Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Pastor Rev. Robert Fox 265-5586 Deacon Rev. Mr. Edward McCarthy 267-7217 Rev. Arnel Raboy Parochial Vicar Rev. John Savio Retired priest in residence Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 1401 CY Avenue, Casper, WY 82604 e-mail: [email protected] web-site: www.fatimaincasper.org Church Office 265-5586 Religious Education 473-2076 Music Ministry, Caring Ministry 265-5586 Marriage Preparation Classes 797-1117 St. Anthony Tri-Parish Catholic School 234-2873 Daily Mass: 9:00 AM Monday—Friday Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary: 8:30 AM Mon.—Fri. Saturday Mass of Anticipation: 5:30 PM Saturday Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, & 11:30 AM Reconciliation: 3:30-5:00 PM Saturday or by appointment First Saturday of each Month: 9:00 AM Mass Holy Days: Masses at 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM unless indicated otherwise Scripture Readings Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions Sat. 1-31 Sun. 2-01 Sun. 2-01: Dt 18:15-20 Ps 95:1-2,6-9 1 Cor 7:32-35 Mk 1:21-28 The Presentation of the Lord Mon. 2-02: Mal 3:1-4 Ps 24:7-10 Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2:22-30 Tues. 2-03: Heb 12:1-4 Ps 22:26b-28,30-32 Mk 5:21-43 Wed. 2-04: Heb 12:4-7,11-15 Ps 103:1-2,13-14,17-18a Mk 6:1-6 Mon. 2-02 Tues. 2-03 Wed. 2-04 5:30 PM—B.K. Dolan 8:30 AM—The Poor 10:00 AM—Musetta Aponte’ 11:30 AM—The Parish 9:00 AM—+Michael Carr 9:00 AM—Andrew Wlazlo’s business 9:00 AM—Fr. Ruzicka 5:30 PM—Evening Prayer 9:00 AM—+Steve Strang 9:00 AM—Daniel Green No nursing home Mass Thurs. 2-05: Heb 12:18-19,21-24 Ps 48:2-4,9-11 Mk 6:7-13 Thurs. 2-05 Fri. 2-06 Fri. 2-06: Heb 13:1-8 Ps 27:1,3,5,8b-9c Mk 6:14-29 Sat. 2-07 9:00 AM—+Margery Boyer Sat. 2-07: Heb 13:15-17,20-21 Ps 23:1-6 Mk 6:30-34 Sat. 2-07 Sun. 2-08 5:30 PM—+Joe Klebba 8:30 AM—The Parish 10:00 AM—Matthew Brechtel 11:30 AM—The Poor Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sun. 2-08: Jb 7:1-4,6-7 Ps 147:1-6 1 Cor 9:16-19,22-23 Mk 1:29-39 As a Catholic Christian Community we bring forth these guidelines regarding the Sacrament of infant Baptism. Since this is a sacrament of initiation (introduction) to the Catholic Community the following must take place: *The parents must be registered at Our Lady of Fatima, and be consistently seen attending Mass in this church. *If this is the first child, parent (s) must attend a Baptismal Preparation class. *Godparents must be Baptized, Confirmed, and practicing Catholics. One Godparent can be of a Protestant denomination. If for good reason Godparents are from out of town, or another Catholic church in town, a letter from their pastor is required to state they are practicing members in good standing. *A visitation with the priest or deacon is necessary before scheduling a date for the Baptism of the child. *Those not registered in our parish must have written permission from their pastor to have their child Baptized in our church. February schedule…… Feb. 1 — Prayer Shawl Meeting 1:00-3:00 PM, Parish Center Feb. 5 — CCW Board Meeting After the 9:00 AM Mass, Marian Room Feb. 6-8 — WY Youth Retreat St. Anthony Tri-Parish Catholic School Feb. 8 — Holy Name Meeting after 8:30 AM Mass, Marian Room Feb. 10 — Mother Cabrini Circle 11:30 AM, Parish Center Feb. 10 — St. John Bosco Circle 7:00 PM, Fatima Hall Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 ATTENTION ALL YOUNG PEOPLE AGES 13-30! The challenging message of World Youth Day 2000 in Rome is being spread throughout the United States by an initiative called YOUTH 2000. Wyoming CATHOLIC Youth Retreat connected with YOUTH 2000 in the year 2000 and began offering retreats. We have continued to offer this retreat every year for the youth and young adults of Wyoming. This retreat is responding to the call of Saint Pope John Paul II to enable young people to live and proclaim the Gospel. You are invited to Wyoming Catholic Youth Retreat on February 6, 7, & 8, 2015 at St. Anthony Tri-Parish School in Casper, WY. You will have the opportunity to gather with other young people your age for prayer, adoration, singing, and learning about our Catholic Faith. For more information, please call your youth minister or Gerise Vignaroli at 307.258.3221. We hope to see you there!!! Feb. 11 — St. Bernadette Circle 1:00 PM, Home of Jeanne Brodrecht 392 Oleander St. Feb. 12 — Our Lady of Fatima Circle 11:30 AM, Fatima Hall Feb. 18 — ASH WEDNESDAY Masses at 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM Feb. 19 — Parish Council Meeting 7:00 PM, Office Conference Room Feb. 20 — Lenten Soup & Bread Meal 6:00 PM, Fatima Hall, hosted by Parish Council Feb. 20 — Stations of the Cross, 7:00 PM Feb. 22 — Appreciation Lunch for Fr. Arnel Raboy after 11:30 AM Mass, Fatima Hall Feb. 21-22 — R.C.I.A. Rite of Election at Masses Feb. 22 — World Youth Day meeting 6:30 PM, Fatima Hall Feb. 27 — Lenten Soup & Bread Meal 6:00 PM, Fatima Hall, hosted by the Choir Feb. 27 — Stations of the Cross, 7:00 PM Next weekend, February 7 and 8, there will be a Second Collection for the Seminarian Education Fund. Please be generous in supporting those men preparing for the priesthood from our diocese! TAX TIME This is a reminder that Contribution Substantiation Statements are not automatically sent at year end. If you require a statement for tax purposes, please contact the office at 265-5586 and we will be happy to mail you a statement. Please call the parish office, 265-5586, to remove names from our prayer list of individuals who are now well. Thank you to those who keep us updated on their loved ones’ progress. LET US PRAY for……… RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Wednesday night schedule Mass at 5:30 PM, Lite dinner at 6:00 PM, Classes at 6:30 PM —————————————— Fr. Fox’s Adult Religious Education classes on Prayer are at 10:00 AM in Fatima Hall, 6:30 PM in the church —————–—————————————————————————— Don Swanton, Eleanor Feiler, Ava Davis, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Ben Doyle, Dale Lewallen, Kim Martin, Bill Wednesday mornings from 11:00 AM—noon Douglass, Elma Pottoroff, Ann Lund, Shirley Hansen, Bob Springer, Deanna Schaff, Amy Finn, Myrtle Mellies, Marge WORLD YOUTH DAY Urich, Ann Hughes, Juanita Van Maren, INFORMATIONAL MEETING Melissa Youmans, Angie Proper, Mike World Youth Day 2016 will be held in Krakow, PoBrelsford, Alberta Giraldo, Msgr. O’Neill, land from July 18 to August 3, 2016. There be an Ret Minahan, Kathy Combs, John Van informational meeting for those interested in going Heule to WYD on Sunday, February 22 at 6:30 PM in FatiPRAYER CHAIN ma Hall. Come for information and dinner. RSVP to Please call Evie Hankins at 235-2171, Mary Melanie Heard at [email protected] or Garcia at 234-0494, or Margie Valdez, 265- Carol O’Hearn at 473-2076 by 4:00 pm Friday, Feb4253 ruary 20. Please consider spending time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Anthony’s Adoration chapel. Three hours need to be filled: Tuesday 8:00-9:00 AM and Wednesday 4:00-5:00 AM, Thursday 8:00-9:00 PM. There are many hours available to share. Call Michelle, 234-2945 to sign up. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Thursdays 7:00-8:30 PM in Deacon Ed’s office For questions call Deacon Ed McCarthy at 267-7217 February 5 — Chapters 28 & 29 LIFE SKILLS ~ a marriage preparation class ~ Feb. 7 at 9:00 AM St. Patrick’s, call 797-1117 to register The latest winner in the Knights of Columbus Council 9917 4th Annual Gun-A-Week Raffle is #4019 Paul Neubauer of Mills, WY. Tickets are now available for the 5th Annual Gun-A-Week Raffle at www.kofc9917.org. CaYAC — Catholic Young Adults of Casper — is a community of men and women (20s, 30s, and college) who seek to grow closer to Christ through friendship, prayer, formation, and service. To find out more, visit us on Facebook or at www.caspercatholics.com/cayac. The Religious Goods Store in Fatima Hall is open after the 8:30 and 10:00 AM Sunday Masses. Call Bernie at 265-4436 if you need an item at another time. Marriage Encounter Weekends in 2015: Cheyenne — April 10-12 Casper — June 12-14 Ucross — November 6-8For mo For more information please contact Father Tom Ogg at 307-763-0782 or [email protected] ——————————————————————— AWAKEN AWAKEN to the life ( and marriage) for which you were created! An evening of music & marriage enrichment by TAJCI (TY-Chi) an internationally celebrated singer/songwriter, performer & host of “Waking Up in America” TV show Saturday, February 28, 7:00 PM St. Anthony Church Freewill donations accepted Sponsored by Worldwide Marriage Encounter St. Anthony Tri-Parish Catholic School 1145 W. 20th St. Casper, WY 307-234-2873 www.stanthonytri-parishschool.net Save the date for our Fishers of Men Partners In Education (P.I.E.) Dinner and Auction which is on Satur day, Mar ch 14, 2015. Our theme this year is ‘Fishers of Men.’ We would love to have you attend, just call the school to purchase your table or sponsorship at 307-234-2873. New Family Registration has begun for the 2015-2016 school year at St. Anthony Tri-Parish Catholic School. We offer a first class education with many amenities including: all day preschool, a summer enrichment program, apprenticeship opportunities for middle schoolers, differentiated instruction, competitive after school sports program, and much, much more! Use this link, http:// bit.ly/1JY8Wdq, to access an application from our website and if you have any questions or need to come visit us please call (307) 234-2873 for more information. National Catholic Schools Week was last week and we are sending a special thank you to everyone who joined us for our school Mass on Tuesday. What a wonderful way to celebrate our faith together with our community. St. Anthony Tri-Parish Catholic School 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Students 4.0 Honor Roll - Chandr a Fr ank, Ryan Leyba, Ashlynn MacPher son, McKenzie Wood, Cassi Cr ossen, Madison Galles, Dani Mohr, Makenzie Anderson, Avery Delaney, Olivia Edgington, Laura Hoversland, Samantha Veauthier Principal’s Honor Roll 3.80 – 3.89 - Mar y MacGuir e, Meghan Dean, Sar ah Skiles, Gr ace Clair e, J or dan Delaney First Honor Roll 3.50 – 3.79 - Lucia Vigner i, Ashton Bower Second Honor Roll 3.00 – 3.49 - Abigail Fr imml, Kylee Paulson, J ulia Conte, Gr ace Buffa, Katie Lux, Noelle Vigner i HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE - Join Bishop Paul Etienne on a unique Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, departing Easter Monday, April 6th from Denver. The 12 day journey will include 1 night at Mt. Carmel, 3 nights on Mt. of Beatitudes by Sea of Galilee, 2 nights in Bethlehem and 5 nights in Jerusalem at the Notre Dame Hotel. This pilgrimage of 40 has only 10 remaining spaces open. Imagine experiencing the land of our Lord sanctified with His very life as you visit and pray at the various holy sites! For a detailed brochure and more information, contact Mary Jane Fox, L.H.S. at the Pilgrim Center of Hope; 210-521-3377 or [email protected]. Mary’s Fund Donations for Mary’s Fund 2015 will go to Mary’s Meals. This is a global movement that sets up school feeding projects in some of the world’s poorest communities where hunger and poverty prevent children from going to school and getting an education. To donate to Mary’s Meals, send your check to CCW treasurer Ret Minahan. YOUTH MINISTRY POSITION The Faith Family of St. ANTHONY OF PADUA seeks a Sacramentally active Catholic, energetic and qualified to coordinate our Senior High and Middle School Youth MinisWYOMING CATHOLIC LAYMAN’S RETREAT will try Program and to collaborate with the Religious Faith Education Team in other areas of spiritual growth for our be March 13th, 14th, and 15th, 2015 at St. Anthony’s Parish youth. Applicants must be willing to work in an interHall, 642 S. Wolcott Street in Casper, Wyoming. Registra- generational environment, communicating weekly with the tion begins on March 13, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Rooms have Pastor, Parish staff, volunteers, parents and peer leaders. been reserved at the Parkway Plaza, (307) 235The position is hourly and part time {approximately 20 hours per week}. Job description provided upon request. 1777. Please make your reservations by March 1, 2015. For more information, please contact Tom Leman at Please, call 307-266 2666 Monday through Friday. Our Office hours are: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 and 01:00 p.m. – 05:00 (307) 473-1305 or Ron Knievel at (307) 265-3277 or p.m., on Mondays; 08:00 a.m. Tuesdays through Friday: [email protected]. Fr. James Schumacher from St. 08:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.; 01:00 p.m. until 05: 00 p.m. If you Lawrence O’Toole Parish in Laramie will be the retreat wish to visit us in person, we are located at 604 South Center master. The topic will be “Living Christ in the World To- Street, Casper WY. day”. A Beginning Experience weekend offers support and direction to help resolve grief or anger that can follow the end of a marriage by divorce, separation or death. The next Beginning Experience weekend will be in Douglas at 7:00 P.M. on Friday evening Feb. 27, 2015 and runs through Sunday afternoon March 1. Cost of the weekend is $150.00. Partial scholarships are available. Registration deadline is Feb. 25, 2015. Ask these team members for more information. Curtis at 307-333 -4450 or cell 307-240-1232, Rick at 307-265-3201, Diane at 307-262-4142, Paulletta at 307-237-5472.
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