30 JAN 15 CHART CHANGE NOTICES SA-1 SOUTH AMERICA q$i Jeppesen CHART CHANGE NOTICES highlight only significant changes affecting Jeppesen Charts, also regularly updated at www.jeppesen.com. IMPORTANT: CHECK FOR NOTAMS AND OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION PRIOR TO FLIGHT. ENROUTE CHARTS GENERAL ARGENTINA GRID MORA (S46-48, W064-66) raised to 2,000’. HI-2/7. GRID MORA (S48-49, W064-065) lowered to 1000’. LO-14/2D. GRID MORA (S48-50, W064-66) lowered to 1900’ HI-2/7. BOLIVIA / PARAGUAY UM548 revised. See graphic Change Notice SA-301. HI-1/8-9, HI-2/1, HI-4/7. BRAZIL All lower airways within Brazil MEA FL150, except if charted MEA is higher. COLOMBIA All high airways within Colombia MEA FL250, except if charted MEA is lower. ECUADOR GUAYAQUIL FLIGHT INFORMATION REGION (FIR) ident chgd to SEFG. URUGUAY ALL PROHIBITED AREAS within Uruguay Altitudes changed to GND - 2000’ AGL. Uruguay Class C Airspace Limits changed to FL85 FL195 ARGENTINA ATS ROUTES changed: UM789 MAMKA CRP established (S24 49.1 W061 45.2). AKPEL - MAMKA - VINOS 113/10 NM. HI-4/7. UN741 redesig STANDARD Cruise Levels ISALA Ezeiza VOR (EZE). SAEZ 10-1, SAEZ 10-1A. UW7 SOVLI CRP established (S27 16.7 W061 02.9). Resistencia VOR (SIS) - SOVLI - BUPLA 107/33 NM. HI-4/7. UW7/UN775 SOLVI renamed SOVLI HI-2/2. ARUBA ATS ROUTES changed: A315 AVELO CRP - CURACAO VOR (PJG) MEA FL40. Eff 05 Feb 15. LO-2/1AB. UA554 AGMEX CRP established (N13 04.5 W067 48.1). LUCAS - AGMEX - KABON 14/21 NM. Eff 05 Feb 15. HI-3/3. UA563 BINLI NCRP established (N12 07.0 W068 12.8). Curacao VOR (PJG) - BINLI - BONAX 47/23 NM. Eff 05 Feb 15. HI-3/3. UL304 AGMEX NCRP established (N13 04.5 W067 48.1). REVOK - AGMEX - ILKIT 13/14 NM. Eff 05 Feb 15. HI-3/3. UL793 BINLI NCRP established (N12 07.0 W068 12.8). SINDA - BINLI - PAGAK 43/41 NM. Eff 05 Feb 15. HI-3/3. BOLIVIA ATS ROUTES changed: UA321 Viru Viru VOR (VIR) - SURKO NCRP (S18 43.9 W062 21.4) 157°/337°, 80 NM MEA FL250; SURKO - MOMDI CRP (S19 37.7 W061 42.9) 157°/337°, 65 NM. SLVR 10-1. UM411 established Viru Viru VOR (VIR) - GAVOS 116°/297°, 80 NM, MEA FL250; GAVOS - ROKES 117°/297° 21 NM; ROKES - ALGIP NCRP (S18 03.7 W058 38.4) 119°/300°, 167 NM; ALGIP EDRUS NCRP (S18 56.6 W058 17.5) 121°/301°, 21 NM, EDRUS - EVLOL CRP (S19 04.8 W057 48.4) 121°/301°, 29 NM. SLVR. BRAZIL ATS ROUTES changed: ALGOX coords should read S19 40.3 W044 47.6. SBCF. RIBEIRAO PRETO VOR/DME (RPR) 115.6 at S21 09.0 W047 46.4 comsnd. LO-11/8B. UM402 IVTIM withdrawn. ILSUB - ARVUM 160 NM. SBMN. UM409 MILUD revoked. ALGOX - REINA 86 NM. SBCF. UM417 redesig Bi-directional VAGAN - TELOS SBMN. UM527/UZ33 KADAM CRP renamed GEDOV. HI-4/4. UZ3 RORIP renamed POSMA. Redesig to EVEN Flight Levels Confins VOR (CNF) - TOKIM. SBCF. UZ22 and UZ29 KALA1 should read KALAX. SBCF. UZ24 VANEP CRP established (S20 56.3 W044 28.8) OPKES - VANEP - GEMUV 17/5 NM. SBCF. UZ26 EGALE CRP established (S09 47.1 W048 21.9). Palmas VOR (PMS) - EGALE - MASVA 30/10 NM. HI-4/5. UZ26 VARSO CRP established (S14 19.4 W048 07.0). BRAZE - VARSO - RUSTE 15/124 NM. HI-4/6. UZ35 VISTA revoked. PORDU - Belo Horizonte VOR (BHZ) 43 NM. SBCF. UZ42 UBNEK CRP established (S22 47.6 W043 38.9). EPGIP - UBNEK - XOGAR 19/27 NM. SBGL 10-1. UZ42 UGPOP CRP established (S23 05.4 W044 56.2). EKIDI - UGPOP - ESORU 8/15 NM. SBGL 10-1. W16 withdrawn Campinas VOR (CPN) - Rio Preto NDB (JRP). LO-11/8AB, SBGL 10-1A. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SA-2 CHART CHANGE NOTICES 30 JAN 15 SOUTH AMERICA BELO HORIZONTE CTR chgd to two circles with a 15 NM radius centered on S19 38.0 W043 58.0 and S19 51.0 W043 57.0 connected by tangents. SBCF. GOIANIA NDB (GOI) decmsnd. HI-4/6, SBBR. GOIANIA VOR (GOI) decmsnd. HI-4/6, SBBR. GOIANIA VOR/DME (GNV) 115.9 at (S16 38.5 W049 12.7) comsnd. HI-4/6, SBBR. RESTRICTED AREA SB(R)-517 renamed SB(R)535. HI-4/8, LO-12/4A. RESTRICTED AREA SB(R)-535 renamed SB(R)517. LO-12/4A. SAO JOSE VOR/DME decmsnd. HI-4/7, LO-11/9A, SBGL 10-1A. SAO JOSE VOR/DME (SCP) 115.4 at S23 14.0 W045 51.6 comsnd. HI-4/7, LO-11/9A, SBGL 10-1A. CHILE ATS ROUTES changed: UT293 established INCAS CRP - MINAG 202°/021°, 61 NM, MEA FL250; MINAG - PANED NCRP 202°/ 021°, 14 NM; PANED - LITUX NCRP 201°/020°, 114 NM; One-way SW-bnd LITUX - ENTOP CRP 204°/024°, 49 NM; ENTOP - NENAT NCRP 240°/ 059°, 57 NM. HI-2/1-2. COLOMBIA ATS ROUTES changed: A552 VAPUM renamed LUVTO. LO-1/7A. A552, UA552, and UG444 PETER renamed MAKBU. HI-3/2. A574 ROBLE renamed ENTIP. SKBQ. A574, UA574, and UR640 HACHA renamed TIPGA. HI-3/2, HI-4/2. G430 OREDU renamed URADO. LO-1/7A. G445 EDESI renamed KOPGI. SKCL. R567 Florencia VOR (FLA) - REPEG CRP (N01 09.1 W075 14.0) 148°/328°, 33 NM MEA 5000’; REPEG - SASTO CRP (N00 51.0 W075 00.1) 23 NM MEA 10000’; SASTO - VAKIM CRP (N00 16.9 W074 52.6) 173°/353°, 35 NM;VAKIM Puerto Leguizamo VOR (PLG) 28 NM MEA 5000’. LO-3/5D-6C, LO-6/1A. UA301 BOLAR, ANDUR, EDOPO, IRUVA renamed SIPOK, KOVAK, PALUG, POTBA. HI-3/1-2, SKBQ. UA319 BOLAR renamed SIPOK, HI-3/1. UA574 and UG444 NERVA renamed UBLAX. HI-3/2. UG427 POLEN renamed ISUSO. SA HI-3/2, SA HI-4/3. UG444 and UQ117 BOBIC renamed LOKOV. HI-3/2. UG445 and UM525 AMBIL renamed KOVIP. HI-3/1. UQ101 ANKIN renamed KIKUM. SA HI-3/1, SKCL 10-1. UQ115 BUTNA renamed UGREB. HI-3/1, SKBQ 10-1. UW9 POTSI renamed EDVAR. HI-3/2, SKBQ. UW10 established Cartagena VOR (CTG) - UGREB CRP (N09 44.2 W075 10.0) 150°/330°, 36 NM MEA FL250; UGREB - SUBLO CRP (N09 30.1 W075 00.0) 18 NM; SUBLO - Magangue VOR (MGN) 14 NM; (MGN) - TESIR CRP (N07 55.5 W074 13.0) 161°/342°, 90 NM; TESIR Barrancabermeja VOR (EJA) 162°/342°, 58 NM. q$i HI-1/2, HI-3/1-2, SKBO 10-1A. UW88 established El Yopal VOR (EYP) - ISLID CRP (N03 50.9 W071 39.1) 159°/339°, 97NM, MEA FL250; ISLID - Mitu VOR (MTU) 159°/340°, 178NM. HI-3/2. W1 AURES renamed LIVOB, OPMAL renamed GAVAD. LO-3/7C, SKCL. W3 BUVSI renamed SERVO, ZARZA renamed IRIGI. LO-3/7C, 8C. W3 Tulua VOR (ULQ) - NEKEB CRP (N03 48.3 W076 18.0) 200°/020°, 18 NM; NEKEB - Cali VOR (CLO) 25 NM MEA 8000’. SKCL. W4 ATACA renamed VUMBA, BARRA renamed UMKIR. SKBQ. W5 BUTNA renamed UGREB. SKBQ/10-1. W5 ONDOT CRP established (N05 04.4 W076 40.6). Quibdo VOR (UIB) - ONDOT - ASIKO 37/51 NM. SKCL 10-1. W5/W30 ONDOT renamed TEDUL. SKCL. W8-37 ASBAP renamed VULRI. LO-3/7D. W9 POTSI renamed EDVAR. SKBQ/10-1. W17 CEILA renamed SIPAR. SKCL. W22 Changed in part: Soacha VOR (SOA) - BOGUS NCRP (N04 18.0 W074 28.0) 219°/038°, 21 NM; BOGUS - LIXAG 31 NM. LO-3/7C. W31 DABUG renamed SEDPO, BARRA renamed UMKIR, POTSI renmaed EDVAR. SKBQ 10-1. W41 FUNDA renamed UMPUR. SKBQ. W46 GAVOX renamed VOVLU. SKBQ. W50 Puerto Asis NDB (SIS) - GILRU CRP (N00 31.7 W076 05.2) 091°/271°, 25 NM; GILRU - Puerto Leguizamo VOR (PLG) 124°/304°, 89 NM. LO-3/6C, LO-6/1A. W52 ROBLE renamed ENTIP. SKBQ 10-1. W86 established Girardot VOR (GIR) - MUGBU CRP (N03 52.1 W075 10.4) 230°/050°, 27 NM MEA 6000’; MUGBU - NIGMO CRP (N03 35.2 W075 26.5) 230°/049°, 23 NM MEA 14000’; NIGMO - ISKED CRP (N02 38.2 W076 20.8) 229°/048°, 79 NM MEA FL210; ISKED - TITGU CRP (N02 21.9 W076 36.2) 228°/048°, 22 NM MEA 16000’; TITGU - VUROR CRP (N01 57.5 W076 59.4) 228°/048°, 34 NM MEA 14000’; VUROR - Mercaderes VOR (MER) 228°/048°, 14 NM MEA 12000’. SKCL. CALI, MARCO FIDEL SUAREZ AB Apt elevation 3165 and runway lenght 6233. Disregard number 1370 on airport text next to the elevation. SKCL 10-1. RESTRICTED AREA SK(R)-5 SOUTH CORRIDOR withdrawn {SW of Cali VOR (CLO)}. SKCL. FRENCH GUIANA RESTRICTED AREA SO(R)-2 established. An irregular-shaped area approx 2 NM S-N by 3 NM E-W beginning approx 3 NM west of Oiapoque NDB. Altitudes GND - FL50. LO-5/10D. HONDURAS ATS ROUTES changed: UL318 BOLDO CRP established (N04 29.0 W082 55.0). RADIM - BOLDO - VAMOS 109/254 NM. EVRET withdrawn. HI-1/3, HI-7/4. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 30 JAN 15 CHART CHANGE NOTICES SA-3 SOUTH AMERICA UL318 SETRI CRP established (N07 45.8 W086 03.9). EBDEL - SETRI - RADIM 194/163 NM. HI-1/2, HI-7/3-4. UL423 NOROS NCRP established (N12 46.4 W088 36.3). PINDO - NOROS - RADIM 30/190 NM. HI-1/1, HI-7/3. NETH ANTILLES ATS ROUTES changed: UA319 IRBAR (N14 52.0 W073 25.5) and PUTAR (N15 21.0 W072 56.6) NCRPs established. OROSA - IRBAR - LIDOL - PUTAR - MASEN 48/18/23/54 NM. Eff 05 Feb 15. HI-1/1. PANAMA ATS ROUTES changed: Q3 Taboga VOR (TBG) - NEMER CRP (N08 54.5 W079 55.8) 292°/112°, 23 NM, MEA 3000’; NEMER - FRANCE VOR (FNC) 012°/192°, 27 NM, MEA 3000’. MPTO 10-1. Q4 MADEN CRP (N09 11.0 W079 36.1) - FRANCE VOR (FNC) 307°/128°, 19 NM, MEA 3000’. MPTO 10-1. V3 established France VOR (FNC) - MULPO CRP (N09 05.5 W079 54.3) 192°/012°, 16 NM MEA 3000’; MULPO - NEMER 11 NM. LO-1/5D, LO-3/8B, MPTO 10-1. V4 established France VOR (FNC) - MADEN 128°/ 307°, 19 NM MEA 3000’; MADEN - Tocumen VOR (TUM) 127°/307°, 14 NM MEA 3500’ LO-1/5D-6C, LO-3/8B, MPTO 10-1. V16 withdrawn La Palma VOR (PML) - ISUMA. LO-1/6CD, LO-3/8B. COLON Apt redesig VFR. MPTO 10-1. ENRIQUE ADOLFO JIMENEZ, Apt renamed Enrique A Jimenez. MPTO 10-1. FRANCE VOR/DME (FNC) freq 109.0 at N09 21.4 W079 52.2 comsnd. LO-1/5CD, MPTO 10-1. MALEK CTR chgd to class ’D’. MPTO 10-1A. RESTRICTED AREA MP(R)-26/MP(R)Buenaventura withdrawn (SW of Tocumen). MPTO 10-1. PARAGUAY ATS ROUTES changed: UA321 Asuncion VOR (VAS) - OBLUM NCRP (S24 30.2 W057 31.3) 345°/166°, 50 NM; OBLUM NEKAN CRP (S22 22.4 W059 40.9) 335°/155°, 159 NM; NEKAN - KIMAL 335°/155°, 96 NM. HI-2/1, HI-4/7-8. UL793 KIMAL CRP established (S21 04.7 W060 42.5). OROMU - KIMAL - MOROS 95/72 NM. HI-4/6-7. UM799 AKNEL NCRP (S23 47.9 W060 59.7) EGEXO NCRP (S22 58.1 W060 13.8) 050°/230°, 65 NM; EGEXO - ILPUR CRP (S22 42.0 W059 58.8) 051°/230°, 21 NM; ILPUR - NEKAN CRP (S22 22.4 W059 40.9) 051°230°, 25 NM; NEKAN REMEK NCRP (S20 38.0 W058 06.8) 051°/232°, 137 NM. HI-2/1, HI-4/7. q$i PERU ATS ROUTES changed: UT226 ALDAL and OGNUM redesig CRPs. HI-1/6, SPIM. LIMA TMA chgd to a square-shaped area approx 70 NM N-S and 70 NM E-W. LO-4/2C, SPIM. VENEZUELA ATS ROUTES changed: A550/UA550 OGREK CRP established (N11 52.4 W065 47.3). HENRY - OGREK - TOROP 99/33 NM. HI-3/4, LO-2/2AB. A551/UA551 OPLUD CRP established (N11 40.5 W065 24.3). MASPA - OPLUD - KOMPU 71/31 NM. HI-3/4, LO-2/2AB. UA552 TOSIP CRP established (N10 37.2 W064 37.0). Cabo Codera VOR (CBC) - TOSIP - UGIRO 85/50 NM. HI-3/4-5. UA561 DAGOX withdrawn. VUDOS CRP established (N10 48.5 W064 36.6). Cabo Codera VOR (CBC) - VUDOS - Margarita VOR (MTA) 86/39 NM. HI-3/4-5. UA563 SIRAS CRP established (N11 04.9 W064 37.2). KOMPU - SIRAS - Margarita VOR (MTA) 73/40 NM. HI-3/4-5. UM417 KOTOM withdrawn. Tuy VOR (TUY) Maiquetia VOR (MIQ) 22NM. SVMI 10-1. UW19 CHALO CRP established (N10 54.3 W064 38.4). DOSRA - CHALO - Margarita VOR (MTA) 78/40 NM. HI-3/4-5. MARGARITA, -Apt renamed Chief Gen Santiago Marino Intl. PROHIBITED AREAS SV(P)-2546, SV(P)-2547 and SV(P)-2548 vertical limits chgd to GND - UNL [ NW of Tuy VOR(TUY)]. SVMI. TERMINAL CHARTS TERMINAL Aracaju, Brazil, (Santa Maria), Runway 11/29 closed due to work from 8 January 2015 to 17 July 2015 0800-1400 UTC daily Per AIP SUP A002-15 Araraquara, Brazil, (16-1) Academia App available on 120.1 and 122.4 Arica, Chile, (Chacalluta Intl), (10-9) PAPI Rwy 02 angle changed to 3.0 degrees. Artigas, Uruguay, ARTIGUS (AT) NDB decommissioned, SUAG NDB Rwy 11 and NDB Rwy 29 procedures cancelled. Asuncion, Paraguay, (Asuncion Silvio Pettirossi Intl), (13-3) Change missed approach to read: Climb heading 206° to 3000’ then turn LEFT to VAS VOR for holding. Hold northeast of VAS VOR, 206° inbound, RIGHT turns. Barcelona, Venezuela, (Gen. Jose Antonio Anzoategui Intl), (11-1-APT) CTN OPS TKOF/ LDG/TAX DUE 2 HOLE INT D WITH FLW CHARACTERISTICS: - 125CM LEN X 150CM WID - 170CM LEN X 180CM WID LOCATED IN CENTER TWY, 1 HOLE WITH FLW CHARACTERISTICS: 3M LEN X 3M q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SA-4 CHART CHANGE NOTICES 30 JAN 15 SOUTH AMERICA WID DPT VRB WITH CRACKING ASPH LOCATED IN N WINGS TWY D, APRX 440M THR 33.Belem, Brazil, (Val De Cans-Ribeiro Intl), (10-3K) JANES 1 RNAV DEP RWY 02 suspended, 24 JUL 2014 0000Z until 31 DEC 2015 2359Z, per SUP A040/14 Aircraft operations forbidden on RWY 06/24 if runway is contaminated or there is mild or heavy rain. AIP SUP A041-14 Airport name changed from VAL DE CANS INTL to VAL DE CANS/JULIO CEZAR RIBEIRO INTL. Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (Pampulha-Carlos Drummond De Andrade), (10-2) ARENA 1, KODPA 1, KOMBO 1, MAPMI 1, MEBLU 1, NINDI 1 RNAV ARRS RWY 31 suspended per AIP SUP N053/14 WEF 01 MAY 2014 0000Z TIL 01 MAY 2015 2359Z (10-2A) CROOK 1, OPRAT 1, PANIM 1, VAL 1, YPT 1 RNAV ARRS RWY 31 suspended per AIP SUP N053/14 WEF 01 MAY 2014 0000Z TIL 01 MAY 2015 2359Z (10-2D) LISBO 1, OPLUT 1, POSMA 1, PUGVA 1, SALVI 1, SIGIR 1 RNAV ARRS RWY 31 suspended per AIP SUP N053/14 WEF 01 MAY 2014 0000Z TIL 01 MAY 2015 2359Z (10-9) Landing Beyond Threshold and Takeoff distace changed to 7756’ (2364m) for Rwy 13/31 per Brazil AIP SUP N028/13 Boa Vista, Brazil, (Atlas Brazil Cantanhede Intl), PAPI (3.00°) added to Rwy 26. Bogota, Colombia, (Eldorado Intl), Disregard obstacle labeled 8880’ Southeast of the airport. The obstacle will be removed from all procedures as revised. Due to construction taking place on Runway 31R, the threshold has been displaced 492’ (150m). Caution is advised due to the presence of material and excavation in the work area. The declared distances are as follows: Runway 13L: TORA: 11975’ (3650m) TODA: 12467’ (3800m) ASDA: 12467’ (3800m) LDA: 11975’ (3650m) Runway 31R: TORA: 12467’ (3800m) TODA: 12467’ (3800m) ASDA: 12467’ (3800m) LDA: 11975’ (3650m) During this construction the ILS procedures to Runway 13L are available; however, LVP to Runway 13L/13R are not available. Bonito, Brazil, (10-3) DOKMA 1, ISONI 1, KODRI 1 RWY 18 RNAV DEPS suspended; Effective 19 SEP 13 0000 til 19 SEP 15 2359 (10-3A) DOKMA 1, ISONI 1, KODRI 1 RWY 36 RNAV DEPS suspended; Effective 19 SEP 13 0000 til 19 SEP 15 2359 IAC RNAV (GNSS) Rwy 18 Suspended. Per AIP SUP N137-13 Duration 19 Sep 13 until 19 Sep 15 Brasilia, Brazil, (Pres Juscelino Kubitschek Intl), Approach lights for RWY 29R/L changed to ALSF-I q$i RWY 11R/29L Approach Lighting Systems out of service. - The following procedures are not AVBL. From 28 november 2014, 0000 UTC to 31 december 2015, 2359 UTC: CHARTS : - IAP RNAV (GNSS) Z RWY 11L; - IAP RNAV (GNSS) Z RWY 29L; - IAP VOR RWY 11R; - IAP VOR RWY 11L; - IAP VOR/DME RWY 29L; - IAP VOR/DME RWY 29R. Per AIP SUP A099-14 Bridgetown, Barbados, (Grantley Adams Intl), (APT) Rwy 09 has TDZ lights. Change: HIALS to ALS Rwy 09. Buenaventura, Colombia, (Gerardo Tovar Lopez), PAPI on both rwys. Rwy 09 - APAPI-L Buenos Aires, Argentina, (Jorge Newbery), Remove "Spanish" only from comms. Cabo Frio, Brazil, Rwy 10 and 28 PAPI chgd to PAPI-L. Calama, Chile, (El Loa), (10-9) Rwy 10 PAPI-L angle 2.5 degrees. Caldas Novas, Brazil, (10-9) PAPI-L Rwy 09 Added Campina Grande, Brazil, (Joao Suassuna), (16-1) Transition altitude changed to 5000’ ILS GP RWY 15 not available. 29 May 14 0000 UTC to 29 May 15 2359 UTC AIP SUP N06814 Campo Grande, Brazil, (Campo Grande Intl), RWY 06 ALS MALSR changed to MALSF Campos Dos Goitaczes, Brazil, (Bartolomeu Lisandro), (10-3A) OPURI SID cancelled. New procedures MABSI 1A, MCA 1A RNAV DEPS will be published Revision Date 20 DEC 13. Carepa, Colombia, (Antonio Roldan Betancurt), (APT) PAPI-L on Rwy 33. Carolina, Brazil, (Brig Lysias A Rodrigues), All facilities and service area lighting are unavailable. From November 13, 2014 to December 31, 2016. Per AIP SUP N159-14 Cartagena, Colombia, (Rafael Nunez), (10-9) Rwy 19: PAPI-L changed to PAPI Cascavel, Brazil, DECLARED DISTANCE RWY 15/38 MODIFIDED TO: RWY 15 TORA 5840’ (1780M) TODA 7743’ (2360M) LDA 5840’ (1780M) RWY 33 TORA 5840’ (1780M) TODA 6758’ (2060M) LDA 5840’ (1780M) Cayenne, French Guiana, (Felix Eboue), (10-9) Rwy 08 PAPI angle changed from 3.7° to 3.0°. Chiclayo, Peru, (Jose Abelardo Quinones Gonzale), RWY 01 PAPI-L REMOVED. Coari, Brazil, (Urucu), Airport elevation change to 210’ Threshold Rwy 09 changed to 210’ Correct ATS unit tower URUCU to AFIS URUCU. AIP SUP N128-14 Cobija, Bolivia, (Heroes Del Acre), Runway 02, first 328’ (100m) displaced due to loose asphalt, available runway 6234’ (1900m). Rwy 02 turn-pad closed. SUP 07/14 and 08/14 q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 30 JAN 15 CHART CHANGE NOTICES SA-5 SOUTH AMERICA Coca, Ecuador, (Francisco De Orellana), (13-1) DME required. Runway 16 Simple Approach Lighting System added. Ecuador AIP AMD 24-14 Conceicao Do Araguaia, Brazil, All lights are unavailable from November 13, 2014 to December 31, 2016. Per AIP SUP N157/14 Concepcion, Chile, (Carriel Sur Intl), PAPI Rwy 20 angle changed to 3.0° Concepcion, Paraguay, (Ten Crl Carmelo Peralta), Airport name changed to: TEN. CRL. P.A.M. CARMELO PERALTA INTL Cordoba, Argentina, (Ing Aeron Ambrosio Lv Taravell), (10-9) Rwy 23: PAPI approach angle 3°. PAPI-L Rwy 05/23 added. Corozal, Colombia, (Las Brujas), (12-1) MAX IAS 220 KT at CZ516, CZ512, and CZ514. Corrientes, Argentina, PAPI (angle 3.0 degrees) Rwy 02/20 added. Cruzeiro Do Sul, Brazil, (Cruzeiro Do Sul-Intl), (16-1/ 16-2) CZS NDB decommisioned. Transition altitude changed to 4000’ per Brazil AIP SUP A026. Valid ONLY from 03 May 12 thru 31 Dec 12. Curitiba, Brazil, (Afonso Pena Intl), Prior permission required from Airport Operations Center at least 4 hours before landing for General Aviation parking aircraft. Phone Numbers: (41) 3381-1478 or (41) 33811190 From November 13, 2014 to December 31, 2015 Per AIP SUP A093-14 RWY 15/33 CLOSED due to Work In Progress: Days and hours: - AUG 21 TIL 18 OCT, MON TIL SAT 0300/0900 UTC; - OCT 20 TIL 21 FEB/15,MON TIL SAT 0200/0800 UTC; - FEB 23 TIL 28 FEB/15, MON TIL SAT 0300/0900 UTC. RWY 11/29 CLOSED due to WIP: Days and hours : - AUG 21 TIL 18 OCT, MON TIL SAT 0300/0900 UTC; - OCT 19 TIL 21 FEB/15, MON TIL SAT 0200/0800 UTC; - FEB 22 TIL 28 FEB/15, MON TIL SAT 0300/0900 UTC. Durazno, Uruguay, (Santa Bernardina Intl), RWY 03 Approach lights updated to SALS High Intensity RWY 21 Approach lights updated to MALSR Cat I High Intesity Fernando De Noronha, Brazil, (13-1) FNR VOR name changed to NORONHA. Aerodrome closed for night operations. From 18 September 2014, 0000 UTC to 15 March 2015, 2359 UTC. Change VASI Rwy 12 to PAPI-L Rwy 12. Runway, TWY A, TWY B and Patio CLOSED for service: Hours: 2000/1230 Florianopolis, Brazil, (Hercilio Luz Intl), (APT) Parking spot 4 on Apron 2 closed. Per AIP SUP A026 DURATION: 30 MAY 13 until 12 APT 15 q$i (APT) RWY 21 FIRST 140M CLOSED FOR LANDING AND TAKE-OFF Declaed distance Rwy 03-21 changed to: Rwy 03 TORA 4462’ (1360m) LDA 4462’ (1360m) Rwy 21 TORA 4462’ (1360m) LDA 4462’ (1360m) Duration: 27 AUG 14 to 31 OCT 16 Declared Distances RWY 03/21 changed to: RWY 03: TODA 1360m, LDA 1360m RWY 21: TODA 1360m, LDA 1360m First 140m of RWY 21 and Last 140m of RWY 03 not available for landing or takeoff. RWY 03/21 and RWY 14/32 WIP parallel to RWY STRIP. Forquilhinha, Brazil, (Forquilhinha-Criciuma), RWY 09/27 Operate with caution due to maintenance work on both sides. Per AIP SUP N126-14 During: - OCT 17 , 2014 FRI 1100/2000 UTC; - OCT 20 TIL FEB 13/2015, MON TIL FRI 1000/ 1900 UTC; - FEB 16 TIL OCT 16/2015, MON TIL FRI 1100/ 2000 UTC; - OCT 19 TIL FEB 19/2016, MON TIL FRI 1000/ 1900 UTC; - FEB 22 TIL OCT 14/2016, MON TIL FRI 1100/ 2000 UTC; - OCT 17 TIL DEC 31/2016, MON TIL FRI 1000/ 1900 UTC. The first 76m of Rwy 09 and last 76m of Rwy 27 not available for Landing/Takeoffs, declared distances modified as: TORA TODA ASDA LDA Rwy 09: 1412m (4633’) 1412m (4633’) 1452m (4764’) 1412m (4633’) Rwy 27: 1412m (4633’) 1412m (4633’) 1528m ((5013’’) 1412m (4633’) Dimension of Stopway 09 changed to 116m (381’) x 40m (131’) From 03 April 2014 0000 UTC to 25 February 2016 2300 UTC VOR/DME (CRY) Freq 114.40 MH/CH91X unservicable, 01 May 0000 UTC until 31 Dec 14 2359 UTC. Guajara Mirim, Brazil, All facilites and service area landing lighting are unavailable. From November 13, 2014 to December 31, 2016. Per AIP SUP N141-14 Guarapuava, Brazil, (Tancredo Thomas De Faria), AFIS Frequency changed to 130.75 Ilheus, Brazil, (-Bahia-Jorge Amado), Airfield closed to IFR operations H24 from 5 February 2015 0000 UTC to 31 December 2015 2359 UTC. Per AIP SUP N023-15 Eff 05 Feb 15. Ipiales, Colombia, (San Luis), Rwy 06: PAPI-L Iquique, Chile, (Diego Aracena Intl), Caution: Runway id has change due to threshold displacement. *** See State NOTAMs for effectivity of the displacement. *** Rwy 19 displaced threshold changed to Rwy 20 temporarily, due to treshold 19 being displaced 4429’ (1350M) . New threshold 20 located on coords S 20-32-56. 26/ W 070-10-52.04. Declared distances. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SA-6 CHART CHANGE NOTICES 30 JAN 15 SOUTH AMERICA Rwy 01: TORA 6562’(2000m), TODA 6562’(2000m), ASDA 6562’(2000m), LDA 6562’(2000m). Rwy 20: TORA 6562’(2000m), TODA 6562’(2000m), ASDA 6562’(2000m), LDA 6562’(2000m). For instructions: Iquique APP/RDR 122.7mhz, Iquique tower 118.9mhz, Iquique Ground control 121.7. Itumbiara, Brazil, (Hidroeletrica), YBA NDB now 24 HR ROTAER AMD 04-14 Jacareacanga, Brazil, Rwy 08/26 Observe asphalt breakdown. Per AIP SUP N161-14 Ji-Parana, Brazil, (10-3) JI003 1, JI004 1, JI006 1, JI007 1 RNAV DEPS suspended, EFF 13 NOV 14 0000 TIL 31 DEC 16 2359. AIP SUP N171/14 RNAV (GNSS) RWY 03 suspended from November 13, 2014 to December 31, 2016. Per AIP SUP N172-14 Joao Pessoa, Brazil, (Presidente Castro Pinto Intl), (12-1, 16-1, 16-2, 16-3, 16-4) Transition altitude changed to 4000’ Joinville, Brazil, (Lauro Carneiro de Loyola), (10-3) (10-3A) CTB 1 DEPS renamed CTB 1A, PNG 1 DEPS renamed PNG 1A, VUKUS 1 DEPS renamed VUKUS 1A, Trans alt changed from 4000’ to 6000’ PAPI Rwy 15 3.00° angle MEHT 39FT E HR Ser 0900/0200 Installed Lagoa Santa, Brazil, (10-3) All wpts changed from compulsory to non-compulsory reporting points. KOMBO Transition replaced by MOTMA Transition, PORDA Transition replaced by PUDVA transition. TRIVI wpt formation bearing changed from 271 to 272. (10-3A) DIMUL 2 DEP renamed GUXOM 2. DIMUL renamed GUXOM. All wpts changed from compulsory to non-compulsory reporting points. MALPO Transition cancelled, OPRIS Transition replaced by DEJAN Transition. (10-3C) All wpts changed from compulsory to non-compulsory reporting points. At or below FL130 crossing restriction added to LIVEB, TEMUN, and TENOK. YPT Transition revised. SALVI wpt formation added CNF R-068 D56. All charts will be published Revision date 20 DEC 13. Londrina, Brazil, (Governador Jose Richa), 180° turns for aircraft type Fokker or greater are only authorized at the ends of Runway 13/31. From 5 February 2015 at 0000 UTC to 31 December 2016 at 2359 UTC. Per AIP SUP N024-15 Eff 05 Feb 15. Availability of parking for General Aviation in AD Londrina, only with permission of Local Airport Administration, 24 hrs in advance by Telephone (43) 3027-9104 or (43) 3027-9105. AIP SUP N089-14 Macapa, Brazil, (Alberto Alcolumbre Intl), (10-3) CAMI, LADO, MATI DEPS suspended EFF 13 NOV 14 0000 TIL 31 DEC 16 2359 per AIP SUP A100/14 MCP VOR not available between R-020 and R-030. Per AIP SUP A016-14 DURATION: 3 APR 14 thru 31 DEC 15 Transition Altitude revised to 3000 ft. Per AIP SUP A089-14 q$i Maceio, Brazil, (Zumbi Dos Palmares Intl), Runway 12/30 work in progress on side edges of runway and on extension of THR 30. From 8 January 2015 at 1100 UTC to 02 May 2015 at 2000 UTC. Mon-Sat: 1100-2000 UTC Per AIP SUP A005-15 Manaus, Brazil, (Ponta Pelada), RWY 27 Threshold coordinates changed to S03:08:40 W059:58:47 Elevation=263ft SWY RWY 09=270m SWY RWY27=90m AIP SUP 023/14 SBMN Declared Distances: RWY 09: TORA=1960m, TODA=1960m, ASDA= 2230m, LDA=1960m RWY 27 TORA=1910m, TODA=1910m, ASDA= 2000m, LDA=1910m AIP SUP A023/14 VASIs RWY 27 unserviceable. Per AIP SUP A092-14 Montes Claros, Brazil, (Mario Ribeiro), GENERAL AVIATION AIRCRAFT PARKING ONLY BY MEANS OF DIRECTORS AUTH LOCAL AIRPORT 2HR IN ADVANCE BEFORE LANDING BY TEL (38) 3229-1217 OR (38) 3229-1200. COMPULSORY USE OF PUSH BACK OUT IN SMALL EXC AIRCRAFT. AIRCRAFT ENGINE RUN ONLY BE ACHIEVED WHEN IN SCROLL BAND PUSH-BACK. Mossoro, Brazil, (Dix Sept Rosado), (16-2) NDB Rwy 23 Deleted Mount Pleasant, Falkland Is, (10-9) LDA rwy 10 reduced to 7644’/2330m. Natal, Brazil, (Augusto Severo Intl), (16-1/16-2) NDB RWY 16L AND NDB RWY 12 APCH TO STRAIGHT IN LANDING CAT C, CAT D, CAT E Not Available. DURATION: 01 JUN 12 0000 TIL 30 MAY 13 0259. TCH for ILS Y Rwy 16L revised from 53’ to 55’ per the Brazil MAP 05/14 29 May 14 Navegantes, Brazil, (Ministro Victor Konder Intl), Apron parking or night stay for General Aviation aircraft only when authorized by the Center of Local Airport Operations by Tel (47) 3342-9205 or (47) 3342-9211. Maximum 6 hours before landing. AIP SUP A103-14 Rwy 07/25 closed due to WIP. 8 January 2015 0200 UTC to 9 September 2015 0900 UTC. Days and Hours: - 08 JAN TIL 21 FEB 0200/0800 UTC; - 22 FEB TIL 17 OCT 0300/0900 UTC; - 18 OCT TIL 20 FEB 2016 0200/0800 UTC; - 21 FEB TIL 15 OCT 0300/0900 UTC; - 16 OCT TIL 18 FEB 2017 0200/0800 UTC; - 19 FEB TIL 09 SEP 2017 0300/0900 UTC. Novo Progresso, Brazil, (Cachimbo), 13-1 VOR Rwy 12 and 13-2 VOR Rwy 30 update minimums section to allow landing at night. Runway equiped with Runway Lights. Oiapoque, Brazil, Airport beacon unserviceable. Per AIP SUP A080-14 Oriximina, Brazil, (Trombetas), (10-3A) RITA, RUCO DEPS suspended EFF 13 NOV 14 0000 TIL 31 DEC 16 2359 per AIP SUP N170/14 q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 30 JAN 15 CHART CHANGE NOTICES SA-7 SOUTH AMERICA Palmas, Brazil, (Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues), RNAV (GNSS) RWY 32 suspended from 26 June 14 000 UTC to 31 Dec 15 2359 UTC. AIP SUP N079-14 Parauapebas, Brazil, (Carajas), (10-9) VASI Rwy 10 deleted. Location name changed to Parauapebas VASI revised to Rwy 28 only Pasto, Colombia, (Antonio Narino), PAPI-L for rwy 02 and rwy 20. Paulo Afonso, Brazil, (10-3) W-1 and W-10 to notes removed, SIAPA Transition added to GUXER DEP. (10-3A) W-1, W-8, and W-10 to notes removed. KAKEM DEP bearing changed from 293 to 294. PTL Transitions added to KAKEM DEP, FLOCK and LAP Transitions added to ISELO DEP. Charts will be published Revision Date 20 DEC 13. Pelotas, Brazil, (Pelotas Intl), AIS and AFIS service hours changed. 1 - Days and hours: - 24 JUL TIL 18 OCT , MON TIL FRI 0000/2359 SAT 0000/0900 1600/1900 SUN 1200/1500 UTC; - 19 OCT TIL 21 FEB/15, MON TIL FRI 0000/2359 SAT 0000/0800 1500/1800 SUN 1100/1400 UTC; - 22 FEB/15 TIL 17 OCT/15, MON TIL FRI 0000/ 2359 SAT 0000/0900 1600/1900 SUN 1200/1500 UTC; - 18 OCT/15 TIL 20 FEB/16, MON TIL FRI 0000/ 2359 SAT 0000/0800 1500/1800 SUN 1100/1400 UTC; - 21 FEB/16 TIL 15 OCT/16, MON TIL FRI 0000/ 2359 SAT 0000/0900 1600/1900 SUN 1200/1500 UTC. AIP SUP A045-14 RWY 15/22 closed due to damaged pavement. Per AIP SUP A094-14 Pereira, Colombia, (Matecana Intl), Rwy 08: PAPI-B Porto Alegre, Brazil, (Salgado Filho Intl), (12-2) RNAV (GPS) RWY 29, NA. Approach Voice Call name changed to PORTO ALLEGRE APP Tower Voice Call name changed to PORTO ALLEGRE TOWER MAP AMD 05/14 Apron 2 limited access to aircraft with MAX WINGSPAN of up to 118’ (36m). 18 September 2014, 0000 UTC until 31 December 2016, 2359 UTC. Occasional RWY 11/29R (TWY DELTA) CLSD LDG/TKOF AIP SUP A073-14 Runway 11/29 PAPI both sides of the runway. Per AIP AD 2.14 RWY 11/29 Closed due to work during the following hours: November 13 to December 18: 0245/0720 UTC January 9 to February 11: 0245/0750 UTC February 20-21: 0245/0750 UTC February 22 to June 30: 0345/0850 UTC Per AIP SUP A095-14 Taxiway DELTA limited operations to aircraft with wingspan up to 36M. AIP SUP A102-14 Porto Velho, Brazil, (10-3) (10-3A) Change transition altitude to 3000’ from 21 AUG 2014 0000Z til 31 DEC 2015 2359Z q$i (10-3) BOTO, GUIMA, ISURA, KOGVI, LEGO, MARX, TANG DEPS change minimum climb gradient to read Rwy 01: 3.3%; Rwy 19: 3.5% to 800’, then 3.3%. Eff 13 NOV 14 0000 til 31 DEC 16 2359 per AIP SUP A082/14 (10-3A) CHANT, RUTH DEPS change minimum climb gradient to read Rwy 01: 3.3%; Rwy 19: 3.5% to 800’, then 3.3%. Eff 13 NOV 14 0000 til 31 DEC 16 2359 per AIP SUP A082/14 TA changed to 3000 ft. Puerto Montt, Chile, (El Tepual Intl), (11-1, 11-2) ON NDB Decommissioned. Puerto Suarez, Bolivia, (Salvador Ogaya), RWY 23 rough with ripples. Takeoffs and Landings restricted. B727-200 aircraft use Caution. AIP SUP C12-14 Punta Arenas, Chile, (Carlos Ibanez Del Campo Intl), (10-2/10-2A/10-2B/10-2C) Note 1: Authorization according to Chile Aeronautical Norms (DAN 06-21) changed to RNAV 1 or RNP 1 approval required. In State NOTAMs, "IAC4" refers to the VOR Z Rwy 07 procedure. "IAC8" refers to the VOR Y Rwy 07 procedure. In State NOTAMs, "IAC4" refers to the VOR Z Rwy 07 procedure. "IAC8" refers to the VOR Y Rwy 07 procedure. Recife, Brazil, (Guararapes-Gilberto Freyre Intl), Taxiway Alfa closed due to sinking pavement Resistencia, Argentina, PAPI (angle 3 degrees) Rwy 03 added. RWY 21 CAT 1 Approach lighting system added. RWY 21 PAPI 3° angle, TCH 56’ added. Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, (Leite Lopes), Use Caution on TWY A due to visual restriction of Tower. From 5 February 2015 at 0000 UTC to 31 December 2015 at 2359 UTC. Per AIP SUP N028-15 Eff 05 Feb 15. Rio Branco, Brazil, (Placido De Castro), PROHIBITED OPS OF AIRCRAFT WITH WINGSPANS GREATER THAN 118’ (36M) DUE TO PAVEMENT RESTRICTIONS. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, (Galeao-Antonio Carlos Jobim Intl), (11-1) ILS W RWY 10 and (13-1) VOR/NDB RWY 15 procedures NA. RIO Control (Approach) frequencies 119.0 and 129.8 deleted. Rio Grande, Argentina, RWY 07 and RWY 25 PAPI changed to PAPI-L. Rio Negro, Argentina, (S C De Bariloche), RWY 11 and RWY 29 PAPI changed to PAPI-L. Salto, Uruguay, (Nueva Hesperides Intl), Update Approach Lights RWY 05 to SALS Medium Intensity San Cristobal, Ecuador, RNAV (RNP) Rwy 17 at SEST is for CAT C aircraft ONLY. Ecuador AMD 24-14 San Tome, Venezuela, (13-1/APT) SAN TOME (SOM) NDB decmsnd. IATA code: SOM Santa Cruz, Bolivia, (El Trompillo), Procedure NDB-3 RWY 33 not authorized. NDB TCZ unusable. AIP SUP C16/14 and C15/14 q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SA-8 CHART CHANGE NOTICES 30 JAN 15 SOUTH AMERICA Santa Maria, Brazil, (10-3B) RAXEN DEP not available; use instead (10-3C-0) RAXEN DEP (TEMP) Effective 11 DEC 2014 0000 until 04 FEB 2019 2359 per SUP N173/14. Chart will be published Revision Date 19 DEC 14 Operate with Caution for Runway 11/29 due to construction work. 29 May 14 1100 UTC to 15 May 15 2100 UTC. AIP SUP N07114 Santa Marta, Colombia, (Simon Bolivar), (12-1) MAX IAS 180 KT at SATGO. MAX IAS 160 KT at LIXUM. MAX IAS 180 KT at PUGRA. IAF waypoint and Missed approach hold point for RNAV (GNSS) Rwy 01 should read GEGIS. Santarem, Brazil, (Maestro Wilson Fonseca Intl), Change Transition Altitude to 3000’. Per AIP SUP A087/14 Santiago, Chile, (Arturo Merino Benitez Intl), Caution: Runway ID has changed due to threshold displacement. EFFECTIVE: December 16, 2014 RWY 17L threshold changed to RWY 19 temporarily due to threshold 17L being moved 2080’ (634m). New RWY 19 threshold coords: S 33 22 54.37/W 070 47 11.02 Declared Distances: RWY 19: TODA: 10223’ (3116m) LDA: 10223’ (3116m) RWY 35R: TODA: 10223’ (3116m) LDA: 10223’ (3116m) Sao Jose Dos Campos, Brazil, (Professor Ernesto Stumpf), Approach call sign changed to "Sao Paulo Control". Tower Sao Jose Ground Frequency 121.9 changed to 121.95. AIP SUP A048-14 Sao Luis, Brazil, (Marechal Cunha Machado Intl), (10-3A) BIXAR 1 bearing changed from 218 to 214, DOGTA 1 bearing changed from 126 to 123, DOSVU 1 bearing changed from 303 to 302, DOTMO 1 bearing changed from 175 to 172, NEGON 1 bearing changed from 202 to 201 Transition Altitude 3000’ Per AIP SUP A088-14 Sao Paulo, Brazil, (Congonhas Intl), (16-1) Descent Juliet 1 NDB Rwy 17L/R Not Authorized Approach frequency 119.6 not available. Sao Paulo, Brazil, (Guarulhos-Gov Andre Franco Montoro Intl), The following procedures are not available: VOR Rwy 09R, ILS W CAT II Rwy 09L, VOR Rwy 27R, ILS X or LOC X Rwy 09L, ILS Y or LOC Y Rwy 09R, VOR Rwy 27L, VOR Rwy 09L TWY INDIA closed between TWY A and TWY B due to work in progress. TWY A closed between TWY J and TWY H due to work in progress. From November 13, 2014 to February 17, 2015 per AIP SUP A096-14 Sao Pedro Da Aldeia, Brazil, (10-3) AKNUB 1A and MOTOB 1A DEPS cancelled. BITAK 1A, KOVGO 1A, and VAMIX 1A DEPS added. Will be published Revision Date 20 DEC 13. St Georges, Grenada, (Maurice Bishop Intl), Runway lighting: Rwy 10 - RL SALS PAPI-L (angle 3.00°) Rwy 28 - RL. q$i Tarija, Bolivia, (Capt Oriel Lea Plaza), RWY 31 PAPI not usable. AIP SUP C18/14 Teresina, Brazil, (Senador Petronio Portella), Apron restricted to 3 General aviation or Military aircraft. 29 May 14 0300 UTC to 1 April 15 0900 UTC. AIP SUP N072-14 Tucurui, Brazil, TUI VOR 112.9 not available from November 13, 2014 to December 31, 2016 per AIP SUP A079-14 Uberlandia, Brazil, (Ten Cel Av Cesar Bombonato), Aircraft exceeding 16 tons (32,000 lbs) are prohibited from entering the runway from Twy B between 0800-1000 daily. AIP SUP N047-14 DURATION: 3 APR 14 thru 9 MAR 15 Uruguaiana, Brazil, (Rubem Berta Intl), RWY 04/22 CLSD H24 due to levels difference at intersection with RWY 09/27 AIP SUP 097-14 Valdivia, Chile, (Pichoy), (10-2B/10-2C) Note: 1. Authorization according to DAN 06-21 change to RNAV1 OR RNP1 approval required. Valencia, Venezuela, (Arturo Michelena Intl), (10-9) Taxi operations restricted between Twy B and Rwy 10 threshold due to reduced visibility. Valledupar, Colombia, (Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo), (APT) Excersise caution: Tower visibility reduced towards sector echo. Exercise caution: tower visibility reduced. Runway width is 115’ (35m). Villavicencio, Colombia, (Vanguardia), CAUTION: Birds in the vicinity of airport. Vitoria, Brazil, (Eurico De Aguiar Salles), The following charts are still in force and should be retained until further notice: 10-3B (Revision date 17 AUG 12) 10-3C (Revision date 17 AUG 12) 10-3F (Revision date 6 DEC 13) 10-3G (Revisiondate 6 DEC 13) 10-3H (Revision date 17 AUG 12) The following procedures are not authorized and should not be inserted into the manual: (10-3) AKTIN 1B, ANDOD 1B, ARPEV 1B, BURVI 1B, GIDOD 1B DEPS (Revision date 18 JUL 14) (10-3E) DADAK 1B DEP (Revision date 18 JUL 14) (10-3F) NIKSU 1B DEP (Revision date 18 JUL 14) The following procedures are not authorized and should not be inserted into the manual: ILS or LOC Rwy 23 (Revision date 18 JUL 14) VOR DME Y Rwy 23 (Revision date 18 JUL 14) The following procedures are not available in the Jeppesen Airway Manual and will be published in the 2 Jan 2015 revision. ILS or LOC Rwy 23 VOR DME Y Rwy 23 VTR NDB 350 khz unserviceable. From 8 January 2015 at 0000 UTC to 11 June 2015 at 2359 UTC. Per SUP N004-15 Vitoria Da Conquista, Brazil, (16-3) NDB Rwys 15/13 is NA q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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