Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish, Stafford [A Parish of the Brisbane North West Deanery] Vision: “To follow the example of Jesus by serving others.” 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR B) Dear Parishioners and Visitors, Nick, Felix and Noah (our Catechumens) will J emieka, celebrate the “Rite of Election” in the Cathedral on Sunday February 22nd at 3pm. To enable us to sit together and be close to the front, you’d need to be at the Cathedral by 2.15pm at the latest. (Also bring something along to share a picnic in the Cathedral Grounds after the ceremony) It’d be wonderful for many of you to come along — not only to support and pray for this family but also for your own experience. It’s a really uplifting experience to see the Church of Brisbane together welcoming these new Elect. 7th/8th February, 2015 Next the bishop invites the catechumens to sign the book of the elect. ... Finally, during the act of admission or election, the bishop declares that the catechumens are members of the elect, to be initiated at the next Easter Vigil. Although many people refer to the ceremony as the time when catechumens “go to meet the bishop,” its meaning is very different. It is not about meeting a celebrity. It is about being named among God’s chosen people. S o what’s next for our “Elect”? They join us for, as the RCIA says, “In the Liturgy and liturgical catechesis of Lent, the reminder of baptism already received or the preparation for its reception, as well as the theme of repentance, renew the entire community along with those being prepared to celebrate the paschal mystery, in which HE RITE OF ELECTION: Nick, Jemieka, Felix, teach of the elect will share through the sacraments of The questions that are asked of the initiation.” para 125. Noah became Godparents (Kev and Trish McGrory) at the Rite “Catechumens” 4/3/14 (In other words, the Elect WITH ALL OF US journey together of Election. The Godparents speak on behalf of in Lent for renewal.) We do this through special the whole Church and, in particular our Parish Community who has ceremonies especially on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of journeyed with Jemieka, Nick, Felix and Noah (over 2 years now). Lent, Holy Saturday Morning, and of course, the Easter Vigil. We also do it by joining together in things like the Archbishop: God’s holy church wishes to know whether these Lenten Programme. candidates are sufficiently prepared to be enrolled among the elect T for the coming celebration of Easter. And so I speak first of all to you, their godparents. Arch: Have they faithfully listened to God’s word proclaimed by the Church? Godparents: They Have Arch: Have they responded to that word and begun to walk in God’s presence? Godparents: They Have Arch: Have they shared the company of their Christian brothers and sisters and joined with them in prayer? Godparents: They Have. Then the Archbishop asks the Catechumens: ...Your own Godparents and this entire community have spoken in your favour. The Church in the name of Christ accepts their judgement and calls you to the Easter Sacraments….you must now express your response to that call clearly….. Do you wish to enter fully into the life of the Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist? Catechumens: We do Archbishop: Then offer your names for enrolment. W hat is the “Rite of Election”? - by Paul Turner: During the rite of election the church formally announces the names of those who will soon celebrate the sacraments of initiation. Usually the rite of election takes place at the cathedral with the bishop on the First Sunday of Lent, and those who are named will celebrate baptism, confirmation, and first communion at their parishes during the following Easter Vigil. These individuals enter the cathedral as “catechumens” and leave as “elect.” The ceremony may also be called “enrolment of names.” “Election” refers to the idea of “the chosen people.” In Israel’s early history, God chose a people and established a covenant with them. Christians believe that God continues to choose people, now through the covenant of baptism. The rite of election thus establishes the names of those who will enter the new covenant through the sacraments of initiation. The key moments of the rite are the affirmation by the godparents and the act of admission or election. In the affirmation, the godparents testify that the catechumens are worthy to be initiated. Their testimony reveals the church’s positive judgment about the catechumens’ desire and behavior. The entire assembly may also join the affirmation. Please register your intention to join in the Lenten Programme (see below) this Lent. Resources cost $10 for each person. Nick or Jemieka will be participating in a Monday or Thursday night session respectively. All night sessions start at 7pm! The sign-on form is at the Back of the Church. 2 015 LENTEN PROGRAM: Rich in Mercy At the end of the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus asks the lawyer: 'Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?' The lawyer replied, 'The one who showed him mercy.' Jesus said to him, 'Go and do likewise' (Luke 10:3637). The mercy of God is a constant theme of the Covenant with Israel in the Old Testament. Jesus, as the New Covenant, gives God's mercy flesh and bones through his actions and words. These Lenten reflections for individuals and groups are focused on the second readings for the Sundays of Lent. On the Fourth Sunday of Lent we hear of God's great love – 'rich in mercy'! Through this abundant and ever-flowing mercy we have been made 'alive together with Christ' (Ephesians 2:5). The six scripture reflections in the book have been written by Archbishop Mark Coleridge. These eloquent and insightful commentaries emphasise 'the power of mercy that leads us out of a merciless world into a world where mercy has the last word'. The six sessions of Rich in Mercy will provide: opening prayers; the second readings for each Sunday; scripture reflections; discussion questions; closing prayers; and suggestions for works of mercy in daily life…………... IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN DOING THIS PROGRAM (either in a group or on your own) PLEASE ADD YOUR NAME TO THE LIST AT THE MAIN CHURCH DOOR SO BOOKS CAN BE ORDERED. We would be hopeful of getting several groups together, both in the daytime and the evening. C S NEXT WEEK’S READINGS 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (YEAR B) Q.1 What’s the difference between outlaws and inlaws? 1st Reading: 2nd Reading: Gospel: W Leviticus 13:1-2,44-46 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 Mark 1:40-45 OUNTERS ROSTER: Monday 9th February, Team C: Brian Davissen, Kev Haley, Peter Dove. TAFFORD KEDRON CHURCHES TOGETHER pray this week for parishioners of St Clement’s Anglican Parish. Q.1 What do you call a bear who has no teeth? R ELIGIOUS GOODS SHOP: Have you dropped in lately to see what is available? There are gifts for many occasions as well as a good supply of cards. Come and see. Don’t forget to pick up your Catholic Leader here. There are Bibles, daily reflection books, Memorial Cards, Statues, Candles, and more!! S I OCIAL CLUB resumes THIS Wednesday 4th February with a Trading Table of ‘anything’. We look forward to seeing all our regulars, as well as some new faces this year. NDOOR BOWLS CLUB will restart this Wednesday, 11th February. We are looking for new members, even if you have never played before you will be welcome. Inquiries can be made to the Parish Office on 3356 7755. ENT starts on Wednesday 18th February. It’s an important time of renewal for all of us. We are asked to fast and someone said that there are 3 reasons for fasting: 1) Deepen awareness of need for God to nourish us; 2) Reminds us of the plight of the poor who have grumbling stomachs all the time; 3) Reminds us not to depend, or be ruled by every physical need. – God gives us our Daily Bread! L A sh Wednesday Mass and Distribution of Ashes: Mass will be at 7am on Ash Wednesday with distribution of ashes. If you wish to take ashes home to someone who cannot attend, please bring a small container. The words we use for the distribution of Ashes this year are, “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel.” P ROJECT COMPASSION 2015: The theme for Project Compassion 2015 is “Food for Life” and the Social Justice Group of Grovely, Samford and Mitchelton are pleased to partner with Caritas in presenting guest speaker, Prakash Khadka, Program Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator for Caritas Nepal who will talk about the work of Caritas in Nepal in promoting peace, community development, and economic sustainability. All are welcome!! When: Tuesday 17 February at 6.45 for 7.00 pm Where: Daley Centre, St William’s, Dawson Parade, Keperra K .SC. Members are reminded that the next monthly meeting of Branch 56 will be held at Our Lady’s Church Centre Everton Park on Thursday 12 February 2015 commencing 7.30pm. P arents with Children – How much can your children see of what’s happening in the Sanctuary from where you usually sit? When you think of it, their usual view is very restricted by adults sitting in front of them – consider moving to the front where they may feel more a part of the celebration and where, not only will they see more, but they will be ‘immersed’ in the sound of the singing and responding from the congregation behind and around them. orld Day of Prayer: Our Parish is hosting the “World Day of Prayer” on the first Friday of March (6th). We’ll be looking for people to help out and provide some goodies in catering. Also there will be no 1st Friday Morning Tea that Friday. T he Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: Are you preparing for an operation? Have you been recently diagnosed with a serious illness? Have you experienced a “downturn” in your sickness? The celebration of the ANOINTING OF THE SICK is for you! We are celebrating it after each Mass NEXT weekend and every third Sunday of the month. Please come to the front row of seats on the flat area (near the baptismal font) after Mass. V erse-for-Vinnies is a concert that raises funds for the battlers of our community through the performance of our Australian Poetry by professional poets. On 22 Feb. Peter Mace will be our feature poet. This award winning poet will give you a variety of humour with his “Courting Mary”and pathos with “What Price a VC”. He is currently Australian Bush Poetry Champion and three times winner of the prestigious Golden Damper Award at Tamworth. The venue is Mary Mackillop Centre, 67 Dawson Parade Grovely. Starts 1.30pm. Cost $15 which includes afternoon tea. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein 1 L 25th Anniversary of Holy Cross School, Wooloowin: See the Noticeboard for details of the Anniversary events planned this year, for this important celebration. ittle King’s Movement for the Handicapped will hold its annual appeal in our Parish, next weekend., 14th/15th February. For over 50 years the Movement has provided voluntary assistance to people of all faiths. There is no charge for any of the services offered. Calls for their services continue to increase. Please take an envelope home and return it to the giving plate at Mass or to the Parish Office. L IFE IN LIMBO Come along to the Pineapple Hotel on Monday the 9th of February and meet Dr Catherine Althaus-Kaefer, currently a professor from the University of Victoria in Canada. Dr Catherine, originally from Brisbane, will be discussing the fascinating topic of frozen embryos. WHEN: 7:30pm Monday the 9th of February 2015 WHERE: The Pineapple Hotel, 706 Main Street, Kangaroo Point QLD 4169 (plenty of parking in Baines St or 10min walk from Woolloongabba bus station) EAT: Come along from 6:30pm onwards for a drink or a meal in The Park Bar (optional) ($10 FoT menu available) www.pineapplehotel.com.au/dining/park-bar/ TALK: Join us at 7:30pm in the function room upstairs for the presentation. QnA and social time follows ENTRY BY DONATION: min. $2.00 (to help us cover running costs) MORE INFO: Lizzie: 0430 198 971 / David: 0431 956 753 Email: [email protected] RSVP: www.facebook.com/events/328689144004725/ PLEASE NOTE: FoT is for young adults aged 18 to 35 years* *Priests & religious of all ages are welcome) *17yo schoolleavers / uni-students also welcome) A.1 Outlaws are wanted! C ARITAS AUSTRALIA: In a letter received this week from Caritas, we are told “The support of the parishes in the Archdiocese in 2014 continued in the same generous manner as it has over the years. We raised, altogether, just over $1,163,789.00 throughout the Archdiocese for Project Compassion, your parish (Stafford) contributing $9,845.60. What a fantastic result..” Thank you once again for your generosity towards each of the appeals to which we are asked to contribute. C ELEBRATING INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY HIGH TEA: Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital will host International Women’s Day High Tea to raise awareness about women’s healthcare in our cancer programs and our hospitals in India. Please join us on Saturday 7th March, 2pm-4pm, Ground Floor, Sister Edith Centre for Education, Holy Spirit Northside Hospital, 627 Rode Rode, Chermside. Tickets are $35 with champagne on arrival, door prizes, raffles and high tea. Keynote Speaker is Sr Sarita Kurikattil, Provincial Leader of the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters. RSVP Saturday 28th February to Kelly Connellan on 3326 3371 or email [email protected] Q.2 What has a baboon’s bottom, a lion’s mane and a penguin’s beak? A A couple lived near the ocean and used to walk the beach a lot. One summer they noticed a girl who was at the beach pretty much every day. She wasn’t unusual, nor was the travel bag she carried, except for one thing. She would approach people who were sitting on the beach, glance around, then speak to them. Generally, the people would respond negatively and she would wander off, but occasionally someone would nod and there would be a quick exchange of money for something she carried in her bag. The couple assumed she was selling drugs and debated calling the police, but since they didn’t know for sure, they just continued to watch her. After a couple of weeks the wife asked, “Honey, have you ever noticed that she only goes up to people with boom boxes and other electronic devices?” He hadn’t and said so, Then she said, “Tomorrow I want you to get a towel and our big radio and go lie out on the beach. Then we can find out what she’s really doing.” ssembly of Catholic Professionals Luncheon Everyone welcome Date: - Thursday 26 February 2015 Where: - Hilton Hotel, Brisbane Time:- 11:45am for a 12:15pm start Cost:- $176.00 a ticket includes 2 course lunch and drinks Guest Speakers: Matthew and Diane Ames (as featured on the Sunday Night Program) - Brisbane based couple whose lives were changed when Matthew lost all four limbs after contracting a streptococcal infection. Don’t miss hearing this inspirational story! Contact Colleen Keating on 3324 3200 for tickets or visit our website at www.catholicfoundation.org.au/acp Well, the plan went off without a hitch, and the wife was almost hopping up and down with anticipation when she saw the girl talk to her husband and then leave. The man walked up the beach and met his wife at the road. “Well, is she selling drugs?” she asked excitedly?” B “Sally sells C cells by the Seashore!!!!” risbane Cursillo Movement is holding a workshop on How to live “The Joy of the Gospel’ On Saturday & Sunday, 21 & 22 February 2015 at “No, she’s not.” he said, enjoying this probably more than he should have. “Well, what is it then?” his wife shrieked. The man grinned and said, “Her name is Sally and she’s a battery salesperson.” “Batteries?” cried the wife. “Yes,” he replied.................................................. R ALLY FOR LIFE: Join us on Saturday 21st February Where: Kindilan, Cnr Days & German Creek Roads, Redland at Queens Park, cnr William, Elizabeth and Bay Qld 4165. All enquiries please contact Michael 3353 George Streets, Brisbane. The rally begins with 0633 or Lionel 0417 786 542 entertainment at 1.15pm followed by the main Rally Commencing: 9.30am on the Saturday and finishing after for Life event with guest speakers. Bring your friends, lunch on Sunday. THIS WORKSHOP IS OPEN TO ALL. relatives, children, hat, water, sunscreen chair, A.2 A zoo H ow can I support our safeguarding practices? * teach your children self protective behaviours * report any unsafe or inappropriate behavior *take part in planning, managing and delivering safe parish activities for children and vulnerable adults. “to protect every man and every woman, to look upon them with tenderness and love, is to open up a horizon of hope" Pope Francis umbrella, rug and suggested donation of $5. See noticeboard for more. Our Lady, Queen of Apostles Parish Parish School (“Queen of Apostles”) Parish Office: Address: 70 Appleby Road, Stafford 4053 Parish E-mail: [email protected] Parish WEBSITE: www.staffordcatholicparish.org.au Parish Pastoral Council: [email protected] Parish Secretary: Rosemary Haydock Office Hrs: M-Th 9.00am—4.30pm Fri 9.00am—-10.00am Office Telephone: – 3356 7155 Parish Administrator: Fr Denis Scanlan Fr Denis’ E-mail: [email protected] Parish Convent: (Sr Josita Paczkowska and Sr Maureen Stemko) 3356 6185 School Office: Address: 10 Thuruna Street, Stafford 4053 School email: [email protected] School Team: Principal: Nigel Bird APA: Melissa Spiteri APRE: Michael Bruynesteyn School Secretaries: • Thuruna St:: Cathy McGraw, Vera Fitzgerald • Chuter St: : Mary-Anne Coppolecchia School Office Hrs: 8.00am - 4.00pm Telephone (Thuruna St:) - 3356 7755 Telephone (Chuter St:) - 3326 0400 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Mon 9th 8.30am 6.00pm Mass Divine Mercy Prayer and Adoration Tues 10th 8.30am 7.00pm Prayer of the Church (Morning Prayer) Sacramental Parent Meeting Wed 11th 9.30am Indoor Bowls Club Thurs 12th 8.30am 5.00pm 7.30pm Mass Social Justice Meeting Parish Finance Council Meeting Fri 13th 9.00am Mass Morning Tea Sat 14th 5.00pm 6.00pm Reconciliation Mass Sun 15th 7.00am 9.00am 10.30am 2.30pm 5.30pm Mass Mass Baptisms Rosary Mass Please leave MOBILE PHONES turned OFF. BAPTISMS in this Parish occur at 10.30am on the Third Sunday of each Month (except during Lent). BAPTISM PREPARATION is on the First Sunday of each month at 10.30am. You may add a sick person’s name to the list by phoning the Parish Office (3356 7155). To keep the list ‘fresh’ the last four names each week will be deleted. If their illness continues, let’s know and we’ll add them to the start of the list. For the Sick: Rod Styman, Eddie Nicholson, Toddler Amity Brady, Edilene Fazza, Diane Stevens, Ashley Thornton, Hyacinth Morel, Margaret Munt, Tim Green, Neville Lamb, Joe Donnelly, Caroline Adams, Kevin Wildermuth, Bianca Muir.. (Please read above notice about the sick list) Those Recently Deceased: Chrysant Sprinkart (Wilgarning Street), Bill Brassington (husband of Ann), Leonie Byrnes, John Culic. Those We Remember: Greg Curry, all deceased Parishioners, their families and friends and all our brothers and sisters in Christ maimed, killed or dispossessed because of their faith. STAMPS FOR MARIST MISSIONS: A very big THANK YOU to all of our Stamp Savers. From stamps left in the Church Stamp Box and generous donations of Stamp Collections, we have raised $5,000 + for orphans and displaced persons since the March 2011 disasters in Japan. We are often asked ‘how do you sell the stamps’? Some are sold privately but most are listed as Lots and sold on eBay. Recent and high value Australian stamps are by far the biggest sellers; if you work, or know someone in an office which receives a high volume of mail, please help us by organising the collection of stamps that would otherwise be destroyed. ALL stamps are most welcome, particularly those with light or no postmarks. Please leave a border around the stamps when trimming them from envelopes - damaged or torn stamps are worthless. God bless you and thank you for your ongoing support. The Catholic Leader is available from the Religious Goods shop for $2. Purchase a copy today to find out what’s happening in the local Church and in the world. In this week’s issue: * Bishops plead for clemency for two Bali Nine drug smugglers facing death penalty * Six young religious sisters make professions in Brisbane * Leaders of Church bodies evaluate where their organisations stand in Queensland’s new political landscape * New Catholic boys’ school opens in Indooroopilly * Truth, Justice and Healing Council welcomes Royal Commission consultation paper on options of redress for victims of child sexual abuse * Pro-life Victorian MP to speak at Brisbane’s Rally for Life * Bishops and religious support Pope’s declaration of today (February 8) as a day of prayer in response to human trafficking * Brisbane’s Lenten resources focus on God’s mercy * Fr Anthony Ekpo talks about his journey of surprises from the village of Umudike, Nigeria, to the office of Archbishop Mark Coleridge VISITOR’S BOOK: If you are new to the Parish there is a visitor’s book at the main Church door. In it there are brief census cards. Please complete one and put it on “the plate” or hand in to the office. Our Lady has asked us to pray the Rosary for peace. Rosary is prayed here 1/2 an hour before each weekday Mass as well as on Sundays 2.303.30pm. Please join us. Contact the Parish Office on 3356 7155 for information regarding our Planned Gifting Program
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