Our Lady of Perpetual Help 4588 Roblin Boulevard, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3R 0G4 Phone: Office (204) 832-1993; (204) 832-2649 Rectory (204) 632-5848 Pastor’s cell phone (204) 781-0720 Office Hours: Monday—Friday: 9:00 a.m. - Noon, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. PASTORAL TEAM Msgr. Maurice Comeault Maureen Fernandes Heather Ryczak Cristy Calma Pastor Religious Education Music Coordinator Office Staff HOW TO CONTACT US: Office Phone: (204) 832-1993; (204) 832-2649 Fax: (204) 888-4295 Parish Hall/Kitchen: (204) 896-0030 Religious Education:(204) 832-4336 [email protected] Music Coordinator: (204) 832-1993 [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: Msgr. Comeault: [email protected] SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Sacrament of the Eucharist SATURDAY (anticipated) 5:00 p.m. SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Before all Masses...let Msgr. know if he happens to be in the gathering space Sacrament of Baptism Please call for available dates, times and options. Sacrament of Marriage Call the office for available dates and contact Msgr. at your earliest convenience. The earlier the better. Communion Calls Please call the parish office. Sacrament of the Sick Please call Msgr. Comeault PARISH WEBSITE www.olphwinnipeg.ca PARISH SCHOOL: – K to Grade 8—St. Charles Catholic School—331 St. Charles Street Phone: (204) 837-1520 February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday January 31 7:30 AM Mass at Sisters of Charity 5:00 PM † August & Nettie Zarychanski —Larry & Sharon Zarychanski † Tomas Da Silva—Louis & Angelina Aguiar Sunday February 1 9:00 AM In Memory of Romualda & Joseph Mikawoz —Irene Mikawoz 11:00 AM For Parishioners Children’s Choir Monday February 2 9:00 AM For the Intentions of Madge Baril —Manuela DaCosta Tuesday February 3 9:00 AM 7:00 PM † Olivia & Francis Mendes—The Mendes family For the intentions of the Knights of Columbus 9:00 AM † Mary Bouchard—Christina Wawrykow 9:00 AM † Bob & Joan Turner—The Blady family 9:00 AM † Roger Caron—Yvonne Laurent Wednesday February 4 Thursday February 5 Friday February 6 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday February 7 7:30 AM Mass at Sisters of Charity 5:00 PM † Francis & Olivia Mendes—The Mendes family Sunday February 8 9:00 AM † Dr. James & Mary Bennett—The Huminicki family 11:00 AM For Parishioners READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF February 1, 2015 Sunday Deuteronomy 18:15-20 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Mark 1:21-28 Monday The Presentation of the Lord Malachi 3:1-4 Luke 2:22-40 Tuesday Hebrews 12:1-4 Mark 5:21-43 Wednesday Hebrews 12:4-7, 11-15 Mark 6:1-6 Thursday St. Agatha Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24 Mark 6:7-13 Friday St. Paul Miki & Companions Hebrews 13:1-8 Mark 6:14-29 Saturday Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21 Mark 6:30-34 Sunday Job 7:1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-39 WELCOME to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish PASTOR’S VIEWPOINT It is still dark out there as I put a few thoughts together. Thoughts might not be the right word to express what goes on spontaneously in my mind, heart and soul and thus affecting my whole body and existence in what seems to be happening in a flash out of nowhere. Overwhelming experience of God, and so I am wondering how I managed to live before…or how my dad who died a long time ago might have enjoyed a same moment, or did he? The manifestation of God’s love and life to everyone has to be different since we are all so unique. The love of God is so comprehensive that He gives us the opportunity to extend that very love even to those who are themselves unaware that God loves them. I sometimes forget to breathe watching an important play in a hockey game, and the same happens when Light hits my being. The mercy, forgiveness and love put together as a gift to receive and pass on to others. I sometimes think there is nothing else to desire for, or nothing else can possibly be better than this gift of the present moment…and then, unexpectedly, a word, a person, a musical note, a drop of water, the wind of that gently breeze on the way to the office and there it is again, something like a hug, a whiff of love…a mystery in itself. I realize my dreaming moments might not be too interesting reading. If only they could be an invitation for you to take the time and let God’s love creep into your own consciousness. There is an example in the life of Christ that the Church has not taken control of with rules and regulations. That is Jesus ate with sinners. He would open doors for Himself in a pinch. “I must come to your house….” He would not be contaminated by the sinner as the rules of the time suggested…but the sinner was loved to forgiveness and health. During this month of February, would it be possible for us to be more Christ-like in our being ‘parish’ in our world? The more we open ourselves to the experience of God’s love, the more God’s love can reach out to those who need to experience it in authentic and practical life situations…just a thought, and a prayer. ~ Msgr. Maurice Comeault ~ World Day for Consecrated Life —Monday, February 2, 2015— The purpose of the day is “to help the entire Church to esteem ever more greatly the witness of those persons who have chosen to follow Christ by means of the practice of the evangelical counsels” as well as “to be a suitable occasion for consecrated persons to renew their commitment and rekindle the fervour which should inspire their offering of themselves to the Lord”—John Paul (1997) THE WEEK AHEAD…Meetings/Events (See front of bulletin for Mass schedule) Monday February 2 Coffee & Scripture Children’s Choir Practice Catechism Adult Choir Practice Tuesday February 3 1:00 pm Good Shepherd 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus General Meeting Wednesday February 4 9:30am—6:00pm Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament (with Evening Prayers and Solemn Benediction) 7:00 pm Practice 5PM Music Group 7:30 pm Prayer Group Thursday February 5 9:30 am Knitting Group 7:00 pm Little Rock Scripture Study (LRSS) Friday February 6 9:30am—10:00am Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament Saturday February 7 9:00am Knights of Columbus — First Degree Initiation of New Knights Sunday February 8 CWL Brunch after the 11am Mass 2:00 pm Christian Life Program 9:30 am 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:15 pm St. Blaise There is a blessing of throats after the morning and evening Masses on Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015. YOUR GIFTS TO GOD January 24/25, 2015 (Includes donations from pre-authorized contributions) Regular Offertory Other Church Funds Sharing God’s Gifts Chalice School Next Step $7,078.40 126.75 605.00 33.18 152.50 40.00 Donations that children bring up to the “pot of gold” during the offertory are used for children’s charities. CWL Those that don’t have e-mails please pick up your hard copy of our Newsletter today. Those that have e-mails (as listed on your CWL application forms) should receive the Newsletter through e-mail. If you did not receive please let your executive know so that we can be certain we have the correct e-mail address (feel free to pick up a hard copy). Provincial Day of Celebration is Saturday, February 14th at Kateri Tekakwitha church 794 Ellice Avenue (corner of Ellice & Home St.) See poster on CWL bulletin board. ANNUAL CWL BRUNCH IS NEXT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, AFTER 11:00 A.M. MASS IN DOWNSTAIRS MAIN HALL. Please be certain to sign up as we need numbers for the caterer. CWL members, family and friends are most welcome. Hope to see you there for a delicious catered lunch (cost $12/person), presentation of milestone pins to CWL members, and some interesting presentations. May Mary, Our Lady of Good Counsel, bless one and all! Mary Bibik ~ Past President, member of Steering Committee—Judy Albiani, Janet Brunger, Joan Armstrong & Monika Bingham Catechism News First Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday, April 26th 2015 at 11am Mass. No Catechism/Childr en’s Choir on Febr uar y 16th Louis Riel. Confirmation on May 3r d 2015 at 1:00pm in MTS Center. Lighthouse Catholic Media There are new selections of CDs in the gathering space. These CDs include explanations of our Catholic Faith, accounts of God’s incredible mercy in the personal lives of Catholics, and practical information for living your faith. Please remember that your donations of $5.00 will help to make new titles available in the future. For more information contact Heather at 204-832-1993. Tax Receipts 2014 are in the gathering space. To save the postage...Please pick up your tax receipt. Thank you. Knights of Columbus The wheelchair program is ongoing. Please contact the under-signed for further information. Application forms are posted on the Knights bulletin board in the vestibule. We invite all men 18 years and over to allow us the opportunity to explain fully the benefits of becoming a Knight. Annual membership is only $30.00 For more information or to inquire about volunteer opportunities with any of our programs please call 204 941 9320 or email [email protected] Harry Laarveld, Grand K night Funeral Lunch Reception Service Volunteers You are Invited to Join this Service. The Funeral Lunch Reception Service is offered to OLPH parishioners by volunteers of our parish. All parishioners are welcome to join this important service. If you are able to help us in one or more of the following areas, please call Joan at 204 895-7595 or Judy K. at 204 885-5850: preparing at the church, serving, clean-up, baking, phoning, shopping for supplies. The greater the number of volunteers we have, the more the work can be shared, allowing us to call on volunteers every 2nd or 3rd funeral. There is a charge for the lunch receptions and once the expenses are covered, the money remaining is donated to organizations such as the following: Pregnancy and Family Support Services, Life’s Vision, Serena Manitoba, Rossbrook House, Westgrove School Breakfast Program, Euthanasia Prevention, Campaign Life Coalition, Northern Missions, Mater Care International. We appreciate the volunteers who already give of their time and energy to support this service. In Our Thoughts and Prayers Please remember in your prayers, parishioner, GEORGE ABGRALL Husband of Anita Abgrall May he rest in the peace of Christ Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner, February 17th Once again, our parish will be having a Pancake Dinner on Shrove Tuesday, February 17th. Help is needed for cleaning up. If you think you can help in any way, please contact the office 204-832-1993. Thank you. We Joyfully Welcomed Into The Family Of God ISABELLE MARLEY SINGLE Baptism this Sunday, February 1, 2015 “Think of the love that God has lavished on us, by letting us be called God’s own children; and that is what we are.” 1 John 3:1 Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia, Palliative Care Winnipeg Life's Vision Presents their 2015 Annual Luncheon With Guest Speaker - Dr. Larry Rados, MD MP Steven Fletcher has introduced two private members’ bills that support physician-assisted suicide for all competent adults over the age of 18 years. This issue will be brought forward before the 2015 federal election. If you want to be better educated on this topic join us on: Saturday, February 7, 2015 at Holy Eucharist Parish Centre 460 Munroe Ave. (corner of Munroe and Watt). Doors open at 11am. Speaker at 11:30am. Tickets are $20.00 each and can be purchased by contacting Life’s Vision Manitoba at 204 233-8047 or email [email protected] Hello from St. Paul’s College The Alumni and Friends Mardi Gras Bash is coming up on February 7th! Mardi Gras is the College’s fundraising event where proceeds go to support the Ignatian Scholars Endowment Fund. A recent bronze sponsor, St. Paul’s College Students are challenging their Alumni and Friends to meet their contribution and participation! Have you got your tickets? Come and check out this event! We would love to see you. Call the College’s Rector Chris Adams 204-474-8581 to reserve your tickets! Students 18+ $60 Individual Tickets $125 Pair of Tickets 2@$225 Cana "Come and See" —from Chemin Neuf Community— - an opportunity to get a taste of Cana: Sunday, Feb 22, 3pm - 5pm (childcare provided) or Thursday March 5, 7:00-9:00 (no childcare provided) please RSVP For more info call Ted or Nancy Wood at 204 885 2260 PARISH PANCAKE SUPPER Shrove Tuesday Don’t miss the Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 17th following the 6:00 p.m. Mass Sign up today in the gathering space! Countdown for Lent Ash Wednesday is coming! Lent begins on February 18th. Lent is the time of repentance, change of heart and prayer. Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross at 6 pm Friday evenings dur ing Lent star ting February 20, 2015. Chez Nous Fundraiser Come and join us for an evening of fun, Friday, February 13th, at St. Charles Parish to help Chez Nous, a drop-in centre in downtown Winnipeg. There will be a dinner and dance to a live band, meat draw and silent auction. Tickets are $25. Please call Angela Bowman, 204-804-8155. If you can donate a prize for the silent auction, call Remi Van Achte, 204 -837-1500. Or see the OLPH parish office for tickets. A Weekend of Discovery a Lifetime of Love: The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend will be held March 6 - 8, 2015 at St. Benedict’s Monastery and Retreat Centre, 225 Masters Ave, West St. Paul. The weekend is open to any married couple wanting to make a good marriage even better. For more information please contact Serge & Ira Boulet at (204) 951- 8075 or by email at [email protected] “O that today you would listen to the voice of the Lord. Do not harden your hearts!”—Psalm 95 From Archbishop Gagnon Solemnity of St. Joseph March 19th each year, marks the Solemnity of St. Joseph, the patron of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg. Last year, I celebrated this solemnity at St. Joseph’s Residence in Winnipeg. This year there is a special significance as the Solemnity of St. Joseph falls within our 100th Anniversary Year. I would like to invite clergy and faithful to join me at St. Joseph’s Parish in Winnipeg on March 19, 2015 at 7:00pm for this year’s celebration.
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