SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CATHEDRAL 310 WEST 2ND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 September 27, 2015 Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno Fr Jacob Carazo, OFM Conv Rector Fr Paul Fazio, O F M C o n v Parochial Vicar Fr Tom Hamilton, O F M C o n v Franciscan community Robert Dangel, Joseph Bell, Deacons Parish Office Hours Monday: 1:30-4:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday & Thurs: 8:30-Noon & 1:30-4:00 PM Friday: 8:30-Noon S Rocío Grady Parish Secretary Deacon Richard Ramm Administrator for Temporalities Jack Hallsted Bookstore Manager Mary Ann-108 Bookkeeping P O E: [email protected] G S H Tuesday-Friday: 11:00-2:00PM Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM-100PM & 5:00-7:00PM 775/329-2571 Web: 775/329-2824 775/329-3011 for Homilies, Bible study & catechetics. Budget News Date Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 st 1 Collec on $7,757 $7,939 $6,914 $ nd 2 Collec on $2,065 $1,934 - 2nd Collec on To Benefit Payment to Loan No 2nd Collec on Seminarian Educa on No 2nd Collec on MINISTRY OF MOTHERS (MOMS) All mothers are invited to come & see what we are about. The purpose of MOMs is to educate women about the Catholic faith, par cularly concerning their primary voca on as wives and mothers, and to assist them through mutual support in cul va ng a deeper spirituality so that each member can be er live the Church's teachings in their own families, parishes, and communi es at large. MOMs is open to all mothers with children of all ages, (not just preschoolers), from all parishes. We meet on the first & third Wednesdays of the month September thru May at Immaculate Concep on Church. Childcare is provided. For more informa on, please call Renee Miller at 775-771-0124. AMAZING MIRACLES THAT PROVE JESUS IS TRULY PRESENT EUCHARIST All are invited to explore 1,300 years of Eucharistic Miracles during this exciting faith building event at Immaculate Conception Church in Sparks. Exhibit & Presentation are Free. th th Exhibit Hours: October 10 1:00AM-7:30PM & October 11 9:00AM-7:30PM. Eucharistic Miracle presentation: October 10th at 1:00PM & 6:00PM & October 11th at 1:00PM. IN THE JOB OPPORTUNITY St Albert’s School has an immediate opening for a Food Service Manager. Applicant should have or be willing to get Food Protec on Mgr Cer fica on. Applicants please contact Bret Scoggin, at Saint Albert the Great School 1255 St Albert Drive, Reno, NV 89503 or call 775-747-3392. LATIN MASS AT ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHEDRAL Fr Paul will celebrate a Sung High Mass in the Extraordinary Form on Friday, October 2nd at 6:30PM. A potluck will follow a er Mass; please join us and bring a dish to share. MONTHLY MEMORIAL MASS At Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Cemetery-Wednesday, October 7, at 11:00 AM in the Most Holy Redeemer Mausoleum Chapel at the cemetery. The All are cordially invited to a end. FERTILITYCARE CENTER OF RENO The Creighton Model Fer lityCare System of Natural Family Planning services in the Diocese of Reno. The method may be used to achieve or avoid pregnancy. NaProTechnology for Medical/ Surgical consults are available for the diagnosis & treatment of reproduc ve issues including infer lity. Long distance services are available. Please call for an appointment, Julianna Jervis or Susan Barnes at 775-827-5111 or email: juliannajervis@a .net or [email protected]. PRAYER FOR OUR DIOCESAN SYNOD God, our Father, You have called us by baptism to be faithful members of your Church. Send the Holy Spirit to guide the work of the Second Synod of the Diocese of Reno. Inspire us to bring new life to the mission of your Church here in northern NV. Through the work of our Synod, may we follow where the Holy Spirit leads, to become instrumentals of hope for the world in spreading the Good news to people far and wide. With the example and help of Mary our Mother who gathered with the disciples in the upper room, may we listen to the promptings of the Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen SHEPHERDS FIELD OLIVE WOOD HANDCRAFTS OCTOBER 3RD & 4TH AFTER ALL MASSES Religious ar cles will be sold a er all weekend masses on October 3rd & 4th to support the Catholic Chris an minori es in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Many Catholic families in the Holy Land work in small workshops to produce religious ar cles from olive wood. These ar cles represent the Chris an Art of the Holy Land. Previously, they sold their artwork to pilgrims who visited the Holy Land. Today they are facing economic hardship as fewer tourists visit the Holy Land due to security issues. There are currently fewer than 2% Chris ans in the Holy Land. If this hardship con nues we believe that in a few years there will be no Catholics in Bethlehem or Jerusalem. The struggle to preserve the Catholic iden ty of the birthplace of our Savior, Jesus Christ, is a serious concern for Catholics around the world. Sales are used to help support the Catholics in the Holy Land. SENIOR MINISTRY NEWS Fall has now officially arrived. Don’t forget to change the ba eries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms throughout your home. Also, have your hea ng source serviced. A quick change in the weather could catch you off guard and be dangerous to your health. A Senior’s Bus trip to Apple Hill, plus a tour of High Hill Ranch in Placerville, CA October 16th from 8:00AM-6:00PM. Fee: $50 Sponsored by Washoe County and the Ci es of Reno/Sparks. High Hill Ranch, one of the largest ranches on the Hillis, is owned & operated by the Visman family. They offer produce stands, small shops and booths to shop. You will also be able to par cipate in a hay ride and guided tour. Lunch is on your own and can be purchased on the site. For more informa on call: Washoe County Senior Services at 775/328-2575. The Li le Thri Shop has received medical equipment dona ons and we would like to offer them to seniors who may need them or those who may already have equipment that could use replacement. We have wheel chairs, crutches, bathing stools, exercise equipment, etc. These items are on a first come first served bases and the inventory changes regularly. Please call ED at 775/ 240-0328 if you know someone we might be able to help. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, September 26 7:30 5:00 † Ted Contri † Felisicima V. Puatu Sunday, September 27—XXVI in Ordinary Time 7:30 9:30 11:30A 5:00 7:00 † Albert Suarez † Gloria & Mike Garcia † Susan Magne co Parishioners † Guillermo & Antonia Ibarra Monday, September 28 Saints Wenceslaus & Lawrence Ruiz & Companions 7:00 12:10 † Tony Se ember In Thanksgiving Tuesday, September 29 Archangels Michael, Gabriel & Raphael 7:00 12:10 † Angel Li Health of Former President Jimmy Carter Wednesday, September 30—Saint Jerome 7:00 12:10 Holy Souls in Purgatory † Don Sr & David Robb SEPTEMBER Saturday, September 26 8:30 AM F H C Tuesday, September 22, 29 6:00 AM M S 5:15 PM C 6:30 PM RCIA S J C B 2 F OCTOBER Thursday, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 3:00 PM Divine Chaplet of Mercy 5:30 PM Vespers / Confessions Friday, October 2 6:30 PM TLM Saturday, October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 8:30 AM F H C Sunday, October 4 9:30 AM R L M R P Tuesday, October 6, 13, 20, 27 6:00 AM M S 5:15 PM C 6:30 PM RCIA S J C B 2 F Thursday, October 1—St Therese of the Child Jesus 7:00 12:10 † Robert Patnude Health of Eileen Straub Friday, October 2—The Holy Guardian Angels 7:00 12:10 Deceased Franciscan Friars OFM Conv All Souls in purgatory Saturday, October 3 7:30 5:00 Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun: † Linda Westlund † Margaret Skaggs and Son Archie Zec 8:1-8; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Lk 9:46-50 Dn 7:9-14; Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Neh 2:1-8; Ps 137:1-6; Lk 9:57-62 Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19:8-11; Lk 10:1-12 Bar 1:15-22; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69:33-37; Lk 10:17-24 Gn 2:18-24; Ps 128:1-6; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16 Respect Life Mass with Bishop Calvo followed by a Rosary Procession along the Truckee River Sunday, October 4th at 9:30AM FROM THE DESK OF DEACON RICHARD WHAT IS YOUR FAIR SHARE I have been reviewing many bulletins in the Western United States and Canada. One of the things that I’ve notice is that about every quarter they post a suggested weekly giving guide. All of them start a 5%. I feel that if everyone at the Cathedral could give 4% of their weekly income to the parish, the parish would be able to provide for many of the necessary projects that need to be done. The late Archbishop Thomas Murphy of Seattle explained stewardship this way: “Stewardship is the ability to share one’s gifts of life, time, talents, and resources with others with no strings attached and no conditions.” IF YOUR WEEKLY PAY IS: 4% IS AS FOLLOWS $ 100 is $4 $ 125 is $5 $ 150 is $6 $ 200 is $8 $ 250 is $10 If you make more than $250 per week, please find a comfortable figure for you. REMEMBER, JESUS CANNOT BE OUTDONE IN GENEROSITY. MORE ABOUT OUR CATHOLIC HERITAGE FRANCISCO HERMENEGILDO TOMÁS GARCÉS, OFM NEVADA’S FIRST MISSIONARY Francisco Garces, April 12, 1738 – July 18, 1781, is portrayed in one of our stained glass windows, and it is said that he was the first missionary to enter the present state of Nevada. Garces was a Spanish Franciscan friar who served as a missionary and explorer in the colonial Viceroyalty of New Spain. He explored much of the southwestern region of North America, including present day Sonora and Baja California in Mexico, and the U.S. states of Arizona & Southern California. It was he who gave the Colorado River its name. Garcés He entered the Franciscan Order about 1758 and was ordained a priest in 1763 in Spain. Garcés travelled to New Spain (Mexico) and served at the Franciscan college of Santa Cruz in Querétaro. In 1768, when the King of Spain expelled the Jesuits from their extensive mission system in northwestern New Spain (within present-day Baja California, northwestern Mexico, and the southwestern United States), Garcés was among the Franciscan replacements. He was assigned to Mission San Xavier del Bac in the Sonoran Desert, near present-day Tucson, Arizona. TO MAKE YOU SMILE ORACIÓN POR NUESTRO SÍNODO DIOCESANO Padre nuestro, Tú nos has llamado por nuestro bautismo a ser fieles miembros de tu Iglesia. Envía el Espíritu Santo a guiar nuestro trabajo del Sínodo de la Diócesis de Reno. Inspíranos a traer nueva vida a la misión de tu Iglesia aquí en el norte de Nevada. Por medio del trabajo de nuestro Sínodo ayúdanos a ir a donde el Espíritu Santo nos conduzca, que podamos ser instrumentos de esperanza para el mundo anunciando la Buena Nueva a toda la gente. Con el ejemplo y ayuda de María nuestra Madre quien se reunió con los discípulos en el Cenáculo, ayúdanos a escuchar la llamada del Espíritu Santo. Ven, Espíritu Santo llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amen ENTRADA Alegre la mañana que nos habla de ti, alegre la mañana. En nombre del Dios Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu, salimos de la noche y estrenamos la aurora; saludamos el gozo de la luz que nos llega resucitada y resucitadora. Tu mano acerca el fuego a la sombría tierra y el rostro de las cosas se alegra en tu presencia. Silabeas el alba igual que una palabra. Tú pronuncias el mar como sentencia. SALMO Los mandatos del Señor alegran el corazón. OFERTORIO Gracias quiero darte por amarme gracias quiero darte yo a ti señor. hoy soy feliz porque te conocí gracias por amarme a mí también. Yo quiero ser señor amado como el barro en manos del alfarero. Toma mi vida hazla de nuevo yo quiero ser un vaso nuevo. Te conocí y te amé te pedí perdón y me escuchaste. Si te ofendí perdóname señor pues te amo y nunca te olvidare. COMUNIÓN Señor, permite que te hable hoy, Del dulce encuentro que me cambió, La hora feliz en que yo escuche, Tus palabras de amor. Dime como pudo suceder, Si en la luz que el sol vierte al surgir, O cuando el calor me hace vivir O fue en la noche al volver. ¿Fue cuando una rosa deshojé, O en la fuente al agua que bebí; O fue en el calor del dulce hogar, Donde por fin te miré? No fue en las horas de ilusión, Sino al decidir mirarme bien; Como amigo en mi alma te encontré; Tú me esperabas allí. SALIDA No hay Dios tan grande como tú, no lo hay, no lo hay. (2) No hay Dios que haga maravillas como las que haces Tú. (2) No es con espadas ni con ejércitos más con su Santo Espíritu. (2) S M W C M B A D B L M M T S Vigil-Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 5:00PM & 7:00PM (Misa en español) 7:00AM & 12:10PM (Monday-Friday); 7:30AM (Saturday) Saturday 3:00PM; & Thursday 5:45PM Contact Parish Office Parents must be ac ve, registered parishioners for at least three months prior to se ng date Contact Parish Office Thursday 3:00PM Thursday 6:30PM Located at 94 E Glendale in Sparks, next to Juicy’s at McCarran Blvd 775-420-7067 Open: Wednesday—Saturday from 10:00AM—4:00PM The Respect Life Representatives will be here on Sunday, Sept. 27 & Oct. 4 after the 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM Masses to collect donations. Thank you for your generosity and God bless! Let us pray for…/Oremos por… US servicemen & women, Teresa Hurtado, Lucille Fondy, Betty Parodi, Billie Batek, Jack Crawford,Daryl Bruce, Joe Miner, Charlie & Linda Gill, John Vicars, Diane Lacebal, Maria Archibald, Blair Corbin, Gina Jones, Janice Berg, Victoria Costello, Chuck & Mary Olds, Jerry & Sally Hummel, Dennis Schuster, Gregoria & Armando Zumaya, Bill Thompson, Bob Chavez, Maureen Flynn, Carmen Rodriguez, Beverly Gibson, Shannan Fraser, Anthony Hansen, Nikos Theologitis, Carl Came, Cassidy Robbins, Margie Herndon, Kathryn Gasper, Debbie Griffith, Eric Knight, Jovita Mendoza, Chris Janoski, Tovi Hilbish, Cindy Volk, Louie & Vangie Elordieta, Mary Beaubriand, Mina Dibitonto, Martin Chagolla, Heidi Gibson, Margarita Aguirre, Douglas Todd, Janet Fleming, James Czeck, Blanca Gonzalez, Ann Dvorak, Mike Edmond, Dennis Gribbin, Sayra Gutierrez, Rick Slaughter, Shari Ann Burton, Margaret Marshall, Angel Castillo, Aaron Spangenthal, Anna Buchanan, Dawn Hanson, Ryan McGrail, Barbara Crose, Tim Bauer, Steve Tucker, Martin Brandtner, Lawrence Reeder, Sarah & Clare & Monica Munns, Kristen Monibi, Fr Chris Dietz OFM Conv.
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