421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church February 1, 2015 Page Two CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK CODE: (PC) Parish Center (CH) Church (NH) Nursing Home (OP) Out of Parish (PG) Parish Grounds (RE) Rectory SATURDAY - January 31 8:30 AM Lorraine Bardorf VIGIL: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 PM Rose & Peter Bappert † 7:30 PM Luis Felipe Rodriguez † (Spanish Language) SUNDAY - February 1 - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM Edward & Kathleen Burke Von Hagen † 10:15 AM Edward Ferry † 12:15 PM Anna, Bernardo & Lillian Ann Frisone † 3:00 PM (Korean Community) MONDAY - February 2 8:00 AM Paul Kim † TUESDAY - February 3 8:00 AM Shannon Angerome † WEDNESDAY - February 4 8:00 AM Blaz Jovic † THURSDAY - February 5 8:00 AM Clara de del Carpio † FRIDAY - February 6 8:00 AM For the Holy Souls in Purgatory SATURDAY - February 7 8:30 AM James Salvemini † VIGIL: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 PM Parents & Children of Our Parish 7:30 PM Oliva Enriquez de Zafra † (Spanish Language) SUNDAY - February 8 - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM Anthony & Josie Mullarkey † 8:30 AM (Korean Language) 10:15 AM Bruno Dosso † 12:15 PM Eva Oppedisano † 3:00 PM (Korean Community) A † signifies the person remembered at this Mass is deceased. Sunday 4:00 PM February 1 Korean Community (PC) Monday 8:00 PM February 2 AA Weekly Meeting (PC) Tuesday 8:30 AM 7:00 PM February 3 Miraculous Medal Novena Charismatic Prayer Group (CH) (PC) Wednesday February 4 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group (PC) Thursday 10:30 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM February 5 Mass at Grace Plaza Charismatic Prayer Group Choir Practice (OP) (PC) (CH) Friday 8:30 AM 7:00 PM February 6 Eucharistic Adoration (8:30AM-10PM) Cursillos (PC) (PC) Saturday 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 4:00 PM February 7 Saturday Morning Prayer Group Food Pantry (9:30AM-11AM) Confessions (CH) (PC) (CH) Sunday 9:30 AM February 8 Korean Community 9:30AM-4PM) (PC) SOCIAL MINISTRY (Outreach) Opens each weekday at 8:30AM in the Parish Center Bread & Wine is offered this week in loving memory of Clara de del Carpio Requested by Chuck & Debbie Nochella St. Anthony Rose is offered this week In Thanksgiving OFFERTORY GIFTS: If you would like to bring up the gifts during the Offertory at Mass, either because it is your preference or because the Mass intention is for a friend or relative, You Must Inform an Usher Before Mass. Altar Rose is offered this week For Prayers Answered Sanctuary Light is offered this week in loving memory of Maria Lucia & Giuseppe Strignano Requested by Marco Frisone 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Three St. Vincent de Paul Society - Outreach Office Next Food Pantry: February 7th 9:30AM-11AM In the Gospel today we read that because Jesus spoke with authority his reputation spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee. As his disciples, we can also speak with authority when we put our faith into actions by helping the poor and suffering. Have you considered answering the call to serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Please contact us through the Outreach Office. In honor of the Feast of St. Blaise, Tuesday, February 3rd, blessing of throats will take place at the 8:00AM Mass. Friday, February 6th 8:30AM - 10:00PM Parish Center Chapel Spend time in silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. During the Lenten season, beginning Ash Wednesday, February 18th, there will be an additional weekday Mass, Monday through Friday, at 12:15PM. Oh God of mercy, we beg You now to protect in a special way those who are fighting for us and for the country we love. Bless them and take care of them. Give them strength. Give them comfort. Touch them with Your gentle hand and let them know that You are near them. Hasten the day, dear Lord, when we may all enjoy the blessings of peace once more. Please pray for members of our U.S. Military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and especiall, our parishioners: Christopher Blaha, Christopher Fellini, Brian Knudsen, Michael Kohan and Sean Penny. May God bless them, protect them and bring them home safe! Next Saturday at the 5PM Mass we will recognize our 4th grade students and their Catechists (Joyce Chaisson, Telia Malwitz and Linda Rovegno). This week during class our 4th grade students will prepare their class banner followed by pizza and dessert in anticipated celebration of their special Mass. As always, we expect all 4th grade students and their families to be present at this Mass. Those who wish to be greeters at the doors of the church should arrive at 4:45PM. Please plan to join us and show our young people your support. Attendance at Mass is not only a Commandment but also a necessity for Faith Formation. One hour of Religious Education a week is simply NOT ENOUGH to keep the light of Christ burning within our children. Attending the 5PM Family Mass is another way to gain instruction in our faith. At this Mass the children are called up into the sanctuary by the priest, just before the first reading. After a brief prayer/blessing the children are then dismissed into the sacristy with a teacher and two assistants. The children listen to the reading of the day from a children's lectionary. The readings are then discussed in a kid-friendly way with active participation which could include role playing and/or question and answer. They leave each week happy and with more knowledge of their faith then they walked in with. It is a wonderful supplement to the Religious Education program and it includes obeying the 3rd Commandment! Why not make this a New Year's Resolution?? - attending Family Mass with my children every week??? once a month?? more often then we do now??? It will improve your life and the lives of your children. We hope to see you soon. 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church February 1, 2015 STEWARDSHIP A WAY OF LIFE Our goal for financial solvency is $8,000 per week. Please help us make and maintain this goal. WEEKLY OFFERING FOR JANUARY 24TH/25TH: $7,130.00 VOTIVES: $130.00 POOR BOX: $120.00 Page Four Saturday, February 7th 5:00PM - J. Chaisson, K. Warren, G. Munro Sunday, February 8th 7:30AM - A. Santos, C. Smith 10:15AM - J. O’Connor, P. Suarez, T. Buttaro 12:15PM - L. Rovegno, F. Prisco TOTAL MASS ATTENDANCE FOR JANUARY 24TH/25TH: 726 For your continued generosity to St. Aloysius Parish of your time, talent and treasure, especially in these difficult economic times– I offer my deepest appreciation, May God reward your generosity a hundredfold! Saturday, February 7th 5:00PM - K. Scanlan Sunday, February 8th 7:30AM - J. Hyland 10:15AM - C. Owen 12:15PM - D. Benkert PLEASE PRAY FOR… All our SICK AND HOMEBOUND especially, Alfredo Alvaro, Hans Berglund, Peter Bernatovich, Bruce Brown, Mirtha de Chahud, John Cossman, Anthony Dombroski, Tom Farley, Lillian Fernandez, Karla Guerra, Andrew Guintini, Trevor Hassett, Saturday, February 7th 5:00PM - V. Voigt, S. & A. NotarFrancesco Sunday, February 8th 7:30AM - J. & J. Otruba 10:15AM - F. Alfano, N. Hirsch, E. Fok 12:15PM - J. Ciciliato, D. Mollon, M. Descorbeth Henry Hess, Sophie Hogan, Agnes Howard, Baby John Paul, Rosemarie Kokis, Polly Kovner, Judi LaRocca, Ann NotarFrancesco, Nicholas Pedone, Dylan Perez, Baby Jace Quinn, Rosa Pauca Quiroz, Yolanda Rivera, John Russo, Justin Seims, Ida Tesoriero, Terence Ullrich, Joan Viard, Helen Werner, Ricardo Wilson, Andrew Wykowski & Elsie Yessy. And for all our FAITHFUL DEPARTED Banns of Marriage First Announcement William Groel & Maritza Morales Friday, February 20th, 2015 4:00PM St. Aloysius R.C. Church When the circumstances change for someone listed above or they return to better health, a family member or friend should notify the Rectory. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Married Couples! Are you looking for the perfect Valentine’s Gift? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend just might be what you are looking for. The original and still the best communication weekend for married couples. The next weekend on Long Island is scheduled for February 13-15, 2015 at the Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore. Space is limited. For more information about the weekends or to apply, call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our web site at http:// www.wwme.org. BULLETIN REFLECTION FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Moses told the people, “A prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise up for you from among your own kinsmen.” God still provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to continue the work of His Church. What gifts are yours to share? 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church February 1, 2015 Page Five There will be an Open Meeting for all parishioners to offer input into the appointment of a new Pastor for St. Aloysius Parish. Parishioners will be invited to indicate the skills and qualities they feel are necessary to lead the parish into the future and to share their thoughts on specific needs the parish may have. Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski, the Vicar, Fr. Bill Slater, the Area Dean, and Msgr. Peter Pflomm, Director of Clergy Personnel, will be present to conduct and participate in the meeting. Date: Monday, February 9th, 2015 Time: 7:30PM Place: Social Hall - Parish Center 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church February 1, 2015 Page Six COMUNIDAD HISPANA SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Los bautizos en español se celebrarán los primeros domingos del mes a las 2:00 PM. Favor llamar a Bertha del Carpio (516) 829-8343, con un mes de anticipación. La charla de preparación Bautismal se realiza el último lunes de cada mes. Bautismo de niños mayores – Si su niño ya asiste a la escuela regular, necesitará un tiempo de preparación en nuestro programa de Formación en la Fe para poder recibir el Bautismo. Para mayor información llamar a Bertha del Carpio o a la Oficina de Educacion Religiosa (516) 482-5660. Padrinos Los padrinos deben ser Católicos, mayores de 16 años, que han recibido los sacramentos de Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación; solteros o casados por la Iglesia. Deben traer una notificación indicando que están registrados o son miembros de la Parroquia donde viven o adonde asisten a Misa. No pueden ser padrinos las personas que tienen pareja sin estar casados por la Iglesia. PRESENTACIÓN DE RECIÉN NACIDOS Por favor llamar a la Rectoría para dar el nombre del bebe y la fecha en que lo traerá a la Iglesia para la presentación; de esa manera podremos avisar al sacerdote que celebrará la Misa. La Presentación de recién nacidos tiene lugar el último sábado de cada mes CELEBRACIÓN DE PRESENTACIÓN DE NIÑOS A LOS TRES AÑOS El niño o niña deberá haber recibido ya el Sacramento del Bautismo. Por lo menos seis meses antes de la celebración y antes de hacer arreglos con el Salón para la Fiesta, por favor llamar a la Rectoría para reservar la fecha para la Misa. Si desea sólo una bendición con ocasión de los tres años del niño/niña, esta será celebrada el último sábado del mes durante la Misa en español. Por favor llamar a la Rectoría para hacerlo saber; de esa manera podremos avisar al sacerdote que celebrará la Misa. CELEBRACIÓN DE QUINCEAÑERAS La quinceañera deberá tener sus sacramentos de iniciación: Bautismo, Eucaristía y Confirmación. Por lo menos seis meses antes de la celebración y antes de hacer arreglos con el Salón para la Fiesta, por favor llamar a la Rectoría para reservar la fecha para la Misa. SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO Por favor llamar a la Rectoría por lo menos nueve meses antes de la fecha de la boda para hacer una cita con el sacerdote. Es imprescindible que todas las parejas asistan a Pre-Cana (charlas pre-matrimoniales) para poder casarse. Para mayor información, llamar a la Rectoría. RECONCILIACIÓN/CONFESIONES EN ESPAÑOL Todos los sábados antes de la Misa en Español. Para confesiones en otros días llamar a la Rectoria. 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