October 18, 2015 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Sabina Catholic Church Belton, MO Thanks to all those who volunteered to help with Christmas in October this past weekend! 700 Trevis Avenue, Belton, MO 64012 Phone: 816-331-4713 www.stsabinaparish.org www.facebook.com/stsabinaparish Fax: 816-322-6196 Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday-Thursday and 9:00am - 1:00pm, Friday Our Parish Staff Fr. Jeff Stephan, Pastor Fr. Curt Vogel, Associate Pastor Deacon Dwayne Katzer Deacon Mike Gates Bridget Hernandez, Stewardship and Social Justice Kris Larkey, Pastoral Associate Biagio Mazza, Pastoral Associate Zuiri Pacheco, Receptionist & PSR Assistant Susan Ratigan, Liturgist Kirstie Roberts, Dir. of Religious Ed. and Youth Ministry Marta Roper, Pastoral Care Coordinator Jeff Shields, Finance Coordinator Tracy Wheeler, Maintenance Bonnie Kane, Diocesan Victim Advocate Jenifer Valenti, Diocesan Ombudsman Weekend Mass Schedule 816-979-3157 X57 816-979-3156 X56 816-979-3159 816-979-3151 816-979-3153 816-979-3150 816-979-3158 816-979-3155 816-979-3154 816-979-3152 816-392-0011 816-812-2500 Saturday: 4:00pm (Confessions at 3:00pm - 3:30pm) Sunday: 8:00am and 10:30am in English, 12:30pm in Spanish X59 X51 X53 X50 X58 X55 X54 X52 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Wellness Center 816-979-3090 Jeannine Midgett 816-979-3093 Patricia Moreno 816-979-3092 MASS SCHEDULE INTENTIONS FOR OCTOBER 19-23, 2015 Mon. 8am Tues. 6pm Wed. 8am 10am Thurs. 8am Friday 8am †Teresa Link †Lawrence & Layle Wheeler Intentions of Jeanne Patterson †Bill Westbrock †Mary Teresa Grosko (Foxwood Springs) †Frances Andregg †Fr. Hugh Mullin SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2015 4:00pm †Jim & Vera Hamburg †Edward & David Seleck SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2015 8:00am †Richard Lance Kelley Jr. 10:30am †Joe Falco Sr. 12:30pm Spanish Intenciones de las Familias Parroquiales UPCOMING ALTAR SOCIETY The quarterly Altar Society meeting will be held on Monday, October 19th, at 7:30 PM in the Juan Diego Room of the Education Wing. This will be the last meeting of 2015. Don’t miss it! New members are always welcome! JUNIOR HIGH AND HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH TO WORLDS OF FUN! PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, October 18 - Domingo, 18 de Octubre Mission Sunday Collection 9:00am Parent Support Group 9:00am Parish School of Religion 11:00am Escuela Parroquial de Religión 7:00pm High School & Confirmation 7:00pm Ensayo de los Matachines - Gimnasio Monday, October 19 - Lunes, 19 de Octubre 8:00am Mass 5:30pm Marian Prayer Group 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:00pm Boy Scouts - Gym 7:00pm Special Topics in Islam Class 7:30pm Altar Society Meeting Tuesday, October 20 - Martes, 20 de Octubre 1:30pm Wellness Center “Getting Back to Better” Class 4:30pm Confessions 6:00pm Mass 7:00pm Boy Scout Committee Meeting 7:00pm Foundations for Living Stones 7:00pm Taller de Oracion y Vida 7:00pm Ensayo de la Obra de la Virgen de Guadalupe Wednesday, October 21 - Miércoles, 21 de Octubre 8:00am Mass 9:00am Legion of Mary 10:00am Mass at Foxwood Springs 10:00am Special Topics in Islam Class 7:00pm Choir Practice (10:30am Choir) 7:00pm Junior High Youth Group 7:00pm Ignatian Walking with Christ Thursday, October 22 - Jueves, 22 de Octubre 8:00am Mass 9:30am Quilters 7:00pm RCIA/RICA 7:00pm Ensayo de los Matachines - Gimnasio 7:00pm Ensayo de la Obra de la Virgen de Guadalupe 8:00pm Choir Practice (8am Choir) Friday, October 23 - Viernes, 23 de Octubre 8:00am Mass 5:30pm High School & Jr. High Youth to Worlds of Fun 7:00pm CINE Meeting Every year we load up a bus and head up to Worlds of Fun for a scary night of haunted houses and roller coasters! This year we are going on October 23rd. We will leave the parish at 5:30pm and return after the park closes, around 12:45am. Cost per person is around $35. Everyone must have a permission form. They are available on the website and in the Youth Office. 7:00pm Ensayo de los Matachines - Gimnasio Saturday, October 24 - Sábado, 24 de Octubre Altar Society Jewelry Sale (After Mass) 1:00pm Quinceañera: Maria Morales 3:00pm Confessions 4:00pm Mass 5:00pm Blessing of Marriage: Corey & Sonja Morgan Sunday, October 25 - Domingo, 25 de Octubre Altar Society Jewelry Sale (After Masses) 9:00am Parish School of Religion 11:00am Escuela Parroquial de Religión 6:00pm Trunk or Treat Page 2 7:00pm Ensayo de los Matachines - Iglesia STEWARDSHIP “Jesus summoned them and said to them, ‘You know that those who are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you. Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.’ " Mark 10: 42-45 Jesus was a man of great humility. It is this humility to which we need to strive. This is not simple in the society in which we live. However, as the noted author and apologist, C.S. Lewis, once said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” That is our tribulation as Christian stewards: to put others before ourselves both in reality and in our hearts. With God all things are possible. — See more at www.catholicsteward.com/blog/. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE - OCT 11 Envelopes/Sobres: Plate/Canasta: Maintenance-Upkeep: $12,460.40 $ 1,022.90 $ 777.00 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTION Today is World Mission Sunday! In Scripture, we read that St. Paul asked the Gentile Churches to take up a collection to support the Church in Jerusalem. Now we are asked to reach out and support the young churches throughout our world. Your prayers and generous gifts to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today will help missionaries offer the poor of these areas practical help as they share the mercy of God. It will ensure the development of local dioceses, and support the work of priests, religious and lay leaders who serve those on the margins and in most need. Go out to the whole world through your gift in today’s collection! STEWARDSHIP OF TIME AND TALENT: BEANS AND RICE DRIVE Thank you to all who donated beans and rice this year to help the migrant farmworkers in Lexington, MO. Thank you also to Don and Marilynn Grieb, Ed and Emy Yeater, Sandy Katzer, Raul Felix, and Berenice Felix who went to Lexington to distribute beans and rice. PASTORAL CARE FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE DE LA MUERTE A LA NUEVA VIDA † Olga Calice, mother of Melba Mercier † Fernando Nuñez Romero, primo de (cousin of) Raul Felix † Ivana Romero, sobrina de (niece of) Raul Felix MAY THEY REST IN PEACE. QUE DESCANSEN EN PAZ. PRAYER REQUESTS PETICIONES DE ORACIÓN Peg Agnew Dick Anthony Kelly Anthony Marilyn Avalos Sheryll Bentley Allie Biondo Nicky Biondo Joe Birkenbach Maxine Bremer Gretchen Butler Pamela Castor Georgene Caoile Marvin Cohen Joseph Coots Tyler Corlew Donna Dailey Cathy Davis Margaret Dellaguardia Margo Dellaguardia Paul DeMar Frances DiGeorge Sheila Donner Heather Dull Mary Lou Enos Richard Estes Butch Ford Dick Garnier Laverne Harlow Cherie Hatfield Bart Henke Ella Hemmen Mary Ellen Hermann Richard Hoedl Kelly Jordon Don Kueck Vernita Linenberger Gloria McLaughlin Helen Muenks Jerry Nowak Gary Palmer Thelma Palmer Leanna Peachey Brent Praiswater Chuck Ramsey Mary Renfro Austin Richards Larry Schmidt Joe Stanley Noah Stanley Teresa Starks Jean Tate Bob Westfall Mary Westfall Sarah Wilburn Carmitia Yust Berenice Zayas Pablo Zayas WHY DO WE HAVE AN AREA OF REMEMBRANCE AT ST SABINA? Through out the entire month of November, we join the church in remembering those men and women who lived Christian lives of faith and now enjoy the promise of eternal life made to them at their baptism. We offer the worship of our sorrow, and feel the solidarity of the saints who made the way to heaven through the suffering of life on earth. WE INVITE YOU TO BRING A PICTURE of your deceased loved ones beginning the weekend of Oct. 2425. The Area of Remembrance will remain in the north alcove until the Feast of Christ the King, Sunday, November 22nd. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO OUR ALL SOULS MASS AND RECEPTION ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, AT 7PM All those who have lost a loved one are invited to join us for the 7pm All Soul’s Mass on Monday, November 2, and for a reception after Mass in the gathering space of the church. We especially invite all who have lost a loved one over the past year. All widows and widowers are also invited to attend. NURSING HOME MASS SCHEDULE Oct Oct Nov 21 10:00am 27 11:00am 4 10:30am Foxwood Springs Carnegie Village Beautiful Savior Page 3 AREA INFORMATION HEALING THE PAIN OF ABORTION... One weekend at a time. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat is open to women and men, the retreat is a beautiful opportunity to experience healing. Retreat begins Friday evening, Oct 23 thru Sunday afternoon, Oct 25, 2015. Call 816 -679-4973 or email [email protected] for confidential information and to start the healing, or visit www.rachelsvineyard.org for more information. SUPPORT OUR SEMINARIANS DINNER The 23rd annual “SUPPORT OUR SEMINARIANS” Benefit Dinner is dedicated to Our Lady of Kibeho, Rwanda, and the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary. It is scheduled for Friday, January 29, 2016. This event benefits seminarians from the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas, the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and Conception Seminary College. It promises to be an evening filled with fun and laughter, celebrating our Catholic faith, dining on wonderful food, and socializing with our priests and seminarians! We have a wonderful speaker this year, Monsignor Stuart Swetland, who is President of Donnelly College in Kansas City, KS. S.O.S. will be held at the Union Station, 30 West Pershing Road, Kansas City, Missouri 64108. The reservation price is $175.00 per person at tables of ten people. To reserve your place, or an entire table, or donate to the marketplace or VIP silent auction, contact Martha Hodes at 913.207.9893 [email protected]. OPEN HOUSE AT NOTRE DAME DE SION HIGH SCHOOL - NOV 10 Notre Dame de Sion High School is having an Open House on Sunday, November 10th from 11:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. On our all-girls’ campus, young women receive one of the most vigorous educational experiences in a safe, Catholic atmosphere of affirmation, love and acceptance. Come hear more about our fantastic academic and extracurricular programs. Tours last approximately an hour and the last tour begins at 2:30 p.m. Notre Dame de Sion high school is located at: 10631 Wornall Rd., Kansas City, MO 64114. For more information visit www.siondifference.com. VETERAN ASSISTANCE Are you or someone you know a veteran who needs assistance with housing, employment or other supportive services? Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph is here to serve you. We help veterans find safe, stable housing first. Then, our case managers work one-on-one with you to guide you toward a successful transition to productive and healthy civilian living. Services include: • Housing • Life-skill coaching and case management • Employment search and job skills • Linkage to benefits • Resource acquisition • Temporary financial assistance Catholic Charities has a long tradition of serving our nation’s veterans. We’re here to help you. Contact us today at 816.221.4377 for more information. Page 4 SOCIAL JUSTICE FAIR TRADE SALE—NOVEMBER 7&8 Our annual fair trade sale will be the weekend of November 7 & 8 after each Mass. We will have coffee, tea, chocolate, Christmas décor, scarves, jewelry, and much, much more for sale! All of these items were fairly traded which means that all of the artisans who crafted them and workers who harvested the ingredients were paid a fair wage. Keep this in mind when Christmas shopping this year and support fair trade! PICTURES CHRISTMAS IN OCTOBER 2015 ADULT FAITH FORMATION REFLECTION ON THE TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME , YEAR B This Sunday’s readings throw a significant lens on what discipleship involves, what leadership entails and what role suffering plays in both. Today we learn from Jesus that discipleship involves a willingness to suffer for others, while true leadership entails lives of service. Jesus incarnates these lessons in his own life, especially in his dealing with others. For such lessons to become integral parts of our lives of discipleship complete trust in God is essential. The refrain from responsorial Psalm 33 invites us to call upon the Lord’s mercy with complete trust: “Lord Let your mercy be on us as we place our trust in you.” Beginning with trust in God’s faithful love and mercy, every disciple ventures out in service of others, ready and willing to handle the many difficulties that arise whenever we deal with each other and with life. The first reading comes from Isaiah’s fourth servant song which speaks of God’s servant, Israel, suffering in Babylonia for the sake of being faithful to the Lord. Isaiah consoles the Babylonian captives that their suffering is not in vain. God, the giver of life, will bring about new life and meaning from Israel’s suffering. God’s people, in their willingness to suffer, will see long life and God’s will accomplished through them. Through such suffering, the Lord’s servant will “justify many” and bear their guilt. The suffering servant will be the occasion for new life and meaning for all God’s people. Such an insight can only surface from one who places complete trust in God’s mercy, kindness and fidelity. The followers of Jesus understood Jesus to be the suffering servant of God, whose willingness to give of himself completely for others brings about new life and meaning for all. The letter to the Hebrews offers Jesus as the model and hope to those who struggle with their lives of discipleship and service. Being fully human Jesus can sympathize with our weaknesses because Jesus was tested in every way that we are, “yet without sin.” Our relationship to Jesus gives us confidence to approach God, ever mindful of God’s mercy and ever trustful in God’s love. In the midst of struggles and suffering, we can and do find timely help from our loving God. Mark 8:22-10:51 is the heart of the gospel, with each passage offering important lessons in the school of discipleship. Jesus talks three times about his passion, death and resurrection, each time in more graphic detail than the previous. Each time, the disciples clearly misunderstand or refuse to acknowledge that discipleship in not for glory, status and prestige, but for service, which entails struggle and suffering. Today’s gospel is the last of the three misunderstandings by the disciples. Jesus has just spoken for the third time about his suffering and death. In response, all that James and John can think of is their status and privilege. The other disciples are indignant at them, not because they asked but rather for having beaten the rest of them to the punch. Jesus knows that it is time for another lesson in discipleship. Jesus first challenges James and John with the same cup of suffering he is about to drink, namely his passion and death. They readily agree that they can walk that path with him. Jesus, realizing how little all of them actually understand the demands of discipleship, speaks to them in paradoxes. If you want to be first, be the slave of all. If you want to be great, be the servant of all. Disciples, like Jesus, are to be people who are willing to serve others, even to the point of giving one’s life. SCC BIBLE STUDY READINGS FOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2015 1st Reading: Isaiah 53:10-11 Psalm: Psalm 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 2nd Reading: Hebrew 4:14-16 Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 READINGS FOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2015 1st Reading: Jeremiah 31:7-9 Psalm: Psalm 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 2nd Reading: Hebrew 5:1-6 Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 How willing are you to take on the challenge of discipleship? How active is your trust in God during times of difficulties and suffering? How is Jesus your model for dealing with the demands of Christian discipleship? This week, take time to reflect on and respond to these questions as we begin to bring this year of grace to a close. Biagio Mazza Pastoral Associate BIBLE STUDY AND SUNDAY READINGS Catholics are mostly exposed to the Bible through the Sunday Lectionary Readings. In order to help us all enter into the Bible through the Sunday readings, we are offering study sessions that will provide an opportunity to read, to study background to the readings, and to reflect on how to apply the readings to our lives. We will gather on October 25th at 10:30am. All are welcome. Bring a Bible and a friend. To register for these sessions, please call Biagio at 816-979-3153. Page 5 YOUTH MINISTRY JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH! Welcome all 7th and 8th graders to a great year of applying your faith to your lives! Our next meetings will be October 21st and November 4th, from 7-8:30pm in the Parish Hall. HIGH SCHOOL & CONFIRMATION YOUTH Your next meetings are November 1st and 15th from 78:30pm. CONFIRMATION SPONSOR NIGHT Each Confirmation candidate must have a sponsor. A sponsor is someone who is a confirmed Catholic adult, not the candidate’s parent, and in good standing with the Catholic Church. Think of an aunt, uncle, grandparent, godparent or other awesome person in your life who you know well and with whom you would love to spend time. Each month we have a meeting for the candidate and their sponsor to attend which is the preparation class for the sacrament. Your next meeting will be November 11th in the Parish Hall from 7-8:30pm. If your sponsor is unable to attend the meeting, you must still be present. If you need help finding a sponsor, please call Kirstie in the Youth Office. She knows people. HIGH SCHOOL BONFIRE PARTY! As part of our mission to get to know our youth better we gather each fall for a big bonfire at the Lewis family’s house! This will take place on October 18th from 7 - 9pm. Permission slips will be handed out at our first couple meetings and will be available on the website. Come hungry and ready to have some fun getting to know each other! Parents are needed to help transport the youth to and from the bonfire. Please contact Kirstie Roberts if you would like to help out! You’ll be paid in hotdogs, cocoa and s’mores! JUNIOR HIGH AND HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH TO WORLDS OF FUN! Every year we load up a bus and head up to Worlds of Fun for a scary night of haunted houses and roller coasters! This year we are going on October 23rd. We will leave the parish at 5:30pm and return after the park closes, around 12:45am. Cost per person is around $35. Everyone must have a permission form. They are available on the website and in the Youth Office. UPLIFT COOKS! Anyone who would like to help prepare a meal for the homeless is welcome to join our team on the 4th Monday of each month at 10am in the gym. It’s recommended that you bring a good cutting knife and vegetable peeler. Page 6 SCHOOL OF RELIGION FORM FOR COMMUNICATION WITH MINORS Parents and guardians must now sign a form giving permission for St. Sabina staff, specifically the Youth Director, Kirstie Roberts to respond to text messages, emails and phone calls from the youth of the parish. These forms are available in the back of the church with the PSR registrations and in the Youth Office. All volunteers with youth and children must attend one Protecting God’s Children workshop, submit to a background check and sign the policy on Ethics and Integrity in Ministry, (EIM). HARVESTERS! This local food bank provides food to needy families around the KC area. Volunteers are needed to help sort food donations and pack weekend food bags for kids to help fight hunger in our community. We will be taking a group of 5 people on the third Thursday of each month. If you would like to volunteer, call or email Kirstie in the Youth Office to sign up. This ministry is open to all ages! UPLIFT ORG. needs volunteers! If you would like to bring meals to the homeless on the 4th or 5th Monday of any month, please contact Kirstie Roberts to sign up! This ministry is open to all parishioners age 14 and older. Volunteers must report to the Uplift Warehouse by 5pm and will be finished around 9:30pm. CHILD SAFETY The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combatting sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1) Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.392.3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and 2) Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and 3) After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816.812.2500 or [email protected], if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate Bonnie Kane at 816.392.0011 or [email protected] for more information. PARISH HAPPENINGS CHRISTMAS EVE CHOIR AT 4:00PM MASS HOLIDAY CRAFT SALE - VENDORS NEEDED Making plans for Christmas? Why not try something new this year? Families are invited to participate as members of the choir at the Christmas Eve Mass at 4:00PM on December 24, 2015. Your whole family may participate together, or just a few members may choose to sing. All are welcome from 2nd grade to adults. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays, October 28, November 11, & 18 and December 9, 16, & 23 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM in the music room of the church. You must be present for at least 4 of the rehearsals. What a great way for kids, parents and grandparents to enter into the joy of the Christmas season—plus, you are guaranteed a seat in the crowded church! Contact Susan Ratigan to register or for more information. [email protected] 816-979-3158. Our St. Joseph Table Committee is hosting a Holiday Craft Sale and Chili Supper on the weekend of November 14-15. This event will be open to the public and it will be held in the parish gym. Crafters may rent space for $35 per 8’ table or $40 per 8’ table with electricity. We only have 8 spots with electricity available. Craft sale hours will be November 14 from 10am-5:30pm and November 15 from 9am-2pm. If you would like to rent space, please contact Gabe Mitsdarffer at [email protected]. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: We want to make all parishioners aware that the Belton Code of Ordinances states that nowhere within the city are people allowed to “beg” or ask for money. If someone asks you for money in our parking lot when you come to attend Mass, please direct them to any staff member at that Mass, or to the parish office during office hours, rather than giving them money. A staff member is present after every Mass for any questions or concerns. You can find us in the South Alcove of the Gathering Space. We will direct them to the appropriate resources. 2016 DELEGATION TO EL SALVADOR Our parish will be taking its second delegation to El Salvador to learn more about the scholarship program there and to have the opportunity to meet and visit with our scholarship students and their families. We will travel to Cinquera and also to El Mozote. El Mozote was the site of one of many massacres that occurred in El Salvador during their Civil War. As of now we are planning to travel to El Salvador on January 5 and staying approximately 8 days. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Kris at 816 -979-3151 or by email at [email protected]. "THE POWER OF PRAYING FOR YOUR ADULT CHILDREN" Our concern for our children does not end when they reach adulthood. Come join other concerned parents as we learn how to pray more effectively and gain trust in God that our prayers are heard. Deacon Mike will lead this group Tuesday nights at starting Oct. 22 for five weeks. Signup sheet is in the vestibule. HEALING SERVICES Our Diocese of Kansas City-St Joseph is reaching out to everyone who has been impacted by any sexual abuse by offering Healing Services. Services will be held: • Nov 11 at Nativity of Mary, Independence at 7pm • June 26 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City at 2pm. MORE CHRISTMAS IN OCTOBER PICTURES... FALL JEWELRY AND RELIGIOUS ARTICLE SALE St. Sabina’s Altar Society is offering a beautiful selection of medals, crucifixes, rosaries, bracelets, and necklaces after Masses on October 24/25 and Oct 31/ Nov 1st. Orders can be also placed for Advent wreaths and candles. Stop by the table early for the best selection! All proceeds benefit St. Sabina parish. Cash, checks and credit cards will be accepted. Page 7 PARISH HAPPENINGS HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS! Micki Aguayo, Sonia Ayala, Kathryn Bell, Jo Bilderback, Cecilia Bondon, Pedro Bonilla, Jim Bornheimer, Gary Braley, Maria Caceres, Brooke Campbell, Ivan Castillo, Daniela Castro, Gustavo Cedillo, Nicandro Cervantes, Carlos Chavez, Susan Chavez, Craig Cheney, Janie Cheney, Trenton Clark, Montana Cummings, Janet Dailey, Diane Daldrup, Rubi Enriquez, Jacob Fields, Louise Fleetwood, Jimmy Fuller, Jose Gallardo, Anallely Garrido, Michael Gates, Gerardo Giron, Laura Hinojos, Trey Hoeper, Becky Irick, Maria Keesoon, Karlie Kennedy, Charles Kille, Rob Kottenbrock, Dave Kratofil, Clemente Landa, Marvin Lopez, Gloria Madden, Ricardo Madrid, Adilene Mendoza, Maria Morales, Patricia Morales, Angela Moreno, Laura Munoz, Maria Orozco, Diego Perez, Monica Perez, Heather Poland, Gary Prendergast, Leslie Prieto, Derek Pritchett, Luz Racela, Emily Ramirez, Martha Ramos, Katy Rewald, Grant Richardson, Heath Rigby, Samantha Rojas, Nelybeth Rojo, Susan Rolli, Carlos Ruiz, Marciana Saldaña, Rudy Schmidt, Anna Schwarz, Shirley Sears, Alisson Solares, Laura Sosa, Manuel Torres, Selen Valenzuela, Ruth Vazquez, Victor Vieyra, Kyle Wathor, Madelon Wink, Cece Wipperman, Merle Woolworth WELLNESS CENTER CHANGING HABITS:WILLPOWER We tend to think of willpower as something that can be depleted. But a growing body of research suggests that isn’t so and that we may, in fact, have control over our self-control. In a Stanford University study, participants were prompted to regard willpower as either limited or limitless, and then asked to complete a cognitively challenging task. The result: Those who believed willpower was unlimited performed better on a subsequent test of self-control than people who thought the opposite. The next time you worry about your willpower not being up to the task, just remember, that belief is just in your mind. Go ahead and follow through with what you value. That’s when your life comes into full alignment with what’s really, really important to you. St. Sabina Wellness Center 816-979-3090. Let’s stay well and be well together! WELLNESS CENTER CLASS SCHEDULE Monday: Tuesday: Yoga Basics 1:00 - 2:00 pm Gentle Yoga 2:00 - 3:00 pm Yoga 6:00 - 7:00 pm Strength & Stretch 1:00 - 2:00 pm CDSMP Class 2:15 - 4:00 pm Gentle Stretch & Strength 2:00 - 3:00pm HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! ¡FELIZ ANIVERSARIO! Shawn & Margaret Fuss Don & Lisa Cummings Abraham & Yesika Benavides Chris & Emily Bornheimer Manuel & Teresa Arroyo Ramon & Stacy Gomez Phillip & Kimberly Baird Jose & Maria Salas Andy & Marsha Puleo Jeff & Bev Jakobe Tom & Michelle Ragsdale Tony & Teresa Medrano George & Maxine Bremer Robert & Rosalie Duffey Wayne & Darlene Jennings Page 8 2 Years! 5 Years! 10 Years! 11 Years! 12 Years! 14 Years! 15 Years! 17 Years! 20 Years! 21 Years! 27 Years! 35 Years! 58 Years! 59 Years! 61 Years! 10/19/2013 10/23/2010 10/20/2005 10/24/2004 10/18/2003 10/20/2001 10/21/2000 10/22/1998 10/20/1995 10/22/1994 10/21/1998 10/18/1980 10/19/1957 10/20/1956 10/22/1954 Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Yoga Basics 1:00 - 2:00 pm Gentle Yoga 2:00 - 3:00 pm Restorative Yoga 6:00 - 7:00 pm Stretch & Strength 1:00 - 2:00 pm Gentle Stretch & Strength 2:00 - 3:00pm Strength & Stretch 6:00 - 7:00 pm Yoga Basics1:00 - 2:00 pm Gentle Yoga 2:00 - 3:00 pm Open Workout 8:30 - 12:30 pm ReFit Cardio Class 10:00 - 11:00 am JIM’S DISCOUNT MUFFLERS Repairs by Jorge > Painting HARDWARE-BUILDING MATERIALS-PAINT 617 North Scott Belton, MO 64012 P.O. Box 619 331-2211 Fax 331-0981 Hours: Mon-Fri 7 AM-5 PM Sat 8 AM-1 PM BELTON TRANSMISSION AND REPAIR Domestic & Foreign Ron Gardella, Parishioner (816) 318-8955 315 N. Scott, > Drywall > Carpentry > Furniture Repair > Cleaner > Handyman > Etc. se habla español Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA TA C TU O ES ! Ph. 816-966-8836 Doug Thurman — Parishioner www.heartlandelectric.com Tel: (816) 318-8500 Residential-Commercial-Industrial 816-966-2290 FOURWAY P L U M B I N G PARKING IN BACK MITS LAWN SERVICE Like its my own yard DREW MITSDARFFER Parishioner / Owner 816-694-0475 [email protected] DRAIN CLEANING GARBAGE DISPOSALS FAUCETS • SINKS • TUBS TOILETS & SUMP PUMPS SAME DAY SERVICE HOUSE CALLS REASONABLE RATES SAME LOCATION 31 YRS MASTER PLUMBERS NICK & MARION BIONDO, JR. 331-1650 607 N. SCOTT, BELTON Insured (816) 331-8909 Daniel Meissen New • Re-Roofs Repairs • Concrete Steps • Splash Blocks • Specialty Products www.alliedconcreteproducts.com PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Teresa M. Kelly, D.V.M. Parishioner Jennifer D. McCallum, D.V.M. Kenneth A. Vansickle, D.V.M. Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Phone: (816) 331-0061 (816) 322-1013 Fax: (816) 331-0443 17232 Bel-Ray Place 1001 E. North Avenue Belton, MO 64012 (58 Hwy) • Belton, MO An ideal companion for personal prayer. Monday-Friday 8:00am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-12:00noon Air Conditioning • Furnaces Humidifiers • Air Filters In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com OPENING SOON! The Area’s Best Mexican Taqueria! Featuring Authentic Mexican food, cakes, bottled beer & Sports TVs in a casual atmosphere We cater events too! To Schedule, Please Call 816-425-3282 Ext. 0 524 N. Scott Ave. Belton, MO 64012 The same location as La Lupita Productos Mexicanos 522260 St Sabina Church 8009 E. 171st PO Box 645 Belton, MO 64012-0645 Bus 816.331.4288 Fax 816.331.2907 [email protected] 12800 2nd St., Grandview, MO 64030 Buy 2 Drinks & 1 Entree & Get Another Entree ½ Price 1521 Main St. • GV, MO AND SONS ROOFING 903 N. Scott - Belton, MO Ph. 331-0566 • Fax 322-2231 Jorge 816-521-9509 Agent Try the best Carnitas and Minudo (Sat & Sunday only) Roofing Specialists Discounts to Seniors Eckhard Preuss O EÑ MEXICAN GRILL EL ALT Estimates • Brakes • Shocks • Mufflers • Struts Free Estimates & Low Prices Belton Free Great Service • Great Prices www.jspaluch.com COLLISION REPAIR CENTER 20203 Holmes Rd., Belton, MO 64012 RICK HOWARD 816-322-1900 ST. THOMAS MORE PARISHIONER FAX 322-0705 COLLISION REPAIR SPECIALIST For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 INFORMACION PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES – 14 DE NOV Normalmente cada Segundo Sábado del mes de las 10 am a 1 pm (Sólo para Niños de 0-6 años) Salón de juntas. Sótano de la Parroquia. Para niños mayores de 7 años requerirán una formación especial. PRÓXIMOS BAUTISMOS: llamar Kris al 816-9793151. Favor de llenar su aplicación antes de asistir a las platicas. No se ofrece cuidado de niños. CORRESPONSABILIDAD TESORO: COLECTA DEL DOMINGO MUNDIAL DE LAS MISIONES ¡Hoy es el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones! En las escrituras, leímos que San Pablo, les pidió a las gentiles iglesias que realizaran una colecta para apoyar a la Iglesia de Jerusalén. Hoy en día, nos solicitan que apoyemos a las iglesias jóvenes de todo el mundo. Tus plegarias y regalos generosos a la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe en la colecta de hoy, ayudarán a los misioneros a ofrecer a los pobres de estas áreas, ayuda práctica mientras comparten la piedad del Señor. Asegurará el desarrollo de diócesis locales, y apoyará el trabajo de curas, religiosos y líderes laicos que sirven a los marginados y los mas necesitados. ¡Sal al mundo entero a través de tu regalo en la colecta de hoy! TIEMPO Y TALENTO: COLECTA DE ARROZ Y FRIJOLES Gracias a todos quienes donaron arroz y frijoles este año para ayudar a los trabajadores agrícolas migrantes en Lexington, MO. Gracias también a Don y Marilynn Grieb, Ed y Emy Yeater, Sandy Katzer, Raul Felix, y Berenice Felix quienes fueron a Lexington a distribuir arroz y frijoles. En esta foto aparecen nuestros feligreses, quienes atendieron a nuestras Platicas PreBautismales el 10 de Octubre. JUSTICIA SOCIAL VENTA DE COMERCIO JUSTO—7 Y 8 DE NOV Nuestra venta anual de comercio justo será el fin de semana del 7 y 8 de noviembre después de cada Misa. Tendremos café, té, chocolate, decoración de Navidad, bufandas, joyas, y mucho, mucho más para la venta! Todos estos artículos fueron de comercio justo lo que significa que todos los artesanos que los hicieron a mano y los trabajadores que cosecharon los ingredientes se les pagó un salario justo. Tenga esto en cuenta al hacer compras de Navidad este año y apoye el comercio justo! LECTURAS LECTURAS DEL DOMINGO, 18 DE OCTUBRE Primera Lectura: Isaías 53:10-11 Salmo: Salmo 32:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 Segunda Lectura: Hebreos 4:14-16 Evangelio: Marcos 10:35-45 LECTURAS DEL DOMINGO, 25 DE OCTUBRE Primera Lectura: Jeremías 31:7-9 Salmo: Salmo 125:1-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6 Segunda Lectura: Hebreos 5:1-6 Evangelio: Marcos 10:46-52 ESCUELA DE RELIGION JOVENES DE HIGH SCHOOL O CONFIRMACION Sus próximas juntas serán el Domingo,18 de Octubre y el 1 de Noviembre en el salón Parroquial de 7-8:30pm. NOCHE DE PADRINOS DE CONFIRMACION Su primer noche de Padrinos de Confirmación será el Miércoles, 11 de Noviembre de 7-8:30pm. Un padrino de Confirmación es un adulto Confirmado en la fe Católica, que no sean los padres del joven y que estén en buenos términos con su Iglesia. JOVENES DE JUNIOR HIGH Y HIGH SCHOOL A WORLDS OF FUN! Cada año llevamos a nuestros jóvenes de Junior High y High School a Worlds of Fun para una noche de diversión! Este año iremos el Viernes, 23 de Octubre. Nos reuniremos en la parroquia y el bus saldrá a las 5:30pm y regresaremos después que el parque de diversión cierre, asi que estaremos de regreso en la parroquia a las 12:45am. El costo de cada persona es aproximadamente $35. Cada joven que quiera asistir tendrá que tener un formulario de permiso firmado por sus padres. Las formas están en la oficia y también en nuestra pagina web. Pagina 3 INFORMACION CLASES DE RICA RICA, El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos, comienza en Septiembre. RICA es el proceso de formación para adultos que quieren ser Católicos y para adultos que han sido bautizados en la fe Católica, pero necesitan los sacramentos de Primera Comunión y/o Confirmación. Este año vamos a tener platicas los jueves de 7-9pm. Si esta interesado, comuníquese con Kris en la oficina, o llámele a Gerardo Arenivas al 816-719-7563 o a Raúl Félix al 816-3091919. SERVICIOS DE SANIDAD Nuestra diócesis de Kansas City-St. Joseph esta haciendo un llamado a todos aquellos quienes han sido afectados por cualquier tipo de abuso sexual, ofreciendo servicios de sanidad. Los servicios se llevaran a cabo: • 11 de Noviembre en la Natividad de María, en Independence, MO a las 7pm. • 26 de Junio en la Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción en Kansas City a las 2pm. POR FAVOR TENGAN EN CUENTA: Queremos que todos los feligreses tengan en cuenta que el Código de Ordenanzas de Belton dice que en ningún lugar dentro de la ciudad está autorizado pedir dinero (para comida, gasolina, etc.). Si alguien le pide dinero en el estacionamiento cuando viene a Misa, por favor dirígelo a cualquier miembro del personal que está en esa Misa, o a la oficina parroquial durante las horas de oficina, en lugar de darle dinero. Un miembro del personal está presente en cada Misa para cualquiera pregunta o duda nos puede encontrar en el lado sureño del Espacio de Reunión. Nosotros lo dirigiremos a los recursos adecuados. 2016 DELEGACION A EL SALVADOR Nuestra parroquia llevara a su segunda delegación a El Salvador para aprender mas sobre el programa de becas allí y para tener la oportunidad de conocer a nuestro estudiantes becados y a sus familias. Viajaremos a Cinquera y a El Mozote. El pueblo de Mozote fue uno de los muchos donde ocurrieron masacres durante la Guerra Civil en El Salvador. Por ahora, planeamos viajar a El Salvador el 5 de Enero y quedarnos aproximadamente 8 días. Si usted esta interesado o quiere mas información, por favor comuníquese con Kris al 816-979-3151 o por correo electrónico, [email protected]. Pagina 2 INTENCIONES DE LA MISA Es una antigua costumbre (que data los tiempos del Antiguo Testamento) orar por los que han muerto. La Iglesia sigue esta costumbre, sobre todo cuando se celebra la Eucaristía. Además de oración por todos los difuntos, una intención particular puede ser incluida por el sacerdote para una o más personas a solicitud de cualquier persona. Esa persona puede ofrecer una donación (sugerido $10). Dicha ofrenda tradicionalmente se ha proporcionado para el apoyo del clero. En nuestra diócesis, el clero decidió hace años para todas las misas que las remuneraciones se entregaran a la parroquia. Si usted desea ofrecer una Misa para uno de sus seres queridos, por favor comuníquese con Zuiri en la oficina parroquial. ATADO A SU CASA DEBIDO A ENFERMEDAD O VEJEZ? Si usted o un miembro de su familia esta atado a su casa debido a enfermedad crónica o vejez y le gustaría recibir la Sagrada Comunión por favor póngase en contacto con María Palomares al 816-838-1138 o con Kris Larkey en la oficina parroquial al 816-979-3151 o [email protected]. HOSPITALIZADO Si usted esta hospitalizado y le desea hacernos saber, por favor llame o que un miembro de su familia se comunique con nosotros. Llámele a María Palomares al 816-838-1138 o con Kris Larkey en la oficina parroquial al 816-979-3151 o por correo electrónico: [email protected]. Debido a las leyes de privacidad, los hospitales no pueden contactarnos. GUADALUPE MATACHINES Los ensayos para los Matachines comenzaran el Jueves, 15 de Octubre a las 7pm en el gimnasio. Si a usted le gustaría unirse a nuestro grupo de Matachines este año, por favor comuníquese con Juan Lopez al 816-382-7005 o con Gerardo Arenivas al 816-719-7563. OBRA DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE Si a usted le gustaría formar parte de nuestro elenco para la Obra de la Virgen de Guadalupe, por favor comuníquese con Raúl Félix al 816-3091919. Los ensayos comienzan el Martes, 20 de Octubre a las 7pm en la Iglesia. 18 de Octubre del 2015 29° Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario La Parroquia Católica de Santa Sabina Belton, MO Felicidades a David Emmanuel, quien fue bautizado en nuestra parroquia el Domingo, 4 de Octubre. 700 Trevis Avenue, Belton, MO 64012 Teléfono: 816-331-4713 www.stsabinaparish.org www.facebook.com/stsabinaparish Fax: 816-322-6196 Horarios: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Lunes - Jueves y 9:00am - 1:00pm, Viernes Personal de la Parroquia Rev. Jeff Stephan, Pastor 816-979-3157 Padre Curt Vogel, Pastor Adjunto 816-979-3156 Diácono Dwayne Katzer Diácono Mike Gates Bridget Hernandez, Corresponsabilidad y Justicia Social 816-979-3159 Kris Larkey, Asociada Pastoral 816-979-3151 Biagio Mazza, Asociado Pastoral 816-979-3153 Zuiri Pacheco, Recepcionista y Escuela de Religión 816-979-3150 Susan Ratigan, Liturgista 816-979-3158 Kirstie Roberts, Dir. de Religión y Pastoral Juvenil 816-979-3155 Marta Roper, Coordinadora Pastoral 816-979-3154 Jeff Shields, Coordinador de Finanzas 816-979-3152 Tracy Wheeler, Mantenimiento Bonnie Kane, Diocesan Victim Advocate 816-392-0011 Jenifer Valenti, Diocesan Ombudsman 816-812-2500 Horario de las Misas del fin de semana Sábado: 4:00pm (Confesiones de las 3:00pm - 3:30pm) Domingo: 8:00am, 10:30am en Ingles, 12:30pm Misa en Español X57 X56 X59 X51 X53 X50 X58 X55 X54 X52 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Centro de Salud - 816-979-3090 Jeannine Midgett 816-979-3093 Patricia Moreno 816-979-3092
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