2. Feb. 2015 13:08 No. 3719 P. 1 Share Dept. : 8, Shri Klishni Commervial CeDge, Ground Floor, Opp. Raheja Solitaire, 6, Ud)'08 Nagar, Off S. V. Road. Oeregaon (W), Mumbai - 400 062, India. (Formerly known as United Phosphoru8 Ltd.) Reg(1. Off. : 3-11, GIDC, Vapi- 396 195, GRIarit India. Tel CIN: 624219031985PLC025132 Corporite Off : Uniphos House. Madhu Park, lith Road, Khar (W), Mumbai - 400 052. Iodia. UPL Limited ah I::I le).. 01«022) 2872 4862,2873 5486 Fax: (91-022) 2875 3483 (91-0260) 2400717. 2401118-19 Tel.. (91-02212646 8000 Fax : (91-022)2604 1010 2nd February, 2015 Listing Department National Stock Exchange of (I) Ltd. Exchange Plaza, C/1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) MUMBAI 400 051 Dear Sir, REG. : UPL Limited (Formerly United Phosphorus Limited) SYMBOL : UPL SUB.: UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE OUARTER ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2014 This is to inform you that the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 2'id February, 2015, has taken on record the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended 31 December, 2014. The Statutory Auditors have carried out a "Limited Review" Financial Results for the quarter ended 315 December, 2014, of the Unaudited We are enclosing herewith a copy of the Unaudited Financial Results along with Statement of Segment-wise Revenue, Results and Capital Employed. We are also enclosing herewith the Company. a Limited Review Report of the Statutory Auditors of May we request you to take the same on your record and inform all your constituents accordingly. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, for UPL Limited C.. fi.-Cr.A- -7 M. B. Trivedi Company Secretary Encl : As above. 2. Feb. 2015 13:08 No. 3719 P. 2 SRBC&COLLP 14tn Floor, The Ruby 29 Senapati Bapat Marg [lader (Wesl) Chartered Accountants Mumbai-400 028. India Tel: +91 226192 0000 Fax. +91 226192 1000 Review Report to The Board of Directors UPL Limited 1. We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudlted financial results of UPL Limited ('the Company') for the quarter ended December 31, 2014 (the "Statement"), except for the disclosures regarding 'Public ShareholdIng' and 'Promoter and Promoter Group ShareholdIng' which have been traced from disclosures made by the management and have not been reviewed by us. This Statement is the responsibility of the Company's management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility Is to issue a report on the Statement based on our review. 2. We conducted our review In accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity Issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the Statement is free of material misstatement, A review is limited primarily to Inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit, We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 3. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying Statement of unaudited financial results prepared In accordance with recognition and measurement principles laid down In Accounting Standard 25 "Interim Financial Reporting", specified under the Companies Act, 1956 (Which are deemed to be applicable as per Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014) and other recognised accounting practices and policies, has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed In terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement Including the manner In which It Is to be disclosed, or that It contains any material mlsitatement. ForSRBC&COLLP Chartered Accountants ICAl Firm registration number: 324982W '10 ( 1 /1 -' lei *A MUMBAj pe udhlr Soni Partner Membership No.: 41870 Place: Mumbal Date: February 2, 2015 \71 44 11 , .4PDA e#n \-0 S A B C& C O (a partnership b im) arlvefle(] inte S R B C& C O LLP <1 Limited Liability Paftnetihip with LLP Identity NO. AAS-4318) elfective lsI A *W. 2013 UPL Limited (formerly known as United Phosphorus Limited) r-D -ll CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FORTHE QUARTER ENDED 3lst December, 2014 Rs. i n la cs Particulars b) Other Operacing Incorne Total Income frorn Operations Inet) (Unaudited) (Unauditedl (Audited Quaner ended Quarter ended Nine Months 31.12.2014 30.09.2014 31.1212013 emded (Unaudited) 1 In.corne frorn Operations al Net Sa es /Income from operstions (Net of Excise Duty) Yearended 31.12.2014 Nine Months ended 31.12.2013 Quarter ended (Unau€[ited3 (Unaudited) LO 728,364 14,843 1,057,996 846,619 743,Z07 1,077,088 132,437 415.583 371,460 26,192 77,201 72,283 544,080 94,687 304014 261,770 260,471 3,705 4,462 4,216 304,719 266,232 264,687 154,132 26,397 129,47& 25,472 834,809 11,810. 34 31.031014 19,092 2 Expenditure a) Consumption of Raw Materials, Packing Material, Traded goods & In<rease / Decrease in Stock b) Employee benefits expenses c) Depreciation and Amortisation expense d) Other Expenses Total Experiditure 10,856 10,915 10,434 32,107 28,749 40,694 66,733 63,230 59,553 196,066 164.735 236,363 258,118 229,095 228,616 720,957 637,227 915,824 46,601 37,137 36,071 125,662 105,980 161,264 357 1,711 5,007 4,653 10,493 13,135 5 Profk from Operations frorn ordinary activities before IFinance Cost, Prior Period Adjustments and Exceptional iterns 47,958 38,848 41,078 130,315 116,473 174,399 6 Finance Cost 13AOS 14,013 10,954 39,444 36,655 48,660 34,150 24,835 30,124 90,371 79.318 125,739 1,603 1,020 3,974 5,960 8,530 241 664 0 905 0 1,555 32,30,6 23,151 26,150 90,928 73,858 115,654 5,983 4,617 5,213 19,427 17,813 22,169 26,323 18,534 20,937 71,501 56,045 93,485 3 Profit from Operat]ons bebre Other Income, Finance cost, Prior Period Adjustments and Exceptional items 4 Other ]ncorne 7 Profit fra m ordinary activities after Finance Cost and before Prior Period Adjustrients and Exceptional Items 8 Excel*ionaL Items (Incomel/Expense 19621 0 9 Prior Period Adjustments 10 Pira·ntfrom Ordinary 11 Tax ActMties before Tax expense 12 Net Profitfrom Ordinary Activities after Tax tz 1 -IJ LO 2 UPL Limited (formerly known as United Phosphorus Limited) r-D CONSOUDATED UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED Slst December, 2014 r-D 'Yl Rs. in lacs Quarter ended Quarter ·efided Particulars 30.09.2014 31.12.2014 [Unaudited; 13 Less : Minority Interest 15 Less : 14 Add: Share of Prokt fTom Associate Ce Exceptional Items - Associate Co 16 Net Profit After Taxes, Minor[ty Interest and Share (Unaudited} Quarter ended 31.12.2013 Nine Morrths ended Nine Months Year ended ended 31,03.2014 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 (Unaudited] (unaudited} (Unaudked [Audited) 2,331 2,896 (139} 4,019 {837] 715 936 968 1,148 2,915 2,070 3,039 830 D of Profit of Associates. 17 Paid up Equity Share Capital (Face value ofthe share Rs 2/-each} 24,928 8,572 LO 16,606 8,572 22,224 8,852 70,397 8,572 58,952 94,979 8,572 8,852 516,170 18 Rese Nes exduding Reva[uation Rese rves as per Balance Sheet 19 Earningspershare (EPS Basic and Diluted EPS before and after Extraordinary items for the year & for the ore#otis year Basic Earnings per share of Rs 2/-each (Rs} Diluted Earnings per share of Rs 2/- each ERs) 20 Pubric Sharehold]ng Number d Shares: % of shareholding 5.81 3.88 5.02 16.42 13.32 5.81 3.88 5.02 16.42 13.32 300,875,933 70.20% 300,875,933 70.20% 314,851,495 71.14% 300,875,933 70.20% 314,851,495 71.14% 21.59 21.59 300,851,495 70.19% Notes: 1 Share of Profit in Associate Company for the year is considered on the basis of Unaudited Consolidated results d Advanta Group far the Nine rnonths ended 30th September, 2014 and Unaudited Standalone results ofall otherassociates . 2 The resu[ts for Hodogaya UPL Co Ltd which is a joint venture are proportionately consolidated. 3 Exceptic>nal item fbrthe quarter mainly indudes restructuring cost of Latin American Region4 Previous periods / Years figures have been regrouped / rearranged wherever necessary. r tz .C> -IJ 4- * r-D -ll . A 5F I. P::2iZ #7:85.1 lil//2 1*1*/3 i Ki i · ) 1/ 2& R 3 ., 0 5 5 9 Q f 1 9 2R /9 T i W i i,i i i 1 Z w & litil irp 6· Re Z i r i r W "i ii : 1 i gro * ,# 1 E ' i = i' .1 i 11 -il 1 i 1- 3 26 EI - i 8 6/ C i g 5 i l '622 l i; 2,23 15= i i i i i r-D i CD iii,„, i f i i . 1 1 In T BFOT=& . 1 2 1 34 23 1 iT = 1 2 £ : 0 Q 2 f 8 i M n -. f K ; i i i E 1 . a. . % 5 W : a- : 19 i iiI /F12 r 1&SS i#-GB :ips:i<15 1B#ii ta-R /SE :. / i 41 B 18/2 . . .8: 11'i i 5 S 0 9 r i: t 2P ie I i fi - j i= l- i sz ii Trete.i i l 2i i l i' ; t i 1 2- i r-1 9 \ i i 0 0 s lit it 1 i 13 i a 2 2 i = 0 I8 i li .'„- i : 1. (0 11 = i g B 2 0 '* '« 2. 9 a 6 n i # at 1 F 2 1 5% 5 /2 Z9 # ' *9 M 9 2 al 0 £:0 i; 15 D# -----39000 5 : 9 tat I h s ,#,&M ME i, H i i l i-92.312.8 a f T:I. ' = -*,n -11,#3§ -#ra#,1 p :SE E i S Sit g xifii tijiw & tia i 13=Ziri 9.:, & fine 2&2 6:ti aeD i8 # 2,1 /S alizx 09. . 1 5, Igra 8 11 11 1 £:1£1,2 2 1,- 0 /..5, . 03 2- 2 2 t-<3 . T. ii, 8/6 = 1. EMB FEE t.- .Ag 1 = eJ §iEE EE e m fa 9 N .Irl O.Rn Si b2 g1 5 M i iliglia M i M i s- 95, m i E R a ./er= Mas, I M g a . tti " : :. I :*m 101% T: I IE & 1 E 2EBU GG 06 Eo li j. 9 ps-5 a N ia 3 8 ik -#Ai I'-„ W ti/1 ii E B m /2/2. ££ I i i 0 8 9/ EM:"1& 78Nts-„ . -*Ug - li El. 2 41 :G ihi //8 . 2 6 e*" 1#3 I im 1,£56*,1 "- 0 El 85 -1 . go= F* 3·4 <'· 'Eze j * 0 a E * Ta i/§ I Za 2,«- tz S i c £1 0 't bb * /h= % HigNE & .f i U 8 1 i 3 q 6 =M F&8 M I B. E i .C> .E] = = 5 TE-& ""3 i"B 14 V= eL AJ 1: P: Im, r:2 2:2 I C. Cn n m 3348i 949* ,; 8* E 2 F 9 m M:amen: 1 9 * . m I €> . imil 1-:5 /2:1 --I- -IJ 'Yl 2. Feb. 2015 13:10 No. 3719 P. 6 NOIES 1 The obolre Skindalone Unaudled FInonclol Re:ulls wom ravlowod by 14* AUN C*mrtlill#* *rld 16*r,aller dpbrolred 01 Ihe MeeHng 01 Ihe 8oa d 01 Neclors hold on Mnd Flb<hou. 2015. The :Ialufofy audllor# have coided oul a Iniled review 01 flie *landolobs MA#Mbl 1*,0115 01 Ihe Company 06 required under Clau. e 41 01 Ihe LI.Ilng AN"MIA'. 2 Oiller 1,1**MI / Explnlls Includeirel exohange (galn)/10„ on accounlol foreign exchange of exparl#, Imp*,16 Mnd **0*rl Comir *n. Sugh (Moint/imi Gre Ri 181 Iccs, RE 784 la¢*, antl RI (214 14#41) (Irl*IWd*d In Flher Ingernel lof Ihe quorter: ended 31 31 Decornber, 2014, 30th 5*plefmb*< 2014 *nd 3181 9**imber 2013 reweoliyely; h 1.0211ac and H, (13.135 1008) Onclud*% M *lhl< Income) fw ihe nine monlhi ended 3151 Oecembei 014 and 31,1 Doe•mber to : 644 RI (12.329 lacs) Oncludid Irl othei Incomal foi lhe yearonded 310 Zarch. 2014. 3 FInanGe Cwls Inclwde nelexchange (gain)/lois or,Ing on foreign eurroneyloon*/ advable# *nd rllglld derAVaIive#. Such (goin)Bo„ i, h (6,008 lacs), h (1.042 lacs) and Rl (1,144 Ig*,1 11 Ihe c:Ware(s ending 3181 December 2014, 30lh Seplember *014 and 31,1 DGe•mber 2012 rliplGIIyely' Rs (12.127 la i) arld R, 9,444 laci lor nine monlhs end[Ig 3141 De#mb*U 2014 end 318£ DeGembe< 2013 respechely and a nel los of ks 6,538 laci for the yaa< 91,494 *111 M*Mh 2014, 4 The Company ha, revised Ihe deproclallon rolo on 20(1814 MA.d ".13 05 per Ihe V„M Ble *pecl ed In Schedule·11 ol lhe Conipanles Acl. 4013 w ru.ai,e#led hy Ihe Company. Hod ihere nol been ony chang e In the uzeh,1 kfu d mi* 14, d*p,* clotion W th* 41##1(1,/ Wewid have been Bwer by Rs. 362 loci. 6 Rallo, have been computed m tolowl :- Diblcomprts- Ling·Tarnlbormulngs. Bmt-Tllm berriwing, and CwnenimaMIieiollong kin bonodngi babh $.rvfco Cmwgi R.Ho = Ear.Ing: 4*WI fnl,illl. Tax. De/eciallon arld AmodlidHon /(Inleferl on long Term borrodigi + prineipal repaym*All] Interest $elvice Covaraga R„110 = 1*Inlne I,*IMI Inler,it and Tax/ Inleiesl and Olher Flnance Choiger on Dobl & hev|ouipeilocfi/yeaf'I Rgures have boon rogroupwd/rewrollold whlriVer Mecessory. • rlog* ; Mumial F*r U P 11411*4 (l*r *il known gs United Pho phort,i U/Ated) R D ShioN % Chalimnand paglngure,l« DMII : Olnd Flbtvory. 2015 SIGNED FOR IDENTIFICATION BY » SRBC&COLLP IUMBAI 2. Feb. 2015 13:10 No. 37 19 P. 7 UPL Limited (formerly known as United Phosphorus Limited) Regd. Office : 3-11, G.I.D.C., Vapl, Dist : Valsad, Gularat - 396195 Segmentwlse Revenue, Re5ults ind Capital Employed for the Qualterended 31st December, 2014 (Rs in lacs) Partlculars Sr. No. 1 a b Income from Operations Cnet) Agro Activities Non Agro Activiles o Unallocated Total Less: Inter - Segment Revenue Net Sales from Operations Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarteren[led Nlne months Nine month Year ended 31.12.2014 30.09.2014 31.12.2013 ended ended 31.03.2014 1Unaudited) {Unau(liked) (Unaudited) 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 (Audited) CUnaudited) CUnaudited) 116.960 130,015 104,375 374.545 343.984 451,418 22,033 132 23,477 65,266 61,402 132 19,700 1.183 395 1,821 80,555 1,879 138.125 10,781 127,334 153,624 125.354 440,206 15.378 10,794 35,472 407.207 29.815 533,852 37.025 138.246 114.580 404,734 377,392 496.827 2 Sooment Results a Agro Activilies Non Agro Activities 13,301 11.915 15,792 45,098 72,218 82.349 2,822 1,304 752 5,979 3,483 4,126 Total 16.123 13.219 18,544 51,077 75.701 88,475 b Less. (i) FInance Gosts (li) Unallocable Expenditum / Income (nal) (lii) E:(ceptional item8 Total Profit before Tax 3 (1,920) 6.450 2,986 2,988 1,164 22,672 24,329 (10,995) 4,466 1,353 1 472 1,986 4,9iO 1.986 11,593 21,228 9.090 48,570 49,571 55,250 227,901 216,369 246,990 227.901 244990 201,550 58,605 41,176 36,218 58.605 36,219 84,145 105.173 362,718 92,580 84,145 92,580 38,188 91.028 376,789 370,BIll 375,789 330,764 Capital Employed (Segmenl Assets Segment Llabilltles) a Aoro ACtivities b Non Agro Activilles c Unallocated Total 370,851 Note, i 1 The busine85 of the Company is divided Into hwo business segments. The6e segments are the basis for management conlrol and hence form the basis for reporting. The business of each segment comprises of: a) ABro activity - This is the main area of Ihe Company'$ opetation and includes the manufacture and marketing of conventional agrochemical products. seeds and Other agrlcultural related products. b) Non·agro activity - Non egro activities Include$ manufacture and marketing of Industrial chemicals end other non agriCultural related products. 2 Previous period's/ years figures have been regrouped/ rearranged wherever necessary. SIGNED FOR IDENTIFICATION BY /3ob v SRBC&COLLP IAUMBAI
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