anne & Bob Adams Julia Serras Her Grandchildren Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 7:30 a.m. Peter Scoba Joe & Mary Reynolds 9:00 a.m. George Post Chip & Pat Milkovich 10:30 a.m. Frank Sgro Corrine Dickson 12:00 p.m. Jose Medina Orfa & Esposo 12:00 p.m. Michael Archer Ed & Mary Madeline Archer 6:00 p.m. Brian Perlee The Puvogel Family St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church 7:00 a.m. Tal Haight Peggy & Nina 8:00 a.m. Rose Ann Moscato The Family St. Martin of Tours, Bishop 7:00 a.m. Tal Haight Nit & Virginia Norman 8:00 a.m. James E. Eadry Gene Larkin St. Josaphat, Bishop 7:00 a.m. Susanna Stella Peggy & John Stella 8:00 a.m. Mary Kratchman Mary Ellen Winfield & The Weight Watcher Ladies Weekday 7:00 a.m. Pat Stypulkoski Friends at 7a.m. Mass 8:00 a.m. Diane Kraft Isidora Powers Weekday 7:00 a.m. The Scoba Family Hazel & Mike 8:00 a.m. Frances Lester Deacon Marty & Berenice Weekday 8:00 a.m. Cathy Schaefer Denny Meyer & Karen Davis 9:00 a.m. Sean John Maloney Kathleen Tobin Vigil: Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30 p.m. Our Beloved Deceased Olga 5:30 p.m. Thomas J. Hopper The Engelbride Family Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. John Joseph Tony & Sarah Lugo 9:00 a.m. Janet Hupcey Nancy & Matthew Condon 10:30 a.m. St. Joachim-St. John’s SeniorsSeniors Mass for Deceased Members 12:00 p.m. Lydia Bolander & Charlie Viera Judy Alvarez 12:00 p.m. Casimir & Karol Dokurno Zofia Kochay 6:00 p.m. Michael O’Donnell Elizabeth & Michael Kelleher 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Sun. Nov. 9 Spanish Mon. Nov. 10 Tues. Nov. 11 Wed. Nov. 12 Thurs. Nov. 13 Fri. Nov. 14 Sat. Nov. 15 Sun. Nov. 16 Spanish Sacramentals Sanctuary Lamp: St. Joachim’s – Casimir & Karol Dokurno, Joseph Kochay Sanctuary Lamp: St. John’s – Lee Ann & Simon Lee Antalek, Richard Pendleton Sr. Bread & Wine: St. Joachim’s –Edward & William Sablinski Bread & Wine: St. John’s – Jean Dizillo & James Lemmo Altar Candles: St. Joachim’s – Altar Candles: St. John’s – Rose for Life: St. Joachim’s – Barbara & Michael Scoba, Sr. Rose for Life: St. John’s – Rose & Francis Donnelly, Joseph Romanelli Our Paths are Guided by the Beacon of Christ’s Love Revenue Sharing Program Week 8 – Eileen Steffanci Attendance November 2, 2014 November 3, 2013 896 953 Coming Events Bible Study We will continue with the study of St. John’s Gospel Tuesday nights at St. Joachim’s meeting room from 7:30-8:30pm. St. John’s Gospel, the last of the four to be written, offers rich insights into the life, ministry, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. We will be studying the Gospel with the help of commentators through the centuries and through music, art and literature. It is not necessary to attend every class, please come whenever you are able. Please bring a Bible – Bibles are available for $5 each at the parish office. Seniors Invited to Thanksgiving Dinner St. Joachim - St. John’s 8th Grade Confirmation Class would like to invite all of our seniors to a home cooked Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday, November 15 at 6:00 pm in St. Joachim’s gym. Please RSVP to the parish office at 838-0915 no later than November 12. Flock Notes The archdiocese is initiating a communication system known as Flocknote. There are 2 easy ways to connect (pick one): Visit our Parish at: and give information. or Text Sjj to 84576 from your phone to subscribe. Any questions, ask Sr. Kathy Broadway Show: Beautiful The parish has purchased 50 tickets to the Broadway Hit Musical "Beautiful." This musical tells the story of Carole King from her early days as a Brooklyn teenager struggling to enter the record business to her years spent as a charttopping music legend. The price of this ticket will include dinner and bus transportation. The date of the show is Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 3:00 pm. More details to follow. Reserve your ticket now by calling Marianne Dahl (831-5406). To serve your needs better, our pastor would like to know: Of any parishioner who is hospitalized Of anyone in need of prayer Of anyone who would like a pastoral visit Our parish priests and the Special Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist to our ill parishioners. The Sacraments of the Sick and Reconciliation are also available from our priests on their visits. If you or someone you know is in need of the Sacraments, please call the parish office. Through the Outreach Program – Parish Volunteers provide supportive and practical services for seniors and other persons who are in need. These include friendly visiting, telephone reassurance, shopping, and local medical transportation/escort. Drivers are needed for the Outreach Program for doctor’s appointments. If you are able to help, please call the parish office. Pray for the Sick and Homebound: Catherine Adams, Minoo Aibara, Rasika Aniff, Ruben Arroyo, Dominic Bettina, Deborah Bonnell, Joseph Bradford, Octavia Buitrago, Sean Cadden,Coleen Cherry, Bill Coatney, Christine Connelly, Ramona Concessao, Noah Corey, Margaret Danza, Christina DeDonato, Eileen Deighan, Maria del Rosario, Hilda D’Silva, Jeffrey Dolan, Lucia Eustace, Christine Ferguson, Valarian Fernandes, Joyce Flynn, Russell Fullen, Brian M. Furey, Marie Ann Gama, David Gonzalez, Lillian Gonzalez, , Jessica Hernandez, Timmy Johnson, Donna Juliano, Kevin Keenan, Terri Keenan, Jim Killeen, Edward Killmer, Michael Leonard, Olga Lucas, Sarah Lugo, Josephine Lupparelli, Evan Maher, Venita Martis, Eileen Malik, Bridget McGrath, Eve Marhafer Meek, Ann O’Dell, Jim O’Donnell, Loretta Oppitz, Mike O’Shaughnessy, Sara Pellerin, Cayla Pignatello, Peter Podloski, Jane Pomarico, John Pomarico ,Rose Pucino, Mary Rafter, Hector Ramirez, Ivette Ramos, Robin Reis, Mary Rivera, Lehman Roarabaugh, Maria Robillard, Marcia Santovenia, Marie Sequinot, Ruth Snyder, Lawrence Solomon, Teresa Solomon, Lillian Strolis, Nina Tagan, Kathleen Tobin, Jean Torrie, Thomas Trochan, Sr., Kay Usifer, Julio D. Vazquez, Laryssa Verna, and Taylor Weiss. Please pray for the men and women serving in the military and for their families. And also our friends in McClelland’s, Elant at Fishkill, Wingate at Beacon, Forrestal Heights, Hamilton Fish, Hedgewood, Horizons, and Meadow Ridge II. Recently Deceased: We pray for the people who have recently died and ask God to grant their families and loved ones the strength to carry on until we all join God in the Resurrection: Patricia Stypulkoski Reflection One of the Redemptoristine Sisters here in Beacon, Sr. Hildegard Pleva O.Ss.R., gave a beautiful reflection at an All Souls’ Day service last year. Sr. Hildegard graciously gave us permission to reprint her reflection here: On Mourning Those Whose Faith was Weak Many of us have been consoled in our grief by remembering the deep faith of the person no longer with us. We may have observed firsthand how the one we loved and respected was carried through the dying process by faith in a loving God. Or perhaps the sadness of the day of their departure or the day of their burial was eased by our imagining their joy as they entered into the embrace of the God whom they knew and loved. But my words now are for those who grieve the loss of someone whose faith was not strong; whose faith was underdeveloped; whose faith was long ago jettisoned in the face of great pain, misfortune or disillusionment. Preparing their funerals and burial rites may have seemed a bit off kilter because we never really knew how they were with God. It was this way with me when my father died last April. True to his utterly in control character and while he was in Hospice care at home, he planned everything. At his request he met with the funeral director and pastor of the Episcopal Church where he would be buried. He wrote his own obituary, wanted no church service, requested military honors and allowed for only a few words at the burial. While not a member of Generation X, he could have declared like some of them, “I am not religious but I am spiritual.” I believe my father was a deeply spiritual man. Were he not, how could he have been such a loving and faithful husband for almost 70 years, such a lover and connoisseur of music and art, such a steady reliable friend, or such a faithful citizen of the country of his adoption? He often asked me to pray for him. But he was a pragmatic man wary of all illusion. Where did I find my consolation if I could not find it in the sure knowledge of his faith? Where can we find some peace when we lose someone whose faith had not matured, who seemed to have no faith, or who chose a spiritual path unlike our own? I found my peace in a passage of Scripture frequently read at funerals but little meditated upon: The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them. They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be dead; and their passing away was thought an affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction. But they are in peace. For if before men, indeed, they be punished, yet is their hope full of immortality; chastised a little, they shall be greatly blessed, because God tried them and found them worthy of himself. As gold in the furnace, he proved them, and as sacrificial offerings he took them to himself. In the time of their visitation they shall shine, and shall dart about as sparks through stubble… I read this passage and no longer wondered about the quality of the grand reunion of my father’s soul with his creator. In that reunion all has been revealed to him. Now he knows all about God, all those things he missed or questioned or puzzled about all his life. Now he knows utterly unconditional love. Let our consolation be found in the image of God taking such souls to himself and transforming them into brilliant light. Where once their intellect or ignorance, their pride or their lack of self-worth, their self-centeredness or their frenzied busy-ness kept God at a distance or out of their realm altogether; now they have bridged the gap. All distance has been erased by union with God who knew their hearts as only God can know them. With this image before us we can say with comforting certainty, “Now they know.” Bereavement Support Group A bereavement support group has been organized for all persons who are grieving the death of a loved one. These bi-weekly sessions will help guide people through their grieving process in a safe, supportive environment. It takes courage to face the many feelings and life changes that result from the death of a loved one. By participating in a support group, you will have the opportunity to share with others who are grieving, learn about the process of grief and be supported during this difficult time. This program will begin on Monday, November 10th at 7pm in the Sacristy of St. Joachim’s Church. For more information, please call the Parish Office at 845-838-0915. Thank you, Deacon Marty. FROM THE WOMEN'S PARISH CLUB The Fall Garage and Rummage was another great success. Thank you for all your donations! Many thanks to Rose Boyd and Pat Lyman for running this event. And thanks to everyone who gave their time to help out in any way. Thanks too, Barbara O'Leary for running the very delicious kitchen. Christmas Fair Raffle Chance returns may be made in the weekly collection basket, at the Parish Office or at the Christmas Fair. The fair will be held on Saturday, December 6 and Sunday, December 7. Thanks to everyone who took the packet of chances. Please buy or sell the chances! These chances are a big part of the success of the fair. St. Joachim – St. John Seniors to Meet On Fri., Nov. 21 at 12:30pm at St. John’s Church Hall. A mass for deceased members will be held on Sun. Nov. 16 at 10:30. A coffee hour will follow. Reservation required - 831-2289. Save the Date: Fri., Dec 19, Christmas luncheon – 12:30pm at I 84 Diner. Reservations required – 831-2289. Franciscan Study Day Sat., Dec. 6, 11am to 1:45pm at Mt Alvernia Retreat Center, Wappingers Falls. Registration required by Nov. 28. $25 fee includes lunch. Topic: Christmas, Greccio and the Crib. Contact Janice Daley at 849-2943. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Our High School Youth Ministry meets every Sunday night in the lower hall at St. John’s from 6:45pm to 8:30pm. All high school teenagers are invited to Come, join us for food, games, discussion and prayer. Please pray for the young people of St. Joachim - St. John’s! CAN YOU HELP? Every Sunday night, we provide our teenagers with dinner at our meeting. Can you help by preparing and dropping off a meal one Sunday night? Food can be very simple – baked ziti, hot dogs, chili, etc. There are approximately 15 students. There is a sign-up sheet in the rear of church where you can sign up for a Sunday, someone from the youth ministry will contact you in advance to set things up. Thank you for supporting our teenagers in this way! National Night of Prayer Please join us from 9pm on Monday, December 8th to 1am on Tuesday, December 9th at St. John’s Church as we join other Parishes in Prayer and Meditation in a National effort to unite our prayers with Catholics throughout the country in an effort to turn hearts toward Christ, thus bringing an end to abortion and all sins against the Culture of Life and for the healing of those who are suffering as a result of them. We will begin at 9pm with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by praying the Rosary, silent prayer, and meditation, and end with Benediction at 1am on Monday, December 9th. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this important event against the Culture of Death that we currently face. Thank you, Deacon Marty.. Christmas Lottery Party Our Parish will sponsor a Christmas Lottery Party on Saturday, December 6, at 6:00 pm. The funds raised from this event help to support our parish community. If you did not receive a ticket in the mail, please consider purchasing one. The cost of the ticket is $50. Prizes are as follows: Grand Prize $3000, 1st Prize $1000, 2nd Prize $500, 3rd Prize $ 400, 4rd Prize $ 300, 5th Prize $ 200, 6th Prize $ 100. The drawing will take place on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at St. Joachim’s Hall at 6:00pm. Your $50 ticket entitles you to bring one guest to our party. Payments may be placed in the Sunday collection in an envelope marked “Christmas Lottery.” They may also be mailed to Marianne Dahl, 20 Rende Drive, Beacon, NY. Please help support this fundraiser. ***************************************************** Yes, I would like to participate in the Christmas Lottery. Name _____________________________ Address ___________________________ __________________________________ Phone ___________________________ I wish a new ticket number ______ I would like to keep my same number ____ Do you know someone who is carrying the grief of a past abortion? There is help and hope available and the pain and sorrow of a past abortion need not endure for a lifetime. “Days of Prayer and Healing” offer the opportunity to experience the love and mercy of God and to heal the wound of abortion. The next “Day of Prayer and Healing” is Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014. For location and confidential registration call the Sisters of Life at (866)-575-0075 (toll free) or email [email protected]. For additional tristate retreats and information see Lumina Hope & Healing after abortion or email [email protected] and you may also visit the Family Life/Respect Life Office -- Project Rachel website at St. Joaquin-St. Juan, Beacon, NY LECTURAS PARA EL DIA DE HOY: 32º domingo de tiempo ordinario. 1 Lectura: Sab 6,12-16: Encuentran la Sabiduría los que la buscan. 2 Lectura : 1Tes 4,13-18: A los que han muerto, Dios, por medio de Jesús. Los llevará con él. Evangelio : Mt 25,1-13: ¡Que llega el esposo, salgan a recibirlo! “¡Ya está aquí el novio! ¡Salid a su encuentro! ” Hoy, se nos invita a reflexionar sobre el fin de la existencia; se trata de una advertencia del Buen Dios acerca de nuestro fin último; no juguemos, pues, con la vida. «El Reino de los Cielos será semejante a diez vírgenes, que, con su lámpara en la mano, salieron al encuentro del novio». El final de cada persona dependerá del camino que se escoja; la muerte es consecuencia de la vida -prudente o necia- que se ha llevado en este mundo. Muchachas necias son las que han escuchado el mensaje de Jesús, pero no lo han llevado a la práctica. Muchachas prudentes son las que lo han traducido en su vida, por eso entran al banquete del Reino. La parábola es una llamada de atención muy seria. «Velad, pues, porque no sabéis ni el día ni la hora». No dejen que nunca se apague la lámpara de la fe, porque cualquier momento puede ser el último. El Reino está ya aquí. Enciendan las lámparas con el aceite de la fe, de la fraternidad y de la caridad mutua. Nuestros corazones, llenos de luz, nos permitirán vivir la auténtica alegría aquí y ahora. Los que viven a nuestro alrededor se verán también iluminados y conocerán el gozo de la presencia del Novio esperado. Jesús nos pide que nunca nos falte ese aceite en nuestras lámparas. «La Iglesia es también descrita como esposa inmaculada del Cordero inmaculado, a la que Cristo amó y se entregó por ella para santificarla, la unió consigo en pacto indisoluble e incesantemente la alimenta y la cuida. A ella, libre de toda mancha, la quiso unida a sí y sumisa por el amor y la fidelidad». Noviembre 9-2014 ANUNCIOS CLASES PARA PREPARACION DE LOS SACRAMENTOS: Todas las personas que quieran recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, la Comunión o la confirmación, insistimos que se unan a nuestro programa “RICA”, clases que comienzan en Septiembre. Los sacramentos serán recibidos en la Vigilia Pascual, pero usted debe haber sido parte de las clases. Póngase en contacto con Érica Cifuentes o María Eugenia Arango o llame a la oficina de la parroquia. Noche Nacional de oración por la vida: Fue en la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción (entonces celebrada el 9 de diciembre de 1531) que nuestra señora de Guadalupe, patrona de los niños no nacidos y de las Américas, apareció por primera vez a San Juan Diego. La noche Nacional de oración por la vida tiende un puente sobre estas dos fiestas en honor a nuestra Santísima madre y para orar por la restauración de un sentido de santidad por toda la vida humana. Por favor acompáñenos desde las 9:00 de la noche del lunes 8 de diciembre hasta la 1 de la mañana del martes 9 de diciembre en la iglesia de San Juan así como nos uniremos a otras parroquias en la oración y la meditación en un esfuerzo nacional para unir nuestras oraciones con los católicos en todo el país, en un esfuerzo por convertir corazones hacia Cristo, poniendo así fin al aborto y a todos los pecados contra la cultura de la vida y para la curación de los que sufren como consecuencia de los mismos. Comenzaremos a las 9:00 de la noche con la exposición del Santísimo Sacramento seguido rezaremos el Rosario, una oración silenciosa y meditación y al final con la bendición a 1de la mañana del Martes, 9 de diciembre. Por favor marque sus calendarios y planean asistir a este importante evento contra la cultura de la vida que nos enfrentamos actualmente. Gracias, diácono Marty. NOS GUSTARIA CONECTARNOS CON USTED!!! La diócesis está iniciando un sistema de comunicación que se llama Flock note. Esto le permite Recibir actualizaciones importantes de la parroquia de una manera oportuna y conveniente a través de correo electrónico o mensaje de texto. Podrá retirarse en cualquier momento. Hay 2 maneras fáciles de conectarse (elija uno): Visita nuestra página en línea de la Parroquia: y denos su información. O mande un Texto: Sjj al Número 84576 desde su teléfono para suscribirse a las actualizaciones. No hay ningún cargo por este servicio Si hay preguntas, puede comunicarse con la Hna. Kathy
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