St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church November 29, 2015

Celebration of the Eucharist
5:00 pm Saturday Vigil — English (Church)
7:00 am — Español (Capilla)
8:00 am — English (Church)
9:45 am — English (Church)
11:30 am — English (Church)
1:15 pm — Español (Iglesia)
5:00 pm Youth Mass — English (Church)
7:00 pm — Español (Iglesia)
Weekday Masses (Misas Diarias)
6:30 am, Thursdays, English, Chapel
8:30 am, Monday- Saturday, English, Chapel
6:30 pm, Monday and Wednesday, English, Chapel
6:30 pm, Martes y Viernes, Español, Capilla
Exposition of the Holy Eucharist (Hora Santa)
Tuesdays from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm in the Chapel
Fridays from 9:00 am (immediately following morning
Mass) until 10:00 am in the Chapel
Reconciliation (Confesiones)
Thursdays from 6:00-7:00 pm; Saturdays from 3:304:30 pm in the chapel, or by appointment.
El Sacramento de la Reconciliación se celebra los
jueves de 6-7 p.m. y los sábados de 3:30-4:30 p.m., en
la capilla o con previa cita.
Baptism (Bautismos)
Parents and godparents must attend a Baptism class
prior to scheduling the baptism. Please call the office
for dates, times and to register.
Los padres y padrinos deberán asistir a las clases prebautismales antes de programar la fecha de bautismo.
Favor de llamar a la oficina para el horario y para
Become a Catholic
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—for those interested in learning more about the Catholic religion. For
more information, call the parish office.
Catecumenado de Adultos
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) para quienes desean recibir el Bautismo, Confirmación, Primera Comunión, o están interesados en
aprender más acerca de la religión Católica. Por
favor, llame a la oficina para mas información.
Anointing of the Sick
(Unción de los Enfermos)
After business hours, call the emergency phone at
972-974-5430 for critical situations requiring
anointing of the sick.
Después del horario de oficina, favor de marcar el
número de emergencia para situaciones críticas que
requieren la unción de los enfermos: 972-974-5430.
Matrimony (Matrimonio)
Marriages require a six month preparation period.
Please call the office to inquire about marriage
Se programarán con un mínimo de seis meses antes
del matrimonio.
St. Francis of Assisi
Catholic Church
8000 El Dorado Parkway
Frisco, Texas 75033
Office (972) 712-2645
Fax (972) 712-1087
General E-Mail:
[email protected]
Msgr. Larry Pichard, Pastor
Rev. Paul Iverson, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Lauro González, Parochial Vicar
Benigno Arana, Deacon, Ext. 664
Bob Bonomi, Deacon, Ext. 665
John Carlisle, Deacon, Ext. 667
Gregory Kahrs, Deacon, Ext. 662
Frank Reyna, Deacon, Ext. 230
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl
November 29, 2015
November 29, 2015, First Sunday of Advent
Views from Fr. Larry Pichard, Pastor
Visiones del Párroco, Pbro. Larry Pichard
Let us greet Advent with open arms! Advent began
in about the eighth century way before the
“Commercialization of Christmas” was born. I think you
know what the “Commercialization of Christmas” means—
the frenzy of shopping, partying, and gift giving. Advent
emerged as a time to reflect quietly and prayerfully upon
remembering the birth of the Savior and looking forward to
his Second Coming at the end of time. Oh, I know that our
culture of pre-Christmas frenzy usually dominates our lives,
but I hope you as an individual or as a family can spend at
least some reflective time. The best thing to do is to read
the Scriptural passages of our weekday Masses. Just google
“daily Mass readings” and you will go to http://
Or you can use your
smartphone app called Laudate. Check in daily because I
find those Old Testament prophecies, classic dreams of
Isaiah and the Lord, to be so hopeful and so appropriate for
today’s problems; in fact, I think they are the very best of
the liturgical year! Maybe, with a family, your prayers
before meals could incorporate those dreams for peace,
healings, and God’s mercy. Maybe you could make it for
daily Mass itself, weekdays at 8:30 am, Thursdays at 6:30
am, Monday evenings and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm.
Whatever you do, just remember the spiritual dimension of
all your pre-Christmas activities.
Definitely put these Advent dates on your calendar:
December 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary,
a holyday of obligation. Also consider Saturday, December
12, bilingual Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe at 7:30 pm
although it is not a holyday of obligation.
¡Recibamos el Adviento con los brazos abiertos! El
Adviento comenzó a celebrarse cerca del siglo VIII mucho
antes que la “Comercialización de Navidad” apareciera.
Pienso que ustedes saben lo que la “Comercialización de
Navidad” significa—la euforia de las compras, fiestas y dar
regalos. Adviento surge como un tiempo de reflexión en
silencio y devoción recordando el nacimiento del Salvador
y preparándonos para su Segunda Venida al final de los
tiempos. O, yo sé que nuestra cultura de pre-Navidad eufórica usualmente domina nuestras vidas, pero espero que
ustedes como individuos o como familia puedan tener al
menos un momento de tiempo de reflexión. La mejor cosa
para hacer es leer el pasaje de las escrituras de las Misas de
entre semana. Busquen en google “lecturas de Misas diarias” y vayan a , en la
parte superior derecha en la parte de Bible está la opción
Lecturas del Día. O ustedes pueden utilizar en su teléfono
inteligente una aplicación llamada Laudate la cual está disponible en varios idiomas. Revísenlo diariamente porque
yo encuentro esas profecías del Antiguo Testamento, clásicos sueños de Isaías y el Señor, ser muy esperanzadoras y
muy apropiadas para los problemas de hoy; de hecho,
pienso que son las mejores del ano litúrgico! Tal vez, con
una familia, sus oraciones antes de comer podrían incorporar esos sueños por la paz, sanación, misericordia de Dios.
Tal vez ustedes pueden asistir a unas de las Misas diarias,
entre semana a las 6:30 pm los martes y viernes en español
y a las 8:30 am de lunes a sábado en inglés, lunes y miércoles a las 6:30 pm en inglés. Lo que hagan, solo recuerden la
dimensión espiritual de toda su preparación antes de Navidad.
Definitivamente pongan estas fechas en su calendario: 8 de diciembre, Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción
de María, es un día de obligación. También consideren el
sábado 12 de diciembre, la Misa bilingüe de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a las 7:30 pm en la Iglesia, aunque no es
un día de obligación.
También encontrarán más información de la Novena de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y los temas que reflexionaremos esos días en las misas diarias.
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—Frisco, TX
Sunday, November 29th
Our Parish Staff
David Utsler, Staff and Ministry Supervisor, Ext. 247
Tracy Brown, Financial Director, Ext. 226
Mark Smith, Development Director, Ext. 351
Anneliese Rivera, Liturgy Director, Ext. 237
Kevin Shelley, Music Director, Ext. 313
Laura Marquez, Hispanic Ministry Director, Ext. 241
Greysi Bargas, Hispanic Ministry Coordinator, Ext. 227
Tammy Weber, High School Ministry Director, Ext. 358
Jenny Rohde, Middle School Ministry Director, Ext. 244
David Casper, Youth Ministry Musician, Ext. 234
Candace Bermender, Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant, Ext. 230
Niki MacDougall, Children’s Ministry Director, Ext. 229
Rachel Hansen, Children’s Ministry Assistant, Ext. 232
Maricel Medero, Marriage Administrator, Ext. 225
Ginny Milich, Safe Environment Coordinator, Ext. 228
Kate Disbrow, Bookkeeper, Ext. 360
Alma Geller, Parish Administrator, Ext. 352
Rocio Villegas, Receptionist, Ext. 221
Donnie Floyd, Facilities Director, Ext. 231
Carlos Gaona, Facility Technician, Ext. 238
Adelaida Gaona, Dayporter, Ext. 238
Anselma Maldonado, Dayporter, Ext.238
Lauren Harbour, Little Friends Preschool Director, Ext. 235
Blanca Balderas, Liturgy and Hispanic Ministry Admin. Asst., Ext. 245
7:00 am, Misa en español, Capilla– † Edward Pinto (PI)
8:00 am, Mass , Church – † Charles Peil (LP)
9:45 am, Mass , Church – Pro-populo (LG)
11:30 am, Mass, Church – † Laurie Gibbs (LP)
1:15 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia – † Ivan Suarez (PI)
5:00 pm, Mass, Church – Schukaemeroz (LG)
7:00 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia – Discernment (PI)
Monday, November 30th
8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Adelina Castro (LG)
6:30 pm, Mass, Chapel – † Juan Ibarra (PI)
Tuesday, December 1st
8:30 am, Mass, Chapel — † Mary Stauffer (LP)
6:30 pm, Misa en Español, Capilla – † J. Carmen Llamas (LG)
7:00 pm, Adoration, Chapel until 9:00 pm
Wednesday, December 2nd
8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – Alex Allori-Special intention (LP)
6:30 pm, Mass, Chapel – Natalee Williams (PI)
Thursday, December 3rd
Novena for Our Lady of Guadalupe begins this evening with Mass
6:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Leonardo Bragais (PI)
8:30 am, Mass, Church – † Juan Ibarra (LG)
6:00 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel
7:00 pm, Misa en Español, Capilla (LP)
Friday, December 4
Please Pray For
Please pray for the sick and suffering of our parish : Cassie
Croom, Trip Malopsy, Maryann Black.
Please pray for the recently deceased: Ronnie Corbitt, Jim Nugent.
8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Gabriel Rivera (PI)
9:00 am, Adoration, Chapel until 10:00 am
7:00 pm, Misa en Español, Capilla - † Hugo Espinoza Sanchez (LG)
Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list. Names
will be listed for four weeks.
Saturday, December 5th
8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – Laura & Vincent Matrone, 50th (LP)
3:30 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel
5:00 pm, Mass, Church – † Janet Ibegbu (PI)
7:00 pm, Misa en Español, Capilla (LG)
1st Sunday
of Advent
6 Breakfast
with St.
Holy Day
12 Our Lady
Sunday, December 6th
7:00 am, Misa en español, Capilla (LG)
8:00 am, Mass , Church (PI)
9:45 am, Mass , Church (LP)
11:30 am, Mass, Church (PI)
1:15 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia (LG)
5:00 pm, Mass, Church (LP)
7:00 pm, Mass, Church (LG)
2nd Sunday
of Advent
Office Closed
3rd Sunday
of Advent
4th Sunday
of Advent
of Guadalupe
November 29, 2015, First Sunday of Advent
Virgen María, la Evangelizadora
Diciembre, jueves 3, viernes 4, sábado 5, lunes 7, martes 8, miércoles 9, jueves 10, viernes 11
6:00 pm – Confesiones / Confessions (Spanish and English)
6:30 pm – Rosario
7:00 pm – Misa / Mass (en la capilla de Santa Clara)
7:45 pm – Danza Matachines
Nota: El horario de la Misa diaria de las 6:30 pm cambiará a las 7:00 pm. durante la Novena (excepto el 8 y 12
de diciembre), por lo que las Misas del lunes 7 y miércoles 9 serán bilingües, ya que reemplazan la Misa diaria
en inglés. El sábado 5 de diciembre las confesiones serán en el horario regular.
Inmaculada Concepción
Diciembre 8
7:30 pm – Misa en español
Temas de la Novena durante la Misa
Jueves 3 de diciembre.
Misericordia con el extraño.
Ministerios de Liturgia
Viernes 4 de diciembre.
Misericordia al enfermo
Formación de Fe, RICA, Padres con Hijos Especiales
Se impartirá la Unción de Enfermos.
Sábado 5 de diciembre.
Misericordia con la familia.
Encuentro Matrimonial y Movimiento Familiar
Domingo 6 de diciembre.
Rosario antes de Misa de 1:15 pm.
Lunes 7 de diciembre.
Misericordia al pecador.
Guadalupanos, Visita a Enfermos, Cárceles, Acompaña
Martes 8 de diciembre.
Misericordia y el matrimonio.
Día de Obligación.
Miércoles 9 de diciembre. Obras de Misericordia: corporales y espirituales. Grupo Jóvenes JUMP, VIVE, recién casados.
Jueves 10 de diciembre.
Misericordia con la juventud.
MOMS, Grupo de Mujeres, Talleres de Oración, Pro Vida.
Viernes 11 de diciembre.
Misericordia a las personas mayores. ACTS, ¿Por que ser Católico?
Celebración de
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
12 de Diciembre
Tienes más de 18 años, soltero y buscas un lugar especial para compartir con otros jóvenes como tú…
Ven y asiste a las sesiones de jóvenes
adultos. La próxima sesión es el domingo 6 de diciembre, tendremos
una reflexión sobre el Gran Regalo
por el P. Lauro en el salón San Damiano a las 2:30 pm
5:00 am – Mañanitas, en el Centro Parroquial
3:30 pm – Salida en autobús del estacionamiento de San
Francisco al Parque Toyota.
4:00 pm – Peregrinación y Rosario bilingüe
6:30 pm – Representación de Apariciones, Centro Parroquial
7:30 pm – Misa bilingüe en la Iglesia
8:30 pm – Danza Matachines, en la Plaza y Refrigerio en
el Centro Parroquial
Concurso de Dibujo:
Cristo Nace y Vive en Navidad
A los niños y jóvenes entre 5 y 14 años
quienes deseen participar en el concurso anual de dibujo pueden recoger su
hoja de registro en la oficina de la parroquia. Habrá tres categorías; 5-7
años, 8-10 años, 11-14 años. Fecha límite para entregar su dibujo es el viernes 4 de diciembre a
las 12 am en la oficina.
Clases Viernes y Sábado
Les recordamos a los padres de familia que el viernes 4 y
sábado 5 de diciembre Sí habrá clases en el horario regular.
Mater Filius
Invitamos a todos los que deseen ser parte de este proyecto el cual apoya y da refugio a mujeres esperando un hijo y
que necesitan asistencia. Junta informativa es el miércoles
2 de diciembre a las 7 pm.
November 29, 2015, First Sunday of Advent
The Knights of Columbus and Squires will be hosting the Annual Pancake Breakfast with St. Nicholas from 9:00 am to 12:00
pm on Sunday, December 6 in the Parish Center. Prices are
$3 for children, $5 for adults with a $16 maximum per family. The Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest voting occurs
during the breakfast and live Christmas music will be there to
keep the spirit going.
The Knights of Columbus Council #12480
would like to invite you to a Mardi Gras /
Casino Night party! Proceeds benefit charity needs in the local community. Food &
drinks (beer, wine, soft drinks) are included
in the ticket price. Games include blackjack, roulette, craps and more. Photo booth will be available. Raffles will be held during the course of the evening.
$40 for each ticket & chip package
$70 for 2 tickets & chip package
$100 for Premier Package including 2 tickets, chip
package, Mardi Gras party pack (mask & beads)
Doors will open at 7:00 p.m. with games from 7:30-10:30
p.m. Go to for more details.
Brown Bag Sunday is an outreach program that has been
working to help fill local pantries in Frisco. Brown Bag Sunday is a vital ministry but can only thrive with your help. We
will collect the following items:
Non perishable food items, personal care and hygiene items,
items for babies, cleaning supplies for the home and laundry.
Monetary donations can me made to St. Francis of Assisi and
in the bottom note of the check or envelope please mark it
Brown Bag Sunday and turn it in during the offertory.
Please place all donated items in the Great Hall in the white
large box against the south wall. There will be volunteers and
carts at all Masses if you need help to unload your donations.
If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry please
contact Nellie Hill at [email protected]. Youth volunteers are welcome.
Due to the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, our December
classes will be the 3rd Saturday of the month on the 19th (instead
of the 2nd Saturday) Same time: 9:30-11:00 am, please call the
office to sign up for the class. 972-712-2645. You must be a
member of the parish to sign up.
2015 Contribution Statements for tax purposes will only be going
out by email in January. These will go to the email address we
have on file for the person you indicated as your head of household on your parish registration. If you would like to add or update that address (or confirm what we currently have on file for
you), please email [email protected].
In tribute of the 50th anniversary of his canonization by Pope
Paul VI at the close of the Second Vatican Council, St. Sharbel’s
relics are coming to Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic
Church, 719 University Place, Lewisville, TX. Monday, November
30th, 3:00-9:00 pm, and Tuesday, December 1st, 8:30– 12 noon.
For more information please contact the office, 972-436-7617.
Due to popular demand, we have added one
additional and final weekend for sales of the
2015 St. Francis Commemorative Ornament!
With a final supply of 150 ornaments, the
MOMS Ministry will be selling ornaments before & after all
Masses December 5th & 6th. This is the FINAL SALES weekend of
the year!
This year’s ornament features one of our Church’s stunning Rose
Windows, “Canticle of the Sun”. The 4thin an annual series, this
gift-quality, limited edition, porcelain ornament comes in a keepsake box with a detailed insert to either continue your collection
or as a unique and special gift. Ornaments are $20/each. As always, 100% of the proceeds from each year's Ornament sales
are donated to the parish! A very limited supply of 2012 & 2013
Ornaments may still be available for purchase while supplies last
at $10/each.
Questions? Please contact Marie Engelman with St. Francis
MOMS at [email protected] or call 972-863-1630.
Women of St. Francis will be celebrating their annual Corporate
Communion at the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, December 12.
November 29, 2015, First Sunday of Advent
Commissions, Councils, and Ministries
Community Life
Noel Johnston - [email protected]
Tracy Brown - [email protected]
Jenny Morgan - [email protected]
Ghassan Hattar - (972) 712-1183
Ken & Merle Truitt - [email protected]
Bob & Katie Kilcullen - [email protected]
Tom & Sue Rejmaniak - [email protected]
Randy & Francie Farr - [email protected]
Kathleen & Mark [email protected]
Carol Bowman - (520) 245-4956
Lauren Bricker - [email protected]
Andrew Smith - [email protected]
Raul Perez - [email protected]
Yoheli Perez - [email protected]
Donelle Hamilton - [email protected]
Raul Perez - [email protected]
Betty Hamilton - [email protected]
Faith Formation
Ministry Liaison
Danie Love: [email protected]
Staff Liaison
Niki MacDougall: [email protected]
High School Youth Ministry
Tammy Weber - (972) 712-2645 x358
Middle School Youth Ministry
Jenny Rohde - (972) 712-2645 x244
Children’s Faith Formation
Niki MacDougall - (972) 712-2645 x229
Preschool Faith Formation
Kristin Klembara - [email protected]
Vacation Bible School
Michelle Ryan - [email protected]
David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247
Adult and Family
Ministry Liaison
Staff Liaison
David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247
Michael Myers - [email protected]
Teams of Our Lady Ministry
Tracy DuBois - [email protected]
Bible Study
Ron Holleman - (972) 978-7551
Book Club
David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247
Catholic Homeschoolers
Sarah Griffith - [email protected]
Come Home
David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247
Lamplight Catholic Learning
[email protected]
Little Friends of St. Francis Preschool Lauren Harbour - (972) 712-1657
Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) Katie Tarsha - [email protected]
Morning Prayer/Rosary Group
Theresa Etcheverry - (972) 377-0952
Prayer Group
Ron Holleman - (972) 978-7551
Salve Regina
Stephanie Chilek - [email protected]
St. Francis Men’s Ministry
Mauricio Frye - [email protected]
Young Adults
Ana Rodriguez - [email protected]
Living Waters Prayer Group
Daniel and Rebecca Rocha 469-803-5158
Ministry Liaison
Victoria Rychalsky - [email protected]
Staff Liaison
Anneliese Rivera - [email protected]
Altar Guild
Sue Rejmaniak - [email protected]
Altar Servers
Andrew & Kathleen Smith - [email protected]
Art & Environment
Missty Deutsch - (972) 335-7695
Eucharistic Ministers
Deborah Kahrs - [email protected]
Victoria Rychalsky - [email protected]
Music Ministry
Kevin Shelley - (972) 712-2645 x313
Brian Moen—[email protected]
Weddings & Annulments
Maricel Medero - (972) 712-2645 x225
Funeral Meals
Jenny Bloemendaal - [email protected]
Hearing Loss Ministry
Peggy Hemmer - 972-704-3875
Stewardship Council
Committee Chair
Greg Deiter - [email protected]
Staff Liaison
Mark Smith - (972) 712-2645 x351
Financial Peace University
Teri Mancuso - [email protected]
Robin Wren - [email protected]
Welcome Callers
Karen Sarnacki - [email protected]
Parish Development
Building Committee
Steve Hulsey - (972) 335-1616
Finance Council
Jack Pryor - [email protected]
Parish Council
Lori Skillestead - [email protected]
Ministry Liaison
Melisa Manjeot Staff Liaison
Alma Geller - (972) 712-2645 x352
Ministry Liaison
Staff Liaison
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Empty Nesters I
Empty Nesters II
Empty Nesters III
Empty Nesters IV
Empty Nesters V
Girl Scouts
Hospitality /Donuts
Knights of Columbus
K of C Squires
Ladies Auxiliary
Squire Roses
Softball Teams
Women of St. Francis
AIDS Outreach Ministry
Evelyn Grimes - [email protected]
Always Our Children
Cathy Gonzalez - [email protected]
Angel Tree
Nellie Hill - [email protected]
Blood Drive
Robin Wren - [email protected]
Brown Bag Sunday
Nellie Hill - [email protected]
Catholic Addiction Ministry
Vincent Webb - (972) 804-2812
Clothe a Child
Christina Rodriguez - [email protected]
Divorce Support
Deacon Gregg Kahrs - (972) 712-2645 x662
Grief Ministry
Donna Schmittler - [email protected]
Homebound Ministry
Rheinhold Olson - (972) 822-3050
Hospital Ministry
Jeff Webster - (281) 414-1426
Illness & New Baby Meals
Melanie Duhaime - (214) 636-6277
Nursing Home Ministry
Jim and C.C. Maness - (817) 915-5856
Prayer Chain
Anneliese Rivera - (972) 712-2645 x237
Prison Ministry
John Quincey - [email protected]
Respect Life
Tim Filesi - [email protected]
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Alice Lackey - [email protected]
Thanksgiving Baskets
Nellie Hill - [email protected]
Hispanic Ministry / Ministerios Hispanos
Héctor Rodas - (469) 237-4523
Victor y Deya Peña - [email protected]
Enlace Parroquial
Laura Márquez - (972) 712-2645 x241
Juan y Lupita Barrera - (972) 754-0447
Ministros de la Comunión
José Bautista - (469) 231-2760
Abraham Pérez - (214) 912-8671
Gladys García - (972) 712-2926
Samuel Mora - (469) 888-2677
Coro Instrumento de tu Paz
Celene Orozco - (469) 471-1089
Coro Divina Providencia
Rubén Padilla - (972) 533-0696
Coordinadores de Bodas
Jerry & Mila Ledesma - (214) 407-0253
Liturgia de Niños
Yamilete Jaramillo - (972) 762-9130
Formación de Fe
Enlace Parroquial
Greysi Bargas - (972) 712-2645 x227
Catecismo niños y jóvenes
Massiel Walker - (214)773-6007
RICA: Iniciación Cristiana Adultos Juan y Lupita Barrera - (972) 754-0447
Patty Caceres - (469) 358-7948
Grupo Juvenil, JUMP
Henry Orozco - (469) 358-8728
Campamento de Verano
Cris Fanous - [email protected]
Familia y Adultos
Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos
Mariano Carro - [email protected]
Recién Casados
Gera y Brenda Hernández - [email protected]
Encuentro Matrimonial
Carlos y Carmen Gallegos - (214) 355-0373
Preparación Matrimonial
Roberto y Maru Alexander - (214) 317-6867
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Rocendo Montes - (469) 525-1529
Ministerio de Mamá a Mamá M.O.M.S. Grisel Sánchez - (214) 578-9446
Programa Mujer
Lety Martínez - (408)-348-9722
Yolanda Herrera - (214) 232-3405
Grupo de Oración
Beto Montañez - (214) 537-3436
Talleres de Oración y Vida
Edith Pereyra - (972) 841-0092
¿Por qué ser Católico?
Rogelio Pacheco - (469)-441-3013
Yoli Liscano - (214)-202-5473
Rocendo Montes - (469) 525-1529
Bodas y Anulaciones
Maricel Medero - (972) 712-2645 x225
Vida en Comunidad
Comida Mexicana Anual & Día Cultural Yoheli Perez - [email protected]
Caballeros de Colón
Ricardo González - [email protected]
Coro Juvenil Solados de Cristo
Martha Cáceres - (469) 233-6762
Apoyo Social
Cris Rojas - (214) 908-3312
Padres de Niños Necesidades Especiales
Elia Huerta - (214) 415-9410
Pro Vida
Mixaida Van der Werf - (469) 571-4361
Ministerio de Enfermos
William Lanzas - (214) 471-3601
Clases de Inglés (ESL)
Tony Sánchez - (214) 957-3573
Russell Braga - (940) 273-9849
Francisco López - (469) 396-9267
Parish Contacts for Non-Parish Ministries
Honduras/Friends of Los Niños
Geralyn Kaminsky - [email protected]
Natural Family Planning
Holly Baril - (469) 774-6559
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Bryan & Melissa Causey - (214) 709-4677