Bulletin Advent 4 C.cdr

Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church
4th Sunday of Advent
December 20th, 2015
And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
¿Quién soy yo, para que la madre de mi Señor venga a verme? Luke 1:39-45
Mass Schedule
Horario de las Misas
Saturday 4:30 pm Vigil Mass
8:00 am, 10:00 am
12:00 pm Español
4:30 pm Youth Mass
6:30 pm
Wednesday 8:15 am
Thursday 8:15 am
8:15 am
First Friday 8:15 am
Sacred Heart & Santo Nino Devotions
796 West 48th Street - San Bernardino, CA 92407
Ph (909) 882-2931 Fax (909) 883-4851
As tradition prescribes, a few days
before the beginning of the Jubilee
Year, the rite of the recognition of the
Holy Doors took place. During this
ceremony the wall that closes the door
from the inside was broken down, and the
contents of the metal box walled up inside of it are
verified, a box that was sealed at the closing of the
previous Jubilee.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 20, 2015
O LORD of hosts,
look down from heaven and see;
take care of this vine,
and protect what your right hand
has planted.
Psalm 80:15-16
Cuarto Domingo de Adviento
20 de diciembre de 2015
Dios de los ejércitos, vuélvete,
mira desde el cielo, fíjate,
ven a visitar tu viña,
la cepa que tu diestra plantó
y que tú hiciste vigorosa.
Salmo 80 (79):1516
First Reading - From you, Bethlehem, shall come forth
one who is to be ruler in Israel. (Micah 5: 1-4a).
Psalm - Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face
and we shall be saved (Psalm 80).
Second Reading - By Christ doing the will of God, we
have been consecrated (Hebrews 10:5-10).
Gospel - "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is
the fruit ofyour womb" (Luke 1 :3945).
Sacrament of Reconciliation,
Benediction and Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Saturday9:00 am-10:30 am
Sacramento de Reconciliación,
Veneración y Exposición del
Santísimo Sacramento
Sábado9:00 am-10:30 am
Light of Christ
December 20thJanuary 2nd
Doroteo Rocha
Rest in Peace
Requested by;
Martinez Family
Monday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33:2-3,11-12,
20-21; Lk 1:39-45
Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm2:1,4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56
Wednesday: Ma13:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-Sab, 8-10, 14;
Lk 1:57-66
Thursday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5,27, 29;
Lk 1:67-79
Friday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5,16-17,27, 29;
Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25]
Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14;
Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1,6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7;
Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6;
Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]
Saturday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab,
16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22
Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28;
Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 84:2-3,5-6, 9-10;
Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or 1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24;
Lk 2:41-52
Obras Corporales de la Misericordia Alimentar al Hambriento
Por: Bruce Vouziers
Uno de los temas de crisis más escuchados en el mundo es el problema del hambre. En el mundo
actual hay mil millones de personas que apenas pueden comer. Estas son personas víctimas de
conflictos armados, políticos o ambientales, por desastres naturales como inundaciones, sequías,
terremotos o huracanes, o por falta de infraestructuras agrícolas y la sobreexplotación del medio
ambiente. Recientemente, el hambre ha aumentado debido a las crisis financieras y económicas
así como el problema del abuso de intereses millonarios. Esta condición ha generado un serio
caso de iniquidad en el mundo. La Iglesia Católica ha seguido fielmente estos acontecimientos y
ha actuado en obras de misericordia a través de los siglos luchando arduamente para lograr
erradicar el hambre en el mundo. A mediados del siglo XX, el Papa Pablo VI en su encíclica
“Populorum Progressio” nos habla sobre la campaña contra el hambre emprendida por la Organización
Internacional para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) alentada por la Santa Sede. Posteriormente en una de
sus primeras encíclicas (Redemptor Hominis No. 16) San Juan Pablo II nos dice “¡Pensad en vuestros hermanos
que sufren hambre y miseria!”. Los actos de misericordia por el hambriento, aparte de estar fuertemente
enraizados en el Evangelio, tienen su origen desde el antiguo testamento “Comparte tu pan con los que tienen
Hambre” (Tob 16), “Si tu enemigo tiene hambre, dale de comer” (Prov 21). En 1996 el presidente del Pontificio
Consejo “Cor Unum”publicó un documento titulado “El Hambre en el Mundo, un Reto para Todos”. Por virtud
de nuestro bautismo bajo el poder del Espíritu Santo, tenemos la responsabilidad individual de responder a las
necesidades del hambriento. Dios no nos pide que sintamos lástima por ellos, sino compasión y por supuesto
nos pide que actuemos misericordiosamente como lo es Él amorosamente con nosotros.
Ellen Molina, Lee Walker, Pam O’Camb, Marihna Monroe, Egor Lisizin,
Michelle Acevedo, Diana Fitzgerald, Don Brimmer, Ken Sousa, Cathy Mess, Lou Pappas, Max Brokaw, Luz
Garcia, Efrain Castro, Deangelo Rocha, Edward Thomson, Luis Angel Castro, Ruben Castro, Gabriel
Tisnado, Charlie Baca, Martha Garrett, Ofelia Scott, Sandy Lent, Cel Good, Luz Camas, Jamie & Jess
Marquez, Virginia Wellington, Fr. Paul Prince, Martha Pineda, Denise Peraza, Gloria Gutterriez, Alejandra
Cammpos, Diana Gillen y Julie Swan................................................................................................................
We, the faith community of Our Lady of the
Assumption Parish, humbly proclaim with our
beloved Virgin Mary, that we are the servants of the
Lord. Rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we value
and celebrate the diversity of our cultures and strive
to be of loving support to one another. We are
committed to the sacramental life and Traditions of
the Church through worship, prayer, study, and
service. We seek to become true evangelists by
continuing to nourish and strengthen our Roman
Catholic Faith.
Nosotros, la comunidad de fe de la parroquia de
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, proclamamos
humildemente con nuestra amada Virgen María, que
somos siervos del Señor. Enraizados en el Evangelio
de Jesucristo, valoramos y celebramos la diversidad
de nuestras culturas y nos esforzamos amorosamente
a darnos apoyo el uno al otro. Por medio del culto, la
oración, el estudio y el servicio, estamos
comprometidos a la vida sacramental y a las
tradiciones de la Iglesia. Buscamos ser verdaderos
evangelizadores nutriendo y fortaleciendo nuestra fe
Católica Romana.
Were you raised Catholic but do not come or seldom
come to church anymore? Are you a Catholic who
now feels separated from your church? Would you
like to know more about the Catholic Church as it is
today? Would you like to feel at home in the Catholic
Church again?
No matter how long you have been away and no
matter the reason, we invite you to consider renewing
your relationship with the Catholic Church.
Annual Migration Mass
January 10, 2016
The Diocese of San Bernardino and the Social
Concern’s Justice for Immigrants Ministry would like
to invite you to the 2016 Immigration Mass at Our
Lady of Soledad in Coachella on Sunday, January
10th beginning at 1:00pm. A relic from St. Toribio
Romo will be present! Please join us as we come
together to journey with all the refugees and migrants
that make up the Diocese of San Bernardino. For
more information please contact: Hilda Cruz at
909.475.5469 or [email protected].
Our Lady of the Assumption's six week Catholics
Returning Home at Christmas Program begins:
Date: Thursday January 7,2016
Time: 7:00pm 8:30pm
Place: Classroom 7
For more information, call Terril Bauer at
(909) 800-2570
Misa Anual de Migración
10 de enero de 2016
La diócesis de San Bernardino y el ministerio de
Justicia para Inmigrantes de la Oficina Pastoral Social
les invitan a la Misa de migración del 2016. La Misa
se llevará a cabo el domingo, 10 de enero a la una de
la tarde. ¡Tendremos una reliquia de Santo Toribio
Romo! Acompáñenos a unirnos en oración y
hermandad con todos los refugiados y migrantes que
forman parte de la diócesis de San Bernardino. Para
más información favor de contactar a: Hilda Cruz al
909.475.5469 o [email protected].
Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Advent
Monday: St. Peter Canisius; Winter begins
Wednesday: St. John of Kanty
Thursday: The Vigil of Christmas
Friday: The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
Saturday: St. Stephen; First day of Kwanzaa
Adult Faith
© Clare Colella
The past two Sunday Gospels have focused on John the Baptist, the last of the prophets. Today the Church turns our
attention to Mary, and the proximate celebration of the birth of Jesus.
There are a few key points that invite attention: in the first reading from Micah the People of God, still in exile in
Babylon, are reminded of the promises of God to them. In their time it was King David for whom they waited; at the time of the early
Christians and for us, it is the Lord Jesus to whom we look for salvation. How appropriate that our second reading is to the Hebrews,
who, as they became followers of Christ, were making connections between their prophecies and what Jesus Christ had done and
The Gospel story of the visitation of Mary and Elizabeth speaks of the awareness that Mary prepared her life, her entire self, to be the
mother of the Son of God. Our Advent pause here may be to ask ourselves how we have prepared for the Nativity of Jesus this
season. How have our lives become more simple, more sacred and joy-fille?
How have we become better ambassadors of the Prince of Peace? Are our hearts - our minds, our "Christmas spirit" - truly attentive
to the Lord? As we light the fourth and final candle on the Advent wreath are we indeed ready to proclaim that Jesus, our Lord and
King, has come to be among us and with us and within us?
On Thursday evening and Friday morning, we celebrate the Nativity of Jesus, Son of God, Son of Mary. In our parish, all those who
join in these Masses will hear the Scripture proclamation designated for Midnight Mass, the familiar and much anticipated "Christmas
story." Then, for us all, the Christmas season continues in our Church for several more weeks.
How are we serving others, paying attention to the message of John, living the good news of God's great love and mercy? Let us make
ready the way of the Lord! Let us celebrate the great love and mercy which are God's gift to all God's children during this Jubilee Year
of Mercy.
January 6: Epiphany Party: The Spirit of Giving
January 13: Introduction to the Sacraments; Baptism
January 20: Confirmation and Eucharist
Ministry Center Office Hours
Horario de la Oficina Ministerial
Sunday / Domingo: 10am to 12pm
Monday through Friday: 9am to 3pm
Saturday / Sabado: closed / cerrado
Baptisms and Baptism Preparation
Bautizos y Preparacion 909-882-2931
Rev. Henry Sseriiso882-2931 x29
[email protected]
Dan O’Camb882-2931
[email protected]
Mark Weber882-2931
[email protected]
R.C.I.A. & Adult Confirmation
Clare Colella882-2931 x34
[email protected]
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Confirmation and Music
Kathleen Estrella882-2931 x16
[email protected]
Coordinator of Religious Education
Maria Rivera-Mena882-2931 x22
[email protected]
Susan Doyle882-8931 x15 or x28
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Ana Gurule882-2931 [email protected]
Parish Office Reception
Lucia Godoy882-2931 x10
OLA School
Sue Long
(909) 881-2416
[email protected]
School Secretary
Rina McNamara
(909) 881-2416
Delila Vasquez
(909) 234-6960
[email protected]
After School Day Care
(909) 881-2417
OLA School Email & Website
[email protected]
Marriages / Bodas
Arrangements require a six month period of
preparation. Please call the Ministry Center Office.
/ Reservaciones seis meses de anticipación
The scheduling for Quinceañeras should be made at
least one year in advance. / Reservación - por lo
menos un año de anticipación
Funerals / Funerales
Please call the Parish Ministry Center Office. / Favor
de llamar a la Oficina Ministerial
Sisters of Mercy882-2931 x18
Pastoral Council
[email protected]
Wills/Bequests - Testamentos/Legados
Please call the Diocese. / Por favor llamar a la
diócesis (909) 475-5300
Visiting of the Sick/Home Blessings
If you’d like our priest to visit and anoint a sick family member, or to bless your home, please contact the Parish Office. He will call to
arrange a date and time.
Visitas a los Enfermos y Bendición
a los Hogares
Si gusta que nuestro sacerdote vaya a dar la unción a un familiar enfermo, o a bendecir su hogar, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial. El
sacerdote se comunicará con usted para acordar la fecha y la hora.
E-mail Bulletin Submissions to: [email protected]