February 1st 2015 Presentation of Christ in the Temple Holy Trinity Brussels Newsletter Today’s Services: 9.00 Holy Communion: Chris Martin 10.30 Holy Communion: Chris Martin 14.00 Holy Communion: Grace West 19.00 Holy Communion: Naomi Brown Sunday School Theme: Good King David? Our readings this week This Sunday we celebrate the presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Malachi 3:1-5 The Lord will come in judgment, suddenly and unexpectedly. Who will be able to stand before him? His coming will be less comfortable than many expect, for his judgment will lead to a process that will purge his people of all that is impure, making them acceptable to him. Psalm 24 Only one who is pure and who gives God undivided loyalty would dare climb the hill to worship the creator God, seeking his blessing. Who then is this, who climbs the heavenly hill alone, his hands clean and his heart pure? Who stands where we cannot, vindicated by God? A new creation established, his battle over, evil defeated, Christians witness the triumphant ascent of Jesus, our king. The infant Jesus will become our triumphant king. Hebrews 2:14-end Jesus is one with us in our human nature. It is because he understands our every human weakness, having shared entirely in the pains of suffering humanity, that he can help us. He will be able to present a sacrifice for the sins of the people that forever sets them free from the power of death. He is indeed a merciful and loving high priest. Luke 2:22-40 It is hard to imagine the arrival of the Lord in his Temple in a way more unexpected than that described by Luke: a helpless baby, brought by parents who could only afford the offering reserved to the poor. Yet Simeon and Anna, the representatives of all that is best in Israel, are there to welcome him. This child is the one who will not just save Israel, but the world and who will replace the world’s order with that of God. Pointers for prayer Do we look for God in places of worldly security and comfort, or among the poor and the weak? We should see the world God’s way; Jesus sets believers free from the power of death. Pray for all those who are dead to his love; Pray that we may indeed have the grace to pass our Christian faith on to the next generation – and beyond. At tonight’s 7 pm service Naomi Brown concludes the short study series “Manifest!” with ‘Manifest…to the people of God’, drawing on Malachi 3:1-5 and Luke 2:22-40 Our Life Together Welcome to Holy Trinity. Coffee and tea are served downstairs after the 10.30 service, the bar is also open. Do come down and join us for this time of fellowship, and introduce yourself if you are new to or visiting Brussels. Sunday School. The topic of the month for February is “Good King David?” This week the Bible passage is 2 Samuel 5:4 –12; 6:1–19. Wanted: writers for the Lent Meditation Book. If you would like to be given some readings on which to write a short thought for the Lent Mediation Book please contact David or Jane Brown [email protected] Copies of the Spring Term Programme are available at the back of the church. Please take a copy to keep abreast of everything planned for the next three months. The Christian bookstall is open downstairs during coffee after the 10.30 service. Come and have a browse of our new stock. There has been a special delivery of second hand children’s books so come and find bargains at just 50 cents each! Calling all bakers & buyers! The next Bun Sunday bake sale is on the 8th of February after the 10.30 service. Last year you helped us to raise just over € 3000 so any ideas welcome of projects to be supported. Please let me have your suggestion in writing or send an e-mail to [email protected] Oecumenical prayer with songs of Taizé at l’église Sainte Croix near Flagey on Tuesday 3rd February Following on the Oecumenical Week of Prayer for Christian Unity of the 18 till 25 January an oecumenical prayer with songs of Taizé is being organised on Tuesday 3rd February at 20:30 (rehearsal of the songs from 19:30) with the collaboration of Mgr. Jean Kockerols, auxiliary Bishop for Brussels, of Pastor Jean-Claude Thienpont, United Protestant Church in Belgium, Parish Ixelles – Rue du Champ de Mars, Reverend John Wilkinson, pastor of the Anglican Holy Trinity parish Ixelles, Reverend Andrew Gardner of Saint Andrews Church Ixelles, Reverend Father Milad Abou-Diwan of the parish of Our Lady of Lebanon Ixelles and Reverend Luc Terlinden, pastor of the Sainte Croix parish.Info:[email protected] The Mission Committee will meet in February to allocate our mission giving for 2015 prior to approval by the Church Council in March. We would like to invite members of the congregation to suggest possible mission partners for HTB and you can send your suggestions to [email protected] by 10 February. Church Council meets on Monday 2nd February at 20.00 in Church House. If you would like to see a copy of the Chaplaincy Profile which will be sent to people enquiring about the post of Senior Chaplain, please let the church office know: [email protected] Bishop Robert has asked churches in the diocese to respond to a questionnaire about Activity to Combat Human Trafficking. If you are a member of the congregation who is involved in any way in this vital work, or would be interested in getting involved, after training, please let John Wilkinson know as soon as possible. This will be used to assess how our diocese is working in this area and what more could be done. ‘Travelling light’ The 2015 women’s ecumenical retreat for English speaking women in Belgium, from 5pm on Friday 13th March until 5pm on Saturday 14th March. Our speaker is Revd Dr Judy Craig Peck, a Family Doctor, Anglican Priest and Spiritual Director in the Diocese of Peterborough, UK. This year the retreat is at the old abbey at Kortenberg. Costs vary from €50 - €90. You can choose between residential or sleeping at home. For more details contact Ann Milton at [email protected] La Foresta. This year's church weekend away at La Foresta will be from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th March 2015 (the weekend before Easter). We are hoping for an excellent turn out for what has long been a high spot in the life of Holy Trinity. Registration forms are available TODAY and there is an early bird discount available until 2nd March. Book now to avoid disappointment! Are you virtually bilingual (English/French) and willing to join our small team of volunteers who translate the HT newsletter into French for our 2 pm congregation? You would need to have two or three hours of free time between midday Wednesday and 9am Friday to do the translation, roughly every 5 or 6 weeks. Please contact Catherine on [email protected] for more information. If you enjoy a cup of coffee or tea after the 10 30 service please consider helping to clear up at the end. It is not an arduous task and takes about 20 minutes. If you would to join the band of angels who are already washing the dishes for you please contact Jane Brown 0471 06 07 11, [email protected] or Catherine Roberts 0496 13 92 81, [email protected]. Accommodation wanted: Caroline Lehikoinen, from Finland, a former member of the 7pm service community, is returning to Brussels to take up an internship with YWAM from March to May. She is looking for a room to rent, if anyone knows of anything suitable perhaps you could let her know at [email protected]. She writes that HTB was an essential part of experiencing fellowship during the time she spent in Brussels. Another young lady taking up an internship, Elisa Busetto, [email protected], +393283838396 is also looking for somewhere to stay until she finds permanent accommodation, again, please contact her if you can help. The Prayer Chain welcomes requests for prayer for any situation with complete confidentiality to Ilka Tank : [email protected] Tel 02 675 52 10 or to Anne Fieldsend 02 735 1997. The Wider Church Alpha Marriage Course: Many of you are familiar with “The Marriage Course” from the developers of “Alpha." In 2014 Vineyard Brussels had the privilege of hosting 15 couples for the course, all of whom expressed their enthusiasm for the program. Following last year’s success they’ve decided to do it again. See the poster on the board in the lobby for details. Do pass on this information to anyone you think might be interested. The next International Christian Women’s' Club Brunch will take place on Tuesday February 10th at 9.45 a.m., at Terry's Cafe, Christian Centre, Ch. de Waterloo 47, Rhode St. Genese. The theme is 'Spring Clean'. The speaker will be our own Ann Milton, music by Heather Charlton, and the Feature will be demonstrated by the charity 'Bethel' . Book by Feb. 9th on 02 358 4333 or [email protected]. Further information on the notice board. Everyone welcome. St Boniface is hosting the ACB Lent Quiet Day on Saturday February 21st from 11h00 to16h00. (This will be preceded by a short business meeting). Attendance is free; a simple hot lunch will be provided for a donation of 5 euro. The leader will be Bishop Jonathan Goodall, formerly chaplain to Bishop Geoffrey, and well known to many of us. Full details can be availed from [email protected] or www.boniface.be FCJ Centre of Spirituality 211 Ave. Winston Churchill, 1180, Brussels announces its current programme: continuing on Monday evenings (19.00-22.00) Feb. 2, 23, Mar. 9, 23, Apr. 20: May 4, 11/18: Mess’AJE (Threshold 2: Exile and Prophets): Adult faith formation programme. Address: The Pro-Cathedral of Holy Trinity Rue Capitaine Crespel 29, B-1050 Brussels Website: http://www.holytrinity.be Phone: 02/511.71.83 Email: [email protected] Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9a.m. – 12 p.m. Tuesday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Newsletter items: to [email protected] by 9 a.m. Tuesday Associate Chaplains: Canon John Wilkinson and Canon Prof. Jack McDonald Assistant Chaplain: The Revd Chris Martin Lay Minister: David Fieldsend Pastoral Assistant: Mrs Janet Sayers Outreach Worker: Jeremy Heuslein Lay Assistant: Naomi Brown Gift account for pledges and donations to Holy Trinity Brussels is: IBAN: BE14 3100 3441 5383 BIC: BBRUBEBB Contributions to Church House Redevelopment Fund is: IBAN: BE39 3104 5510 7619 BIC: BBRUBEBB
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