This week`s bulletin - Queen of Peace Catholic Church

The nursery accepts
children 3 years and
under. Please feel free to
drop your child off at the
10:30 a.m. Mass.
Pray for Our Military: Please remember in your
prayers the following people of our parish who are
serving our country: Captain Andrew Arbogast (Army), Cpl
9:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Confessions heard each
Saturday, 4:15-4:45 p.m.
or by appointment.
The Altar Flowers are in
memory of Magalena
Buitron, mother of Laura
Dekker, by friends of
Queen of Peace. We have
open dates on our Flower
Calendar. If you would
like flowers placed in the
church please call the
parish office.
Saturday, February 7
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Req. Mr. & Mrs. Robert B.
Sunday, February 8
For All Parishioners
Dr. Edward Gbemuda
Req. Family
Monday, February 9
Nick Brocato+
Req. Joe Brocato
Tuesday, February 10
Nick Brocato+
Req. Gerald & Bridget
Wednesday, February 11
Guadalupe Manglona’
Req. Mercedes Sablan
Thursday, February 12
Benefactors of Sacred Heart
Southern Missions
Friday, February 13
Benefactors of Sacred Heart
Southern Missions
Saturday, February 14
Mike Drew+
Req. Eileen Drew
Sunday, February 15
For All Parishioners
Joseph Arbogast (USMC), LCpl. Jeff Bailey, FA Davis Durden,
USCG, Lt. Cmdr Kathryn McMahon Hermsdorfer, USN, Pvt.
Bryce Johnston, USA, Steven Kaste, USAF, Spec. 4 Bill Lane,
USA, Col. C. Scott Leith, USA, E-4 Benjamin Menger, USNR,
Sgt. Wesley Patrick, LCpl. Edward Phair, USMC, SSgt. Joseph
Phair, USAF – 1st Lt Ryan Rausch, USA, Capt. David Simons,
USAF Reserve, Cpl. Jimmy Suggs, USA, Pvt. Jacob Waldrop,
Army, WO Nathan Waltman, USA, SSgt. Andrew Wilder,
Our Parish Prayer List
Your prayers are requested for the following:
Alice Abraham, Renee Bateman, Betty Cail, Donna Cook, Jimmy
Cook, Stella Cuthbertson, Nelma Fontenot, Pervis Fontenot,
Roesel Gaines, Mary Ann Gervell, Bernadette Grantham, Robert
Harmon, Pat Herberich, Carmen Joslyn, Suzi Lindsey, Gracevelyn
Lum, Evelyn Mascari, Lou Nelms, Jennifer Newell, Richard Reed,
Dorothy Sitton, Eddie Smith, Oliver Springer, Ann Suhanin, Judy
Please notify the Priests when serious illness occurs or
when hospitalization is indicated: we would like to
strengthen the ill with the Eucharist and the Sacrament of
the Sick (Anointing).
Laura Beth Grissom
Req. Family
Please remember in prayer the
following souls. May the Lord
welcome them into the fullness of
the kingdom of heaven and may
their families be consoled: Michael Dudas, Jr., father
of parishioner, Mike Dudas; and Nick Brocato,
brother of parishioner, Joe Brocato.
Thank you to all who
volunteered their time and
talent for the Community
Thrift Shop, for the month
of January. We could not have fulfilled our
obligation without you.
Women’s Morning of Spirituality
Saturday, February 28, 2015
8:15 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Catholic Church of the Incarnation
Collierville, TN
For information and to register go to or call Mary Beth
Trouy 901 853-1819.
News from Sacred Heart School
Open Enrollment has begun at Sacred
Heart School. The school is fully
accredited by AdvancED (formerly
SACS), the Mississippi Department of
Education, and the National Catholic
Education Association. Before school care and
after school programs are available. To set up a
tour or receive additional information, please
contact the school at 662 349-0900 or Bridget Brotherton
Martin, Principal, may be reached at
[email protected].
WORLD MARRIAGE DAY 2015: The Catholic
Diocese of Jackson and the Office of Family
Ministry will offer a Mass at the Cathedral of St.
Peter the Apostle on February 22, 2015 at 12:30
pm. There will be a reception following Mass in
the Parish center. The Mass honors all married
couples, but invites those celebrating their 25th,
50th and 60th anniversaries or any significant
In addition, on the weekend of February 14/15,
2015, all of our 5 parishes will honor World
Marriage Day by offering a blessing at all Masses
for married couples.
Día mundial del Matrimonio 2015: La
Diócesis Católica de Jackson y la Oficina
Ministerial de la Familia quieren ofrecer una misa
en la Catedral de San Pedro el Apóstol el 22 de
febrero de 2015 a las 12:30 P.M. Habrá una
recepción a continuación de la misa en el centro
de la parroquia. La misa es para honrar a todas los
matrimonios pero también se le invita a aquellos
matrimonios que estén celebrando su 25, 50 y 60
Además, el fin de semana del 14 y 15 de febrero
de 2015, nuestras cinco parroquias van a honrar el
Día Mundial del Matrimonio ofreciendo durante
la misa una bendición para todos los matrimonios.
Fast and Abstinence Begins: Our Lenten
Season begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18,
2015. Ash Wednesday is not a Holy Day but it is
a day of fast and abstinence. This means that all
adult Catholics over 21 and under
65 are to have only one main meal
and to exclude all meat products
(beef, chicken, pork) from their
meals that day. Fridays in Lent are
to be meatless as well.
de Cuaresma empieza el día de
cenizas, 18 de febrero, 2015. No es
día de obligación pero este es un día
de ayuno para católicos más de 21 años y menas
de 65 años. Permitamos una cena completa.
Abstinencia refiere a no comer carne. La
abstinencia aplica a todos los viernes de Cuaresma
February 18/18 de febrero
8AM - Holy Spirit Mass & Ashes
9AM - Christ the King Mass & Ashes
9AM - Queen of Peace Mass and Ashes
12PM - Christ the King Ash Service
7PM - Holy Spirit Mass & Ashes
7PM - Queen of Peace Mass & Ashes
7PM - Good Shepherd Mass & Ashes
7PM - St. Gregory Ash Service
7PM - Christ the King Mass & Ashes (Bilingual)
Joy of the Gospel Conversations
Suggestions for conversation groups:
Give your group a name
Choose a facilitator (or ask for one).
Send Sister Emily ([email protected])
the name of your group,
name of group facilitator,
the members in your group,
the address where you are meeting
if not at the parish
When you meet:
Decide how you will proceed.
No set time frame for ‘finishing’ the
Go at your own speed.
Conversation prime.
You may want to keep a journal of
‘prize’ comments for Pentecost.
There is a crib for donations to the Center in the
Gathering Area of our church. Current needs are:
Diapers (all sizes), formula, baby wipes, baby powder,
shampoo, and baby wash. They can also use any
gently used clothing, baby seats, and baby accessories.
PRENATALES: Lo que se está necesitando es:
panales talla 5-6, formula, toallas húmedas para
bebes, talco, shampoo y jabón líquido. También son
bienvenidos artículos usados pero en buen estado,
como toallas para bebes, sillas y accesorios.
2015 Mother/Daughter Programs will be on
Sundays, March 22nd for 10 – 12 year old girls and
March 29th for 13 – 16 year old girls at Saint Francis
Hospital Auditorium in Memphis. The
Mother/Daughter Programs offer a wonderful
opportunity for mothers and daughters to be together
to learn about growing up and becoming a women,
respect for themselves and appreciation for God’s
gifts of human sexuality and fertility. The programs
emphasize the virtue of chastity, the sacredness of
human life and parent – child communication. $25 per
family. Pre-registration is required. Register online at Call Mary Pat Van Epps at Diocese of
Memphis NFP Center (901)373-1285, if you need
more information.
For the safety of our children, please do
not allow your child to leave during
Mass without an adult.
Your help is needed in caring for our Sacred Spaces
including the rest rooms. It would help us if you take
a few minutes to straighten the song books in your
part of the bench before you leave the church.
Para la seguridad de nuestros hijos, por favor no
permita que su hijo deje durante la misa sin un adulto.
Su ayuda es necesaria en el cuidado de nuestros
espacios sagrados, incluyendo los baños. Nos ayudaría
mucho si se toma unos minutos para estirar los libros
de canciones en su parte de la banca antes de salir de
la iglesia.
all to please turn off all cells phones and
electronic communication devices
when entering the church buildings.
The signals, even from a silenced phone,
interfere with the wireless microphones of the church.
Les recordamos de la manera más atenta que por
favor apaguen sus teléfonos celulares y dispositivos
electrónicos antes de entrar a la iglesia. Las señales,
incluso desde un teléfono silenciado, interfieren con
los micrófonos inalámbricos de la iglesia.
Catholic Diocese of Jackson
This weekend we are asking all parishioners of the
diocese to consider a gift to the CSA. Every gift no
matter the size is vital to the success of the CSA. Our
theme is Called To Serve. Jesus showed us how to
serve when He washed the feet of His disciples; and
He asked us to serve others humbly and unselfishly.
For more on information about the Appeal or to donate
online please visit
Llamada A Servir
Este fin de semana estamos pidiendo a todas las
parroquianas considerer su don a la Compana de
Servicio Catolico. Nuestro tema es Llamada a Servir.
Jesus mostramos como servir cuando limpia los pies
de sus discípulos. Tambien el esta pidiendo a nosotros
a servir los otros con generosidad.
Please Pray for: our 75+ teens for
Confirmation, who began their preparation this
past week with an information meeting for parents
and sponsors. Close to 250 persons attended the
dinner meeting at Holy Spirit.
Please Pray Also For: the candidates who were
welcomed recently into our parish communities:
Christ the King: James Neeley, Robert Enfield,
Daniel Martinez, Brad Knox, Ana Villa, Sofia
Cruz, and Maisy Cooper.
Queen of Peace: David Grisham, Kellie Isaac,
Laura Heeney, Jennifer Villena, Jazmin Villena
and Beverly Hammond.
St. Gregory: Beth Leishman, Miranda Starkey
Palms From Palm Sundays Past: Please
bring your old palms to the church and place them
in the bin provided. These palms will be burned
and made into the ashes to be used on Ash
Wednesday. We will celebrate the symbolic
burning of the palms at all the Masses on the
weekend of February 14th and 15th.
Lent Is Upon Us!
The Lenten booklet of activities and dates will be
ready next week. Please turn in your choice for
Joy of the Gospel conversation group. Bring your
group to Father Steve Pujdak’s (SCJ) Lenten talk
on “Who Me? An Apostle?” scheduled for
February 23, at 7:00 p.m., at Christ the King and
on February 24, at 7:00 p.m. at Holy Spirit. Pot
luck is at 6:00 p.m.
February 9, 2015
Monday, February 9 (Lunes)
9:00 a.m. Mass
6:30 p.m. Men’s Club
Tuesday, February 10 (Martes)
9:00 a.m. Mass
6:30 p.m. Women’s Club
Wednesday, February 11 (Miércoles)
9:00 a.m. Mass
9:30 a.m. Catechism
6:00 p.m. Youth Choir
7:00 p.m. PREP
7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, February12 (Jueves)
9:00 a.m. Mass
Friday, February 13 (Viernes)
9:00 a.m. Mass
Saturday, February 14 (Sábado)
Valentine’s Day; World Marriage Day; Can Drive
after Mass; Burning of the Palms
4:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Reconciliation
5:00 p.m. Mass
2nd Collection MS Catholic
Sunday, February 15 (Domingo)
World Marriage Day; Can Drive after Mass;
Burning of the Palms
8:30 a.m. Mass
9:00 a.m. RCIA (No PREP)
KOC-Pancake Breakfast after 8:30 a.m. Mass
10:30 a.m. Mass
Children’s Liturgy
My First
Jesus Heals the
Pg. 369 (all in
this section)
The Ten Lepers
You choose.
Why is Jesus able to heal?
All the women of the parish
are invited to the Women’s
Club meeting on Tuesday,
February 10, 2015 at 6:30 PM.
We will discuss and finalize
our plans for 2015. A sign-up sheet is in the
commons area.
All the men of the parish are
invited to the Men’s Club
meeting on Monday, February
9, 2015 at 6:30 PM.
A sign-up sheet is in the commons area.
The Knights of
Columbus is hosting a
Pancake Breakfast on
15th, after the 8:30 a.m.
Mass. Donations are
accepted at the door. Please join us for
good food and fellowship with our family
practices for our
Youth Choir. We
will sing at the
10:30 a.m. Mass
on Sunday, February 15th. If you sang with us at
Christmas or if you will be new to the choir---all 7 to
17 year olds are invited to be part of this ministry.
Please join us on Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00
6th Grade and up are invited to join in singing at
10:30am Mass on Sundays. You will need to arrive at
9:30am to practice the music. This invitation is for
adults, also. Your voice
will be most appreciated
and the rewards are “out of
this world”. Don't miss
this opportunity!