Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church Nuestra Señora de la

Our Lady of the Assumption
Catholic Church
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
4207 Shamrock Drive
Charlotte, NC 28215
Tel: 704-535-9965 Fax: 704-535-3621
Office Hours/Horas de Oficina
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (lunes, martes y jueves)
8:30 am-4:30 pm
Sunday (domingo) — 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
1/2 hour before the 5:00pm & 7:00pm Saturday Masses, and 1/2 hour before the 11:00am Sunday Mass.
Marriages/Matrimonios: In this diocese, arrangements must be made at least six months prior to your
proposed wedding date. For information, phone
Deacon Peter Duca at 704-573-0097.
En la diócesis, arreglos para matrimonio deben
hacerse por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha
de la boda. Para más información, llame al Padre
Felipe @ 704-535-9965.
Baptisms: Baptisms are held every month. Parents
who wish to have their children baptized must be
registered active parishioners for at least 6 months
and attend a Baptismal Preparation session. Both
parents and sponsors should be present for this
important class. Call the office or Deacon Peter
Duca to register. Please make sure your parish
registration is up to date. The next preparation session
will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 10am.
Clases de Instrucción Para el Bautizo: Las Clases de
Bautizo son el segundo y tercer domingo de cada mes
después de la Misa de las 3:00pm. Las próximas clases
son Domingo, 14 y 21 de diciembre requiere la asistencia de los padres y padrinos en todas las clases. La familia tiene que ser registrado en la parroquia por lo
menos 6 meses antes de la primera clase. Se registra
uno en la oficina de la parroquia para las clases de
bautizo después de los seis meses. Si tiene preguntas
hable con Martha Román en la oficina de lunes a
Sponsor Certificate: In order to receive permission
to be sponsor for baptism or confirmation, you will
need to be a registered and a contributing parishioner
for at least six months.
Sick/Hospital Visits
If someone in your family is sick or admitted to the hospital,
please let the church office know so that we can visit them.
Tuesday (Martes)……………………9:00 am (English)
Thursday (Jueves)…………………...9:00 am (English)
7:00 pm (Español)
Saturday Vigil……………………….5:00 pm (English)
Sábado Vigilia……………………….7:00 pm (Español)
Sunday (Domingo)…………………..8:30 am (English)
……………………………………...11:00 pm (English)
……………………………………….3:00 pm (Español)
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe • November 23, 2014
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo • 23 de noviembre, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Mon., 24th
Tues., 25th
Wed., 26th
Thurs., 27th
Fri., 28th
Sat., 29th
Sun., 30th
@Missionaries of Charity
+Kidane Michael
--+Josefina Martinez Cruz
--+Gertrude Bowers
+Jose Isabel Rosales
Monteñano y Isaias Rosales
Amreghe Ojaide (Birthday)
Sister Mary Amabilis
+Jose Manuel Ybarra
Requested By:
--Hijos y demás Familiares
--Joan & David Estile
Maria Rosales
Anne Ojaide
Pat Battaglia
Martha Ybarra
Parish Staff/Personal de la Parroquia
Rev. Philip Scarcella, PhD, JCD
November 23, 2014
Rev. Mr. Steve Horai (Retired)
Rev. Mr. Kevin Williams
Rev. Mr. Luis Flores
(Coordinador de Grupo Carismatico) 704-777-2711
Rev. Mr. David Reiser
Rev. Mr. Peter Duca
(Director of Music)
Church Secretary/Secretaria
Martha Roman
Faith Formation Coordinator
Coordinador de Formacion de Fé
RCIA (Inquiry into Catholicism)
RICA (Catolicismo para Adultos)
Deacon David Reiser
Our Lady of the Assumption School/
La Escuela de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción:
Allana-Rae Ramkissoon,
The OLA Ladies Guild next meeting will be Monday, December 1, starting at 6:30pm, in the church
vestibule. We will be discussing fall projects.
Please join us if you are interested in finding out
more about our group and upcoming events.
For more information call
Mary Sparger @ 704-455-5365.
PARISH OFFICES will be closed Thurs. & Fri.,
Nov. 27/28. Regular hours resume Mon., Dec. 1st
at 8:30am.
OFICINAS CERRADA el jueves y viernes, 27/28
de noviembre. Las horas de oficina reasumir el
lunes, 1 de diciembre, a las 8:30am.
Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lk 21:1-4
Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11
Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-3ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19
Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Ps 100:1b-5;Lk 21:20-28
Rv 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a; Lk 21:29-33
Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:34-36
Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7;Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1
Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37
A Mass intention is a special way to remember your
family members and friends, living or deceased, and anniversaries, birthdays, or any special occasions. This is a
wonderful opportunity to obtain special blessings for your
loved ones.
PRAYER LIST- Please kindly remember the
following friends and family members in your
daily prayers: Deacon Steve Horai, Eleanor
Greulich, Reggie Belk, Marie Heggie, Damian Balog, Ashley Thompson, John Alvarado,
Don Baker, Deborah Thompson, Patricia
Padgett, Joyce Mullis, Martha Ybarra, Domingo Carrasco, Nancy Carte, Dick Leone,
Grace Ryberg, Genevieve Weigold, Dorothy Ehlebracht, Kelly
Taylor, Gina Rios, Nelia Haulk , Bernie Weigold and Jimmy
If you or someone you know would like to be on the prayer list,
please notify the church office. God always hears our prayers
and in His goodness blesses us with His Strength, Love & Peace.
Stewardship of Treasure
Offertory Collection 11/16/14………….
Budget Amount…………………………
$ 7,606.32
$ 8,100.00
$ 493.68
Thank you for your Generosity!
A special blessing will bestowed upon
couples celebrating their wedding anniversaries in the month of December at the
11:00am Mass, December 14, 2014.
Please call the church office to be on
placed on the list, (704) 535-9965.
No Adult Faith Formation on Nov. 26th.
Adult Faith Formation will resume on
Wed., Dec. 3rd. Please contact Deacon
Kevin Williams for more information
@704 537-9973.
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo
First Reading — I will rescue my scattered sheep
(Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17).
Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing
I shall want (Psalm 23).
Second Reading — As in Adam all die, so too in
Christ all shall be brought to life (1 Corinthians
15:20-26, 28).
Gospel — Whatever you did to the least ones, you
did to me (Matthew 25:31-46).
To be considered an active, participating
member of the parish, and thus eligible for tuition
assistance and sacramental sponsor eligibility, Our
Lady of the Assumption takes into account a family
or individuals ministry involvement and Mass attendance.
Since OLA weekly Mass attendance envelopes are the primary way we determine if parishioners are regularly attending Mass, we ask that if
you can’t make a contribution on a given Sunday,
that you still place your envelope in the collection
basket so we can record your attendance.
Attendance at Mass is the most important thing as
Catholics and most meaningful way we model and
live our Catholic faith.
ARE YOU MOVING - Please remember to
notify the Parish Office as soon as possible!
___Address Change
___Other change
___Delete from Parish Rolls
Family Env. #___________
Effective Date:________________
Family Name:_________________________________
New Address:_________________________________
New Home Phone #____________Unlisted: Yes No
Change in Marital Status________________________
Change in Occupation__________________________
New Work #________________________
You may drop this form in the wooden
box next to the church office door or mail
to the church office
23 de noviembre de 2014
Primera lectura — El pastor-rey busca a los perdidos y sana a los heridos (Ezequiel 34:11-12, 1517).
Salmo — El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta
(Salmo 23 [22]).
Segunda lectura — Cristo nuestro rey ha conquistado la muerte (1 Corintios 15:20-26, 28).
Evangelio — El Hijo del Hombre se sentará en su
glorioso trono y los separará unos de otros (Mateo
Bulletin Information
Deadline is 10 days prior to the requested notice
date. All announcements must be submitted in
writing to the parish office with your name and
phone number.
Información en el Boletín
La fecha límite es 10 días antes de la fecha que
usted solicite que aparezca el anuncio. Todos los
anuncios deben ser presentados por escrito a la oficina de la parroquia con su nombre y número de
Parroquianos Nuevos
Le damos una calorosa bienvenida y esperamos
que participe en nuestra familia parroquial. Las
formas de registración están localizadas al lado de
la puerta de la Secretaria. Regréselas por correo o
déjelas en la caja próxima a la puerta de la
Si ésta es su iglesia “base”, se
debería registrar
• Para recibir el periódico The
Catholic News & Herald, y otras
informaciones del
• Para facilitar la expedición de certificados y otros
documentos a medida que surja la necesidad.
• Más que nada para saber que usted es un miembro importante de la familia de nuestra gran iglesia.
Para registrarse en nuestra iglesia, debe completar
la forma Inscripción de la Parroquia. Puede recoger una de éstas formas en el estante de circulares próximo a la puerta de la oficina en el vestíbulo
o en la oficina de la iglesia de lunes a jueves de
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Contact/Contacto Faith Formation
Coordinator/Coordinador de
Formacion de Fé Deacon David Reiser
(704) 535-3310
The Lord is my shepherd;
there is nothing I shall
want. Is Jesus the Shepherd in
our marriage? Do we know
what He asks of us in our Sacrament of Marriage? The next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are Feb 68, 2015 in Asheville, NC and in. Early sign up is
highly recommended.
For more information visit our website at: http://
NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us at [email protected] or 704-315-2144.
The Knights of Columbus, OLA
Council 11102, are sponsoring a
Rosary Devotion, at Our Lady of
Assumption Church, every Sunday
morning at 8:00 am, fulfilling the
Blessed Virgin Mary’s request.
Rosary prayer cards, in English,
Spanish and French are available
to all along with rosaries at no charge.
Sheep are high-maintenance animals. They are not
very intelligent. Without guidance and care, especially in a climate like Israel’s, they would die
quickly from predators, starvation, or just their own
slowness. The scriptural image of us as the Lord’s
flock is not terribly flattering to us, since it is only
the never-ending diligence of a watchful shepherd
that allows the flock to survive. The feast of Christ
the King was intended to call the world back to
Christ as the sole power of the world, to bring back
a flock that had been scattered by many negative
forces of the growing industrial, scientific, and
war-torn world of the early twentieth century. It is
fitting that, as we celebrate Christ the King, we hear
about Christ the Shepherd who cares for us and
who, likewise, will be there at the end of time. Interestingly enough, as the Gospel illustrates, our own
destiny is determined by the way we have been
“shepherds” to the rest of the flock.
November 23, 2014
The Methodist Ministry at Aldergate Retirement Community on
Shamrock Drive is hosting an
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
on Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at 4:00pm, in
the Aldersgate chapel. All OLA parishioners are
invited and encouraged to join our Methodist and
Lutheran neighbors along Shamrock Drive to thank
our Lord for our blessings. An offering of canned
goods will be taken to feed the hungry (through
“Loaves & Fishes”) so we are encouraged to bring a
canned food item to contribute. Also, we are invited
to bring with us the bread we will have with Thanksgiving meal to have it blessed.
Mass on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, will
be at 10am, in Spanish. However, all OLA parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend this joyous celebration to thank our Lord for our blessings
and to receive a loaf of blessed bread.
Misa de acción de Gracias, se llevara a cabo el día
27 de noviembre a la 10:00am, en el español. Todos
los OLA feligreses están invitados a asistir a esta
celebración para dar gracias a nuestro Señor por todas las bendiciones, y para recibir un pan bendecido.
Las ovejas son animales que necesitan mucha
atención. No son muy inteligentes. Especialmente en
un clima como el de Israel, morirían rápidamente a
causa de predadores, hambre o por su lentitud. La
imagen bíblica de nosotros como el rebaño del Señor
no es halagadora porque solamente con la vigilancia
constante del pastor cuidadoso el rebaño puede sobrevivir. La institución de la fiesta de Cristo Rey
fue motivada por la intención de llevar el mundo a
Cristo como el único poder de este mundo; y también de hacer volver el rebaño dispersado por las
tantas fuerzas negativas del creciente mundo industrial y científico, desgarrado por la guerra, del siglo
veinte. Mientras celebramos a Cristo Rey, es muy
apropiado entender que el Cristo Pastor nos cuida
ahora y va a estar presente en el momento de la
separación de buenos y malos en el juicio final. Como el Evangelio ilustra bien, nuestro propio destino
está determinado por nuestro servicio como pastores
al resto del rebaño.
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo
Remember your generous giving at the kiosk helps
keep these CDs available at our parish. **Your donation of just $3 for each CD helps to keep these
CDs in stock. Just place in the box at the kiosk.
Our Lady of the Assumption retains all proceeds
from the
of each CD. Check are also accepted - made payable to OLA Church.
Married Singles Lifestyle describes couples that
may have lost the sense of closeness they once had
as marriage partners and are living more like roommates. Retrouvaille teaches couples how to survive
times like these in their marriages. This program has
helped many couples experiencing difficulty at all
levels of marital distress from disillusionment to
deep misery.
For confidential information call 800-470-2230 or
email: [email protected] or visit the web site
at www.retrouvaille.org.
PRAYER FOR THE UNBORN - Heavenly Father, You
created us in Your own image,
and You desire that not even the
least among us should perish. In
Your love for us, You entrusted
Your only Son to the Holy Virgin
Mary. Now in Your love, protect
against the wickedness of the devil, those little ones
to whom You have given the gift of life. I ask that
you help Another Way Pregnancy Center reach
those considering abortion, and by Your Grace,
changing their hearts and protect the unborn.
Knights of Columbus will be
selling Christmas Cards at as
many weekend masses as possible beginning November 15th
through December 20th or until
supplies run out.
"The Knights of Columbus are selling Christmas
cards around mass times, helping us to keep Christ in
Christmas. Cards are available in English, Spanish,
Tagalog, Polish, and French."
23 de noviembre de 2014
Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on
God’s many blessings in our lives
and to give “thanks” to our loving
God, who will never be outdone in
Cuando el Hijo del Hombre venga
glorificado, que seamos nosotros los que hayamos
dado de comer al hambriento, hayamos dado la bienvenida al extranjero y vestido al desnudo. Porque
Jesús nos dice claramente que
son aquellos que han demostrado
una buena administración de los
bienes de Dios compartiendo sus
dones con los menos afortunados
los que recibirán la bendición de
Dios y heredarán el reino.
Women in Dialogue with God
December 5-6, 2014 * March 20-21, 2015
This is designed for women who seek a deeper
relationship with God and desire spiritual growth and personal formation. The program focuses on a personal journey done with others so that a sense of community is developed.
Discovering God Anew is a program offered
three weekends over the course of the year, consisting of
Friday evening (7:00-9:00 pm) and all day Saturday (9:00
am – 4:30 pm with liturgy and lunch included).
It is hoped that the women who participate will commit to
attending all three sessions since one will build on the
other. However, we also recognize that there will be exceptions due to unplanned circumstances.
Sr. Gay Rowzie, HM is a Sister of the Humility of
Mary and is currently serving as the Director of Mission
Integration for her Congregation. She formerly served as
Secretary of Education and Evangelization and Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Charleston.
Sr. Susan Schorsten, HM is a Sister of the Humility of
Mary and recently completed 16 years in the ministry of
leadership for her Congregation. She formerly served as
the Director of Social Ministry and Assistant to the Vicar
General for the Diocese of Charleston
The Oratory Center for Spirituality is excited to offer
this opportunity being facilitated by
Sr.Susan Schorsten, HM and Sr. Gay Rowzie, HM.
Space is limited, so early registration is suggested!
Cost: $150 for the three sessions Room & Board:
$40 each weekend
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
The Jesuit Collaborative
invites you to
An Ignatian
Advent Meditation
Amazing Grace
Presented by James Conroy, SJ
Wednesday, December 3
Location: Charlotte Diocese Pastoral Center
1123 S Church St
Charlotte, NC 28203
6:30 pm—Meditation
7:30 pm—Reception
Register online:
Space is limited. Please RSVP by Wed., Nov. 26
The Jesuit Collaborative is a nonprofit organization that helps people grow closer to God through
prayer and retreats in the tradition of St. Ignatius of
Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus.
Las lecturas de todo este año litúrgico nos han traído
al pasaje de hoy del Evangelio de Mateo. Aquí es
cuando llega la hora de la verdad. Durante las semanas anteriores las lecturas nos han desafiado a ver
cómo usamos los dones que Dios nos da tan copiosa
y generosamente. Esta semana el Señor Jesús nos
dice exactamente cómo serán juzgadas nuestras
acciones cuando por fin nos encontremos con él
frente a frente. El texto es escalofriante, pues no hay
escape de la pregunta central que hace. Esa pregunta, en realidad la pregunta final y definitiva, nos pide examinarnos acerca de si hemos o no dado de
comer al hambriento, si hemos o no dado de beber
al sediento, si hemos hospedado al forastero o si lo
hemos apartado, si hemos vestido al desnudo o lo
hemos ignorado, si hemos visitado a los presos o si
les hemos dado la espalda. Los
hambrientos, los sedientos, los
forasteros y los encarcelados
nos rodean a muchos niveles.
Abrámonos al poder que tiene
el Evangelio de hoy para efectuar una conversión profunda
en cada uno de nosotros. Nunca
es tarde para cambiar de actitud
y comportamiento.
November 23, 2014
The Charlotte Spirituality Center is accepting applicants for our six month 2015 Spiritual Formation Program to enhance individual spiritual growth and renewal.
Classes are first Saturdays, 9am-3pm, from JanuaryJune. Topics include: What Is Spirituality, Incarnational
Spirituality, Daring to Follow Jesus, The Nature of God,
Intersection of Faith and Science, and The Movement of
the Holy Spirit Throughout History. Our curriculum is
rooted in Ignatian Spirituality, endorsed by Carolinas
Medical Center and recognized by Spiritual Directors International. Interested candidates are invited to sign up by
going to www.charlottespiritualitycenter.org.
For more information, call Linda Flynn at
704-469-6348 or [email protected].
Come & See—How Secular
Franciscans Live Joyfully In
the World & Celebrate God’s
Creation. The OFS is a
branch of the worldwide
Franciscan Family. We are
single and married. We work, worship and play in
the community we live. The OFS is a secular movement, established by St. Francis of Assisi more than
800 years old. Our purpose is to bring the gospel to
life where we live and where we work. We look for
practical ways to embrace the gospel in our lives and
try to help others to do likewise.
Our fraternity (St. Maximilian Kolbe) meets at St.
Mark Catholic School Library from 1:30am to
3:30pm—14750 Stumptown Rd Huntersville, NC.
For more information call Rob Buchanan, OFS
@ 704-548-9009 or e-mail:
[email protected]. or Come & See.
SUN., Dec. 7, 2014
50+ Western Caribbean Catholic
Let’s cruise with Fr. Philip Scarcella, PHD, J.C.D. to the Western Caribbean on the Carnival Splendor out
of Miami February 22—March 1,
2015 visiting Cozumel, Belize, Isle
Roatan and Grand Cayman Island. Prices begin at
only $1147 for TWO people! Mass and $100
Onboard Credit also included. Refundable deposit of
$250 per person required.
For info or to register, contact Terri DeLuca
704-774-7779 or 980-218-9029. Space is limited!
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Dedication of the Basilicas of
Ss. Peter and Paul;
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
The Presentation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Cecilia
Shining Stars Adult Day Respite is a not-for-profit organization helping families dealing with memory loss.
We provide relief for the caregiver and activities And
friendship for care receivers.
Meetings times are:
Monday & Wednesday
10:00 - 3:00
St. Gabriel Catholic Church
Tuesday, Thursday
10:00 - 3:00
Sardis Presbyterian
Shining stars Adult respite is a not-for-profit organization
helping families dealing with memory loss. A support
group for caregivers meets from 10:00-11:30am the last
Monday of each month at St. Gabriel in Room E, Ministry Center. This service is free and open to the public.
Want a fun and rewarding experience and
only one time per month?
Shining Stars Adult Day Respite is in need of volunteers
who enjoy people, have a sense of humor and believe that
“to whom much is given, much is expected.” We meet
from 10:00am-3:00pm at St. Gabriel on Monday and
Wednesdays. We are also open at Sardis Presbyterian
Church on Tuesdays and Thursday.
“New” early onset dementia support group begins on
October 21st for both caregiver and care receiver:
Third Tuesday, 1:00-3:00pm, at Sardis Presbyterian
Church, 6100 Sardis Rd, Room 215.
Call Suzanne Bach 704-335-0253
for more information
The CatholicTV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network, is now available to cable and satellite providers in our area. Please help provide this upbeat, youthful and exciting Catholic network and a powerful resource to the people of our area and the entire nation.
To help, simply visit GetCatholicTV.com as an
easy way to petition your cable or satellite provider.
If you are unable to access the internet please follow
up with a postcard or letter to your provider.
23 de noviembre de 2014
Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del
Tiempo Ordinario
Santa Isabel de Hungría
La Dedicación de las Basilicas de
San Pedro y San Pablo;
Santa Rose Philippine Duchesne
La Presentación de la Santísima
Virgen María
Santa Cecilia
December Programs at the
Oratory Center for Spirituality
What it is and what it is not and how to practice this essential virtue/strength.
Fr. Paul Maier
Monday, December 1, 2014
9:30 – 11:30 am OR 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Cost: $15.00
Scriptures of Handel’s Messiah
An Advent mini-retreat focusing on the Old and New
Testament passages that inspired this perennial favorite.
Peter Judge
Wednesday, December 10 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Saturday, December 13 9:30-11:30 am
Cost: $15.00
Please visit the Oratory website
(www.rockhilloratory.org) or contact the Center for
Spirituality [email protected] or
803- 327-2097 to register or for more information.
9th Annual MARCH FOR LIFE Charlotte!
Jan. 9, 2015
The day will begin with a Mass for the Unborn at 9:00am
at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church at 6828 Old Reid
Rd. Charlotte, NC 28210. Fr. Denis G. Wilde
of Priests for Life will be the guest homilist. At
11:00am we will start to gather at the Catholic Diocese at
1123 S. Church St. Charlotte, NC . There may be some
parking available at the parking lot but please expect to
find parking on your own uptown if necessary. At
12:00pm we will march to Trade and Tryon where Fr.
Denis G. Wilde will preach. Then march to the court
house at 401 W. Trade St. where we will pray a Rosary
and Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
Please join others to march and pray for an end to
abortion and save babies lives!
See schedule details at
Our Lady of the Assumption Church #661701
4207 Shamrock Drive
Charlotte, NC 28215
704 535-9965
Martha Roman
EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
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Tuesday 12:00
November 23, 2014
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