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The first weekend in June hundreds of families involved in our English, Spanish and French Faith Formation programs celebrated the Sacrament of First Communion of their children. For more than four years St. Camillus parish has embraced the Family Catechesis model as the First Communion preparation of our children. The Church teaches us that the parents are the primary educators in the life of their children. In the Apostolic Exhortation Catechesis Tradendea, Catechesis in Our Time; Pope John Paull II tells us that “The family's catechetical activity has a special character, which is, in a sense irreplaceable. The parents themselves profit from the effort that this demands of them, for in a catechetical dialogue of this sort, each individual both receives and gives. Family catechesis, therefore, precedes, accompanies and enriches all other forms of catechesis…. The service they are doing to catechesis is beyond price.” (#68) Our Family Catechesis program is one of our jewels in faith formation. There, the parents are the primary educators in the faith formation of their own children. For two years, both parents attend the faith sharing meetings with other parents who have children in First Communion preparation. Their weekly meetings are facilitated by a “couple guide”. The parents receive the material that they will then use back home to teach their children. The following Sunday, when the children come together in their Faith Formation class, they are better prepared to understand and learn more about their Catholic faith. I find God in the “Encounter with Parent” sessions during which parents give witness to their faith by sharing how they live out their commitment as followers of Jesus. I find God in parents who, after journeying with their child in Family Catechesis for two years, complete their sacraments of Christian Initiation in the Easter Vigil. I find God in parents/ couples who have taken the steps to get married by the Church. I find God in the Family Catechesis program as I witness the blessings that parents/couples and their children receive along the faith journey. I find God in the families who came from places such as Africa, Texas, Canada and the various parts of the United State to see their little ones receiving Eucharist for the first time. I find God in our multicultural Mass celebration when I hear people pray in English, Spanish, Bengali, French and Swahili. I find God when I see the Bengali girls in a liturgical dance during the offertory. I find God in the children, their families and the catechists; in the teen catechist’s assistants, the church staff and even in the person who comes to me with a question about faith formation. You and I can find God in the hearts and in the lives of the people that come to St. Camillus as we share our Christian faith with one another. 2 This Week in our Parish ... St. Camillus is a Tithing Parish Last week’s collection—$14,750.06 Thank you for your generosity! You don’t deserve to be abused Violence at home hurts! You are not alone. Now is the time to protect yourself and those who count on you for safety. At St. Camillus Church, we have a team with persons ready to listen to you and help you with next steps. Please E-mail [email protected] OR call the parish office at 301-434-8400. You can’t believe everything you read and hear about domestic violence. Here are some common “myths” about domestic violence. These myths are not true. Myth: Domestic violence is just an occasional slap or punch that isn’t serious. Victims are often seriously injured. Over 30% of the women seeking care in hospital emergency rooms are there because they have been injured by their domestic partners. Abused women are more likely to suffer miscarriages or to give birth prematurely. Myth: Domestic violence only happens in poor families. Domestic violence occurs throughout all levels of society and in every racial, ethnic, and religious group. There is no evidence to suggest that any income level, occupation, social class, or culture is immune from domestic violence. Wealthy, educated professionals are just as prone to violence as anyone. FOOD PANTRY CORNER Help Us Help Others Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to serve 167 families last weekend. Did You Know? Approximately 246,000 tons (23%) of the County’s solid waste is food waste. (Montgomery County Waste Composition Study, July 26, 2013) What We Need Please continue to help us help others by donating 2-5 lb. bags of rice and dry red or black beans, canned tuna, vegetable oil, canned fruit, pasta sauce, canned soup, white flour, and corn flour (masa harina). We also appreciate your donation of new or gently used recyclable shopping bags. Each week you can bring items during the offertory and place them in the bins to the left and right of the altar. If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can place it in the collection basket in an envelope marked “St. Camillus Food Pantry.” Checks can be made payable to “St. Camillus Food Pantry.” You can go online to contribute at our GoFundMe site above or you can send a donation by mail to: St. Camillus Church Food Pantry, PO Box 4706, Silver Spring, MD 20914-4706. To contact us, email: [email protected] We appreciate your continued support. St. Camillus Faith Formation 1504St.CamillusDr.,SilverSpring,MD20903 [email protected] Mon,Tue,Thu&Fri:9-5pm;Sun:9-2pm; Wed&Sat:Closed;Lunchhour:1-2pm Important Announcements Registration for the Faith Formation Program: Registration is open and ends on Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 2:00pm. EARLY Registration ends Friday, July 29, 2016 at 4:30 pm. After that date the registration fees will increase. REQUIRED: A copy of the baptismal certificate to register for First Communion & Confirmation. 3 Follow us at “St. Camillus Food Pantry” Yoga at. St. Camillus Yoga classes are resuming on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 in the Sun Room of Victory Oaks House (in front of the Father Grace Chapel in the lower parking lot of the Church) every Tuesday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Classes are offered in packets of seven sessions at $6.50 per class for the benefit of the St. Francis Emergency Assistance Program of our parish. If you are interested in practicing this ancient discipline please register promptly by calling Luz at (301) 434-9152. Checks should be made payable to St. Camillus Church. Events in our Parish … Silent Prayer/Meditation Group Meeting Every Monday: “Let the remembrance of Jesus be present with your every breath, and you will then understand the meaning of stillness”- St. John Climacus You are welcome to join us any Monday night for Silent Prayer/Meditation from 7:30-9:00 pm in the Meditation room. We meet weekly to create a space of stillness to attend to God’s presence. No meditation experience required. Please call Mary Rein or Kathy Gallegher if you have questions (Kathy at 301-455-1720/ [email protected] or Mary at 301-587-0369 / [email protected]) YOUNG ADULTS St. Camillus young adults meet the second Sunday of the month in the St. Francis room after the 10:30 Mass. New members are always welcome! If you’d like to be added to the young adults’ list serve, please email [email protected]. ALL PARISH GROUPS AND MINISTRIES GET YOUR CALENDARS READY!!! We are about to begin our new Parish calendar for July 2016–June 2017. Once again we ask you to meet with your team members to prepare your proposed activities’ calendars. We ask that each parish group individually submit proposals as a Word document or on a legibly handwritten sheet. Please make sure all the following information is included to facilitate room assignments: GROUP NAME: ****** Meeting Dates: ***** Hours: ***** Room: ***** Person in charge: ***** Phone #: ***** Each calendar must be submitted IN PERSON by the ministry/group coordinator at the friary office. Real progress is possible, action by Congress is needed This is part of a message from David Beckmann, President of Bread for the World, following Lobby Day on June 7: "Over 300 Bread members traveled to Washington, D.C., this week and met with their members of Congress. [...] This is God moving in our time! Whether in the U.S. or abroad, hunger saps too many people and communities of potential. The good news is that we are on the cusp of providing more hope and opportunity if Congress acts. A strong child nutrition bill would give more American children the access to nutritious meals they need to thrive. Passing the Global Food Security Act (S. 1252) and investing $230 million in the Nutrition in Global Health Account would help to end malnutrition for millions of mothers and children around the world." [The U.S. House needs to pass the Global Food Security Act, which has been passed by the Senate.] THE DEADLINE IS JUNE 20, 2016 To guarantee that your group has a room reserved please submit your calendar as soon as possible. Room assignments will be given on a first come, first served basis. Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound Please call the Parish office if you or a loved one is homebound or entering a hospital or healthcare facility and would like a visit from the friars or one of our Eucharistic Ministry volunteers. In bringing the Eucharist to our homebound parishioners, we are also showing them that they are still part Thank you again for your letters written on Pentecost weekend. They were delivered on Lobby Day to the office of Senator Mikulski (and others, for a few letters). St. Camillus parishioners took part in delivering the message on Capitol Hill. 4 of our parish community and that we pray, remember and care for them. Upcoming Events in Greater Washington... Peter's Pence Collection On the weekend of June 25-26, 2016, the Archdiocese of Washington will take up the Peter’s Pence at the second collection. Gifts to this annual collection help the Holy Father support victims of war, oppression, natural disasters and others most in need of assistance. Our participation in this collection gives us an opportunity to be witness God’s love and mercy for the vulnerable and suffering around the world. Please be generous. Marriage Encounter Let Jesus truly be Lord of your life and your marriage. Strengthen, renew and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend November 11-13, 2016, in Gaithersburg, MD. For more information call 301-541-7007. To apply online visit welovematrimony.org. Applications may be emailed to [email protected]. Marian Day of Prayer Saturday, June 25, 2016 The 31st annual Marian Day of Prayer will take place this year in Emmitsburg, Maryland at the National Grotto Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes. Our program similar to past years will include the International Rosary, Holy Mass, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Eucharistic Adoration, confessions. Motor coach, lunch and full day of activities is $50.00. For more information please call Jackie at 240-988-7318 or e-mail [email protected]. All are invited. Kraków in the Capital Local World Youth Day Celebration for Young Adults #wydDC On Saturday, July 30 at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, invites you to join thousands of young adults (18-39, married and single) from across the region to Kraków in the Capital. This day-long experience coincides with the celebration of World Youth Day with Pope Francis in Kraków, Poland. Come to the event in Washington, experience Kraków and encounter Christ through: Polish food and music, bilingual talks from the renown speakers, a visit to the National Holy Door of Mercy, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Stations of the Cross, a vocation/long-term service exhibit hall, Vigil Mass with Cardinal Wuerl, and late -night concert! Register for the event and learn more at wydDC.org. 270Catholic's Theology on Tap in Bethesda! 270Catholic Theology on Tap is on Thursday, July 14th, 2016 at The Barking Dog in Bethesda (4723 Elm Street, Bethesda, MD 20814). All young adults (20s and 30s) are invited for Happy Hour from 6-7 pm with a dynamic talk and Q/A to follow from 78pm. Speaker: Samantha Schroeder. Topic: “Beyond the Screen: Dating in the Digital Age”. For more details about this event visit https:// www.facebook.com/270Catholic/events or send an email to [email protected] Creighton Model at Holy Cross Hospital Therese Rodriguez, RN, CFCP, Certified FertilityCare Practitioner will present the basics of FertilityCare Fertility Awareness for natural women’s health and family planning. Women can learn to recognize trends in their natural fertility cycle and identify risks for the following conditions: PMS, postpartum depression, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, recurrent miscarriages, infertility, chronic discharges and confusing and ongoing discharge patterns associated with the breastfeeding time of NFP use. Couples are encouraged to attend together. Information will be provided about private follow up sessions. Intro Session: Free of Charge Date: July 6 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm Contact Therese at 301-512-7451 [email protected] One Woman Drama Show about Saint Faustina, Messenger of Mercy Tuesday, June 21 7:45 – 9:00 PM Mother Seton Catholic Church 19951 Father Hurley Blvd., Germantown 20874 Following 7:00 PM Mass. Free-will offering. All ages welcome. 301-924-3838 “www.SaintFaustinaDrama.net BREAKING THE SILENCE— Saturday June 25 3:30PM A CONVERSATION ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Presenter: Asjoue Brown, LCPC from House of Ruth St. Mark’s Episcopal Church – 301 622 5860 12621 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904 5 3rd Annual Holy Land Festival On Saturday, July 16, the 3rd Annual Holy Land Festival will be held from11am-5pm at the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in Washington, DC (1400 Quincy St., NE). The festival highlights the culture and life of Christians in the Holy Land with exhibits, vendors, Mediterranean food for sale, speakers, demonstrations and tours of the monastery gardens. Parking and admission is free. In case of rain, the festival will be held inside. The closing Mass is at 5pm. For information and an event schedule, visit myfranciscan.org/holylandfestival, or call 202526-6800. Free Energy Savings from Pepco Pepco is offering free services for energy and water saving. They will come to your house and bring and install — • An insulation blanket for your hot water heater and surrounding pipes • Twelve free light bulbs • • • Aerators for all of your water taps Up to two shower heads with or without hose extenders The latest energy saving power strip (a $40 value) Call Pepco at 410-505-8899 to schedule an appointment to help conserve our earth’s energy and water. There is NO CHARGE for this service. Events in our Parish … PEACE CAMP 2016 For St. Camillus Parishioners Para feligreses de San Camilo July/julio 18—22, 2016 9:00 AM—3:00 PM $100 Includes lunch/materials Incluye el almuerzo y materiales St. Camillus Campers will discover that Peace begins with them! ¡Los parcipantes descubrirán que la Paz comienza con ellos! Ages (edades) 6—14 Peace Camp offers the opportunity to explore coopera1on and conflict resolu1on in a safe and suppor1ve environment. Campers are taught skills to deal with their problems in a peaceful manner and are encouraged n to create their own solu1ons to the problems they see in the world. Everyday peace camps begins and ends with our peace circle. The rest of the day campers rotate between ac1vi1es such as: Art Storytelling Cooperative Games Join us Nature Music El Campamento de la Paz ofrece la oportunidad de explorar la cooperación y resolver los conflictos en un ambiente seguro y de apoyo. Los parcipantes aprenden habilidades para hacer frente a sus problemas de manera pacifica y se les anima a crear sus propias soluciones a los problemas que ven en el mundo. Todos los días comienzan y terminan con el círculo de la paz. El resto del día enen acvidades tales como: Arte ~ Lectura de cuentos ~ Juegos Cooperativos ~ Naturaleza ~ Música Únase a nosotros To register (informes e inscripciones): [email protected] 6 301-434-2111 Encontrando a Dios Encontrando a Dios: Celebración de las Primeras Comuniones en la Catequesis Familiar Por William Pineda, Director de Formación en la Fe Somos bendecidos al ser una parroquia multicultural donde gente de muchos rincones del mundo se unen para celebrar y compartir su fe con otras familias. El primer fin de semana de junio, la Oficina de Formación en la Fe celebró con cientos de familias el Sacramento de la Primera Eucaristía en los programas de inglés, español y francés. Por más de cuatro años, la parroquia San Camilo a adoptado el modelo de Catequesis Familiar para la preparación de la Primera Comunión de nuestros niños. La iglesia enseña que los padres son los primeros educadores en la vida de sus hijos. En la Exhortación Apostólica Catechesis Tradendea, Catequesis en nuestro tiempo; el Papa Juan Pablo II nos dice que “La acción catequética de la familia tiene un carácter peculiar y en cierto sentido insustituible… Los mismos padres aprovechen el esfuerzo que esto les impone, porque en un diálogo catequético de este tipo cada uno recibe y da. La catequesis familiar precede, pues, acompaña y enriquece toda otra forma de catequesis. El servicio que prestan a la catequesis es inestimable” (#68). Nuestro programa de Catequesis Familiar es una de nuestras joyas en formación en la fe, donde los padres son los principales educadores en la formación de la fe de sus propios hijos. Por dos años, ambos padres participan de las reuniones de compartir la Fe con otros padres que tienen a sus hijos en la preparación para la Primera Comunión. Las reuniones semanales son facilitadas por una “pareja guía” (adulto catequista facilitador) donde los padres reciben la lección para la semana, la cual llevarán a casa para enseñar y compartir con sus hijos. Durante la semana los padres encuentran un momento para ensenar a sus hijos y hacer el trabajo en familia. Entonces el niño, el domingo siguiente tendrá un nivel más profundo de la tarea semanal durante el “Encuentro con los Niños” en su salón de clases con el resto de los niños que se preparan para la Primera Comunión. Encuentro a Dios en las sesiones de “Encuentro con los Padres”, donde los padres dan testimonio de su fe y comparten cómo viven su compromiso como seguidores de Jesús. Encuentro a Dios en los padres que solamente tienen el sacramento del Bautismo y preguntan cuáles son los pasos a seguir para completar sus sacramentos de iniciación cristiana… después de acompañar a sus hijos por dos años en la catequesis familiar, con ánimo han completado su preparación y recibido sus sacramentos en la Vigilia Pascual. Encuentro a Dios en los padres y las parejas que han tomado los pasos para casarse por la iglesia y continúan en el programa de Catequesis Familiar. Encuentro a Dios en el Programa de Catequesis Familiar y en todas las bendiciones que los padres, las parejas y sus hijos reciben en el caminar de la fe. Regresando a la celebración de la Primera Comunión hace dos semanas… Encuentro a Dios en las familias que vienen de lugares como África, Texas, Canadá y otras partes de los Estados Unidos y ser testigo de ver recibir a sus pequeños por primera vez la Eucaristía. Encuentro a Dios en nuestros tres programas de inglés, francés y español, donde realizan celebraciones según sus tradiciones culturales. Encuentro a Dios en la celebración de la Misa Multicultural de las 10:30am con oraciones universales en inglés, español, bengalí, francés y swahili. Encuentro a Dios durante la presentación de las ofrendas, donde tuvimos bailarinas durante el ofertorio. Encuentro a Dios en las tres celebraciones (Misa de inglés, español y francés) donde los padres y parejas hacen una procesión familiar con artículos religiosos como la Biblia que les recuerda que la Palabra de Dios habla a sus corazones. Presentando una vela que les recuerda su bautismo; y presentando los dos libros del programa de formación de la fe, como recordatorio que han completado la preparación de la Primera Comunión. Definitivamente, la presencia de Dios fue evidente en la Eucaristía así como en las vidas de las personas que se han unido para estas celebraciones. Encontramos a Dios en los corazones y vidas de las personas que vienen a compartir su fe uno a otro. La próxima vez que vengan a celebrar juntos como iglesia, encontrarán a Dios en la persona junto a usted. Encuentro a Dios en los niños, las familias, los catequistas, los jóvenes asistentes de catequistas, el personal y hasta en las personas que llegan con una pregunta sobre formación de la fe. Deja que Dios te abrace con amor y misericordia. 7 Comunidad hispana … TODOS LOS GRUPOS Y MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES ¡PREPAREN SUS CALENDARIOS! Oración por los padres Padre nuestro, que estás en los cielos, escucha a tus hijos. Te pedimos por nuestros padres. Por medio de ellos nos lo diste todo, devuélveles todo el bien que nos han hecho. Nos han dado la vida: consérvales la salud. Nos han dado el alimento: dales el pan de cada día. Nos han dado el vestido: que sus almas se hallen vestidas siempre de tus gracias. Ya estamos listos para comenzar a preparar nuestro Calendario Parroquial de Julio 2016 – Junio 2017. Una vez más les pedimos a todos los grupos parroquiales reunirse con anticipación para preparar su calendario de actividades. Pedimos que cada grupo parroquial presente su calendario de actividades en un documento Word y por favor, asegúrese que la siguiente información esté incluida para facilitar la asignación de los salones: NOMBRE DEL GRUPO: **** Días de reunión: ***** Hora: ***** Salón: ***** Persona encargada: ***** Teléfono: ***** Concédeles sobre la tierra la felicidad que se encuentra en servirte y amarte. Y haz que podamos estar un día reunidos en el cielo. Amén. Www.churchforum.org Para garantizar que su grupo tenga un salón reservado para sus reuniones, por favor entregue su calendario lo más pronto posible. Todo calendario debe ser presentado en persona por el encargado del grupo en la oficina Parroquial Formación en la Fe de San Camilo FECHA LIMITE PARA ENTREGAR POR ESCRITO SU CALENDARIO ES EL 20 DE JUNIO, 2016 1504 St. Camillus Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20903 301-434-2111 - [email protected] Lun, Mar, Jue y Vie: 9-5pm; Dom: 9-2 pm; Miér y Sáb: Cerrado; Hora del almuerzo: 1-2pm El Movimiento de Retiros Parroquiales Juan XXIII Anuncios Importantes Inscripciones del Programa de Formación en la Fe: Las inscripciones están abiertas durante la semana y los domingos en el mes de junio de 9:00 am-2:00 pm) y terminan el domingo, agosto 28, 2016 a las 2:00 pm. La Matricula TEMPRANA termina julio 29, 2016 a las 4:30 pm. Después de esa fecha el costo de la inscripción incrementará. REQUERIDO: Una copia del certificado del Bautismo para inscribirse para Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Yoga en San Camilo Clases de Yoga los días martes de 6:30pm a 7:30pm en el Sun Room de Victory Oaks. Se ofrecen paquetes de 7 clases a $6.50 por clase y todo para beneficio del ministerio St. Francis Emergency Assistance de nuestra parroquia. El próximo curso inicia el martes 21 de junio, 2016. Si usted desea experimentar esta antigua disciplina, venga en este día. Use ropa cómoda y traiga una toalla grande. Para inscripción o informes llamar a Luz al 301-434-9152. 8 los invita a 3 días de Amor intenso Vive un encuentro con Jesús Retiro de varones Junio 24,25, 26, 2016 Retiro de damas Julio 29, 30, 31, 2016 En la parroquia San Camilo Costo: $60 por los 3 días Informes: Johana Ortiz (240) 506-9490 David Argueta (240) 380-0589 Colecta para el Óbolo de San Pedro El fin de semana del 25 y 26 de junio, la arquidiócesis de Washington realizará la segunda colecta para el Óbolo de San Pedro. Esta colecta sirve para brindar ayuda a las víctimas de la guerra, la opresión, los desastres naturales, etc. Recordemos las palabras de San Juan de la Cruz: ‘al prepararnos a dejar esta vida, seremos juzgados en el amor’. Nuestra participación en esta colecta nos da una oportunidad para ser testigos del amor y la misericordia del Señor por los más vulnerables del mundo. Por favor, sea generoso. Parish Calendar ~ Calendario Parroquial Monday (lunes), June (junio) 20 Domestic Violence 7:00pm CEBS Coro 7:00pm French Mass 7:00pm Cursillo/Escuela de Dirigentes 7:30pm Silent Prayer Group 7:30pm Grupo de Intercesion 7:30pm Tuesday (martes), June (junio) 21 Haitian Legion of Mary 6:00pm Yoga 6:30pm Coro San Camilo 7:00pm Gospel Choir 7:00pm Seglares 7:30pm English Charismatic Prayer 7:30pm Wednesday (miércoles), June (junio) 22 Cristo Joven 7:00pm French Choir 7:00pm French Legion of Mary (MRduM) 7:30pm CEBS Animadores 7:00pm Thursday (jueves), June (junio) 23 Hora Apostolica 6:30pm French Charismatic Choir 7:00pm Multicultural Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Juan XXIII 7:30pm Coro Carismático 7:30pm Friday (viernes), June (junio) 24 Coro Juan XXIII 7:00pm Grupo Carismatico 7:00pm Renouveau Charismatique 7:00pm Charismatic Youth Group 7:00pm Equipo Timon Cristo Joven 7:30pm French Intercession 7:00pm Esperanza Latina 8:00pm AA 8:00pm Saturday (sábado), June (junio) 25 Seglares 9:00am English Legion of Mary 9:30am Food Pantry 10:00am Spanish Baptisms 10:00am French Youth Legion of Mary 11:30am Reflexion Biblique 3:00pm Pequeña Comunidad Xto Joven 4:00pm Ministerio Musica Xto Joven 6:00pm Lumiere Du Monde Choir 6:30pm CEB—Asamblea 7:30pm Sunday (Domingo), June (junio) 26 All Choirs All Day Legion de Maria 9:30am Children’s Liturgy 10:30am Coro Cristo Joven 12:00pm French Legion of Mary(MMdeM) 12:30pm Youth Group 12:30pm Utopia Franciscana 2:00pm Pastoral de enfermos 2:00pm French Legion of Mary (NDdeV) 4:30pm Holy Land pilgrimage group 6:00pm Room Francis Music Anthony Camillia Meditation Grace Chapel Grace Room Victory Oaks Music Church Upper Room Chapel Clare Music Anthony Camillia Chapel Clare Church & Music Francis Music Music Grace & Chapel Church Anthony Meditation Upper Room Upper Room Friary Chapel & Grace Grace Friary Church Francis Friary Anthony Anthony Music Church & Francis Music Grace Chapel Friary Anthony Clare KOC Clare Grace Francis Friary Mass Intentions Intenciones de la Misa para esta Semana Sunday (domingo) June (junio) 19 † Bernie Waters 7:30am 9:00am † Mary Jane Black † Sam D’Costa † Dominick Umeh 10:30am † Veronica Umeh 12:30pm † Oscar Rene Flores 2:30pm Souls in Purgatory 5:00pm Peace in the world Monday, (lunes) June (junio) 20 7:30am Special Intention 8:30am † Elizabeth Pota Tuesday, (martes) June (junio) 21 † Marina Cabrera 7:30am 8:30am † Pete Klapps Wednesday, (miércoles) June (junio) 22 † Al Doyle 7:30am 8:30am † Tony Ritz 7:30pm Dunia Morataya—Special Intention Thursday, (miércoles) June (junio) 23 † Marina Cabrera 7:30am 8:30am † Fr. Jean Baptiste Deguenon Friday, (Viernes) June (junio) 24 † Carlista Nolasco 7:30am 8:30am † Mary Kunze Saturday, (sábado) June (junio) 25 8:30am † Fr. Jean Baptiste Deguenon Sylvie Sintcheu—In gratitude 4:30pm † Jose Mata Jr. 6:30pm † Agripina Ibarra Gutierrez Scripture Readings for next Sunday June 26, 2016 – 13h Sunday Ordinary Time 1st Reading/1 Lectura: 1Kgs/1Rey 19:16b– 19-21 2nd Reading/2 Lectura: Gal 5:1, 13-18 Gospel/Evangelio: Lk/Lc 9:51-62 Pray for our sick – Oremos por nuestros enfermos Richard Johnson, Vince Montgomery, Alex Gomez, Blanca Barahona, Roberto Molina, Br. Bonaventure, Mary Lou Taylor, Rose Simmons, Silvia Trejo. Pray for our Deceased Oremos por nuestros Difuntos Virginia Cummings, Francis Byrne, Patrick Marin, Samuel Bowens, Anthony Sparacino, Al Doyle, Sergio Salgado. A prayer request will remain on the prayer list for two weeks unless we are notified who should remain on the list. Please contact the parish office for information. 9 LA COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE LANGLEY PARK 1408 Merrimac Drive, Langley Park, MD 20783 Misión de San Camilo: Beata Madre Teresa de Calcuta Provincia Franciscana del Santo Nombre http://www.cclangleypark.com/ Tel. (301) 328-5105 Esperanza Latina Invita a todos los Jóvenes a participar en la reunión todos los Domingos a las 12:00pm después de la Misa en la Oficina 1408 Merrimac Dr. Para mayor información llamar a: Ricardo Pérez Tel: 240 501 6620 Celebración de la Palabra JESUCRISTO HOY Es un grupo Carismático que se reúne todos los domingos a las 8:50 am en la Escuela McCormick. Para más información llamar a: Pedro Majano 240 705-3379 invites youth ages 13-17 to join us. Rosario Reyes 240 505-2638 We are an English group of Hispanic origins following the steps Despensa St. Antonio of St. Francis of Assisi. We play, 8102 Tahona Dr. share our lives, go on field trips, Silver Spring MD 20903 and serve our community. Distribución de comida For more information call Sergio Lainez Tel: 240 715 – 7910 Sábados de 10:00am 12:00pm Join us! Franciscan Youth in Langley Park JUFRA, Te invita a compartir la palabra de Dios en sus hogares, como acción de gracias a Dios por las bendiciones que nos regala. Se El grupo de Oración reúnen los martes y domingos a Carismático Servicio Social las 7:00 p.m. en distintos hogares. Martes y Jueves EL BUEN PASTOR Para mayor información llamar a 1:00pm -4:00pm Diego Ortega 240-429-1299, Te invita a su reunión todos los Zacarías Cervantes 240 304- 0887 viernes, en la oficina de la Comunidad Católica a las 7:00pm. Para más información comunicarse Grupo Guadalupano Clases de Inglés con Alex Grande al tel. 240 898de martes a viernes 9:30am a El Grupo Guadalupano se reúne 7729 11:00 am. En la noche de lunes a los viernes en diferentes hogares miércoles 7:00pm-8:45pm de 7:30 a 9:00 p.m. Para las personas que desean la visita de HORARIOS DE LAS MISAS la virgen y rezar el rosario los Domingos 10:30am en el gimnasio Clase de Computación domingos pueden comunicarse de la escuela McCormick Los sábados con Isidra Rivera al Tel: 301 728Jueves a las 7:30pm en la oficina de 10:00 am 12:00pm 4366 de la Comunidad Católica ¿Le hace falta el Bautismo, la Comunión o la Confirmación? Si usted o algún conocido no ha recibido alguno de estos sacramentos, no es demasiado tarde para hacerlo. Si usted aún no es católico pero tiene interés en saber más de la Iglesia, tenemos personas con quienes puede informarse. Leonel López 301 252-4689 Marcial Quijivix 240 602-9813 10 Clases de Catecismo Los domingos de 8:45am a 10:15am en la escuela McCormick RICA para adultos Los domingos de 8:30am a 10:15am En la oficina de la comunidad los domingos - ST. CAMILLUS CATHOLIC CHURCH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - Servimax Insurance Agency Agencia de Seguros 301-589-8456 Jenny Meléndez, Agente Auto Casa y Negocios MVA Placas al Instante 9411 Colesville Rd. • Silver Spring, MD Same Day Service HIGH QUALITY YOUR PLUMBER THE ONLY ONE YOU’LL EVER NEED “The Only One You’ll Ever Need” Juan Carlos Gale SAME DAY SERVICE GUARANTEED!* *Certain Conditions Apply Agente $25 OFF 301-439-3400 Any Plumbing Service Auto • Casa • Vida • Pequeños Negocios WSSC #70985 1835 University Blvd E Suite 324 Hyattsville, MD 20783 $35 OFF Faucet or Toilet Replacement Call: 410-578-3600 It's for more information www.Your1Plumber.com 301-658-7045 To Advertise (Not valid with any other offer or service fee) ELEGANT EveryOpen Day Except Nails, Hair and Skin Care Monday Wedding Programs $5 OFF $5 OFF Any Hair Service Above $35 (Saturday & Sunday Only) Personalized Full Color • Unlimited Designs Gel Manicure 301-937-2566 www.elegantnailshsc.com 11442 Cherry Hill Rd., Beltsville Call 410-578-3600 DIGITAL PRINTING Fast, Reliable, Local Service TODAY! 301-960-5335 Fast Turn Around All Types of Jobs Send your file for a quote to printing@ fataonline.com 410-578-3600 SPACE AVAILABLE WWW.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.COM CASH Silver Spring Jewelry $$$ for Gold 11205 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20904 9421 Georgia Ave. 1525 University Blvd. E. 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CAMILLUS CATHOLIC CHURCH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - ABOGADO Victor Palmeiro ABOGADO CO GRNSU AT LT IS A •Overtime sin Pago •Bancarrota •Accidentes Eye Exams • Eyeglasses Contact Lenses HILLANDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL dennis j. sweeney, V.M.D., P.A. 1900 Powder mill rd. 301-384-5818 Acupuncture, Acu Massage, Herbs 11120 New Hampshire Ave. #409 www.PalmeiroLaw.com Piney Branch Opticians Repairs • Replacements • Water Heaters • Electric Drain Cleaning PAIN CONTROL 301-933-2595 ZP Tax, Inc. Fast & Right / Rápido y Correcto Carlos Perozo, President P St. Vincent Pallotti High School 8736 Flower Ave., Ste “B” THE RIGHT CARE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILY PRUNING CLEARING STUMP GRINDING Lic. 782 Raymon K. 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Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - ©2016
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