Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church & School Tujunga Canyon Blvd & Apperson Street Parish Office 7344 Apperson Street—Tujunga. CA 91042 818-352-3218 http://www.ollchurch.us/ Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:30 pm Saturday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER April 10, 2016 TERCER DOMINGO DE PASCUA Pastor Fr. Rolly Astudillo 818-352-3218 x 103 [email protected] Priest in Residence Fr. Jiwan Kim [email protected] Deacon Couple Mar & Vivian Enriquez [email protected] Deacon Couple Ignatius & Helen Suh [email protected] Parish Business Manager Pam Wollonciej 818-352-3218 x 102 [email protected] Secretary Yolanda Enriquez 818-352-3218 x 100 [email protected] Religious Ed Coordinator Flor Zano 818-353-3053 [email protected] Confirmation Coordinator Deacon Mar Enriquez 818-352-3218 [email protected] Music Director Ania Balon 818-224-9363 [email protected] Wedding Coordinator Michelle Laforce 818-515-5068 School Principal Jennifer Reynaga 818-353-1106 [email protected] School Office Manager Cathy Ercek 818-353-1106 [email protected] Safeguard the Children Chairperson Pam Wollonciej 818-352-3218 x 102 [email protected], MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Thursday 7:45 am Friday 8:30 am Saturday - Vigil for Sunday 5:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am, 10:30am & 12:30 pm Sunday—Spanish 8:30 am Sunday 6:00 pm Why a Jubilee of Mercy We are in our 5th month of the Year of Mercy. We can’t miss it – the works of mercy on banners around our Church, little tips in the bulletin on how we can live mercy in our everyday, a Holy Year of Mercy flyer on alternate Sundays. But why a Jubilee of Mercy? Pope Francis in his homily a year ago today gave us the answer. “Many question in their hearts: why a Jubilee of Mercy today? Simply because the Church, in this time of great historical change, is called to offer more evident signs of God’s presence and closeness.” “…This is a time for the Church to rediscover the meaning of the mission entrusted to her by the Lord on the day of Easter: to be a sign and an instrument of the Father’s mercy…. A Holy Year to experience strongly within ourselves the joy of having been found by Jesus, the Good Shepherd who has come in search of us because we were lost….. A year in which to be touched by the Lord Jesus and to be transformed by his mercy, so that we may become witnesses to mercy. Here, then, is the reason for the Jubilee: because this is the time for mercy. It is the favorable time to heal wounds, a time not to be weary of meeting all those who are waiting to see and to touch with their hands the signs of the closeness of God, a time to offer everyone, everyone, the way of forgiveness and reconciliation.” “May the Mother of God open our eyes, so that we may comprehend the task to which we have been called; and may she obtain for us the grace to experience this Jubilee of Mercy as faithful and fruitful witnesses of Christ.” MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER Forgive some who has hurt you without asking them to say they are sorry. TOGETHER IN MISSION UPDATE March 20th Collection: $1,793.00 There will be a second collection the weekend of April 16th and 17th. Thank you for your generosity Catholic Daughters invite you…… Annual Tea & Fashion Show Sunday April 24th 1:30—4:00—Parish Hall Tickets are $15.00 To purchase tickets in advance: Contact: Dorla Marquis 818-767-7555 AROUND OUR PARISH…. 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month we open our Pasture Food Pantry for those less fortunate in our community. Consider donating non perishable items, they may be bought to the Parish Office. Monetary donations are also appreciated. April 15 & 16th OLL Jr. High Performing Arts Program presents Cinderella. Tickets are only $9.00 for adults and $7.00 for children 13 and under. You may purchase your tickets in the Parish office. April 17th American Red Cross Blood Drive 8am to 2pm In the Auditorium. Consider giving the gift of life. April 30th Zumba Class at 6:00 pm in the Auditorium. $5.00 donation appreciated to help the Health Ministry. And along comes pretty little May…. Confirmation on Sunday May 1st at 6:00 pm Mass. Please keep candidates in your prayers. Welcome! This year at the Easter Vigil our community was blessed to be able to welcome new members into our faith and to celebrate their initiation as full members of the Catholic Church. Children: Aldan Cortes Martinez Randy Fernandez Zuniga Nicolas Gomez-Verrastro Danna Perez Virgilio Perez Emma Rodriguez Lucca Vieira Katelynn Weaver Zachary Weaver Adults: Justin Dingman Barbara King-Padilla Hank Sheppherd The Lord’s Flock Community invites everyone: Praise & Worship Service Every Friday 7:45pm - Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome to join I seeking and knowing the Lord through Worship and Scripture. Children and youth classes are also available. For additional details, please contact Robert Mallo at 323-646-3981. Join Fr. Rolly In Celebration of the Jubilee Year of Mercy On a Pilgrimage Tour to Italy Including : Milan, Padua, Venice, Assisi, San Giovanni Rotondo, Rome & the Vatican November 3-13, 2016 For more information: Please call Sister Marita at: 818-388-1282 Wild West Weekend—Family Fund Days May 13-15th Western BBQ Live Music Rides & Games Fun filled weekend for the family! SAFEGUARDING THE CHILDREN archdiocese continues helping survivors of sexual abuse and their families As we start April, Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles wants to reiterate that it remains committed to helping survivors and their families heal and find peace. If you believe you or someone you know is a victim of sexual abuse by a Church employee or volunteer, please contact the archdiocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at (213) 637-7650. Suzanne Healy is available to help and support. Recuerden que el 1er y 3er sábado del mes tenemos nuestro banco de alimentos, abierto para ayudar a los más necesitados de nuestra comunidad. Si desean ayudar traigan a la oficina de la parroquia alimentos que no se malogren. También aceptamos donaciones monetarias. Este domingo, 10 de abril tendremos el Desayuno Anual de los Boy Scouts. Vengan a disfrutar de un delicioso desayuno de panqueques para apoyar a la tropa de niños exploradores de OLL. Ellos estarán vendiendo boletos o simplemente vayan al Auditorio y disfruten del delicioso desayuno. Las Hijas Católicas de América MASSES FOR THIS WEEK Saturday April 9—Vigil Thid Sunday of Easter 5:00 pm Estrella Agamata † Jum Joo Chung † Rosalie Haase † Louis Lata † Sunday April 10 Third Sunday of Easter 7:00 am Vera McNamara † OLL Community of Faith 8:30 am Armando Alvarez (Health & needs) 10:30 am Florencia Banquerigo B/Day Thanksgiving Jackie Pensanti—healing Rosemarie Thomson—intentions 12:30 pm Daniel Cruz † B/Day Remembrance Bogdan Tomaszewski † 6:00 pm Maria Gershon † Gloria Ponjavich B/Day Thanksgiving Monday April 11 St. Stanisllaus, Bishop & Martyr 7:45 am OLL Staff Tuesday April 12 7:45 am Rosalie Haase † Wednesday April 13 St. Martin 7:45 am OLL Lectors Thursday April 14 7:45 am OLL Eucharistic Ministers Friday April 15 8:30 am Eliseo Zapata † B/Day Remembrance Les invitan a divertirse. Vengan al Show de Primavera Te y Desfile de Modas y Sombreros ¿Cuándo?= Domingo 24 de Abril, 2016 Horario= de 1:30 a 4:00 pm ¿Dónde?= Parish Hall Precio= $15.00 Para reservar una mesa, comprar boletos o disipar dudas contacten a Dorla Marquis-Forbes al 818-767-7555 o a Mary Dausner al 818-951-4846. El viernes y sábado 15 y 16 de abril, en la noche, los estudiantes de Jr. Hi, del programa de artes de actuación presentaran La Cenicienta. Valor de los boletos: $9- adultos y $7- niños de 13 años o menos. Pueden comprarlos en la oficina de la parroquia. Vengan a disfrutar de una noche de maravillosa. Campaña de Donación de Sangre Patrocinado por el Ministerio de Salud. El domingo 17 de Abril de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm en el Auditorio. Sean generosos. Den el regalo de vida. MISERICORDIOSO COMO EL PADRE Perdona a alguna persona que te ha ofendido sin requerir que te pida disculpas.
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