AIP ROMANIA AD 2.4-1 16 OCT 2014 LRBS AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME LRBS - BUCUREŞTI / Băneasa - Aurel Vlaicu LRBS AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 ARP coordinates and site at AD 443013N 0260613E 070° MAG 1480 M from THR 07. 8.5 km North from Bucureşti 299 FT / 24.9°C 115 FT 5°E (2010) Compania Naţională Aeroporturi Bucureşti Calea Bucureşti nr. 224 E, Otopeni, ILFOV + 40 - (0)21 - 2013304 Tel: + 40 - (0)21 - 2041000; + 40 - (0)21 - 2014000 Tel/Fax: + 40 - (0)21 - 2014990; + 40 - (0)21 - 3126866 LRBSRAYD AFS: OTPAPXH SITA: Aeroportul Bucureşti / Băneasa - Aurel Vlaicu Şos. Bucureşti-Ploieşti, nr. 40, sect. 1, Bucureşti + 40 - (0)21 - 2320020 Tel: Tel/Fax: + 40 - (0)21 - 2323687; + 40 - (0)21 - 2323762 (H24) LRBSRAYD AFS: BSAYDRO SITA: IFR/VFR Nil 2 3 4 5 6 Direction and distance from city Elevation/Reference temperature Geoid undulation at AD ELEV PSN MAG VAR/ Annual rate of change AD Administration, address, telephone, telefax, telex, AFS 7 8 Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR) Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AD Administration Customs and immigration Health and sanitation AIS Briefing Office ATS Reporting Office (ARO) MET Briefing Office ATS Fuelling Handling Security De-icing Remarks 1 2 Cargo-handling facilities Fuel/Oil types Nil Kerosene TH type A1 / Nil AVGAS 100LL/Nil 3 Fuelling facilities/capacity Jet A1: 4 5 6 7 De-icing facilities Hangar space for visiting aircraft Repair facilities for visiting aircraft Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hotels Restaurants Transportation Medical facilities Bank and Post Office Tourist Office Remarks LRBS AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS H24 see AD 2.21 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 H24 Nil LRBS AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES - 2 refueler 20 t, 1 refueler 8 t, 1 skid mobil 0.9 t - storage: 70 t AVGAS: - 1 refueler 5.5 t, 1 skid mobil 0.9 t - storage: 30 t 1 de-icing unit with fluid type II. Nil Nil Nil LRBS AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES ROMATSA Hotels in the city. Snack bar at the AD, restaurants in the city. Buses, tram, taxis from the AD. First aid at the AD, hospitals in the city. Exchange Office: H24; Bank and Post Office in the city. In the city. Due to WIP in terminal, capacity for passenger processing is reduced. Before filling LRBS as a destination or alternate airport contact airport administration at LRBSRAYD, BBU AVXH, [email protected]. AIRAC AIP AMDT 09/14 AD 2.4-2 16 OCT 2014 AIP ROMANIA LRBS 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 2 3 4 AD category for fire fighting Rescue equipment Capability for removal of disabled aircraft Remarks 1 2 Types of clearing equipment Clearance priorities 3 Remarks 1 Apron designation, surface and strength 2 Taxiway designation, width, surface and strength 3 ACL location and elevation 4 5 INS checkpoints Remarks 1 Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system of aircraft stands 2 RWY and TWY markings 3 4 Stop bars Remarks Within AD HR: CAT 7 Nil Nil Nil LRBS 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY - CLEARING 1 snow blower, 2 sweepers, 4 snow ploughs, 2 spreaders 1. RWY 07/25 and associated TWY to Apron 2. Apron, ACFT stands and other TWY. Information on snow clearance published from November-April in NOTAM (SNOWTAM). See also the snow plan in section AD 1.2.2 LRBS AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATIONS DATA Surface: Concrete Strength: See details in chart AD 2.4.22 23 M Width: Asphalt Surface: Strength: 82/F/D/W/T(A), 63/F/D/W/T(D) Location: Elevation: THR 07 299 FT See AD 2.4-22 Nil THR 25 282 FT LRBS AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS Taxiing guidance signs at all intersections with TWY and RWY and at all holding positions. Guide lines at apron. Nose-in guidance at aircraft stands. Colour white - Designation, THR, TDZ, centre line, RWY: fixed distance markings, RWY side stripes; Colour yellow - Centre line, taxi holding position TWY: markings, TWY designations, TWY intersection markings, taxiing guide lines (apron); At the holding point on TWY A and TWY D Nil LRBS AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES RWY/Area affected a 07/APCH 25/TKOF 25/APCH 07/TKOF In approach / TKOF areas 1 Obstacle type Elevation Markings/LGT Coordinates b c Antenna 443017.48N 406FT 0260510.79E MET Station 443041.10N 442FT 0260439.78E Antenna 443035.00N 554FT 0260414.00E 442949.04N Building 0260428.69E 335FT LGT 442913.00N Building 0260213.00E 459FT LGT Crane 442928.00N 494FT 0260343.33E Building 442942.32N 557FT 0260200.54E Building 442950.99N 417FT 0260758.25E Building 442935.72N 441FT 0260733.82E Antenna 443216.52N 434FT 0260804.95E Building 443149.68N 393FT 0260836.41E AIRAC AIP AMDT 09/14 In circling area and at AD 2 Obstacle type Elevation Markings/LGT Coordinates a b Nil Nil Remarks 3 ROMATSA AIP ROMANIA AD 2.4-3 16 OCT 2014 LRBS AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Associated MET Office Hours of service MET Office outside hours Office responsable for TAF preparation Periods of validity Type of landing forecast Interval of issuance Briefing / consultation provided Flight documentation Language(s) used Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Supplementary equipment available for providing information ATS units provided with information Additional information (limitation of service, etc.) BUCUREŞTI/ Băneasa H24 LROM 24 HR TREND H24 Self-briefing; briefing/consultation on request (see row 8) Charts, tabular form, abbreviated plain language text Romanian, English SWC, W/T Charts, SIGMET, METAR, TAF Tel: +40-(0)21-203 21 53 Fax: +40-(0)21-203 21 52 TWR Băneasa Nil LRBS AD 2.12 RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Designations RWY NR 1 07 25 Strength (PCN) and surface of RWY and SWY 4 64/R/D/W/T Asphalt THR co-ordinates RWY end coordinates THR geoid undulation 5 442959.27N 0260508.67E GUND 115 FT 443025.81N 0260717.21E TRUE BRG 2 073.89° Dimensions of RWY (M) 3 2960 x 45 253.91° 3100 x 45 64/R/D/W/T Asphalt SWY dimensions (M) 8 Nil CWY dimensions (M) 9 260 x 250 Strip dimensions (M) 10 3220 x 250 OFZ 11 Nil Nil Nil 3220 x 250 Nil THR elevation and highest elevation of TDZ of precision APP RWY 6 THR 299FT THR 282FT GUND 115 FT Slope of RWY-SWY 7 max 1% max 1% Remarks 12 RWY turn pad Location: THR 25 Surface: Asphalt Dimensions: 67 x 190 M Strength: 64/R/D/W/T Nil LRBS AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY designator 1 07 25 TORA (M) 2 3100 3100 TODA (M) 3 3360 3100 ASDA (M) 4 3100 3100 LDA (M) 5 2960 3100 Remarks 6 THR 07 displaced 140M Nil REDUCED DECLARED DISTANCES RWY designator 1 25 “TWY D“ ROMATSA TORA (M) 2 1650 TODA (M) 3 1650 ASDA (M) 4 1650 Remarks 6 Nil AIRAC AIP AMDT 09/14 AD 2.4-4 16 OCT 2014 AIP ROMANIA LRBS AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY Designator 1 APCH LGT type LEN INTST 2 ALS-II 900 M 07 25 ALS-II 660 M RWY Centre Line THR LGT VASIS LGT Length, colour (MEHT) TDZ, spacing, WBAR PAPI LGT LEN colour, INTST 3 4 5 6 Green PAPI 3° White 2060 M, WBAR 900 M 15 M, White, LIH; 600 M, 15 M, White/Red, LIH; 300 M, 15 M, Red, LIH Green PAPI 3° White 2200 M, WBAR 900 M 15 M, White, LIH; 600 M, 15 M, White/Red, LIH; 300 M, 15 M, Red, LIH RWY edge LGT LEN, spacing, colour, INTST RWY End LGT colour WBAR SWY LGT LEN(M) colour Remarks 7 140 M, 60 M, Red/Yellow, LIH 2360 M, 60 M, White, LIH 600 M, 60 M, Yellow, LIH 8 Red - 9 Nil 10 Nil 2500 M, 60 M, White, LIH 600 M, 60 M, Yellow, LIH Red - Nil Nil LRBS AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 3 ABN / IBN location, characteristics and hours of operation LDI location and LGT Anemometer location and LGT TWY edge and centre line lighting 4 Secondary power supply/switch-over time 5 Remarks 1 4 5 6 7 Coordinates TLOF or THR of FATO Geoid undulation TLOF and/or FATO elevation M/FT TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking True and MAG BRG of FATO Declared distance available APP and FATO lighting Remarks 1 Designation and lateral limits 2 3 4 Vertical limits Airspace classification ATS unit call sign Language(s) Transition altitude Remarks 2 ABN: 442944N 260459E, CNS W, H24 / IBN: Nil. Nil 400 M from THR 07, LGT. TWY ‘A’ and ‘D’ edge blue omnidirectional LIL and centre line green LIL Secondary power supply to all lighting on the AD, switch-over time less than 1 s. Nil LRBS AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 2 3 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil LRBS AD 2.17 ATS AIRSPACE 5 6 BĂNEASA CTR; 443342N0262233E - 442800N0262330E - 442800N0262000E 443025N0261400E - 442720N0255830E - 442400N0255000E 442400N0254740E - 443112N0254730E - 443005N0255635E 443342N0262233E SFC to 2 000 FT (600 M) AMSL C Băneasa Tower English, Romanian 4000 FT (1200 M) AMSL Nil LRBS AD 2.18 ATS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation 1 TWR Call sign 2 Băneasa Tower TWR APP/SRE Băneasa Ground Bucureşti Approach ATIS Băneasa ATIS AIRAC AIP AMDT 09/14 Frequency 3 120.800 MHz 121.500 MHz EMERG 129.950 MHz 118.250 MHz 120.600 MHz ALTN 126.125 MHz Hours of operation 4 H24 Remarks 5 Nil H24 H24 Nil Nil H24 Nil ROMATSA AIP ROMANIA AD 2.4-5 14 NOV 2013 LRBS AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Type of aid, MAG VAR CAT of ILS/MLS (For VOR/ILS/MLS give declination) 1 LOC 07 5°E/2010 ILS CAT II Position of transmitting antenna coordinates 5 443028.5N 0260730.3E Elevation of DME transmitting antenna 6 ID 2 IBS Frequency 3 109.500 MHz Hours of operation 4 H24 GP 07 - 332.600 MHz H24 443005.6N 0260519.8E DME 07 IBS 1056.000 MHz CH 32X H24 443005.9N 0260519.8E LOC 25 5°E/2010 ILS CAT II IBN 110.500 MHz H24 442955.3N 0260449.5E Front course angle 3.54°. GP 25 - 329.600 MHz H24 443026.5N 0260702.6E GP Angle 3°, ILS RDH 53 FT DME 25 IBN 1066.000 MHz CH 42X H24 443026.7N 0260702.4E NDB(LO) BSW 521 KHZ H24 442819.5N 0255707.2E 249° MAG / 5.98 NM from THR 07 NDB(LO) BSE 256 KHZ H24 443146.7N 0261349.9E 069° MAG / 4.87 NM from THR 25 Remarks 7 Front course angle 3.8°. Cat. II ICAO GP Angle 3°, ILS RDH 56 FT (17 M) 300FT 300FT Note: Due to potential interference, the ILS instrument approach to RWY 07 at BUCUREŞTI / Băneasa - Aurel Vlaicu aerodrome is only approved for aircraft with receivers complying the FM immunity provisions as stated in sections 3.1.4 and 3.3.8 of Annex 10, Vol. I. Civil Aviation Authority AIRAC AIP AMDT 12/13 AD 2.4-6 14 NOV 2013 AIP ROMANIA LRBS AD 2.20 LOCAL AERODROME REGULATIONS - Nil - LRBS AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES In order to ensure noise abatement, the following rules and operating procedures shall be applied: 1. General rules 1.1 Each aircraft operator using the airport shall ensure at all times that the aircraft is operated in a manner calculated to cause the least disturbance practicable in areas surrounding the airport. 1.2 Ground running tests of aircraft engines is not permitted on stands. 2. Night-time restrictions applicable between 22.00-06.00 LT 2.1 Reverse thrust other than idle thrust shall only be used to an extent unavoidable for safety reasons. 2.2 Pilots will avoid the use of auxiliary engines or auxiliary power unit (APU). 2.3 The following operations are not permitted: a. technical or training flights (except MTOW < 5700 Kg); b. planning and operating of flights of aircraft with MTOW ≥ 50 tones. Delayed flights are allowed to operate on LRBS, but no later than 22.30 LT, those flights will be charged according to 2.4 and GEN 4.1-6. 2.4 The landing charges on BUCUREŞTI / Băneasa - Aurel Vlaicu are established in accordance with the MTOW of the aircraft and the applicable ICAO Annex 16 provisions, as specified in AIP ROMANIA GEN 4.1-6. 3. Exemptions The night-time restrictions are not applicable for the following type of operations: 1. aircraft landing in emergency situations; 2. aircraft performing humanitarian, medical, ambulance flights, stated in the Flight plan; 3. STATE aircraft or HEAD flights, stated in the Flight plan. AIRAC AIP AMDT 12/13 Civil Aviation Authority AIP ROMANIA AD 2.4-7 07 FEB 2013 LRBS AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 1. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES (LVP) 1.1 Description of facilities 1.1.1 Runway 07 is equipped with ILS and is approved for CAT II operations. Runways 07/25 are approved for LVTO. 1.2 Criteria for the initiation and termination of LVP 1.2.1 Approach and landing a) The preparation phase will be implemented when visibility falls below 1500m and is deteriorated to 800m or ceiling is 500ft and is deteriorated to 200ft and CAT II operations are expected. b) The operations phase will be commenced when the RVR falls below to 600m (visibility falls below 800m) or ceiling is below 200ft. c) LVP will be terminated when RVR is greater than 600m (visibility is greater than 800m) and ceiling is greater than 200ft and a continuing improvement in these conditions is anticipated. 1.2.2 Take-off a) LVP operations will be provided when requested by an aircraft operator to conduct LVTO when the RVR is below 400M. b) If LVP operations are not in force, LVTO must be requested a minimum of 30 minutes in advance to permit the appropriate preparations. 1.3 Details of runway exits 1.3.1 Runway exits are equipped with green / yellow coded taxiway centerline lights. After landing on RWY 07, BSA TWR shall instruct the pilot to vacate the RWY via TWY A or TWY D or hold in turning bay. 1.4 Any ground movement restrictions 1.4.1 Upon receiving taxi clearance, aircraft must only proceed when a green centreline path is illuminated. 1.4.2 During LVTO, taxiing is normally restricted to one aircraft movement at a time. Operation of vehicles on the manoeuvring area is not permitted when LVTO is in progress. 1.5 Description of LVP 1.5.1 CAT II Approach and Landing a) Pilots will be informed by ATIS or RTF when LVP are in operation; b) The localizer sensitive area will be protected when a landing aircraft is within 4 NM from touchdown and when an aircraft is conducting a guided take-off. c) ATC will provide suitable spacing between aircraft on final approach to achieve this objective. 1.5.2 Low Visibility Take Off a) Pilots wishing to conduct a guided take-off must inform ATC on start-up in order to ensure that protection of the localizer sensitive area is provided. 1.6 Other information Aircraft movements on the apron must be carried out with the direction of a “FOLLOW ME” car. Civil Aviation Authority AIRAC AIP AMDT 02/13 AD 2.4-7 07 FEB 2013 AIP ROMANIA LRBS AD 2.22 PROCEDURI DE ZBOR 1. PROCEDURI ÎN CONDIŢII DE VIZIBILITATE REDUSĂ 1.1 Descrierea facilităţilor 1.1.1 Pista 07 este echipată cu ILS şi este autorizată pentru desfăşurarea operaţiunilor CAT II. Pistele 07/25 sunt autorizate pentru LVTO. 1.2 Criterii pentru iniţierea şi terminarea LVP 1.2.1 Apropierea şi aterizarea a) Faza de pregătire va fi implementată atunci când vizibilitatea scade sub 1500m şi are tendinţa de 800m sau plafonul este de 500ft şi are tendinţa de 200ft şi sunt prevăzute declanşarea operaţiunilor CAT II. b) Faza operaţională va fi declanşată atunci când valoarea RVR scade sub 600m (vizibilitatea orizontală scade sub 800m) sau plafonul este sub 200ft c) Procedurile în condiţii de vizibilitate redusă vor fi incheiate atunci când valoarea RVR este mai mare de 600m (vizibilitatea orizontală este mai mare de 800m) şi plafonul este mai mare de 200ft si este anticipată îmbunătăţirea continuă a acestor condiţii. 1.2.2 Decolarea a) Operaţiunile în condiţii de vizibilitate redusă vor fi declanşate când există solicitarea unui operator aerian să decoleze când valoarea RVR este mai mică de 400m. b) Dacă procedurile în condiţii de vizibilitate redusă nu sunt declanşate, LVTO trebuie solicitată cu 30 minute înainte pentru a permite pregătirile corespunzătoare LVTO. 1.3 Detalii privind eliberarea pistei 1.3.1 Racordurile pistei cu căile de rulare sunt echipate cu lumini axiale codificate verde/galben. După aterizare pe pista 07, BSA TWR va da instrucţiuni pilotului să degajeze pista prin TWY A sau TWY D sau să aştepte în buzunarul pistei. 1.4 Restricţii privind mişcarea la sol 1.4.1 După obţinerea autorizării de rulare, aeronava trebuie să înceapă rularea doar atunci când luminile axiale au fost aprinse. 1.4.2 În timpul LVTO rularea pe suprafaţa de manevră este restricţionată la o singură aeronavă. Operarea vehiculelor pe suprfaţa de manevră nu este permisă când LVTO este în desfăşurare. 1.5 Descrierea procedurilor în condiţii de vizibilitate redusă 1.5.1 Apropierea şi aterizarea CAT II a) Piloţii vor fi informaţiI prin ATIS sau RTF atunci când procedurile LVP sunt operaţionale; b) Zona sensibilă ILS va fi protejată atunci când o aeronavă care aterizează se află la 4NM de punctul de contact sau atunci când o aeronava efectuează o decolare ghidată. c) CTA va asigura eşalonarea corespunzătoare între aeronavele aflate pe apropierea finală în vederea îndeplinirii acestui obiectiv. 1.5.2 Decolarea în condiţii de vizibilitate redusă a) Piloţii care doresc să execute o decolare ghidată trebuie să informeze CTA la pornirea motarelor pentru ca sa poată fi asigurată protejarea zonei sensibile al echipamentului ILS. 1.6 Alte informaţii Mişcarea aeronavelor pe suprafaţa de parcare trebuie efectuată cu asistenţa serviciului “FOLLOW ME”. AIRAC AIP AMDT 02/13 Civil Aviation Authority AIP ROMANIA AD 2.4-8 07 FEB 2013 2. CLOSE-IN OBSTACLES Nr. crt 1 2 3 4 5 Type Pilar Pilar Antenna Pilar Bilding Latitude Longitude 443033.451N 443049.420N 443050.540N 443048.700N 443034.760N 0260729.566E 0260809.020E 0260809.100E 0260814.500E 0260826.680E Elevation (FT) 303 383 385 387 428 Remarks Departure RWY 07 Departure RWY 07 Departure RWY 07 Departure RWY 07 Departure RWY 07 LRBS AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Bird Deterrent Laser System. Green light beam sweeps horizontally to a maximum height of 1 m from ground. LRBS AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME Aerodrome Chart - ICAO...........................................................................................................................AD 2.4-20/20a Aircraft Parking/Docking Chart - ICAO ............................................................................................................ AD 2.4-22 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - ICAO - Type A RWY 25 ..................................................................................... AD 2.4-25 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - ICAO - Type A RWY 07 ..................................................................................... AD 2.4-26 Standard Departure Charts - Instrument - ICAO RWY 07 ................................................................................................................................... AD 2.4-30 RWY 25 ................................................................................................................................... AD 2.4-31 Standard Arrival Charts - Instrument - ICAO RWY 07 ................................................................................................................................... AD 2.4-32 RWY 25 ................................................................................................................................... AD 2.4-33 RNAV Standard Departure Chart - Instrument - ICAO RWY 07 ................................................................................................................................... AD 2.4-34 RWY 25 ................................................................................................................................... AD 2.4-35 RNAV Standard Arrival Chart - Instrument - ICAO RWY 07 ................................................................................................................................... AD 2.4-36 RWY 25 ................................................................................................................................... AD 2.4-37 Visual Approach Chart - ICAO ........................................................................................................................ AD 2.4-40 Radar Minimum Altitude Chart - ICAO ........................................................................................................... AD 2.4-45 Instrument Approach Charts - ICAO RWY 07 ILS - CAT A / B........................................................................................................... AD 2.4-51 RWY 07 ILS - CAT C / D .......................................................................................................... AD 2.4-52 RWY 25 ILS - CAT A / B........................................................................................................... AD 2.4-53 RWY 25 ILS - CAT C / D .......................................................................................................... AD 2.4-54 RWY 07 NDB - CAT A / B......................................................................................................... AD 2.4-91 RWY 07 NDB - CAT C / D ........................................................................................................ AD 2.4-92 RWY 25 NDB - CAT A / B......................................................................................................... AD 2.4-93 RWY 25 NDB - CAT C / D ........................................................................................................ AD 2.4-94 Civil Aviation Authority AIRAC AIP AMDT 02/13
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