HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY 1, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE Rosary @ 8:35AM Monday – Friday Fourth Week in Ordinary Time MONDAY, FEBRURY 2 6:45 AM Holy Souls in Purgatorty/ Tom & Carm Colabufo 9:00 AM ANN: Peg Maher/Janice Bader TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 FEAST OF ST. BLAISE 6:45 AM Helen Delaney/Bob & Marsha Offerman 9:00 AM “Hap” Hazard/Barbara WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 6:45 AM ANN: Jerry Harris/ Frank & Gerri Procopio 9:00 AM ANN: Michael Sweeney/ Christine & Donald Gilbert THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 6:45 AM Philip, Alice & Ed Zollo/ Tom & Carm Colabufo 9:00 AM Gail Silvaggio/Gloria & Norman Star FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 6:45 AM Anne M. Marshall/Ed & Marilyn Campagna 9:00 AM Mary Jane Murphy/ Holy Family School Faculty & Staff 7:00 PM HEALING MASS George Dobreski/Theresa Kallfelz & Children SATURDAY, FFEBRUARY 7 8:00 AM FIRST SATURDAY MASS LEAGUE 5:00 PM ANN: Liduina Bertolini/Family SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM ANN: Gertrude Gabor/Son, Michael 8:45 AM ANN: The O’Toole Family/Family 10:30 AM ANN: Peggy & Tom Mahar, Jr./ Mary & Michael Stack 12:15 PM Kathleen A. Morris/Sister – Helen Ann 4:00 PM MASS FOR THE PEOPLE OF HOLY FAMILY LITURGY UPDATE Msgr. Francis will preach February 7 & 8. Dc. Bob will baptize February 8. READINGS: January 31 & February 1: First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 1 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS; February 7 & 8: 5:00 PM Charles Cooney, Ed Graveline, Suzanne Kuppel, Susan LaFex, Monique LaForce, Mary Lou Lake, Tony Mitchell, Robert Singer, Barbara Snell, Kathleen Wheeler 7:30 AM Frank Bellso, Elizabeth Brusa, Joseph DeGirolamo, Karen Fruscello, Theresa Keyes, Karen Sansone 8:45 AM Carole Bastien, Patty Costello, Joseph & Margaret Cerio, Debbie Germano, Valerie James, Louise Mercurio, Patricia Reney, Sarah Salanger, Ronnie Schmidt 10:30 AM Jim Connell, Christian Huddleston, Elaine Lynch, Tom Maier, John Milligan, Rosemary Smith, Linda Sorbello, Mary Jane Spanfelner, Fran & Pam Stepien 12:15 PM Frank & Rosemary Bovalino, Mary Fangio, Cathy Jenkins, Helen Ann Lynch, Maryellen Masterpole, Michael & Julia Natoli, Lisa Procanick, Nancy Scheutzow 4:00 PM Sue Canavan, Kathy Czajak, Lorraine Dardani, Lori Gonella, Ben Hunter, Jim Kearns, Joe Ranieri, Jr., Gerry Riley, Jennifer Scott, Joe Sullivan LECTORS – February 7 & 8: 5:00 PM Diane Czarny, Barb Mercurio 7:30 AM Paula Meseroll, Robert Steves 8:45 AM Julie Hassel, Paul Streiff 10:30 AM Carmen Branca, Don Hulchanski 12:15 PM Alicia Castrello, Vickie Hopkins 4:00 PM James Evans, Teesa Guy ALTAR SERVERS – February 7 & 8: 5:00 PM Travis, Alexa & Makenzie Robbins, Andrew Sheedy 7:30 AM Joey, Pat, Jim & Dan McGarvey 8:45 AM Shannon Adams, Sean Alvaro, Ryan & Jack McLane 10:30 AM Matt Cabal, Brian Myers, Joseph Perleoni, Maggie Smith 12:15 PM Jack, William & Marty Fallon, Griffin McIntyre 4:00 PM Raphael Evans, Liam Madrid, Claire & Mark Fagan HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY 1, 2015 2 PASTOR’S NOTES HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Each evangelist chooses a different episode to introduce Jesus’s public ministry. The calling of the two sets of fishermen brothers was a relatively private matter, so today’s Gospel reading, the cure of the man with an unclean spirit, is St. Mark’s first story of an action in Jesus’s public life. The focus of the account is Jesus’s exercise of power over an evil spirit; yet St. Mark’s interest seems to be in Jesus’s teaching authority. For the account begins with this: “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes” (v.22). And it ends with the people saying, “What is this? A new teaching with authority” (v27). That raises the question: How is this demonic deliverance a “teaching”? The only teaching of Jesus that St. Mark has given so far in his Gospel is verse 15: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand.” That must be it. What Jesus teaches is not simply a set of ideas; it is an announcement of God’s triumph over evil – a theme St. Mark will develop throughout his account, culminating dramatically at the Crucifixion. Jesus’s act of demonic deliverance is an initial demonstration of that power, to which the people respond, “What is this? A new teaching with authority.” Mark your calendar for February events: 4th – Coffee Hour Speaker : Hard As Nails Hosted by: Rosemary Smith 11th – Senior/ Homebound Deliveries 14th & 15th – Food Collection Weekend 14th & 15th - Blood Pressure Screening after all Masses 18th – Coffee Hour Speaker: Deacon Bob Fangio Hosted by: Linda Vishnesky th 18 – Annual Lenten Soup Supper 3-7pm – School Cafeteria HELP, HELP, HELP! The committee of very caring ladies who coordinate our Funeral Luncheons are in desperate need of volunteers to set up, serve and clean up for the luncheons. If you can help please call Ginny @ 478-8151. Also, we ALWAYS need more people to make a dish too! HOLY HOUR FOR EVANGELIZATION You are invited to the February Holy Hour, a precious time of prayer and reflection with the Blessed Sacrament. Wednesday, February 4, 2015 6:30PM in Church Confessions available. “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” - St. Therese of Lisieux Mark your calendar for our Annual Lenten Soup Supper this Ash Wednesday February 18th, 2015. Anyone interested in helping with the soup supper please call the Human Development Office at x.24. Many hands are needed to cook, serve, and clean up. The next food collection is Valentines Day weekend. Let’s show our pantry families some love. The items most needed are: deodorant, dish soap, canned chicken, raviolis, fruit juice, applesauce, jelly, and rice mixes. Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving Holy Family now offers electronic giving as an easy way to automate your regular offering. Direct Debit Giving (EFT): Automatically transfers funds from your checking or savings account. Credit & Debit Card Giving: Lets you make offerings automatically on a predetermined schedule using a credit or debit card. Go to holyfamilysyr.org at any time and click on the Donate button to get started. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Call the Parish Office for authorization forms or for additional information. HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY 1, 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena – Church 7:00 PM Baptism Class - #2 TUESDAY, FFEBRUARY 3 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena – Church 6:15 PM Faith Formation Grades 1-8 - School 6:30 PM Engage Bible Study – Church Hall 7:00 PM Endow - #2 7:00 PM Life Teen Power Hour - Church WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 9:30 AM Coffee Hour – Church Hall 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena – Church 6:30 PM Holy Hour for Evangelization - Church 6:30 PM Confessions – Church 6:30 PM Edge Youth Group – Church Hall 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group – MPR 7:00 PM RCIA - #1 7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal – Choir Room 7:00 PM Theology of the Body – Lunch Room 8:00 PM AA - Cafeteria 8:30 PM Men’s Lectio Group – Church Hall THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena – Church 5:30 PM PIO – Church Hall 7:00 PM Daughters in Adoration – Chapel 7:00 PM PTO Meeting - Cafeteria 8:00 PM Lectio 2 - #2 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 10:00 AM Lectio Divina - #2 1:00 PM First Friday Adoration - Chapel 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena – Church 5:30 PM Nocturnal Adoration Mass & Annual Meeting – Church Hall 7:00 PM Charismatic Healing Mass - Church SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Group – MPR 9:00 AM Pauley Bible Study - #1 9:30 AM Riley Bible Study - #2 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena - Church 3:30 PM Confessions – Church 6:00 PM IRISH HOOLEY - SCHOOL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 8:45 Liturgy - Third Grade Mass 9:45 AM K – 8 Faith Formation – School 10:00AM Confirmation 1 & 2 - Cafeteria 10:30 Liturgy – RCIA First Scrutiny 1:30 AM Baptisms - Church 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena – Church 5:00 PM Life Teen – Church Hall 7:00 PM Life Teen Core – FF Office 3 MUSIC MINISTRY This Sunday: 5:00 PM Gabrielle Giacovelli, Trudy Butler 8:45 AM Mary Kate Walsh, Tony Alvaro 10:30 AM Mary Kate Walsh, Adult Choir, Tony Alvaro 12:15 PM Mary Kate Walsh, Trudy Butler 4:00 PM Holy Family Praise & Worship Band Next Sunday: 5:00 PM Gabrielle Giacovelli, Joyful Sound Ensemble, Trudy Butler 8:45 AM Mikel DiGiorgio, Tony Alvaro 10:30 AM Mikel DiGiorgio, Adult Choir, Tony Alvaro 12:15 PM Mikel DiGiorgio, Trudy Butler 4:00 PM Holy Family Praise & Worship Band ADULT CHOIR Next Rehearsal: Wednesday, February 4 @ 7PM Next Mass: Sunday, February 8 @ 10:30AM JOYFUL SOUND Next Rehearsal: Saturday, February 7 @ 4:15PM Next Mass: Saturday, February 7 @ 5PM ATTENTION PARISHIONERS: We are currently exploring replacing our aging piano. While its appearance is still attractive, the inner workings are seriously deteriorating. The cost of a replacement will be approximately $15,000 and we hope to defray some or all of the investment with donations. Kindly consider making a contribution, large or small, perhaps as a memorial to a loved one or in appreciation of our wonderful Music Ministry. Please contact Fr. Prior at 488-3139 to offer your support. May God bless you. SAVE THE DATE SATURDAY MARCH 21 SRC CENTER @ OCC Register NOW on line and save $10.00! HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY 1, 2015 4 BAPTISM CLASS NEXT BAPTISM CLASS MONDAY-FEBRUARY 2, 2015 FROM 7 PM to 8:15 PM PASTORAL CARE OFFICE: Sr. Anna Maria, D.S.M.P. and Marion Whipple Please call: 488-3139, ext. 23 to make arrangements for the baptism of your child. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT COUPLES ATTEND THE BAPTISMAL CLASS BEFORE THE BABY IS BORN. (If you have attended a baptism class within the past few years, you may not have to attend again.) Normally, baptisms are the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. “In the family, we learn to embrace and support one another, to discern the meaning of facial expressions and moments of silence, to laugh and cry together with people who did not choose one another, yet are so important to each other. This greatly helps us to understand the meaning of communications recognizing and creating closeness. When we lessen distances by growing closer and accepting one another, we experience gratitude and joy. Mary’s greeting and the stirring of her child are a blessing for Elizabeth; they are followed by the beautiful canticle of the Magnificat, in which Mary praises God’s loving plan for her and for her people. A “yes” spoke with faith can have effects that go well beyond ourselves and our place in the world. To “visit” is to open doors, not remaining closed in our little world, but rather going out to others. So too, the family comes alive as it reaches beyond itself; families who do so communicate their message of life and communion, giving comfort and hope to more fragile families, and thus build up the Church herself, which is the family of families.” (Pope Francis) HOMEBOUND Anyone needing a priest to visit for any of the Sacraments please call the Pastoral Care Office at 488-3139, ext. 23. Are you willing to share some of your time and your love for God in the ministry for the homebound as a Eucharist Minister? Please Call Sr. Anna Maria at 4883139 ext. 23. ONGOING BOTTLE DRIVE The Central City Bottle Redemption Center will continue to receive drop off donations at 224 Chapel Drive anytime Monday – Friday, 9AM – 6PM and Saturday, 9AM – 3PM to support our youth. Please specify Edge or Life Teen Youth Group when you drop off. Every nickel counts! Thank you! GUANELLIAN SISTERS DAUGHTERS OF ST. MARY OF PROVIDENCE Join us in praying….. Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to You. Continue to enrich Your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God, forever and ever. Amen. Don’t forget to pray for all Religious men and women - especially our sisters – they need it!! ATTENTION PARISHIONERS REGARDING CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS NOW is the time to fill out the tax returns for 2014. In an effort to reduce our postage costs, we are asking parishioners to request contribution statements. If you wish to have a statement sent to your home, please fill out the form below and put it in the collection basket. PLEASE SEND ME A CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2014. NAME:_____________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________ WELCOME NEW CHRISTIANS: Genevieve J. Brisson child of Peter & Ashley Brisson Bruce Raylan Holsinger child of Robert & Elizabeth Holsinger HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY 1, 2015 5 Fall Faith Formation Schedule: 2/1: First Communion Mass (8:45 or 12:15PM) 2/1: K-8 Classes 9:45 - 11AM 2/1: Confirmation 1 Class 10-11:30AM 2/1: Confirmation 2 Class 11:45am – 1:15PM Life Teen welcomes all students in grades 9-12 2/3: K-8 Classes 6:15 – 7:30PM Sundays, Mass at 4pm, Life Night 5-7 pm, Church Hall. 2/8: 3rd Grade Mass, 8:45AM [email protected] call 382-7883. 2/8: K-8 Classes 9:45 – 11AM 2/8: Confirmation 1 Class 10 – 11:30AM 2/1: Come spend some quiet time with Lord in 2/8: Confirmation 2 Class 11:45 – 1:15PM Adoration. Life Teen will only be from 5-6PM tonight 2/10: K-8 Classes 6:15-7:30PM and we will not have dinner because of the Super Bowl. 2/15 & 2/17: NO Faith Formation Classes 2/22 & 2/28: NO Faith Formation Classes 2/8: Kick-Off a Semester of Morality. Join us for our 3/1 & 3/3: Faith Formation Classes Resume special guest speakers Sr. Theresann & Sr. Anna Maria as they speak on consecrated life. 2/13-15: We will be heading to The Good News Center in Utica for our Life Teen Winter Retreat. The weekend will feature National Speaker and Life Teen Innovator, Joel Stepanek. The bus will leave Friday evening at 6PM and return Sunday at 3:30PM just in time for our 4PM Life Teen Mass. This trip is open to all teens in grades 9-12. The cost is only $100 and includes transportation, lodging and food. 2/15: No Life Teen Would you like to cook a meal for Life Teen? Please contact Kathy Czajak at 468-2041 if you would like to share your gift of cooking. She can help with all the details and some ideas! Thank you! God is Good All the Time, All the Time God is Good! All students grade 6-8 are welcome. Wednesday nights, 6:30-8:00pm in the church hall [email protected] or call 380-2208 2/4: NO EDGE Youth Group tonight! 2/11: Shake it Off – An EDGE issue night on Lent Lent is a time where we can “shake off” things that get in the way of our relationship with God. It is a time of challenge and change. We’ll discuss the significance of Lenten Christian practices and come up with some ideas that we can take into this Lenten season. UPCOMING EVENTS AND DATES Visit us at holyfamilyyouth.com to download registration/permission forms. Attention Confirmation 1 Students: Service Hours are due March 15 Attention Confirmation 2 Students If you have not handed in your Sponsor Form, Letter to the Bishop and Confirmation name and Saint Project, it is important that you do so as soon as possible. These are required papers for the program and are now past due. Please drop off to the parish office or mail all completed papers to Holy Family, 127 Chapel Dr., Syr. N.Y. 13219, Attn: Faith Formation. Thank you! Life Teen & EDGE Volunteers Needed Our Life Teen and Edge youth groups are also looking for volunteer core members. If you are interested in this ministry, please call Chris Spilka at 382-7883 or Vince D’Angelo at 380-2208. CAN YOU HELP A YOUNG MAN? CBA teacher and cancer survivor, Susan Major, has just had her book titled Joyful Journeys: Sacred Pauses with God, published by Divine Phoenix Publishing. In the spirit of its' mission, Divine Phoenix is donating 10% of all book sales from February 1st -‐ February 6th through Susan Major's website (www.susanlynnmajor.com) to CBA 11th grader Jack Sheridan who is currently battling Leukemia. The financial strain of cancer treatment is a challenge. Would you consider helping us support this special family? Joyful Journeys: Sacred Pauses with God is a message of hope for all those who feel the weight of struggle. Through personal stories, humor and a profound message of faith, Susan uses her own journey to inspire others in their daily lives! Major's book reminds us of the transformative power of love. Susan can be reached at [email protected] HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION If we love Jesus we should make it our joy and happiness to come and spend a few moments before the tabernacle to adore Him and ask Him for the grace of forgiveness. Adoration is an expression of our love for Jesus who loves us unconditionally. Our ministry is 24/7 and we welcome more dedicated adorers. Call Tom Colabufo for details at 487-8377. 2015 HOLY FAMILY IRISH HOOLEY The 13th Annual Holy Family Irish Hooley is coming on Saturday, February 7, 2015 from 6 – 10PM in the school gym and cafeteria. Join us for Food, Beverages, Live Auction, Raffles, Irish Dancers, Bagpipes, Children’s entertainment by “Endeavor Entertainment” and a well-known local band “Old Friends” will be providing live music. NEW this Year – Raffle Tables will replace the silent auction and there will be an expanded live auction!! There is a 50/50 raffle with the opportunity to win up to $5,000! OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH IN LAKELAND IS SPONSORING AN ALL YOU CAN EAT SPAGHETTI SUPPER AND BAKE SALE ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 FROM 4 – 7PM IN THE CHURCH BASEMENT AT 203 HOLCOMB STREET. TAKE OUTS AVAILABLE: ADULTS $8.00 KIDS – 5-12 $5.00 UNDER 5 - FREE PRAYER CHAIN: Please call requests to Judy Shanley at 488-2487. For surgeries please contact two weeks in advance. SAINT FRANCIS FRIARY OPEN HOUSE Celebrating the “Year of Consecrated Life” Franciscan Friary of St. Francis Friary At the Franciscan Church of the Assumption 812 N. Salina Street Syracuse, New York 13208 February 8, 2015 2-4PM Refreshments will be served. Come meet the friars & tour the historic Friary! 6 PLEASE PRAY FOR ATTENTION PARISHIONERS: We will print the “Please Pray For List” on a month-to-month basis. If you would like your loved one on the list, please call the parish office. The name will stay on for one month. You must call each month to have the name put back on the list. Marie Wing, Betty Sabene, Dorothy Pirro, Theresa Pullano Towers, Judy Tilton, Sandy Dalton, Joseph McClusky, Joe Mandolfo, Angel Solomon, Ed Campagna, Hank Smith, Anthony Tangredi, Jason B., M. M. Special Intention, Dr. Joseph Thornton, James Spinoso, Eric Kehn, Anthony Tangredi, Mark Degon, Anita Baraniewiecz, Ben Bruce, Jason B., Steve M., M. Davis, Lynne O’Neill, Bob Castelluccio, John Krupka, P. Davis, Mary Kehn, Mary Lambert, John Hunter, Nancy Waters, Fran Comuntzis, Jo Foertch, Rich Molatch, Rich Wilkenson, Robert Eldred, Robin Lamson, Ocasio Hazeltine, Kennedy, Frank Loperfido, Alison McCauley, Cheryl Davis, Nicole Canavan, Janet Leeb, Phyllis Stevens, Jeanne Kempton, Christopher Piotrowski, Dorothy O’Leary, Lillian Schmidt, Olivia Weidner, Maria Justice, David Middleton, Mary Jo Smith, Judi Flanagan, Audrey Goodsell, Anne Marie Grant, John Omolino. NOTE: Due to HIPPA, hospitals are not allowed to give names of patients to us. If you have a loved one in the hospital or a nursing home who would like a visit from a priest or deacon, please notify the parish office. GIFT BEARERS February 7 & 8 5:00 PM – Family of Luduina Bertolini 8:45 AM - Grade 3 10:30AM – The Ludington Family 12:15 PM – Helen Ann & Niece Parishioners: If you have an intention for a loved one coming up at a weekend Mass and would like to bring up the gifts, call Esther @ 487-5466. WEEKLY OFFERINGS: Regular Collection 1/17 & 18 Last Year Regular Collection 1/24 & 25 Last Year $18,536.92 $18,954.08 $18,484.10 $18,958.46 The 22nd Annual Mr. B’s CBA Co-Ed Basketball Camp will be held February 16-20. Enroll online at www.cbasyracuse.org or contact Coach B directly at 446-9365. HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY 1, 2015 YOUNG ADULTS Saturday, February 21, 2015 Holy Family Church 9AM – 3:30PM All welcome – Free - Lunch Provided Featuring Matthew Leonard, internationally known speaker, author and Executive Director of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology founded by Dr. Scott Hahn. A convert to Catholicism and former missionary to Latin America, Matthew is a frequent guest on radio programs across the country and appears on EWTN, Shalom Media and the Magnificat. He is a host of the Journey Through Lighthouse Catholic Media and holds a Masters in Theology from Franciscan University in Steubenville. In addition to numerous articles, he is the author of two books: Louder Than Words: The Art of Living as a Catholic and Prayer Works: Getting a Grip on Catholic Spirituality, both published through Our Sunday Visitor. Matthew lives in Ohio with his wife Veronica and their five children. Register online @ http://youngadultcatholicconference.wordpress.com FAIRMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY Fresh Haddock Ash Wednesday & EVERY Friday during Lent Take out or Dine in 4 – 8PM Fish Sandwich w/Side…………$7.00 Fish Dinner w/Cole Slaw & 1 side…..$10.00 Sides include: Cole Slaw, French Fries, Macaroni & Cheese, or Onion Rings ($1 additional) Credit & Debit Cards Accepted GREENBACK WINNERS #6238 – Marion Ruebsamen - $100 #1614 – NOT SOLD $400 JACKPOT NEXT WEEK 7 HOLY FAMILY BASKETBALL GAME SCHEDULE: HIGH SCHOOL Tuesday, Feb. 3 Blessed Sacrament @ Holy Family JV – 6:30 PM V – 8PM Sunday, Feb. 8 HF @ St. Pat’s JV – 4PM V – 5:30PM NO Men’s Open Gym – Friday, February 6 The Coffee Cup Ministry will be held on Sunday February 8th after the 10:30, 12:15 and 4pm Masses. The featured ministry will be the Fertility Education and Care Center. FAMILY LIFE RETREATS The goal of the retreats is to bring the family and its members closer to God and to one another through prayer, affirming each other, learning to communicate better with one another, forgiving each other and being more committed to one another, plus having fun together at beautiful locations. (Miramar is near the am ocean setting; Wisdom House has an in ground pool and is near a lake with a sandy beach with swimming and boat rentals plus hiking trails.) The goal is also to form a Christ-‐centered community with other families. Summer Dates: July 5-‐10 at Miramar, Duxbury, MA August 15-‐20, Wisdom House, Litchfield, CT. HOLY FAMILY IS ON SOCIAL MEDIA! “LIKE US” ON FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/holyfamilychurchsyracuse AND “FOLOW US’ ON TWITTER @ Holy Family Syr HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY 1, 2015 REMINDER FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION FEBRUARY 6 The Lord requests the pleasure of your company! Please consider joining the Eucharistic League or the Nocturnal Adoration Society for 1 hour of Adoration on the First Friday of each month. Eucharistic League hours are from 1PM to 9PM Friday – call (498-‐0952); and Nocturnal Adoration hours are from 9PM Friday to 8AM Saturday (call 638-‐5416). New members are needed and welcome. GIVING TREE Many thanks to all who offered a spiritual gift to the Christ Child this past Christmas and helped decorate our Giving Trees with stars. Nearly 400 families and individuals participated, pledging gifts of prayer, service, and spiritual growth to celebrate the birth of our Savior. From simple promises written in crayon, to generous promises of selfless prayer, each star was a testament to the vibrant faith that makes Holy Family truly special. It is our hope that the spirit of giving depicted on the paper stars will continue to guide all members of the Holy Family community throughout this new year. - The Pastoral Council A LENTEN EVENING OF RELFECTION On Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at St. James Church at 7PM, Brandon Vogt will be presenting The New Evangelist: How to Share Your Faith with Clarity, Calm and Joy. Brandon Vogt is a bestselling author, blogger, and speaker. He is also the content editor of Fr. Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. Brandon’s work has been featured by several media outlets including, NPR, Fox News, CBS, EWTN, Vatican Radio, Our Sunday Visitor, National Review, Christianity Today, and Catholic Radio. All are welcome and the event is free! For more information on Brandon Vogt, please visit www.brandonbogt.com. A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: Today’s gospel reminds us “unclean spirits’ still haunt our families. These “spirits” thrive inside our grudges, punishing silence, impatience and abruptness. Today, Jesus offers you the “authority” to cast out these spirits from your life and your family. 8 BEREAVEMENT Turn to God in every situation – even when you don’t feel like it. The Spirit is interceding for you, in accordance with God’s will. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE Sharon Mulcahey, Paul Carocci, James Roach, Mary Lambert, Hildegard O’Grady ELIZABETH MINISTRY WANTS YOU!!! Elizabeth Ministry is an outreach ministry that gives support and mentoring to families in their time of celebration and sorrow. This past year we have worked with new moms, mothers and fathers battling cancer, young women with unplanned pregnancies, families who have lost young children, children who have lost a parent, widows and widowers. We have also served many meals with love and care. It has been our honor to minister and serve these families and be a visible sign of God’s love! If we can be of service to you or you would like to make a donation, please contact Rita Condon at 6739458 or email [email protected]. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS: Michael & Marleah Grajko John & Suzanne Nolan Kevin & Jacqueline Hennigan Lisa Arduini Pamela Price Andrew Baroszewski Mark Headd & Family Respect Life Action Alert! State Senators look to introduce “Death With Dignity” Legislation this month. According to the Observer, State Senators, Diane Savino and Brad Hoylman would like to introduce legislation by the end of January, to legalize physician-‐ assisted suicide in New York. The Senators are working with a euthanasia advocacy group called, “Compassion and Choices,” which published a video of Brittany Maynard discussing her choice to move to Oregon and set a date for the end of her life. Call your legislators and tell them you oppose this legislation. Human life should be respected and protected from conception to natural death. Questions? Please call Judy Darweesh(484-‐4596)
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