Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH This year of 2016-2017, our parish theme is We have found the Messiah. … Come and you will see. based on John 1:39, 41 All Saints is a tithing parish, giving of our time, talent, and treasure so as to give glory to God. Thank you to all who participated in the March for Life. In particular, thank you to Dave Lucas for organizing our buses. Let us continue to pray and witness to life for the unborn, the needy, and those at the end of their lives. Father Lee Roos Pope’s Intention for February: Universal Intention: Comfort for the Afflicted. That all those who are afflicted, especially the poor, refugees, and marginalized, may find welcome and comfort in our communities. Question of the Week: Today’s Beatitudes are the true test of the disciple. Do the words I hear in church today remain there? How can I allow God’s grace to work in me so that I begin to live the Beatitudes and help to evangelize “the crowds”? E ucharistic A doration Let the Beatitudes in me become the “be-attitudes.” May my attitudes be conformed to Christ as I listen to him in his Presence. Take one hour before the Blessed Sacrament exposed for public prayer in our chapel. We have needs for adorers on: Wednesday Friday Saturday 11:00 am–12:00 noon 11:00 pm–12:00 midnight 12:00 midnight–1:00 am Information: Aime (703-392-5260 or alnuar @ gmail . com ). Adorers, when you arrive at the chapel, please sign-in for your time slot so we know that the time is covered. The Beatitudes (blessedness or happiness of heaven) are words of comfort and challenge at the same time. How have others been a blessing to you? How have you been a blessing to others? The Beatitudes begin now. January 29, 2017 M ass I ntentions Jan M 30 7:00 am 8:30 am Tu 31 7:00 am 8:30 am Weekday Edward & Anthony Paletsky + Beatrice & Bob Pennefather & Family St. John Bosco, Priest Theodore E. Gucwa Fortman Family Feb W 1 7:00 am 8:30 am Th 2 7:00 am 8:30 am F 3 Weekday Elisa Caberto + Christine Marie Hathaway + Feast: The Presentation of the Lord Julie, Hailee, & Jan Branthoover + Mary McAllister + St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr, [First Friday] or St. Ansgar, Bishop 7:00 am Billie Jeanne Waters + Graciela Aguilar 8:30 am 8:00 pm Special intention Sa 4 Weekday Deceased member of Weaver & Hoffman 8:00 am Families + SUNDAY: THE LORD’S DAY Sa 4 5:30 pm Su 5 7:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am [Sp] 11:30 am 1:30 pm [Sp] 5:30 pm 7:00 pm [Sp] 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekday Gordon DeMuth + Rosary Altar Society Rosemary Colgan + Dario Balderas + [at MPCC] Purgatorial Society Sara Servin Espino + All parishioners Filiverta Fajardo Veronico + Sp = Spanish • “+” indicates person is deceased. MPCC= Manassas Park Community Center Readings: 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time Is 58:7-10; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16 School Mass: Fri., Feb. 3, at 8:30 am. Prepared by Grade 2 (Mrs. Susan Cummings & Mrs. Kathleen Burnett). The Blessing of Throats will be given on the memorial of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, Fri., Feb. 3. This blessing will be given at the 7:00 am & 8:30 am Masses, and also at 8:00 pm. First Friday: Feb. 3, Confessions: 7:00-7:45 8:00 pm. w w w . a l l s a i n t s va . o r g pm; Mass: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Through Infant Baptism we welcome into the Catholic Church: Lilah Ahart, Arthur Teyiri, Bryan Canales, Natalia Urquilla, Esmeralda Lemus, Arcely Molina, Genesis Molina, Isabella Molina, Jonathan Nolasco, Samuel Nolasco, Amy Ramos, and Nathan Torres. C ome J oin the S pring F estival C ommittee The Spring Festival Committee has started to take formation and will meet on Thurs., Feb. 16 at 7:00 pm in Meeting Room 2 of Fr. Kelley Wing. Subsequent meetings will be on. Mon., Mar. 6; Thurs., Apr. 6; and Thurs., Apr. 20. We are still in need of a few volunteers to coordinate some of our activities such as the Silent Auction and Entertainment Scheduling. Consider coming to the meeting and helping to make this year’s festival a memorable one. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Lewandowski (703-335-7471 or res 19 qf 7@ verizon . net ). Rest in Peace: May those who have died enter into the mercy of God and the joy of the Kingdom: Yvonne Lemus. For Christ’s healing of the sick we pray for: Anastasia Adams, Jean Agnew, Fil Aguinaldo , Marcella Altizer, Helen & Rakesh Andrews, Rita Arellano, Megan Arp, Lorrie Ball, Robin Bast, Robert Benedetto, Margaret Berdak, Denise Biggs, Maria Biosca, Mary Blizzard, John Borden, Ann Brien, Jay Briseno, Paul Byrne, Jane Carney, Timothy Ceschin, Maurilio Chaves, Michael Chettle, Brian Clark, Lisa Colgan, John Connelly, Joseph Conway, Valerie Corliss, Richard Cruz, Sandra Culebro, Carly Czajkowski, Robert Dantona, Peter DeFranks, Angel Dietzel, Sister Lydia D’Souza, David Dugas, Vincent Eugenio, Lynn Ferguson-Kerns, Nicole Fini, Justin P. Flemming, Anthony Gabriel, Shannon Gammon, Graciela Garcia, Sam Garman, Teresa Ann Gilday, K. Darrell Gillman, Mary Giordano, Greg Gibbons, Dick Goble, Joseph Gonzalez, Claude Grant, Mike Hadro, Rachel Harley, Daniel Hazen, Danyl Henderson, Gary Herman, Francisco Hernandez-Tarralba, Virginia Hoffman, Marie Horn, Sherry Hudson, Mrs. Husk, Mary Hutchinson, Audra Peer Jackson, Consuela Juarez, Molumba Kamuamga, Mary Margaret Kohill, Bill Lansing, Sr., Brian Lee, Geraldine LeFierre, Marian Lomis, John Lucas, Morris Lusk, Betty Maag, Nicole McGinn, Ariadna Melendez-Guzman, Liem Shinta Maria, Cathy Marshall, Lenny Martelli, Hazel Martino, Kimberly McNamara, Jeanine Miller-Nelson, Eduardo Minas, Ken Moan, Bobbie Moore, Tullis Moyers, Francis Munsell, Julie Kay Natali, Emily Navarra, George H. Nitzel Jr., Philip Nuar, Daniel W. O’Leary, Anthony Panameno, Michelle Parker, Sandra Patterson, Abigail Pell, Bob Phillips, Jackie Phillips, Tom Propes, Michael Puzynski, Laurel Quinn, Joe Reading, Jose Manual Rosales Rescendiz, Sean Riley, Megan Rivera, Rosalie Robl, Mary Rogers, Rita Rooney, Fred Rose, Anthony S. Des Sassov, Susie Serene, Jerry Shea, Mike Shoults, Diane Lynn Smith, Patricia Smith, Sheryl Smith, Stan Sobczynski, Donna Stecker, James Suraci, Barbara Tasker, Charles Tolley, Mary Tolley, Sylvia Urani, Antonio Uribe, Helen Varner, Virginia Walsh, Kiki Warrick, Bob Weaver, Edward Weyant, George Whitfield, Collette Williams, Frances Williams, Eleanor Wisniewski, Beatrice Yeager, and Richard Zavadowski. and C hildren ’ s R eligious E ducation JANUARY FEBRUARY Su M 29 30 Tu W 31 1 classes 5 6 7 8 classes Sacrament Registration. Any child receiving Sacraments in the Spring of 2017 needs to receive a Sacrament Registration Folder. If you have not received this folder, please contact the Religious Education Office (703-393-2142). P arents of S econd G raders R eceiving F irst R econciliation Second graders will be receiving First Reconciliation on the date below, according to their class. Parents must attend and bring their child. Reconciliation will be in the church. Sat., Feb. 4 at 10:00 am All Saints Religious Education ♦♦ RE session of Mon.7:00 pm ♦♦ RE session of Wed. 6:30 pm Other Catholic Schools P astoral C are S ervices WOW—Widows or Widowers. You are invited to come and join us. This is a group to socialize with, to help overcome the loneliness, to share experiences and form new friendships. Come and meet with those who have walked a similar path as you. Contact Steve Schnur (703-369-7061) or wow @ allsaintswow . org or Gillian, Pastoral Care Office (703-393-1411). Cancer and Prayer Support in the church library, Mon., Jan. 23, 1:00–2:00 pm for cancer victims and care givers. 2 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH January 29, 2017 C atholic S chool F inancial A ssistance There are several sources of financial aid available to Catholic students attending All Saints Catholic School. These include diocesan and parish resources, as described below. Diocesan Resources A ll S aints C atholic S chool Upcoming events: Catholic Schools Week is Jan. 29 – Feb. 3. National Geography Bee. Students in grades 4– 8 recently participated in the school-wide round of the National Geography Bee. Congratulations to the All Saints School champion, Abigail Yelvington, who will complete an online assessment to determine whether she will qualify to advance to the state level competition. Congratulations to Lucy Avila De la Trinidad, our second place winner, and to all of our students who represented their classes in this academic event: • • • • • Liam Nino Matthew Abando Evelyn Shaw Alexander Iskenderoglu Arjun Iyer • • • • • Rudy Gasser Timothy Mills, Mike Short Lucy Avila De la Trinidad Abby Yelvington Full Day Pre-K coming soon. Beginning next school year, our parish school will begin offering three Pre-Kindergarten program options for four year old children: • • • Full Day, 5 Day (8:00 am – 3:00 pm) Half Day, 5 Day (8:00 – 11:00 am) Half Day, 4 Day (12:00 noon – 3:00 pm) All Saints Catholic School will host its February Open House for prospective parents for the 2017-18 school year on Thurs., Feb. 9 at 9:00 am. Following a presentation and introduction, tours of the facility will be provided. Plan to attend and experience the dynamic, Catholic environment of All Saints Catholic School. You can make a reservation to attend the Open House by visiting the school website at w w w . a ll s a i n t s va s c h o o l . o r g . Questions/Information? Contact Mrs. Joyce D’Eugenio (703-393-1490 or jdeugenio @ allsaintsva . org ). End of Year Contributions. Contribution statements for 2016 will be mailed to those whose parish records indicate they have contributed during the year. If you do not receive your statement by Jan. 31, please contact the parish office. Thank you for your stewardship of God’s gifts and your generosity for the many needs of parish life. Bishop Burbidge and Bishop Emeritus Loverde have raised funds to be used for Catholic education at diocesan elementary schools and high schools. When Bishop speaks to the pastors and other priests about support for Catholic education, he does himself what he asks us to do. Parish assessment for Catholic schools. Each parish of the Arlington Diocese, whether it has a school or not, is assessed annually for funds to be used for tuition assistance for Catholic education. These funds are distributed by the Diocesan Tuition Grant Program, based on need. Parish Resources Gifts: We receive some gifts during the year which are designated by the donor for tuition assistance. A person might give a one-time donation or make a more significant donation to be used as financial aid over a multi-year period. Planned Giving: You might not have the money to give now, but you can remember All Saints Catholic School in your will. Your bequest will continue your legacy of Catholic education. For those of us who have been the beneficiaries of a Catholic education, this is a way to give back to future generations. You are invited to consider the needs of All Saints Catholic School. No amount is too small. Consider giving the gift of one year’s full tuition or a partial tuition. Please pray for all of our benefactors, living and deceased. S tewardship Did you know that 20% of our Sunday collections are donated through different types of electronic giving? Some parishioners are choosing to use on-line banking to send in their donations. They set up All Saints Catholic Church as the vendor, enter their parishioner number as their account, and then schedule weekly or monthly recurring donations. Other parishioners are using Parish Giving to make their donations. You can go to the website h t t p s :// w w w . pa r i s h g i v i n g . o r g / to set up an account. You can then easily schedule contributions for Sunday and Second Collections. You can also put the contributions on your credit card or a bank transfer. Information: w w w . pa r i s h - g i v i n g . o r g or email (info @ parishgiving . org ) or call 1-866-307-7140. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 3 UPPER ROOM THEATRE MINISTRY Proudly Presents the 2017... Winter CABARET Friday and saturday Show Begins at 7:30pm (Doors Open at 7:00pm) Featuring AFTER HOURS ONE ACT PLAY BROADWAY MUSIC REVUE FOOLS! IMPROV COMEDY TROUPE Food & drinks served All Saints Performing Arts Center All proceeds support All Saints Youth Ministry Adults Tickets $12 $8 Youth Sold at the Door 4 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH The All Saints Young Adult Ministry is a faith-filled, ene getic, and dynamic group of Young Adults in their 20s and 30s, single or married, who seek to engage and grow deeply in their faith. This Wednesday night (2/1) PENANCE:available between 6:00– 7:00 pm PRAYER: Adoration in Chapel from 7:00–8:00 pm PUB: head out to a local restaurant! Next Wednesday night (2/8) Join Deacon Brian Majewski from 7:00-9:00 pm in the St. John Vianney Room… lessons and discussion on living the Catholic faith with zeal Every Tuesday night … in the St. John Vianney Room (in the PAC) from 7:30-9:00 pm. We are currently studying the REDEMPTORIS MATER on the Blessed Virgin Mary in the life of the Pilgrim Church… bring your device to follow along! For more information about our All Saints Young Adult Ministry, contact Pam DeRivero ( youngadults @ allsaintsva . org ) or visit us at a l l s a i n t s yo u n g a d u lt m i n i s t ry . o r g . I n O ur P arish Legion of Mary, Activities Center, St. Joseph Room, Tuesdays, 7:00–8:30 pm. The Spirit of Love Prayer Group meets on Tues., Jan. 31, in Room 2 (adjacent to Fr. Kelley Hall) at 7:00 pm. All are welcome to learn and experience the charisms of the Holy Spirit. Adult Faith Formation. Catholicism: The Pivotal Players meets Mon., Jan. 30 at 7:00 pm in the Activities Center. We will discuss G.K. Chesterton, The Evangelist, Part II and view Michaelangelo, The Artist, Part I. Bible Study meets every Thursday morning with Deacon Brian, 10:00 – 11:00 am in the church library. We are currently studying the Gospel of John. For a relaxed and insightful discussion of scripture, please join us. Adult Faith Formation Resource. New programs, movies, audio talks, and e-books are continuously being added, so please visit f o r m e d . o r g and see what’s new. There are now over 40 movies on the site that are great for family movie January 29, 2017 night. Don’t miss these fabulous Catholic resources that are being provided for you by our parish subscription. You can view these over streaming internet at w w w . f o r m e d . o r g . Our parish access code is 16e125. Use this to set up your login credential of a User ID and password. Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding in Cana. Invite him to work his miracle for you and your spouse. Please come help celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony by renewing your wedding vows at the All Saints’ (bilingual) Mass for Wedding Vows Renewal on Sat., Feb. 6, at 12:00 noon. Children are most welcome at this Mass. Please feel free to invite friends and family. A ll S aints 5 C ar R affle 5 Car Raffle – Many “THANKS!” to all the volunteers who came out to help with the car raffle mailing last weekend. 5 Car Raffle – Raffle tickets to our 20th Annual 5 Car Raffle were mailed last week. Each registered family should have received 20 car raffle tickets in the mail. Proceeds will continue to help to pay for our church and parish activity center. Talk about the raffle in conversation — almost every time, the people you are talking to will ask if they can purchase a ticket. Thanks to your tremendous support, this has become one of our largest fund raising events. Please help continue the tradition by selling or purchasing tickets. Additional tickets will be available after Sunday morning Masses in April and in the church office beginning Mon., Feb. 6. Thank you in advance for your continued support. The Knights of Columbus, George Brent Council will be hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive in the Knights’ hall on Sat., Feb. 4, 8:30 am –1:30 pm. Register on-line at w w w . r e d c r o s s b l o o d . o r g / r c b m o b i l e / d r i v e / c h o o s e d o n at i o n t i m e . j s p or walk in. Just note the morning times are the busiest. Remember, one pint can save up to 3 lives. Thanks for all you do! The Knights of Columbus, George Brent Council, invite you to their Valentine’s Dinner and Dance on Sat., Feb. 11, 6:30–11:00 pm. Hors d’oeuvres, a delicious dinner and dessert, followed by dancing and live music from MOJO Band. Cost is $35.00/couple or $20.00/person. Dress: Coat and tie. RSVP: Tom Masarick (703-368-8308 or tmasarick @ aol . com ). Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time R unning i m at h l e t e . c o m with the S aints 5K Sat., Mar. 25, 8:15 am. Please join us for this fun family event that benefits All Saints Catholic School. The run/walk features a USATF certified course through the Manassas neighborhoods and Bib Chip timing for race enthusiasts. Indoor facilities and waiting area for before, during and after the race! Raffle, prizes, food, and music! Register online at: w w w . (search for Running With the Saints 5K). Sponsors needed. Please help us make the Running With The Saints 5K a success by sponsoring our race. Great advertising opportunity! Sponsorship forms can be found at r u n n i n g w i t h t h e s a i n t s . o r g or contact Joan Coleman (info @ runningwiththesaints . org ). Men: That Man Is You (TMIY) is back for the spring semester. TMIY addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. Please join us at our next meeting, Sat., Feb. 4. Our formal program begins at 6:30 am in the Parish Activities Center with a light breakfast and fellowship starting at 6:00 am. These sessions will focus on how to live out the Spirit of Nazareth. Please join us.Questions? Contact Tim Smith (tsmith 7746@ aol . com ) or Matt Spinosa (matt @ thespinosas . com ). Fun for Home! Children may want to color this outline. 5 This week in the liturgical year … January 31 February 2 St. John Bosco, Priest The Presentation of the Lord John Bosco, died 1888 at Turin; founded (1859) the Salesians, today numbering around 16,000 religious; dedicated to educating youth; with St. Mary Mazzarello (14 May), founded the Salesian Sisters; a pioneer in vocational training; first saint in history to submit to a press interview; 40,000 people filed past his body at his death; first canonized saint in whose honor a national holiday was declared in Italy; patron of editors; known as the “Apostle of Youth.” This feast, originating in 4th c. Jerusalem, came to be celebrated in Rome by the middle of the 5th c. under its Greek title, ‘Υπαπαντή or “Feast of the Meeting”; known also as Candlemas Day. February 3 St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr Blaise, believed martyred in the persecution of Licinius early 4th c.; bishop of Sebaste in Armenia; associated with the healing of throats; venerated as well by the Eastern Church. 6 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH January 29, 2017 Tuesdays, 3:15 - 4:45pm Snacks are out, the Wii is on, Sports Equipment is out, & the time is yours! Meet in the Upper Room All High School Teens are welcome!!! 6:30-8:00pm in the P.A.C. Dinner & Faith Served Every Sunday Night Girls: Wednesdays, 7:30 - 9:00pm Guys: Thursdays, 7:30 - 9:00pm plus Catechesis, Games, Small Groups, Fellowship, Prayer & Talks for TEENS Small group of teens who share, support, pray, play, serve, and learn. Meet in the Upper Room High School Teens welcome to show up! JANUARY 29th 9th through 12th graders Welcome! Time to reconnect, share Dinner, & have fun growing in faith... We explore faith topics through workshops, activity, and media asking the question, “How does this relate to my life?” Public School… Catholic School… Home School… ALL Teens Welcome! Sunday Night Life Teen will not meet Feb 5th. Instead, everyone is encouraged to attend Youth Ministry’s Winter Cabaret. 1st & 3rd Fridays 7:00-9:00pm in Father Kelly Hall NO ASCEND FEB 3rd Next Ascend: Feb17th Bowling! Faith & Fun Guys and Girls: Come and have fun with music, friends, snacks, and activities, while journeying deeper into your faith! FEBRUARY 10th 7 - 9pm in the PAC LIGHTS OUT DODGEBALL Pizza, Glow Sticks, Dodgeball, Games, & More!!! Saturday, February 25th 1:30pm-3:30pm Price TBD Register Online At: For questions, please email: [email protected] Manassas, Virginia IGLESIA CATÓLICA ALL SAINTS Cuarto Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario Misa en Manassas Park 9:30 am ~ En memoria deCeasr Perez, Vicente & Marina Rodriquez • Misa de 1:30 pm ~ Todos los parroquianos • Misa de 7:00 pm ~ En memoria de Lucia Villela. E ducación R eligiosa para N iños ENERO FEBRERO Domingo 29 Lunes Martes 30 31 Miércoles 1 clases 5 6 7 8 clases A tención P adres S egundo G rado P rimera R econciliación de niños de que van a recibir su Los niños de segundo grado harán su Primera Reconciliación, con sus respectivas clases, en las fechas indicadas abajo. Es necesario que los Padres acompañen a sus hijos. Las confesiones serán en los siguientes horarios: Sábado 4 de Febrero, a las 10:00 am Clases de Educación Religiosa: ♦♦ Clases del Lunes 7:00 pm ♦♦ Clases del Miércoles 6:30 pm 29 de enero, 2017 Sólo para mayores de 18 años (No traer niños). Por favor vestir apropiadamente (no escotes, minifaldas o ropa muy ajustada). Más información: (571-288-1062 o 571-2647633). Les invitamos a participar de la Noche de Milagros con el predicador internacional Neil Velez. Será el sábado 11 de febrero a las 7:30 de la noche en la Iglesia de Todos los Santos. La donación de la entrada será de $3.00 para cubrir los gastos. Pueden conseguir su entrada a la salida de la misa o en el Grupo de Oración Mensajeros de Jesús. Misa de Renovación de Promesas Matrimoniales. Todos los matrimonios están invitados a renovar sus promesas matrimoniales el sábado 11 de febrero en la misa bilingüe que se celebrará a las 12:00 pm. Vengan con sus familiares y amigos. Al comienzo de este 2017 y después de celebrar el nacimiento de nuestro Salvador, le invitamos a ser voluntario de Birthright of Manassas. Ayudamos a mujeres a proteger sus embarazados. Son solo tres horas a la semana. Necesitamos personas que hablen español. Pronto tendremos una reunión informativa. Para más información contacte nuestras oficinas (703-361-9769 o manassas @ birthright . org ). Inscripciones en Todos Los Santos. ¿Ya estas registrado en la parroquia? Todas las personas que asisten regularmente a la misa en nuestra parroquia deben estar registradas para determinar el número de parroquianos y necesidades de los mismos. Este proceso es necesario para la inscripción para cualquier Sacramento, cartas de recomendación o cualquier otro tramite en la parroquia. Por favor visite la oficina para registrarse. Cena Bailable para Matrimonios. La Pastoral Familiar les invita a una cena-baile. Ven y disfruta con tu pareja de excelente comida y música en un ambiente sano. Será el sábado 18 de febrero de 6:00 pm a las 10:00 pm en el Centro de Actividades de Todos los Santos. Costo $35 por pareja. Párroco Rev. Lee R. Roos 703-393-2155 Vicarios Parroquiales Rev. Juan Puigbó 703-393-2153 Rev. Mauricio Pineda 703-393-2154 Rev. Noah Morey 703-303-2152 Oficina Parroquial 703-368-4500 Horario de Misas en Español Domingo: 9:30 am en el Centro Comunitario de Manassas Park; 1:30 pm y 7:00 pm en la Iglesia. 7 Confesiones Confirmación Adoración del Santísimo Horario de Oficina Miércoles: 6:30-8:00 pm • Viernes: 7:308:00 am • Sábados: 3:00-4:00 pm • Primer Viernes de Mes: 7:00-8:00 pm Domingo 8:00 pm a Lunes 7:00 am • Miércoles 9:00 am a Jueves 7:00 am • Jueves • 7:00 pm a Viernes 7:00 am; • Viernes 9:00 pm(después de la Hora Santa) a Sábado 7:30 am Primera Confesión y Primera Comunión Se ofrece en 2do Grado. Es obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x216. Se ofrece en 8vo Grado. Es obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x249. La oficina parroquial está abierta de lunes a jueves de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Los viernes de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm a 8:00 pm. Sábados y Domingos de 9:00 am a 3:00 pm Para ser héroes de Dios con el Padre Juan, conéctate a w w w . v i vat r e x . n e t .
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