Family Guidance Center ~ is Htn,. Substance Abuse - Family Suppon - Anger Management 120 Nonh Third Street· lronlon, OH 45638 Phone: (740) 414-2245· Fax: (740) 532-0557 I Programs Available ADD and Suint",," Abu .. T...... rmmt - Overcome dependency on opiate. Monday (2 years+) IO:ooam & 5:00pm, n.e$day !0:00am & 5:00pm, Wedne:;day 5:00pm, Thur:;day !0:00am & 5:00pm, Friday 3:00pm. New Btginnings - Eslablish and maintain a drug and alcohol free lifestyle. Wednesdayall:OOpm. Anger Manag..........' - Develop sefl-«>n lroi skills and learn to deal with anger in a productive manner. Aumring - Improve understanding of developmental issues and appropriate discipline I«hniques for all ages. Seven-week dass thaI rne<:ts onCe J>C'r week for two hours. Individual Parenting Classes. Women's fmpown....trU - Meet with women 18 years and older to help overcome pa5llrauma. Wednesday IO:OOam.12:noon. m o c _ s s e n l l e W d n ~ h t l ~ e H e t U S i ' T . w w w _______________________ . F.omily Suppurt· Develop sldlls to maintain and strengthen the family unit. In.home tmining in parenting skills, budgeting. housekeeping, hygiene, etc. _______________________ INrUSION SOLUTIONS FOR REFERRALS • Cardiac Perfusion CAll TOll FREE 888·446·6348 TOll FREE FAX 866·606·4663 PROVIDERS FOR OYER 100 NETWORK PAYERS • Pain management • Chemotherapy • Hydration • Chelation .IVIG (Imm • IVIG (Immune Globulin) • Remicade • Interferon -- • Anticoagulant • Colony Stimulating Factors • Others upon Request ~::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~w:ww:.~,,~,,;,,:',:."~.:,,~,":.~".;w~.~,"~.:,,~,:o:m~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DO YOU SUFFER FROM A DIGESTIVE DISORDER? Digestive disorders disrupt the lives of over sixty million Americans every year. DR . BRIAN :\ccepting \t'\\ K. BAILEY Palien ts. Self-Pay :\{'('cpled \\illk -Ins \\l'lroIlW • ,· \crept -\11 Insurancl' \"0 Rl'i'l'rrals \('{'ded 324-FOOT (324-3668) :;00 14th St, Ashland, KY 41101 If you're not I~t~:. ~~~;~ ~:~; :~~ you need from medications, 11 or you suffer from the following symptoms, Tri-State Digestive Disease Associates can help treat: • Modet1lte to Sa..... AIxIomln.1 p'ln • SlOm.eII pain (upper and lower, teft Of light.lde) • GUIIOe.ophag..1Renux 01..... (GERO) • CrotIn', OiMalle BRAIN SURGEON Ondrej Choutka, M.D. A board·cert;fied, fellowshiptrained neu rosurgeon, Or_Choutka specializes in: • Oll!lculty . wallowlng and 1111081 pain • Bowel Syndrome (IBSIIBD) • Sku ll base surgery • Chtonlc constipation • CIv'onk: dl.rrh .. • Rectal bINding .nd bloody .~ • Excess". gal. bIoeling • DivertiwlitillOive<ticulo... • 8rain aneurysmlbleeds • C.llac • UVerOl..... • 8rain tumor. • B.rren', Esoph*O\l' • E;o:o».lIII. nau .... vomitlrog • Stomach Ulcers • Surgery to treat stroke and Moyamoya disease • Microvascular surgery Tri-8tate Digestive Disease Associates, P.S.C. Caring is what we do best • Peripheral vas.cular surgery • Treatment of trigeminal neuralg ia Referrals/second-op inion consults welcome, (606) 324-3188 6 17 23n;1 Street. Suite II Ashland. KY 41101 Mi::t\aeI D. ~ MD Cher)t L 6ascom. MD ::::::::::::::::::::::=============:W~W~W~.~'~"~S;";'~'~"~':~lth~ndWell ness_com _____________________ Contents February 2015 6 Singing Praises Gospel Singer's Heart Antlythn1ia Under Control Thanks to Implantable DeIrice 8 20 Go Red For Women2015 Fact Sheet 21 Your Abdominal Cramps Could Be Diverticul~is ForWomen'sEyesOnty 10 Don't Let Your Frtness Resolutions Get the Best of You (Again) 1 1 Pregnancy and HPII Exist.. 12 Perfection 15 Does Your Deotist Know 2 2 Dig~ized X-Rays (eRMA) 24 OphU"m<O<ogy 101 2 5 """""'. y~ '001 "" Signal Heart Concefns Doesn't Which Medications You Are Takr.g? 26 Be Proactrve of 29 Reactive) When Comes to Basketball Related Injuries IMPROVING SM IL ES IN AS H LAND KY SINCE 1980 ~ nstead 16 Home Intusio'l Therapy 18 One In Six PeopE Have a Pituijary Tl.ITOI": Could You Be One of Them? ~ Your Child's Oral Health 3 1 Spiritual Wellness Stay Married To Your Sweetheart "In Touch With Your Health/" Servke. I..dude : FREE Splnol 5<reenlngs ' DIv... Hi«I MJuotlng TKhnlque On·Slte X-""Y • 1(IIIfllot.ope • Tl\e"peulic Masuoge 5Y'*91 The<apeuUc System • • PhyIJotke<.py Expert W........ • 5po.... & 5<1I00I Phyluol Exam, Drug s.:-..Ing • • Prod""".nd mor._ ..... --- _"' . ... -- ........... _... __ ..... . c<:,,~TR_ATe HEAl.THl W£U.NEss . . . . . . 7(015. .. ow- _ ....-. ._ .....__ _ _ ... _ .... _drn>-SlAn; HEAl.1l<' W£U.NESS_' _ _. 1RJ. STATeoE.W.1l<'WEw.€$S_l_ . . . . . . _ ........ _ ... od1,"' ... _ . . . . , _ ..... __ fR1..S1.n;oE.W.THl l'l'ElW£SS_ l _ _ ....... _ _ ...., ...... _ ... _ . _ ' " . ..... _ ""' ...." _... TroSTATEoE.W.1H'WH 1HESS _ _ __ __ __ _ __ ___ _ _ l_ _ _ _ "_ "_ "_ _ "_ '_ "_ '_ _ ~"'_ Dr: Jason A Moore 900 20th Street HlN1!1ngtOl1. w.; 25703 Telephone: 304-523-7891 Fax: 800-765-7497 drmoore@HCAICcom We lim to eduute our potienU . bout ( hi..,. pro<;ti( .nd Other ",,'ural""ufion, to common hH~h ~m; in 00:1 ... '0 motiv.,. r:>u to take. ""'"' KliYo and ~pon!.iblo role in ~tO/I"9 and ma.,tal"ng row own health ., .......1as the people ~nd )'0\1. Visit us lit: 'c;;;;;;;:;:;;;-===================== www.T' i SUteHe~lth ~ ndW e ll ness_com 6 Health &0 Wei lneH February 2015 . Tri·SUte Ed ition • raises Gospel singer's heart arrhythmia under control thanks to implantable device or Larry Shannon, gospel music is a passion. The 6S·year·old Ashland Oil retiree records his Own CDs from a home studio and visits local churches to sing and play keyboards. But there's one night of church singing he won't SOOIl forget. F "] knew ] was going down, so I grabbed my chest and said '] think I'm having a heart atta ck ... I'm serious.''' On Oct. lS, Shanllon was visiting New Life Fellowship in Russell. Ky., and was singing a song called "The Love of God." "I feel li ke too many times people get caught up in the music rather than the message; Shannon said. "So I was telling them to pay real close attention, especially to the third ven;e." However, when the third verse came around. Shannon felt a sudden crushing pain on the left side of his body. "I knew I was going down, so I grabbed my chest and said 'I think I'm having a heart attack ... I'm serious;" Shannon said. That's the last thing he remembers about that evening. Two King's Daughten; nurses, Reese and Will Irby, attended that church senrice, and immedia tely began CPR and continued until an ambulance arrived. Paramedics shocked him twice at the church to revive him, and once again in the ambulance. Once stabilized. he was transported to King's Daughters. "This church service probably had only about SO people in it, but I believe the Lord made sure there were people there to take care of me; Shannon said. The heart team at King's Daughters determined Shannon had experienced ventricular tachycardia, a serious heart arrhythmia. A cardiac catheterization revealed no blockages in his arteries, but to control Shannon's arrhythmia. electrophysiologist Terence Ross, M.a., placed an implantable cardioverter defibrillator, or ICD. An ICD continuously monitors the heart's rhythm and can instantly shock it back into normal rhythm. Terence ROil, M.D. elKtrophysiolQ9ist About a month after the incident, Shannon was back to singing. and was able to retl.lrn to New Life Fell owship to finish the song that was so suddenly interrupted. "I still owed them the third verse; he said. "I don't know if they were expecting it or not, but I just went ahead and went up there and sang the third verse. It felt great ... especially when I think of everything that could've happened ." DON 'T PUT IT OFF: If you're having symptoms such as an irregular heartbeat. get it checked out. To make an appointment with one of OUf cardiologists, call us at (606) 324·4745 . KINGS DAUGHTERS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.TriSut e HealthandWe ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ m o c _ d n s s e n l l e W ~ h t a e H e t U S i r T . w w w _______________________ . Tri-State Edition - February 201 S Health & Wel lne» 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8 Health &0 WeilneH February 2015 . Tri·State Ed ition FOR WOMEN'S EYES ONLY T hiS article is for women who have had children, abdominal surgelles andlor spina l surgeries. wr.y? Because over Ihe lasl 35 years we have seen a recurring pattern. of loss of musc le slrength in Ihis population of women. When th iS loss of Slrength goes On over a period of years Or de<:ades we see the spinal structures breaking down .... primarlly. your bones, spinal joinls and discs. 1. You milht wonder why? It is due to .11 your muscles being wea k .nd ligament< la. afte r del ivery and Ihe inlernal spinal structures are Ihen absorbing all of the stress you PUI on your body. In leaching you how to use the body can prevent back pain from occurring not only after child birth but for life. 2. WHAT NOT TO 00 Next, we laughtthem not to bend at the waislas it further stretches OUI Iheir already loose bKk muscles. ligaments, and joints. Also, 00110 pUllhe baby on the hips when wa lking or doing household chores such as cooking. laundry. etc. OQing thiS helped Ihem adapt to new patterns of movemenl so they could master this before discharge. PREVENnON IS THE KEY This is rea l'v unfortunale, as this can be prevenle<l with Ihe proper course of exerc ise for strengthening. enduro ance and ~nowledge 01 how to use all 01 your mu.cles 10 prevent low bKk Injuries. GREAT OPPORTUNITY Way bild in 1980, I waS approached bv 3 OB/GYN Doctors to he lp Ihem keep Iheir new mothers out of Iheir wa iting rOOm. due to back pain. Most new mothers were coming back 10 Iheir OB doctor for back pain and alilhe doctors could offer were pills and Ihev saw th iS was nOI working and asked for my help. PROPER EDUCAnON TRULY WORKS By 1980, I had Seen enough people suffering from low back pain from various causes to think Ihis should be prevt!nlable. So, I worked to put logether a program to teach new mothers how 10 strengthen Iheir pelvic Ooor muscles. abdominal and low back muscles, and how 10 use all 01 Ihese te> prolecl their low backs when Ihev gOl he>me to real life (back Ihen most mothers stayed )·4 days in the hospital so we had an average of 2·3 ,"sits to teach Ihem plus a booklello lake home). YOUR ONLY PROTECTION Perhaps, most importantly was Ihe few simple strengthening e xercises we had Ihem de> on an every other dav to en.ure proper .trength· en ing of Ihe weak muscle groups. Why ? The on ly thing you have in your body te> protect al l your spinal structures such as your vt!rtebrae, joints, ligament. . _- 24OO!3Il1 Street AsIlIand. KI" 41102 1490 Diederich 8Ml RLIS$I!I, KI" 41169 (p) 60&329-0010 (p) 6Ofr833.!14-44 GtIyson CIlnlc 512 NCarol M3Ione 8Ml Gmysoo. KI" 41143 (p) 6Q6.47W157 THE PRICE OF HAVING WEAK MUSCLES So the end result for having weak muscles is pain 3·6 weeks alter delivery and if you fast forward a few years or detades we see women who are still very weak in alilhese muscle groups that are now in more serious trouble. WE ERAOlCATEO BACK PAIN FOR NEW MOTMERS WITH THIS PROGRAM ANO THI51SALL PREVENTABLE I Pan 2 of Ihis artitle for women will g<)over and outline the muscle group weakness patterns we see daily in women who have had children. aDdominal surgery and or low back surgery and how 10 fix this problem. WHATTOOO We also taught the new mothers how to lift cor· rectly using their back & belly muscles and hip & leg muscles. We taughllhem how to position Ihe bassi· netle so Ihey would be at no risk for bending at the waist and 10 nc)1 put the baby on their hips as thiS further stretches out the already loose hip muscles. Next, we taught them how to set their back and abdominals for lifting any object at home such as laundry bilsl<.ets, or 10 pu~ng baby in their car seat. TAKING HOME WHAT TMEY LEARNED They received a booklel Ihat went over proper si~ng p<>S\ure. with .mall roll. or pillows behind their backs again so as 10 keep their spinal column in a norma l position. In the booklet were alilhe position. 01 lilting a new mother has to do, showing correctlechnique to reinforce Iheir new learning. AshIIIid Clinic and discs, is MUSCLE. If your muscles are weak all the stress you put on your body daily bypasses your muscles and goes to your spinal structures lhal were never meant to bear these stressful forces. I""""" ClInk 209 N 2nd SIMt Suite A Ironton,OII 45638 (P) 740-534·1 410 Physical Therapy with a 'Hands-On' Approach Can ForYour FR EE Consu ltation Today! I~~v!£1}!!!o~ THERAPY Ashland Clinic 2400 13th Str_ t As hland, KY 41102 606-329-0910 _.- 10606 lIS IIoOJte 23 ......... l.ucas'oille, OIl 45648 (p) 740-259-0.252 (p) 740-3S4·5001 ~"" 1033 Gaia SIMt P\IrWnQo.Jth, 011 4~ ~"CHnk 11826 Galil Pile Suite 8 Wheelersbutg. 011 4>694 (p) 740-574-46\6 -- 231213lhStreet Ashland , KI" 41101 (p) 606-326-0.241 I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 fMllth .. Wellneu feb'ua.y 201 S T,,·Suu Ed.t.on Don't Let Your Fitness Resolutions Get the Best of You (again) OI~ I the clr and ...ukOUl righl .f\cr, befon: you get diSlracted .... ith things 10 do It horne, If you h.~ gi~ up or slacked off on workouts, set I lime. stick 10 it for t~ rest Ofl~ rnot1th. It only takes 21 days 10 make a habit! f you'll: like many Americans. you made a rcwlUlion 10 impro~c your health and gt1 fit. You starled off areat. going to the gym or taking a walk multiple times. week. It is one month since you Slaned and life is taking over, it is bec<nning easier and easier to make excuses to skipa workout. Researth shows that by the end of February, nearly 73 pereent of people ",110 seI filne$$ goals gi'<e them up for one reason KHP It F.e$h Rt'f'J\ember to enjoy excn::i~. Hate t~ ~admill? Try. Spin or Dar Method class. Lo~e the ~admin but usc i, all the time? OIallcngc ~If by trying. new program. No maller how often you use lhe gym iI's importanl to try somCIhing new to stay motivated and boosl you. fitness level. oranot~. WbC1~ liming to lose weight, ,et fit, or tlllin for an athletic event. simply SC11ing • rewlution d~n't guarantee success. Those who give up cite a number of stumbling blocks when it comes 10 achieving their fitness goals: I' • 42 pcn:cnt say it's too difficult 10 follow a diet or workout regimen • 38 pcn:ent say it's 100 hard 10 get back on track once they fall off · 36 percent say it's hard 10 find time All too often .• ewlution$ become less ofa priority and people put whal they wanted 50 badly in January on hold till the following Jan uary. It's a vidous cirele, How can you ensun: this doesn) happen 10 you? This year will be diffC'mlt. By following these tips you'll be able 10 stay focused and meet your fitncss goals this yea •. This will be the yea. you keep on track to not only meet but exceed your fitness reSOlution. GIV4Ilt. Rest ~:vcryone gets sick 0tlCe in a while or ealS a piece of cake a mend's birthday parly. Don'1 beal yourself up .... hen you skip a day 11 the gym or ha,'e • dietary slip up! Tomorrow is another day. Plus studies show that laking. break from exercises is actually • &ood thing. A simple day off here and there (II()I entire weeks al a time though) wi]] help repair muscles. prevent injury from ovcruse and even prevent burnout. Hold Yourself Accou, Studies show that keeping lral:k of your progress can help you succeed. Log )'OU' weight each week (for rroore KCUIlIle read try the same time once • week in the morning). write down what you cat and reeord how you'K feeling regularly in I journal. Keeping I rttOrd will let you see bow many calories you'n,: consuming, diseoVCT unhealthy patterns and identify areas for improvement. The Buddy System Slill looking for that extra push? Encouragc a friend or • family member 10 set a fitness goal as well. Res.ean:h shows that people who have someone 10 lean on are the rrIOSI successful II diet and excn::i~ programs. Try cooking a rncallOgether or e,..", swap healthy rttipcs. You can alw SC1 up e:tcn::ise dates. [1'S ~ll5ier to follow through when you know wmeone else is counting on you! COIInl Sheep Sleep is your best friend and you don't "'WlttO get on ~ bad side:. Lack of sleep o;an cause "''eight pin by IlIising appC1i1O-$limuLaling hoUIIOIICS, such II ronisol. Besides, the bctto:r rested you an:, the more likely you are 10 get up and hil the gym! Aim for a minimum of 6-8 hours of p=ious slumber a night Trill Yourself Sometimes Staying foo;used on your goili requires Sft It,. Ach ieve it .Iinle incentive now and then. Along the set TIle best ..... y 10 achie,'C yow goal is 10 see i1. This mini goals. Wbcn you l1tain I mini goal. indulge can be IS easy as ....riting your goal 00...'0 and disin somC1hing. How does I day of pampering playing il some .... ~ you'lI see every day. sound? Relu and enjoy. mani ' pedi or a mll5sage. Ho....ever. you can use other visual reminders as well. Fore.tamplc. a picturcofyourselfwhen you Working on your fitness? Why nol buy new ....ere more physically fit or an anicle of clothing workout clothes, sneakCf!l or fitness C<juipmen1. you wanl to fit inlo again seem silly, but an: all Pencil It In Trimming your waistline via the kilchen? Try powerful physiCIIl reminders. Keep these visuals Find I ...·orkOUllimc that ...uks for you - and stick 10 buying. new kilChen tool to ~lp you prepare in "arious 1oI:.lions 10 keep you moti~lled. Try i1. Some: people find il easier to ~ their workOUIS in your healthy meals. Try and " 'oid rewarding banging them around your home, on the fridge or yourself with food beeause that could lead 10 first thing that ""y excuses won'l pop up during the c~en at your desk at ....ork. day. Not I morning pcrwn? Throw your gym bag in getling off1nlc:k. - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - - www.T .. SuleHult~.ndW.lln.. _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Tri-State EdItIon - February l01 5 ~alth' Wellness 11 PREGNANCY ANDHPV By Navi!a Modi. M.D., Otos!etricianlGynecologis! A ny cxptttant mother is naturally concerned about various conditions that can harm her unborn baby. HPV is n'1 exception. Fortunately. in mOSt cases, HPV CauSeS nO problems to either the mother '1r baby during pregnancy. Let's first get an understanding '1f what IIPV is. HPV is soon for human papillomavirus. There are actually mOre than 100 different typeS of HPV that can infcct humans_ Some of these types cause no signs or symptoms. Others can cause symploms such as COmmOn warts Or genital warts. HPV can also cause prc<:ancc-rous changes or cancer, includ· ing cervical cancer. Depending '1n Ihe lIPV Iype, the body's own immune system may be able to dTcct;vely get rid of the virus. In SOme cases. however. Ihe body is nOI able to completely get rid of it In Ihese cases. treatment is focused on lhe symptoms. nOI a cure. Pasl HPV Infe Clions and Pregnancy If you were infccted with HPV and il got beller. either with Or without treatment, il is unlikely Ihat symploms will return during pregnancy. You will. ho"'cver. wanl to let your healthcare provider know if you have had HPV. This is because the virus can cause lissue changes t'1 occur more rapidly during pregnancy. m o c _ s s e n l l e W d n ~ h t l ~ e H e t U S i r T . w w _______________________ w If HPV is diagnosed because of an abnonnal Pap smear. the healthcare pr'1vider may recommend a colposcopy. During this procedure, the healthcare provider USC$ an electric microscope to look mOre For women who have genilal warts, the healthcare pr'1vider will also monilor lhe situali'1n cl'1sely. although trealmcnl may nOI be rc<:ommendcd . Thi~ is because the warts often get better on their OWn Or soon after delivery. If treatment is recommended. several different Oplions are available. . There has been n'1 research t'1 show lhat contracl· ing HPV during pregnancy increases the risk for misearriage, pretenn delivery, prcc<:lampsia, Or other pregnancy complicalions_ Thus. HPV is nol routinely tested for during pregnancy. However. an HP V diagnosis can be made during pregnancy b«ause '1f genital warts or an abnonnal Pap smear. closely at Ihe vagina and cervix. A small piece '1f tissue (known as a biopsy) may be removed ifheor she sees something suspici'1us. If there is no evidence of cancer. Ihe hcalthcare provider will usually rc<:ommend waiting until after pregnancy 10 lreat Ihe abnonnal cells. ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! Women's Care Group King's ~ughters Medial Center Medical Plaza B 613 Brd St. Suite 130. Ashland. KY 411 01 (606) 326-9833 1(606) 324-6634 (Modi) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 12 Hulth &- We llnen Februar~ 201 S - Tri·State Edition Doesn't Exist..• We can all benefit from a little guidance. ,• W ben you get a new job, you usually have 10 do a good amount of train ing before you get any real responsibility. Unfortunately, being a parent doesn't work the same way. Nobody makes you take a training course on how to raise a kid, but it's not a bad idea. That's why there are parenting classes. It's next to impos_ sible to be good at something witbout pr&etice, so wby not practice your parenting skills? Whether you have a newborn or a teenager, it's never too late to try and learn effective parenting techniques. 1 ! Your own parents might have taught you effective techniques as they were raising you, which you might choose to continue as your bring up your cbildren. Parenting classcs provide you with another option. One of the benefits of parenting classcs is staying up to date on the newest and most effective parenting techniques. Parenting cluses can also help take some of tbe mystery out of being a parent They can teach you what 10 expect, effective ways 10 discipline and the best ways to prepare your children for school. They can also help you work through specific problems you might be having or prepare for a transition in the evenl ofa divorce or some other unforeseen circumstance. 00 top of all Ihal, parenting classes also give you an opportunity to connecl wilh otber parents who are most likely going through a lot oflhe same experiences as you. ________________________ www .Tri StateHe a lth a nd w e ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Tri-State EdItIon - _______________________ Febr~ary ZOl 5 liealth' Welinesl 13 . www.TriSUteHe~lth~ndWell ness_com ~~~~~:::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She still can. "'laking sure our residems eat .....,U-balanced meals is one of the man)' ways Morning Pointe relieves the chaUcnscs of providing care for your loved one. Our Food Service Direetor engages the residents in menu planning and secks the freshest ",,",onal fruits and vegelables to complement our homemade meal,! Com e mee r o ur slaff and take a personal tour. (606) 833-1120 . . ww w. morn ln g po ln ( Sen ior Lk;ng & ,\ lzhcimcr's Memory Carc 1000 Add ington Drive Ru sse ll, KY 41169 Wri!lcn information relaling to Ih,s community or faClhl}'~ ser-;C.s and policies is ",... ibbk upon rtqU($! 4 OUR LADY OF BELLEFONTE HOSPITAL Imaging Services OLBH Imagi ng Department 110>"" .. 1000 St_ C"""_ Dfive. , , _ . • X·R." • CT San Moin • MR, • ..,It'• ..,..... 2 ' .... • HUC"" Medklno . . . ....., m.tve dI Vinci surgeries OLBH Ashland ImagIng Center , OLBH Imaging Center 8oI1ef"" •• Contr. Ky_ FREE v..., ""';00 . JE:IIIC'*-Ind .a 1II1i1l111ton Convenient Locations! eo."",'ono 1000 A _ 0. .... A..... "". >(y. - f'lammog'Oj>/Iy _ X- Rov - CT Su n _ MR. FREE Valet """'in!I OL BH Ironton Imaging Center HO<Iieo' PO ... 1816 Cor'o< " ".. King'< Daughle" Medical Cente, Medical Plaza B _",,,..,,,,ocI 613 23,d. 5t. 5uite 130 A<hland. 324-6634IModil ~0<C0u<I..,,,"""' ......... ~:::::::::::~...:::.____~~~. www.TriSUt .. Healtha.~":.;w;;;.;. ;":.;,;,:.,;o:m ;-::::::::::::::::::::::= A ........... Ky . KY 41101 - X-Ray - X ·Rov _ Echoc:otdlogrom _MR I(~) _ CT ScOll 16061326-9833 16061 To ocht<l" .. a n . l>I)Oint .... n' ., a ny o<w M"", location ••• U (506) In-EXAM (l Sl2&). Tri-State EditIon - February lOt 5 liealt h ' Wellness 15 Does your dentist know which medications you are taking? Are they causing your dry mouth and other oral concerns? c hmnic dry mQuth is a wmmon pmblem that affects aoout 25% of all adults. It is not a disease. but a symptom Qf a medical diwrder or a side effe.:t of certain medications, such as antihistamines. decongestants. pain killers, diuretics and many Qthers. Dry mouth, also called xerostoma. results from an inadequate OQW of saliva. Saliva is the mouth's primary defense against de.:ay and maintains the health of the soft and hard tissues in the mouth. Saliva washes away f<Xlli and other debris. neutral. izes acids produced by bacteria in the mouth and provides disease-fighting substances throughout the mQuth. offering first line prote.:tion against microbial invasion or overgrowth that might lead to disease. Without saliva. extensive tooth decay can alSQ occur. Some of the most Wmmon and irritating problems associated with dry mouth include a constant SQI"C throat, burning sensation. trouble speaking. dimcuhy swallowing. hoarseness Or dry nasal passages. Otlrer symptoms of dry moutlr include: -Bad breath · A sticky. dry Or SOre mouth · Crncking at the COmeR of the mouth · A red and parched mouth -Blisters and mouth ulcers · A pebbled look to the tongue -Difficulty eating dry Or spiey f<Xllis · Waking up with a dry mouth at night Your dentist Qr hygienist can re<:Qmmend various methods 10 restore moisture. There are numerous treatment options. including artificial saliva, oral rinses, sprays, toolhpastes, gels. gum, lozenges, and patches that can hclp restore moisture. We recommend drinking water frequently. In SOme cases, we re<:ommend that the patient use a custQm-madc tray containing Ouoride. Due to risk of toolh decay. it is essential to lreal teeth wilh Ouoridc. There are many different types of Ouoride available. Your dentist and hygienisl will help provide the best oplion for your n«<is. Applications of Ouoride are mQre effe.:tive in preventing decay and ncw cavity fonnations than regular oral hygiene practices alone. Suggested oral hygiene practices include' brushing, rinsing. and interproximal aids. The dental hygienist will help detennine which products will be mOSI useful aCCQrding tQ YQur needs and instruct you on how to use them properly. Routine dental appointmentS offer oral health benefits as well as overall health benefits. If left untreated, chronic dry mouth Can increase )'Qur risk for developing cavities. Other risk factors that can increase cavities may include. but are not limited to: . Active decay Or cavities in previous 12 months · High tiers of cariogenic bacteria • Poor oral hygiene After a thorough examination. including a review of medications and lifestyle habits. your dentist can accurately detennine the cause of yQur dry mouth and the right course of treatment for you. · Cariogenic die! - carbs and sugars · Many multi-surface restorations · Irregular dental care · Suboptimal Ouoride exposure • Presence of exposed TOOt surfaces m o e _ s s e n l l e W d n ~ h t t ~ e H e t U S i ' T . w w _______________________ w • Xeroslomia (medication. radiation. Or disease-induced dry moulh) . We re<:ommend our patients to bring in a CUITCTlI list of their medications and vitamins dosage and frequency. This allows us to review which medications eQuid cause Qr wntribute to dry mouth. _______________________ 16 He-Ith & W.II""SI F.brul'Y 2015 Tr;·Slue Ed,"on Tri-State Edition Febru .. ), tOl 5 He,lth & Well"".. Home Infusion Therapy For patients requiring specialized infusion therapy. I nlusion Solutions otf.. rs home InfU'Slon therapy HfVkH H an alt.. r~ 10 the hospiul Httina by maldna i'I po..ible for ~nu 10 receive hllMech Infusion therapy In the comfort of their own 1Iom<'s. This a'H"ment helpS identify iny potential Issues Ihal could adversely affect the patient. (onducte-d on an on,oInt basis via telephon .. throulh ItI<! nursin, Of phiormacy stiff, thb iSHlSment ob$ervt:'$ any potential >iM effects and mediuotion problems and outcomes. Home Infusion Therapy Profeuionils The hi,hly s!<illed tum of p<Olenlonals i l Infusion SoIuriom ~ a multl-diiICipiinary, com~Ssionil" app.-well to are for home Infus;oo Ihel'3PY pillenu. Hilhly skilled teim members Indude: • • • • • Home inlu.ion .... iSI .. red nurse Home Infusion clinical technklan Hpm .. infusion pharmaclsl Home Infusion account '11<'<lalill Hpm .. lnfusipn dellV<'ry technician COmprehensive Patient Aueument and Training Th .. home Infusion contracte-d rellstere-d nurH, who is lamiliar with all typoi's of poi'ripheraland centl'3ll1nes for Intl"3V<'nous infusion, performs i comprehens'" iSHssment with ..Kh nursinl visit. Th .. nurse alro t.-.ins the patient or areliver on how to properly administer ~H:it!ons at holTI<'. Bue-d on patient needs ind phvskian ordef$, a Pharmacisl and Reli'iwed Nurse IoIows the patient's procress and tie'IeIo9s i ~tlent-specifk plin of are. The n ....... monitors the patlent's procress thl"OlJli'Ioullhe and will report prOlress or compliatSons 10 the orderlna physIdan. Professional Pharmacy Assessment The Infusion philrmadst poi'rforlTll' a thorOUlh pharmacy ISHIS""",I incIudin,: • • • • medial history review mediation ilJertY history medH:irion profile review rev;ewof any mediatlorl·relited problems and outcome. Delivery Direct to the Pitlent's Home The hom .. infusion delivery techniciin 6eli .... rs all r>eces~ry supplies for Infusion directly tQ th.e patlent'S hplTl<'. Iiome infusiQn has I>Hn prpV<'n tp be a ~fe and e ffecti .... alt .. rnative to inpatient Ci'e fo< many disuse slItes and therapl .. s. Fpr miny patients, re.:eivln8 treatment at hQme Is preferable to inpatient cue. Diseases commonly requirinl infusion therlpy Include infectipns that i re unrespons ive to ora l antiblotl(s, cancer and cancer·related pain, dehydration. gastrointestinal disuses or disorders w~ lch preV<'nt normallunctioning 01 t~"'3Strointestinal system, and more. Other conditions !ruted with specialty infusion therapies may Include ancers. con8estive heart lail~re. (rohn's Disease, immune deftclencies. multiple sclerosiS, rh .. umatoid arthritis. and more. By far. the ma;or home Infusion Ih.erlples are IV antibiotics, pr.. ilCribed primarily lor .uch dia,lIOSes as cellulitis. Hpsls. and osteomyelitis; other dillinows Inclucle urinary tract infections, pneUmOflY, sinusitis and more. Insur.ante Cover.ale Review The home infusion a«Ollnt speclalisl rmews a patient's insuranc .. benefits prior to Infusion thel'3PY. The patient and caregi .... rs are then inlormf'd pi COY'O!rag .. and any financial responsibility. INrUSION SOLUTIONS WE LOOK FORWARD TO HELPING YOU. For more InformatiQn On servicellvallable from Inf ... slQn SolutiQns. please all tI'll ' .... 1-888-446-6348. ASK YOUR PHYSICIAN IF HOME INFUSION IS RIGHT FOR YOU? FOR REFERRALS I CALL TOll FREE 888-446-6348 TOU FREE FAX 866-606-4663 PROVIDERS FOR OVER 100 NETWORK PAVERS SEIMHG IUNTUfJ(Y,OHIO & WESTVlllGltrIA 17 Tri-State EditIon - February 201 S liealt h ' Wellness 19 liIb and Ima&ln ln& tenin&ls IIsed to dla&nosls pituitary tumors. To make the diagnosis, '/'Our dOdor may order various types of tests and procedures. Blood and urine tests will measure '/'Our hormone levels and blood sugar va lues. These tests can identify other conditions that might cause your symptoms, and therefore rule out a pituitary adenom a. A specialiled blood test, called inferior petrosal sinus sampling, seleds blood from each side of the pitu · itary and can be us~ to rule out the pituitary gland as the source of hormonal disease. Your dOdor may want '/'Ou to receive an MRI or CT scan of '/'Our head. The scan will look for a tumor in '/'Our pitu itary gland. YOU also may be referred to an endocrinologist, a doctor who specializes in diseases of the endocrine glands and the hormones that those glands produce. Treatment and Surgical Options Treatment for a pituitary adenoma depends on what hormones the tumor is se.:reting . Several treatments, including surgery, may be used together to provide the best care for the patient. EndolCOPic Endona... ' Approuh (EEA) For most patients, the best treatment is to remove the pituitary tumor. Generally, the preferred method for this surgery is the Endoscopic Endonasal Approach (EEA). This approach allows surgeons to see the p itu itary gland well without making an open incision. During the HA surgical procedure, the pituitary tumor is removed through the nose and nasal cavities, and recovery time is faster than with a traditional approach. The rema ining pituitary gland is e~ plored carefully to che.:k for other leSions, and all abnorma l tissue is removed. Stereotactic Radiosurgery Stereotactic R;KIiosurgery use<; highly focused beams of radiation to shrink the tumor. This treatment method is us~ in patients whose tumors do not respond to surgery or to medication. M edi~on Med ications may be used to reduce the level of hormones that the pituitary produces. You may receive medication after surgery if a large tumor in the pitu· itary is affecting surroonding structures. If'/'Ou would like mOre information about pitu itary tumors, speak with your ph~ician or care provider. Should you need advanced care or treatment, the physicians of King's Daughters can help. With specialists In endocrinologv and neurosurgery, our team can help. KDMS Medical Specialties Neurosurgery KINGS DAUGHTERS MEDICAL SPECIALTIES Call 1· ggS· 371- kDM C lor the na me of a King 's Daughters neurosu r,eon , I Medical Plaza A, 617 23rd St., Su ite 6 I Ashland, Ky. I (606) 329-1770 ________________________ www.Tr iSUteHe althandWe ll _______________________ 20 Ke.lth" W...." February 201 S Tr.·SUte EdItIon GO RED FOR WOMEN® 2015 FACT SHEET Women .rt wong. We art smart. We soIWl problems. Wome n a n do anything ~n Can do. ... nd, \~.e Ill! some things we'.. _n btUtf at _ dying of heart disease and st.o ke. Like btea king !)arritfsl Go Re-dl ... nd htlp btea k the one .galnst hea.t disease. II's not just a man's dIsease. Each year, 1 in 1 women die of heart disease and ".oke. But _ an change that because 8(J peKt<11 of ardlK rterllS an be prewnted with eduatlon .rod lifeslJ\e changK. When ~ «II'I"Ift 10 beatong he.rt disuse IOrod stroke. change an bt the CUrt. Make 10 change it GoftI! Go Red for Women Is.oout much more than _.ring red on Natrona! Welf Red Day. It's ~t making 10 change. fACT 1: Heart disease and strolle affecl women of all ethni<:il!ts. • c:..diollasculoor'! "e the luding ause of death to. Alrian-Arne';';"n women. kining rIN.1y SO,OOO "nnwlly. • Only 4~ of ...1rIan-American women arod 44.of Hispllftlc women know that hef,.t diseise is their gr~at"'t health ..... Compilred with w. of ClIua...n women. • Of ...fria .... Arner\an women ages 20 and older. 48.9'110 haw Ql"diollasculoor disuse. Yet. only 20910 believe they lI.e at risk. Hert a .. a few ways)'O\l aon make a change today: • Only so. of Afrlc.n· ... merian womo!n are awa.e of lhe sigf>'l .nd symptoms of i hea.t altlCk. • Go to to learn what )'0\1 can do to .educe )'O\Ir . isk of hea.t disease and st.o ke. • Hispanic women a.e hkely to develop heart disease 10 yea .. earlie. Ihan Caucflloon wo~n . • Encou."9'I!)'O\I' fa mily and friends to take ~II steps toward healthy lifestyle d>oi<:es to .educe their ri!.k for heart disease and strolle. too. • Only 1 In 10 Hispani<: WOfrIt<1 say they have been that th~y If~ ot a higher . Isk. • £xpIIoin 'WhiIt ~ means to Go Red" by lhilring the foIlowWI9 ICrortym: • Only 1 In 4 Hispooni<: women isaware of trUtment options. Get Your NumbtrJ; Ask yor..- doctor to check you. blood ~. cholesterol and gluc;ose. fACT 4: WOi.oeo. who all! inYo/IIed with the Go Re-d For 'It'Gmen ~tlivt healthlef IMs.. Own You. lifestyle: Stop !lTIO/I;ing,. """ weigh!, bt ~Iy Ktrve and eat he.~hy. Raise You. Voice: Advocate for more WOf\"I4!OH .... ted IOrod education. • Nearly ~ haw made at one healthy betlaYlor clllnge. Educate You. family: Make healthy food chokes for )'0\1 ")'0\1' family. TeICh )'O\Ir jdds t~ Importance of slaying IClivt. Donate: Show )'OU' support with. donation of time Or money. • More than one-Ihifd III, Iosl weight. • More than so. lllve Inc:.eao;ed their exercise. • 6 out of 10 have changed their diels. • More than 40'16 have chec:ke-d their cholesterol levels. FACTS "'BOUT CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES • One Ihlrd has talked with their doctors aboul dewloplng heart health plans. FACT 1: c:.rdioll.K1.IIoo. diseases ause orw in Ih.~ women's deaths each yea •• ki"ing approximately one wom.Jn 1M!!)' minute. fACT 5: When )'0\1 9ft i~ In supporting Go Red For Women by ~ting,. furodra.sing and lhilring )'0\1' story, more lives art Sived. • An H lotn.Ited 43 million WOh",,, in the U.s. irt lIffected by urdioll.K1.IIoo. diSNSeS.. • ~ of hea.t dIsease Ind stroke rterlts could be ptrterlted. FACT 2: SI~ 1984. more womo!n Ihan men havt died tlCh year from heart disease" st.oke. • Fewer women than ~n survive their firs t hurt attack. • The symptoms of heart "tICk can be difftft<1t in women 'I"J. men, and are often misundtfstood _ even by some ~ns. • Women haw. higher lifetime risl: of strolle than men. • Today. rlNrly lOO Itwe< women die from hef,rt diseise and woke each ~ • Doth in women has decrt.o;ed by rrw:rre than 30 peKefilover the past 10 yurs. ABOUT GO RtO fOR WOMEH Go Re-d for Womer. is the American Heart Assoc!.tion's ~tJoni,I movement to end heart disease and st.olce In women because it's not JUII • man's d lSNse. In file!, more women than men die every ye ... /tom hea.t disease.nd stroke. The good news Is thaI 8(J perct<11 of cardiac events can be prevented with education and lifestyle changes. Go Red For Women a.dvocates for mo.e research and 'wifter aclion for wo~n's heart health. The American Hearl Assoclatlon's Go Red For Wornt.n fTIOvtment Is nationally sponsored by Maty's, wilh .ddrtional support OUr cause supporters. For moll! Information, ~se visit GoRedforWomen.o' 1l or a1l 1-888'MY-HEART {!l+3278J. _ 'SI, _ _ .. _ _ ..... _ _ "'(;0 ... _ .. _ ... " " " " _ .. ........ • Each year. about more women than men haw! " stroke. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - www.T"StateHulth.ndWeliness.tom _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Tri·$tate Edition • Februar~ 2015 Health /I< Wellneu 21 Your Abdominal Cramps Could be Diverticulitis By Cheryl L Bascom, M.D. and M ichael D. Canty, M.D. Tri·St ate Digestive Disease Associates, P.S.C. When it comes to vegetables. the most recommended foods arc potatQCS·sweet and regular. but unpeeled because most of the beneficial fiber is in the peel. Squash. peas. cauliflower, broccoli. spinach and turnip greens are also very beneficial. D iverticulitis is a common intestinal disease thai affects many adul!s, most ofwhom are nol even aware that they have it unlil serious symptoms appear. Most often it is found in middle-aged men. but it can affCCI anyone at any age. Contrary to older infonnation, you like strawberries and raspberries. If the symptoms arcn~ relieved and they remain !ievcrc. the intestines will likely bcoomc infected. When infection !ietS in. the polyps are getting larger and the wall of your intestine is bulging with the mattcr accumulated therein. If the condition reaches this point. emergency surgery is generally performed to avoid the bursting of the infected area.. which in tum would dump into your abdominal cavity. causing potentially fatal sepsis. similar to a rupturOO apIXndix. Provided you are under medical supervision and your blood is monitored closely. surgical intervention will he pcrfo""ed well before the condition progresses to that point. During regular surgery for the disease, an incision is made in your lower abdomen, the defective part of your colon is removed and the surgeon makes sure that there is absolutcly no contamination in your abdomcn before closing the wound. It is difficult for patients to know if they are affected because. prior to Ihe onset of inflammation Or infection, mOSI never have any symptoms and simply are not aware that they have the con· dition . The polyps typically arc found in the large intestine. but have been reported in the small inlestine. stomach and esopha· gus as well. While the di"cnicula are inactive and I\Ot inflamed. you ma~ experience some symptoms that arc common to many other conditions, making it difficult to know that something more serious could be wrong. Recovery time depends On the severity of the infection but can he from as few as two weeks to several months. During this time it is very important that your blood be closely monitored and you stick to a strict diet plan that is given to you by your health can: team. If you are suffering from the symptoms of diverticulitis or if you think that you may have it. you should sec a doctor immediately. Complieations can arise. such as a tear within the colon, which can put your life in danger. To prevent your chances ofdcvcloping diverticulitis, you should be sure to consume a diet that is rich in fiber. Also. drink plenty of water and sec your doctor as SOOI"l as you fcar that tho:rc may be something wrong. The earlier you address the issue, the more likely it is that you will not need surgery. The onset of the condition lISuall~ manifests itself with mild to sevcre abdominal pain and cramps. nausea and modcrate fevcr. The primary treatment option is absolute bed rest. with an accompan~ing regimen of antibiotics and strict observance of what ~ou cat and drink . Generally. during in.home treatment. you will be restricted to a liquids..:>nly diC1 along with the pre· scribed antibiotic regimen . After a few days. you will be advised to stan on a high. fiber diet. avoiding the processed foods that were probabl~ the cause of the disease in the first place. Tri-State Digestive Disease Associates, P.S.C. Caring is wha t we do best (606) 324-3188 Can cemln foods help? Thrn: are certain foods that can aid in the prevention or manage· 61 7 23rd Street, Suite II Ashland. KY 41101 Cheryl L Bascom. MD m o e . s s e ~ l l e W d n ~ h t l ~ e H e t U S i r T . Mictlael D. Canty, MD w w w ment of symptoms. Consuming whole·wheat breads and cereals. bran flakes. whole-wheat English muffins and beans such as black. navy and kidney varieties as well as unpccled pears and apples can be benefICial in prc"enting and eliminating inflanunatiQll. . also cOnSume nutrient· rich berries with small seeds Dietary chllnges don't work. Now what? Ifcareful diet modifications do not resolve the problem and you continued to experience pain. bloating and gas, you may be suffering from a more sc,·crc fo"" of diverticulitis, which could be life threatening. This condition occurs when an abnonnal pouch folTT\S in Ihe intestinal tract. When the diverticula in your intestines. which are also called polyps. become filled with digested or par. tially digcsted food that gets SluC\: Ihere and causes inflammation . If inflammali<m turns into infection, diverticuli · tis can be life Ihreatening. However. with early detection. Ihe disease can be effectively controlled with a healthy. whole· foods diet. _______________________ ma~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 22 Hu lth '" Wellr.ess February 201 S - Tri-S ta te Edition Little Known X-ray Analysis Proves Whiplash Injuries DIGITIZED X-RAYS (eRMA) Dr. Jason A. Moore, Huntington Chiropractic Accident & Injury Clinic CRMA stands for Computerized Radiographic Men suration Analysis. Many times this process is referred to as "digitized x_rays .H This is a teslthal Analyzes Ihe angles and distances between bones in the spine uses a Computer and X-rays, which are a certain type of Radiograph. The purpose of the lesl is to accuralely assess damage 10 the spine. decide On a treatment plan largeted at the injured area . It is also helpful for tracking changes in a patient's condition and for deciding when to make referrals to pain managcmcnl specialists, neurologists, or surgeons. Many doctors take repeat x·rays every 3-5 years to monitor Iheir palicnlS ' conditions , ,.,.... IS-I SItioo "_ 1_ ,. , by dlc Tllonldc ... -,~ Mensuration has been used by doclors for nearly 100 years to figure out when a patient's spinal bones are misaligned due to injury, aging, or congenital defoxts. Mensuration compares a patient's spine to a nonnal spine . s...-1loou_S-'... In SOme cases, motion segment aiteralion Can be easily seen with motion x-rays, However, sometimes you necd a method of analysis when injuries aren't so obvious, That's where the AMA Guides come in, and hcre's what they say: ...,........--...--'.~ J ~. . '-- IT' . MOIion of the 59ine segrntnts cannot be by a physical eumlna.ion but i. C\-.. Iu"ed .... ith ne,ion and ulension roon ,~nol"a",. (seo: Figures I ~-3a lhrough is,x). "M - ----~ A.' IA 0.-. Po 317 (SIb «i 20(1) When """ ine ~_ .. ys are nonnal and "",'"", U;ouma is abscn'. moo;"" segontnt att~ .. tion i.~; thu., flex· ion and ~",nSIon , ·ny. art ,nd",.. <:<1 ",,/,. ....lItn !he physician SU'lpe<1S ntOIlon se~n' ahtratl"" from hi •• ooy '" li nding, on """ine "_"Y" ~ "10'' Go';';" p. 319 (5oh «i 100') WhyuseCRMAl CRMA is important !O patients, doctors, and lawyers . For patients, it visually shows them where they are injured. [I also helps Ihem undersland that common defenses to whiplash injuries are smokescreens invented by insuraru;e companies. Finally, for patients it can explain the paHems of pain they experience: ) requires use of the AMA Guides, and almost all doctors rc<:ogniu them as authoritative, ll>e AMA Guides say that the only objective way to assess pennanent spinal injury is to look for "motion segmenl aitcralion ," And the AMA Guides also say that il would be "rare" for a patient to have molion segment alteration without trauma: o~her del~ rm ined "MA Gu;;".p, For lawyers, CRMA provides objeclive, visual medical evidence ofpennancm injury. Simply pul, CRMA helps patients prove their injuries in court. [n order to introduce scientific evidence in court, it must be reliable and seientifically sound. Because CRMA uses decadcs-old mensuration lechniques approved by Ihc American Medical Associalion, Or AMA, it is acceptahle for use in court. l79(loIIooI. 200t) This statement is important for 1"'0 reasons. Firsl, it means lhat a doctor must tak~ Ihe right x-rays to detennine whether motion segmen~ alteration exists. Most ofthe limc in thc emergency room fol· lowing a car wrec k, ER doctors DON ' T lake .hese x-rays. Why not? The ER doc knows specifically what hc's looking for - broken bones - so he orders specific x-rays for that purpose, The doctor does NOT order the x-rays required by lhe AMA G uides because it requires forward and rear bending, which can make fractures in the neck too small to see on normal x·rays far worse. So, ~hese bending x-rays simply aren'tlaken untillhc patient has had some time to heal. So, the tests 10 sec if motion segment inlegrily is lost is perfonned laler, m o e . s s e n l l e W d n ~ h t t ~ e H e t U S i r T . w w w . For doctors, CRMA assists with a "differential diagTh' Medical Basis forCRMA nosis," which is the process doclors use to rule Out The mensuration method most commonly used other SOureeS of pain. Insurance companies like to today eomes from the American Medical blame other sourees, such as "somatofonn Associalion's Guidelines for Ihc Evaluation of Perdisorder," "secondary gain," and other buzzwords manenl lmpainnenl (AMA Guides). It is the gold thai really mean faking. C RM A objeclivcly disstandard for impairment evaluation . For instance, proves faking . Since CRMA identifies the location the Arkansas Workers' Compensation Commission and extent of pennanent injuries, it helps the doctor _______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Tri·SUte Edition· February 201 S Health" Wellnen 23 because someonc clse treats that condition in a non-emergency situation. Also, a loss of motion segment integrity can be difficult to diagnose in the lOR because tissue swclling restricts thc movemcnt necessary \0 obtain the proper bending x-rays required. Finally, the patient needs sufficient time to heal so thatthc tfUC, permanent cxtent ofthc loss of motion segment integrity shows up. With thc computing power available today, il also made sense for doctOJ$ to usc computer.! to perform mensuration calculations. Thc result is a faster, morc accurate, and repeatable mensuration report . One doctor I've spoken 10 Soays the hand-mensuration method took about 15-30 minutes. but the computerized version takes a trained technician only 30 seconds! That's a huge lime saver. Thc statcmcnt is important for another rcason . It tells u S that motion segment alteration CANNOT be diagnosed from a physical examination . So. without the proper x-rays. onc just can't Soay what the true cxtent of spinal injury is, CRMA has been tested by researcher.!, who have confirmed it is more accurate and repeatable than hand methods. For this reason, CRMA is generally accepted in evidence-based medicine as a reliable method Qf aS$Cssing spine damage. Most research articles published on the spine today use computerized mensuration tools. Once the x-rays arc taken. the angles and distances betwecn spinal bones arc precisely measw-ed and compared to a 'normal' spine. The American Medical Association determines what is nonnal : Case Study: Cotehing 0 Def ense Doctor Cheoti~g with CRMA Below we show an example of mensuration perfonned by hand to show how error.! can creep into the process. Can you tell what's wrong with the image? Here's a hint: irs a small detail the doctor taking the ~-ray overlooked. f ig .... , 5-l< 1.."., of MOIioo Segmen' In'.gri'Y' -- C. .... kal Spin< . AMA Go";';" ""'" p, • 1M • . 100») ..... of Mohon .$..pIm1lmqn,y. ArIp'" MOl"", (s.ntal Roue"",). Lutnbor Spine ..... , _ Analysis -- --- ., '. - - --- ~teri< ed .- \' \:, A \1A 0IH<In, &rna 1" " ",,- '" '" Re!>ott " , " AMA G<oidH 00'\ . ~, , -, J (....., 20(1) FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: As shown here, in the cervical spine any differ· ence in angles more than 11° qualifics as a loss of motion segment integrity in the cervical spine. There are other figures available in the AMA Guides to measure different kinds of spinal abnormalities. as follows: moore-ch lropractlchuntington,comlmistakes Did ) '11" set! the error? The patient's chin isn't touching her chest. That means the x-ray wasn't taken in a full range of motion. whieh Can spoil the accuracy of the result. The doctor who took the x-ray did so for an insurance CQmpany, and he had a reason to fudge the test, The doctor who perfonned the computerized report caught the error. And, the computerized report shows that the angle is so abnonnalthat a correct ~-ray will likely show a loss of mQtion segment integrity. Curr.nt M.thods in eRMA m o e . s s e ~ l l e W d n a h t l a e H e t a t S i r T . w w w Until the last 20 years Or so. doctors perfonned mensuratiQn by hand using x_rays, a light box. and a grease pencil. In the last 20 year.!. more doctors and clinics started using x-ray machines that take x_rays digitally, rather than with film (just like digital cameras havc replaced film cameras). ________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 24 Hulth &- We llnen Februar~ 201 S - Tri-State Edition What treatments are available for my eyfll Ophthalmology 101 Adults 20 to 64 years of age: Adults with no signs or risk factors for eye disease should get an eyc disease sereening at age 40-the time when early signs of disease and changes in vision may start to happen. Based on the results of thc initial screcning, your ophthalmologist will let you know how often to return for follow-up exams. Adults 65 years or older: Every one to twO ye.1ffl, as recommended by your ophthalmologist. What happens during an eye examination? Your ophthalmologist and his or her assistants ask about your CUTTcnt symptoms and review your medical history. Eye drops to dilate your eyes mayor may not be used during the exam. The examination typically evaluates: • visual acuity; • need for eyeglasses or contact lenses (rcfraetion); • eyelid health and function; coordination of cye muscles: • pupil response to light; • side (peripheral) vision; • intraocular pressure (pressure inside the eye): • the anterior segment in the eye (the area in front of the lens, including the cornea and iris); - thc interior and back of the eye. Your ophthalmologist can provide you with thc treatment you need or, in some cases, may refer you to a subspecialisl. Somc cye conditions cannot be cured. Nevcrtheless, your ophthalmologist can offer counseling and support while monitoring your condition. Can vision loss be preyented? Many eye diseases do not cause symptoms for months or years. Therefore. regular visits to your ophthalmologist are as important as regular visits to your family physician. In many cases, early treatment of glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, crossed eyes and some forms of macular degeneration can prevent loss of sight and even blindness. Together, you and your ophthalmologist Can work toward the goal of protecting your sight through early diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions. Tri-Stat. Ophthalmology (606) 324-2451 TRI Carter H. Gussler, MD John C. Gross, MD m o c . s s e n l l e W d n ~ h t l ~ e H e t U S We t~k e ~ ppO l ntm e nts by f efe rr~ l only. i _____________________ Some eye diseases are treated with medication, such as eye drops or pills. Other diseases may reqU1re laser surgery or other surgical procedures. 2841 Lexington Ave. Ashland, KY f Because of an increased risk for glaucoma. people of African or Hispanic descent should see an ophthalmologist even if they have no othcr signs of or risk factors for eye disease. Your ophthalmologist will let you know how often to return for follow-up cxams. T Based on the examination, your ophthalmologist will let you know how oftcn to retW11 for follow-up exams. Ill.> Newborn. pre-school and pre-teen: Eye exams should be given by a pediatrician, family doctor or ophthalmologist at thc following intervals: • newborn to 3 months • 6 months to 1 year • 3 years old • 5 years old • later as needed . You should have ~our eyes examined by an ophthalmologist if you have any ofthesc signs or risk factors for eyc disease: • decreased vision, evcn if temporary; • distorted vision; • new floalers (black "strings" or specks in the (vision) andlor flashes of light; • a curtain or veil blocking vision; • haloes (colored circles around lights); .. . • an cye IIlJury or cye paIn; • red eye; • bulging of one or both eyes; misaligned eyes; • double vision; • loss of peripheral (side) vision; • high blood pressure • diabetes me ll itus; • AIDS; - thyroid disease-related eye problems (Graves' disease); • a family history of eye discase; • excess tearing; • eyelid ablll.>rmalities; panicular problems or risk factors, reoommcndcd inielVals for eye exams are: W When should I see an ophthalmologist? When you have W tional ~ears of medical education and training, a certified ophthalmologist must pass a rigorous two-part examination given by the American Board of Ophthalmology, How Often Should I Haye an Eye Exam? W How does an ophthalmologist become (ertified? After four years of college and eight addi- Your ophthalmologist will diseuss the results of your eye examination with you. If your eyes are heallhy, you may need only eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct your vision , Or you may not need any vision correction at all. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Tri-SUte Edition - February 2015 Health & Wellr.en 25 Changes in Your Feet May Signal Heart Concerns By Dr. Brian K. Bailey. Podiatric Physician & Surgeon I , . . . - - -"":' f you're wQndering about the health Qf your hean. try looking at your feet. The IQwly. slepped-on. shoe-squished foot rould very well hold clues about the state of your coronary anerics. If your fect show signs of poor cireulatiQII - or periphcral anerial disease - yQur hean could be suffering as well . Patients might enroll in a supervised exereise progr.nn. which can improve PAD and their hean health. Medicalion can help the aneries relax so they Can walk farther. m o c _ s s e ~ l l e W d n ~ h t t ~ e H e t U S _______________________ i In somc cases. patients have uleers and sores that a re nQt healing, which can indicate tissue loss in Ihe legs. Intervention is needed 10 restore c ireulation and save the limb. Treatments include angioplasty. SlenlS, a bypass or procedures lQ remQve plaque from Ihc aneries. ' It·s really hard somClimcs 10 quantify what is 51Qwing somrone down. Pooiatrists are great at picking up on PAD. they know what to look for in terms of skin changes. leg changes and the signs on feel. The earlier PA D is diagnosed. the mQre li kely Ireal · menl will be ctTtttive. T but d<:>n't realize it because the pain in their legs limits Iheir activity. If any signs of PA D exist. a simple. non-invasive test called an ankle-brachial index is recommended. It rompares the bl<:><.>d pressure in the ankles to the bl<:><.>d pressufl: in the arms. . Some also havc symptoms Qf hean disease. such as shonness of breath and discomfon in the chest, Those with risk factors fQr PA D should be sereencd or tested, podiatrists say. The risk factors include : w The classic symptoms of PAD - pain in the legs when walking or at rest - occurs in only 10 percent of the patients. And even lhose symplQms can be confusing. Patients often wonder if the ache in their legs comes from aging or anhritis. DitTefl:nt pulses, vcry cold feet or a change in color also could indicate a problem. w Many pe<:>ple have IlQ symptoms of PAD during Ihe early stages. By Ihe lime symptoms are noticcable, the aneries often are s ignificantly blocked . Many podialry palients sec cardiologists and family doctors regularly because they have diabetes or other ronditiQns lhat put them at high risk for PAD. !l's always g<:><.>d IQ havc all()lher set of eyes chocking the fect regularly for any sublle changes. w As part of February's hean health emphasis, we are urging poople ](I have a simple test ](I ched cifl:ulation in their feet for signs of PAD. which QCCur,; when the aneries become naITQwed by plaque. Pooiatrists can regularly checks patients for Ihe subile signs thaI could indicate PAD. A loss of hair On the fect is Qne p<mible sign of poor circulaliQII. That d<JCsn't mean that pe<:>plc whQ have always had smooth, rather hairless feci ha,·c PAD . . The feet may nOt inVQke the same romantic notions as the hean - few sonnets or love songs are written in their honQT - but they deserve a linle IQve. podialrists say. • Being Qlder than 50 • Smoking (currently Qr previously) • Diabetes • High bl<:><.>d pressure • High cholesterol • Personal or family history of PAD, hean disease, hean attack or strokc • Sedentary lifeslylc (infrequent or no e xereise) v 500 14th Str«!, Ashland, Ke ntucky, 4110 I Phone (606) 324_FOOT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 26 Hu lth '" Wellness February 201 S - lri-State Edition According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 500,000 basketball-related injuries are treated in hospital emergency rooms each year. Laura C. Reese, D.O. Boord Corti1*:I, o.t~ ~ T he fast·paced action of basketball can cause a wide range of injuries. most often to the foot. ankle, and knee. Sprained ankles and knee ligament tears are common. Basketball players are also at risk for jammed fingCTS and stress fractures in the foot and lower leg. Several strategies can help to prevent basketball injuries - from careful inspection of the play area to using proper passing techniques. Proper Preparation for Play Maintain fitness. Be sure you are in good physical condition at the Start of basketball season. During the off-season. stick to a balanced fitnC'SS program that incorporateS aerobic exercise. strength training, and nexibility_ If you are out of shape at the stan of the season. gradually increase your activity level and slowly build back up to a higher fitness level. Wann up and stretch. Always take time to wann up and stretch. Researeh studies have shown that cold muscles are more prone to injury. Warm up with jumping jacks. stationary cycling or running or walking in place for 3 to 5 minutes_ Then slowly and gently stretch. holding each stretch for 30 seconds_ m o c _ s s e n l l e W d n ~ h t l a e H e t U S i r T . w w _____________________ w Hydrnte. Even mild levels of dehydration can hun athletic pcrfonnance. If you have noc had enough nuids, your body will not be able to effectively cool itself through sweat and evaporation. A general recommendation is 10 drink 24 ounces of non-caffeinated nuid 2 hours before exercise_ Drinking an additional 8 ounces of water or sports drink right beforc exercise is also helpful. While you are exercising. break for an 8 oz. cup of water every 20 minutes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ rro-Sute Edition - February 201 S Health & Wellness 27 Focuson Technique Play only your position and know where Qlher players are on the court to reduce the chance of collisions. Do not hold, block, push. charge, Or nip opponents_ Use proper techniques for passing and scoring. Do nQl forge! sportsmanship, if someone gelS injured stop play until they receive the assistance they need_ Use Appropriate Equipment • Select basketball shoes that fit snugly, offer support, and are non-skid. • Ankle supports can reduce the incidence of ankle sprains . • I'rotoxtive knee and elbow pads will protoxt you from bruises and abrasions. - Use a mouth guard to protect your teeth and mouth. - If you .... ear glasses. use safety glasses or glass guards to protect your eyes. • Do nol ....ear jewelry Or chew gum during practice or games_ Ensure a Safe Environment Outdoor courts should be fre<: of rocks. holes. and mher hazards. inside courts. should be clean. free of debris. and have good traction. When playing oUlSidc. environmental conditions must be considered. Players should avoid playing in extreme weather or on courts that are not properly lighted in the evening. Baskets and boundary lines should not be too close to .... alls. bleachers ..... ater fountains. or other structures. Baske! goal posts. as .... ell as the ....alls behind them. should be padded Prepare for Injuries Coaches should be knowledgeable about first aid and be able to administer it for minor injuries. such as facial cuts. bruises, Or minor s\J1lins and sprains. Be prepared for emergencies. All coaches should have a plan to reach medical personnel for help .... ith more significant injuries such as concussions. dislocations. contusions. sprains. abrasions. and fractures. Slife Return to Play m o c _ s s e n l l e W d n ~ h t l a e H e t U S i ' T . w w w An injured player's symptoms muSt be commotion. and nonnal strength_ In case of concussion. If you or your child is injured while playing basketpletely gone before returning to play_ For the player must have no symptoms at rest or with ball. seeking treatment from an orthopedic surgeon example: in case of a joint problem. the player exercise, and should be cleared by the appropriate is the best way to ensure un seen internal injuries must have nO pain. no swelling. full range of medical provider haven't occurred. ________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ......- -- -- ---._......On IIle Web On facebook On lwitl~ In YO\l' Inbox One of the On/r Therapy Centers in the Tri-State to Staff 5 Doctors of Physical Therapy & 3 Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialists. Many other specialties thot can't be found anywhere else ... 1*~~V!£i}!!!.a! THERAPY 2400 13th Street , Ashland, KY 41102 606-329-0910 I ___________________ www.TriStal. Heallha.~":.:w:.~. :".~.:.:.•:o:m::=:::===:::::::::=::=:::=====~ Tri-SUte Edition - February 201 S Health" Wellneu 29 Be Proactive (instead of reactive) When it Comes to Your Child's Oral health O nhodonlic lrealmenl for kids and lccns can benefitlhem for a range of reasons. If yoo are considering looking for dental health remedies for your child or teenager, understanding the advantages of onhodontics might assist you to make an informed choice. Orthodontic treatment can help kids and teenagers by: At Stansbury Onhodontics, we place a firm focus on edUl'ating parents and children ali ke on the bencfits of onhodontic remedies and just how it Can set up your oral health for life. • Changes to a child's self_esteem can be a,com_ plished by repairing issues li ke missing or jagged teeth, closing gaps, and much mOre Dnhodontics is Ihc application of oral health care te<:hniques designed to mend Or thwan problems concerning teeth or jaw positioning. O nhodontics Can be employed to help mend chewing and jaw alignment problems, speech problems, take Care of sensitivity, or perhaps to mend unsightly misaligned teeth. The restoration of a perfeclly arranged, straight smile is often the vital cause parents seck oul an oMhodontic discussion. Even in the cvcot you are not fussed wilh your misaligned teeth, they can still present a risk to your dental and overall health . Crooked teeth offer a more difficult cleaning surface, and reaching to those concealed cracks becomes challenging. This means an increased danger of oral plaque accumulation and subsequently a higher possibility OfrOi and periodontitis. • Restoring teeth overcrowding setbacks byexpaooing the palate, or adjusting undcrbites and overbites • Managing distressing problems like Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder • Whenever teeth are correctly aligned through onhodontic treatment, maintaining tbem becomes simpler • Having braces and onhodontic appliances instructs kids the significance of high quali.y dcntal care and cnables them to take responsibility for the success of orthodontic procedures by participa1ing in the daily care and pr01cetion of orthodontics If you are focusing on getting onhodontic treatment to correct your child's smile, think about arranging a consultation with Dr. Stansbury to discuss more aOOu. our treatment options available to you . Modem braces have progressed from the bulk y, steel braces from fifteen years ago. Only thing true for our office is we use Invisalign rctainers after we do metal and ceramic bra~. Dr. Michael Stansbury WHENTOSEEAN ORTHODONTIST If you rccogni?-c any of these signs in yoor child or yoorsclf, it might be time to schedul e a consultation with an onhodontis!. • Early or late loss of baby tceth • Difficulty chewing or biting • Mooth breathing • Sucking the thumb or flngen, or other oral habits • Crowded, misplaced Or blocked-out teeth • Jaws that shift, make sounds, prolrude or are rcecssed • Speech difficuhy • the check or biting into the roof of .he mouth • Protruding teeth • Teeth thaI meet in an abnormal way ordon't meet at all • Facial imbalance or asymmcuy (features ou. of proportIon to the n:sI of the face) • Grinding or clenching of teeth • Jnability to comfonablydO$C lips To schedule an appointment with Dr. Stansbury, call 606---329-9702 .oday. Bring your family '0 ours, we look forv.'ard to seeing you soon! Dnhodontic procedures usually last from one to three years. Get the best orthodontic .rcatment for your kids with the hclp of Dr. SIMsbury. For morc information on how onhodontics Can help you Or your child, please do not hesitate to call us at 606-329-9702 today! m o c . s s e n l l e W d n ~ h t l ~ e H e t a t S i r T . w w w _______________________ . Dr. SlIlJlsbury is a leading board ecnified onhooontist offering quality care in a friendly, welcoming environment. Stansbury Onhooonties is comrnined to providing each patient with state--of-the-an onhooontic treatment at a price that fits every budget. Whether you arc looking for the bestlnvi",lign, clear braces or early treatmcnl for your child, Dr. Siansbury has an onhooonlic Ircalmcnl option thaI is righl for you! Dr. Slansbury is always accepling new patients at his Ashland onhooomic pmclice. To make an appointment please contact 606-329-9702 looay! STAl\'SBURY ORntOOOl\'TICS C. MIchael Stansbury Diplom>t<. Am<lican Iloard of Orthodontia 2179 Caner A""., ruhland , KY 41101 (606) 329-9702 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Investments and Insurance As a VIce President, senior Rnancial Advisor with U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc. and U.S. 8ancofp Insurance services, llC, R.B. works comprehensively with his cllems as their truste<l financial partn8f to build, preserve, and transfer their wealth through a long-term, one-on-ooe relationship. utililing a diSCiplined and ongoing process to address a wide range 01 wealth R.B. Md{enzie Voce Presiclent. Senior Financial management Issues, R.B. helps his clients realile their financial goals. • • • • • • • Investments losuraoce pro1ectioo Uabllities Ouamied Retirement PI~ 1M Distribution Corporate ~ecutlve Stock Options Business Succession Planning Dlnble Power 01 Attorney Issues • • • • Giftiog to Chlldren/OescendentslOthefS Dt.ring lile """ ,- Gh¥itabIe Gifting Dl.I1ng LIIe Titling of Assets uecutorl&lCCeSSor Trustee Issues • u.s. Bancorp InV'8S1menb, Inc.. 12{1 Sooth 3rd Street Distribution Plan \0 Spoi.IseI DescencIents at Death IlOOtoo, OH 45638 • ChOOtabIe inclinations at Death Direct 740-533-4734 While R.B. wor1Is locally with his diems In the Tri Stale community, he is supported by the vast resources of U.S. Bancofp. This allows him \0 draw 00 the extensive knowledge of the team to develop strategies tailored to his clients' unique situations and deliver a very high level of personaliled service. Gallipolis u.s. Bancorp Investmenb, Inc. 25 Cou1 Street GaUipotis, OH 45631 Direct 740-44(l-D662 R.B. has more than 20 years of financial Industry experience and Is an 11 time President's Club achiever. He holds ANRA sertes 7, 63, aoo 65 registra~ons, as well as OH, KY, IN and WoIlife and health insurance licenses. R.B. has been an employee of US 8ancofp for 19 years. [!!lbancorp. All of [!lj serving you" "'-"' ..... m....-.~u.c ___________________ www.T'iSUteHe~lth~ndW e ll ness_com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Tn·State Edition· February 2015 Health & Wellness 31 SpI~ess _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Stay Married To Your Sweetheart By Alex Anderson, Senior Associale Pastor at Bayside Commun ity Church I pla~ n the 2002 movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks the character Chuck Noland, an extremely punctual FedEx executive whose plane crashes during a stOfTrl over the Pacific Ocean. lie becomes the sole survivor and washes ashore on an uninhabited island. The thing that's moSt moving to me is his motivation 10 try SO many failed attempts to get off the island: his wife. He remains there for four years heforc he is rescued. He is SO lonely Ihat he finds a volleyball. puts a face on il and names it Wilson,just to have somoone to talk to. It was never God 's intent for a man Or a wOman to he alone. That's why marriage is so awesome' F inding Go d '. Favor If good health has e~er been considered a fa~or of God, then being married to a good wOman cer· tainly has it merits. I have no medical training, bU1 over thiny years of minis~ering ~o people has taught me 1he truth of this ~erse. "Whoe~er finds a wife finds what is good and recei ves fa~or from the Lord ." Proverbs 18:22 ISV I have seen many long and sueeessful marriages (including my parents of fifty·~hree years) be1ween couples who experienced generally good health. I know this anicle below is only about men's hcahh, but I found it most fascinating. Here arc a few good reasons why is it good for you to have a long marriage to your sweethean. I 'm on my way home, honey, The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion for him., .. Genesis 2:J 8 It helps Cure loneliness, It fecls good to have someone to "belong 10". Now iI'S usually people who have been married suc.:essfully for a while who would even say such a Ihing. We as individuals like Our independence and want to fight for it and hang on 10 it for as long as we can, but independence only can take us SO far and sometimes it is a lonely trip. I love the words, "I loney, I'm home"lbey make me feel like some wants me (yeah, and that too). Someone has m y h a ek. Knowingsomoone has my back is very important and satisfying to me. As goofy and weird as I am, I know deep in my hean that there is one person on this planet who will fight for me when no one else will and it's my beaU1iful wife oftwcnty-eight years. You need to know someone will "have your back". Life can be too tough to be a solo act. Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other suc.:eed. If One person falls, the other can rcach OU1 and help. But someone who falls alone is in roaltrouble. Ecclesiastes 4:9·12 NLT Selected Sex i . awel oml!!, I read SOme research years ago that said that men and women spend a large percentage of their time thinking about sex. Well, I hope so, and I really don't know what they waste their other time thinking about. God wired us 1hat way. Sex is supposed to be fun and ercates emotional bonds bc-t\o.'CCn a man and a woman. That's also why it's pretty disastrous to ha,,,, sex with someonc other than your spouse, the person who has your back. Se~ is one of God's greatest ideas. "A major SUr\'ey of 127,~4~ American adults found 1hat married men are healthier 1han men who wcre ne~er married or whose marriages ended in divorce Or widowhood. Men who ha~e marital panners also live longer than men withou1 spouses; men who marry after age twenty·five get mOre protection than those who tic the knot at a younger age, and the longer a man Slays married, the greater his survival advantage over his unmar· ried peers." (Health .harvard .edu) There arc many morc reasons 10 find your sweet· hean, marry and have a long marriage, but I'm out of space . So I'll close with these words from psy· chologist James Dobson, which I give to those who want to get married. Genesis 1:24·25 NLT says, '-rnis explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wifc, and the twQ are united into one. Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they fel( no shame." "Don't marry the person you think you can live Ami wi1h; marry 1he only individual you think you ean'~ live wi~hou~." "Let your wife be a founLain of bless ing for you. Rejoice in 1he wife of your youth. Le~ her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love," Provcrbs 5:18·19 NLT Need I say more? To your spiritual health, Al ex E. Anderson AUlhor of~he book, Dangerous Prayers www. dangerous·prayers.eom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.TriSUteHealthandWe ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Surgical Weight Loss WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SUCCESS At King's Daughters, we offer the region's m05l advanced and successful surgical weight loss program and are designated as a Center of ExcellencE! by the American SOCiety of Bariatric Surgery, The experts at King's Daughters understand it's not just about l~n9 weight ... it's about changing your life. We offer everything you need to SlICCeed, including minimally invasive procedures, personalized nutrition plans and weight loS! cOI.Jnselors who support you well after your surgery. KING'S DAUGHTERS
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