SAINT LAWRENCE THE MARTYR CATHOLIC CHURCH 4325 Don Julio Boulevard North Highlands, CA 95660 27 March 2016 Parish Office 916.332.4777 ▪ Fax24916.332.8325 August 2014 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of our community is rooted in Jesus the Christ. This mission is to hear, respond to and proclaim the word of God as found in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Through the Sunday Eucharist we are called to ongoing conversion and personal spiritual formation. As a community, we are challenged to provide mutual support for a Catholic Christian lifestyle and are empowered to use our gifts to minister to the needs of others. We commit ourselves to the beatitudes, to the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and to minister to the larger communities in which we live and work. We respect the dignity of every person, at all ages and stages of life. We hand on our Catholic heritage through catechesis, worship, service and witness. In carrying out this mission we further the kingdom of God in our midst. SCHEDULE OF LITURGIES/HORARIO DE MISAS SUNDAY EUCHARIST (Mass) MISA DEL DOMINGO Saturday Vigil (English) 5:00 pm Sábado Vigilia (Español) 7:00 pm Sunday (English) 8:00 am & 10:00 am Domingo (Español) 1:00 pm MORNING PRAYER DAILY EUCHARIST (MASS) Monday-Friday 8:00 am Monday-Friday 8:30 am RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES Tuesday: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS/HORAS DE OFICINA Monday through Friday / Lunes a Viernes 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm NUESTRA MISIÓN La misión de nuestra comunidad tiene su raíz en Jesucristo. Esta misión es escuchar, responder y proclamar la palabra de Dios que se encuentra en las escrituras Hebreas y Cristianas. Por la Eucaristía del Domingo, estamos llamados a una conversión continua y a una formación espiritual personal. Como una comunidad, tenemos el reto de proporcionar apoyo mutuo para un estilo de vida Cristiana Católica y tenemos las facultades para utilizar nuestros dones en las necesidades de los demás. Nos comprometemos a vivir las Bienaventuranzas, las obras de misericordia corporales y espirituales y a servir a las comunidades más grandes en las que vivimos y trabajamos. Respetamos la dignidad de cada persona, en todas las edades y etapas de la vida. Entregamos nuestra herencia Católica a través de catequesis, adoración al culto divino, servicio y testimonio. Viviendo esta misión, nosotros vivimos el Reino de Dios en la tierra. PARISH STAFF/ EQUIPO PARROQUIAL Rev. Enrique Alvarez, Pastor [email protected] Deacon Donald Galli, Deacon [email protected] Mr. Tony Neria, Music Director [email protected] Mrs. Cora Chanco, Music Coordinator Mrs. Yolanda Fletes-Villalba, Receptionist/Admininstrative Assistant [email protected] Ms. Elizabeth Peterson, Receptionist Mrs. Diana Jimenez, Bookkeeper Mr. Herb Edwards, Parish Facilities Coordinator Mrs. Margarita Toledo, Parish Programs Coordinator Infant Baptisms/Bautismos: This includes children up to 6 years. Parents and God-parents must complete a preparation class. Please call the Parish Office for information. Se llevan a cabo el primer Sábado del mes para niños menores de 6 años. Los papás y padrinos tienen que asistir a una clase. Llame a la Oficina Parroquial para más información. Christian Initiation: Children and adults seeking to become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church may call the Parish Office for information. Catholics Come Home: Catholics wishing to return to the church or to become more connected to the church may call the Parish Office for further information. Weddings/Bodas: Couples planning marriage at St. Lawrence are asked to call the Parish Office at least six months prior to anticipated wedding date. Couples are also required to complete a marriage preparation program. Las parejas que desean contraer matrimonio necesitan llamar a la oficina con seis meses de anticipación. Se require que completen el programa de preparación para el matrimonio. Parish Registration/Registración: We welcome new parishioners. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church and in the Parish Office. Please notify the Parish Office of moves or changes in address or telephone number. Nuevos feligreses son siempre bienvenidos. Las formas para registro se encuentran a la entrada de la Iglesia y en la Oficina. Por favor notifique a la Oficina de cualquier cambio de domicilio o número de teléfono. Page Two Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord March 27, 2016 CAPTURADO POR LA HISTORIA DRAWN INTO THE STORY “¡Somos testigos!” Las lecturas bíblicas del Domin“We are witnesses!” The scripture readings for go de Pascua se centran en detalles reportados por Easter Sunday concentrate on details reported by testigos oculares. Escucha detenidamente y sentirás eyewitnesses. Listen carefully and you will be drawn que la historia te captura. Pedro reporta las buenas into the stories yourself. Peter reports the good obras hechas por Jesús, su muerte en la cruz, y su works Jesus did, his death on the cross, and his Resurrección. El pasaje del Evangelio de san Juan resurrection. The passage from John’s Gospel has nos hace correr a la tumba vacía con Pedro y Juan, y us running to the empty tomb with Peter and John ¿Porque buscan entre dar una mirada adentro para ver el lienzo usado para and peering inside to see the cloths used to cover los muertos al que cubrir el cuerpo de Jesús. El Salmo 118 resume Jesus’ body. Psalm 118 sums up our response: “It is vive? nuestra respuesta: “¡Es un milagro patente!” wonderful in our eyes!” ¿Qué detalles de resurrección vemos hoy en What resurrection details do we see in our lives nuestra vida? ¿Cómo hemos muerto a la vida vieja y resucitado today? How have we died to our old lives and been raised up de nuevo con Jesús? Tengamos bien en cuenta la nueva vida again with Jesus? Let us pay attention to the new life around us. que nos rodea. Es un milagro patente. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. It is wonderful in our eyes. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co R EADINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; . Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 LITURGY OF THE HOURS III L ECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Hch 2:14, 22-33; Sal 16 (15):1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Hch 2:36-41; Sal 33 (32):4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Miércoles: Hch 3:1-10; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Lc 24:13-35 Jueves: Hch 3:11-26; Sal 8:2, 5-9; Lc 24:35-48 Viernes: Hch 4:1-12; Sal 118 (117):1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Sábado: Hch 4:13-21; Sal 118 (117):1, 14-21; Mc 16:9-15 Domingo: Hch 5:12-16; Sal 118 (117):2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Ap 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 Lunes: Martes: LITURGIA DE LAS HORAS III PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR RECENTLY DECEASED OREMOS POR NUESTROS FALLECIDOS STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2015-2016 / REPORTE DE LAS COLECTAS Fernando Campos, Fredis Arturo Campos, Frank Currie, Alfredo Enriquez, Bernardina Enriquez, Cenorina Figueroa, Michael La Chance, Ignacio Mascorro, Ruben Navarrete, Joseph Nunez Jr, Betty Ann Peck, Gloria Posadas, Maria Elena Rojo, Eugenio Rios, Jackie Selko, Martha Tague, Guadalupe Vargas, Pat Villanueva 1ST COLLECTION: Wk Ending Mar 13 The Catholic Relief Services Collection • PRAYERS/ORACIONES Veronica Arrezola, Maria Cuevas, Rebecca Ann Janes, Imelda Muñoz, Martha Nava, Dora Rodriguez, Macaria Sanchez, Navarrete Family. • PLEASE PRAY OREMOS POR FOR OUR SICK LOS ENFERMOS Fr. Keith Canterbury, Denna Carson, Sandy Day, Thomas Downey, Margorie Erickson, Steve Favelo, Carolyn Farr, Deacon John Gisla, Jose Garcia, Wilfredo Garcia, Jose Refugio Gutierrez, Jack Haig Sr, Gloria Holland, Rose Klug, Yolanda Martin, Matilde Martinez, Vladimir Mata, Jennifer Medina, Nancy Medina & Family, Isaac Mendoza Jr, Maria Guadalupe Miramontes, Phyllis Mitchell, Jesus Moreno, Rick Norris, Jade Nesslehauf, Lucille Ortiz, Heradia Preciado, Shari Roca, Maria Santos, Donald Staab, Adrianne Taylor, Robert Vazquez & Family, Celia Victoria Villaseñor, Benjamin Villegas Fiscal Year Jul 1—Jun 30 / Año fiscal 1° de Julio al 30 de Junio — — $ 6,681.28 $ 1,465.00 Second Collection for April April 2 & 3 Wind Teen Center LET US REMEMBER OUR DEAD RECORDEMOS NUESTROS DIFUNTOS Domingo Gomes, Anthony Carbullido, Everil Grays, William Byers MAR 27 Daniel Sewell, Francis Crockett, Tom McClure, Rob Bradshaw, Deodora Guzmana MAR 28 Edward Wylder, Mary Doughery, Pat Langhagin, Peter Graziano, Javier Sanchez MAR 29 Gertrude Monning, John St. Jacques, Ralph Sleagle, Stanley Pechovnic, Julia Alphonse, Donna Colley MAR 30 Frances Horr, Susa Denis, Manuel Barron MAR 31 Mary Malone, Jovenal Laqui, Mary Drohan, Jo Bino, Christopher Phillips APR 1 Judy Moore, Betty Bangle, Aristeo Hernandez, Francisca Juan, Frieda Luette, Betty Johnson, Jose Unsiog MAR 26 Page Three Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY March 27, 2016 HOLY HOUR / HORA SANTA QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK Called to serve Jesus said, “If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you slso should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:1-15) ADULT: What is the most difficult thing you have done as a service to another person? YOUTH: For you what does it mean to serve others? KEY PASSAGE—GOSPEL: EL AÑO JUBILAR DE LA MISERICORDIA PREGUNTAS DE LA SEMANA The next Holy Hour is scheduled for Monday, March 28, from 6:00--7:00 pm. La próxima Hora Santa será el 28 de Marzo de las 6:00 pm a las 7:00 pm. “Go and find Him when your patience and strength run out and you feel alone and helpless. Jesus is waiting for you in the chapel. Say to Him, ‘Jesus, you know exactly what is going on. You are all I have, and you know all things. Come to my help.’ And then go, and don’t worry about how you are going to manage. That you have told God about it is enough. He has a good memory.” —St. Jeanne Jugan Llamado a servir Pues si yo, siendo el Seῆor y el Maestro, les he lavado los pies, también ustedes deben lavarse los pies unos a otros. Yo les he dado ejemplo, y ustedes deben hacer como he hecho yo. (Lucas 22:61) ADULTO: ¿Cual es la cosa mas díficil que has hecho para servirle a otra persona? JOVENES: ¿Para ti que significa server a los demás? PASAJE CLAVE—EL EVANGELIO: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL IN SERVICE (916.332.4779) EASTER SUNDAY Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter we find the challenge of also seeing and believing the resurrection that comes through our own lives of self-sacrifice which brings new life to others. In the month of March, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to help the poor celebrate the joy of Easter, by handling: 46 calls for assistance and of these $326.00 was provided for rental assistance, $889.71 in emergency utility support, $45.80 for bedding, $30.00 for cab fare, $10.00 in clothing vouchers, and 1 kitchen box voucher. All of these gifts of mercy would not have possible without the continued generosity of our St. Lawrence Family. Thank you, St. Lawrence. CONFERENCE MEETING DATES. Apr 13 PCMR 7:00 pm APR 27 PCMR 7:00 pm 10TH ANNUAL BENEFIT FOR THE POOR RAFFLE The St. Lawrence Conference is assisting the Diocesan Council of St. Vincent de Paul sell raffle tickets for a 6 days/5 nights experience at the Sheraton Maui Resort and Spa. The value of the package is $3500.00. All funds raised are directed to aid the poor who live in the Diocese of Sacramento, including our Conference service area. Please obtain tickets from one of the Conference members or call James Floyd at 916. 804.1731. The deadline to purchase tickets is April 6, 2016. Thank you. BECOME A MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL The St. Lawrence Conference of St. Vincent de Paul is seeking individuals who want to help people in need. If you can spare a few hours to share your time and talents doing the caring work of Jesus, please contact Marilyn Brewer (920-3325). TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Fifty years or so ago, it was popular to teach that every Sunday is a “Little Easter.” Today, after several decades of intense liturgical reform, it is more proper to think of today as a “Big Sunday.” On every Sunday of the year, the Church is obliged to assemble, keeping the day holy. In most places, we hardly attain the goal of gathering all who are in Christ by baptism. Look around today and see what a Big Sunday looks like! Our tradition speaks of remembering, anamnesis, as the antidote to “amnesia,” the tragic forgetting of who God is and who we are as God’s most beloved creation. On this Easter day, we are at our very best. We remember who God is, and we remember who we are in God’s eyes: beloved sons and daughters, reborn to eternal life in baptismal waters. We rekindle our candles and reclaim our baptismal promises. As a “Big Sunday,” today also reflects the character of festivity and leisure that should mark every Lord’s Day. We wear “Sunday best” today, and we may take some time, especially in the northern states, to stroll through a budding garden. It is truly a “Big Sunday,” and how different our lives would be if we took its values and traditions forward into all the Sundays of our lives. —Rev. James Field, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Hace casi dos mil años María Magdalena fue muy de mañana al sepulcro de Jesús. Fue a rezar como muchos hacemos ante la tumba de un ser amado. Esa mañana ella se convertiría en apóstol de los apóstoles, primera testigo de Jesús resucitado de entre los muertos. Siglos después el testimonio de la Magdalena sigue siendo importante en la historia cristiana. Durante estos días en Anguiano, España, hombres y jóvenes de las viejas familias de la zona bailan y caminan con una pequeña imagen de la Magdalena. Se visten con camisas y faldones largos de muchos colores, mostrando la belleza de la diversidad hispana. Ellos bailan en honor de esa santa mujer de Magdala y lo hacen sobre andas de casi un metro de altura. Ellos toman la imagen desde la iglesia de su pueblo en las montañas en el norte del país y la llevan bailando por las calles empedradas bajando al santuario que han preparado para ella. Todo el pueblo reza y festeja en honor de la santa que fue buscando un difunto y se encontró con el Señor de la vida eterna. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. BIBLE STUDY CLASS DURING EASTER There will be a Bible Study class on Fridays of Easter at 1:00 pm in Room #2.. Classes will be from April 8th to May 13th. Página Cuatro Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor T HE P ASTOR’ S C OLUMN LA COLUMNA Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, Father Enrique WE REMEMBER YOU, O RISEN LORD We remember you, O risen Lord, New Covenant at the feast of the cross. Your resurrection dresses the table for the bread of heaven and the cup of salvation. Blessed are you! PASTOR Cristo ha resucitado! La misericordia de Dios se ha levantado, los primeros frutos de quien murió ha vencido a la muerte para nuestra salvación eterna. Que regalo de amor tan magnificente que el Señor ha dado a su pueblo de fe. Jesús con su voluntad de obedecer al Padre ha completado su parte en el Plan de Salvación por nosotros de una manera casi incomprensible de aceptar. El sufrió y murió en la cruz por ti y por mi, este amor es al mismo tiempo profundo e infinito. Reconociendo el verdadero regalo de vida que se hizo posible, pensemos un poco acerca de la gente en las lecturas de hoy y notemos su conducta y entendamos quienes eran y quienes fueron este día de la resurrección. Pedro, quien negó a Cristo, no podía entender la realidad de la tumba vacía. Juan, el discípulo amado, quien al entrar a la tumba vacía entendió completamente lo que Cristo les había dicho a sus discípulos. Y María, quien siempre estuvo comprometida con Cristo aun en su tristeza, no reconoció al Señor resucitado hasta que El le hablo a su corazón doliente. Cristo se revela así mismo de muchas maneras, algunas veces no lo sabemos y otras no entendemos cuando El habla a nuestros corazones o cuando se manifiesta a nosotros en los demás. Durante la Cuaresma, buscaste fielmente un cambio personal o profundizaste en tu relación con Cristo? Tu caminar en esta Cuaresma incluyo reconciliación, limosna y obras de misericordia, estudio de las Sagradas Escrituras, reflexión personal y ayuno? Algunas veces es muy difícil sumergirse de lleno en los esfuerzos por buscar un crecimiento espiritual ya que estamos bombardeados con las demandas de nuestras vidas, el drama, los problemas y los retos. Aun así, debemos de tratar de profundizar en nuestra relación con nuestro Salvador. La Cuaresma es un tiempo justo para nuestra conversión, reconciliación y arrepentimiento. De ninguna manera la Cuaresma debe de verse como algo que comienza y termina, sino como un tiempo de nuestra vida donde la llenamos de propósito en el servicio a Dios y a los demás. Por lo tanto, haz un compromiso con Cristo y camina en la fe con El y con todo lo que hacemos al caminar todos juntos a la Nueva Jerusalén. Padre Enrique LIVING GOD’S WORD —From Come, Lord Jesus by Lucien Deiss, CSSP, copyright © 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss. Published by World Library Publications. p.163 NOS ACORDAMOS DE TI Nos acordamos de ti, oh Jesús resucitado, el primero de entre los muertos. Tu resurrección destruye el poder de la muerte y cambia las lágrimas de agonía a lágrimas de alegría. ¡Bendito eres! We pray to God on Easter that we shall never again see darkness. We ask God to open our eyes to know him in the breaking of bread and we ask for strength to follow him in his risen life. VIVAMOS LAS PALABRA DE DIOS Oremos a Dios en la Pascua, para que nunca más veamos la oscuridad. Pidámosle al Señor que abra nuestros ojos para reconocerlo al partir el pan y que nos dé la fuerza para seguirlo en su vida gloriosa. Copyright @ 2012, World Library publication. All rights reserved. —De Oraciones Biblicas, p. 163 por Lucien Deiss, CSSp, copyright © 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss. Publicado por World Library Publications. BEGINNING AND END COMIENZO Y FIN La fe es el comienzo y el fin es el amor. DEL Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Christ is risen! The Mercy of God has indeed risen, the first-fruits of the dead who has overcome death for our eternal salvation. What a truly magnificent gift of love the Lord has bestowed upon his people of faith. Jesus’ willingness to obey the Father to fulfill his part in the Plan of Salvation for us is to a point almost incomprehensible to accept. He suffered and died on the cross for you and me, this love is both profound and immeasurable. Recognizing the true gift of life made possible, give some thought about the people in our readings for today and notice their behavior and understanding of what was and is before them on this day of the resurrection. Peter, who denied Christ, could not yet grasp the reality of the empty tomb. John, the beloved, who upon entering the tomb understood completely what Christ had told the disciples. And Mary, forever committed to Christ in her sorrow, did not recognize the risen Lord, until he spoke to her heartache. Christ reveals himself in so many ways that we often miss or do not quite understand when he speaks to our hearts or appears to us in others. During your Lenten journey, did you faithfully seek personal change or deepen your relationship with Christ? Did your journey include reconciliation, almsgiving, and works of mercy, scripture study, personal reflection or fasting? It is sometimes very difficult to become fully immersed in our efforts to seek spiritual change as we are bombarded with life’s demands, drama, issues and challenges. Yet, we must dedicate ourselves to this noble undertaking and strive to strengthen our spiritual relationship with our Savior. Lent is a point in time for our conversion, reconciliation and repentance. By no means should we view Lent as beginning and end, but rather a point of time in our journey as we fulfill our life’s’ purpose in service to one another and our Lord. Therefore recommit yourself fully to Christ and walk in faith with him in all that we undertake as we journey together to the New Jerusalen. Faith is the beginning and the end is love. 27 de Marzo de 2016 —St. Ambrose —San Ambrosio En ningún lugar encontramos a Jesús más cerca y más adaptado a nuestras debilidades que en María; por esa razón El vino y vivió en ella. En todo otro lugar El es el Pan de los Fuertes, el Pan de los Angeles; pero en María El es el Pan de los niῆos. —San Luis Grignion de Montford Página Cinco Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor M ASS I NTENTIONS SATURDAY, M ARCH 2 6 5:00 pm…Ruben Navarette … 7:00 pm …Deodora Guzman …Juan Duran …Mariano Duran …Leocadia Rojas …Guadalupe Duran …Animas Benditas del Purgatorio W E E K A T 27 de Marzo de 2016 G A L A N C E Sun Mar 27 Mon Mar 28 Holy Hour Lectors Taller de Oración CH PCMR Rm #3 6:00-7:00 pm 7:00 pm 11:30 am Tues Mar 29 Confessions English Classes Christians in Commerce Religious Education CH Rm. #3 PCMR All areas 5:00-6:30 pm 12:30 pm 6:45 am 7:00-8:00 pm Wed Mar 30 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena CH Harvest Us Home St. Vincent de Paul Prayer & Life Workshop Grupo de Oración CH PCMR Rm. #2 STLH (after 8:30 am Mass) 9:00 am 7:00 pm 9:00 am & 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Thurs Mar 31 English Classes Clases de Biblia y Fe Católica Rm. #3 STLH 12:30 pm 7:00 pm Fri Apr 1 Spanish Choir CH Sat Apr 2 Spanish Baptisms CH 10:00 am … Sunday Apr 3 Religious Education All areas 11:30 am …John Saunders …Souls in Purgatory CH Church GH Gabrielli Hall STLH St Lawrence Hall SUNDAY, MARCH 2 7 8:00 am …Souls in Purgatory 10:00 am …Souls in Purgatory (newest to Heaven) …Bruno Geronimo 1:00 pm …Difuntos en Fam. Maldonado Hernandez …Difuntos en Fam.Tinajero Hernandez & Fam Tinajero …Carolina Escobar …Francisco Maldonado …Gabriel Rios Curiel …Fam Rios Juarez (Spec Intent) …Reyna & Juarez (Spec Intent) …Juana Maria Aguilar (Healing) M O ND A Y , M A R C H 2 8 T U E SD A Y , M A R C H 2 9 W E D NE SD A Y , M A R C H 3 0 …Edward Bauer BUS …Fernando Campos Saint Lawrence will be hosting a day trip to the Silver Legacy in Reno on Saturday, April 30, 2016. The bus will be boarding in the church parking lot at 7:00 am & will leave promptly at 7:30 am. There will be refreshments served, bingo played, and raffles drawn on the ride there. The cost is $35 per person with a $5 food coupon and $10 cash coupon given back. Tickets will be sold after Masses. Door prize and food donations would be appreciated to make the trip more enjoyable. T H U R SD A Y , M A R C H 3 1 F RIDAY, A PRIL 1 … SATURDAY, A PRIL 2 5:00 pm …Mercedes Castaneda …Emilio Castaneda …Charlee Ratcliff …Harry Camilao 7:00 pm …Silvestre Lara R SUNDAY, APRIL 3 10:00 am …Edward Bauer 1:00 pm …Francisco Maldonado …Carolina Escobar …Juana Maria Aguilar (healing) Thank you! Words cannot express the gratitude that have for our Saint Lawrence family. We are so thankful for the love and support that was given at the passing of Ruben Navarette. The family of Ruben Navarette Gracias! No hay palabras para expresar la gratitude que sentimos por nuestra familia de San Lorenzo. Estamos muy agradecidos por el amor y apoyo que nos han mostrado con el fallecimiento de Ruben Navarrete. La Familia de Ruben Navarrete TRIP April 30, 2016 TO PCMR Parish Center Meeting Room 5:00 pm Rm(s) Classrooms RENO CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Catholic Daughters would like to extend a special invitation to the Hispanic, Filipino and Guamanian ladies of our Parish to come to our meeting on April 7 at 10:00 am in the Parish Center. It is our goal to build a closer relationship with all ladies of our Parish. KNIGHTS—AT A GLANCE FUTURE ACTIVITIES APR 6 Officer’s Meeting Apr 9/10 Recruitment/Info Day APR 20 Business Meeting GH 7:30 pm CH After Masses CH 7:30 pm LENTEN FOOD DRIVE The Knights of Columbus & the St. Vincent de Paul, St. Lawrence Conference, express their heartfelt gratitude for the generous your response to the Lenten Food Drive held the weekend of March 12 and 13, 2016. The food drive was to support for our local area North Highlands Christian Food Ministry. Thank you St. Lawrence for your love and care in fulfilling one of our Corporal Works of Mercy “to feed the hungry.” Recruitment/Information Day The Knights will hold a Recruitment & Information Day on April 9 and 10, 2016 after each Mass. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the Knights of Columbus and how you can become part of this service ministry and help build the Domestic Church of Christ. JOIN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus Council 4991 is open to all Catholic men 18 years or older who seek to answer the call of service to Jesus and the church through their time, talents, and treasure. To learn how you can become a Knight of Columbus, please contact Monte Austin, Grand Knight, 916.715.7386
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