2/02/15 15 56 SGL 04224545700 Page 1 Shanihi G ri3720 0 SHANIHI GEARS LIMITED AS 91000 Phone Regd , Office : e /85'4 ,di k'Bnww TA& : +91-422-2273722 to 34 ' 304-A, Dicily Road, Singanallur +91-422-2273884 & 86 Fax E#61 info@shanlhigears,com Coimbatore « 641 005 Website : www,shanthigears.com murugappa (NA:'L21, :SO-ill 9727'LCO95649 - SHANTHI GEARS,LIM.!EP Palt 1 ; Unaudlted FInancial Results forthe Quwrier and Nifte Months Ended 31 st December, 2014 ., --.-'.,".,",„==========..' -I 111 I ". Ili .Ilf. IR#.m Cr r*s) NINE MONTHS ENDED YEAR ENDED OUARILRI NDED ..... SL. 31.12.2014 30.09 2014 31.12,2013 31,12.2014 PARTICULARS NO, (Unaudited) 122013 31 (Ut;Ai.iditect) (UnaudtteV) (Unaudlted) Cl Inalidite*l) 31 03 2014 (Audited} - 6-m =-- Income from Operatiof,5 1 ---MNaS 6 * M&me#wr operatiot $ (Net (11 - -f- 3877 42.46 -3 21/al- 4042 11144 11425 15077 19 2.63 3,33 4.09 4161 115.97 117.58 155.76 14 33 49.90 4144 53.60 .--' 0,62 (b) Other Operiatitng Income ( 1 %36 -- Total 111<ome from operetions (Net) (8 4 ti) 42.98 3, M 18.08 1515 2 Expenses (a) Cog d IVIaterial Consumed - - (b) Plvehase of Stook «11·t .Trade 0.00 M Clii·1 ·,Des In Irlventorlel, ef Fir;151 ed G x>tis 1.62 9.10 -. 0.00 000 000 076 0/F 12.12) (174) 870 8,92 26.58 2514 - ---.... aoq YP[Ed!1.-pr92[ga, <4 2(i) (d) Elmt)!oyeer Benel# Expense 31 51 -, 4.22 4.24 038 12.64 18 13 25,61 7-81 8.52 698 26.911 28.11 3023 40.83 37.37 36.96 113,88 10405 139.09 2.15 036 465 1.99 13,53 16.07 (***Wme 2.98 230 2 78 7.79 742 G.B8 5 from Ordinary Activities Mid##re 'Pro'fit(Los#) 1 Fll)9099,„g,Mt & Exeeptlonlt tlems 9+4) 5.10 272 740 9.78 20.95 25,95 6 1 In Ace (:ogfg 0.01 001 0 01 0,03 0.01 0.02 5.99 2.71 739 9.75 20.04 2593 to.00 000 0.00 01OO DOD 0.00 5.09 2 '71 7 39 9.76 314 2593 -.-. Ce) Depfkit,2181'1 arld AlmonIBation E *Fnse -- -- (4 Other Ext>*,$1'8 (g) Total Expenaes 3-pait i (Laa#)invnt#guations aetore Biim, Income, Finance cast & Excep o-nalltems p-21 4 ,-, 7- Profit f (Lasij liamOrding,VActivitiSAiMr flne'199 g ts but before E qptional lienis <5·6j 8 Exl*ptiortaI 11#41'18 A = FE'nt 1 f LoGS) fran· inary *r,tivkies befam T A 17*8.1··--· -&# 10 tax Exper,Zes .---- - 0.44 2 77 1,88 } 23 755 3.76 2.27 4.62 7,09 1471 1838 0,00 0.00 0 00 0,00 0,00 /2 /)1:# 1,78 2 27 4.62 7,80 1471 18 38 8.17 8.17 8,17 8.17 817 611 1.33 „„„„„„„m„„„„„„„„„„•Il„„„„I 11 Not Pfolit#iGH) from Ottill,ai AMW Iie* *R . 12 18* iflot Extraoratnary Iter·nD (Net of Tax Expenw) 7,4.""""·'······-'·' Net Pf ORt I Nossi'E; the periodattortlites 111-121 14 P8id-lip EliVWY Stiate Gaptal (FaNVakie & Re 1 el,(,1 3 3 1 5 16 Mes,· v*. r 1 61-nu Revah; ·i Reset STper BAr·· '1 '74'•·1 eff[ 9119 210,nting yegr- 25828 '.'','.",","„.------..»-----.-........ Ear(111108 Pel' m Bre(EPS) „ RB.{not annualised) i) Basic anIBiluie EPS i.21.weetE tra 01·@;ETtemf t) 8 0,46 0.57 0.97 fLY 41'ie t,Ariod 0,46 0%"liguiff*ma77/Term 80 225 100 225 1 - -- 09 0,28 - 0.97 r ,, 9 r.->. Conul#,a *'. 3 -- " ., ":5/ A n \··r - 115(*> )1 '1 ALLAGREEMENTS CONTINOENT UPON STRIKES ACCIDENTS AND OThER CONDITIONS BEYOND OUR CONTROL. ALL CONTRACTS ARE 81 .*T 0 APPROVAL BY AN OFFICER OF THE COMPANY SUBJECT TO C<)IMBATORE JURISDICTION ., / \'* i Gal l.:.." , Shanih; ( AS 9100C di,,(1 MBOM'*vt:tl r. t 2 Li : I' ' " . . ' ' 'mt :tl e' Regd. Of(ioe, Phgoe 304-A. Trk!·iy l:load, Faw +91-422··2273722 to 34 +91.422„2273884 & 85 E.mail info@shanthigeamzcm SIngenallus· murugappa Website : www.Shanthlgears.com COImbatOre - 641 005 Cl.N.'1191 3072 1 972PLCO0084·§ ···· ·····-···· ····«- -I PART ·· 11 Select 14110<mallop fof the Ouarter 80 1 NIrle Mwithi e:Mded 31 st Declember 2014 ======'-- NINMI M< NTI 10 LNOLD YLAN ,„14,),- :> QUARTER ENDED -% SL. 30 092.014 31 31,12.2014 PARTICULARS 31,12.2014 31 12.20t3 318326l# NO. <th#udttod) (Unaudited, <LIARudited) (Unaudited) (Unallfilte.03 (Audltedj -/1 A PARACULARS OF SHAREHOLDING Pilt,Ilt·; Stiamholding 1 .- 24412040 24412940 ·24412040 Numr,fer 01 Mihams . 244129 0 2441294[1 29,88% 29 88% '14412940 - - 2.9 88% 20.88% PeR;ent#g# of *Sharehold:ng 29 88% efii Hli*41 i..... PomMEs and Pigmow,r OR)*Shareholding 2 a) Pledged / Erkumbemd -Il Ni,imbeR o Shales NIL NIL Nil. NIL NIL NiL NIL NIL Ntt NiL NII NIL Ntl- Nlf Njt.. NIA. Nll -. , Pei·eei ilage of Shares (85 6 9. af the thial stwm hijkling 01 plomole< 0110 promoter group) . PerI.er,lafle el Sllares (61& a 56 of *be total share NIL captai of,!13 ton,pany) -- .-Ilm. b) Non. 1.In<Ul'1113@I@d -. ·· - 57302913 5730291,% 5738:913 67102913 57302613 57.302919 Nwlber (11 SnareS 1 Prentage of Sharek (4% 8 % c,f the lotME sllare tioldpnl nt proriEutel 2 pTIN5ter 9'oug3 _ _ - A 0- 0 SHANTH I GEARS LIMITED PeS Percentage of Shares {als 8 % of the lot61 #Me 100'4 too':6 100% 100% 100'X, 70.12% M 121% 100% =' 70.12% 70 ·i'2% 70,12% 0 A pk capitsl of tiwfimpill -, Qu iter ended 31 12.2014 Par *1110rs -, 8 NVESTOR COMPL AINTS ML Pending * me beglf,IN·10 of me Uknarter Nli. Received dullng the Qumb MIL Dispmed Qft dwing ttle G.latter NIL Aem@ining w#*Ad al illa end of thi:, 01;*H NOWS the r :DrrlpAiny MT the Ttie KY,bove 1-404·icial Redult£ wete revlew,:,4 By the Aiidit Commtitee and appruved 14 11 18 808*d or Difeclole or 1 i,veetit held oft 21·wj Mebniar . 7015 7. l'he 6mh.,poty Auditors ol lhe Company Imve 1.:81*Ied ovt @ i.illille<1 Review ot Wie 8*vve I manwl Results. Srhedule 11 of 3 Ce,34.lent te Re implemen;*ition of 11'· CompanieR Ark, 2012 tlle Col Apeny ham adopted the ume,tril lite speclflert An mon:111 16 iowel tht) 18;94(1 Act witn respect to certain category of *1 35 .S, Aft 8 ies,ilt, ilke deprecia(1011 chaige tor the quarter and nirip of assele by Rs 115'7 0£ and Rs 6.61 Cr resper.tively Depix#*t,eti of R 0.07 Cl (Net d Defeffed Tax d As 0 08 {:1) 9,ri accew'it wn(,$0 1*etul kie flas *Rady bem exhausted es pn i u Apill, 2014 nab been adJUSted 10 Retained E.ailiti'19&. a B per 4 The company'; main buslive# * ·'Mal tufatiufe of Gurs arld ('gear !'roducts."T'hare arc no zepal'ate repwiable aeS;11),Brits Accolinting Sla,Rju d 17 <AS 1 7 3. F'eal· 2'( T,*- 13 5. 1 M Board of Drectms Ews :leciared an li leciin Ofvt(.teRrI ot Rs 0.50 f,er equity share of Res.1 eacti for the Finanicial 6 Tlie above fihimicral lesultS ilfe 01*0 available en our webmttewww st'ianthigeam. coin 7 1"itijyii ii, P*n ' f,31 1 9'i' 6 'In ha n wO,h 1 ,+•,94Rm* M#MMV 010'der of **1,0„rd Cdmbatorm . 041 406 2/d Febru69,2016 SRE RAI RINIVASAN Presitle,)t & EYectilve Direetor ALI. CT)N'TRACi'SARE SUBJECT TO ALL AGREEME.NTS CONTINGENT UPON STRIKES, ACCiDEN r S AND OTI'VER W.*FAI TIONS BEYOND OUR CONTROL. APPROVAL SY AN Of'I HER OF THL ¢OAFANY. SUBJECT TO (DIMBATORI·, 1 NN·,DJOTION 7 26PA AA/(17(1777#n-IriC OC'CI CI /7n/7 Deloitte Haskins & Sells Chartered Accountants Shanmugha Manram, 41, Race Couise, Coimbatore . 641 018. INDIA Tel ; +91 (422) 4392801/802/803 fax ' *91 (432) 222361 5 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REVIEW REPORT 17)17£ BOARD {*' DIRECTORS OF SHANTHI GEARS 1,1MiTED 1, We have reviewed the accompanying Statement of Standalone tlnaudited Finaticial Re,Sults 01' SHANTHI GEARS LIMITED (' the Coinpany") for the Quarter and Nine months ended 31/12/2014 ('the Stateir ent"), being submitted by the Company pursuant to the requirenient of Clause 41 01'the I.,isting Agreements with the Stock Exchanges, except for the disclosures in Part 11 - Select hafomlation i·efel'red to in l,al'agrapt, 4 below. '11·lis Statement is tt,e resix}Iisibility c,f the Conipa:iy's Manageinent and has been approved by the Board of Directors, Our responsibility is to issue a report on the Statement based on our review. 2. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 2410'Review of Interint Fitiancial Inf'otination Perfomied by the Independei,t Auditor of (11¢ Entity'* istued by tiw Institute of (,'I,artered Accountants of Illdia, This Standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the Statement is free of material misstatement, A review is limited primarily to inquiries 01' Company personnel and analytical procedures applied to fi mancial data and thus provides less assuratice than an audit. We Itave Iiot peritinned art audit alld, accordingly, we do not express art audit opinion. 3. Base(l ()1 our review Conduded as stated above, iwthhig has come to our attwition that causes us to believe th 11 the accompanying Statement, prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards specified utidei' the C:ompailies Act, 1956 (which are decined to be applicable as per Section 133 of the Companies Act, 20 13, read with Rule 7 01'the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014) and other accounting principles generally accepted in India, has not disclosed the information rtrjuired to be disclosed in ie!·013 of Clause 41 01' the IAstitig Agreements with the 81(1©k Ex¢hanges, in©luding tile manner in which it is to be disclosed. or that it contains any material misstateinetit. 4. Ft:rther, we also report that we have traced the liumber of shares as well 618 ttie Itercer,tage Of· shareholding in respect of the aggregate amount 01'public shareholding and the number of shares as well as the percentage of shares pledged/encumbered and non.encumbered in respect of tl e aggregate amount of promoters and promoter group shareholding in lenns of Clouso 33 of the Li$ling Agreements with the Stock Exchanges and the particulars relating to investor complaints disclosed in Part 11 Select information for the Quarter mid Nine motiths ended 31/12/2014 of the Statement, from the details fumished by Iiie R.egistrars. For Deloitte Haskins & Sells - Ckwrtered ACCONnlants Firm's Registration No, 008072S 4,5/L 14Ht:1Glagopal Partner M.No. 23418 Colmbatore, 02nd February, 2015 E 06ed OOLSVSVZZVOlDS 99 9 L S L/ZO/2
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