6 FEB 15 CHART CHANGE NOTICES EUR-1 EUROPE q$i Jeppesen CHART CHANGE NOTICES highlight only significant changes affecting Jeppesen Charts, also regularly updated at www.jeppesen.com. IMPORTANT: CHECK FOR NOTAMS AND OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION PRIOR TO FLIGHT. ENROUTE CHARTS GENERAL AUSTRIA CPDLC avbl for Vienna ACC within Vienna FIR, above FL195; Data Link ADS is LOVV. EDDM 10-1, LOWW 10-1, E LO-4/10ABCD. DENMARK CPDLC avbl for Copenhagen ACC within Copenhagen FIR; Data Link ADS is EKDK. Y703, PEREX (N4738.4 E01314.6) to Rattenberg NDB (RTT), MEA 15000’. EDDM 10-1. Y740, XEBIX (N4724.0 E01028.8) to NATAG, MEA 16000’. EDDM 10-1, E LO-4/10BD. Z2, DORAP (N4728.4 E00936.1) - OSDOV, MEA 16000’. EDDM 10-1, E LO-4/10AB. Z209, GAMSA (N4724.5 E00939.1) to Innsbruck NDB (INN), MEA 16000’. EDDM 10-1, E LO-4/10ABD. Z209, Innsbruck NDB (INN) to BIRGI, MEA 11000’. EDDM 10-1. BELGIUM NORWAY Data Link Service will not be implemented operationally in Bodo Oceanic FIR. However, Datal Link Service will continue to be tested on trial basis ufn. Aircraft may receive clearance via Data Link, but any Data Link Message must be confirmed via voice (RTF) before they are considered valid. AUSTRIA ATS ROUTES changed: L12, UNIMI (N4651.6 E01103.9) to MOGTI, MEA 16000’. EDDM 10-1, E LO-4/10BD. L74, NCRP EVAXI estbld at N4646.6 E01331.2; LIZUM - EVAXI - Villach VORDME (VIW), 102°/(284°), 75/17NM, MEA 15000’/9000’. E LO-12/5D6C. M19, NCRP ABRIB estbld at N4716.1 E01341.1; Graz VORDME (GRZ) - ABRIB - OBEDI, 75/15NM; Graz VORDME (GRZ) to OBEDI, MEA 11000’; OBEDI to ERKIR, MEA 12000’. EDDM 10-1. M738, MADEB (N4719.5 E01017.3) to NATAG, MEA 16000’. EDDM 10-1, E LO-4/10BD. N606, MADEB (N4719.5 E01017.3) - ELMEM, MEA 11000’; ELMEM to GIRIS, MEA 16000’. EDDM 10-1, E LO-4/10BD. N871, GAMSA (N4724.5 E00939.1) - MADEB, MEA 16000’. EDDM 10-1, E LO-4/10AB. N871, XEBIX (N4724.0 E01028.8) - GAPTO, MEA 11000’. EDDM 10-1. P66, NIGEB (N4705.3 E01104.6) - MOGTI - NESES, MEAs 14000’/10000’. EDDM 10-1. P66, SOTOV (N4656.6 E01112.6) to MOGTI, MEA 16000’. EDDM 10-1, E LO-4/10AB. P978, NCRP VAMAS estbld at N4642.1 E01330.2; MALUG - VAMAS - Villach VORDME (VIW), 087°/ (286°), 37/17NM, MEA 15000’/9000’. E LO-12/6C. T101, MATAR (N4658.5 E01115.2) - NORTO, MEA 16000’. EDDM 10-1, E LO-4/10BD. T102, NIGEB (N4705.3 E01104.6) - DENED, MEA 14000’. EDDM 10-1. T102, UNIMI (N4651.6 E01103.9) to DENED, MEA 16000’. EDDM 10-1, E LO-4/10BD. EB(P)-01 to 07 chgd to restricted areas. EBBR 10-1, E LO-3/4ABCD5AC. BULGARIA ATS ROUTES changed: M748 estbld: OSTOV (N4347.0 E02348.0) to Golyama VORDME (GOL), for route details see former P184. E LO-13/5AB. N181 extended; Golyama VORDME (GOL) - NIKTI, for route details see former P184. E LO-13/5BD. N618, SOMOV replaced by CRP NAVOD at N4345.4 E02433.6; VADEN - NAVOD, 308°, 155NM. E LO-13/5B. P184, OSTOV (N4347.0 E02348.0) via Golyama VORDME (GOL) to NIKTI, withdrawn. E LO-13/5ABD. Y551 estbld; NCRP DINEN (N4230.0 E02559.5) CRP NAVOD at N4345.4 E02433.6, 317°, 98NM, MEA FL100, one-way NW-bound, CDR 1, 2. E LO-13/5BD. CZECH ATS ROUTES changed: Z164, ASTEL (N5051.9 E01451.6) - KOMUR, chgd to one-way S-bound. E LO-11/2D. DENMARK ATS ROUTES changed: M852, TUKTU (N5616.1 E01058.5) renamed GODOG. EKCH 10-1. T58, SONAS (N5518.7 E01135.2) - KOPEX, withdrawn. EKCH 10-1. T505, TUKTU (N5616.1 E01058.5) renamed GODOG. EKCH 10-1. AARHUS NDB (TU) decmsnd. EKCH 10-1. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EUR-2 CHART CHANGE NOTICES 6 FEB 15 EUROPE FINLAND ATS ROUTES changed: T95 estbld; NCRP NEPIX (N6606.5 E02507.5) - NCRP APTEN - NCRP IBSAN at N6642.5 E02501.1 - NCRP EVIMI, 346°, 18/18/33NM; EVIMI - NCRP GITEV, 345°, 22NM; NEPIX to GITEV, MEA FL100, one-way N-bound; NEPIX NCRP RUBSI at N6541.9 E02438.8, 195°/015°, 27NM, MEA FL100, CDR 1; RUBSI - NCRP ULGEG - NCRP OGTUD, 188°/008°, 115/13NM; OGTUD - NCRP GIDKI at N6317.3 E02315.1, 168°/349°, 22NM; GIDKI - NCRP AMASU at N6222.7 E02321.3 - NCRP GEMKU, 169°/349°, 55/44NM; RUBSI to GEMKU, MEA FL100, CDR 2; GEMKU - NCRP ENETI at N6104.5 E02334.3 - NCRP AMROT, 165°, 35/35NM, MEA FL100, one-way S-bound. E LO-7/3D4C, E LO-8/9ABC10A. GRID MORA (N64-N65/E023-E024) should read 1600’. E LO-7/3D. VAASA DME (VAS) chgd to VORDME. E LO-8/9B. FRANCE ATS ROUTES changed: A25, NCRP RARAK estbld at N4401.7 E00041.6; [TMA42] - RARAK - Agen VORDME (AGN), 22/11NM. LFBO 10-1. G17, NCRP USAKU estbld at N4337.5 E00028.3; Lembeye VOR (LMB) - USAKU - AUCHE, 24/4NM. LFBO 10-1. H20, NCRP OXOTO estbld at N4758.5 E00201.0; Pithiviers VOR (PTV) - OXOTO, 224°/044°, 15NM; OXOTO - DOMOD, 258°/078°, 30NM. LFPO 10-1, E LO-4/8A. R17, NCRP DEGUK estbld at N4406.5 E00043.9; SECHE - DEGUK - Agen VORDME (AGN), 22/14NM. LFBO 10-1. R66, KORER (N4741.1 W00230.1) - LENSU, MEA FL120. E LO-4/7A. V30, KORER (N4741.1 W00230.1) - LENSU, MEA FL120. E LO-4/7A. Y14, CRP IVLAM estbld at N4347.4 E00731.8; IVLAM - PETUR, 6NM, MOCA 10200T, MEA FL120; IVLAM to PIGOS, redesignated N736. LFMN 10-1, LFML 10-1. CALAIS-DUNKERQUE CTR withdrawn. E LO-3/4A. CHARLES-DE-GAULLE VOR (CGN) decmsnd, until 30 Jun 15. LFPO 10-1, E LO-3/4C, E LO-4/8AB. LF(P)-MONTORMEL estbld; circle with radius 1NM centered on N4850.3 E00008.3, GND-3300’. E LO-3/3D, E LO-4/7B. LF(P)-ZIT 17 withdrawn. LFMN 10-1, LFML 10-1. MOULINS NDB (MOU) decmsnd. E LO-4/8D. ORLEANS TACAN (OAN) decmsnd. LFPO 10-1. GERMANY ATS ROUTES changed: N871, NENUM (N4832.3 E01256.9) to DOMAL, redesignated Z39. EDDM 10-1, E LO-11/2C, E LO-12/6A. Q762, FRANK (N4927.3 E00801.6) renamed XIDOD. EDDF 10-1, E LO-3/5D. q$i UQ163 realigned; NCRP BABEG at N4840.3 E00939.9 - NCRP Luburg VORDME (LBU), 316°/(136°), 19NM; Luburg VORDME - ETASA, 331°, 19NM. EDDF 10-1. Y153, NCRP NIMIT estbld at N5117.4 E00858.3; MARUN - NIMIT - Warburg VORDME (WRB), 30/14NM. EDDF 10-1, E LO-3/5B. Z12, FRANK (N4927.3 E00801.6) renamed XIDOD. EDDF 10-1, E LO-3/5D. Z30, RODIS (N4928.5 E01157.0) - AGNAV, redesignated, P27. E LO-11/1D2C. Z190, ELNAT (N5112.3 E00941.5) to NIKUS, MEA 5000’. EDDF 10-1. EGELSBACH NDB (EH) decmsnd. EDDF 10-1. ENROUTE HOLDING at Fulda VORDME (FUL) withdrawn. EDDF 10-1. ENROUTE HOLDING at Nattenheim VORTAC (NTM) withdrawn. EDDF 10-1, E LO-3/5C. KONIG NDB (KNG) decmsnd. EDDF 10-1, E LO-3/5D. GREECE ATS ROUTES changed: A10, Kea VORDME (KEA) to Milos VORDME (MIL), withdrawn. LGAV 10-1. B1, OMIRO (N3845.0 E02340.0) - DILOP, MEA 8000’. LGAV 10-1. G802, NCRP PANOX estbld at N3822.6 E02543.0; OLIDA - PANOX - PIVOS, 39/2NM. E LO-14/9D. ITALY ATS ROUTES changed: L612, POLYP (N4228.7 E01512.2) renamed ERPOG. E LO-13/3C. L615, NEREM replaced by NCRP IBUGO at N4538.5 E01122.6; ADOSA - IBUGO - VADIK, 15/4NM. E LO-5/10D. M169, POLYP (N4228.7 E01512.2) renamed ERPOG. E LO-13/3C. M726, LUMAV (N4448.9 E01137.0) - ALBET, 351°/ 171°, chgd to two-way; KODUV withdrawn; DIKEM - SUMIR, 13NM. E LO-5/10D. M730, CRP MIVKI estbld at N4413.5 E01004.2; KALMO - MIVKI - BEROK, 21/13NM. LIMC 10-1. M859, NCRP EVKIV estbld at N4429.5 E01018.9; KALIK - EVKIV - LUPOS, 20/12NM, MEAs FL110/ FL100. LIMC 10-1. M872, CRP NIKPU estbld at N4239.3 E01353.8; GUDPO - NIKPU - Pescara VORDME (PES), 13/18NM. E LO-13/2D. Q195, GILIO (N4222.0 E01055.6) - GIKIN, cruising levels chgd to NON-standard, ODD levels E-bound. LIRF 10-1, E LO-13/1D2C. Q985 realigned: Albenga NDB (ABN) - CRP ETPUB at N4545.0 E01034.5, 043°, 143NM, CDR status withdrawn. LIMC 10-1, E LO-5/6BD, E LO-4/10D, E LO-13/1AB. T134 realigned; DIBAX (N4607.0 E01103.9) - CRP Trento VORDME (TNT), 150°/(329°), 7NM; Trento VORDME - NCRP IBUGO at N4538.5 E01122.6, 154°, 25NM; IBUGO - ALBET, 156°, 14NM; DIBAX via Trento VORDME toALBET, MEA FL130, one-way S-bound. E LO-4/10D. Y14, EVANO (N4520.3 E00845.7) to IVLAM, redesignated N736. LFMN 10-1, LFML 10-1. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6 FEB 15 CHART CHANGE NOTICES EUR-3 EUROPE Y107, ALESE (N4616.5 E01124.2 to DIMAN, withdrawn. E LO-5/10D. Y345 estbld; CRP GAVRA (N4346.6 E01149.5) CRP RITEB, 167°, 66NM, MEA FL130, one-way S-bound. E LO-13/2AC. Y510 estbld; CRP GITOD (N4248.0 E01218.7) CRP PEMAR, 148°, 54NM, MEA FL150, one-way SE-bound. LIRF 10-1. Y941 extended; CRP AKADO (N4520.0 E01230.0) - BASOG, 180°, 12NM, one-way S-bound; AKADO to ARDAM, MEA FL110. E LO-12/5D6C, E LO-13/2A. Z388, PIBUM (N4413.2 E00903.5) to LUMAV realigned; PIBUM - CRP KALIK, 065°/245°, 37NM, MEA FL110, chgd to two-way; KALIK - CRP BETMU, 072°, 44NM; BETMU - CRP Chioggia VORDME (CHI), 068°/(248°), 67NM; KALIK to Chioggia VORDME, MEA FL110, one-way E-bound. LIMC 10-1, E LO-5/6B, E LO-13/1AB2A. Z910, Florence VORTAC (FRZ) - KALIK, withdrawn. LIMC 10-1. Z910, NEBAS (N4118.3 E01429.5) - AKAMO, MEA FL110. E LO-14/7B. NCRP ASVIM E LO-13/2C. estbld at N4339.0 E01204.2. LITHUANIA ATS ROUTES changed: M857, DIBET (N5526.3 E02324.6) renamed INBOV. E LO-10/9B, E LO-9/3D. MACEDONIA, FORMER YUGOSLAV REP ATS ROUTES changed: P36, MAKED (N4107.8 E02231.0) to NASKO, withdrawn, until 05 Mar 15. E LO-13/5C, E LO-14/9A. NETHERLANDS ATS ROUTES changed: N852, LUTOM replaced by CRP VELED at N5123.4 E00522.0; LOPIK - VELED, 34NM. EHAM 10-1. Q21 estbld; NCRP INKET (N5148.9 E00446.3) NCRP PELUB at N5150.9 E00508.2, 082°/262°, 14NM; PELUB - NCRP NYKER, 032°/212°, 27NM; INKET to NYKER, MEA 2000’, MAA 3000’, CDR 2, cruising levels NON-standard, EVEN levels NE-bound. EHAM 10-1. NORWAY ATS ROUTES changed: Z202, BULIN (N6519.2 E01135.0) - GEPLO, oneway s-bound. E LO-7/2B. Z278, PENUN (N5706.6 E00450.2) - UNBUD, MEA FL200. E LO-1/3D, E LO-7/1C. POLAND ATS ROUTES changed: N133, BAGAP replaced by NCRP VIDEV at N5131.3 E01948.2, IRBOS - VIDEV - GIPOS, 5/11NM; VALUD replaced by NCRP ADOXO at N5206.2 E01930.4, POLON - ADOXO - PENEX, 19/29NM. E LO-10/9C. q$i KMIECIN VOR (KMI) decmsnd and replaced by NCRP NIKMI at same position (Airways M994, N191, P733, T672, Y100). E LO-10/9C. PORTUGAL ATS ROUTES changed: GODGI replaced by CRP ESPICHEL VORTAC (112.5 ESP) at same position (Airways A5, A44, B18, G7, G52, W8). E LO-6/7C. Y101, ODEMI (N3729.9 W00823.0) - USALU, cruising levels should read standard. E LO-6/7D. Y102, XAPAS (N3735.8 W00757.0) - USALU, cruising levels should read standard. E LO-6/7D. ROMANIA ATS ROUTES changed: L5, GAVPO and EDODU withdrawn; NCRP PADGU estbld at N4446.7 E02236.6; VELIP - PADGU DIDEG, 46/86NM. E LO-13/4B5A. L605, CRP RASUB estbld at N4358.7 E02525.1; ELVAB - RASUB - BULEN, 18/22NM. E LO-13/5B. L606 realigned: NCRP PADGU at N4446.7 E02236.6, NCRP OVDOT at N4432.3 E02258.6, NCRP NULGO at N4402.7 E02343.0, OVDOT at N4432.3 E02258.6 and PADGU at N4446.7 E02236.6; INVED - PADGU, 126°, 125NM, MEA FL180; PADGU - OVDOT - NULGO, 128°, 21/44NM, MEA FL110; NULGO - TIMUR, 128°, 31NM, MEA FL170, INVED to TIMUR one-way SE-bound. E LO-13/5A. L852 realigned: NCRP VAMON at N4424.0 E02440.8, NCRP SODGO at N4452.0 E02250.9; POLUN - VAMON, 288°, 25NM; VAMON SODGO, 285°, 83NM; KOMAN to SODGO one-way. E LO-13/5AB. L867, TIMUR (N4341.3 E02414.4) - LAMIT, withdrawn. E LO-13/5AB. M748; TEGRI - NCRP OVDOT at N4432.3 E02258.6; 137°, 130NM, MEA FL180. E LO-13/4B5A. M987, CRP ORTIP estbld at N4358.7 E02520.0; SOMOV - ORTIP, 046°, 27NM; ORTIP - SORDU, 047°, 6NM. E LO-13/5B. N127 realigned; NCRP NULGO estbld at N4402.7 E02343.0; TITEK - NULGO - OSTOV, 162°, 28/16NM, MEA FL110/FL170, one way S-bound; TITEK - LAMIT, MEA FL60. E LO-13/5A. N133 realigned: NCRP OVDOT estbld at N4432.3 E02258.6 and NCRP SODGO at N4452.0 E02250.9; LOMOS - OVDOT - SODGO, 340°, 44/21NM; SODGO - OBEBI, 339°, 31NM; LOMOS - OVDOT, one way N-bound. E LO-13/5A. N181, NCRP NIGEV estbld at N4358.7 E02445.2; ELVAB - NIGEV - TIMUR, 18/28NM. E LO-13/5B. N618 realigned: CRP NAVOD at N4345.4 E02433.6, NCRP ELDET at N4417.2 E02345.4 and NCRP SODGO at N4452.0 E02250.9; NAVOD - ELDET, 308°, 47NM, MEA FL110; ELDET - SODGO MOPUG, 307°, 52/119NM, MEA FL110/FL180; NAVOD to MOPUG, one way NW-bound. E LO-13/5AB. T139 realigned; NCRP OVDOT estbld at N4432.3 E02258.6; TITEK - OVDOT, 271°/091°, 26NM, MEA FL70. E LO-13/5A. T285, BATGO (N4423.7 E02437.4) withdrawn; PEMOK - VAMON, 14NM. E LO-13/5B. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EUR-4 CHART CHANGE NOTICES 6 FEB 15 EUROPE Y88 realigned; POLUN - NCRP VIKBI at N4415.5 E02439.4 - NCRP ELDET at N4417.2 E02345.4; 25/39NM; ELDET - LELTI; 267°, 14NM; POLON to ANASA; one-way W-bound. E LO-13/5AB. Y553 realigned; CRP IDOMO at N4348.3 E02448.8, NCRP NIGEV at N4358.7 E02445.2; SOMOV to VIKBI at N4415.5 E02439.4; 341°, 7/11/17NM; VIKBI - TIXIP; 314°, 128NM; SOMOV to DEGET; one-way NW-bound. E LO-13/5AB. SPAIN ATS ROUTES changed: A34, CRP RIMES estbld at N4033.5 W00003.8; SAURA - RIMES - CRETA, 19/20NM, MEA FL80; TURBO renamed TURUV. E LO-5/4C, E LO-6/9A. B28, NCRP TORDU estbld at N4015.5 E00035.3; SOPET - TORDU - LOTOS, 37/26NM. E LO-6/9A. B112, DIMER (N3718.4 W00110.1) - PALOS, MEA FL110. E LO-6/8D9C. G7, LANDA (N4141.1 E00245.1) renamed NENDA. E LO-6/9B, LEBL 10-1. L150, SOFIA (N3916.4 W00129.7 renamed SOSAV. E LO-6/8D. P84, LANDA (N4141.1 E00245.1) renamed NENDA. E LO-6/9B, LEBL 10-1. T412 estbld; CRP Castellon VORDME (CTN) CRP NAVAR at N4022.6 E00031.3 - NCRP LOTOS, 065°/245°, 22/24NM, MEA 5000’, cruising levels NON-standard, EVEN levels NE-bound. E LO-6/9A. W850, SOFIA (N3916.4 W00129.7 renamed SOSAV. E LO-6/8D. ALCANTARILLA NDB (ATR) decmsnd. E LO-6/8D. ALMAGRO CTR upper limit 3300’. E LO-6/8C. BETERA NDB (EBT) freq chgd to 362. E LO-6/9A. CASTELLON VORDME (CTN) 117.05 cmsnd at N4013.1 E00005.4. E LO-6/9A. LA CORUNA VORDME (LRA) decmsnd, until 31 Mar 15. E LO-5/1D. MALAGA VORDME (MLG) decmsnd, until 28 May 15. E LO-6/8C, LEMG 10-1. SALAMANCA NDB (SCA) decmsnd. E LO-6/8A. TORREJON VORDME (VJZ) ident chgd to (VTZ) at N4028.5 W00328.3. LEMD 10-1. SWEDEN ATS ROUTES changed: L199, RASEL (N5801.7 E02024.9) to IBGAX, CDR 2. ESSA 10-1. L734, NEBSI (N5854.3 E02056.5) to DETSO, CDR 2. ESSA 10-1. Y360 estbld; NCRP LUPET (N5938.4 E01952.6) NCRP NAXEL, 259°, 44NM, MEA FL100, one-way W-bound. ESSA 10-1. Z227, VIBAR (N5734.7 E01623.4) - NILUG, CDR 2. ESSA 10-1. Z330, KOTAM (N5608.0 E01450.2) to Trosa VORDME (TRS), CDR 2. ESSA 10-1. Z493 estbld; NCRP SIMEG (N5515.0 E01330.1) NCRP BIKRU, 127°, 31NM, MEA FL100, one-way SE-bound, CDR 1. EKCH 10-1. FALKOPING Lctr (NF) E LO-9/2AC. decmsnd. E LO-8/7B, q$i FALKOPING Lctr (SF) decmsnd. E LO-8/7B, E LO-9/2AC. GRID MORA (N61-N62/E015-E016) raised to 3200’. E LO-7/2CD. GRID MORA (N63-N64/E015-E016) raised to 3300’. E LO-7/2D3C. GRID MORA (N63-N64/E016-E017) raised to 3400’. E LO-7/2D3C. SWITZERLAND ATS ROUTES changed: Z119; SOSON (N4636.4 E00835.7) - PELAD, 089°/269°; RONAG - KUSAM, MEA FL160. E LO-4/10D. U.K. ATS ROUTES changed: L8, NCRP VABKA estbld at N5318.1 W00244.2; Whitegate NDB (WHI) - VABKA - ASNIP, 8/12NM. EGCC 10-1, E LO-2/6D. L180, RILES (N5156.9 W00255.4) - DIKAS, MEA FL160, cruising levels chgd to standard. EGCC 10-1, E LO-3/2B. L186 estbld; NCRP NORBO at N5535.8 W00445.7 - NCRP Turnberry VORDME (TRN), 186°/(006°), 17NM, MEA FL80, one-way S-bound. E LO-2/6B. L612 estbld; NCRP Glasgow VORDME (GOW) - NCRP FENIK - NCRP LUSIV at N5540.0 W00414.7 - x-break [DCS34] at N5513.4 W00348.8 - x-break [DCS18] - NCRP Dean Cross DME (DCS), 154°, 11/3/31/16/18NM,MEAs FL70/FL70/FL70/FL90/FL110; Dean Cross DME via Honiley VORDME (HON) to IXURA, see route details former N615; IXURA - COWLY, 30NM; IXURA via COWLY, Woodley NDB (WOD), Midhurst VORDME (MID) to XAMAB, see route details former N615. EGCC 10-1, E LO-2/6BD7C, EGLL 10-1, E LO-3/3ABD. L975, NCRP ASMIM estbld at N5326.8 W00239.2; Wallasey VORDME (WAL) - ASMIM - BARTN, 18/8NM. EGCC 10-1, E LO-2/6D7C. N57, Dean Cross VORDME (DCS) replaced by NCRP Dean Cross DME (DCS). E LO-2/6B. N160D, LEDGO (N5114.4 W00734.1) via Lands End VORDME (LND) to LIZAD, withdrawn. E LO-3/1B2AC. N601, MARGO (N5442.5 W00246.5) renamed ABEVI; NCRPs INPIP at N5452.6 W00253..8 and INREV at N5509.0 W00305.7 estbld; ABEVI INPIP - [TLA24] - INREV - ESKDO, 11/16/1/10NM. E LO-2/6B7A. N615, Glasgow VORDME (GOW) via New Galloway NDB (NGY), Dean Cross VORDME (DCS), Honiley VORDME (HON), Woodley NDB (WOD), Midhurst VORDME (MID) to XAMAB, withdrawn. EGCC 10-1, E LO-2/6BD7C, EGLL 10-1, E LO-3/3ABD. N859, [HON42] (N5258.5 W00211.5) and [HON28] withdrawn; UTUXA - Honiley VORDME (HON), 44NM; [HON13] withdrawn; Honiley VORDME [HON16], 16NM. EGCC 10-1, E LO-3/3A. N864, Dean Cross VORDME (DCS) replaced by NCRP Dean Cross DME (DCS). E LO-2/6B. P16, NCRP ASMIM estbld at N5326.8 W00239.2; NOKIN - ASMIM - CROFT, 24/12NM, MEA FL190. EGCC 10-1, E LO-2/6D7C. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6 FEB 15 CHART CHANGE NOTICES EUR-5 EUROPE P16, NOKIN (N5304.6 W00253.0) - CROFT, MEA FL180. EGCC 10-1. P17, NCRP KUXEM estbld at N5315.2 W00240.8; NOKIN - KUXEM - BARTN, 13/16NM, MEA FL110. EGCC 10-1, E LO-2/6D7C. P17, NITON (N5233.2 W00312.0) - NOKIN, MEA FL180, one-way N-bound; NOKIN to Pole Hill VORDME (POL), MEA FL120. EGCC 10-1. Q4, ROBIN (N5257.8 W00117.8) - Trent VORDME (TNT), MEA FL120; NCRP VABKA estbld at N5318.1 W00244.2; Trent VORDME - VABKA Wallasey VORDME (WAL), 41/15NM, MEA FL80. EGCC 10-1, E LO-2/6D7C. T256 estbld; NCRP NORBO at N5535.8 W00445.7 - NCRP New Galloway NDB (NGY), 144°, 32NM, MEA FL70; New Galloway NDB - x-break [NGY03] - x-break [DCS19] - NCRP Dean Cross DME (DCS), 137°, 3/17/19NM, MEAs FL70/FL90/FL110; NORBO via New Galloway NDB to Dean Cross DME, one-way SE-bound. E LO-2/6B. W2D, Leeds Bradford NDB (LBA) via Pole Hill VORDME (POL) to FIWUD, withdrawn. EGCC 10-1. Y53, NCRP LIVSU estbld at N5315.2 W00249.5; Wallasey VORDME (WAL) - LIVSU - MOGTA, 14/9NM; [SWB19] withdrawn; NANTI - NUGRA, 126°/306°, 12NM, MEA FL70; [TNT20] and [TNT16] withdrawn; NUGRA - PEDIG, 131°/311°, 27NM, MEA FL70. EGCC 10-1, E LO-2/6D7C. Y96 estbld; NCRP NORBO at N5535.8 W00445.7 NCRP Talla VORDME (TLA), 100°/(280°), 48NM, MEA FL70, one-way E-bound. E LO-2/6B. Y311 estbld; NCRP ODVIK at N5110.0 E00029.2 - [LYD13] at N5109.9 E00105.5 - NCRP Dover VORDME (DVR); 091°/(271°), 23/10NM, MEA FL90, one-way E-bound. EGLL, E LO-3/3B. Y312 estbld; NCRP ADMAG at N5114.0 E00029.6 - [LYD14] at N5111.1 E00105.8 - NCRP Dover VORDME (DVR); 098°/(278°), 23/10NM, MEA FL90, one-way E-bound. EGLL, E LO-3/3B. Y906, Stornoway VORDME (STN) - ULLAP, MOCA 5200T. E LO-1/2C. Y958, TOMBO (N5645.6 W00628.2) should read TOBMO. E LO-1/2C. DEAN CROSS VOR (DCS) decmsnd. E LO-2/6B. ENROUTE HOLDING at FIWUD (N5352.1 W00304.1) withdrawn. EGCC 10-1. ENROUTE HOLDING at Lands End VORDME (LND) withdrawn. E LO-3/2C. LYNEHAM TACAN (LYE) decmsnd. E LO-3/3A. TERMINAL CHARTS GENERAL FINLAND STARs and SIDs are also minimum noise routings. TERMINAL q$i LRA VOR u/s. IAPs ILS Z Rwy 21, LOC Z Rwy 21 and VOR Rwy 21 (charts 11-1, 11-1A and 13-1) suspended. (SID/STARs) LRA VOR u/s. All SIDs suspended, use Contingency Departures on 10-3B. STARs KORAV 1J/1M suspended, use KORAV 1K instead. STARs MEGAT and ROXER suspended, expect RADAR assistance to COA NDB. STARs FORNO and LOMDA suspended, expect RADAR assistance at 7000’ to COA NDB. All STARs CDA (10-2B/C) suspended. Alicante, Spain, (Alicante-Elche), Airport name changed to Alicante-Elche. Almeria, Spain, (11-1A) First missed apch turn altitude shall read 620’ instead of 600’. Amendola, Italy, (Amendola Mil), (14-5/14-6) CIRCLING TACAN/CIRCLING HI-TACAN 1: Amendola Precision (PAR) 123.3 withdrawn. Amsterdam, Netherlands, (Schiphol), (11-9) ILS DME Rwy 36R DA(H) raised as follows: CAT A 205’ (216’), CAT B 215’ (226’), CAT C 225’ (236’), CAT D 235’ (246’). For ILS CAT D minimums in ALS out condition raised from RVR 1200m to RVR 1300m. Annecy, France, (Meythet), Eff 11 DEC 14, Temp RNAV STAR MILPA 7R established for ski season 2014/2015. For details refer to temp chart and latest NOTAMs. Barcelona, Spain, (El Prat), (11-4) ILS DA(H) for CAT C raised to 212’ (204’). ILS DA(H) for CAT D raised to 222’ (214’) and FULL/Limited RVR value raised to 800m, ALS out RVR is 1200m. A-CDM operational trials are planned to start in November 2014. Information implemented in 10-1P pages with revision 24 OCT 14. For PUSH & HOLD procedure refer to temporary chart 10-8. Rwy 07L: PAPI-R changed to PAPI. Tower (GND) freq SN 122.82 withdrawn; SS and SC renamed S and C. WIP to rename TWYs, HSTs and Gates. Refer to temp pages 10-8A thru 10-8E (Works for taxiway redesignation) and latest NOTAMs. Bari, Italy, (Palese), For construction information refer to 10-8/10-8A and latest NOTAMs. Beauvais, France, (Tille), (13-6) Revision date of paper chart should read 19 Jul 13. Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro, (Nikola Tesla), (12-1, 12-2) MSA bearing change to read 280° instead of 281°. Ufn ’BEO’ VOR u/s. (13-1) VOR rwy 30 suspended. Benson, U.K., (Benson AB), (10-9) West Twy partly closed and availability only by ATC cancelled. Berlin, Germany, (Schonefeld), (21-1, 21-1A) Procedure title changed to: ILS or LOC Rwy 07L / CAT II/III ILS Rwy 07L. (21-2, 21-2A) Procedure title changed to: ILS or LOC Rwy 25R / CAT II/III ILS Rwy 25R. Beziers, France, (Vias), (10-1R) Several altitudes and sectors revised. Birmingham, U.K., Runway resurfacing works: Runway Centerline lighting and Touch Down Zone lighting may not be available. A Coruna, Spain, Construction works on Rwy 03/21. Refer to (10-8) and latest NOTAMs. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EUR-6 CHART CHANGE NOTICES 6 FEB 15 EUROPE Bodo, Norway, Construction work on Rwy 07/25. IAPs on 11-1, 11-1A, 11-1B, 11-2 and 13-1 suspended. Refer to adnl APT info (10-8A) and temp IAPs 11-01, 11-02, 11-03 and 11-04 and to latest NOTAMS. Braunschweig, Germany, (Braunschweig-Wolfsburg), For CDO, report ATIS received when contacting arrival sector; ACFT will be vectored to reach the intermediate approach level on the LOC course with about 1 NM of level flight left until intercepting GS, the purpose of this intermediate approach segment is to reduce speed; assumed descent angle 3°; participants are invited to send regular feedback on CDO performance to [email protected]. Bristol, U.K., (Bristol Intl.), (10-2C) STAR BRI 2D: During withdrawal of BHD VOR track BHD-EXMOR changed to RNAV 5. Brize Norton, U.K., (Brize Norton AB), (10-3A) Coordinates of LICWP changed to N52 53.2 W001 03.4. (10-9) TORA rwy 08 reduced to 9186’/2800m. ILS Rwy 08 not suitable for auto-coupled approaches to CAT 1 DH. Talkdown (SRA) freq as instructed by Director. (18-1,18-2) Visibility for SRA apch CAT D lowered to 2400m. Cannes, France, (Mandelieu), (10-1R) Several altitudes and sectors revised. Cardiff, U.K., (10-2A) STAR CDF 3D: During withdrawal of BHD VOR track BHD - EXMOR changed to RNAV 5. (10-3B) SIDs EXMOR 1A & 1B: During withdrawal of BHD use these definitions: 117.45 BCN R-198/ D23.6 instead of BHD R-005/D57 (EXMOR 1A), 117.45 BCN R-182/D25.4 instead of BHD R-012/ D55 (EXMOR 1B) and117.45 BCN R-189/D28.5 instead of BHD R-009/D51.7. Cascais, Portugal, (13-1) VOR Rwy 35: Route segment from ESP VOR to D7.0 CAS suspended. Eff 05 Mar 15. Chambery, France, (Aix-Les-Bains), (10-3/A) LOC course changed to 356°. Eff 11 DEC 14, Temp RNAV STAR MILPA 7R established for ski season 2014/2015. For details refer to temp chart and latest NOTAMs. Chania, Greece, (Ioannis Daskalogiannis), (10-9) RWY 11/29 closed. TWY S designated as RWY 11R/29L. Dimensions: length: 11010’/3356m, width: 98’/30m. PAPI 3.0°. Lighting: RL, RWY 29L ALS length: 300m. Coningsby, U.K., (Coningsby AB), GND freq changed to 121.85. (14-1, 18-1) Do not cross TACAN below 4030’ (4008’). Cork, Ireland, (11-2, 13-4) OB NDB withdrawn. Coventry, U.K., (10-9) Helicopter grass rwy designation reads 05, 23. Rwy bearing is 050 and 230 degrees. Dieppe, France, (St Aubin), During AFIS hours, pilot have to inform AFIS for start up with 5 MIN prior notice. Dinard, France, (Pleurtuit-St Malo), (13-3) Straight-in DA/MDA(H) for CAT A reads 670’(472’). Dresden, Germany, (10-1P) Paragraph 1.2. reference to 10-4 withdrawn. q$i Dublin, Ireland, (Dublin Intl), Due to pavement repairs a portion of Link4 between Apron Twy F-Inner and Apron Twy 4 and Twys F3, H1 and M1 are u/s. Parking stands 202S, 203 and 128S are closed. For further restrictions refer to latest NOTAMs. Rwy 16/34 and Twy D3 pavement rehabilitation in progress. For details refer to temp page 10-8 and latest NOTAMs. Erfurt-Weimar, Germany, (10-4/4A) Airport and location name changed to Erfurt-Weimar. Esbjerg, Denmark, (16-2) IAP NDB rwy 26 NAVDATA ident of FAF changed from [FN26] to [FQ26]. Evora, Portugal, (10-9) Delete T/O note: Between SR - 0900LT acft shall turn RIGHT before reaching 400’ AGL. EVORA Information chgd to Portuguese only. Figari/Sud Corse, France, Temp SIDs AJO 3T & BTA 3T available until 04 Feb 2015. For details refer to temp chart 10-3D and latest NOTAMs. Frankfurt/Main, Germany, (10-1P9) Paragraph 3.3. reference to 10-4 withdrawn. For CDO, report ATIS received when contacting arrival sector; ACFT will be vectored to reach the intermediate approach level on the LOC course with about 1 NM of level flight left until intercepting GS, the purpose of this intermediate approach segment is to reduce speed; assumed descent angle 3°; CDO avbl btn passing clearance limit KERAX, PSA, ROLIS and UNOKO until reaching final approach alt 5000’ or 4000’ at the latest; participants are invited to send regular feedback on CDO performance to [email protected]. (SIDs) Text note 2, reference to 10-4 to be ignored. Galway, Ireland, ATIS 118.22 out of service. DME GWY out of service. LOC (GS out) Rwy 26 & NDB Rwy 08/26 not applicable. Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Callsign for Gibraltar Approach changed to Gibraltar Radar. Hamburg, Germany, Apch lights rwy 33 length shortened to 420m. Minima with lights condition as follows: (11-4) CAT A,B RVR 1500m, CAT C,D RVR 1700m. (12-4) LNAV/VNAV CAT A,B RVR 1500m, CAT C,D RVR1600m. LNAV CAT C,DRVR 1800m. (18-1) SRE 33 CMV 2200m. (28-1) SRA 23 CAT D minimums raised to MDA(H) 740’ (725’), 3100m, ALS out 3800m. For CDO, report ATIS received when contacting arrival sector; ACFT will be vectored to reach the intermediate approach level on the LOC course with about 1 NM of level flight left until intercepting GS, the purpose of this intermediate approach segment is to reduce speed; assumed descent angle 3°; participants are invited to send regular feedback on CDO performance to [email protected]. Hof-Plauen, Germany, PAPI angle Rwy 08 changed to 3.5°. Ingolstadt, Germany, (Manching), (10-1R) Several altitudes and sectors revised. Ireland West, Ireland, (Knock), (10-9) Rwy 09 int TORA 5236’ (1596m) from twy B established. Rwy 27 int TORA 5991’ (1826m) from twy A established. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6 FEB 15 CHART CHANGE NOTICES EUR-7 EUROPE Missed apch with radio comm failure for rwys 09 & 27: Climb on rwy hdg to 4100’, turn RIGHT for rwy 09 (LEFT for rwy 27) to VOR or appropriate hold. Join hold, execute one round before commencing another apch to the relevant rwy. Jerez, Spain, (STAR/SIDs) Removal of dangerous area LE(D)-89. Disregard Restriction note "SUBJECT TO LE(D)-89A, -89B & -89C ACTIVITY". Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden, Germany, (10-9) Twy S closed between Twy M and stand 27. Kerry, Ireland, EFF 07 APR 11 PAPI-L rwy 08 angle raised to 3.26°. Kiruna, Sweden, (10-3) Minimum climb gradient 401’ per NM (6.6%). Kozani, Greece, (Filippos), EFF 28 JUN PAPI rwy 14 withdrawn. Lakenheath, U.K., (Lakenheath AB), (10-9) AIRPORT, (11-3) ILS Z OR LOC Z RWY 24, (11-4) ILS OR LOC RWY 24...RWY 24 LIGHTING CHANGED FROM HIALS TO ALSF-1. Lamezia, Italy, (Terme), (11-3) Missed apch obstacles clearance is provided by 2.5% gradient. 4.0% (243 ’/NM) is required to remain inside vertical limits of controlled airspace while proceeding to missed apch holding. Lanveoc, France, (Poulmic Navy), *LANVEOC Tower freq is 123.2 MHz only. Laupheim, Germany, (Laupheim Army), (18-1, 18-2) EFF 23 Aug 2012 LIMA Radar frequency chgd from 119.1 MHz to 120.45 MHz. Le Havre, France, (Octeville), (10-2) Eff 7 MAR 13 MEA 3500’ of ballnote 1 applicable only to LGL 4R. RWY 22 TORA and LDA reduced to 7198’/2194m. RWY 22 Landing beyond GS reduced to 6270’/ 1911m. Lechfeld, Germany, (Lechfeld AB), (10-1R) Several altitudes and sectors revised. Leeming, U.K., (Leeming AB), (11-1, 11-2, 14-1, 14-2, 18-1, 18-3) ILS DME Rwy 16, TACAN ILS DME Rwy 16, TACAN Rwy 16, TACAN Rwy 34, TACAN PAR Rwy 16 and TACAN PAR Rwy 34 Caution note relating LEE TACAN multiple unlocks changed to between R-038 and R-090 and between R-225 and R-229. Leipzig-Halle, Germany, (SIDs) Text note 2, reference to 10-4 to be ignored. Leuchars, U.K., (Leuchars AB), Rwy 04/22 extended to 4800’/1463m. LDA rwy 04 is 4216’/1285m. Limnos, Greece, LIO NDB not to be used for SID/STARs. Lisbon, Portugal, (13-1) VOR DME Rwy 35 ESP VOR u/s. Segment between ESP VOR and IF D19.0 LIS suspended, expect radar vectoring. ATIS frequency 124.15 MHz for arrival only, with D-ATIS capability. Additional D-ATIS for departures available on frequency 121.8 MHz. (SID/STARs) ESP DVORTAC replaced by WP GODGI at same position. STARs ESP 8A and 8B (charts 10-2M/N) suspended, disregard ballnote 1. RNAV STAR GAIOS 3B (10-2C) proceed via GODGI to EKMAR and follow routing as described on chart. SIDs ESP 1N and 2S (10-3H) at WP MONUR (ESP 1N) and CP NDB (ESP 2S) expect RADAR vectoring to WP GODGI. q$i (STARs) ESP DVORTAC replaced by WP GODGI at same position. Holding over GODGI can only be used as RNAV holding; inbound 031°, RIGHT turn, MHA FL60/MAX FL140; at or above FL150, MAX 280 KT, 1 1/2 min. WIP for TWY pavement improvement; refer to chart 10-8. Ljungbyhed, Sweden, (10-9) Apron 1 closed due to poor surface conditions. Ufn ATIS out of service. London, U.K., (Gatwick), (all SIDs) Eff 8 Mar 12, when ATC removes MAX 250 KT speed restriction below FL100 by the phrase ’No ATC speed restriction’, this must not be interpreted as removing the responsibility to adhere to any speed/power limitations due to noise abatement procedures. If a pilot can anticipate to be unable to comply with speed restriction, state minimum speed acceptable when requesting start-up. WIP on Pier 1 building and its associated apron. Stands 1 thru 7 and 9 closed. Coaching Gate 10A remains available. Refer to latest NOTAMs. London, U.K., (Heathrow), (all SIDs) Eff 8 Mar 12, when ATC removes MAX 250 KT speed restriction below FL100 by the phrase ’No ATC speed restriction’, this must not be interpreted as removing the responsibility to adhere to any speed/power limitations due to noise abatement procedures. If a pilot can anticipate to be unable to comply with speed restriction, state minimum speed acceptable when requesting start-up. London, U.K., (Stansted), (30-2B thru 30-2G, 30-2S thru 30-2X, 30-3H thru 30-3N) MSA based on ARP lowered btn 270°-360° inbound to 1700’. Lorient, France, (Lann-Bihoue Navy), Max crosswind for use of rwys 02/20 and 07/25 is 25 KT for dry rwy, 20 KT for wet rwy. Applicable for civil acft only. Lyon, France, (Saint Exupery), For temp STARs and CDOs refer to temp charts and latest NOTAMs. Madeira, Portugal, MADEIRA Approach 119.6MHz is PTO. Madrid, Spain, (Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas), (10-3C, 10-3E, 10-3E2, 10-3K, 10-3L2, 10-3L3) Initial climb note should read: Do not turn until reaching 2400’ or above, instead of: Do not turn to reach 2400’ or above. Airport name changed to "Adolfo Suarez MadridBarajas". Construction works on TWY K2 and TWY A28. Refer to temp charts 10-8 thru 10-8C and latest NOTAMs. Madrid, Spain, (Getafe), (20-9) GND service withdrawn from Tower freq 121.6 MHz. Malaga, Spain, (Costa Del Sol), (11-1) ILS Z or LOC Z Rwy 12 suspended. (11-3) ILS or LOC Rwy 13 suspended; refer to temp chart (11-03) ILS Y or LOC Y Rwy 13. (11-4) ILS Z or LOC Z Rwy 31 suspended. (12-40) GBAS Rwy 13 suspended; refer to temp chart (12-040) GBAS Y Rwy 13. (12-41) GBAS Rwy 31 suspended; refer to temp chart (12-041) GBAS Y Rwy 31. (13-2) VOR Rwy 13 and (13-3) VOR Rwy 31 suspended. Rwy 12/30 not available. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EUR-8 CHART CHANGE NOTICES 6 FEB 15 EUROPE (STARs/SIDs) MLG VOR/DME unserviceable. All STARs Rwy 31 with designation 1Z and 1DCZ (CDAs) suspended. Expect RADAR assistance to join holding pattern over PISAV waypoint based on AGP VOR/DME. All SIDs Rwy 13, 30 & 31 suspended except JRZ 2P, PIMOS 2P and SVL 2P departing from Rwy 31. Use (10-3V) Contigency Departures for all suspended SIDs. (STARs/SIDs) Remove danger area LE(D)-89. Disregard restriction note "Subject to LE(D)-89B & LE(D)-89C activity". Malmo, Sweden, (10-2/A, B/C, 10-3/A) Eff 13 Dec 12 MSA based on SUP sector bearings changed to 177° and 267°. Malta, Malta, (Luqa), Eff 5 FEB 15 pavement works in progress on TWY C. Refer to temp chart 10-8 and latest NOTAMs. Menorca, Spain, (10-3, 10-3B/3C, 10-3E, 10-3F, 10-3H/3J) Close-in obstacles exist for rwy 01L/1R departures. Metz-Nancy/Lorraine, France, (STARs) Eff 4 Apr 13 holding over MTZ inbound changed to 114°. Mikkeli, Finland, (16-2) MSA raised in Sector NW to 2000’ Mont-De-Marsan, France, (Mont-De-Marsan AB), MARSAN Approach freq 122.1 MHz withdrawn, MARSAN Tower freq 119.7 MHz withdrawn. Montijo, Portugal, (Montijo AB), (10-3C, 10-3E) ESP DVORTAC replaced by WP GODGI at same position. SIDs ESP & ELVAR 1E/1W suspended, SIDs TROIA 1E/1W definition ESP R-151 at WP TROIA not available. (10-9) Only Twy A1 usable for jet ACFT. Montpellier/Mediterranee, France, (10-1R) Several altitudes and sectors revised. Mora, Sweden, (Siljan), (16-2) MSA raised in NE sector to 3400’. Munster-Osnabruck, Germany, (SID/STARs) MSA based on ARP applicable to German territory only. Murcia, Spain, (Alcantarilla AB), ATR NDB withdrawn. IAP NDB Rwy 07 (chart 26-1) withdrawn. Nancy, France, (Ochey AB), (22-1) IAP RNAV (GNSS) Rwy 02 max holding altitude over EPL lowered to 7000’. Narvik, Norway, (Framnes), (10-9) HIALS extended for Rwy 01 to 387’/118m and for Rwy 19 to 590’/ 180m. 10 SFL installed from 1909’/582m to 197’/ 60m from thresh 19. Dual PLASI 4.5 degrees Rwy 01 avbl, visible in sector 195 degrees- 231 degrees. Only avbl for steep apch, restricted to max 1.0 NM from thresh 01. Neuburg, Germany, (Neuburg AB), (10-1R) Several altitudes and sectors revised. Anti-skid layer withdrawn. Nimes, France, (Garons), (10-1R) Several altitudes and sectors revised. Northolt, U.K., (Northolt AB), (11-1) MSA based on ARP NE sector is 2100’. Nurnberg, Germany, (11-3) Altitude at Step down fix D8.5 NUB / D6.7 NGD lowered to 3040’. (18-1) SRA procedures rwy 28 withdrawn. q$i For CDO, report ATIS received when contacting arrival sector; ACFT will be vectored to reach the intermediate approach level on the LOC course with about 1 NM of level flight left until intercepting GS, the purpose of this intermediate approach segment is to reduce speed; assumed descent angle 3°; participants are invited to send regular feedback on CDO performance to [email protected]. Orange, France, (Caritat AB), (10-1R) RADAR minimum altitude in sector SOUTHEAST of ORANGE Radar modified to read 2600’ instead of 1900’ and SOUTH of ORANGE Radar modified to read 2400’ instead of 1700’. Ornskoldsvik, Sweden, LOW VIS PROCEDURE (LVP) established and will be announced by ATS. LVP shall be in force when RVR is below 550m or ceiling or vertical VIS is below 200ft. Only one acft on the manoeuvring area will beallowed at a time. Osijek, Croatia, (Klisa), (11-1/11-2) ILS Z and Y RWY 29 suspended. Ostend-Brugge, Belgium, (Ostend), During construction works Twy F closed. A temporary turn pad for code letter F acft established at beginning of Rwy 08 with a minimum RVR of 350m for turn pad operations. LDA Rwy 26 shortened to 8711’/2655m and TORA Rwy 26 shortened to 10072’/3070m. Padova, Italy, (10-1R) Several altitudes and sectors revised. Palma De Mallorca, Spain, (10-3K) Procedure note 2. should read Rwy 24R instead of Rwy 25R. WIP on General Aviation Apron. Refer to chart 10-8/ 10-8A and latest NOTAMs. Paris, France, (Charles-De-Gaulle), (20-9A1) Delete ballflag 5 ’Rwy grooved on a portion of 131’ (40m) wide, except on first 984’ (300m) from both thresh.’ Construction works on tunnel under twy E. Refer to temp chart 20-08 and latest NOTAMS. DE GAULLE Ground frequencies changed from 121.6 MHz to 121.610 MHz, from 121.77 MHz to 121.780 MHz, from 121.8 MHz to 121.810 MHz and from 121.97 MHz to 121.980 MHz. Paris, France, (Le Bourget), (30-2A1 to 30-2J) Disregard CAUTION note " Actual descent clearance will be given by ATC". (RNAV SIDs RWY 07) Initial climb text to read "Climb on 069° track, at 620’ turn RIGHT, intercept BT R-097 (due to proximity of LFPG RWYs 08R/08L, ACFT must be on course for BT R-097 no later than BT2 DME) to D13.0 BT". When PAPI rwy 27 u/s NIGHT landings on rwy 27 prohibited except FULL ILS apch. Paris, France, (Orly), (10-2B/C) Disregard CAUTION note " Actual descent clearance will be given by ATC". Construction works on TWYs W2 and L3. Refer to temporary chart 10-8. For diversion to LFPG it is necessary to plan an additional amount of fuel, compared to the minimum required, to reflect increased waiting times. If weather conditions worsen (VIS 1500m or less or ceiling below 1000’) an increase in holding times at the take-off threshold may occur. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6 FEB 15 CHART CHANGE NOTICES EUR-9 EUROPE Perpignan, France, (Rivesaltes), (10-1R) Several altitudes and sectors revised. Porto, Portugal, (Francisco SA Carneiro), Major works on movement area, refer to chart 10-8. Porto Santo, Portugal, MADEIRA Approach 119.6MHz is PTO. Pratica Di Mare, Italy, (Pratica Di Mare Mil), APAPI rwy 13 chg to PAPI. Rwy 13 APAPI-L chgd to PAPI-L. Pula, Croatia, (10-9) Parking stands 7,8 and 9 closed due to work in progress. Ramstein, Germany, (Ramstein AB), (10-3/10-3A) BOLKI 2 SID (TACAN-based procedures). The BOLKI 2N transition is NOT USABLE. The BOLKI 2E transition is NOT USABLE. The BOLKI 2W transition is NOT USABLE. This information will be updated as soon as possible. Rheine, Germany, (Bentlage Army), (18-1) BENTLAGE Radar frequency 123.3 withdrawn. Rochefort, France, (Charente-Maritime), Airport name changed to Charente-Maritime. Rome, Italy, (Ciampino), SIDs RWY 15 suspended. Temporary SIDs RWY 15 established on trial basis. Refer to temp charts and latest NOTAMs. (STARs) All waypoints considered to be compulsory. (STARs) For waypoint RA406 ignore charted DME reading from CMP; RA406 defined by D22 OST. Rome, Italy, (Fiumicino), For construction works on twy D refer to temp charts 10-8/10-8A and latest NOTAMs. (STARs) All waypoints considered to be compulsory. Rotterdam, Netherlands, (11-1) Obstacle free zone RWY 06 available. Rovaniemi, Finland, (10-9B) New parking stand 6C established, N66 33.5 E025 49.7, elev 633’. Salzburg, Austria, Two new parking stands T1 and T2 established on the main apron within the area of stand W1. Acft will be guided by follow-me car. San Sebastian, Spain, (13-1) Note added: "Final descent angle not coincident with PAPI rwy 22 angle." Santander, Spain, REIL rwy 11 unusable. Santiago, Spain, Construction works near Apron P3. Stands 31 thru 33 will be closed. Scatsta, U.K., (10-1R) Trans alt chgd to 3000’. Schwerin-Parchim, Germany, (16-1) NDB Rwy 06 minimums CAT C and D raised from RVR 1900m to RVR 2100m. Scilly Isles, U.K., (St Mary’s), Aerodrome closed. Available to SAR and emergency flights only. Seville, Spain, During works on ILS GP, ILS RWY 09 or ILS RWY 27 will not be available. In Phase 1 ILS procedures to RWY 09 (charts 11-1, 11-2) not usable. In Phase 2 ILS procedures to RWY 27 (charts 11-3, 11-4, 11-5, 11-6) not usable. Use caution due to presence of personnel and machinery. (STAR/SIDs) Removal of dangerous area LE(D)-89. Disregard Restriction note "SUBJECT TO LE(D)89A, -89B & -89C ACTIVITY". TWY E2 is closed. Shannon, Ireland, Construction work on Rwy 06/24. IAPs on 11-1, 11-2A and 13-1 suspended. Refer to adnl APT info (10-8) and to latest NOTAMS. q$i Sintra, Portugal, (Sintra AB), (10-3) ESP DVORTAC replaced by WP GODGI at same position. SIDs ABSOK 1N and 1S route segment btw ABSOK and ESP DVORTAC not available. Sion, Switzerland, All crew on movement area must wear yellow high-visibility safety equipment (jacket or vest). Southampton, U.K., SOLENT Radar (APP) frequency 120.22 established. Stockholm, Sweden, (Arlanda), Landing rwy 08 n/a during darkness. Stord, Norway, (Sorstokken), (13-1) Fluctuations may occur at D7.0. Auto-coupled apch not recommended. Svalbard, Norway, (Longyear), (10-9) PAPI angle RWY 28 changed to 3.4 degree. Both left and right hand bar is directed 8 degree SOUTH of rwy centerline. Restricted to MAX 5.8 NM from displaced threshold. Sylt, Germany, (SIDs) IFR profiles lie within airspace class E. Watch out for VFR traffic unknown to ATC. Tanagra, Greece, (Tanagra AB), (13-1) Ufn IAP VOR DME Rwy 28C suspended. Thessaloniki, Greece, (Makedonia), (11-1) ILS DME RWY 10 suspended. Toulouse, France, (Francazal), NDB RWY 12 (26-1): Fix designation MN12 should read MQ12. NDB Z RWY 30 (26-2) & NDB Y RWY 30 (26-3): Fix designation MN30 should read MQ30. Treviso, Italy, (S.Angelo Mil), (10-1R) Several altitudes and sectors revised. Trieste, Italy, (Ronchi Dei Legionari), (10-9) Intersection take-off rwy available for Rwy 09 Twy C 4226’/1288m and Twy D 7300’/2225m. Rwy 27 Twy C 4879’/1487m. Valencia, Spain, (Manises), (11-3, 11-4) (IAF) CLS u/s. Vannes, France, (Meucon), (12-2) RNAV (GNSS) RWY 22 Minimums for LPV and LNAV raised as follows: CAT A MDA(H) 960’(523’) VIS 1500m, CAT B MDA(H) 960’(523’) VIS 1600m, CAT C MDA(H) 1200’(763’) VIS 2400m. Venice, Italy, (Tessera), (10-1P2 thru 10-1P4) Implementation of APT Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) - Phase 1 (MAR 14) implementation of local procedure without the automatic transmission of Target Take-off Time to NMOC. Phase 2 (DEC 14) connection of A-CDM with NMOC, automatic transmission in order to improve ATC slot allocation Refer also to latest NOTAMs. (10-1R) Several altitudes and sectors revised. Verona, Italy, (Villafranca AB), (10-3 to 10-3E) SIDs suspended. Temporary SIDs RWYs 04/22 established on trial basis. Refer to temp charts and latest NOTAMs. Vienna, Austria, (Schwechat), (10-2F/2G, 10-2H/2J, 10-2P) MABOD 3K, 5L, 4M, 4N and 1U, inbound for holding over MABOD changed to 164°. Vila Real, Portugal, VILA REAL Information chgd to Portuguese only. Vojens/Skrydstrup, Denmark, (Vojens/Skrydstrup AB), (12-1 MHA 2000 established at TISET and EAST holding. (12-2) MHA 2000 established at DINUT and WEST holding. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EUR-10 CHART CHANGE NOTICES 6 FEB 15 EUROPE q$i Wattisham, U.K., (Wattisham Army), ILS not to be used for auto-coupled approaches. Wittmundhafen, Germany, (Wittmundhafen AB), (10-3A) Speed restriction of ballnote 2 withdrawn. Wunstorf, Germany, (Wunstorf AB), Ufn extensive construction work at airfield, limitations have to be expected on short notice. Yeovil, U.K., (Westland), (16-2, 18-2) OCA(H) raised for NDB DME Rwy 27 and for SRA TMN 0.5 NM Rwy 27 to 670’(495’). Rwy 09 RL withdrawn. Rwy 09-27 has undulated surface. Caution required for propellor-driven fixed wing acft. Yeovilton, U.K., (18-5) SRA Rwy 27 recommended altitudes withdrawn, mim altitude at 3.0 NM radar fix is 940’(871’). Zadar, Croatia, (Zemunik), EFF 23 AUG 12: Ufn twys B, C, D, E and F are closed to civil traffic. Twys A and H are available only for aircraft code letter ’A’ and ’B’. Zagreb, Croatia, (Pleso), (11-1, 11-1A, 11-2, 16-2, 16-3) Following IAPs suspended: ILS or LOC Rwy 05, CAT II/III ILS Rwy 05, ILS or LOC Rwy 23, Lctr Z Rwy 23 and Lctr Y Rwy 23. New temp IAPs ILS or LOC Rwy 05, CAT II/III ILSRwy 05, ILS or LOC Rwy 23, Lctr Z Rwy 23 and Lctr Y Rwy 23 established, refer to 11-01, 11-01A, 11-02, 16-02, 16-03 and latest NOTAMs. (11-1A) CAT II temporary suspended. Rwy temporary closed. Refer also to latest NOTAMs. Zaragoza, Spain, (18-1) SRE approach to all RWYs not available. Zurich, Switzerland, (10-9A) PAPI-L rwy 32 withdrawn. q$z Please Visit Jeppesen’s Web Site: www.jeppesen.com © JEPPESEN, 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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