Saint Francis Xavier Parish - Saint Francis Xavier Church

Special Events Coming Soon
Flyer Included
The Catholic Business Network (CBN) is now
accepting membership of like-minded Catholic
business people to join. The CBN is a group of
business leaders, executives, and professionals in
Utah who meet regularly to discuss common
business experiences, issues, problems and
solutions under a shared faith. Visit for more information and to
become a member. For additional information, call
Dr. Roland Abundo, 801-755-5700 or Tricia
Bruggeman, 801-891-2664
Hungering for a Healthy Harvest– CRS Rice Bowl
brings our Lenten journey back to Africa this week, to
the Democratic Republic of Congo. We join our
fasting in solidarity with people
who go hungry, and we
remember in prayer the
importance of building a
community that is willing to
support those most in need.
Hey All You Hoops Fans! Got game? Judge
Memorial Catholic High School has announced the
details for the annual spring basketball camps for
girls and boys. Please remember to bring plenty of
water and all appropriate gear. Registration forms are
available at the team pages at our
The 2015 Diocesan Development Drive funds ministries
in the areas of charity, evangelization and worship. Here
are some of the accomplishments in the parishes as a
result of giving to the Diocesan
Development Drive. The ordination
of Christopher Gray in June 2013
and Jorge Roldan in June of
2014.The deaconate formation
program underway for 17 future
deacons. The Hispanic and Ethnic
Ministry offices work to strengthen
Hispanic, Native American, Filipino,
Korean and African groups of
Catholics across Utah. Men and
Women incarcerated in Utah benefit
from Catholic Prison Ministry
Services. You are invited to learn more online at www. Thank you for your participation.
Have you ever thought about becoming a sister?
Single Catholic women ages 18-40 are invited to a
prayerful and reflective Religious Vocation Discernment
Weekend Retreat with the Daughters of Charity of St.
Vincent de Paul, April 10-12, 2015, Los Altos Hills,
California. For reservations and more information contact
Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C., (650)949-8890, 213-210-9903,
or email [email protected].
Saint Francis Xavier Parish
Rev. Eugenio Yarce, Pastor
4501 West 5215 South
Kearns, UT 84118
March 22nd, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT
Parish 801-968-2123 Fax 801-966-1639
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Email: [email protected]
Trip to Ireland with Father Carley – July 14th through
the 30th of 2015. Details of the trip can be found at http://
Job Openings at Catholic Community Services:
Client Services and Nutrition Associate
Immigration Green Card Specialist
Property Maintenance Assistant
Please go to the following web address to apply: http://
English- 5:00 pm
Español- 6:30 pm
Español- 7:30 am & 1:30 pm
English- 9:30 am & 11:30 am
Reverend Eugenio Yarce, Pastor
Church Office
Mrs. Iris Palacios
Deacon Doug Biediger
Emergency Priest - After office hours EMERGENCIES ONLY
Pastor Emergencia - Después del horario de Oficina, SOLO EMERGENCIAS
Office of Religious Education
Mrs. Rosa Rodriguez, Director of Religious Education
Catechism & RCIA / Catecismo y RICA
Mrs. Char Rodriguez,
Bereavement Ministry/Ministerio de Consuelo
Dir. Safe Environment/Directora del Ambiente Seguro
School 801-966-1571
Mr. Patrick Reeder, Principal
Mrs. Lorene Swim, Administrative Assistant
Collection last week - $6,417.00
Building Projects - $377.00
Thank you for your generosity!!
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday English-9:00 am
Communion Service / Servicio de Comunión
Thursday & Friday
English 9:00 am
Reconciliation / Confesiones (bilingual)
Mondays/Lunes 4:00 pm
Preschool - 8th grade.
There are many reasons to choose a Catholic
education for your children. At Saint Francis Xavier
School, we create a Catholic learning environment
that promotes academic excellence, community
awareness and holistic development of the students.
As partners in the education of your child, Saint
Francis Xavier School prepares students to achieve
their full potential academically, socially, physically,
and spiritually. If you have children or grandchildren
ages 3 to 14 and you desire a quality Catholic
education, contact the school to arrange your private
tour at 801.966.1571 ext. 114 or email Mr. Reeder at
[email protected].
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Benediction &
Adoration in English
Wednesday 5:00 to 6:00 pm
Hora Santa en Español Martes (Tuesday) 5:00 to 6:00 pm
Neocatechumenate-Liturgy of the Word
(Multi-Purpose Room) Tuesday & Saturday 7:30pm
Please consider online giving. Go to our
website and sign up. It’s quick, easy &
Don’t forget about DDD. Thank you for your support!
“The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to
bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.” Deuteronomy 28:12
No se olvide de DDD.
Gracias por su apoyo!
Saint Francis Xavier
Catholic Church,
Kearns, Utah
Special Mass Intentions
Saturday, 3/21, 5:00 pm– Ace Bering by the Ceballos
Sunday, 3/22, 9:30 am— †Sister of Virginia Biediger
by the Legions of Mary
11:30 am– †Danny Sandoval by his mother and
sisters AND
†Nea Quintana by Anita Sandoval
Monday, 3/23 9:00 am—Benefactors of the parish
Tuesday, 3/24, 9:00 am—Benefactors of the parish
Wednesday, 3/25, 9:00 am—Benefactors of the
Saturday, 3/28, 5:00 pm– †Bill Dunne by Michelle
Sunday, 3/29, 9:30 am— Benefactors of the parish
11:30 am– Benefactors of the parish
Intenciones especiales para la Misa
Sábado, 3/21, 6:30 pm-Bienhechores de la Parroquia
Domingo, 3/22, 7:30 am— Bienhechores de la
1:30 pm—Bienhechores de la Parroquia
Sábado, 3/28, 6:30 pm-Bienhechores de la Parroquia
Domingo, 3/29, 7:30 am— Bienhechores de la
1:30 pm—Bienhechores de la Parroquia
You must pre-register for the baptism preparation
class and baptism in the church office. You must
register no later than Monday before the class and baptism.
The preparation class and baptism are on the same day. The
preparation class starts at 9:15 a.m. in the church followed by
the baptisms. If you are only attending the class, there is a
donation of $25.00 per couple. After the class you will receive a
letter of completion. If you are attending the class and
baptizing your child, there is a donation of $50.00 for each
child. When registering in the church office, you will need to
pay the donation and bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate.
The next class and baptisms are April 25th. The class starts at
9:15 am, followed by the baptisms. The deadline to register is
Friday, April 17th . Please be prepared to pay the exact
amount; we do not have change in the Church office.
Usted debe registrarse antes de la clase de
preparación para el Bautismo y para el Bautismo,
en la Oficina de la Parroquia. Usted debe registrarse a
más tardar el día Viernes, de la semana antes de la clase y del
Bautismo. La clase de preparación y el Bautismo serán en el
mismo día. La clase de preparación se inicia a las 9:15 am en
la Parroquia seguido de los Bautismos. Si sólo desea asistir
a la clase, es una donación de $25.00 por pareja y después de
la clase que usted recibirá una carta de comprobante de
pláticas. Si va a asistir a la clase de preparación y Bautizando
su hijo la donación es de $50.00 por cada niño. En el momento
de la registración para un bautismo la donación se debe cubrir
en su totalidad y también necesita traer una copia del
Certificado de Nacimiento del niño. La clase siguiente y los
Bautismos son 21 de Marzo. La clase comienza a las 9:15 am,
seguido de los Bautismos. La fecha límite para inscribirse es el
viernes, 13 de Marzo Por favor venga preparado con la
cantidad exacta; ya que no tenemos cambio en la Oficina
Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am– 5:00 pm.
Closed Saturday & Sunday.
Baptism, wedding & quinceañera information can be found in
the glass cases & racks in the gathering space or on our
website: If you need additional help,
please contact the parish office during the office hours or call
801-968-2123 x150. For Quinceañeras and Weddings, you
must first meet with Father Yarce. Appointments can be made
in the church office.
Horario de la Oficina Parroquial: Lunes - Viernes
Please Pray For /
Por favor, ofrezcan la oración
Matt Ranson, Orlando Cordova,
Dorothy Martinez, Feli Anne Hipol,
Ronald Lujan, Kenneth Edney, Jo
Springer,Randy Carstensen, Kima
Tan, Ricky Fonseca, Kathy Cook,
Gloria Santos, Teresita Austria
8:00 am-5:00 pm. Cerrado Sábados y Domingos.
Bautismo, boda y quinceañera información, se pueden
encontrar en las vitrinas y estantes en el lugar de reunión, o
nuestra página Web: Si usted necesita
ayuda adicional, póngase en contacto la oficina parroquial
durante las horas de oficina o llamar al 801-968-2123 x150.
Para Quinceañeras y de bodas, debe cumplir primero con el
padre Yarce. Las citas se pueden hacer en la oficina de la
Religious Education Office Hours:
Saturday 9:00 am—11:30 am and Sunday from 9:30 am—1:00pm
Church bulletin items must be received in the Church Office or
emailed to [email protected]
by noon Wednesday.
Los anuncios para el boletín deben ser recibidos en la
Oficina Parroquial o por correo electrónico a
[email protected]
para el Miércoles al medio día.
Please contact Religious Ed. for anything regarding CCD
(Catechism) or RCIA. Director of Religious Ed., Mrs. Rosa
Rodriguez (801) 968-2123 x153
Horario de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa:
Sabado 9:00 am—11:30 am y Domingo de 9:30 am—1:00 pm
Por favor comuníquese con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa
en referencia al Catecismo o RICA. El Director de Educación
Religiosa es Rosa Rodriguez (801) 968-2123 x153
St. Francis Xavier “Woman of the Year” The St.
Francis Xavier Council of Catholic Women is accepting
nominations for a ”Woman of the Year” to represent St.
Francis Xavier Parish at the Diocesan Council of Catholic
Women Convention held in April. To nominate someone
please contact Lynn Miller at (801)966-8336. Nomination
deadline is Sunday, March 8. The woman selected will
be recognized by Bishop Wester at the convention.
Stations of the Cross All parishioners are invited to join
us each Friday throughout the Lenten season for Stations
of the Cross followed by soup. The
English Stations will begin at 6:00 p.m.
followed by soup in the science room,
and the Spanish Stations will begin at
7:00 p.m. The Stations start on Friday,
February 20. If you are interested in
participating in the English Stations or
want to help by providing soup, please
contact Lynn Miller (801)633-5386 or Steve Bergstrom
The Kearns food pantry, located across the street from
the parish, is the food pantry that the school donates to.
They are looking for volunteers to help weekdays. Please
contact Ray to volunteer your time 801-419-2895
La Renovacion Carismatica Catolica y la Diocesis de Salt
Lake City, te invita al proximo Encuentro Cuaresmal de
Sanacion Interior Familias liberadas por las llagas de
Jesus, Marzo 21-22, 2015 Granger High School 3690 S
3600 W. West Valley City. Sabado 8am-8pm Domingo
8am-6pm la Donacion sera de $20 para mas informes
llame al la oficina de Ministerio Hispana 801-328-8641
Ext 361.
“Catholic Women United in Truth” The Diocesan
Council of Catholic Women Annual Convention will be
held April 25th and 26th at the Sheraton Salt Lake City
Hotel, 150 West 500 South. The theme this year is
“Catholic Women United in Truth”. The cost for the full
convention is $110; Saturday, including breakfast and
lunch: $50; Woman of the Year Banquet: $40; and
Sunday only with breakfast: $30. Registration will be
held in the gathering space during the first few weeks of
March. Watch for more information to come.
Congratulations, to Judy Wolf. The raffle winner of the
DCCW weekend conference in April." The St. Francis
Xavier CCW would like to thank all of the women who
participated in the raffle.
Todays Readings
Reading I
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 (12a)
Reading II
Hebrews 5:7-9
John 12:20-33
If you removed or know who removed the 50 tidbit
glasses that were stacked outside the kitchen on
Sunday, February 15 please contact the school office
at 801-966-1571. These items were rented for the
From the Heart Auction. The school will have to pay
for the glasses out of the money raised to help the
students of St. Francs Xavier School if they are not
returned . If you have the glasses please return them
no questions asked. Thank you
Catholic Cruise to New England and Canada Come
and sail away on a 7-night Catholic New England and
Canada Cruise with Father Prakash Joseph May 16thMay 23rd, 2015 on Holland America Maasdam out of
Montreal, Quebec, Canada—- Ports of Call: St,
Lawrence River, Canada; Quebec City, Quebec,
Canada; Gulf of St. Lawrence; Charlottetown, Prince
Edwards Island; Sydney, Nova Scotia; Halifax, Nova
Scotia, Canada. Prices begin at $1988 for two
passengers. This includes port fees and taxes. For
further info or to register contact Doug or Eileen at 860
Knights Easter Egg Hunt for
kids age 1-12 will be Easter
Sunday at 10:45 April 5,
Come support our scouts
pancake breakfast on Palm
Sunday March 29, 2015 at
8:30 to 12:30!