Newsletter Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide Winter 2015 - Issue 41 The International Institute of Administrative Sciences wishes you a happy new year! May 2015 bring you health, happiness and success! Table of contents IIAS : • IIAS International Congress, 2015...................... 2 IASIA : • IASIA 2015 Conference............................................. 2 EGPA : • EGPA Annual Conference & PhD Symposium ...................................................... 2 • TAD 11 - Transatlantic Dialogue, 2015............. 3 • TED 8 – Trans-European Dialogue, 2015........ 3 AGPA : • Annual Conference of AGPA, 2015.................... 3 IRAS......................................................................................... 3 PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT.................................. 4 IIAS : • Agenda ............................................................................... 4 Rue Defacqz 1, box 11 B-1000 Brussels, Belgium tel: +32 2 536 08 80 - fax: +32 2 537 97 02 e-mail: [email protected] Newsletter 1 Winter 2015 Season’s Greetings Editorial The 2015 Congress of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences will address the issue of Trust in Public Administration. Academics and practitioners from all over the world may discuss this theme in the most various angles but still, however, in direct or indirect relationship with the Public Service. The notion of Trust, beyond this specific vision, keeps coming in the current social environment: Trust in human relationships, Trust in the markets, Trust in the future, etc. At the time when humanitarian, societal, security, economic crisis or other seem to come from all walks of our planet, it is becoming increasingly clear that this notion is a necessary precondition for more smiling tomorrows. A popular adage «An umbrella cannot stop the rain, but helps us to stay under the rain. Trust cannot bring success but it gives the power to face any challenge!» However, as taught La Rochefoucauld - Douceauville, «Trust is earned but cannot be required”. In other words, it appears that Trust is the result of a relationship based on mutual respect, on respect of policies in the administration and to the citizen, on respect felt by citizens in the administration and the politics and finally, on the same feeling of the administration towards the political power and administered . Any attempt to reform and progress which eludes this fundamental aspect is ultimately doomed to failure. Therefore, in the beginning of the year 2015, we encourage you to face the future with Trust and determination. Dare to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow with the conviction that if we trust each other, we will be better armed to control them. Rolet Loretan Directeur général de l’IISA IIAS IIAS International Congress, 22-26 June 2015, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) COMING UP The International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) in close collaboration with the Fundação Getúlio Vargas is organising the 2015 International Congress of IIAS to be held from 22 to 26 June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on the theme ”Trust in Public Administration”. Trust is considered as a crucial issue at all levels of governance. Three subthemes will notably be addressed during various sessions: • Citizens/Customers’ Trust in Governments, Public Administration and Public Sector at all levels of governance; •Trust from Government in Society; • Administrative Trust in Public Administra- tion Reforms: inner-trust, civil servants’ trust and interorganisational trust. The congress is open to Young Researchers/ PhD Students in public management, as well as to contributors from different disciplines. Do not hesitate to forward the information to your network, colleagues and friends. Registration to attend the event will be opened during February 2015. General information on the congress, the registration and the provisional programme are available online Please do not hesitate to forward the information to your networks, colleagues and friends. We look forward to welcoming you in Rio de Janeiro. n 2015 International Congress of IIAS RIO DE JANEIRO 22-26 June 2015 BRAZIL IASIA IASIA 2015 Conference, 6-10 July 2015, Paris (France) - COMING UP IASIA has the pleasure to invite you to its 2015 conference to be held from 6 to 10 July 2015 in Paris (France). The conference is this year organized in cooperation with the Centre 2015 IASIA Annual Conference PARIS FRANCE 6-10 July 2015 National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale (CNFPT). The theme to be addressed is “Alternative Service Delivery Arrangements” and will be discussed during the numerous sessions of IASIA’s ten working groups and also during the various panels and plenary sessions (French Public Administration, OECD, Accreditation, Forum of Heads of Schools and Institutes, PhD session etc.) Do not hesitate to check the call for papers and submit your abstract via the following website: Please kindly note that the abstract submission deadline has been extended to 15 February 2015. If you should have any question, please contact Bardhyl Dobra, IASIA Executive Secretary ([email protected]). Join us in Paris from 6-10 July and together, let us build the future of public administration! n EGPA EGPA Annual Conference, 24-25 August 2015 & PhD Symposium, 26-28 August 2015, Toulouse (France) - COMING UP The French Speaking Seminar will also organise different sessions. Back to Toulouse, we have the opportunity to Newsletter 2 Winter 2015 In the spirit of its successful past and projected towards the future, EGPA will continue to further develop and implement its strategy in cooperation with its key partners: Advancing knowledge in public administration, developing a thriving community for the study and the practice of public administration. The call-for-papers and all the practical details will be available on the Conference website : n 2015 EGPA Annual Conference 26-28 August 2015 TOULOUSE, FRANCE PhD Symposium on 24-25 August 2015 ut1-tse-sebastien tchiz At this occasion, the 19 permanent study groups of EGPA will convene and gather their academic networks. celebrate the 40th Anniversary of EGPA with its academic and practitioners’ community. ut1-tse-sebastien tchiz The European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) in close collaboration with Sciences Po Toulouse is organizing the 2015 EGPA Annual Conference to be held from 26 to 28 August in Toulouse, France. The event will be preceded by PhD Seminar on 24 and 25 August. EGPA TAD 11 - Transatlantic Dialogue, 4-5 June 2015, Boston (United States) - COMING UP The 11th TAD will be held in Boston (USA) from 3-5 June 2015 on the theme: The Transforming Role of the Public Manager. TAD will bring together scholars and practitioners from both sides of the Atlantic to stimulate a dialogue on the changing role of the public manager and to develop sound knowledge on ways that enable them to succeed. The following issues will be addressed: • Workshop 1 – Public personnel policies: Employee Wellbeing and Organizational Performance • Workshop 2 – Have personnel management reforms helped to improve public services? • Workshop 3 – Managing Personnel in Complex Networks • Workshop 4 – How to meet challenges in public personnel administration after the economic crisis? • Workshop 5 – Leadership and organizational effectiveness • Workshop 6 – Considering accountability, considering motivation: creating an ethical and value-driven workforce in a results driven environment The call-for-papers and practical information are available on the TAD Platform: The deadline for abstract submission is : March 1, 2015. n TED 8 – TransEuropean Dialogue, 5-6 February 2015, Milan – Bocconi University (Italy) COMING UP The 8th TED will take place in Milan at the Bocconi University on 5-6 February 2015. It will focus on the main theme: Towards Meaningful Measurement: Performance Management at the Crossroads of internal efficiency and social impacts. The final programme is available on the TED platform: n AGPA Annual Conference of AGPA, 2-4 September 2015, Seoul (South Korea) COMING UP The Asian Group for Public Administration (AGPA) and the Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA) are organizing the 2015 Annual Conference to be held from 2nd to 4th September in Seoul, South Korea on the theme “Shifting the Governance Paradigms to Enhance Trust in Government”. Three subthemes will notably be addressed during various sessions: • The Development of Governance in Asian Countries • Setting up New Relationship between National and Local Government • Enhancing National Integrity and Public Service Quality The Call for Paper may be downloaded on the AGPA Website: All submissions (abstracts) should be made to the AGPA Executive Office via email ([email protected]) or fax (0086-10-59762625) on or before 21st April, 2015. The Organizing Committee would like to cordially invite scholars and practitioners in the field of public administration to participate in the conference and submit papers for presentation. Please do not hesitate to forward the information to your networks, colleagues and friends. We look forward to welcoming you in Seoul. n 2015 AGPA Annual Conference SEOUL 2-4 September 2015 SOUTH KOREA IRAS - International Review of Administrative Sciences CURRENT THEMES Editor-in-Chief : Andrew Massey, Deputy Editors: Yves Emery, Shamsul Haque et Sabine Kuhlmann. Yves Emery, Shamsul Haque et Sabine Kuhlmann. The Braibant Lecture – 2014: “Towards a new world: some inconvenient truths for Anglosphere public administration” by Christopher Pollitt will be published in the Vol 81 March 2015 issue of IRAS. The other articles will examine the following topics: Looking beyond NPM as the explanation for change (Kristoffer Kollveit); The growing role of evaluation in parliaments (Sandra Speer, Valérie Pattyn and Bart De Peuter ) ; Bargaining and Informal Interactions in the National Budget in Israel (Nissim Cohen);Factors Newsletter 3 Winter 2015 determining online sustainability reporting by local governments (Francisco J. Alcaraz-Quiles, Andrés Navarro-Galera and David Ortiz-Rodríguez);Governmental budgetary reporting systems in the European Union (Maria Antónia Jesus and Susana Jorge); The politics of budget surpluses: The case of China’s Hong Kong SAR (Brian C. H. Fong); The effect of IPSAS on reforming governmental financial reporting (Johan Christiaens, Christophe Vanhee, Francesca Manes Rossi, Natalia Aversano and Philippe Van Cauwenberge); Hybridity at the heart of contemporary risk governance (Julien Raone and Nathalie Schiffino) and Wide-area collaboration in the aftermath of the March 11 disasters in Japan (Naomi Aoki). For further information go to and to the Journal Manager: [email protected] n PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT On December 2-4, 2014, Geert Bouckaert, Michiel de Vries, Rolet Loretan and Steve Troupin, respectively Presidents of the IIAS and of the IASIA,, Director-General and Strategic Projects Officer of the IIAS participated to the Government Administrative Leaders Conference from the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) from Saudi Arabia. Geert Bouckaert gave a keynote speech entitled “From Good Leadership to Good Governance”; Rolet Loretan chaired a panel of the Institute, with Michiel De Vries, President of the Association (and co-author, with Geert Bouckaert, of the book “Training for Leadership”, published in 2013 by Bruylant) Montgomery Van Wart and Erwin Schwella, co-chairs of the Institute’s Study Group “Administrative Leadership” and co-authors with Annie Hondeghem of the book “Leadership and Culture”, just published by Palgrave. The Conference also gave the opportunity to set a common agenda for the further development of public administration in Middle-East. n Agenda 30-31 January 2015 EGPA Steering Committee Meeting Brussels (Belgium) 3-4 Feburary 2015 Conference at the mid-point of LIPSIUS in Brussels: learning from Innovation in the Public sector workplace Brussels (Belgium) 4-6 Feburary 2015 TED 8: Trans-European Dialogue EGPA Milan (Italy) 23-24 Feburary 2015 IASIA Board of Management Meeting Brussels (Belgium) 25 Feburary 2015 IIAS Statutory Meetings Strategy Committee and Scientific Program Committee, Finance Committee, Publications Committee Brussels (Belgium) 26-27 Feburary 2015 IIAS Council of Administration IIAS Brussels (Belgium) 2-6 March 2015 Conference of the Round Table Rabat (Maroc) 6-10 March 2015 The ASPA annual Conference Chicago, IL (United States) 20-24 April 2015 The 14th session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration New York (United States) 3-5 May 2015 Project Group: Supranational Administration Vienna (Austria) 21-23 May 2015 The 23rd NISPAcee Annual Conference Tbilisi (Georgia) 4-5 June 2015 TAD 11: Transatlantic Dialogue EGPA Boston (United States) 22-26 June 2015 IIAS International Congress Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 6-10 July 2015 IASIA Annual Conference Paris (France) 23-26 August 2015 The IPAC 2015 Annual National Conference Halifax (New Ecosse) 24-28 August 2015 EGPA Annual Conference : 26-28/08/2015 preceded by the PhD Symposium : 24-25/08/2015 Toulouse (France) 2-4 September 2015 AGPA Annual Conference Seoul (Corée) TBC LAGPA Annual Conference Newsletter 4 Winter 2015
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