Celebration of the Eucharist SUNDAY MASS TIMES 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil — English (Church) 7:00 am — Español (Capilla) 8:00 am — English (Church) 9:45 am — English (Church) 11:30 am — English (Church) 1:15 pm — Español (Iglesia) 5:00 pm Youth Mass — English (Church) 7:00 pm — Español (Iglesia) Weekday Masses (Misas Diarias) 6:30 am, Thursdays, English, Chapel 8:30 am, Monday- Saturday, English, Chapel 6:30 pm, Monday and Wednesday, English, Chapel 6:30 pm, Martes y Viernes, Español, Capilla Exposition of the Holy Eucharist (Hora Santa) Tuesdays from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm in the Chapel Fridays from 9:00 am (immediately following morning Mass) until 10:00 am in the Chapel Reconciliation (Confesiones) Thursdays from 6:00-7:00 pm; Saturdays from 3:304:30 pm in the chapel, or by appointment. El Sacramento de la Reconciliación se celebra los jueves de 6-7 p.m. y los sábados de 3:30-4:30 p.m., en la capilla o con previa cita. Baptism (Bautismos) Parents and godparents must attend a Baptism class prior to scheduling the baptism. Classes are held the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 am. Call the office to register. Los padres y padrinos deberán asistir a las clases prebautismales antes de programar la fecha de bautismo. Las clases son el segundo sábado de cada mes a las 9:30 am. Llame a la oficina para registrarse. Become a Catholic Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—for those interested in learning more about the Catholic religion. For more information, call the parish office. Catecumenado de Adultos Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) para quienes desean recibir el Bautismo, Confirmación, Primera Comunión, o están interesados en aprender más acerca de la religión Católica. Por favor, llame a la oficina para mas información. Anointing of the Sick (Unción de los Enfermos) After business hours, call the emergency phone at 972-974-5430 for critical situations requiring anointing of the sick. Después del horario de oficina, favor de marcar el número de emergencia para situaciones críticas que requieren la unción de los enfermos: 972-974-5430. Matrimony (Matrimonio) Marriages require a six month preparation period. Please call the office to inquire about marriage preparation. Se programarán con un mínimo de seis meses antes del matrimonio. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 8000 El Dorado Parkway Frisco, Texas 75033 Office (972) 712-2645 Fax (972) 712-1087 General E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.stfoafrisco.org Msgr. Larry Pichard, Pastor Rev. Paul Iverson, Parochial Vicar Rev. Lauro González, Parochial Vicar Bob Bonomi, Deacon, Ext. 665 John Carlisle, Deacon, Ext. 667 Benigno Arana, Deacon, Ext. 664 Gregory Kahrs, Deacon, Ext. 662 Frank Reyna, Deacon, Ext. 230 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl 214-619-4096 September 13, 2015 September 13, 2015, Twenty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time Views from Fr. Larry Pichard, Pastor Visiones del Párroco, Pbro. Larry Pichard Did you ever wonder why paintings or statues of St. Francis of Assisi usually have a bird or two on his shoulders? Today I explain why as I describe the second-to-the-back-ofthe-Church-window on your right when you enter the Church. St. Francis was travelling with his fellow friars when they came upon a flock of birds. Francis spontaneously began to talk to them and to let them know how blessed they were since they were created by God, been given their feathers for miraculous flight, been provided with sufficient food for their journeys. Lo and behold, the birds didn’t fly away. So he preached the Gospel to them, and they stayed and listened. When he finished speaking, they flew away. Francis had just discovered his great love for all creation, his great sense of God’s love for us and for all his creatures. So, the top part of that window shows Francis preaching to the birds. I asked myself, “What saint in the modern era has preached to birds besides me when I’m camping in the mountains and celebrating Mass on my picnic table?” Well, I couldn’t think of anybody. But we were well aware of the fact that the only human being who has talked to more people in the world than anybody else was Pope John Paul II. Starting in 1979 and travelling till eight months before he died in 2005, Pope John Paul visited in 129 countries, more than any other Pope in history. He didn’t go as a tourist, but he went to preach the Gospel to untold millions of people, to Catholics, Jews, and Muslims. And, of course, among those stadiums, fields, and plazas there were a number of birds who heard about Jesus and his love for all creatures! I am a witness to his preaching. I attended his papal Mass in Washington DC in October of 1979, and I had the joy of distributing Communion. I helped plan his visit to San Antonio in September of 1987. One of my duties was to be a liturgical consultant to the architect who designed the outdoor sanctuary with altar and ambo and chair. Another duty was to escort the children who brought up to the Pope the gifts of bread and wine and flowers, and I saw his excitement at hugging two cute orphaned boys and his compassion toward all those children. Another duty was escorting the 100 Catholics from 14 dioceses of Texas who were chosen to receive Holy Communion from the Pope, and even though I was the last to receive Communion from him, I felt very honored. I have read his encyclicals and learned much from his preaching and teaching. For all those reasons Saint Pope John Paul II is portrayed in the bottom of that window, preaching to thousands of people (and maybe a few birds). ¿Alguna vez se han preguntado por qué las pinturas o estatuas de San Francisco de Asís usualmente tienen un pájaro o dos sobre sus hombros? El día de hoy explico el por qué mientras describo el segundo vitral de la parte de atrás de las ventanas de la Iglesia de su lado derecho cuando entran a la Iglesia. San Francisco estaba viajando con sus compañeros frailes cuando se encontraron con una bandada de pájaros. Francisco espontáneamente comenzó a hablarles y a decirles que tan bendecidos eran porque eran creaturas de Dios, les han dado plumas para volar milagrosamente, les han dotado de suficiente comida para sus viajes. Pero he aquí que los pájaros no volaron. Así que él predicó el Evangelio a los pájaros, y ellos permanecieron y escucharon. Cuando él terminó de hablar, se fueron volando. Francisco había descubierto su gran amor por toda la creación, su gran sentido del amor de Dios por nosotros y por todas sus creaturas. Así que, en la parte superior de esa ventana muestra a Francisco predicando a los pájaros. Me pregunté, “¿Qué santo de la era moderna ha predicado a los pájaros además de a mí cuando estoy acampando en las montañas y celebrando Misa en una mesa de picnic?” Bueno, no pudimos pensar en nadie. Pero todos fuimos conscientes y reconocimos que nadie ha predicado a más personas en el mundo como lo hizo el Papa Juan Pablo II. Empezando en 1979 y viajando hasta ocho meses antes de su muerte en el 2005, el Papa Juan Pablo visitó 129 países, más que ningún otro Papa en la historia. Él no fue como turista, él fue a predicar del Evangelio a millones de personas, a católicos, judíos y musulmanes. Y por supuesto, ¡entre esos estadios, campos y plazas había un número de pájaros los cuales escuchaban sobre Jesús y su amor a todas las creaturas! Yo soy testigo de su predicación. Asistí a la Misa papal en Washington DC en octubre de 1979, y tuve la alegría de distribuir la Comunión. Ayudé a planear su visita a San Antonio en septiembre de 1987. Uno de mis deberes fue ser un consultor litúrgico del arquitecto quien diseñó el santuario al aire libre con el altar, el ambón y la silla. Otro de mis deberes fue acompañar a los niños quienes llevaron al Papa las ofrendas del pan, vino y flores, y vi su emoción al abrazar a dos lindos niños huérfanos y su compasión hacia todos estos niños. Otra de mis responsabilidades fue acompañar a los 100 católicos de 14 diócesis de Texas quienes fueron escogidos para recibir la Santa Comunión del Papa, y además fui el último en recibir la Comunión de él, me sentí muy honrado. He leído sus encíclicas y aprendido mucho de su predicación y enseñanzas. Por todas esas razones el Santo Juan Pablo II está representado en la parte de abajo de esa ventana, predicando a miles de personas (y tal vez a algunos pájaros). St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—Frisco, TX Sunday, September 13th 7:00 am, Misa en español, Capilla– † Edward Pinto (LG) 8:00 am, Mass , Church – †Roe Mona “Jill” Turrentine(PI) 9:45 am, Mass , Church – † Cersaria A. Cantagros (LP) 11:30 am, Mass, Church – Julian Anjolly (PI) 1:15 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia – Daniel McBrayer’s Conversion (LG) 5:00 pm, Mass, Church – † Eileen Binney (LP) 7:00 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia – Daniel McBrayer’s Conversion (LG) Our Parish Staff Tracy Brown, Financial Director, Ext. 226 Mark Smith, Director of Development, Ext. 351 Anneliese Rivera, Director of Liturgy, Ext. 237 Kevin Shelley, Director of Music, Ext. 313 Laura Marquez, Director of Hispanic Ministry, Ext. 241 Greysi Bargas, Hispanic Ministry Coordinator, Ext. 227 David Utsler, Director of Faith Formation, Ext. 247 Niki MacDougall, Director of Children’s Ministry, Ext. 229 Rachel Hansen, Children’s Ministry Assistant, Ext. 232 Tammy Weber, Director of Youth Ministry, Ext. 358 Jenny Rohde, Middle School Ministry Director, Ext. 244 David Casper, Youth Ministry Musician, Ext. 234 Candace Bermender, Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant, Ext. 230 Maricel Medero, Marriage Administrator, Ext. 225 Ginny Milich, Safe Environment Coordinator, Ext. 228 Kate Disbrow, Bookkeeper, Ext. 360 Alma Geller, Parish Administrator, Ext. 352 Rocio Villegas, Receptionist, Ext. 221 Donnie Floyd, Facilities Director, Ext. 231 Carlos Gaona, Facility Technician, Ext. 238 Adelaida Gaona, Dayporter, Ext. 238 Anselma Maldonado, Dayporter, Ext.238 Lauren Harbour, Director of Little Friends Preschool, Ext. 235 Blanca Balderas, Admin. Asst. to Liturgy and Hispanic Ministry, Ext. 245 Monday, September 14th 8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Thomas Franklin (PI) 6:30 pm, Mass, Chapel– † Ron Cuello (LG) Tuesday, September 15th 8:30 am, Mass, Chapel — † Thomas Franklin (LP) 6:30 pm, Misa en Español, Capilla – † Maria de Lourdes Werneck (LG) 7:00 pm, Adoration, Chapel until 9:00 pm Wednesday, September 16th 8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Katherine Mary McKay (PI) 6:30 pm, Mass, Chapel – Elvira Guerrero (LP) 7:30 pm, Chapel, ADORE—Adoration Thursday, September 17th 6:30 am, Mass, Chapel – Gaby Geller (LP) 8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Rosario Paredes Gonzalez (LG) 6:00 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel Please Pray For Please pray for the sick and suffering of our parish : Peter Friday, September 18th 8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Juanita Lopez (LP) 9:00 am, Adoration, Chapel until 10:00 am 6:30 pm, Misa en español, Capilla – Daniel & Rebecca Rocha (LG) Saturday, September 19 8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Jerry May (LG) 3:30 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel 5:00 pm, Mass, Church – † Rita Flaherty (PI) Sunday, September 20th 7:00 am, Misa en español, Capilla (LP) 8:00 am, Mass , Church (PI) 9:45 am, Mass , Church (LG) 11:30 am, Mass, Church (PI) 1:15 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia (LP) 5:00 pm, Mass, Church (LP) 7:00 pm, Mass, Church (LG) Rodriguez, Samantha Pennicott, Phillip Cunningham, Cristian David Lopez, Charlene Davis, Fernando Alegre, Bob Kilcullen, Bob Tramp, Elizabeth Rosario, Dante Carbajal. Please pray for the recently deceased: Joan Gerlacher, Jorge Luis DelaTorre, James Selders, Nicolas Soto,Todd Deveyra, Juana Diaz Ayson. th Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list. Names will be listed for four weeks. MAJOR PARISH EVENT CALENDAR SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 13 Donuts 14 15 20 Catechetical Sunday 21 22 27 Squires Breakfast 28 29 4 5 WEDNESDAY 16 THURSDAY FRIDAY 17 Men’s ACTS ENGLISH 18 23 24 25 26 41st Annual Mexican Dinner 30 1 2 3 Misa de Uncion de Enfermos 7 8 19 SVdP Walk for the Poor Blessing of the Animals October 6 SATURDAY 9 10 Vox Humana Concert SVdP BINGO September 13, 2015, Twenty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time LITURGIA MUJER Misa de Unción de Enfermos Programa Mujer Invitamos a quienes tengan una enfermedad terminal, o tengan una cirugía programada próximamente para recibir el sacramento de Unción de Enfermos el viernes 18 de septiembre a las 6:30 pm en la capilla. Al terminar habrá una bendición especial para las mujeres que estén esperando un hijo. MATRIMONIO Y ADULTOS Las mujeres mayores de 18 años que deseen crecer en su formación integral las invitamos al Curso de Biblia Simplificada y Entusiasmo en la Superación. Los días martes de 9:30 a 11:30 am. Informes con Lety Martínez al 408-348-9722. Hay guardería sin costo. El Arte de Discutir en Pareja Reflexión de la Mañana para Mujeres Nuevamente en nuestra parroquia el reconocido autor de Vicios y Virtudes, el P. Alejandro Ortega nos visitará nuevamente con la Conferencia Magistral: Guerra en la Alcoba. el Arte de Discutir en Pareja. Viernes 2 de octubre, 6:45 pm. Centro Parroquial. Donativo: $10. Venta de boletos en el ministerio hispano o con Grisel a 214-578-9446, o Lety 408-348-9722. Invitamos a las mujeres de la comunidad mayores de 18 años a la Reflexión de Mañana y Confesiones con el P. Fr. Owen Kearns. El miércoles 16 de septiembre de 9:30 am a 12:00 pm en el salón Duesman. Hay guardería sin costo. De las profundas diferencias entre el hombre y la mujer resulta una unidad. El hombre en general busca soluciones, la mujer, motivaciones. FORMACION DE FE Formación de Fe—español Invitamos a las familias de formación de fe a participar en la 41a Comida Anual Mexicana el sábado 26 de febrero. Para celebrar nuestra fe en las diferentes culturas con su familias en nuestra comunidad parroquial. El viernes 25 y sábado 26 NO habrán clases de formación de fe. ¡Los esperamos en la Comida Mexicana, consulten el anuncio en esta sección! APOYO SOCIAL Grupo de Padres con Hijos Especiales Si tienes un hijo especial y deseas compartir con otras familias. Te invitamos a la reunión el jueves 17 de septiembre a las 6:45 pm en el salón A. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—Frisco, TX It’s that time of the year again and we are excited to announce the campaign has begun! A heartfelt thank you for your monetary contributions and the assistance by so many volunteers last year. It was such a huge success that we not only surpassed our goal but more children were clothed in the process! This program would cease to exist without your charitable hearts and generosity. As many of you know The Clothe a Child mission is to assist the clothing needs of economically disadvantaged children in our communities through a partnership with Kohl’s Department Store. The goal is to provide children with a $100 voucher for their clothing needs and to acquire volunteers for the shopping experience. The Clothe a Child community has set a goal for this year to be: 3,000 children and 2,000 volunteers. The 2015 goal for St. Francis is to clothe 315 children and to acquire 315 volunteers! Please don’t miss out on this great opportunity to give back to your community. The shopping special event dates are: October 10th, 17th, and 24th. We will have our table in the Great Hall on the weekend of September 5th & September 19th , which will allow for volunteer registration and donations. Donations can also be made online: http://www.stfoafrisco.org/electronic-donations.html For more information please email us at: [email protected] KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS Did you know that your card needs to be relinked to St. Francis annually? The new year for their Community Rewards program is about to begin. Please visit www.stfoafrisco.org/shopping-rewards-programs.html for instructions on how to relink. While you’re at it, link your and accounts to St. Francis as well. All proceeds support the art & environment of our church and chapel. MOMS WEDDING MUSIC RECITAL A Wedding Music Recital will be held here at St. Francis, Tuesday, Sept. 22, at 7:30 pm in the Church! We will have music with Violin, Cello, Organ, Piano, Harp, Bagpipes, Vocalists, etc. Anyone with an upcoming Wedding (or Anniversary Mass) should attend this helpful Recital! It’s an enjoyable and great way to hear beautiful music appropriate for Catholic Weddings. Note: This Recital is also open to anyone that would like to come and hear beautiful music, from Classical to Contemporary. The MOMS Ministry of St. Francis would like to invite all MOMS to our first monthly meeting in September. We offer two meetings options to meet the varied needs of all parish MOMS. You may come either Tuesday, September 15th, 6:30PM or Wednesday, September 16th, 9:30AM. Light appetizers and refreshments will be served, and babysitting is available for Tuesday evening only. RSVP via email to [email protected] no later than September 13th. For more details please visit our website at www.stfrancismoms.com ACTS RETREAT Women’s retreat dates: October 15-18, 2015 For more information please contact: Lauren Harbour 214-293-6940. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL The national Friends of the Poor Walk/Run returns Saturday, Sept. 19, hosted by the St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council. Please join your fellow Catholics for this annual event at the University of Dallas Braniff Memorial Tower in Irving for registration between 10-10:30 am. The walk will take place around the UD campus, with a shorter route for those unable to complete a 5K. Parishioners, friends and family can walk with you for $30. Sign up at http://svdpdallas.org/forms/friends-of-the-poor-walk. Also, you can donate if you’re not walking. Each person who signs up with our parish will earn $25 for our Frisco SVDP. September 13, 2015, Twenty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time Due to the Labor Day Holiday, Parish Finances for this past week will be in next week’s bulletin. Commissions, Councils, and Ministries Community Life OPEN TBD Gary Bedard - (972) 712-9507 Ghassan Hattar - (972) 712-1183 Ken & Merle [email protected] Bob & Katie Kilcullen— [email protected] Tom & Sue Rejmaniak - [email protected] Randy & Francie Farr - [email protected] Kathleen & Mark [email protected] Carol Bowman (520) 245-4956 Lauren Bricker - [email protected] Andrew Smith [email protected] Raul Perez - [email protected] Yoheli Perez - [email protected] Katie Tarsha - [email protected] Donelle Hamilton- [email protected] Raul Perez - [email protected] Betty Hamilton - [email protected] Ana Rodriguez - [email protected] Faith Formation Ministry Liaison OPEN Staff Liaison David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247 Children’s Faith Formation Niki MacDougall - (972) 712-2645 x229 Middle School Youth Ministry Jenny Rohde - (972) 712-2645 x244 High School Youth Ministry Tammy Weber - (972) 712-2645 x358 Preschool Faith Formation Kristin Klembara - [email protected] RCIA David Utsler (972) 712-2645 x247 Adult and Family ACTS Michael Myers—[email protected] Teams of Our Lady Ministry Tracy DuBois - [email protected] Bible Study Ron Holleman - (972) 978-7551 Book Club David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247 Catholic Homeschoolers Sarah Griffith - [email protected] Come Home David Utsler (972) 712-2645 x247 Kids Day Out Preschool Lauren Harbour - (972) 712-1657 Salve Regina Stephanie Chilek - [email protected] St. Francis Men’s Ministry Greg Theisen - 972 955-6833 Vacation Bible School Michelle Ryan - [email protected] Lamplight Catholic Learning Series [email protected] Morning Prayer/Rosary Group Theresa Etcheverry - (972) 377-0952 Prayer Group Ron Holleman - (972) 978-7551 Liturgy Ministry Liaison Victoria Rychalsky - [email protected] Staff Liaison Anneliese Rivera - [email protected] Altar Guild Sue Rejmaniak - [email protected] Altar Servers Richard Quigley - [email protected] Art & Environment Missty Deutsch - (972) 335-7695 Eucharistic Ministers Deborah Kahrs - [email protected] Lectors Victoria Rychalsky - [email protected] Music Ministry Kevin Shelley - (972) 712-2645 x313 Ushers Sean McMenamin [email protected] Weddings & Annulments Maricel Medero (972) 712-2645 x225 Funeral Meals Jenny Bloemendaal - [email protected] Hearing Loss Peggy Hemmer –972-704-3875 Stewardship Council Committee Chair Greg Deiter - [email protected] Staff Liaison Mark Smith - (972) 712-2645 x351 Financial Peace University Teri Mancuso - [email protected] Greeters Robin Wren - [email protected] Welcome Callers Karen Sarnacki - [email protected] Parish Development Building Committee Steve Hulsey (972) 335-1616 Finance Council Jerry Rausch - [email protected] Parish Council Lori Skillestead - [email protected] Outreach Ministry Liaison OPEN Staff Liaison Alma Geller (972) 712-2645 x352 AIDS Outreach Jennifer Greenlee - (469) 377-0021 Angel Tree Nellie Hill - [email protected] Ministry Liaison Staff Liaison Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Empty Nesters I Empty Nesters II Empty Nesters III Empty Nesters IV Empty Nesters V Girl Scouts Hospitality /Donuts Knights of Columbus K of C Squires Ladies Auxiliary Ministry of Mothers Sharing Squire Roses Softball Teams Women of St. Francis Young Adults Blood Drive Robin Wren - [email protected] Brown Bag Sunday Nellie Hill - [email protected] Catholic Addiction Ministry Vincent Webb - (972) 804-2812 Clothe a Child Christina Rodriguez - [email protected] Divorce Support Deacon Gregg Kahrs - (972) 712-2645 x662 Grief Ministry Donna Schmittler - [email protected] Hospital Ministry Jeff Webster-281-414-1426 Nursing Home Ministry Jim and C.C. Maness-817-915-5856 Homebound Ministry Rheinhold Olson-972-822-3050 Illness & New Baby Meals Melanie Duhaime - (214) 636-6277 Prayer Chain Anneliese Rivera - (972) 712-2645 x237 Respect Life Tim Filesi - [email protected] Society of St. Vincent de Paul Alice Lackey –[email protected] Thanksgiving Baskets Nellie Hill - [email protected] Prison Ministry John Quincey– [email protected] Always Our Children Cathy Gonzalez – [email protected] Hispanic Ministry / Ministerios Hispanos Comisionado Héctor Rodas - (469) 237-4523 Vocaciones Victor y Deya Peña - [email protected] Enlace Parroquial Laura Márquez - (972) 712-2645 x241 Liturgia Lectores Juan y Lupita Barrera - (972) 754-0447 Ministros de la Comunión José Bautista - (469) 231-2760 Monaguillos Abraham Pérez - (214) 912-8671 Sacristanes Gladys García - (972) 712-2926 Ujieres Samuel Mora - (469) 888-2677 Coro Instrumento de tu Paz Celene Orozco - (469) 471-1089 Coro Divina Providencia Rubén Padilla - (972) 533-0696 Coordinadores de Bodas Jerry & Mila Ledesma - (214) 407-0253 Liturgia de Niños Yamilete Jaramillo - (972) 762-9130 Formación de Fe Enlace Parroquial Greysi Bargas (972) 712-2645 x227 Catecismo niños y jóvenes Susy Hernández (214) 529-3210 Massiel Walker (214)773-6007 RICA: Iniciación Cristiana Adultos Juan y Lupita Barrera - (972) 754-0447 Quinceañeras Patty Caceres - (469) 358-7948 Grupo Juvenil, JUMP Henry Orozco - (469) 358-8728 Campamento de Verano Cris Fanous - [email protected] Familia y Adultos Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos Mariano Carro - [email protected] Recién Casados Gera y Brenda Hernández [email protected] Encuentro Matrimonial Carlos y Carmen Gallegos - (214) 355-0373 Preparación Matrimonial Roberto y Maru Alexander (214) 317-6867 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Rocendo Montes - (469) 525-1529 Ministerio de Mamá a Mamá M.O.M.S. Grisel Sánchez - (214) 578-9446 Programa Mujer Lety Martínez - (408)-348-9722 Guadalupanos Yolanda Herrera - (214) 232-3405 Grupo de Oración Beto Montañez - (214) 537-3436 Talleres de Oración y Vida Edith Pereyra - (972) 841-0092 ¿Por qué ser Católico? Rogelio Pacheco - (469)-441-3013 ACTS Yoli Liscano - (214)-202-5473 Rosendo Montes - (469) 525-1529 Bodas y Anulaciones Maricel Medero (972) 712-2645 x225 Vida en Comunidad Comida Mexicana Anual & Día Cultural Yoheli Perez - [email protected] Caballeros de Colón Ricardo González - [email protected] Coro Juvenil Solados de Cristo Martha Cáceres - (469) 233-6762 Apoyo Social Acompaña Cris Rojas - (214) 908-3312 Padres de Niños Necesidades Especiales Elia Huerta - (214) 415-9410 Pro Vida Mixaida Van der Werf - (469) 571-4361 Ministerio de Enfermos William Lanzas-214-471-3601 Clases de Inglés (ESL) Tony Sánchez - (214) 957-3573 Adicciones Russell Braga 940-273-9849 Corresponsabilidad Representante Francisco López (469) 396-9267 Parish Contacts for Non-Parish Ministries Honduras/Friends of Los Niños Geralyn Kaminsky - [email protected] Natural Family Planning Holly Baril - (469) 774-6559 Worldwide Marriage Encounter Bryan & Melissa Causey - (214) 709-4677
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