Cambium Global Timberland Limited Interim Report and Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements for the six months ended 31 October 2014 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Contents Page Chairman’s statement 2 Operations Manager’s report 3 Independent review report 4 Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of comprehensive income 5 Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position 6 Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity 7 Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows 8 Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements Key parties 9-26 27 1 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Chairman’s statement The Company’s Net Asset Value (“NAV”) as at 31 October 2014 was 33p per share compared with 40p at 30 April 2014. In accordance with the active marketing programme of the assets and the negotiations currently underway, the forest assets are shown on a held for sale basis allowing for 5% sales costs on the value of the plantations. The other reasons for this decline are detailed in the Operations Manager’s Report. There have been two significant post balance sheet events since 31 October 2014, both of which need to be highlighted here. In December 2014 there was a major wind-storm in Hawaii that has severely damaged the Group's Pahala plantation. Since 31 October 2014, the Brazilian Real has continued to depreciate and economic conditions in Brazil remain very difficult. The combination of these two factors has again reduced the value of the Minas Gerais and Tocantins plantations. The result is that the Board estimates (based on the advice of the Operations Manager and all factors known to date) that the NAV as at the date of this statement, taking into account the effect of the tender offer, is around 30p per share. The distribution of £5 million by way of a tender offer at 25p per share approved by shareholder at the EGM on 27 January 2015 is the first of what the Board plans as the remaining timberlands are sold in accordance with the approved policy of disposing of the Group’s assets. However, difficulties in the markets for wood and plantations in both Hawaii and Brazil are creating continued uncertainty in the amount and timing of value that can be realised and distributed to shareholders. Within the constraints of good forest management and the requirements of a listed entity, the Company is cutting costs wherever possible and managing cash prudently to ensure that if plantations cannot be sold in the immediate term, value can be realised from wood harvesting. On 16 October 2014, shareholders unanimously approved the appointment of Robert Rickman as Operations Manager of the Group to replace Cogent Asset Management. On that date Robert Rickman and Martin Richardson stepped down from the Board. The Board now comprises myself, Roger Lewis (who has become Chairman of the Audit Committee) and Svante Adde, and is working on finding a new Chairman in Jersey, to enable me to step down before the AGM, as I undertook in 2014. Donald Adamson Chairman 29 January 2015 2 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Operations Manager’s report For the six months ended 31 October 2014 Total returns during the period covered by these financial statements were -17.6%. Of the total decline, net foreign exchange losses due to sterling appreciation against the Brazilian Real and depreciation against the US dollar contributed -1.9%. Returns from the investment portfolio contributed -13.1% to the total return with administrative expenses contributing the remaining -2.6%. Portfolio returns were impacted by the decision to hold the forest assets on a “for sale basis” and the experience of limited market demand in Brazil’s current economic environment. The sale of the Australian asset was completed at a modest premium to the previous valuation. Subsequent to the balance sheet date there has been severe wind damage in the smaller Hawaiian plantation and continued depressed conditions in Brazil. Below is a summary of the results by each geographic area. North America The sales of the Group’s timberlands in Georgia were completed. Despite the improved economic growth in the USA, wood prices have not increased, possibly due to increased volumes of timber being marketed. As a result the prices obtained for the properties were below their previous valuations. US$1.0m held in escrow for the sale of Clinch County has now been received by the Group. US$2.0m in escrow for environmental warranties for the Stewart County property is due to be released in July 2015. Hawaii The Group owns two properties in Hawaii, both leasehold, which represent 14.1% of total net assets. Total returns during the six month period were -10.7%. The key to realising the larger property, Pinnacle, is to develop a plan for harvesting and establishing access to the export port. Progress has been made during the period in defining the costs involved in doing this. The smaller and less valuable of the plantations is Pahala, which was devastated by serious wind damage after the period end in December 2014 (see note 27). An early start to harvesting will be necessary if useable wood volumes are to be recovered. Heads of terms had been agreed for the disposal of Pahala before the serious wind damage and, although discussions remain underway, the options open to the Group are limited. Asset values in Hawaii remain very sensitive to the availability of a local market for biomass wood for electricity generation, timber prices in export markets, harvesting and transport. The 24 megawatt wood-using plant has progressed more slowly than originally anticipated, but still appears to be progressing with an estimated start date during early 2017. Clarity on this plant is important to underpin the value of both the Pahala and Pinnacle plantations. Australia The Tarrangower property in Australia has been sold. The return during the period was 21.8% in local currency terms, due to the disposal of the property at a small premium to previous NAV, albeit an NAV which was well below earlier valuations. Brazil The Group owns two properties in Brazil, namely Minas Gerais and Tocantins 3R, which together represent 69.4% of total net assets. Total returns during the period were -17.5%, of which -1.0% related to an increase of BRL 0.9 million in the provision against Tocantins 3R. Note 21 sets out the position concerning the lien on this property by Banco da Amazonia, which is offset by a security interest held on another property, Lizarda. The increased provision is the Board's best estimate of the liability following the retention of legal and business advisers to hold discussions with the bank involved (and an assessment of the Group's ability to enforce its offsetting lien in a realistic timescale. Tree growth rates, as determined by recent inventories of both properties, are below expectations, probably due to below average rainfall over the last two years. Rainfall has improved at 3R but remains below average in Minas Gerais. Small fires at both properties did not result in economic damage and it is envisaged that fire insurance will offset the modest fire fighting costs incurred. Small scale fertilisation and weed control programmes have been undertaken. Although the Group is in discussions with buyers for both its Brazilian forests, as reported previously the market for timberland in Brazil continues to be illiquid and there can be no certainty on the timing of when sales can be closed. Planning is underway to commence harvesting as the crops mature from 2016 onwards, should the forests not be sold before this date. Conclusion Previously, under Cogent's management regime, valuations were based on the long term expectations for the individual forests, but it is considered that a "held for sale" basis is more realistic given the Group's realisation strategy. The portfolio continues to be managed to maximise shareholder return during this realisation process. Necessary investments in the health and vigour of the forests continue to be made whilst at the same time seeking to minimise operating expenditures at the properties. Robert Rickman Operations Manager 29 January 2015 3 Independent review report to Cambium Global Timberland Limited We have been engaged by the Cambium Global Timberland Limited (the “Company”) to review the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 October 2014 of the Company together with its subsidiaries (together, the “Group”), which comprise the unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of comprehensive income, the unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position, the unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity, the unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows and the related explanatory notes. We have read the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements. This report is made solely to the company in accordance with the terms of our engagement as detailed in our letter of 10 December 2014. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached. Directors' responsibilities The interim report and unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are the responsibility of, and have been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the interim report and the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements in accordance with the AIM Rules. As disclosed in note 2, the annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”). The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements included in this interim report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting. Our responsibility Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements in the interim report based on our review. Scope of review We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Conclusion Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 October 2014 are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 and AIM Rules. Andrew P. Quinn for and on behalf of KPMG Channel Islands Limited Chartered Accountants Jersey 29 January 2015 • The maintenance and integrity of the Cambium Global Timberland Limited website is the responsibility of the Directors; the work carried out by KPMG Channel Islands Limited does not involve consideration of these matters. Accordingly, KPMG Channel Islands Limited accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the financial statements or interim review report since they were initially published on the website. • Legislation in Jersey governing the presentation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdiction 4 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of comprehensive income For the six months ended 31 October 2014 Continuing operations For the six months ended 31 October 2014 Restated* For the six months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited Unaudited Notes £ £ Finance income 8 5,329 4,624 Finance costs 9 (3,169) (1,638) 2,908 5,068 (4,001) (1,015) Net foreign exchange gains/(losses) Net finance income/(costs) (947,992) (564,759) (942,924) (565,774) 4 23,303 74,002 15 290,609 - 3,15 (5,941,184) (2,610,030) Administrative expenses 5 (124,715) (86,169) Forestry management expenses 6 (60,644) (106,261) (758,182) Administrative expenses 5 Loss for the period from continuing operations Discontinued operations Revenue Profit on disposal of assets held for sale Decrease in fair value of disposal groups held for sale, assets held for sale and investment property and plantations 7 (569,718) Increase in provision 21 (236,543) (1,950,948) Impairment of disposal group held for sale 15 (97,883) (1,089,503) (8,610) (2,910,170) (6,716,775) (5,446,198) Other operating forestry expenses Operating loss from discontinued operations Finance income 8 962 427 Finance costs 9 (183,621) (131,926) 6,673 (175,986) (5,774) (137,273) (6,892,761) (5,583,471) 1,469,861 (5,422,900) 80,240 (5,503,231) (6,365,824) (6,069,005) (763,910) (763,910) (5,343,054) (5,343,054) (7,129,734) (11,412,059) (6.23) pence (5.94) pence (0.92) pence (0.55) pence (5.31) pence (5.39) pence Net foreign exchange losses Net finance costs Loss before taxation from discontinued operations Taxation credit Loss for the period from discontinued operations 10 Total loss for the period Other comprehensive income Items that are or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss, net of tax Foreign exchange losses on translation of discontinued foreign operations Other comprehensive loss for the period 18 Total comprehensive loss for the period Basic and diluted loss per share 11 Basic and diluted loss per share from continuing operations Basic and diluted loss per share from discontinued operations * See note 15 All losses from continuing and discontinued operations are attributable to the equity holders of the parent Company. There are no minority interests. The notes on pages 9 to 26 form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements. 5 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position At 31 October 2014 31 October 2014 30 April 2014 Unaudited Audited Notes £ £ 13 - 18,749,588 Non-current assets Investment property Plantations 13 - 16,678,494 Buildings, plant and equipment 14 - 183,823 35,611,905 15 28,106,145 10,404,052 Current assets Assets held for sale Trade and other receivables 16 90,412 215,737 Cash and cash equivalents 19 9,720,758 37,917,315 3,941,356 14,561,145 37,917,315 50,173,050 Total assets Current liabilities Liabilities held for sale 15 4,262,058 - Bank loan 17 - 3,512,508 Trade and other payables 20 239,450 4,501,508 450,877 3,963,385 Non-current liabilities Other payable 21 - 257,372 Provision 21 - 3,218,085 Deferred tax liabilities 10 - 2,188,667 5,664,124 Total liabilities 4,501,508 9,627,509 33,415,807 40,545,541 22 2,000,000 2,000,000 23 88,589,060 88,589,060 18,23 7,458,442 8,222,352 (64,631,695) 33,415,807 (58,265,871) 40,545,541 0.33 0.40 Net assets Equity Stated capital Distributable reserve Translation reserve Retained loss Total equity Net asset value per share 12 These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements were approved and authorised for issue on 29 January 2015 by the Board of Directors. Donald Adamson Chairman Roger Lewis Director The notes on pages 9 to 26 form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements. 6 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity For the six months ended 31 October 2014 Share Distributable Translation Retained capital reserve reserve loss Total £ £ £ £ £ 2,000,000 88,589,060 8,222,352 (58,265,871) 40,545,541 Loss for the period - - - (6,365,824) (6,365,824) Other comprehensive loss Foreign exchange losses on translation of discontinued foreign operations (note 18) Total comprehensive loss - - (763,910) (763,910) (6,365,824) (763,910) (7,129,734) 2,000,000 88,589,060 7,458,442 (64,631,695) 33,415,807 Share Distributable Translation Retained capital reserve reserve loss Total £ £ £ £ £ 2,000,000 88,589,060 15,728,366 (45,960,926) 60,356,500 Loss for the period - - - (6,069,005) (6,069,005) Other comprehensive loss Foreign exchange losses on translation of discontinued foreign operations (note 18) Total comprehensive loss - - (5,343,054) (5,343,054) (6,069,005) (867,788) (11,412,059) 2,000,000 88,589,060 10,385,312 (52,029,931) 48,944,441 Unaudited For the period 1 May 2014 to 31 October 2014 At 30 April 2014 Total comprehensive loss for the period At 31 October 2014 Unaudited For the period 1 May 2013 to 31 October 2013 (restated*) At 30 April 2013 Total comprehensive loss for the period At 31 October 2013 * See note 15 The notes on pages 9 to 26 form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements. 7 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows For the six months ended 31 October 2014 For the six months ended 31 October 2014 Restated* For the six months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ Unaudited £ (6,365,824) (6,069,005) 15 5,941,184 2,610,030 21 236,543 1,950,948 Note Cash flows from operating activities Loss for the period Adjustments for: Decrease in fair value of assets held for sale and investment property and plantations Increase in provision 7 - 623 Profit on disposal of assets held for sale 15 (290,609) - Impairment of disposal group held for sale 15 Depreciation Net finance (income)/costs – continuing operations Net finance costs – discontinued operations Taxation credit 97,883 8,610 (5,068) 1,015 175,986 137,273 (1,469,861) (80,240) Increase in trade and other receivables (117,049) (80,266) Decrease in trade and other payables (153,817) (589,710) Tax paid (1,950,632) (98,211) (2,110,722) - Net cash used in operating activities (2,048,843) (2,110,722) 15 11,407,692 - 15 (163,195) 11,244,497 (364,086) (364,086) Cash flows from investing activities – discontinued operations Net proceeds from sale of assets held for sale Costs capitalised to assets held for sale and investment property and plantations Net cash from/(used in) investing activities Cash flows from financing activities 17 (3,512,508) - Finance income 8 6,291 5,051 Finance costs Net cash used in financing activities 9 (186,790) (3,693,007) (133,564) (128,513) 5,502,647 (2,603,321) 276,755 (86,458) Repayment of bank loan – discontinued operations Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Foreign exchange movements Balance at the beginning of the period Balance at the end of the period 19 3,941,356 8,436,599 9,720,758 5,746,820 * See note 15 The notes on pages 9 to 26 form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements. 8 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the six months ended 31 October 2014 1. General information The Company and its subsidiaries, including special purpose vehicles ("SPVs") controlled by the Company (together the "Group"), own a global portfolio of forestry based properties which are managed on an environmentally and socially sustainable basis. Assets are managed for timber production, with exposure to emerging environmental markets. As at the period end date, the Group owned forestry assets located in Hawaii and Brazil. The Company is a closed-ended company with limited liability, incorporated in Jersey, Channel Islands on 19 January 2007. The address of its registered office is 26 New Street, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3RA. These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (the “interim financial statements") were approved and authorised for issue on 29 January 2015 and signed by Roger Lewis and Donald Adamson on behalf of the Board. The Company is listed on AIM, a market of the London Stock Exchange. During the period the Company delisted from the Channel Islands Securities Exchange (“CISE”). 2. Basis of preparation The interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 October 2014 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (“IAS”) 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" and with applicable regulatory requirements of the AIM Rules. It does not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements. The interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Group’s annual report and financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2014, which were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). The comparative numbers used for the unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of comprehensive income, unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity and unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows are that of the period ended 31 October 2013, which is considered a comparable period as per IAS 34. The comparatives used in the unaudited condensed consolidated statement of financial position are that of the previous financial year, 30 April 2014. Except for the new accounting policies described below, the accounting policies applied by the Group in these interim financial statements are the same as those applied by the Group in its financial statements as at and for the year ended 30 April 2014. The interim financial statements have been prepared in Sterling, which is the presentational currency and functional currency of the Company, and under the historical cost convention, except for investment property, plantations, buildings and assets and liabilities held for sale, which are carried either at fair value, fair value less cost to sell or fair value less subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent accumulated impairment loss. The preparation of the financial statements requires Directors to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, and the disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the interim financial statements. If in the future such estimates and assumptions, which are based on the Directors’ best judgement at the date of the interim financial statements, deviate from actual circumstances, the original estimates and assumptions will be modified as appropriate in the period in which the circumstances change. In preparing the interim financial statements, the significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the financial statements as at, and for the year ended, 30 April 2014. The main area of the interim financial statements where significant judgements have been made by the Directors which has resulted in a significant change since the 30 April 2014 Annual Report is to account for the Group’s global portfolio of forests on a held for sale basis under IFRS 5 ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations’. Details of this change and the impact on the interim financial statements are disclosed below and in note 15. The following exchange rates have been applied in these interim financial statements to convert foreign currency balances to Sterling: 31 October 2014 31 October 2014 30 April 2014 31 October 2013 31 October 2013 closing rate average rate closing rate closing rate average rate Australian Dollar 1.8182 1.8108 1.8167 1.6962 1.6582 Brazilian Real 3.9589 3.8048 3.7600 3.5880 3.4379 United States Dollar 1.5995 1.6657 1.6873 1.6040 1.5561 Going concern and assets and liabilities held for sale On 30 November 2012, the Independent Directors announced the outcome of the strategic review initiated in June 2012. The Directors proposed and recommended a change of investment policy with a view to implementing an orderly realisation of the Group’s investments in a manner which maximises value for shareholders and returning surplus cash to shareholders over time through ad hoc returns of capital. This proposal was approved by shareholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) on 22 February 2013. There is no set period for the realisation of the portfolio, but the stated aim of the Directors is to complete the process within 24 to 48 months of the date of that EGM. Since the EGM, the portfolio has been reviewed by the Directors with a view to an orderly sale of the assets in such a manner as to enable their inherent value to be realised. As part of this process, the assets in Georgia and Australia have been sold as at 31 October 2014 and the Directors have advanced plans in place to sell the remaining assets. As a result, as at 31 October 2014, the portfolio of assets has been classified as held for sale (and its transactions for the period as discontinued operations) under IFRS 5 ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations’, as disclosed in note 15. 9 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 2. Basis of preparation (continued) Going concern and assets and liabilities held for sale (continued) As at the date of approval of these interim financial statements, the Directors have no intention to instigate a winding-up of the Company, a course of action that would require the approval of shareholders. As a result, as at 31 October 2014 the assets and liabilities of the Company pertaining to the Jersey operations have not been classified as held for sale and its operations continue to be treated as continuing. The Directors have reviewed the Group’s cash flow forecasts which cover the period to 31 July 2017 and estimate that the Group has sufficient cash flow to cover a period of at least 12 months from the date of approval of these interim financial statements. On this basis the interim financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. New, revised and amended standards At the date of authorisation of these interim financial statements, the following standards and interpretations, which have not been applied in these interim financial statements, were in issue but not yet effective: • • • • • • • • • • • • IAS 16 (amended), "Property, Plant and Equipment" (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2016); IAS 19 (amended), "Employee Benefits" (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2016); IAS 27 (amended), “Separate Financial Statements” (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2016); IAS 28 (amended), “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures” (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2016); IAS 38 (amended), “Intangible Assets” (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2016); IAS 41 (amended), “Agriculture” (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2016); IFRS 7 (amended), "Financial Instruments: Disclosures" (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2015); IFRS 9, "Financial Instruments" (effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2018); IFRS 10 (amended), "Consolidated Financial Statements" (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2016); IFRS 11 (amended), "Joint Arrangements" (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2016); IFRS 14, "Regulatory Deferral Accounts" (effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2016); and IFRS 15, “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” (effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2017). In addition, the IASB completed its Annual Improvements 2010-2012 Cycle, Annual improvements 2011-2013 Cycle and September 2014 Annual Improvements to IFRS projects. These projects have amended a number of existing standards and interpretations effective for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 July 2014 and 1 January 2016. The Directors do not anticipate that the adoption of these standards in future periods will have a material impact on the financial statements of the Group. New accounting policies effective and adopted The following new standards have been applied for the first time in these interim financial statements: • • • • • IAS 27 (amended) "Separate Financial Statements" (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2014); IAS 32 (amended) "Financial Instruments: Presentation" (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2014); IAS 36 (amended) “Impairment of Assets” (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2014); IFRS 10, "Consolidated Financial Statements" (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2014); and IFRS 12, "Disclosure of Interest in Other Entities" (amendments effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2014). The adoption of these standards and amendments has had no material impact on the financial statements of the Group. 3. Operating segments The Board of Directors is charged with setting the Company’s investment strategy in accordance with the Prospectus. The Board of Directors, as the Chief Operating Decision Maker (”CODM”), has, until 16 October 2014, delegated the day to day implementation of this strategy to its Investment Manager and, with effect from 16 October 2014, to its Operations Manager, but retains responsibility to ensure that adequate resources of the Company are directed in accordance with its decisions. The investment decisions of the Investment Manager and Operations Manager have been and are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the policies and legal responsibilities of the Board. Whilst the Operations Manager may make the investment decisions on a day to day basis, any changes to the investment strategy, major allocation decisions or any asset dispositions or material timber contracts have to be approved by the Board, even though they may be proposed by the Operations Manager. The Board therefore retains full responsibility as to the major allocations decisions made on an ongoing basis. 10 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 3. Operating segments (continued) The Operations Manager will always act under the terms of the Prospectus which cannot be radically changed without the approval of the Board of Directors and shareholders. Details of the investment restrictions are set out in part 3 of the Admission Document and the Investment Strategy, available on As at 31 October 2014, the Group operates in five distinctly separate geographical locations, which the CODM has identified as one non-operating segment, Jersey, and four operating segments. Timberlands are located in Hawaii and Brazil. Timberlands located in North America and Australia were disposed of in the period. During the period, all four operating segments are classified as discontinued operations (see note 15). The accounting policies of each operating segment are the same as the accounting policies of the Group, therefore no reconciliation has been performed. 31 October 2014 (unaudited) Jersey £ Australia £ North America £ Hawaii £ Brazil £ Total £ Assets and disposal groups held for sale (note 15) Other assets - - - 4,698,030 23,408,115 28,106,145 6,266,791 1,172,524 1,974,930 106,825 290,100 9,811,170 Total assets 6,266,791 1,172,524 1,974,930 4,804,855 23,698,215 37,917,315 132,117 4,684 30,307 72,342 4,262,058 4,501,508 Jersey £ Australia £ North America £ Hawaii £ Brazil £ Total £ - 748,779 - 4,943,993 29,735,310 35,428,082 Total liabilities 30 April 2014 (audited) Investment property and plantations Assets held for sale (note 15) - - 10,404,052 - - 10,404,052 Other assets 2,406,884 241,854 1,024,797 82,443 584,938 4,340,916 Total assets 2,406,884 990,633 11,428,849 5,026,436 30,320,248 50,173,050 Total liabilities 97,865 30,723 3,697,055 137,978 5,663,888 9,627,509 31 October 2014 (unaudited) Jersey £ Australia £ North America £ Hawaii £ Brazil £ Total £ Segment revenue - 11,505 7,558 - 4,240 23,303 Segment gross profit Decrease in fair value of disposal groups and assets held for sale Forestry management expenses - 11,505 7,558 - 4,240 23,303 - 4,970 21,999 (496,788) 6,454 (5,444,396) 27,221 (5,941,184) 60,644 Other operating forestry expenses - 70,097 17,801 144,307 337,513 569,718 Jersey £ Australia £ North America £ Hawaii £ Brazil £ Total £ Segment revenue - 15,077 49,517 - 9,408 74,002 Segment gross profit (Decrease)/increase in fair value of investment property and plantations Forestry management expenses - 15,077 49,517 - 9,408 74,002 - (2,709,565) 17,428 652,643 58,123 (3,521,624) 3,519 2,968,516 27,191 (2,610,030) 106,261 Other operating forestry expenses - 56,033 75,053 157,318 469,778 758,182 31 October 2013 (unaudited) - As at 31 October 2014, the Group owned six (30 April 2014: nine) distinct parcels of land across two (30 April 2014: four) main geographical areas. The majority of the revenues in the period ended 31 October 2014 arose from lease income received in Australia. In the period ended 31 October 2013, the majority of the revenues arose from lease income received in North America. 11 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 3. Operating segments (continued) The Company’s investments will be realised in an orderly manner (that is, with a view to achieving a balance between returning cash to shareholders and maximising value). In light of the realisation strategy, there will be no specific investment restrictions applicable to the Company’s portfolio going forward. This policy will involve a continuing evaluation of the portfolio in order to assess the most appropriate realisation strategy to be pursued in relation to each investment. All assets related to the operating segments are being actively marketed and have been reclassified in the current period as held-for-sale assets. The strategy for realising individual investments will be flexible and may need to be altered to reflect changes in the circumstances of a particular investment or in the prevailing market conditions. The Group will, in relation to each investment, seek to create competition amongst a range of interested parties. The net cash proceeds from realisations of assets will be applied to the payments of tax or other liabilities as the Board thinks fit prior to making payments to shareholders. 4. Revenue For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ For the 6 months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ - 7,014 Lease income 19,063 63,979 Subsidies received 4,240 23,303 3,009 74,002 Sales - harvested timber and stumpage The lease income arises mainly from hunting leases, which are for a term of two to three years. The income is recognised in the period it relates to on an accruals basis. 5. Administrative expenses For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ Restated* For the 6 months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ 198,811 279,145 Directors' fees (note 26) 97,930 88,298 Auditor's fees 67,021 47,091 584,230 947,992 150,225 564,759 30,833 29,669 93,882 124,715 56,500 86,169 1,072,707 650,928 Continuing operations Investment Manager's fees (note 26) Professional & other fees Discontinued operations Professional & other fees Administration of subsidiaries Total administration expenses Administration of subsidiaries includes statutory fees, accounting fees and administrative expenses in regard to the asset holding subsidiaries. * See note 15 12 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 6. Forestry management expenses Asset management fees Appraisal fees For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ For the 6 months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ 35,427 25,217 67,223 60,644 39,038 106,261 For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ For the 6 months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ 182,280 319,097 Property taxes 19,585 61,024 Lease payments 67,494 68,874 - 98,128 Repairs and maintenance 15,340 41,668 Trials, inventory and research 17,394 5,270 155,731 139,347 - 623 7. Other operating forestry expenses Property management fees Fertilisation Pest control, forest protection and insurance Depreciation Selling and marketing expenses Consultancy fees Other - 929 81,524 19,529 30,370 569,718 3,693 758,182 For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ For the 6 months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ 5,329 4,624 8. Finance income Bank interest – continuing operations Bank interest – discontinued operations Total bank interest 962 427 6,291 5,051 For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ For the 6 months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ 3,169 1,638 3,169 1,638 21,303 114,426 160,111 14,244 9. Finance costs Continuing operations Other finance costs Discontinued operations Interest paid on bank loan Loan fees Other finance costs Total finance costs 13 2,207 3,256 183,621 131,926 186,790 133,564 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 10. Taxation Taxation on profit on ordinary activities The Group's tax credit for the period, which derives entirely from discontinued operations, comprises: For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ For the 6 months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ 4,776 4,776 - - (225,436) Brazil at 34% (1,395,107) 1,008,251 United States at 15%-35%** (79,530) (1,474,637) (863,055) (80,240) Tax credit (1,469,861) (80,240) Current tax charge Hungary at 19% Deferred tax (credit)/charge Australia at 30% ** Marginal corporate income taxes in the United States vary between 15% and 35% depending on the size of the profits. For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ For the 6 months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ Tax credit reconciliation (942,924) (565,774) Loss for the period from discontinued operations before taxation (6,892,761) (5,583,471) Total loss for the period before taxation (7,835,685) (6,149,245) Tax credit using the average of the tax rates in the jurisdictions in which the Group operates (2,351,942) (1,773,407) Loss for the period from continuing operations before taxation Effects of: Tax exempt income (19,993) (287,888) Operating losses for which no deferred tax asset is recognised 676,019 1,306,257 Capital losses for which no deferred tax asset is recognised 556,819 849,702 Capital losses utilised (91,702) - (239,062) (1,469,861) (174,904) (80,240) Other temporary differences Tax credit for the period The average tax credit rate is a blended rate calculated using the weighted average applicable tax rates of the jurisdictions in which the Group operates. The average of the tax rates in the jurisdictions in which the Group operates in the period was 30.02% (2013: 28.84%).The effective tax rate in the period was 18.76% (2013: 1.30%). At the period end date, the Group has unused operational and capital tax losses. No deferred tax asset has been recognised in respect of these losses due to the unpredictability of future taxable profits and capital gains available against which they can be utilised. 14 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 10. Taxation (continued) Operational tax losses for which deferred tax assets have not been recognised in the financial statements For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ Balance at beginning of the period/year Adjustments in respect of prior years Current period/year operating losses for which no deferred tax asset is recognised Exchange movements Balance at the end of the period/year For the year ended 30 April 2014 Audited £ 12,805,832 15,789,924 - (2,999,779) 1,194,812 1,790,968 (38,614) 13,962,030 (1,775,281) 12,805,832 Accumulated operating losses at the period end in the table above relate entirely to discontinued operations (30 April 2014: £3,830,181). The value of deferred tax assets not recognised in respect of these operational losses amounted to £4,563,013 (30 April 2014: £4,173,144), all of which (30 April 2014: £1,302,261) related to discontinued operations. Accumulated operating losses from continuing operations at the period end amounted to £29,239,724. No deferred tax assets arose in respect of these losses. At the period end the Group had accumulated capital losses of £13,228,938 (30 April 2014: £12,691,097), all of which (30 April 2014: £2,468,546) related to discontinued operations. The value of deferred tax assets not recognised in regard to these capital tax losses amounted to £4,288,062 (30 April 2014: £4,044,974), all of which (30 April 2014: £839,306) related to discontinued operations. Deferred taxation The following are the significant deferred tax liabilities and assets recognised by the Group and movements thereon: Assets Liabilities Net balance 2014 2014 2014 31 October 2014 (unaudited) £ £ £ Balance at the beginning of the period - (2,188,667) (2,188,667) Movement in fair value of disposal groups and assets held for sale - 1,474,637 1,474,637 Total movements for the period Exchange differences - 1,474,637 50,694 1,474,637 50,694 Balance at the end of the period * - (663,336) (663,336) Assets Liabilities Net balance Movements 2014 2014 2014 30 April 2014 (audited) £ £ £ Balance at the beginning of the year - (2,846,672) (2,846,672) Increase in fair value of investment property and plantations - 297,123 297,123 Total movements for the year - 297,123 297,123 Exchange differences Balance at the end of the year - 360,882 (2,188,667) 360,882 (2,188,667) Movements * The deferred tax liability, which forms part of the Brazil disposal group, has, at the period end date, been reclassified in these financial statements as a liability held for sale (see note 15). 15 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 11. Basic and diluted loss per share The calculation of the basic and diluted loss per share is based on the following data: For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ Restated* For the 6 months ended 31October 2013 Unaudited £ (6,365,824) (6,069,005) (942,924) (565,774) (5,422,900) (5,503,231) 31 October 2014 Unaudited 31 October 2013 Unaudited Issued shares brought forward and carried forward (note 22) Weighted average number of shares in issue during the period 102,130,000 102,130,000 102,130,000 102,130,000 Basic and diluted loss per share (6.23) pence (5.94) pence Basic and diluted loss per share from continuing operations (0.92) pence (0.55) pence Basic and diluted loss per share from discontinued operations (5.31) pence (5.39) pence Loss for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share being net loss for the period Loss for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share being net loss for the period from continuing operations Loss for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share being net loss for the period from discontinued operations Weighted average number of shares * See note 15 12. Net asset value Total assets Total liabilities Net assets Number of shares in issue (note 22) Net asset value per share 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ 30 April 2014 Audited £ 37,917,315 4,501,508 50,173,050 33,415,807 9,627,509 40,545,541 102,130,000 102,130,000 0.33 0.40 13. Investment property and plantations Total Investment timber Premerchantable timber plantations property Total £ £ £ £ £ 4,943,992 11,734,502 16,678,494 18,749,588 35,428,082 (4,943,992) - (11,734,502) - (16,678,494) - (18,749,588) - (35,428,082) - Merchantable 31 October 2014 (unaudited) Fair value as at 1 May 2014 Reclassification to disposal groups and assets held for sale (note 15) Fair value as at 31 October 2014 Total Investment timber Premerchantable timber plantations property Total £ £ £ £ £ Fair value as at 1 May 2013 13,600,377 17,224,668 30,825,045 28,494,485 59,319,530 Capitalised costs 13,600,377 364,086 17,588,754 364,086 31,189,131 28,494,485 364,086 59,683,616 (3,409,705) (1,185,076) (4,594,781) 1,984,751 (2,610,030) (328,912) 9,861,760 (2,088,268) 14,315,410 (2,417,180) 24,177,170 (3,201,676) 27,277,560 (5,618,856) 51,454,730 Merchantable 31 October 2013 (unaudited) Fair value (losses)/gains on land and plantations Foreign exchange effect Fair value as at 31 October 2013 No harvested timber was held at the end of the period (30 April 2014: nil). 16 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 13. Investment property and plantations (continued) The Group engages external independent professional valuers to determine the fair values of the investment properties and plantations on a six-monthly basis. The Group’s policy is to change the valuer of each property at least every three years. The land and plantations are carried at their fair values as at 31 October 2014, as measured by external independent valuers TerraSource Valuation LLC, Consufor Advisory & Research and Chandler Fraser Keating Limited. Each of the valuers uses similar methodologies, though this can vary depending on the type of investment and local practices. The fair value measurements of investment properties and plantations have been categorised as Level 3 fair values based on the inputs to the valuation techniques used. A commentary on the factors affecting the fair value of the land and plantations during the period is contained in the Operations Manager’s Report on page 3. The following tables show the valuation techniques used in measuring the fair values of investment properties and plantations, now included in note 15, as well as the significant unobservable inputs used and their effects on the fair value measurements as at 31 October 2014: Brazil – 3R Tocantins Valuation technique The 3R Tocantins property in Brazil was valued by Consufor Advisory & Research. Desktop valuations were carried out at 31 October 2014 and at 31 October 2013. A full valuation was carried out at 30 April 2014. A desktop valuation does not include a physical inspection of the property by the valuer, however in the opinion of the Directors, carrying out a full valuation as at 31 October 2014, as opposed to a desktop valuation, would not have resulted in a material difference in valuation. The valuation method applied for the bare land appraisal was the sales comparison approach. The analysis considered the bare land price from comparable transactions, soil quality, topography of the land, access and distance from cities and the proportion of the property which could be used for cultivation. Planted forests up to 1 year old are valued using the replacement cost method, however as at 31 October 2014 the property contained no such forests. For the planted forests over 1 year old, the discounted cash flow method was used to determine value. This method considers the present value of the net cash flows expected to be generated by the plantation at maturity, the expected additional biological transformation and the risks associated with the asset; the expected net cash flows are discounted using a risk-adjusted discount rate. The methodology used in the current period is the same as that used at 30 April 2014 and 31 October 2013. There is a security interest over this property, the details of which are disclosed in note 21. Significant unobservable inputs • Comparable land sales prices per hectare (BRL 2,400-BRL 5,500) (30 April 2014: BRL 2,310-BRL 5,074) 3 • Estimated future log prices per m , being standing prices with the buyer absorbing all the costs of harvesting and haulage (BRL 35.2-BRL 52.0, national weighted average BRL 45.1) (30 April 2014: BRL 31.6-BRL 50.0, national weighted average BRL 46.0) • Estimated future overhead costs per planted hectare (BRL 190.0) (30 April 2014: BRL 190.0) 3 • Estimated yields in m per hectare per year (20.0-30.0) (30 April 2014: 22.535.0) • Estimated land opportunity costs per planted hectare (BRL 160.0) (30 April 2014: BRL 160.0) • Estimated total establishment costs per hectare (BRL 7,115) (30 April 2014: BRL 7,115) • Risk-adjusted discount rate (9.0%) (30 April 2014: 8.69%) • Estimate of costs to sell plantations (5%) (30 April 2014: 2%) 17 Inter-relationship between key unobservable inputs and fair value measurement The estimated fair value would increase/(decrease) if: • comparable land sales prices were higher/(lower) • estimated log prices were higher/(lower) • estimated future overhead costs were lower/(higher) • estimated yields were higher/(lower) • estimated land opportunity costs were lower/(higher) • estimated establishment costs were lower/(higher) • the risk-adjusted discount rate were lower/(higher) • estimated costs to sell plantations were lower/(higher) Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 13. Investment property and plantations (continued) Brazil – Minas Gerais Valuation technique The three properties in Minas Gerais in Brazil were valued by TerraSource Valuation LLC. Desktop valuations were carried out at 31 October 2014, 30 April 2014 and 31 October 2013, updating a full valuation carried out at 30 April 2013. A desktop valuation does not include a physical inspection of the property by the valuer, however in the opinion of the Directors, carrying out a full valuation as at 31 October 2014, as opposed to a desktop valuation, would not have resulted in a material difference in valuation. The valuation method applied at 31 October 2014, 30 April 2014 and at 31 October 2013 was a combination of the cost approach and the income approach, with a weighting of 75:25 in favour of the latter. The cost approach consists of summation of several elements, usually including bare land, pre-merchantable timber and merchantable timber. The bare land component is valued using the comparable sales method. Timber is treated as an improvement, and is valued by comparing it with open market stumpage sales of similar timber. The income approach is based upon a valuation model: current land value is derived using the comparable sales method plus timber value derived using discounted cash flow analysis. The discounted cash flow analysis considers the present value of the net cash flows expected to be generated by the plantation at maturity, the expected additional biological transformation and the risks associated with the asset; the expected net cash flows are discounted using a riskadjusted discount rate. Significant unobservable inputs • Land value per hectare (BRL 1,742BRL 4,269) (30 April 2014: BRL 2,235-BRL 4,752) 3 • Estimated future log prices per m , being standing prices with the buyer absorbing all the costs of harvesting and haulage (BRL 48.5) (30 April 2014: BRL 53.5-BRL 55.5) • Estimated future overhead costs per planted hectare (BRL 117.0) (30 April 2014: BRL 122.1) 3 • Estimated yields in m per hectare per year (30.0-35.0) (30 April 2014: 35.0-40.0) • Estimated land opportunity costs per planted hectare per annum, assuming no real land appreciation (BRL 150.0) (30 April 2014: BRL 171.1) • Risk-adjusted discount rate (9.0%) (30 April 2014: 9.0%) • Estimate of costs to sell plantations (5%) (30 April 2014: 2%) 18 Inter-relationship between key unobservable inputs and fair value measurement The estimated fair value would increase/(decrease) if: • land values were higher/(lower) • estimated log prices were higher/(lower) • estimated future overhead costs were lower/(higher) • estimated yields were higher/(lower) • estimated land opportunity costs were lower/(higher) • the risk-adjusted discount rate were lower/(higher) • estimated costs to sell plantations were lower/(higher) Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 13. Investment property and plantations (continued) Hawaii Valuation technique The properties in Hawaii, Pahala and Pinnacle, are leasehold interests without any ownership of the underlying land. Valuations have been prepared on the assumption that these leases will be renewed on their expiry in 2015, and that the Group is able to secure access to the port. These investments were valued by Chandler Fraser Keating Limited (“CFKL”) in accordance with IFRS. Desktop valuations were carried out by CFKL at 31 October 2014, 30 April 2014 and 31 October 2013, augmented by a limited inspection of the forests at the time of the 31 October 2013 valuation. In the opinion of the Directors, carrying out a full valuation as at 31 October 2014, as opposed to a desktop valuation, would not have resulted in a material difference in valuation. For these valuations the discounted cash flow method was used. This method considers the present value of the net cash flows expected to be generated by the plantation. The cash flow projections include specific estimates for 8 years. The expected net cash flows are discounted using a riskadjusted discount rate. The methodology used in the current period is the same as that used at 30 April 2014 and 31 October 2013. Significant unobservable inputs 3 • Estimated future log prices per m , being domestic log prices of timber delivered to mill or ports (US$47.75US$63.71) (30 April 2014: US$42.41-US$69.29) • Estimated future indirect costs per hectare per year (US$33.5US$38.5) (30 April 2014: US$99.0US$101.1) • Estimated future logging costs per 3 m (US$22.06-US$42.55) (30 April 2014: US$22.06-US$42.55) 3 • Estimated yields in m per hectare (260-510) (30 April 2014: 55-675) and estimated mix of grade quality • Estimated future transportation 3 costs per m (US$11.88-US$27.67) (30 April 2014: US$11.88US$27.67) • Estimated road construction and 3 maintenance costs per m (US$1.50-US$4.94) (30 April 2014: US$1.50-US$4.94) • Risk-adjusted discount rate (9.5%) (30 April 2014: 9.5%) • Estimate of costs to sell plantations (5%) (30 April 2014: 3%) • Development costs per hectare (US$750) (30 April 2014: US$750)) • Availability of a suitable domestic, and where applicable, global market for the logs Inter-relationship between key unobservable inputs and fair value measurement The estimated fair value would increase/(decrease) if: • the estimated log prices were higher/(lower) • the estimated indirect costs were lower/(higher) • the estimated logging costs were lower/(higher) • the estimated yields were higher/(lower) and the estimated average grade quality were higher/(lower) • the estimated transportation costs were lower/(higher) • the estimated road construction costs were lower/(higher) • the risk-adjusted discount rate were lower/(higher) • estimated costs to sell plantations were lower/(higher) • development costs were lower/(higher) • domestic and/or global demand for the logs were higher/(lower) The Group is exposed to a number of risks related to its plantations: Regulatory and environmental risks The Group is subject to laws and regulations in various countries in which it operates. The Group has established environmental policies and procedures aimed at compliance with local environmental and other laws. Management performs regular reviews to identify environmental risks and to ensure that the systems in place are adequate to manage those risks. Supply and demand risk The Group is exposed to risks arising from fluctuations in the price and sales volume of trees. Management performs regular industry trend analyses to ensure that the Group’s pricing structure is in line with the market and to ensure that projected harvest volumes are consistent with the expected demand. Climate and other risks The Group’s plantations are exposed to the risk of damage from climatic changes, diseases, forest fires and other natural forces. The Group has processes in place aimed at monitoring and mitigating those risks, including regular forest health inspections and industry pest and disease surveys. 19 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 14. Buildings, plant and equipment 31 October 2014 (unaudited) Cost brought forward Accumulated depreciation brought forward Balance as at 1 May 2014 Movements Reclassification to assets held for sale (note 15) Carrying value Balance as at 31 October 2014 31 October 2013 (unaudited) Cost brought forward Accumulated depreciation brought forward Balance as at 1 May 2013 Movements Impairment - charged to statement of comprehensive income Furniture and fittings £ Buildings £ Improvements £ Motor vehicles £ Total £ 1,513 199,680 7,640 14,977 223,810 (1,106) 407 (26,385) 173,295 (3,741) 3,899 (8,755) 6,222 (39,987) 183,823 (407) (407) (173,295) (173,295) (3,899) (3,899) (6,222) (6,222) (183,823) (183,823) - - - - - Furniture and fittings £ Buildings £ Improvements £ Motor vehicles £ Total £ 1,830 217,184 4,730 18,168 241,912 (1,046) 784 217,184 4,730 (9,543) 8,625 (10,589) 231,323 - (8,610) - - (8,610) Depreciation for the period (132) - - (491) (623) Foreign exchange effect (99) (231) (27,284) (35,894) (554) (554) (998) (1,489) (28,935) (38,168) 553 181,290 4,176 7,136 193,155 Carrying value Balance as at 31 October 2013 15. Disposal groups and assets held for sale and discontinued operations During the period, the Group sold land and plantations in two tracts in the state of Georgia and land in Tarrangower, Australia, realising a profit of £290,609. The Group also undertook an active marketing process and implemented a disposal plan to locate buyers for the remaining assets in Brazil and Hawaii. The assets and liabilities of the Australia, Hawaii and Brazil segments were not previously classified as held for sale or as discontinued operations. The comparative condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income and the condensed consolidated statement of cash flows have been restated to show the discontinued operations separately from continuing operations. The assets in Brazil are likely to be sold through a disposal of the entities owning the assets. Accordingly, as at 31 October 2014, the Group’s Brazil segment is presented as a disposal group held for sale. The Group’s accounting policy for a disposal group held for sale is the same as the accounting policy for assets held for sale in the Group’s financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2014. The Brazil disposal group comprises the following assets and liabilities held for sale: Investment property and plantations Assets held for sale Liabilities held for sale £ £ 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ 23,165,741 - 23,165,741 242,374 - 242,374 Deferred tax liability - 663,336 (663,336) Provisions - 3,283,740 (3,283,740) 23,408,115 314,982 4,262,058 (314,982) 19,146,057 Trade and other receivables Trade and other payables 20 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 15. Disposal groups and assets held for sale and discontinued operations (continued) An impairment loss of £97,883 has been recognised in the unaudited condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income writing down the carrying amount of the disposal group to its estimated net realisable value, being fair value less costs to sell. The impairment loss presented in the statement of comprehensive income has been applied to reduce the carrying amount of buildings, plant and equipment within the disposal group to zero. A loss of £1,104,175 related to the disposal group, representing foreign exchange translation of discontinued operations, is included in other comprehensive income (see note 18). The plantations in Hawaii are likely to be sold as asset sales and are therefore presented as assets held for sale with a combined carrying value of £4,698,030. Total assets held for sale in the statement of financial position are as follows: 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ 30 April 2014 Audited £ Balance brought forward 10,404,052 - Reclassified from investment property and plantations (note 13) 35,428,082 12,348,580 Reclassified from buildings, plant and equipment (note 14) 183,823 - Capitalised costs of assets held for sale 163,195 - Reclassified from trade and other receivables 242,374 - Proceeds of disposals of assets held for sale (11,665,842) - 290,609 Profit on disposal of assets held for sale Decrease in the fair value of disposal groups and assets held for sale Impairment of disposal groups Foreign exchange effect Assets held for sale by region (5,941,184) (1,014,837) (97,883) - (901,081) 28,106,145 (929,691) 10,404,052 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ 30 April 2014 Audited £ - 10,404,052 Brazil 23,408,115 - Hawaii 4,698,030 28,106,145 10,404,052 North America The fair value measurement of £28,106,145 has been categorised as a Level 3 fair value based on the appraised fair values of the investment property and the appraised fair values of the plantations less costs to sell. These assets were measured using the comparable sales method (for the investment property) and the discounted cash flow basis (for the plantations). The fair value of other assets and liabilities within the disposal group is not significantly different from their carrying amounts. 21 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 15. Disposal groups and assets held for sale and discontinued operations (continued) Net cash flows attributable to the discontinued operations were as follows: For the period ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ For the period ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ (6,892,761) (5,583,471) Operating activities Loss for the year before taxation Adjustments for: Profit on disposal of assets held for sale Decrease in fair value of disposal groups, assets held for sale and investment property and plantations (290,609) - 5,941,184 2,610,030 Impairment of disposal groups and buildings, plant and equipment 97,883 8,610 236,543 1,950,948 - 623 Increase in provisions Depreciation Net finance costs 182,659 131,499 Increase in trade and other receivables (79,534) (67,963) (188,069) (591,533) Taxation paid Net cash used in operating activities Net cash from/(used in) investing activities (sales proceeds of assets held for sale and capitalised costs) (98,211) (1,090,915) (1,541,257) 11,244,497 (364,086) Net cash used in financing activities (net finance costs and repayment of bank loan) (3,693,007) (131,499) 271,512 6,732,087 (76,879) (2,113,721) 31 October 2014 Unaudited 30 April 2014 Audited £ £ Decrease in trade and other payables Foreign exchange movements Net cash flow for the period 16. Trade and other receivables 35,465 135,054 Trade receivables - 23,698 Prepaid expenses 54,947 90,412 56,985 215,737 31 October 2014 Unaudited 30 April 2014 Audited £ £ - 3,512,508 Goods and services tax receivable 17. Bank borrowings Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“Metropolitan Life”) The loan was secured on approximately 15,100 acres of timber and timberland assets located in two tracts in the state of Georgia. Following the disposal of these assets during the period, the loan was repaid in full. 22 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 18. Foreign exchange effect The translation reserve movement in the period, all of which was derived from discontinued operations, has arisen as follows: Exchange rate at 31 October 2014 31 October 2014 Exchange rate at 30 April 2014 Translation reserve movement Unaudited Australian Dollar 1.8182 1.8167 (7,908) Brazilian Real 3.9589 3.7600 (1,104,175) United States Dollar 1.5995 1.6873 348,173 (763,910) Exchange rate at 31 October 2013 Exchange rate at 30 April 2013 Translation reserve movement Unaudited Australian Dollar 1.6962 1.4976 (540,998) Brazilian Real 3.5880 3.1082 (4,284,734) United States Dollar 1.6040 1.5532 (517,322) (5,343,054) 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ 30 April 2014 Audited £ Cash held at bank 7,776,689 3,052,251 Cash held in Escrow 1,944,069 9,720,758 889,105 3,941,356 31 October 2013 19. Cash and cash equivalents The cash held in Escrow is held as a retention of amounts receivable from the sale of investment property and plantations in Georgia during the period (see note 15). US$1.0m (£0.6m) was released from Escrow in November 2014, with the remaining balance due to be released in June 2015. In the prior year the cash held in Escrow was held as security against the loan payable to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (see note 17). 20. Trade and other payables Accruals Trade creditors Taxation payable 23 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ 30 April 2014 Audited £ 225,846 228,516 13,604 148,091 239,450 74,270 450,877 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 21. Provision There is a security interest on the property owned by 3R Tocantins Florestais Ltda. (“3R Tocantins”) to cover a liability between the previous owners and Banco da Amazonia (BASA), a financial institution which lent money to the previous owners who used the property as collateral. In February 2009, BASA filed a lawsuit against the previous owners of 3R Tocantins aiming to foreclose on its mortgage and collect BRL 5.8 million (£1.5 million). As at 31 October 2014, the estimated total liability was BRL 14.0 million (approximately £3.5 million) after considering 1) a monthly interest rate of 1%, 2) the official monetary restatement of the INPC (Brazilian consumer prices index) of 6.19% per annum and 3) estimated attorney fees of 15% of the value of the claim as of the filing date of the collection lawsuit on 17 December 2009. 3R Tocantins holds a security interest on Lizarda, another property of the previous owners, to cover for this potential liability in the event it materialises. A third party valuation completed in December 2013 valued this property at BRL 7.7 million (£1.9 million), however the security on this property may be limited to BRL 5.0 million (£1.3 million) and may not be enforceable. 3R Tocantins has an outstanding liability due to the previous owners of BRL 1.0 million (£0.3 million) (30 April 2014: BRL 1.0 million (£0.3 million)), approximately 6% of the purchase price of the 3R Tocantins property, which was retained to support any liability associated with the previous owners. The Directors will continue to use their best endeavours to negotiate with BASA to relieve the security interest on 3R Tocantins, and if necessary attempt to enforce the security interest on Lizarda. However, given the uncertainty in relation to these events, an amount of BRL 13.0 million (£3.3 million) (30 April 2014: BRL 12.1 million (£3.2 million)) has been provided to cover any potential claim as a result of the above circumstances, representing a charge in the period of BRL 0.9 million (£0.2 million). In the opinion of the Directors this provision, together with the existing BRL 1.0 million retention, should cover the estimated mortgage liability if called upon. The provision and the outstanding liability to the previous owners form part of the Brazil disposal group and, at the period end date, have been reclassified in these financial statements as liabilities held for sale (see note 15). 22. Stated capital Balance brought forward and carried forward 31 October 2014 Unaudited 30 April 2014 Audited £ £ 2,000,000 2,000,000 The total authorised share capital of the Company is 250 million shares of no par value. On initial placement 104,350,000 shares were issued at 100 pence each. Shares carry no automatic rights to fixed income but the Company may declare dividends from time to time to which shareholders are entitled. Each share is entitled to one vote at meetings of the Company. On 22 February 2007, a special resolution was passed by the Company to reduce the stated capital account from £104,350,000 to £2,000,000. Approval was sought from the Royal Court of Jersey and was granted on 29 June 2007. The balance of £102,350,000 was transferred to a distributable reserve on that date. The Company was granted authority by shareholders on 15 August 2008 to make market purchases of its own shares, an authority which was renewed on 4 October 2010, 12 October 2011, 8 October 2012, 16 October 2013 and 16 October 2014. Movements of shares in issue In issue at 30 April and 31 October fully paid For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited Number For the 6 months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited Number 102,130,000 102,130,000 23. Reserves The movements in the reserves for the Group are shown on page 7. Translation reserve The translation reserve contains exchange differences arising on consolidation of the Group’s foreign operations. Distributable reserve On 22 February 2007, the Company reduced its stated capital account and a balance of £102,350,000 was transferred to distributable reserves. This reserve is utilised if the Company wishes to purchase its own shares and for the payment of dividends. 24 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 24. Contingent asset Under the terms of the agreement relating to the sale of the Tarrangower property in Australia, in the case that the property is sold on by the purchaser at a profit within 12 months of the disposal date, the Group will be entitled to 25% of any profit arising on the sale. 25. Net asset value reconciliation Net asset value brought forward Translation of foreign exchange differences Decrease in the fair value of disposal groups, assets held for sale and investment property and plantations Gain on disposal of assets held for sale Provision Impairment loss on disposal groups held for sale Impairment loss on buildings, plant and equipment Net finance costs Net foreign exchange gain/(loss) Loss before above items Net asset value carried forward For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ Restated For the year ended 30 April 2014 Unaudited £ Restated* For the 6 months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ 40,545,541 60,356,500 60,356,500 (763,910) (7,506,014) (5,343,054) (5,941,184) (6,260,949) (2,610,030) 290,609 - - (236,543) (3,218,085) (1,950,948) (97,883) - - - (6,241) (8,610) (180,499) (249,866) (128,513) 9,581 (15,306) (9,775) (209,905) 33,415,807 (2,554,498) 40,545,541 (1,361,129) 48,944,441 * See note 15 26. Related party transactions Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial or operational decisions. Until the termination of their contract on 16 October 2014, CP Cogent Asset Management LP was the Investment Manager to the Company under the terms of the Investment Management Agreement and was thus considered a related party of the Company. During the period £198,811 (2013: £279,145) was paid to CP Cogent Asset Management LP in respect of management fees. During the period the Directors received the following remuneration in the form of fees from the Company: For the 6 months ended 31 October 2014 Unaudited £ For the 6 months ended 31 October 2013 Unaudited £ Donald Adamson 20,000 20,000 Svante Adde 17,500 14,798 Roger Lewis 12,500 6,798 Martin Richardson 11,481 12,500 Robert Rickman 36,449 28,500 William Spitz 97,930 5,702 88,298 Martin Richardson and Robert Rickman served as Directors of the Company until their resignations on 16 October 2014. On that date Robert Rickman was appointed as Operations Manager of the Group. In addition to their contractual Directors’ fees, Svante Adde and Robert Rickman were paid fees of £5,000 and £21,097 respectively for their work in visiting and reviewing the Group’s portfolio of assets. Robert Rickman was paid a further £3,871 in the period as remuneration in his role as Operations Manager. 25 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (continued) For the six months ended 31 October 2014 26. Related party transactions (continued) At the period end, the Directors had the following interests in the shares of the Company: 31 October 2014 Unaudited Number 30 April 2014 Audited Number Donald Adamson 550,000 550,000 Svante Adde 200,000 200,000 Roger Lewis 750,000 750,000 During the part of the period in which they served as Directors of the Company, Martin Richardson and Robert Rickman had interests in 150,000 and 25,000 shares of the Company respectively. 27. Events after the reporting period In December 2014 a storm caused significant damage to the Pahala plantation in Hawaii, the smallest and least valuable of the Group’s plantations. On 27 January 2015, shareholders approved a resolution to distribute £5,000,000 of cash via a tender offer of 25 pence per share. Since 31 October 2014, the Brazilian Real has continued to depreciate and economic conditions in Brazil remain very difficult. The combination of these two factors has again reduced the value of the Minas Gerais and Tocantins plantations. The result is that the Board estimates (based on the advice of the Operations Manager and all factors known to date) that the NAV as at the date of signing of these interim financial statements, taking into account the effect of the tender offer, is around 30p per share. This revised estimated NAV has not been subjected to a review under International Standard on Review Engagement (UK & Ireland) 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information per formed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity. For the avoidance of doubt and in accordance with applicable accounting standards, no provision has been included in the NAV for: certain costs of disposal of assets; on-going overheads to which the Company is subject; or the costs of liquidating the Company and its subsidiaries in due course. 26 Cambium Global Timberland Limited Directors Donald Adamson (Chairman) Svante Adde Roger Lewis Registered Office of the Company 26 New Street St Helier Jersey JE2 3RA Operations Manager Robert Rickman Property Valuers Consufor Advisory & Research Rua Fagundes Varela 585 - Jardim Social CEP 82520-040 Curitiba Brazil Sub-Administrator Praxis Fund Services Limited PO Box 296 Sarnia House St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4NA Administrator and Company Secretary Bedell Trust Company Limited 26 New Street St Helier Jersey JE2 3RA Auditor KPMG Channel Islands Limited 37 Esplanade St Helier Jersey JE4 8WQ TerraSource Valuation LLC 2314 Katie Leigh Lane Monroe, NC 28110 United States Chandler Fraser Keating Limited PO Box 2246 Rotorua 3040 New Zealand Registrar, Paying Agent and Transfer Agent Capita Registrars (Jersey) Limited PO Box 378 Jersey JE4 0FF Corporate Broker and Nominated Adviser for AIM Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited 1 New Change London EC2M 9AF 27
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