St. Joseph Old Cathedral 307 NW Fourth Street z Post Office Box 408 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 Phone: 235-4565 z Fax: 815-6644 E-Mail: [email protected] Parish Web site: Facebook: Saint Josephs Old Cathedral Twitter@TheOldCathedral Masses Saturday Vigil Sunday 4:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am En Español 12:00 pm 4:00 pm Weekdays 12:00 pm Holy Days Vigil: 6:30 pm 12 noon & 5:15 pm Confessions Saturdays Weekdays 3:15 pm 11:15 am Pastoral Staff Pastor Reverend M. Price Oswalt, KCHS In Residence Reverend George Parackal Deacons Deacon Edward Duclos Deacon Herbert Vance Pastoral Associate Sister Susan Clark, C.S.T. Sister Soledad Arellano, C.M.S.T. Secretary Mrs. Sonia Estrada Parish Organist Mrs. Julie Hagen Parish Choir Director Mr. Aaron Kellert Youth Director Mr. Joel de Loera The Ministry to the Homebound Mrs. Rita Knight The Bereavement Ministry Mrs. Lydia Foote Hispanic Ministries Liaison Sra. Julia Onofre de Cardenas Weddings Ms. Delores Barajas 6 months advance notice Baptisms By Appointment ~Open Wide The Doors To Christ~ ST. JOSEPH OLD CATHEDRAL ¬ 307 N.W. FOURTH STREET ¬ OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73102 Masses Sat. Vigil-4 pm z Sun.-8 am - 10 am - 12 pm (Spanish) - 4 pm Weekdays: 12 pm Confessions Weekdays: 11:15 am Saturdays: 3:15 pm Parish Events 07/04-Saturday-Vigil of the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 PM-K of C & Altar Society Social 07/05 Sunday: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 07/8-Wednesday 7-10:45 pm-Youth Group Movie Night 07/09-Thursday Catequesis Familiar (family Catechism) 07/11-Saturday: Vigil of the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 07/12 Sunday:15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sacrificial Giving June 27-28, 2015 Total:$9,493.90 Need Weekly:$10,040.00 Short: $546.10 152 Envelopes:$7,900.90 Loose:$1,593.00 Bldg. Fund: $78.00 The Insurance Premium 2014-2015 $31,084.00 Ins. $75.00 Received: $30,221.00 Balance: $863.00 Steeple: $-0Parish Improvement Balance: $59,691.76 $35.00 Hispanic (blue candles)$91.00 Totus Tuus: $150.00 2nd Collection: Peter’s Pence $1,260.00 Ministry to the Homebound Mrs. Rita Knight would like to know the parishioners who would like Holy Communion brought to their home or who are in the hospital. Please call the parish office at (405)235-4565. Agimus Vobis Gratias We thank all who generously donate sacramental wine and hosts for the Sacred Liturgy throughout the year. This week we thank those who gave: Meldrell Anyder * John & Joy Brown (2) Announcements The Social & Charitable Club The Social & Charitable Club is asking the parish for school supplies for the month of July to be placed in the wooden box located at the back of the Church. Please remember our parishioners in Afghanistan who are defending freedom. Donate items they would want! Please help us, also, to assist our veterans with toiletry items which will be distributed at the V.A. Hospital. Thank you for your goodness. * Flowers in Memory of Your Loved Ones Want to honor a family member, or friend, for anniversaries, birthdays or special occasion? Now there is a special way for you to do that! With your donation flower arrangements will be ordered and placed besides the Tabernacle. For more information please call the Parish office at (405)235-4565 Altar Server Training On Sunday, July 19th from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Mr. Bryan Bichsel will be having an Altar Server Workshop for all servers. If you are interested in this ministry please call the Parish Office to sign up for this workshop, or for more information at (405)235-4565. Saint Kater Tekakwitha Honor Dance Celebrating the Life of Saint Kateri Honor Contest for Saint Kateri: Girls 915 yrs Northern Fancy Shawl & Jingle Combined Southern Buckskin & Cloth Combined Sponsors: St. Gregory’s Abbey; Black and Indian Missions Office; Emmaus Days is a retreat for young men in high school who want to learn American Indian Catholic Outreach of the about the call to the priesthood and Archdiocese of Oklaexplore their relationship with God. homa City The three day retreat is held at Our Saturday, July 11 – 3 Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Youth p.m. to 10 p.m. Camp and is sponsored by the Voca1900 W. MacArthur tions Office. There is no cost for this retreat. The retreat will be, Wednesday St. – Shawnee, OK Blessing and Mass July 29–Friday July 31, 2015. For 3 p.m. more information please contact the Pilgrimage to statue Vocations Office at 405 721-9351, email [email protected] or com4 p.m. plete the online registration form at Gourd Dance 4:30 p.m. Rev. Ron Lewinski For RCIA Leaders and Volunteers Friday & Saturday July 17 & 18, 2015 Catholic Pastoral Center 7501 Northwest Expressway Oklahoma City , OK Register by July 8 for more information please call Office of Worship & Spiritual Life (405) 721-5651 Ext. 158 Dinner 6 p.m. Grand entry 7 p.m. Inter Tribal dancing Until 10 p.m. Celebrant Most Rev. Paul S. Coakley Archbishop of OKC JULY 4-5, 2015 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Prayer Concerns For the Sick and Homebound of the Parish 1. Sebastian Dawson * Jim Snyder * Louis & Novaline Korhuniak Irene Sykora *Chris Bianco *Janet Mahfouz * Rick Scott Stephanie Merenda * Antonia Harrison * Paula Kluding Jeremy Sonnier* Dub Wheeler * Lupita Barajas * David Richard Julie Vickers * Connor Davey * Tomasita Cazares * Alex E. Leo Bodine * Ana Quezada * Naomi Alvarez * Carmen Meza Ariamna Alvarez * Michael Clark * Baby Collin * Liam Arambula Eliza Preciado *Debi Mosely * Andrew Carlon Mary P. West * Dr. Thomas Baglio Laura Baker * Poochie Rotzinger Lina Sotomayor * Sandy Trudgeon * Julie Ann Rose 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Masses for the Week 07/04 Saturday Gerri Thoman Jan Kalsu 07/05 Sunday 8 AM † Father Dave Cowden Deacon Vance & Family 10 AM Pro Popolo Español 12 PM † Jose Isabel Aparicio Familia Aparicio 4 PM My Children and Their Families Jan Kalsu 07/06 Monday 12 PM † Juanita Ramirez Brother Dominic 07/07 Tuesday 12 PM † Steven Bruehl Lydia Foote 07/08 Wednesday 12 PM † Helyn Koelsch Lydia Foote 07/09 Thursday 12 PM † Ann Means Bruce Means 07/10 Friday 12 PM † Richard J. Williams Elizabeth Gorman 07/11 Saturday 4 PM † Stanley Koelsch Virgil Koelsch 07/12 Sunday 8 AM Timothy M. Sierra Tom, Vicky & Asley Sierra 10 AM Pro Popolo Español12 PM † Francisca Lucio Familia Cazares-Estrada 4 PM Dorothy Tookier & Fam. Jan Kalsu & Jerri Thomas 7. Los Avisos de La Parroquia en Español Requisitos para Bautizar Pertenecer y estar registrados en esta Catedral Presentar acta de nacimiento de su niño/a Padrinos deben de estar casados por la Iglesia Registrarse para las platicas y asistir a Misa por lo menos 6 meses Niños mayores de 6 años sin bautizar, deben asistir a Catecismo Papas y padrinos deben comprometerse a participar en esta Catedral y comunidad Comuníquese con la Sra. Julia al 405-9748922 4 PM Youth Group/Grupo de Jóvenes High School Youth Group meets every Wednesday from 7:009:00pm in the basement. We pray, laugh, eat, listen to music, socialize, and have tons of fun! We have tons of activities during the summer! Come and experience your Catholic faith like never before! For more information please call Joel de Loera at (405) 788-2391. El Grupo de Jóvenes de Secundaria se reúne todos los miércoles de 7:00-9:00 pm en el sótano. Tenemos muchas actividades durante el verano! Ven y experimenta tu fe Católica como nunca antes! Para mas información por favor llame a Joel de Loera al (405)788-2391. El Club de Beneficencia Social y Caritativo El Club Social y Caritativo está pidiendo a la parroquia útiles para la escuela en el mes de julio. Pueden colocar los útiles en la caja de madera situada en la parte de atrás de la Iglesia. Por favor, recuerde a nuestros feligreses en Afganistán que están defendiendo la libertad. Donar artículos que querrían! Por favor ayúdenos, también, para ayudar a nuestros veteranos con artículos de aseo que se distribuirán en el VA El Hospital. Gracias por tu bondad. * Flores en Memoria de Sus Seres Queridos ¿Quieres honrar a un miembro de la familia o amigo, para los aniversarios, cumpleaños o una ocasión especial? Ahora hay una manera especial para que hacer eso! Con su donación arreglos florales serán ordenados y colocados cerca del Tabernáculo. Para obtener más información, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial al (405)235-4565 * Capilla de Adoración de Los Santos Inocentes Necesidad urgente de adoradores que están comprometidos con horas semanales santos en nuestra capilla - 6114 NW 63, OKC. Extendemos una invitación personal para un compromiso con una hora santa permanente o para considerar la colocación de su nombre en nuestra lista de sustitución. Póngase en contacto con Toni Harrelson en [email protected] o (405) 341-2199. * Días de Emaús es un refugio para los hombres jóvenes en la escuela secundaria que quieren aprender acerca de la llamada al sacerdocio y explorar su relación con Dios. El retiro de tres días se celebra en el Campamento Juvenil Católico de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y es patrocinado por la Oficina de Vocaciones. No hay ningún costo para este retiro. El retiro será, miercoles 29 de julio a viernes 31 de julio de 2015. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Vocaciones al 405 721-9351, correo electrónico [email protected] o complete el formulario de inscripción en línea en vocaciones / home Funeral Homes and Crematory “Oklahoma City’s Oldest Family Owned & Operated Since 1939” 1401 N.W. 23rd • 528-7542 14624 N. May • 302-0021 Max Baker Martinez Chiropractic Clinic AMERICAN TRANSMISSIONS 10% off with this coupon All Types Transmission Repair All Work Guaranteed 2424 S. Walker • 631-1386 KATHY J. McKENZIE, O.D. Philip R. Martinez, D.C. Optometrist 1000 S. W. 44th, Suite 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 634-2471 Headaches • Whiplash Numbness • Back Pain 7709 S Pennsylvania Ave • 686-1309 GORMAN Christ the King Catholic School PAVING AND SEALING “Where everybody is somebody and all live for God” 1905 Elmhust Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 843-3909 | Mrs. Karen Carter, Principal FACTORY APPROVED APPLICATORS OVERLAYS & REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Brent D. Jones - Owner/Director 405-230-1310 • Hablamos Espanol Quality Catholic Education Pre-K–8th Grade Call 204-1130 2415 N. Walnut Avenue Pirates Alley PICTURE FRAMES Y Custom Picture Framing Y Photo Frames Y Ready Made Frames Tiffany Phuong Phan, Enrolled Agent 3515 S. Pennsylvania Ave 1700 NW 23rd • 525-0091 2733 W. Britton Rd • 751-4394 Oklahoma City, OK 73119 [email protected] VONDEL L. SMITH & SON 604-2939 HERITAGE BURIAL PARK|MORTUARIES •CREMATORIUMS 2900 N. Classen Blvd. Ste. G Steven V. Fuller, Advance Funeral Planning, Parishioner (S. OKC/Tri-City Location) Family Owned and Operated Since 1957 • North OKC/Bethany 720-1439 Yukon/Mustang 354-2533 Vietnamese Noodle Soup South OKC 634-1439 S. OKC/Tri-City 692-5503 Full Ser Service vice Florist & Arrangements 405-602-5929 7904!"#$%&!'()!*+, -./(�(!12%)3!-4!73120 56789!:6;<==>>!?!@@@A1BCDEFGHIJFGKGCLMAHEK 1633 West Main St. ww Downtown Goodyear Auto Repair LW Insurance Services, Inc. Liz Wolf ...Because your car shouldn’t be something you have to pray about (405) 232-6185 1010 N. W. 45th 322 N Walker, Oklahoma City 601-4682 7501 W. Britton Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Tele: (405) 721-0747 Fax (405) 721-0492 A Ministry of the Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City 4367 NW 10th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73127 [email protected] (405) 990-3497 CONTAMOS CON DOS SALONES! Mark E. Wolf Career Agent Life, Long Term Weddings... Parties... Interior & Exterior Delights Contact Kyle Eubanks to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 678-4574 x2648 Care Disability, 6700 N. Broadway Extension Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 848-3338 Property & Casualty 800 S. Mustang Rd. 57 577-5021 (Ce (Cell) 615-8339 Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. OKLAHOMA FARM BUREAU Steven E. Clark Attorney ey at Law Pray for Vocations 101 E. Park Ave. Ste 210 Oklahoma City, Ok 73102 Phone: 405-235-8488 [email protected] Fax: 405-253-7979 Toll Free: 1-888-725-9056 F OR A D I NFO C ALL K YLE E UBANKS AT 1-800-678-4574 • WWW .4LPi. COM S T J OSEPH –O KLAHOMA C ITY A 2C 05-0282 06-15-2015 11:35:19
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