2. Feb. 2015 10:49 No. 3716 P. 1 tt h uqi- Enterpd es Limited CIN : 124219Gil ZGDPLC001588 ShareDept. : 8,ShribbishnaConunerci ICeiiare,GroundFIoor, Opp. RatejaSolitaire, 6, UdyogNatar,Off S.V.Rood, Ooregaon(W), Mumbai-400062. Phone:28724862,28755486 F x:28733485 : Rcgd. Off. 11,0IDC,Vapi-396195(Ouj.) Tel,:(0260)2400717,2401718-19 Corporate OIT. : UniphosHouse.Madliu Park, 11thRoad, Khor(W), Mumbei-400032 Phone:26468000 Fax:26041010 21,d February, 2015 Listing Department National Stock Exchange of (I) Ltd. Exchange Plaza, C/1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) MUMBAI 400 051 Sir, REG. : UNIPHOS ENTERPRISES LIMITED SYMBOL: UNIENTER SUB.: UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE OUARTER ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2014 This is to inform you that the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 2 nd February, 2015, has taken on record the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended 31 St December, 2014. The Statutory Auditors have carried out a ' Limited Review" Financial Results for the quarter ended 31St December, 2014. of the Unaudited We are enclosing herewith a copy of the Unaudited Financial Results. We are also enclosing herbwith a Limited Review Report of the Statutory Auditors of the Company, May we request you to takc the same on your record and inform all your constituents accordingly. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, for UNIPHOS ENTERPRISES LIMITED =« K. M, THACKER COMPANY SECRETARY Encl: As above. 2. Feb. 2015 10:50 No. 3716 P. 2 S R B C & CO LLP Chartered Accountants 14tn Floor The Ruby 29 Senapal Bapat Marg Decter (West) Mumbai-400028, India Tel. +91 226192 0000 Fax· +91 226192 1000 Review Report to The Board of Directors Unlphos Enterprises Limited 1. We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of Unlphos Enterprises Limited ('the Company') for the quarter ended December 31, 2014 (the "Statement"), except for the disclosures regarding 'Public ShareholdIng'and 'Promoter and Promoter Group Shareholdingi which have been traced from disclosures made by the management and have not been reviewed by us. This Statement Is the responsibility of the Company's management and has been approved by the Boai·d of Directors. Our responsibility 4 to Issuea report on the Statement based on our review. 2. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity Issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the Statement is free of material misstatement. A review Is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 3. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying Statement of unaudlted financial results prepared in accordance with recognition and measurement principles laid down in Accounting Standard 25 "Interim Financial Reporting", specified under the Companies Act, 1956 (Which are deemed to be applicable as per Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014) and other recognised accounting practices and policies, has not disclosed the Information required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that It contains any material misstatement. For SRBC ACOLLP Chartered Accountants ICAl Firm registration number: 324982E \ » A 3, f.r peF>idhlr Sonl Piftner Membership No,: 41870 Place; Mumbai Date: February 2, 2015 4. 6 < AU'11, 1 '37 4,0 S A S C E CO (a partne nip licm) converted into 5 R B C & C o Lip (a Limited Libility Pailnefshilo wlth LLP Identity No AAS·43 18) el#cctive 111 AWN, 2013 No. 3 /16 1. •j v P. 3 Uniphos Enterprises Limited (CIN : 1,24119GJ1969PLC001588) t Regd. Off : 11, G. I. D. C., Vapi, Dist . : Vasud · 396195, Gujarat. linvi talled F!,131]elgl RHult@ Ier the Ihreeintne monIN ended 3131 (ILS In Laes) ended 31$,Decembei, 2014 Statement of unaudiled fnancial rofults forthe Iltree/Nine moNhs 30.09.14 31·12.13 31.12.14 31.12.13 31.01.14 31.12.14 un<wdlied Unaudked Umehd Ungdited Unabukd AudNed L_liicom£Boill#8131!ipllt __ b. 0-thcf Operating 1,icome -I Total li,come from operitiofis (Net) Expenses -907,50 -3-33.-79- __ _ Ili 24_ - - 3 .h[ L le&/Income from.Qpcrations- 1 1 7'r efile<1 Nine millt# M*d Qu.wr ended Plrtieullrs 907.50_ 191.24 333.79. 184.05 333.27 879.77 34.72 _ --- -- 9. Cost of materials consumed b. Purchaso of stock in grade c. Cllgilges in i,iventorieG, of finislicd goods, work-iii·progress and -- - -- - Partl Detember, 2014 --. -- -- -- - 6_Depreciatibn und amortisation o pqnse 26.04 3.52 3,7 1 3.99 29.41 10.87 2.39 · -1 - _ ..( 68-1 - . _ .1 6. l i ._- - _(2.Rl . 6.39 5.03 4.80 2.69 5-67 4.21 11.02 18.6 1 26.06 21.0 I 17.33 263.22 368·01 97/.32 35.55 (21.01) (17.33) -- ce GTI (35.55) Finallce 003, 7 but Prolit/(loss) from ordilinry nollvities lifter lin nce cost - (62.671 _- _-2 4:2 _ before Exccolional Items. 5 1 L. _Exceptiona items _Erellf/( 3> Wom O.rdi!!g Aftlyiti t-be(9Ic litr gill_ -9 -- - 2·67) 02:07j_ .- 1,390.92 Paid- .Eguity simm ehoital (Fnee value - Rs.,air share) Reserve excluding Revalualion Recrves as por balance shoot of 364*£ (11.4. 1 (163. iii _(163.11) (124.0 1 - 898.85 1,390.92 (163.111 112-4.05) _. IlP.111 898.85_ =_118 4) _ 1,390.92 654,51 _898.1-5 - 9 1:96- _ . .1180,111 (62.6D . __ . - 6§1:32- - -- (111:9 1 (180.211- 964.96 (63.81) 7IS.33 (180.241 _. . 898.95_ . - 1 (54.23] 717.55 85.10 787.37 .Alf62 244.08 28.32 28.13 6 4 '983.95 993.28 , 04.591 - LExceptioni,l Itemi (344) _ . _.. _ -- -- (71.98) 1,055.93 81.17 1,014.29 j.01 Oiher Income P,·0111/(Loss) from ordi,inry activities before Ilitiince cost lind 1 -Nei-Profil/(63,)for_flic iod.fil 121 - 26.12 1.53 -- 16- Tux expense 1£. _ aLProlit/(12$5) from ordlitary activltles aher tax (9-10) Exfraardlunly Item (110 oftax expons/) 12 4.94 -- -- 1:ZE 1.73 _-nl.Exception-mi Itc'113 (1,21 14 15 30.19 1.24 ·- 3 --Pron/(Loss) from Oper*110-ns before 0,harlilcome, fi -- 8.68 1.18 19.90 h. Ratos & Taxe L Othli ex Ikdilyre rot:11 exefEes 5 10.07 1.17 -- 1Lega[ and professional fees 26--Foreirn Exchange-IilIAuation _ 4 10.06 _ 16.-E!!!plee nell!£.exeose -- tik.-in-trade -- 1,390.92 -1,390.92 - 1390.92 -19,421-1 L previous accoll!]lins; year 16 __ - «Eurnlitgs PerLS«llfErfEI S) I3PS before Extmordinary items for the period, for 11) Buic and dituled the veor to dde and for the previous year. C Not.annualised) b) Basic and dilumd EPS aAer Extraordinaty iteins for the period, for the year to doic atid for the previous year. (Not annumised) -- -. ---- '-- Lit 0.021 - 1.39 (0-09) 1.12 _ 39·10 .__ -. _CQ#4) _fi!·3 1 1.29 - (0.36) (ON) (0.38) (See accompanyiiig notes to tho imicials result ) Parl It Select informallon Ar IM quirter/nlne months ended ]151 Deeember -2014 A) PARTICULARS OF SIIAREHOLDING: -. -- 22303465 22303455 32.07% 32.07% - -- 1 Public Shireholding_ - No, orshares - Pericailage of sharcholdiing 23103455 33.22% 22303455 23103455 23103455 32.07% 33.22% 33.22% -. -- 2 Promoter alld Pronloter Elrolle-81'ilreli 1 1 R ill Pl ged / Eicianivered - Number of Sliares -- - Pefeel,Mgo Of shares (es a % of total sharoholding of Pwinotec - and Promotfaroup) Rrcentagefshares (as a % of lotal sh,tre ea:,i al of tile -. Coinpan\, 1 - ! -Noii - Ellcu-fibered -Numberof Shares-.·: ·: ., -- Percenloge of shareg '(As a % Of lotal Blinreholding of Promoter alid Proinotcr ap) -Percentage of sliares (at a % of lotel slwrecapital of the 47242394 - 46442394 100.00% 47242394 100.00% 100.00% 67.93% 67.93% Company) SIG ED FOR IDENTIFICANON BY BA - * AA . MA .10 0 NW # . V- v MUMBAI ... 66.78% 47242364 - : -414 2394 464;42394 100.00% '-'100.00% 100.00% 67.93% 66.78% 66.78% 2. teb. 2015 10:50 No. 3716 P. 4 Uniphos Enterprises Limited ' 3 moi,ths Pwrticulars cllded 31/11/2014 B) INVESTOR COMPLAINTS (As inforined by Slmrepm Services. Rcgistlar and Transfer Agent of the Company) Pendilig at the beginiiing of the quarter Received during lhe quarter 0 1 Disposed of during thcquaircr Remai:ling unrosolved atihe end of the quigfler 1 0 NOTES: The abo\,e ut,Rudited filialicial restills were reple,red by tlte Audit Commillec alid thei·evfter flppro#·ed al tha medilig of tile BoRrd of Direclors held on 20-d Februflry, 1015 alid the sanic ligs beeit slibjec ed to A limited review by the Sfiafutory Alidlrors of me Company. 2 Tht Compally hnionly one reportable scimelit, liz. tritding activliles, 3 Previous perlod's/year's ligures have been regroupe(1/ rearranged wherever necess:ry 1 :tall" :3ri,11'CATION Place : Mumbgt Date : 2nd Febrimry; 2015 S A L CO LLP IIUMBAI 1 pir 'iller.Ilts.I:.11111 i \ NA. . IIR FIr Cu rl,(im md Managing Director (DIN : 00180810)
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